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Giant Verb List: 3,250 Verbs Plus Spelling Rules and Irregular Verbs Marked

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Giant Verb List: 3,250 Verbs Plus Spelling Rules and

Irregular Verbs Marked
by Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay | Grammar / Spelling Ideas & Tips, Vocabulary Development and
Word Lists

Please Note:
This page contains just one section of the FREE 47-page Giant Verb List PDF found
here. The PDF version contains the Giant Verb List, the Giant Irregular Verb List, a
Helping Verbs List, and a Linking Verbs List. Also, if you teach beginning writers or
struggling writers, be sure to check out Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay on
the homepage. I hope you find the verb list to be a valuable resource and tweet it, Pin-It,
and tell others about it!
Overview: 3, 250 Verbs with Spelling Rules and Irregular Verbs
This Giant Verb List contains 3,250 action verbs, linking verbs, and stative verbs. Most are
action verbs. This list does not contain helping verbs (see the helping verb section).
Additionally, this list addresses irregular verbs and all the strange spelling changes that
occur when we add –s, –ed, and –ing to the base verbs.
As you will see, 1,984 out of the 3,250 verbs (61%) have a mark or number next to them.
In fact, some verbs have several marks or numbers. The marks and numbers indicate
which spelling rules etc. applies to the verb.
I omitted a number of dicey, offensive, and violent verbs. That being said, I left in a few that
are so ubiquitous they are sure to appear in a student dictionary. In short, if a verb has at
least one formal, legitimate, or artistic use, I’ve likely included it.
I’ve tried to mark all the common spelling changes, exceptions, and irregularities. However,
some verbs are so fickle that it’s likely I’ve missed a couple. Teachers and students must
sometimes do further research and confirmation to fully understand the peculiarities of a
verb. Most certainly, everyone still needs to have a complete list of irregular verbs (marked
How to Use This List
I would love to hear how you use the list and your success stories. Are you a teacher, a
student, a reader, a writer? If you have any ideas, strategies, or requests let me know. And
if you have any questions, if you find an error, or if you find a verb that you think I should
add to the list or remove from the list, let me know.

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Personally, having just printed out and read the entire list, I feel a change in my
vocabulary. I’m familiar with all of the verbs, but reading the list just once seems to have
brought many new verbs into my working vocabulary. I hope it does the same for you!
Shortly, I will be posting similar lists for several other parts of speech. I started this list
project a few years ago, but put it aside when faced with the sheer number of words and
rules. At the time I was going to call the lists Magic Word Lists, as simply browsing through
the giant lists made me feel like my vocabulary and word sense was growing extremely
fast—much faster than if I had been working with a vocabulary program.
This list will challenge the ways you think about words. At first glance, you might think
some words are a mistake; however, upon closer inspection and reflection you will see the
truth of the word. For example, when I read the list and came across hammer, for a
second, I wondered what it was doing on the list. And then I thought about all the different
ways to use the word hammer. Hammer is obviously both a noun and a verb. For a variety
of other verbs, I needed to confirm their validity through research. And each time I looked
up a word, it broadened my understanding of language.
By the way, if you teach elementary school or middle school writing, be sure to check
out Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay on the homepage. It’s the fastest, most
effective way to teach organized multi-paragraph essay writing to students! Guaranteed!
The Key: Understanding the Marks and Numbers Next to the Verbs
Read over and make sure you understand the spelling rules and marks. Also, take a quick
look at the Totals. They will give you an idea of how common or uncommon a rule is.
Regular Verbs, Irregular Verbs, and Linking Verbs
( ) Regular Verbs: Regular verbs don’t have a mark next to them. However, many of
these regular verbs still have a spelling change mark. If there is no spelling change mark
next to the verb, just add –s, –ed, or –ing to the end of the verb. It’s that simple! Total:
(+) Irregular Verbs: Irregular verbs have a “+” mark next to them. Some irregular verbs
also have a spelling change mark. However, you must still consult a complete list of
irregular verbs. Total: 205
(LV) Linking Verbs: Some linking verbs can also be used as action verbs. Also, 9 linking
verbs are regular verbs and 5 are irregular. The eight forms of BE equal just one verb on
this list. Total: 14
Regular Verbs with a Spelling Change: Adding –s, –ed, or –ing to the End of a
(1) Rule 1 Drop the Final –E: If a regular verb ends with –e, drop the –e and add –ed or –
ing. Note: When adding –ed, we could say just add a –d. It brings about the same
result. Exception: If the verb ends in –ee, don’t drop the final –e; just add –d or –
ing. Total: 1,245
(2) Rule 2a Double the Final Consonant: If a regular verb is one syllable, has one vowel,
and ends with a single consonant (except x), double the final consonant and then add –ed
or –ing. The vowel sounds in these words are short; hence, I call this rule SHORT ONE (1
syllable; 1 vowel; 1 ending consonant; and 1 short vowel sound). Total: 235 (2a and 2b)
(2) Rule 2b Double the Final Consonant: If a regular verb has two or more syllables,
ends with a single vowel then consonant, and the last syllable of the root word is stressed,
then double the final consonant and add –ed or –ing. If the final consonant is –l, American
English usually does not double the consonant, but British English does. (I’ve
added RB for Rule Breaker to some of these British English words.)
(3) Rule 3 Change the Y to I: If the verb ends in –y, change the y to i and add –es (not –s)
or –ed. Exception:If a vowel immediately precedes the final y, just add –s or –ed.
(Note: Don’t change the y to i when adding –ing. Just add the –ing.) Total: 91
(4) Rule 4 Add –ES: When adding –s to the end of the verb, if the verb ends in –sh (63), –
s (1), –ss (55), –x (15), –ch (72), –z (2), or –o (10), add –es (not –s). The () indicate how
many instances of each. Total: 218
(RB) Rule Breakers: I’ve marked RB for words that break a spelling rule or are a strange
exception in one way or another. For example, the rule may work when adding –ed but not
when adding –ing. Or perhaps, American English spells it one way and British English
spells it another way. Finally, some words just have an uncommon spelling change when
adding certain suffixes. You may need to do a little research yourself if you wish to find out
what makes the word a Rule Breaker. Total: 23
Have you checked out Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay yet? It’s
the fastest, most effective way to teach organized multi-paragraph essay
writing to students! Guaranteed!

Giant Verb List: 3,250 Verbs

Please Note: This entire verb list and this entire model is copyright protected. I used
techniques and software to generate this list from scratch. Everything about this list is
unique, edited, and selective.
