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Aarong: Looking After Its Artisans

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A BRAC Social Enterprise

Crafting better lives for rural artisans
BRAC’s social enterprises are
both financially and socially
profitable ventures. Its flagship
enterprise, Aarong, carved out
a unique market segment for
65,000 rural artisans – 85

Photo credit: BRAC/Shehzad Noorani

per cent of whom are women.
Today, Aarong (meaning
‘village fair’ in Bengali) is
one of Bangladesh’s largest
lifestyle retail chains.

In 1976 when BRAC employed

rural women in Manikganj district
in silk production, their only buyers Artisan embroidering her work with care
were a few scattered retailers in
Dhaka city. Weeks, even months
would pass between supply and Looking after its members’ hospitalisation treatment
payment. And so Aarong was born costs.
two years later – a BRAC retail artisans
outlet to ensure that these silk Aarong ensures that its artisans Additionally, all of Aarong’s suppliers
farmers were paid for their goods have access to BRAC’s multifaceted comply with labour law and fair
on time. development programmes, so that trade principles. Regular audits are
the support they receive extends conducted to ensure that ethical
Over the course of time Aarong standards of health, safety and
carved out a unique market well beyond simply their wages.
A snapshot of Aarong’s artisan environment are maintained.
segment for traditional crafts
and designs and, in the process, development initiative (ADI) on any
created income generating given month at the Ayesha Abed At a glance
opportunities for thousands of Foundation (AAF) production centres (Figures as of May 2015)

artisans. As Aarong grew we will show a safe and nurturing space

providing holistic support to artisans 9 million customers served
saw the emergence of small
entrepreneurs, and together they – with awareness on hygiene and 15 retail stores and e-commerce
engaged in fair trade. Each of sanitation, ante- and post-natal care, website
these entrepreneurs now creates referral services to free legal aid clinics
and government’s social protection USD 62 million in annual sales
opportunities – similar to what
Aarong had provided for them – for programmes, and much more. In 3,000 employees
thousands more rural women and 2014, a year after its launch, ADI
65,000 artisans in supply chain, 800
men. This results in over 325,000 has been scaled up to all 535 AAF
producer groups
people benefiting directly and sub-centres and five main centres.
A health security scheme is being 13 AAF craft production centres and
indirectly from Aarong’s extensive
piloted by the AAF, whereby artisans 535 hand embroidery sub-centres
and the AAF create a co-contributory
healthcare fund that will provide for Visit Aarong’s official website at
artisans and their immediate family www.aarong.com

Although every effort has been made to include and verify the accuracy of relevant information in this fact sheet, users are urged to check independently on matters of specific interest. Report
any discrepancies/suggestions to visitors@brac.net. This document was last updated on 30 June 2015, is revised half yearly and made available on www.brac.net/visitors.

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