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Patent Power Limit Ross Hill

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United States Patent (19) [11] 3,894,244

Hill (45) July 8, 1975

54 POWER LIMIT AND CONTROL SYSTEM 3,619,635 1 1/1971 Thompson et al.................... 307/11
(76) Inventor: Ross K. Hill, 7752 Hammerly, 3,792,325 2/1974 Berger.................................. 307124
Houston, Tex. 77055
Primary Examiner-Robert K. Schaefer
(22 Filed: Oct. 3, 1973 Assistant Examiner-M. Ginsburg
(21) Appl. No.: 403,323 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Pravel & Wilson

(52) U.S. Cl..................................r 307/16; 307/84 (57) ABSTRACT

(51) Int. Cl. .............................................. H023/00 a
58 Field of Search............. 307.
307/39, 86, 84, 43, 38
A new and improved power limit and control system
for determining the power output capability of a group
ov, , , of power sources and limiting the power drawn by a
56) References Cited number of loads driven by the power sources to the
UNITED STATES PATENTS power capabilities of the sources.
3,294,978 12/1966 Billings et al..................... 307/86 X 14 Claims, 3 Drawing Figures


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1. Field of the Invention In the drawings, the letter P designates generally the
The present invention relates to power limit and con 5 power limit system of the present invention for moni
trol systems and the like. toring the power output capability of a plurality of
2. Description of Prior Art power sources or prime movers M. The power sources
In situations where a number of independent loads M may be, for example, a set of turbine generators, a
were being powered by a group of power sources, there set of engine-generators, a set of electric motor genera
have been two conflicting power coordination require tors, or a set of alternating current power transformers.
ments. If more prime movers were activated than were The power limit system P limits the power drawn from
required to feed the existing loads, then the prime mov the sources M by a plurality of loads L. The number of
ers ran very lightly loaded, causing an increase in fuel loads L being driven at a particular time varies in ac
consumption and an increase in prime mover mainte cordacne with the equipment operating conditions, and
nance cost, particularly if turbines or reciprocating en
15 thus one of the loads L is shown in phantom in the ac
gines were the prime movers. On the other hand, if companying drawings (FIG. 1). Further, the number of
fewer power sources were activated than would be re
power sources M driving the loads L at a particular
quired to power the load, the power source overload time typically varies, since the number of prime movers
is preferably kept as low as possible, taking into ac
circuits tripped either the power sources or the loads count possible momentary overloads, and thus one of
off the line, resulting in a total loss of power to one or the power sources M is shown in the accompanying
all of the loads. drawings (FIG. 1).
Specifically, on oil drilling rigs on land or offshore, a Since the power sources M are conventional and may
group of AC engine-generator or turbine-generator sets be any of the types set forth above, they are shown
has provided the prime source of power, making it im 25 schematically in the accompanying drawings.
portant to minimize the number of prime movers which Each of the power sources M is electrically con
were running under any particular load condition. nected by an output electrical conductor 10 to a power
However, for this to be done, the risk of shutting down common bus B. Each of the loads L is electrically con
the complete rig from time to time due to momentary nected to the power common bus B by a supply con
overloads had to be taken into account. An extra prime 30 ductor 12.
mover was often kept running, in order to prevent a A sensor circuit S including a plurality of individual
momentary overload from tripping the power sources sensing circuits 14 (FIGS. 1 and 3), each associated
or loads off the line. with a single power source M, sense the most heavily
loaded of the plural power sources M in a manner to be
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION: 35 set forth below.