1. abandon 1085. engulf 2169. prosecute 1
2. abate 1 1086. enhance 1 2170. prosper
3. abbreviate 1 1087. enjoy 2171. protect
4. abdicate 1 1088. enlarge 1 2172. protest
5. abduct 1089. enlighten 2173. protract
6. abhor 2 1090. enlist 2174. protrude 1
7. abide 1 1091. enliven 2175. prove 1 + LV
8. abolish 4 1092. enmesh 4 2176. provide 1
9. abort 1093. enquire 1 2177. provoke 1
10. abound 1094. enrage 1 2178. prowl
11. abridge 1 1095. enrich 4 2179. prune 1
12. abscond 1096. enroll 2180. pry 3
13. absolve 1 1097. enshrine 1 2181. publicize 1
14. absorb 1098. ensnare 1 2182. publish 4
15. abstain 1099. ensue 1 2183. pucker
16. abstract 1100. ensure 1 2184. puff
17. abuse 1 1101. entail 2185. pull
18. accelerate 1 1102. entangle 1 2186. pummel
19. accent 1103. enter 2187. pump
20. accentuate 1 1104. entertain 2188. punch 4
21. accept 1105. entice 1 2189. punctuate 1
22. access 4 1106. entitle 1 2190. puncture 1
23. accessorize 1 1107. entrench 4 2191. punish 4
24. acclaim 1108. entrust 2192. purchase 1
25. acclimate 1 1109. enumerate 1 2193. purge 1
26. acclimatize 1 1110. enunciate 1 2194. purify 3
27. accommodate 1 1111. envelop 2195. purport
28. accompany 3 1112. envy 3 2196. purr
29. accomplish 4 1113. epitomize 1 2197. purse 1
30. accord 1114. equal 2198. pursue 1
31. accost 1115. equalize 1 2199. push 4
32. account 1116. equate 1 2200. put 2 +
33. accredit 1117. equip 2 2201. puzzle 1
34. accrue 1 1118. eradicate 1 2202. quadruple 1
35. acculturate 1 1119. erase 1 2203. qualify 3
36. accumulate 1 1120. erect 2204. quantify 3
37. accuse 1 1121. erode 1 2205. quarrel
38. accustom 1122. err 2206. quarter
39. acerbate 1 1123. erupt 2207. quash 4
40. ache 1 1124. escalate 1 2208. quell
41. achieve 1 1125. escape 1 2209. quench 4
42. acidify 3 1126. eschew 2210. query 3
43. acknowledge 1 1127. escort 2211. question
44. acquaint 1128. espouse 1 2212. queue 1
45. acquiesce 1 1129. establish 4 2213. quicken
46. acquire 1 1130. esteem 2214. quip 2
47. acquit 2 1131. estimate 1 2215. quit 2 +
48. act 1132. estrange 1 2216. quiver
49. activate 1 1133. etch 4 2217. quiz 2 4
50. actualize 1 1134. evacuate 1 2218. quote 1
51. adapt 1135. evade 1 2219. race 1
52. add 1136. evaluate 1 2220. rack
53. address 4 1137. evaporate 1 2221. radiate 1
54. adhere 1 1138. evict 2222. rage 1
55. adjoin 1139. evidence 1 2223. raid
56. adjourn 1140. evince 1 2224. rain
57. adjudicate 1 1141. evoke 1 2225. raise 1
58. adjust 1142. evolve 1 2226. rake 1
59. administer 1143. exacerbate 1 2227. rally 3
60. administrate 1 1144. exact 2228. ram 2
61. admire 1 1145. exaggerate 1 2229. range 1
62. admit 2 1146. exalt 2230. rank
63. admonish 4 1147. examine 1 2231. ransack
64. adopt 1148. exasperate 1 2232. rant
65. adore 1 1149. excavate 1 2233. rat 2
66. adorn 1150. exceed 2234. rate 1
67. adsorb 1151. excel 2 2235. ratify 3
68. adulate 1 1152. exchange 1 2236. ration
69. advance 1 1153. excise 1 2237. rationalize 1
70. advertise 1 1154. excite 1 2238. rattle 1
71. advise 1 1155. exclaim 2239. ravage 1
72. advocate 1 1156. exclude 1 2240. rave 1
73. affect 1157. excrete 1 2241. raze 1
74. affiliate 1 1158. excuse 1 2242. reach 4
75. affirm 1159. execute 1 2243. react
76. affix 4 1160. exemplify 3 2244. read +
77. afflict 1161. exempt 2245. readmit 2
78. afford 1162. exercise 1 2246. reaffirm
79. affront 1163. exert 2247. realign
80. age 1 1164. exhale 1 2248. realize 1
81. aggravate 1 1165. exhaust 2249. reap
82. aggregate 1 1166. exhibit 2250. reappear
83. aggrieve 1 1167. exhilarate 1 2251. rear
84. agitate 1 1168. exhort 2252. rearrange 1
85. agonize 1 1169. exile 1 2253. reason
86. agree 1 RB 1170. exist 2254. reassemble 1
87. aid 1171. exit 2255. reassert
88. ail 1172. expand 2256. reassess 4
89. aim 1173. expect 2257. reassure 1
90. airbrush 4 1174. expedite 1 2258. rebel 2
91. airdrop 2 1175. expel 2 2259. rebound
92. airlift 1176. expend 2260. rebuff
93. airmail 1177. experience 1 2261. rebuke 1
94. alarm 1178. experiment 2262. recall
95. alert 1179. expire 1 2263. recapture 1
96. alienate 1 1180. explain 2264. recede 1
97. align 1181. explode 1 2265. receive 1
98. allege 1 1182. exploit 2266. recess 4
99. alleviate 1 1183. explore 1 2267. recharge 1
100. allocate 1 1184. export 2268. reciprocate 1
101. allot 2 1185. expose 1 2269. recite 1
102. allow 1186. expound 2270. reckon
103. allude 1 1187. express 4 2271. reclaim
104. allure 1 1188. extend 2272. recline 1
105. ally 3 1189. extinguish 4 2273. recognize 1
106. alphabetize 1 1190. extract 2274. recoil
107. alter 1191. extradite 1 2275. recollect
108. alternate 1 1192. eye 1 2276. recommend
109. amalgamate 1 1193. fabricate 1 2277. reconcile 1
110. amass 4 1194. face 1 2278. reconfigure 1
111. amaze 1 1195. facilitate 1 2279. reconsider
112. ambush 4 1196. factor 2280. reconstitute 1
113. amend 1197. fade 1 2281. reconstruct
114. amount 1198. fail 2282. reconvene 1
115. amplify 3 1199. faint 2283. record
116. amputate 1 1200. fake 1 2284. recount
117. amuse 1 1201. fall + 2285. recoup
118. analogize 1 1202. falsify 3 2286. recover
119. analyze 1 1203. falter 2287. recreate 1
120. anchor 1204. fan 2 2288. recruit
121. anesthetize 1 1205. fancy 3 2289. rectify 3
122. anger 1206. fare 1 2290. recycle 1
123. anguish 4 1207. farm 2291. redden
124. animate 1 1208. fascinate 1 2292. redeem
125. annex 4 1209. fashion 2293. redefine 1
126. annihilate 1 1210. fasten 2294. redesign
127. annotate 1 1211. fathom 2295. redevelop
128. announce 1 1212. fatigue 1 2296. redirect
129. annoy 1213. fault 2297. rediscover
130. annualize 1 1214. favor 2298. redistribute 1
131. annul 2 1215. fax 4 2299. reduce 1
132. annunciate 1 1216. fear 2300. reel
133. anoint 1217. feather 2301. refer 2
134. answer 1218. feature 1 2302. reference 1
135. antagonize 1 1219. federate 1 2303. refill
136. anticipate 1 1220. feed + 2304. refine 1
137. antiquate 1 1221. feel + LV 2305. reflect
138. apologize 1 1222. feign 2306. reform
139. appall 1223. fell 2307. refrain
140. appeal 1224. fence 1 2308. refresh 4
141. appear LV 1225. ferment 2309. refrigerate 1
142. appease 1 1226. ferry 3 2310. refund
143. appertain 1227. fertilize 1 2311. refurbish 4
144. applaud 1228. fetch 4 2312. refuse 1
145. apply 3 1229. fiddle 1 2313. refute 1
146. appoint 1230. fidget 2314. regain
147. appraise 1 1231. field 2315. regard
148. appreciate 1 1232. fight + 2316. register
149. apprehend 1233. figure 1 2317. regret 2
150. apprentice 1 1234. file 1 2318. regulate 1
151. apprise 1 1235. fill 2319. rehabilitate 1
152. approach 4 1236. film 2320. rehearse 1
153. appropriate 1 1237. filter 2321. reign
