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Role of Youth in Society

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Role of youth in society

Youth are back bone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and
courageous behavior. They are here to show us that which we have not been willing to look at within
ourselves.Unfortunately today we find the youth those who are more interested in other places which are not
useful to them as well as nation.They chooses to spend their days doing drugs and playing video games. they spends
their nights partying and living it up, so to speak.More and more young men of this age group are sitting at home in
front of their televisions playing games all day instead of bettering themselves or going to work. They have no vision
and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them.

We must get control of this. We must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting. I fear if we
do not we will soon be supporting an entire generation of homeless and needlessly on welfare families. Things have
to change, with our schools, with the older generation being good role models, with the older generation being
mentors, and with the youth who are right now doing nothing

Those of you are in age of teen, You have a choice. You can allow yourselves to stay your course and do nothing or
you can rise above what the cynics around you expect and go get educated or get jobs. Show the older generation
they are wrong about you. Let them know you have intelligence and skills. Show yourself what you are made of. You
might be surprised at how proud of yourself you become with even the smallest of accomplishments. I can tell you
that nothing can happen if you do not try, bad or good. You will not become rich overnight either way but at least if you
make an effort, then you have begun your journey to your dreams.

Vision 2020 can be better described as vision 20/20. That is the perfect vision in American style and this 20/20 vision
can be achieved only by young generation of India. It is well known that India is home to a significant proportion of
youth of the world today. All the imperialists of the world are eyeing India as a source of technical manpower. They are
looking at our boys and girls as a source of talents at low costs for their future super profits. If Indian youth make up
their mind and work in close unity with working class people, they can foil the plans of Imperialism and Bourgeoisie.
The plunder of India can be ended with political power in their hands. The workers, peasants, women and youth will
ensure that there is work for all. They will ensure that what is produces is geared towards providing adequacy for all
members of society.

Unfortunately no one is bothered to dream any such vision. Martin Luther has said, "I have a Dream" and the dream
come largely true. If he had not thought of that dream he would have accomplished nothing in his life. To climb high
one has to think of climbing the Everest. One may not go higher than 10000 feet but even that will not be attained if
you have no better dreams of going up to the top floor of your office in a life.

In recent years the world has come to look at India with renewed respect, recognizing a strong and prosperous global
power in the world. It is also a future when the fabled richness of India's art, culture, intellectual explorations and
spirituals pursuits will begin to show its full radiance bringing much success to the troubled spirit of Modern India.

Is it a dream? Yes. Is it an impossible dream? No, it's not. This can be done by the Youth of Indains. Youth is the
spring of Life. It is the age of discovery and dreams. When they dream they dream not only for the good future of
themselves but also for the good future for nation and entire humanity. Their dreams take them to stars and galaxies
to the far corners of the unknown and some of them like our own Kalpana Chawla pursue their dream, till they realize
it and die for it in process.

If any section of the society in any country is most important for change, again it is the young people. Patriotism
comes naturally to young people, but they also respond early to the call of Internationalism. The hopes of the youth
1. A world free of poverty, unemployment, inequality and exploitation of man by man.
2. A world free of discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, language and gender.
3. A world full of creative challenges and opportunities to conquer them.

But these are not just the empty hopes. Modern science and technology and increasing vistas of Socio Economic
cooperation among nations have brought these hopes out in the reach of realization. In recent times Terrorism has
emerged as one of the gravest threat to peace and democratic policy. Youth are drawn between acts of terrorism. In
some cases it is not the terrorism, but a freedom struggle. This is how our neighbors are trying to justify its policy of
cross border terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. Youth organizations should carry out an awareness campaign to
expose justification or condoning of terrorism anywhere and under whatever pretext.

Role of Youth:

1. The youth can play a vital role in the implementation of elimination of terrorism. If the energy, intelligence and
resources of youth are fully and properly utilized the country will prosper.
2. The youth will have to compete with sporting spirit. Just look at the spirit of Internationalism that today prevails
in the cricketing world. With the start of any cricket tournament, no matters which team wins, Cricket wins,
Youthfulness will won. The spirit of oneness will win.
3. The youth would need to Aspire for entrepreneurship rather than conventional employment.
4. The hopes of young people can be fulfilled only in conditions of peace, only in a civilized and cooperative world
5. Young people are full of vibrant ideas. When properly motivated and sufficiently guided they want in their life.
6. Young people have energy to try out things and the patience to learn from mistakes. Giving them opportunities
to plan, to decide and to work prepares them to face harsher realities in life.
7. Young participation is important because youth are the country's power. Youth recognize problems and can
solve them. Youth are strong forces in social movements. They educate children about their rights. They help
other young people attain a higher level of Intellectual ability and to become qualified adults.

