Media As The 4th Pillar of State
Media As The 4th Pillar of State
Media As The 4th Pillar of State
By Zubaria Fakhar
The pivotal role that the media plays in today's life has led it be known as the fourth pillar
of the state along with executive, judiciary and legislature. The power of media for public
perception is huge. The phenomenon has also rocked Pakistan where media outlets
enjoy considerable power and influence today. However, the idea of the media being
considered a pillar of the state is controversial.
The traditional organs of the state have been the legislative, executive and judiciary. The
media has been playing a role of a watch dog that has been so instrumental that it has
been regarded as a fourth pillar of the state now. Numerous reports, incidents, views,
performance, events etc gets telecasted. The each of media to a vast audience amplifies
the impact of all this telecast manifold. Since much of the news are the outlier
information, anything that is far from normal, procedural, average or clean has the
potential to be aired.
Terming the media as the fourth pillar of the state means that its authority and conduct
has been authorized and recognized. However, the other organs of the state are state
owned organs that work under official oversight and pursue public service. Media on the
other hand is an institution that is largely privatized, has minimal oversight as of now and
seeks maximization of profit as an objective. Being patriotic and serving the public are
good lines to toe till they are popular with the masses as it sells. This stark contrast of
media to the other organs of the state is critical while terming it an essential pillar of the
state. If an institute does not keep the public interest over private interest, plays by its
own rules and has private interests involved; then it might not be a good idea to raise its
status to the level of a pillar of the state.
The Pakistani media saw rapid growth and freedom during the last fifteen years.
Numerous media houses popped up. From news to entertainment, the media landscape
got crowded. Along with that came easy access to cheap cable services, internet and
smart phones; all ensuring the maximum reach of the media and subsequently affecting
public perception. The global events such as 9/11 attack, war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya,
Syria along with important happenings at local level such as OBL raid, Swat operation,
Lal Masjid, Zarbe Azb, Elections 2008 & 20013 etc attracted people to seek more and
more news and review analysis on the events. This in turn put the general public
perception dependent on the media outlets.
The media on the other hand has not come up to its responsibility in the new
environmental dynamics. The power of public perception manipulation was sold to local
and foreign players for profiteering. And those trying to manipulate public perception
seldom had a good intent. Institutes such as the Pakistan Army and ISI were one prime
target. Glorification and propaganda dissemination of outfits such as TTP and BLA was
done. Rifts were sowed between institutes such as Army, Judiciary and Executive. Such
a criminal role against the nation and state by an institution being dubbed as the fourth
pillar of the state has been ironic.
With great power comes great responsibility. Same should have been the case with the
media. Investigative journalism, news analysis and highlighting issues becomes all the
more important in a society where corruption is rampant and accountability is weak.
While heavily censoring the media might not be the best policy for transparency, giving it
a free hand has been equally detrimental. PEMRA should refine its media rules and
ensure that all media outlets comply. Primary objective of the media should be set as
the state interest keeping in consideration the national values. Any clear deviation should
be held accountable to ensure responsibility and fairness along with national interests.
Media houses need to understand their role in national development and security. They
should learn from international media which is often knife-edged critical of the state's
adversaries but actively pursues its national agenda. In this sense, it really acts as an
extension of state machinery. A good example id that of Indian media which is often
seen bashing Pakistan on every bilateral issue although it starkly overlooks objectivity
and fairness in the process. In stark comparison, a large segment of the Pakistani media
has proxy to Indian designs and acted as the media wings of RAW.
It is said that the 21st century wars are fought on the media front. It was seen that before
all major US campaigns, an active propaganda was disseminated by its outlets to
manipulate public perception both at national and international level in accordance with
the state policy and create a suitable environment for the campaign. In Syria, the
campaign was not successful along with important Russian intervention which led to
indirect tactics being used by the West but not a direct invasion. The Pakistani media is
also maturing and starting to toe national interest atleast in the foreign relations'
The international image of the state and nation is of great importance. India has
considerably invested in its soft-image across the globe. Pakistan lacks media presence
at international level. As a result, the state's version of its actions, policies and interests
is sidelined at international level. Neither is there any good depiction of international
events in the national media outlets. The national landscape can be better visualized in
an international perspective where the hostilities of India, UAE and Israel etc. can be
better visualized once the complete puzzle is at one's disposal.
In short, it is a matter of fact that the role of media has become crucial in the national life.
However, the power at its disposal itself should not be the basis for terming it a pillar of
the state rather, it should be held equally accountable for its operations. Putting clear
objectives and regulation in accordance with national policy are necessary for its steering.
Healthy critique of the state may still be done but the dynamics of reporting must be fair.
The media should play an important part in the national interest especially security.
There is a need to launch international media presence of Pakistan.