154. approve 1 1238. finalize 1 2322. reimburse 1
155. approximate 1 1239. finance 1 2323. rein
156. arbitrage 1 1240. find + 2324. reinforce 1
157. arbitrate 1 1241. fine 1 2325. reinstate 1
158. archive 1 1242. finger 2326. reinterpret
159. argue 1 1243. finish 4 2327. reintroduce 1
160. arise 1 + 1244. fire 1 2328. reinvest
161. arm 1245. firm 2329. reissue 1
162. armor 1246. fish 4 2330. reiterate 1
163. aromatize 1 1247. fit 2 + 2331. reject
164. arouse 1 1248. fix 4 2332. rejoice 1
165. arraign 1249. flag 2 2333. rejoin
166. arrange 1 1250. flame 2334. rekindle 1
167. arrest 1251. flank 2335. relapse 1
168. arrive 1 1252. flap 2 2336. relate 1
169. articulate 1 1253. flare 1 2337. relax 4
170. ascend 1254. flash 4 2338. relay
171. ascertain 1255. flatten 2339. release 1
172. ascribe 1 1256. flatter 2340. relegate 1
173. ask 1257. flaunt 2341. relent
174. aspirate 1 1258. flavor 2342. relieve 1
175. aspire 1 1259. flaw 2343. relinquish 4
176. assail 1260. flee 1 RB + 2344. relish 4
177. assassinate 1 1261. flex 4 2345. relocate 1
178. assault 1262. flick 2346. rely 3
179. assay 1263. flicker 2347. remain LV
180. assemble 1 1264. flinch 4 2348. remand
181. assent 1265. fling + 2349. remark
182. assert 1266. flip 2 2350. remedy 3
183. assess 4 1267. flirt 2351. remember
184. assign 1268. flit 2 2352. remind
185. assimilate 1 1269. float 2353. remit 2
186. assist 1270. flock 2354. remove 1
187. associate 1 1271. flog 2 2355. rename 1
188. assort 1272. flood 2356. render
189. assume 1 1273. floor 2357. renege 1
190. assure 1 1274. flop 2 2358. renegotiate 1
191. astonish 4 1275. flounder 2359. renew
192. astound 1276. flourish 4 2360. renounce 1
193. atone 1 1277. flout 2361. renovate 1
194. attach 4 1278. flow 2362. rent
195. attack 1279. flower 2363. reopen
196. attain 1280. fluctuate 1 2364. reorganize 1
197. attempt 1281. flush 4 2365. repair
198. attend 1282. fluster 2366. repay +
199. attest 1283. flutter 2367. repeal
200. attract 1284. fly + 2368. repeat
201. attribute 1 1285. focus 2369. repel 2
202. auction 1286. foil 2370. replace 1
203. audit 1287. fold 2371. replenish 4
204. audition 1288. follow 2372. replicate 1
205. augment 1289. fool 2373. reply 3
206. authenticate 1 1290. forbid 2 + 2374. report
207. author 1291. force 1 2375. repossess 4
208. authorize 1 1292. ford 2376. represent
209. autograph 1293. forecast 2377. repress 4
210. automate 1 1294. forgo 4 + RB 2378. reprieve 1
211. avail 1295. foresee + RB 2379. reprimand
212. avalanche 1 1296. foreshadow 2380. reprint
213. avenge 1 1297. foretell + 2381. reproach 4
214. average 1 1298. forfeit 2382. reproduce 1
215. avert 1299. forge 1 2383. reprogram 2
216. aviate 1 1300. forget 2 + 2384. repulse 1
217. avoid 1301. forgive 1 + 2385. repute 1
218. avow 1302. fork 2386. request
219. await 1303. form 2387. require 1
220. awake 1 + 1304. formalize 1 2388. requisition
221. awaken 1305. format 2 2389. reread +
222. award 1306. formulate 1 2390. reschedule 1
223. ax 4 1307. forsake 1 + 2391. rescind
224. babble 1 1308. fortify 3 2392. rescue 1
225. baby 3 1309. forward 2393. research 4
226. back 1310. foster 2394. resell +
227. backdate 1 1311. foul 2395. resemble 1
228. backfire 1 1312. found 2396. resent
229. backhand 1313. fracture 1 2397. reserve 1
230. backpack 1314. fragment 2398. reset 2 +
231. backpedal 1315. frame 1 2399. reshuffle 1
232. backspace 1 1316. free 1 RB 2400. reside 1
233. backtrack 1317. freeze 1 + 2401. resign
234. backwash 4 1318. frequent 2402. resist
235. badger 1319. fret 2 2403. resolve 1
236. badmouth 1320. frighten 2404. resort
237. baffle 1 1321. front 2405. respect
238. bag 2 1322. frost 2406. respond
239. bail 1323. frown 2407. rest
240. bait 1324. frustrate 1 2408. restart
241. bake 1 1325. fry 3 2409. restate 1
242. balance 1 1326. fuel RB 2410. restore 1
243. bale 1 1327. fulfill 2411. restrain
244. balk 1328. fumble 1 2412. restrict
245. balloon 1329. fume 1 2413. restructure 1
246. ballyhoo 4 1330. function 2414. result
247. bamboozle 1 1331. fund 2415. resume 1
248. ban 2 1332. furnish 4 2416. resurface 1
249. band 1333. furrow 2417. resurrect
250. bandage 1 1334. further 2418. retake 1 +
251. bang 1335. fuss 4 2419. retain
252. banish 4 1336. gag 2 2420. retaliate 1
253. bank 1337. gain 2421. reteach 4 +
254. bankroll 1338. gallop 2422. retell +
255. bankrupt 1339. galvanize 1 2423. rethink +
256. banter 1340. gamble 1 2424. retire 1
257. baptize 1 1341. garner 2425. retort
258. bar 2 1342. garnish 4 2426. retrace 1
259. barbarize 1 1343. gasp 2427. retract
260. barbecue 1 1344. gather 2428. retreat
261. bare 1 1345. gauge 1 2429. retrieve 1
262. bargain 1346. gaze 1 2430. return
263. barge 1 1347. gear 2431. reunite 1
264. bark 1348. generalize 1 2432. reuse 1
265. barnstorm 1349. generate 1 2433. rev 2
266. barrage 1 1350. gesture 1 2434. revamp
267. barricade 1 1351. get 2 + 2435. reveal
268. barter 1352. gift 2436. revel
269. base 1 1353. giggle 1 2437. reverberate 1
270. bash 4 1354. gild 2438. revere 1
271. bask 1355. give 1 + 2439. reverse 1
272. baste 1 1356. glance 1 2440. revert
273. bat 2 1357. glare 1 2441. review
274. batch 4 1358. glaze 1 2442. revile 1
275. bath 1359. gleam 2443. revise 1
276. batter 1360. glean 2444. revisit
277. battle 1 1361. glide 1 2445. revive 1
278. bawl 1362. glimpse 1 2446. revoke 1
279. be + LV 1363. glisten 2447. revolt
280. beach 4 1364. glitter 2448. revolutionize 1
281. beam 1365. glorify 3 2449. revolve 1
282. bear + 1366. gloss 4 2450. reward
283. beat + 1367. glow 2451. rework
284. beautify 3 1368. glue 1 2452. rhyme 1
285. beckon 1369. gnaw 2453. rib 2
286. become 1 + LV 1370. go 4 + 2454. rid 2 +
287. bedazzle 1 1371. goad 2455. riddle 1
288. beep 1372. gobble 1 2456. ride 1 +
289. befriend 1373. gossip 2457. ridicule 1
290. befuddle 1 1374. gouge 1 2458. rig 2
291. beg 2 1375. govern 2459. right
292. begin 2 + 1376. grab 2 2460. ring +
293. begrudge 1 1377. grace 1 2461. rinse 1
294. beguile 1 1378. grade 1 2462. rip 2
295. behave 1 1379. graduate 1 2463. ripple 1
296. behold + 1380. graft 2464. rise +
297. behoove 1 1381. grant 2465. risk
298. belabor 1382. grapple 1 2466. rival
299. belch 4 1383. grasp 2467. rivet
300. beleaguer 1384. grate 1 2468. roam
301. believe 1 1385. gratify 3 2469. roar
302. belittle 1 1386. graze 1 2470. roast
303. bellow 1387. grease 1 2471. rob 2
304. belong 1388. greet 2472. rock
305. belt 1389. grieve 1 2473. rocket
306. bemoan 1390. grill 2474. roll
307. bemuse 1 1391. grimace 1 2475. romp
308. bend + 1392. grin 2 2476. root