Briefly, the present invention provides a new and im As has been set forth above, the number of power
proved power limit system and method for monitoring sources M connected to and furnishing power to the
the power capability of a group of power sources and power common bus B, as well as the number of loads
limiting the power drawn from such sources by plural 40
L connected to and drawing power from the bus B, at
loads, which have drive control circuits therewith, to a a particular time varies as indicated by the power
magnitude within the capabilities of such sources. source M and the load L shown in phantom in the
A comparator compares the power output presently drawings. ..
being drawn from the power sources with a predeter A common input conductor 16 electrically connects
mined reference power level. A control means re 45
the output of the sensing circuits 14 of the sensor S to
sponds to the output of the comparator and energizes a power limit and control circuit Kof the present inven
the drive control circuits of the plural loads to limit the tion (FIGS. 1 and 2). As will be set forth below, the
power drawn from the group of power sources to a power limit and control circuit K monitors the power
magnitude within the output capabilities of the power capability of the power sources M and limits the power
50 drawn therefrom by the plural loads L. The power limit
A sensor determines the most heavily loaded of the and control circuit k provides an output signal on an
power sources and forms a signal, indicating the output output conductor 18 to the loads L to limit the power
of this source. The signal so formed is provided to the drawn from the sources M by the loads L to a magni
tude within the capabilities of these sources M.
comparator for comparison with the reference power 55 Considering the loads L. more in detail, a plurality of
level. supply conductors 20 and 22 supply operating power to
It is an object of the present invention to provide a the load L under control of a drive control circuit D
new and improved power limit and control system. (FIG. 1). The drive control circuit D includes a current
It is an object of the present invention to provide a limit circuit 24, typically a silicon controlled rectifier
new and improved power limit and control method. 60 (SCR) drive unit which controls the current flowing to
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS the load L through the supply conductors 20 and 22 in
response to a control signal from a control amplifier 26.
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of the system of the The current limiting SCR drive unit 24 is conventional
present invention; and the details thereof are not shown in the drawings
FIG. 2 is a schematic electrical circuit diagram of a 65 in order to preserve clarity therein.
control circuit in the system of FIG. 1; and A first input terminal 28 of the control amplifier 26
FIG. 3 is a schematic electrical circuit diagram of a receives a control signal indicative of the current flow
sensor circuit of FIG. 1. ing in the supply conductor 20 from a resistor 30 elec
3 4
trically connected by a conductor 32 to the conductor and electrically connects the kilowatt sensing circuit 44
20. to the output conductor 16.
A second input terminal 34 of the control amplifier Each of the sensing circuits 14 associated with the
26 receives a control signal through a connecting resis power source M is connected to the output conductor
tor 36 from a variable limiter circuit 38. The variable 10 of such power source M and to the conductor 16 in
limiter circuit 38 is a conventional circuit responding common. The diode 52 in the current sensing circuit 42
to the magnitude of the signal present on the output and the diode 60 in the kilowatt sensing unit 44 in each
conductor 18 from the power limit and control circuit sensing circuit 14 of the sensor S are thus connected in
K. The signal on conductor 18 is furnished over an common to the conductor 16. The particular one of
input conductor 40 to the limiter 38, causing the limiter 10 these diodes in the sensor S receiving the highest level
38 to provide an output signal whose magnitude varies input signal is biased into conduction, reverse biasing
in accordance with the amplitude of the signal present the remaining diodes. Thus, the power source M which
on the input conductor 40. The schematic symbol for is most heavily loaded, due either to the current output
the variable limiter 38 is of the type well-known in the present on the conductor 10 or the kilowatt output of
art. Since the variable limiter 38 is conventional, details 15 the power source M present on the conductor 10, re
thereof are not shown in the drawings in order to pre spectively, is sensed in the sensing circuits 14 of the
serve clarity therein. sensor S. In this manner, the most heavily loaded of the
The drive control circuit D thus limits the current power sources M, whether due to the current output or
drawn by load L in the current limit SCR drive unit 24 the kilowatt output, is sensed in the sensor S.
in response to the output signal from the power limit 20 The magnitude of the direct current signal present on
and control circuit K on the conductor 18 and in re the conductor 16 from the conducting diode in the
sponse to the current present on the supply conductor sensing circuit 14 receiving the highest level direct cur
20 to the load L, as is conventional. rent signal also indicates the magnitude of the power
Considering the sensing circuit 14 of the sensor S 25
output from the most heavily loaded of the plural
more in detail (FIG. 3), a current sensing circuit 42 power sources M. In this manner, the sensor S forms a
senses the output current from the power source M signal indicating the magnitude of the power output
with which such sensing circuit is associated, while a from the most heavily loaded of the plural power
kilowatt sensing circuit 44 in the sensing circuit 14 sources M which is provided over the conductor 16 to
senses the kilowatt output of the power source M with 30 the power limit and control circuit K.