What should be the vision of Young generation for India 2020? Vision 2020 says that:

1. Instead of Brain drain, we can be the magnets for bright minds world over.
2. Our Judicial system could be a model for fairness, promptness and incorruptibility.
3. Our Legislatures could be an acme of integrity, farsightedness and purposefulness.
4. Our habitats could be clean with abundant municipal services.
5. Our youth can be the Olympic Champions.
6. We can have 100% Literacy.
7. The Per Capita Income can go up in Geometric Proportions.
8. We can have full employment.
9. We can earn the reputation of being the most transparent and honest nation.
10. We could be the most competitive Nation.

India can become a developed nation only if everyone contributes to the best of his or her capacity and ability. Youth
is wholly experimental and with the full utilization of the talents of the Youth, India will become a complete Nation. Let
us hope for the same.
'Youth is like a fire
It crept forward.
A Spark at first
Growing into a flame
The brightening into a Blaze'.

The dynamic roles that youth play in global conflict situations and explores how they have been mobilized effectively
as actors in civil violence, with an eye to applications for peacebuilding and development. Considered in historical
perspective, young people are posited as key "engines" of socio-political change, but seldom its primary "engineers"
(the ideational leaders and power brokers in government, civil society, militant and gang networks). Case studies
drawn from around the world demonstrate how youth marginalization links with demographic stressors (such as
"youth bulges") to serve as catalyst and exacerbating factor in civil conflicts usually couched in terms of class,
religion, ethnicity, and/or social anarchy. Lessons from these cases ground the paper's recommendations for
implementing youth-focused development policies that create incentives to empower at-risk youth for more productive
civic and economic participation in their home societies.

First, the right of youth to appropriate education, training and work. In the Bahá'í view, all youth must benefit from a
system of universal education. The education youth should receive must not only involve training in the skills
necessary for gainful employment through the practice of a trade or profession, but also provide moral and spiritual
enlightenment. Both kinds of education are essential.

Training in a trade or profession is strongly emphasized in the Bahá'í Writings, in the recognition that work is a form of
service and worship. Special attention is given in the Bahá'í teachings to the often neglected education of young
women. It is important that at all levels of activity, in both the family and the community, youth be given the opportunity
to pursue activities and develop skills that will enable them to engage in trades and professions which are of service
to their fellow human beings.

While training in the sciences, arts and professions is important, youth will be able to offer their fullest contribution to
society only when they receive proper moral and spiritual education. This education must be directed towards
fostering in youth a consciousness of the oneness of mankind. It is the Bahá'í conviction that only the establishment
of unity and agreement among the peoples of the world can cure the world's deeply-rooted ills. Youth have a special
responsibility to develop a global perspective and values based on such qualities as love, truthfulness, kindness,
justice and esteem for all members of humanity. Youth must be assisted in developing these qualities both within the
family, which is the foundation of society, and within the community to which they belong.

We now turn to the second major area upon which we would like to comment -- namely, the role of youth in promoting
social and economic development. The Bahá'í teachings emphasize that youth have a crucial role to play in
improving the economic, social and spiritual life of the planet. To quote from the Bahá'í Writings:

"The present conditions of the world -- its economic instability, social dissensions, political dissatisfaction and
international distrust -- should awaken the youth from their slumber and make them enquire what the future is going
to bring. It is surely they who will suffer most if some calamity sweep over the world. They should therefore open their
eyes to the existing conditions, study the evil forces that are at play and then with a concerted effort arise and bring
about the necessary reforms -- reforms that shall contain within their scope the spiritual as well as social and political
phases of human life."

Accordingly, youth, including young women, should be able to participate actively in implementing projects dedicated
to improving living conditions, upraising the quality of human life, and developing the self-reliance of their
communities. In particular, during International Youth Year and beyond, youth could be encouraged to participate
actively in rural development projects; to promote the spread of literacy; to participate in projects aimed at improving
health care and medical treatment; to contribute to community service programmes of a humanitarian nature; and to
develop ties with youth in other countries in order to exchange thoughts and ideas and to inspire coordinated efforts
among youth to improve social conditions throughout the world. Bahá'í youth in all parts of the world are already
gaining valuable experience in these areas.

In order for youth to contribute to the enjoyment of human rights and the establishment of world peace, the world
community must provide the necessary means for educating youth in both practical skills and spiritual values. At the
same time, to achieve this full enjoyment of human rights youth must also be at the forefront of efforts to promote
social and economic progress and justice. On the occasion of International Youth Year, we would like to reiterate the
commitment of Bahá'í communities around the world to work towards both these important goals.

Climate change is one of the most critical global challenges of our times. Recent events have emphatically
demonstrated our growing vulnerability to climate change. Climate change impacts range from affecting agriculture,
further endangering food security, to sea-level rise and the accelerated erosion of coastal zones increasing the
intensity of natural disasters, species extinction, and spread of vector-borne diseases. This issue is of immense
importance for every global citizen. Hence it requires an initiative against it globally. [1]

Youth play a crucial role in combating climate change. A questionnaire-based pilot survey was conducted in Pune city
of Maharashtra state, Indiam to assess awareness about climate change among the college going youth. Amongst
201 respondents 66.2% were males and 33.8% were females studying in various faculties or courses. About 98.5%
respondents said global climate is changing, 95.5% of the respondents also commented that human activities
contribute to climate change. The study also assessed awareness regarding major international organizations and
panels working on global climate change and its effects. Only 45.3% of the respondents knew about the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and the Kyoto Protocol while 45.8% were aware of the
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which conducts scientific analysis of climate change, global
warming and its impacts. About 54.5% of the respondents believed that youth could play a major role in combating
climate change.