309. benefit 1393. grind + 2477. rope 1
310. bequeath 1394. grip 2 2478. rot 2
311. berate 1 1395. gripe 1 2479. rotate 1
312. bereave 1 1396. grit 2 2480. round
313. beset 2 + 1397. groan 2481. rouse 1
314. besiege 1 1398. groom 2482. route
315. bestow 1399. grope 1 2483. row
316. bet 2 + 1400. ground 2484. rub 2
317. betray 1401. group 2485. ruffle 1
318. better 1402. grow + LV 2486. ruin
319. bewilder 1403. growl 2487. rule 1
320. bewitch 4 1404. grumble 1 2488. rumble 1
321. bid + 1405. grunt 2489. rummage 1
322. bide 1406. guarantee 1 RB 2490. rumple 1
323. bill 1407. guard 2491. run 2 +
324. billow 1408. guess 4 2492. rupture 1
325. bind + 1409. guide 1 2493. rush 4
326. bite 1 + 1410. gulp 2494. rust
327. blab 2 1411. gush 4 2495. rustle 1
328. blacken 1412. gut 2 2496. sabotage 1
329. blacklist 1413. hack 2497. sack
330. blame 1 1414. hail 2498. sacrifice 1
331. blast 1415. halt 2499. sadden
332. blaze 1 1416. halve 1 2500. saddle 1
333. bleach 4 1417. hammer 2501. safeguard
334. bleed + 1418. hamper 2502. sag 2
335. blend 1419. hand 2503. sail
336. bless 4 1420. handcuff 2504. salt
337. blind 1421. handicap 2 2505. salute 1
338. blindfold 1422. handle 1 2506. salvage 1
339. blink 1423. handwrite 1 + 2507. sample 1
340. blister 1424. hang + 2508. sanction
341. bloat 1425. happen 2509. sandwich 4
342. block 1426. harass 4 2510. sap 2
343. bloody 3 1427. harbor 2511. sass 4
344. bloom 1428. harden 2512. satisfy 3
345. blossom 1429. harm 2513. saturate 1
346. blot 2 1430. harness 4 2514. saunter
347. blow + 1431. harvest 2515. save 1
348. blunder 1432. hasten 2516. savor
349. blur 2 1433. hatch 4 2517. saw +
350. blurt 1434. hate 1 2518. say +
351. blush 4 1435. haul 2519. scald
352. board 1436. haunt 2520. scale 1
353. boast 1437. head 2521. scamper
354. bob 2 1438. headline 1 2522. scan 2
355. boil 1439. heal 2523. scar 2
356. bolster 1440. heap 2524. scare 1
357. bolt 1441. hear + 2525. scatter
358. bomb 1442. heat 2526. scavenge 1
359. bombard 1443. heave 1 2527. scent
360. bond 1444. heckle 1 2528. schedule 1
361. book 1445. hedge 1 2529. school
362. boom 1446. heed 2530. scoff
363. boost 1447. heighten 2531. scold
364. boot 1448. help 2532. scoop
365. border 1449. hem 2 2533. scorch 4
366. bore 1 1450. herald 2534. score 1
367. borrow 1451. herd 2535. scorn
368. bother 1452. hesitate 1 2536. scour
369. bottle 1 1453. hide 1 + 2537. scowl
370. bounce 1 1454. highlight 2538. scramble 1
371. bound 1455. hijack 2539. scrap 2
372. bow 1456. hinder 2540. scrape 1
373. bowl 1457. hinge 1 2541. scratch 4
374. box 4 1458. hint 2542. scrawl
375. boycott 1459. hire 1 2543. scream
376. brace 1 1460. hiss 4 2544. screech 4
377. brag 2 1461. hit 2 + 2545. screen
378. braid 1462. hitch 4 2546. screw
379. brake 1 1463. hobble 1 2547. scribble 1
380. branch 4 1464. hoist 2548. scroll
381. brand 1465. hold + 2549. scrub 2
382. brave 1 1466. hole 1 2550. scrutinize 1
383. breach 4 1467. hollow 2551. sculpt
384. break + 1468. hone 1 2552. scurry 3
385. breakfast 1469. honor 2553. scuttle 1
386. breath 1470. hook 2554. seal
387. breed + 1471. hoot 2555. search 4
388. brew 1472. hop 2 2556. season
389. bribe 1 1473. hope 1 2557. seat
390. bridge 1 1474. horrify 3 2558. seclude 1
391. brief 1475. hospitalize 1 2559. secrete 1
392. brighten 1476. host 2560. secure 1
393. bring + 1477. hound 2561. seduce 1
394. bristle 1 1478. house 1 2562. see 1 + RB
395. broach 4 1479. hover 2563. seed
396. broadcast + 1480. howl 2564. seek +
397. broaden 1481. huddle 1 2565. seem LV
398. bronze 1 1482. hug 2 2566. seep
399. brood 1483. hum 2 2567. seethe 1
400. bruise 1 1484. humble 1 2568. segment
401. brush 4 1485. humiliate 1 2569. segregate 1
402. bubble 1 1486. hunch 4 2570. seize 1
403. buck 1487. hunt 2571. select
404. buckle 1 1488. hurl 2572. sell +
405. budget 1489. hurry 3 2573. send +
406. buffer 1490. hurt + 2574. sense 1
407. bug 2 1491. hurtle 1 2575. sentence 1
408. build + 1492. hush 4 2576. separate 1
409. bulge 1 1493. hustle 1 2577. sequence 1
410. bully 3 1494. hypnotize 1 2578. serve 1
411. bump 1495. hypothesize 1 2579. service 1
412. bunch 4 1496. ice 1 2580. set 2 +
413. bundle 1 1497. idealize 1 2581. settle 1
414. burden 1498. identify 3 2582. sever
415. burgle 1 1499. ignite 1 2583. sew +
416. burn + 1500. ignore 1 2584. shade 1
417. burp 1501. illuminate 1 2585. shadow
418. burrow 1502. illustrate 1 2586. shake 1 +
419. burst + 1503. imagine 1 2587. shame
420. bury 3 1504. imitate 1 2588. shape 1
421. bus 4 RB 1505. immerse 1 2589. share 1
422. bust 1506. immortalize 1 2590. sharpen
423. bustle 1 1507. impair 2591. shatter
424. busy 3 1508. impale 1 2592. shave 1 +
425. butcher 1509. impart 2593. shear +
426. butter 1510. impeach 4 2594. sheath
427. button 1511. impede 1 2595. shed 2 +
428. buttress 4 1512. impel 2 2596. shell
429. buy + 1513. impinge 1 2597. shelter
430. buzz 4 1514. implant 2598. shelve 1
431. bypass 4 1515. implement 2599. shepherd
432. cackle 1 1516. implicate 1 2600. shield
433. cage 1 1517. implore 1 2601. shift
434. cajole 1 1518. imply 3 2602. shimmer
435. cake 1 1519. import 2603. shine 1 +
436. calculate 1 1520. impose 1 2604. ship 2
437. calibrate 1 1521. impound 2605. shiver
438. call 1522. impoverish 4 2606. shock
439. calm 1523. impress 4 2607. shoot +
440. camouflage 1 1524. imprint 2608. shop 2
441. camp 1525. imprison 2609. shorten
442. campaign 1526. improve 1 2610. shoulder
443. can 2 1527. improvise 1 2611. shout
444. cancel RB 1528. impute 1 2612. shove 1
445. canvass 4 1529. inaugurate 1 2613. show +
446. cap 2 1530. incapacitate 1 2614. shower
447. capitalize 1 1531. incarcerate 1 2615. shred 2
448. capitulate 1 1532. incense 1 2616. shriek
449. capsize 1 1533. inch 4 2617. shrink +
450. captain 1534. incline 1 2618. shrivel
451. captivate 1 1535. include 1 2619. shroud
452. capture 1 1536. incorporate 1 2620. shrug 2
453. care 1 1537. increase 1 2621. shudder
454. caress 4 1538. incubate 1 2622. shuffle 1
455. carpet 1539. incur 2 2623. shun 2
456. carry 3 1540. indebt 2624. shunt
457. cart 1541. indent 2625. shut 2 +
458. carve 1 1542. index 4 2626. shutter
459. cascade 1 1543. indicate 1 2627. sicken
460. cash 4 1544. indict 2628. side 1
461. cast + 1545. individualize 1 2629. sideline 1
462. castigate 1 1546. induce 1 2630. sidle 1
463. catalog RB 1547. indulge 1 2631. sift
464. catapult 1548. industrialize 1 2632. sigh
465. catch 4 + 1549. infect 2633. sight
466. categorize 1 1550. infer 2 2634. sign
467. cater 1551. infest 2635. signal
468. cause 1 1552. infiltrate 1 2636. signify 3
469. caution 1553. inflame 1 2637. silence 1