which the sensing circuit 14 is associated. . Considering the power limit and control circuit K
A current transformer 46 of the current sensing cir more in detail (FIG. 2), the control circuit K includes
cuit 42 decreases the high current level present on the a comparator amplifier 62 and a control switch 64
conductor 10 to a suitable low level and provides this which limit, in a manner to be set forth below, the
low level current signal to a rectifier 48 in the current 35 power drawn from the power sources M to a magnitude
sensing circuit 42. The rectifier 48 forms a direct cur within the output capabilities of such sources. The
rent signal whose magnitude is determined by the mag comparator amplifier 62 compares the power output of
nitude of the alternating current signal supplied thereto the power sources M, as sensed in the the sensor S, with
from the current transformer 46. A ground return resis a reference power level. The control switch 64 re
tor 50 provides a path for the direct current output of 40 sponds to the output of the comparator amplifier 62
the rectifier 48 in the event a diode 52 in the current and energizes the drive control circuits D of the loads
sensing circuit 42 is not conducting. As will be set forth L to limit the power drawn from the power sources M
below, the diode 52 in the sensing circuit 14 is conduct to a magnitude within the output capabilities of such
ing when the current present on the output conductor sources. The comparator amplifier 62 receives an input
10 for the power source M with which such sensing cir 45 signal at an input terminal 66 from an input resistor 68.
cuit is associated is higher than the current and power The input resistor 68 is electrically connected at a ter
output from the other sensing circuit in the system P. minal 70 to the conductor 16 so that the comparator
A transformer 54 of the kilowatt sensing circuit 44 amplifier 62 receives the output signal of the sensor S
senses the line-to-neutral voltage of the power source indicating the most heavily loaded of the power sources
M with which the sensing circuit 14 is associated. 50 M, formed in the manner set forth above. A bias resis
A phase demodulator-rectifier 56 receives the output tor 72 electrically connects the terminal 70 to a sub
of the transformer 54 representing the line-to-neutral stantial negative DC bias at a bus 73 so that the diodes
voltage of the power source M, as well as the output of in the sensing circuits 14 can conduct properly.
the transformer 46 representing the current output of An input filter including parallel-connected capaci
the power source M. The phase demodulator/rectifier 55 tors 74 and 76 and a resistor 78 connected in series
56 forms an output DC signal which is the product of with the capacitor 76 are electrically connected at the
the input signals and the phase angle cosine therebe input terminal 66 of the comparator amplifier 62 to iso
tween and thus proportional to the kilowatt output of late the amplifier 62 from undesirable and unwanted
the power source M, since the product of the current noise present in the system P.
output, line-to-neutral voltage output and phase angle 60 The comparator amplifier 62 further receives a signal
cosine represents the kilowatt output of the power at an imput terminal 80 from a reference level estab
source M.
A low pass filter 58 is electrically connected to the cuit 82 is in the form ofreference
lishing circuit 82. The level establishing cir
output of the phase demodulator/rectifier 56 and a resistor 84, a resistor 86, a resistornetwork
a resistance including
88 and a resistor
passes the slowly varying direct current signal output 65 90. The resistor network of the reference level estab
from the phase demodulator/rectifier 56 while filtering lishing circuit 82 is electrically connected with a posi
out undesirable higher frequency components. A diode tive DC power supply or reference bus 92. Any suitable
60 is connected to the output of the low pass filter 58
5 6
source of direct current power may be used to energize out an undesirable interruption in the supply of power
the bus 92 and the bus 73. to the loads L.