470. cave 1 1554. inflate 1 2638. silhouette 1
471. cease 1 1555. inflict 2639. simplify 3
472. celebrate 1 1556. influence 1 2640. simulate 1
473. cement 1557. inform 2641. sing +
474. censor 1558. infringe 1 2642. singe 1
475. censure 1 1559. infuriate 1 2643. single 1
476. center 1560. infuse 1 2644. sink +
477. centralize 1 1561. ingest 2645. sip 2
478. certify 3 1562. ingrain 2646. sire 1
479. chain 1563. inhabit 2647. sit 2 +
480. chair 1564. inhale 1 2648. situate 1
481. challenge 1 1565. inherit 2649. size 1
482. champion 1566. inhibit 2650. sketch 4
483. chance 1 1567. initial 2651. skew
484. change 1 1568. initiate 1 2652. ski
485. channel 1569. inject 2653. skid 2
486. chant 1570. injure 1 2654. skim 2
487. char 2 1571. inlay 2655. skin 2
488. characterize 1 1572. innovate 1 2656. skip 2
489. charge 1 1573. inquire 1 2657. skirt
490. charm 1574. inscribe 1 2658. slacken
491. chart 1575. insert 2659. slam 2
492. charter 1576. insinuate 1 2660. slant
493. chase 1 1577. insist 2661. slap 2
494. chasten 1578. inspect 2662. slash 4
495. chat 2 1579. inspire 1 2663. slate 1
496. chatter 1580. install 2664. slaughter
497. cheat 1581. instigate 1 2665. slay +
498. check 1582. instill 2666. sleep +
499. cheer 1583. institute 1 2667. slice 1
500. cherish 4 1584. institutionalize 1 2668. slide 1 +
501. chew 1585. instruct 2669. sling +
502. chide 1 1586. insulate 1 2670. slink
503. chill 1587. insult 2671. slip 2
504. chime 1 1588. insure 1 2672. slit 2 +
505. chip 2 1589. integrate 1 2673. slither
506. chirp 1590. intend 2674. slope 1
507. choke 1 1591. intensify 3 2675. slouch 4
508. choose 1 + 1592. intercept 2676. slow
509. chop 2 1593. interchange 1 2677. slug 2
510. choreograph 1594. interest 2678. slump
511. christen 1595. interfere 1 2679. slur 2
512. chronicle 1 1596. interject 2680. smack
513. chuck 1597. interlace 1 2681. smash 4
514. chuckle 1 1598. intern 2682. smear
515. churn 1599. internalize 1 2683. smell LV
516. circle 1 1600. interpret 2684. smile 1
517. circulate 1 1601. interrelate 1 2685. smirk
518. circumscribe 1 1602. interrogate 1 2686. smoke 1
519. circumvent 1603. interrupt 2687. smooth
520. cite 1 1604. intersperse 1 2688. smother
521. civilize 1 1605. intertwine 1 2689. smudge 1
522. claim 1606. intervene 1 2690. smuggle 1
523. clamber 1607. interview 2691. snake 1
524. clamp 1608. intimidate 1 2692. snap 2
525. clap 2 1609. intoxicate 1 2693. snare 1
526. clarify 3 1610. intrigue 1 2694. snarl
527. clash 4 1611. introduce 1 2695. snatch 4
528. clasp 1612. intrude 1 2696. sneak +
529. classify 3 1613. inundate 1 2697. sneer
530. clatter 1614. invade 1 2698. sneeze 1
531. claw 1615. invalidate 1 2699. snicker
532. clean 1616. invent 2700. sniff
533. cleanse 1 1617. inventory 3 2701. snoop
534. clear 1618. invert 2702. snore 1
535. clench 4 1619. invest 2703. snort
536. click 1620. investigate 1 2704. snow
537. climb 1621. invite 1 2705. snub 2
538. clinch 4 1622. invoke 1 2706. snuff
539. cling + 1623. involve 1 2707. snuggle 1
540. clip 2 1624. irk 2708. soak
541. cloak 1625. iron 2709. soar
542. clock 1626. irradiate 1 2710. sob 2
543. clog 2 1627. irritate 1 2711. socialize 1
544. clone 1 1628. isolate 1 2712. soften
545. close 1 1629. issue 1 2713. soil
546. cloth 1630. itch 4 2714. solicit
547. cloud 1631. itemize 1 2715. solve 1
548. club 2 1632. jab 2 2716. sooth
549. cluster 1633. jail 2717. sort
550. clutch 4 1634. jam 2 2718. sound LV
551. clutter 1635. jar 2 2719. sour
552. coach 4 1636. jeer 2720. sow +
553. coat 1637. jeopardize 1 2721. space 1
554. coax 4 1638. jerk 2722. span 2
555. cobble 1 1639. jettison 2723. spare 1
556. cock 1640. jog 2 2724. spark
557. code 1 1641. join 2725. sparkle 1
558. codify 3 1642. joke 1 2726. spatter
559. coerce 1 1643. jolt 2727. spawn
560. coil 1644. jostle 1 2728. speak +
561. coin 1645. journey 2729. spear
562. coincide 1 1646. judge 1 2730. spearhead
563. collaborate 1 1647. juggle 1 2731. specialize 1
564. collapse 1 1648. jumble 1 2732. specify 3
565. collate 1 1649. jump 2733. speckle 1
566. collect 1650. justify 3 2734. speculate 1
567. collide 1 1651. juxtapose 1 2735. speed +
568. colonize 1 1652. keep + 2736. spell +
569. color 1653. kick 2737. spend +
570. comb 1654. kid 2 2738. spice 1
571. combine 1 1655. kill 2739. spike 1
572. come 1 + 1656. kiss 4 2740. spill
573. comfort 1657. kneel + 2741. spin 2 +
574. command 1658. knight 2742. spiral
575. commandeer 1659. knit 2 + 2743. spirit
576. commemorate 1 1660. knock 2744. spit +
577. commence 1 1661. knot 2 2745. spite 1
578. commend 1662. know + 2746. splash 4
579. comment 1663. label 2747. splatter
580. commission 1664. labor 2748. splice 1
581. commit 2 1665. lace 1 2749. splinter
582. communicate 1 1666. lack 2750. split 2 +
583. commute 1 1667. lag 2 2751. splutter
584. compact 1668. lament 2752. spoil
585. compare 1 1669. laminate 1 2753. sponsor
586. compel 2 1670. land 2754. spoon
587. compensate 1 1671. landscape 1 2755. sport
588. compete 1 1672. lap 2 2756. spot 2
589. compile 1 1673. lapse 1 2757. sprawl
590. complain 1674. lash 4 2758. spray
591. complement 1675. last 2759. spread +
592. complete 1 1676. latch 4 2760. spring +
593. complicate 1 1677. laud 2761. sprinkle 1
594. compliment 1678. laugh 2762. sprint
595. comply 3 1679. launch 4 2763. sprout
596. compose 1 1680. launder 2764. spur 2
597. compound 1681. lavish 4 2765. spurn
598. comprehend 1682. lay + 2766. spurt
599. compress 4 1683. layer 2767. spy 3
600. comprise 1 1684. leach 4 2768. squander
601. compromise 1 1685. lead + 2769. square 1
602. compute 1 1686. leak 2770. squash 4
603. computerize 1 1687. lean 2771. squat 2
604. con 2 1688. leap + 2772. squeak
605. conceal 1689. learn 2773. squeal
606. concede 1 1690. lease 1 2774. squeeze 1
607. conceive 1 1691. leave 1 + 2775. squint
608. concentrate 1 1692. lecture 1 2776. squirm
609. conceptualize 1 1693. leer 2777. squirt
610. concern 1694. legalize 1 2778. stab 2
611. concert 1695. legislate 1 2779. stabilize 1
612. conclude 1 1696. lend + 2780. stable 1
613. concoct 1697. lengthen 2781. stack
614. concur 2 1698. lessen 2782. staff
615. condemn 1699. let 2 + 2783. stage 1
616. condense 1 1700. level 2784. stagger
617. condition 1701. leverage 1 2785. stain
618. condone 1 1702. levy 3 2786. stake 1
619. conduct 1703. liberate 1 2787. stalk
620. confer 2 1704. license 1 2788. stall
621. confess 4 1705. lick 2789. stammer
622. confide 1 1706. lie 1 + RB 2790. stamp
623. configure 1 1707. lift 2791. stand +
624. confine 1 1708. light 2792. standardize 1
625. confirm 1709. lighten 2793. stare 1
626. confiscate 1 1710. like 1 2794. start
627. conflict 1711. liken 2795. startle 1
628. conform 1712. limit 2796. starve 1
629. confound 1713. limp 2797. stash 4
630. confront 1714. line 1 2798. state 1
631. confuse 1 1715. linger 2799. station
632. congratulate 1 1716. link 2800. stay LV
633. congregate 1 1717. liquidate 1 2801. steady 3
634. conjure 1 1718. list 2802. steal +
635. connect 1719. listen 2803. steam
636. conquer 1720. litigate 1 2804. steer
637. consecrate 1 1721. litter 2805. stem 2
638. consent 1722. live 1 2806. step 2
639. conserve 1 1723. load 2807. stereotype 1
640. consider 1724. loan 2808. stick +
641. consign 1725. loath 2809. stiffen
642. consist 1726. lob 2 2810. stifle 1
643. console 1 1727. lobby 3 2811. stimulate 1
644. consolidate 1 1728. localize 1 2812. sting +
645. conspire 1 1729. locate 1 2813. stink +
646. constitute 1 1730. lock 2814. stipulate 1
647. constrain 1731. lodge 1 2815. stir 2
648. constrict 1732. log 2 2816. stitch 4
649. construct 1733. long 2817. stock
650. construe 1 1734. look LV 2818. stomp
651. consult 1735. loom 2819. stone 1
652. consume 1 1736. loop 2820. stoop
653. contact 1737. loosen 2821. stop 2
654. contain 1738. loot 2822. store 1
655. contaminate 1 1739. lose 1 + 2823. storm
656. contemplate 1 1740. lounge 1 2824. stow
657. contend 1741. love 1 2825. straddle 1
658. content 1742. lower 2826. straighten
659. contest 1743. lull 2827. strain
660. continue 1 1744. lumber 2828. strand
661. contort 1745. lump 2829. strangle 1
662. contract 1746. lunch 4 2830. strap 2
663. contradict 1747. lunge 1 2831. strategize 1
664. contrast 1748. lurch 4 2832. stratify 3
665. contravene 1 1749. lurk 2833. stray
666. contribute 1 1750. magnify 3 2834. streak
667. contrive 1 1751. mail 2835. stream
668. control 2 1752. maim 2836. streamline 1
669. convene 1 1753. maintain 2837. strengthen
670. converge 1 1754. make 1 + 2838. stress 4
671. converse 1 1755. man 2 2839. stretch 4
672. convert 1756. manage 1 2840. stride 1 +
673. convey 1757. maneuver 2841. strike 1 +
674. convict 1758. mangle 1 2842. string +
675. convince 1 1759. manicure 1 2843. strip 2
676. cook 1760. manifest 2844. strive 1 +
677. cool 1761. manipulate 1 2845. stroke 1
678. cooperate 1 1762. manufacture 1 2846. structure 1
679. coordinate 1 1763. map 2 2847. struggle 1
680. cope 1 1764. march 4 2848. strut 2
681. copy 3 1765. marginalize 1 2849. stub 2
682. copyright 1766. mark 2850. study 3
683. corner 1767. market 2851. stuff
684. correct 1768. maroon 2852. stumble 1
685. correlate 1 1769. marry 3 2853. stump
686. correspond 1770. marshal 2854. stun 2
687. corroborate 1 1771. marvel 2855. stunt
688. corrupt 1772. mash 4 2856. stutter
689. cost + 1773. mask 2857. style 1
690. couch 4 1774. mass 4 2858. stylize 1
691. cough 1775. massacre 1 2859. subdivide 1
692. counsel 1776. massage 1 2860. subdue 1
693. count 1777. master 2861. subject
694. counter 1778. mastermind 2862. sublet 2 +
695. counterbalance 1 1779. match 4 2863. submerge 1
696. court 1780. materialize 1 2864. submit 2
697. cover 1781. matter 2865. subordinate 1
698. covet 1782. mature 1 2866. subscribe 1
699. crack 1783. maul 2867. subside 1
700. crackle 1 1784. maximize 1 2868. subsidize 1
701. cradle 1 1785. mean + 2869. substantiate 1
702. craft 1786. meander 2870. substitute 1
703. cram 2 1787. measure 1 2871. subsume 1
704. cramp 1788. meddle 1 2872. subtract
705. crane 1 1789. mediate 1 2873. subvert
706. crash 4 1790. meet + 2874. succeed
707. crave 1 1791. mellow 2875. succumb
708. crawl 1792. melt 2876. suck
709. creak 1793. memorize 1 2877. sue 1
710. crease 1 1794. mend 2878. suffer
711. create 1 1795. mention 2879. suffice 1
712. credit 1796. mentor 2880. suffocate 1
713. creep + 1797. merge 1 2881. suggest
714. cremate 1 1798. merit 2882. suit
715. crest 1799. mesmerize 1 2883. summarize 1
716. cringe 1 1800. mess 4 2884. summon
717. cripple 1 1801. migrate 1 2885. superimpose 1
718. criticize 1 1802. milk 2886. supersede 1
719. critique 1 1803. mill 2887. supervise 1
720. croak 1804. mimic RB 2888. supplant
721. crop 2 1805. mince 1 2889. supplement
722. cross 4 1806. mind 2890. supply 3
723. cross-examine 1 1807. mine 1 2891. support
724. crouch 4 1808. mingle 1 2892. suppose 1
725. crow 1809. minimize 1 2893. suppress 4
726. crowd 1810. mint 2894. surface 1
727. crown 1811. mirror 2895. surge 1
728. cruise 1 1812. misinterpret 2896. surmise 1
729. crumble 1 1813. misjudge 1 2897. surmount
730. crumple 1 1814. mislay + 2898. surpass 4
731. crunch 4 1815. mislead + 2899. surprise 1
732. crush 4 1816. misplace 1 2900. surrender
733. cry 3 1817. misrepresent 2901. surround
734. crystallize 1 1818. miss 4 2902. survey
735. cuddle 1 1819. misspeak + 2903. survive 1
736. cull 1820. misspell + 2904. suspect
737. culminate 1 1821. mistake 1 + 2905. suspend
738. cultivate 1 1822. misuse 1 2906. sustain
739. cup 2 1823. mitigate 1 2907. swagger
740. curb 1824. mix 4 2908. swallow
741. cure 1 1825. moan 2909. swamp
742. curl 1826. mob 2 2910. swap 2
743. curse 1 1827. mobilize 1 2911. swarm
744. curtail 1828. mock 2912. sway
745. curve 1 1829. model 2913. swear +
746. cushion 1830. moderate 1 2914. sweat +
747. customize 1 1831. modernize 1 2915. sweep +
748. cut 2 + 1832. modify 3 2916. swell
749. cycle 1 1833. modulate 1 2917. swerve 1
750. dab 2 1834. moisten 2918. swim 2 +
751. dabble 1 1835. mold 2919. swing +
752. damage 1 1836. monitor 2920. swirl
753. dampen 1837. moor 2921. switch 4
754. dance 1 1838. mop 2 2922. swivel
755. dangle 1 1839. mope 1 2923. swoop
756. dare 1 1840. mortify 3 2924. symbolize 1
757. darken 1841. motion 2925. sympathize 1
758. dart 1842. motivate 1 2926. synthesize 1
759. dash 4 1843. motorize 1 2927. systematize 1
760. date 1 1844. mount 2928. systemize 1
761. dawn 1845. mourn 2929. table 1
762. daze 1 1846. mouth 2930. tabulate 1
763. dazzle 1 1847. move 1 2931. tack
764. deadlock 1848. mow + 2932. tackle 1
765. deal + 1849. muddle 1 2933. tag 2
766. debate 1 1850. muffle 1 2934. tail
767. debit 1851. mug 2 2935. tailor
768. decay 1852. multiply 3 2936. taint
769. deceive 1 1853. mumble 1 2937. take 1 +
770. decentralize 1 1854. murder 2938. talk
771. decide 1 1855. murmur 2939. tame
772. decimate 1 1856. muscle 1 2940. tamper
773. decipher 1857. muse 1 2941. tan 2
774. deck 1858. muster 2942. tangle 1
775. declare 1 1859. mutate 1 2943. tap 2
776. decline 1 1860. mute 1 2944. tape 1
777. decompose 1 1861. mutilate 1 2945. taper
778. decorate 1 1862. mutter 2946. target
779. decrease 1 1863. mystify 3 2947. tarnish 4