The resistance values of the resistors 84, 86, 88 and A monitor limit indicator circuit I provides an indica
90 in the resistance network of the reference level es tion to the user of the power sources M and the loads
tablishing circuit 82 are chosen so that the voltage drop L when the load L are drawing power above an estab
lished power threshold. In the preferred embodiment,
thereacross establishes a reference potential at a termi a first monitor limit indicator circuit 132 and a second
nal 92 corresponding, less the voltage drop across a re
sistor 94, to the signal present at input terminal 70 monitor limit indicator circuit 134 are used. The first
when one of the power sources M is providing power 10 plural loads Lindicator
monitor limit
circuit 132 indicates when the
drawing power above a first thresh
at or near its power output capability. A test point 96 old power level, which is some predetermined fraction,
is provided at the terminal 92 for testing and calibra such as one-half power output capability of the sources
tion purposes. M. The second monitor limit indicator circuit 134 indi
The resistor 94 electrically connects the terminal 92
to the input terminal 80 of the comparator amplifier 15 acates when the plural loads L are drawing power above
second threshold power level which is close to the
62, so that the comparator amplifier 62 thus compares power output capabilities of the power sources M, for
the power output of the power sources with a reference example, 95 percent.
power level.
A feedback resistor 98 electrically connects an out byInthe this manner, an operator of the system P is notified
absence of a signal from the first monitor limit
put terminal 100 of the comparator amplifier 62 to the 20 indicator 132 when the power sources M are operating
reference level input terminal 80 to control the level of inefficiently, below some predetermined fraction of
the output signal to an appropriate level compatible their power output capabilities, so that unnecessary
with the variable limiter circuits 38 in the drive control power sources M can be taken off-line. Further, the op
circuits D of the loads L (FIG. 1). A test point 102 is erator is notified by presence of a signal from the sec
provided at the output terminal 100 of the comparator 25 ond monitor limit indicator 134 when the power
amplifier 62 for testing and calibration purposes. A sources M are operating at near their power output ca
suitable output indicator 104 (FIGS. 1 and 2) is electri pabilities, so that an additional power source M can be
cally connected by a conductor 106 to the output ter started and electrically connected to the power com
minal 100 of the comparator amplifier 62 for monitor mon bus B to provide additional power to the loads L.
ing and control purposes. 30 Considering the monitor limit indicator circuit I more
The control switch 64 is in the preferred embodiment in detail, the first monitor limit indicator circuit 132 is .
a field effect transistor (FET) although it should be un energized by a first switch or transistor 136 when a first
derstood that other switching means such as other threshold circuit 138 activates the first switch 136
semiconductors or relays are also suitable for use in the when the power drawn by the plural loads L exceeds
present invention. The control switch 64 is electrically 35 the first power threshold.
connected at a source terminal 108 to the output termi The threshold circuit 138 of the first monitor limit
nal 100 of the comparator amplifier 62. A gate terminal indicator circuit 132 includes a Zener diode 140, a
110 of the control switch 64 is electrically connected diode 142 and a bias resistor 144 electrically connected
to a negative bias bus 112 by a bias resistor 114. A case to a positive direct current bias conductor 146. The
terminal 116 of the control switch 64 is electrically 40 Zener diode 140 is electrically connected by a conduc
grounded at a terminal 118. A drain terminal 120 of the tor 148 and the conductor 106 to output terminal 100
control switch 64 provides an output signal at a termi of the comparator amplifier 62.
nal 122 in response to the output of the comparator 62 The Zener diode 140 has a predetermined voltage
in order to energize the drive control circuits D of the 45 drop thereacross forcing the potential at a terminal 150
loads L to limit the power drawn from the sources M to be a predetermined voltage positive with respect to
to a magnitude within the output capabilities of the the output 100 of the amplifier 62. The magnitude of
sources M. Clamping diodes 124 and 126 limit the po the voltage drop across the Zener diode 140 is chosen
tential variations at the terminal 122. A coupling resis to be of a value such that the voltage present at the out
tor 128 provides the signal present at the terminal 122 50 put 100 of the comparator amplifier 62 when the power
to an ouput terminal 130 electrically connected to the sources M are operating above the predetermined frac
output conductor 18 so that the signal formed in the tion of their power level, the first power threshold level,
control circuit K is provided to the drive control cir taken in conjunction with the voltage drop across the
Zener diode 140 is sufficient to bias a base terminal
cuits D as has been set forth.