780. decree 1 RB 1864. nab 2 2948. taste 1 LV
781. dedicate 1 1865. nag 2 2949. tatter
782. deduce 1 1866. nail 2950. taunt
783. deduct 1867. name 1 2951. tax 4
784. deed 1868. narrate 1 2952. teach 4 +
785. deem 1869. narrow 2953. team
786. deepen 1870. nationalize 1 2954. tear +
787. deface 1 1871. navigate 1 2955. tease 1
788. default 1872. near 2956. telephone 1
789. defeat 1873. necessitate 1 2957. televise 1
790. defect 1874. need 2958. tell +
791. defend 1875. needle 1 2959. tempt
792. defer 2 1876. negate 1 2960. tend
793. define 1 1877. neglect 2961. tender
794. deflate 1 1878. negotiate 1 2962. tense 1
795. deflect 1879. nest 2963. term
796. deform 1880. nestle 1 2964. terminate 1
797. defray 1881. net 2 2965. terrify 3
798. defuse 1 1882. network 2966. terrorize 1
799. defy 3 1883. neutralize 1 2967. test
800. degenerate 1 1884. nibble 1 2968. testify 3
801. degrade 1 1885. nick 2969. tether
802. dehydrate 1 1886. nickname 1 2970. texture 1
803. delay 1887. nip 2 2971. thank
804. delegate 1 1888. nod 2 2972. thatch 4
805. delete 1 1889. nominate 1 2973. thaw
806. delight 1890. normalize 1 2974. theorize 1
807. delineate 1 1891. nose 1 2975. thicken
808. deliver 1892. note 1 2976. thin 2
809. delude 1 1893. notice 1 2977. think +
810. delve 1 1894. notify 3 2978. thrash 4
811. demand 1895. nudge 1 2979. thread
812. demolish 4 1896. nullify 3 2980. threaten
813. demonstrate 1 1897. numb 2981. thrill
814. demote 1 1898. number 2982. thrive 1 +
815. denominate 1 1899. nurse 1 2983. throb 2
816. denote 1 1900. nurture 1 2984. throw +
817. denounce 1 1901. nuzzle 1 2985. thrust +
818. dent 1902. obey 2986. thud 2
819. deny 3 1903. object 2987. thumb
820. depart 1904. oblige 1 2988. thump
821. depend 1905. obliterate 1 2989. thunder
822. depict 1906. obscure 1 2990. thwart
823. deplete 1 1907. observe 1 2991. tick
824. deplore 1 1908. obsess 4 2992. tickle 1
825. deploy 1909. obstruct 2993. tie 1 RB
826. deport 1910. obtain 2994. tighten
827. depose 1 1911. occasion 2995. tile 1
828. deposit 1912. occupy 3 2996. till
829. deprecate 1 1913. occur 2 2997. tilt
830. depress 4 1914. offend 2998. time 1
831. deprive 1 1915. offer 2999. tinge 1 RB
832. deride 1 1916. officiate 1 3000. tingle 1
833. derive 1 1917. oil 3001. tint
834. descend 1918. omit 2 3002. tip 2
835. describe 1 1919. ooze 1 3003. tiptoe RB
836. desert 1920. open 3004. tire 1
837. deserve 1 1921. operate 1 3005. title 1
838. design 1922. oppose 1 3006. toast
839. designate 1 1923. oppress 4 3007. toil
840. desire 1 1924. opt 3008. tolerate 1
841. despair 1925. optimize 1 3009. tone
842. despise 1 1926. orchestrate 1 3010. top 2
843. destroy 1927. ordain 3011. topple 1
844. detach 4 1928. order 3012. torment
845. detail 1929. organize 1 3013. torture 1
846. detain 1930. orientate 1 3014. toss 4
847. detect 1931. originate 1 3015. total
848. deter 2 1932. oust 3016. totter
849. deteriorate 1 1933. outclass 4 3017. touch 4
850. determine 1 1934. outlaw 3018. tour
851. detest 1935. outline 1 3019. tout
852. detonate 1 1936. outlive 1 3020. tow
853. devalue 1 1937. outnumber 3021. tower
854. devastate 1 1938. outrage 1 3022. toy
855. develop 1939. outrun 2 + 3023. trace 1
856. deviate 1 1940. outstretch 4 3024. track
857. devise 1 1941. outweigh 3025. trade 1
858. devolve 1 1942. overcome 1 + 3026. trail
859. devote 1 1943. overcrowd 3027. train
860. devour 1944. overdo 4 + 3028. tramp
861. diagnose 1 1945. overeat + 3029. trample 1
862. dial 1946. overestimate 1 3030. transact
863. dice 1 1947. overflow 3031. transcend
864. dictate 1 1948. overhaul 3032. transcribe 1
865. die 1 RB 1949. overhear + 3033. transfer 2
866. differ 1950. overheat 3034. transfix 4
867. differentiate 1 1951. overlap 2 3035. transform
868. diffuse 1 1952. overload 3036. translate 1
869. dig 2 + 1953. overlook 3037. transmit 2
870. digest 1954. overpower 3038. transmute 1
871. dignify 3 1955. overrule 1 3039. transpire 1
872. dilapidate 1 1956. oversee + RB 3040. transplant
873. dilate 1 1957. overshadow 3041. transport
874. dilute 1 1958. oversleep + 3042. transpose 1
875. dim 2 1959. overstate 1 3043. trap 2
876. diminish 4 1960. overtake 1 + 3044. travel
877. dine 1 1961. overthrow + 3045. traverse 1
878. dip 2 1962. overturn 3046. tread +
879. direct 1963. overwhelm 3047. treasure 1
880. disable 1 1964. owe 1 3048. treat
881. disadvantage 1 1965. own 3049. tremble 1
882. disagree 1 RB 1966. pace 1 3050. trick
883. disallow 1967. pack 3051. trickle 1
884. disappear 1968. package 1 3052. trigger
885. disappoint 1969. pad 2 3053. trim 2
886. disapprove 1 1970. paddle 1 3054. trip 2
887. disarm 1971. page 1 3055. triple 1
888. disband 1972. paint 3056. triumph
889. discard 1973. pair 3057. trot 2
890. discern 1974. pamper 3058. trouble 1
891. discharge 1 1975. pan 2 3059. troubleshoot +
892. discipline 1 1976. panel 3060. trudge 1
893. disclose 1 1977. panic RB 3061. truncate 1
894. disconcert 1978. pant 3062. truss 4
895. disconnect 1979. parachute 1 3063. trust
896. discontinue 1 1980. parade 1 3064. try 3
897. discount 1981. paralyze 1 3065. tuck
898. discourage 1 1982. pardon 3066. tug 2
899. discover 1983. pare 1 3067. tumble 1
900. discredit 1984. park 3068. tune 1
901. discriminate 1 1985. parley 3069. turn LV
902. discuss 4 1986. parody 3070. tutor
903. disembark 1987. parrot 3071. twinkle 1
904. disfigure 1 1988. part 3072. twirl
905. disgrace 1 1989. participate 1 3073. twist
906. disgruntle 1 1990. partition 3074. twitch 4
907. disguise 1 1991. partner 3075. type 1
908. disgust 1992. pass 4 3076. typify 3
909. dishevel 1993. paste 1 3077. unarm
910. dishonor 1994. pat 2 3078. unbalance 1
911. disillusion 1995. patch 4 3079. unbutton
912. disintegrate 1 1996. patent 3080. uncover
913. disinterest 1997. patrol 2 3081. undercut 2 +
914. dislike 1 1998. patronize 1 3082. underestimate 1
915. dislocate 1 1999. pattern 3083. undergo 4 +
916. dislodge 1 2000. pause 1 3084. underline 1
917. dismantle 1 2001. pave 1 3085. undermine 1
918. dismay 2002. paw 3086. understand +
919. dismiss 4 2003. pay + 3087. understate 1
920. dismount 2004. peak 3088. undertake 1 +
921. disorder 2005. peck 3089. undervalue 1
922. disorientate 1 2006. pedal 3090. undo 4 +
923. disown 2007. peel 3091. undress 4
924. dispatch 4 2008. peep 3092. unearth
925. dispel 2 2009. peer 3093. unfasten
926. dispense 1 2010. peg 2 3094. unfold
927. disperse 1 2011. pelt 3095. unfurl
928. displace 1 2012. penalize 1 3096. unify 3
929. display 2013. pencil 3097. unite 1
930. displease 1 2014. penetrate 1 3098. unleash 4
931. dispose 1 2015. pepper 3099. unload
932. dispossess 4 2016. perceive 1 3100. unlock
933. disprove 1 2017. perch 4 3101. unpack
934. dispute 1 2018. perfect 3102. unravel
935. disqualify 3 2019. perform 3103. unroll
936. disregard 2020. perfume 1 3104. untie 1
937. disrespect 2021. perish 4 3105. unveil
938. disrupt 2022. permeate 1 3106. unwind +
939. dissatisfy 3 2023. permit 2 3107. unwrap 2
940. dissect 2024. perpetrate 1 3108. unzip 2
941. disseminate 1 2025. perpetuate 1 3109. up 2
942. dissipate 1 2026. perplex 4 3110. update 1
943. dissolve 1 2027. persecute 1 3111. upgrade 1
944. dissuade 1 2028. persevere 1 3112. uphold +
945. distain 2029. persist 3113. upholster
946. distance 1 2030. personalize 1 3114. uproot
947. distill 2031. personify 3 3115. upset 2 +
948. distinguish 4 2032. persuade 1 3116. upstage 1
949. distort 2033. perturb 3117. urge 1
950. distract 2034. pervade 1 3118. use 1
951. distress 4 2035. pester 3119. usher
952. distribute 1 2036. petition 3120. usurp
953. distrust 2037. petrify 3 3121. utilize 1
954. disturb 2038. phase 1 3122. utter
955. ditch 4 2039. phone 1 3123. vacate 1
956. dive 1 + 2040. photocopy 3 3124. vaccinate 1
957. diverge 1 2041. photograph 3125. validate 1
958. diversify 3 2042. phrase 1 3126. value 1
959. divert 2043. pick 3127. vandalize 1
960. divest 2044. pickle 1 3128. vanish 4
961. divide 1 2045. picture 1 3129. varnish 4
962. divorce 1 2046. pierce 1 3130. vary 3
963. divulge 1 2047. pile 1 3131. vault
964. do 4 + 2048. pilot 3132. veer
965. dock 2049. pin 2 3133. vegetate 1
966. document 2050. pinch 4 3134. venerate 1
967. dodge 1 2051. pine 1 3135. vent
968. dog 2 2052. pinpoint 3136. ventilate 1
969. domesticate 1 2053. pioneer 3137. venture 1
970. dominate 1 2054. pipe 1 3138. verbalize 1
971. don 2 2055. pit 2 3139. verify 3
972. donate 1 2056. pitch 4 3140. vest
973. doom 2057. pity 3 3141. vet 2
974. dot 2 2058. placate 1 3142. veto 4
975. dote 1 2059. place 1 3143. vibrate 1
976. double 1 2060. plague 1 3144. victimize 1
977. doubt 2061. plan 2 3145. view
978. douse 1 2062. plant 3146. vindicate 1
979. down 2063. plaster 3147. violate 1
980. downgrade 1 2064. play 3148. visit
981. download 2065. plead + 3149. visualize 1
982. doze 1 2066. please 1 3150. voice 1
983. draft 2067. pledge 1 3151. void
984. drag 2 2068. plod 2 3152. volunteer
985. drain 2069. plot 2 3153. vomit
986. dramatize 1 2070. plow 3154. vote 1
987. drape 1 2071. pluck 3155. vow
988. draw + 2072. plug 2 3156. wad 2
989. drawl 2073. plummet 3157. waddle 1
990. dread 2074. plump 3158. wade 1
991. dream + 2075. plunder 3159. wag 2
992. dredge 1 2076. plunge 1 3160. wage 1
993. drench 4 2077. ply 3 3161. wail
994. dress 4 2078. poach 4 3162. wait
995. dribble 1 2079. pocket 3163. waive 1
996. drift 2080. point 3164. wake 1 +
997. drill 2081. poise 1 3165. waken
998. drink + 2082. poison 3166. walk
999. drip 2 2083. poke 1 3167. wall
1000. drive 1 + 2084. polarize 1 3168. wander
1001. drone 1 2085. police 1 3169. wane
1002. droop 2086. polish 4 3170. want
1003. drop 2 2087. poll 3171. warm
1004. drown 2088. pollute 1 3172. warn
1005. drum 2 2089. ponder 3173. warp
1006. dry 3 2090. pool 3174. warrant
1007. dub 2 2091. pop 2 3175. wash 4
1008. duck 2092. populate 1 3176. waste 1
1009. dull 2093. portray 3177. watch 4
1010. dump 2094. pose 1 3178. water
1011. dupe 1 2095. position 3179. waterlog 2
1012. duplicate 1 2096. possess 4 3180. wave 1
1013. dust 2097. post 3181. waver
1014. dwarf 2098. postpone 1 3182. wax 4
1015. dwell 2099. postulate 1 3183. weaken
1016. dwindle 1 2100. pot 2 3184. wean
1017. dye 1 2101. pounce 1 3185. wear +
1018. earn 2102. pound 3186. weather
1019. ease 1 2103. pour 3187. weave 1 +
1020. eat + 2104. pout 3188. wed 2
1021. ebb 2105. powder 3189. wedge 1
1022. echo 4 2106. power 3190. weep +
1023. eclipse 1 2107. practice 1 3191. weigh
1024. edge 1 2108. praise 1 3192. welcome 1
1025. edit 2109. pray 3193. weld
1026. educate 1 2110. preach 4 3194. whack
1027. efface 1 2111. precede 1 3195. wheel
1028. effect 2112. precipitate 1 3196. whimper
1029. eject 2113. preclude 1 3197. whine 1
1030. elaborate 1 2114. predetermine 1 3198. whip 2
1031. elapse 1 2115. predicate 1 3199. whirl
1032. elate 1 2116. predict 3200. whisk
1033. elbow 2117. preen 3201. whisper
1034. elect 2118. prefer 2 3202. whistle 1
1035. electrify 3 2119. prejudice 1 3203. whiten
1036. elevate 1 2120. preoccupy 3 3204. whitewash 4
1037. elicit 2121. prepare 1 3205. whittle 1
1038. eliminate 1 2122. prescribe 1 3206. widen
1039. elongate 1 2123. present 3207. wield
1040. elude 1 2124. preserve 1 3208. wiggle 1
1041. emaciate 1 2125. preside 1 3209. will
1042. emanate 1 2126. press 4 3210. win +
1043. embark 2127. pressure 1 3211. wince 1
1044. embarrass 4 2128. pressurize 1 3212. wind +
1045. embed 2 2129. presume 1 3213. wink
1046. embellish 4 2130. presuppose 1 3214. wipe 1
1047. embody 3 2131. pretend 3215. wire 1
1048. embolden 2132. prevail 3216. wish 4
1049. emboss 4 2133. prevent 3217. withdraw +
1050. embrace 1 2134. preview 3218. wither
1051. embroider 2135. price 1 3219. withhold +
1052. emend 2136. prick 3220. withstand +
1053. emerge 1 2137. pride 1 3221. witness 4
1054. emigrate 1 2138. prime 1 3222. wobble 1
1055. emit 2 2139. primp 3223. wonder
1056. emphasize 1 2140. print 3224. woo 4
1057. employ 2141. privatize 1 3225. word
1058. empower 2142. prize 1 3226. work
1059. empty 3 2143. probe 1 3227. worry 3
1060. emulate 1 2144. proceed 3228. worsen
1061. enable 1 2145. process 4 3229. worship RB
1062. enact 2146. proclaim 3230. wound
1063. encapsulate 1 2147. procure 1 3231. wrap 2
1064. encase 1 2148. prod 2 3232. wreck
1065. enchant 2149. produce 1 3233. wrench 4
1066. enclose 1 2150. profess 4 3234. wrestle 1
1067. encode 1 2151. profit 3235. wriggle 1
1068. encompass 4 2152. program 2 3236. wring +
1069. encounter 2153. progress 4 3237. wrinkle 1
1070. encourage 1 2154. prohibit 3238. write 1 +
1071. encroach 4 2155. project 3239. writhe 1
1072. end 2156. proliferate 1 3240. x-ray
1073. endanger 2157. prolong 3241. yak 2
1074. endear 2158. promise 1 3242. yank
1075. endeavor 2159. promote 1 3243. yawn
1076. endorse 1 2160. prompt 3244. yearn
1077. endow 2161. pronounce 1 3245. yell
1078. endure 1 2162. proofread + 3246. yelp
1079. enforce 1 2163. prop 2 3247. yield
1080. engage 1 2164. propagate 1 3248. zap 2
1081. engender 2165. propel 2 3249. zip 2
1082. engineer 2166. prophesize 1 RB 3250. zoom
1083. engrave 1 2167. propose 1
1084. engross 4 2168. proscribe 1

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