During normal equipment operation, the potential of 136b of the transistor 136 positive through a diode 152.
55 This bias of the base terminal 136b causes the transistor
the output terminal 130, for example, is -10 volts DC.
When one or more of the sources M approaches or 136 to conduct, permitting current to flow through a
nears the limit of its power output capabilities, the con lamp, buzzer, or other suitable indicator means 154,
trol circuit Koperates in a "power limit” mode with a indicating that the loads L are drawing power above the
typical output potential between -2 and 0 volts DC. 60 first power threshold level. A collector terminal 136c
It is to be noted that with the control switch 64 in the of the transistor 136 is electrically connected by a
manner set forth above, a failure of bias potential to the diode 156 to a direct current bias bus 158 while an
control circuit K does not cause disconnection of the emitter terminal 136e of the transistor 136 is electri
power sources M from the loads L. Rather the potential cally A
connected to a ground potential at a bus 160.
second threshold circuit 162 of the second monitor
at the terminal 122 is allowed to fluctuate, or float, due 65
to the de-energization of the gate terminal 110 of the connected to acircuit
limit indicator 134 includes diodes 164 and 166
positive direct current bias on the bus
switch 64, thereby permitting continuing supply of
power from the power sources M to the loads L, with 92 through a resistor 168.
7 8
A plurality of diodes, including a diode 170, a diode this manner, the power limit and control system P of
172 and a diode 174 are electrically connected in series the present invention limits the total load imposed
between a ground bus 176 and emitter terminal 178e upon the power sources M by the loads L so that the
of a transistor 178. The diodes 170, 172 and 174 bias most heavily loaded power source M does not exceed
the emitter terminal 178e of the transistor 178 to a the power output level set by the reference power level
point where the transistor 178 is not biased into con input signal to the comparator amplifier 62.
duction until the voltage present at the output 100 of The foregoing disclosure and description of the in
the comparator amplifier 62 has reached a level corre vention are illustrative and explanatory thereof, and
sponding to the second power threshold level at or near various changes in the size, shape, materials, wiring
the power output capabilities of the power sources M 10 connections and contacts as well as in the details of the
then operating. When the output of the comparator illustrated circuitry and construction may be made
amplifier 62 reaches such a level, the transistor 178 is without departing from the spirit of the invention.
biased into conduction at a base terminal 178b by the I claim:
signal through the diode 164, permitting current to 1. A power limit system for limiting the power drawn
flow to a second monitor level indicator 180 indicating 15 from a plurality of power sources by a plurality of
that the power sources M are operating at or near their loads, each of the loads having drive control circuits
power output capabilities. w therewith, to a magnitude within the output capabilities
The equipment operator may then take necessary of such sources, comprising:
corrective action by energizing one or more additional a. sensor means for sensing the most heavily loaded
power sources M and electrically connecting these 20
of the plurality of power sources, said sensor means
sources M to the power common bus B, or removing comprising:
and electrically disconnecting one or more loads L 1. Current sensor means for sensing the current
from the bus B. m
output from the plurality of power sources; and
A pair of parallel connected resistors 182 and 184 2. Kilowatt sensor means for sensing the kilowatt
electrically connect the emitter 178e of the transistor 25 output from the plurality of power sources.
178 to a negative bias bus 186. A collector terminal b. comparator means for comparing the output of
178c of the transistor 178 is electrically connected to said sensor means with a reference power level;
a positive bias bus 188 through a diode 190 so that the and
transistor 178 may be biased into conduction at the 30 c. control means responsive to said comparator
proper time upon receipt of a signal at the base termi means for energizing the drive control circuits of
nal 178b in the manner set forth above.
In the operation of the present invention, the equip the loads to limit the power drawn from the group
ment operator energizes the anticipated requisite num of power sources to a magnitude within the output
ber of power sources M to drive the loads L at a satis capabilities of the power sources.
factory operating level. The power sources M provide 35 2. The system of claim 1, wherein said current sensor
operating power over the power common bus B to the means comprises:
load L in the manner set forth above. While the power means for sensing the largest current output from the
sources M are providing such power, there are two fac plurality of power sources.
tors which typically cause one of the power sources M 3. The system of claim 1, wherein said kilowatt sen
to trip off-line. These two factors are excess horse 40 sor means comprises:
power being drawn beyond the power output capability means for sensing the largest kilowatt output from
of the power source M or excess amperage being drawn the plurality of power sources.
from the power source M causing the circuit breaker 4. The system of claim 1, wherein said sensor means
therein to trip. comprises:
The sensor S including the sensing circuits 14 associ 45 means for forming a signal indicating the magnitude
ated with each of the power sources M monitors the of the power output from the most heavily loaded
generator kilowatt output and the generator amperage of the plurality of power sources.
for each of the power sources M, determining which of 5. The system of claim 1, further including:
the power sources M is the most heavily loaded, means for establishing a predetermined reference
whether such loading is in the form of current output 50 power level.
or kilowatt output. The signal representing the most 6. The system of claim 1, further including:
heavily loaded of the power sources M, and the amount output indicator means for indicating the output of
of such loading, is provided at the conductor 18 to the said comparator means. s:
control circuit K where it is compared with the refer 55 7. The system of claim 1, further including:
ence power level, and the difference therebetween is monitor limit indicator means for indicating when the
amplified in the comparator amplifier 62. The output plurality of loads are drawing power above a power
of the comparator amplifier 62 is then furnished threshold.
through the control switch 64 over the conductor 18 to 8. The system of claim 7, wherein said monitor limit
the conductors 40 and variable limiters 38 in order to 60 indicator means includes:
control the drive control circuits D of the loads L and switch means for energizing said monitor limit indica
limit the current drawn by the loads L. tOr means.
During normal equipment operation, the potential of 9. The system of claim 8, wherein said monitor limit
the output terminal 130, for example, is -10 volts DC. indicator means further includes:
When one or more of the sources M approaches or 65 threshold means for activating said switch means
nears the limit of its power output capabilities, the con when the power drawn by the plurality of loads ex
trol circuit K operates in a “power limit' mode with a ceeds the power threshold. . .
typical output potential between 2 and 0 volts DC. In 10. The system of claim 1, further including:
a... first monitor limit indicator means for indicating and limiting the power drawn from such sources to a
when the plurality of loads are drawing power magnitude within the capabilities of such sources, com
above a first threshold level; and prising the steps of:
b. second monitor limit indicator means for indicat a. sensing the most heavily loaded of the power
ing when the loads are drawing power above a sec sources, said step of sensing comprising the steps
ond threshold level. of:
11. The system of claim 10, wherein: 1. sensing the current output from the sources;
a said first monitor limit indicator means includes 2. sensing the kilowatt output from the sources;
switch means for energizing said first monitor limit b. comparing the power output of the most heavily
indicator means; and 10 loaded of the power sources with a reference
b. said second monitor limit indicator means includes power level; and .. ..
switch means for energizing said second monitor c. energizing the drive control circuits of the loads to
limit indicator means. limit the power drawn from the group of power
12. The system of claim 11, wherein: sources to a magnitude within the output capabili
a. said first monitor limit indicator means includes 15
ties of the power sources when the reference power
threshold means for activating said switch means level is reached.
when the power drawn by the plurality of loads ex 14. The method of claim 13, wherein said steps of
ceeds the first power threshold; and sensing comprise the steps of:
b. said second monitor limit indicator means includes
said threshold means for activating said switch 20 a. sensing the largest current output from the
means when the power drawn by the plurality of sources; and
loads exceeds the second power threshold. b. sensing the largest kilowatt output from the
13. A method of monitoring the power capability of SOCCS.
ck k :k k k
a group of power sources having drive control circuits









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