As per the 60th annual DPI/NGO conference organized by the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI)
in collaboration with the NGO/DPI, an executive committee meet on "Climate Change: How It Impacts Us All" was
held from September 5 to 7, 2007, at the United Nations Headquarters. It stressed the role of youth, the next
generation which inhabits the Earth and inherits the responsibility to protect the planet, in fighting the complex
scientific problems and social quandaries presented by climate change. Youth education represents one of the most
effective tools to combat the destructive potential of climate change and cultivate an international understanding
among members of the next generation since it is a long-term process that will impact an infinite number of future
generations. [2]

The theme of International Youth Day, 2008, was "Youth and Climate change: Time for action." In his address, Ban
Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations said young people who are adept at spreading new habits and
technologies are well placed to contribute to the fight against climate change. Mr. Ban stressed: "They (youth) are
adaptable and can quickly make low-carbon lifestyles and career choices a part of their daily lives. Youth should
therefore be given a chance to take an active part in the decision-making of local, national and global levels. They can
actively support initiatives that will lead to the passage of far-reaching legislation." [3]

A more defined role should be given to the youth to prevent the impact of climate change. It is essential to conduct
major studies among youth regarding awareness about climate change as well as role of youth in combating climate

The individuals /peace lover youth groups/civil society organization, are requested to join this Peace walk. The theme
is to promote youths and other like minded persons, in society so that non violence , peaceful , demo crate , tolerant
and pleural society may be strengthened.

You are well come to join this walk, with Peace loving slogans , play cards/art work or any more material , supporting
the theme, with you in peace walk.
The Promoting Tolerance and Dialogue through Interactive Theater in Eastern Indonesia is a one-year program
funded by Great Britain's Strategic Program Fund and implemented by IREX Europe, IREX and the Center for Civic
Education Indonesia (CCEI). The project aims to bring youth from conflict and post conflict areas in Eastern Indonesia
into productive dialogue for conflict prevention through the use of interactive theater and to build local capacity for
ongoing conflict prevention and mitigation

Engaging youth in dialogue about conflict, extremism and intolerance using interactive theater techniques to reduce
the influence of extremist groups.

Promoting Tolerance and Peace in Children

Tips for Parents and Schools

National Association of School Psychologists

A natural reaction to horrific acts of violence like school shootings and terrorist attacks is the desire to lash out and
punish the perpetrators. People who are angry or frightened often feel that the ability to "fight back" puts them more in
control or will alleviate their sense of pain. While anger is a normal response felt by many, we must ensure that we do
not compound an already tragic situation and react against innocent individuals with vengeance and intolerance.
There is a tremendous risk of unfairly stigmatizing people—in this country and around the world— who may look like
"our perceived enemies," because of their apparent race, language, religion, the way they dress, etc.

Children, in particular, may have difficulty channeling their feelings appropriately and can easily pick up negative or
demeaning cues given by adults around them. Given the diversity of America's schools, some students may become
targets of hostility and blame. Bullying and harassment are never acceptable but they can be especially damaging
when certain students or segments of society feel especially vulnerable. Parents and school personnel need to be
prepared to quickly and effectively prevent and intervene in the presence of abusive behaviors toward any students.
Such behaviors can only further contribute to the risk of violence in schools and communities.

Adults can help children understand the importance of treating all people with dignity and not judging groups of
people for the actions of a few. Most importantly, adults must model tolerance and compassion in their words and
behavior. They should also encourage children to explore their feelings about prejudice and hate. Doing so is not only
critical to preventing further harm, but the process presents a potentially powerful opportunity for our young people to
learn and incorporate into their values the true strength of our country—our commitment to individual freedom and
upholding the respect and dignity of all people.

Key Messages

1. Violence and hate are never solutions to anger. Perpetrators of violence—against fellow students or against
our country--cause tremendous harm because they act violently against innocent people out of blind hate. We
must not act like them by lashing out at innocent people around us, or "hating" them because of their origins,
their appearance or their choice of dress.
2. Groups of people should not be judged by the actions of a few. It is wrong to condemn an entire group of
people by association of religion, race, homeland, affiliations or even proximity. No one likes to be blamed or
threatened for the actions of others.
3. America is strong because of our diversity. Known as the great "melting-pot" of the world, American democracy
is founded on respect for individual differences. Those differences in culture, religion, ideas, ethnicity and
lifestyle have contributed to the strength and richness of our country.
4. All people deserve to be treated with fairness, respect and dignity. Certainly individuals that are proven to be
guilty of a crime should be punished. No matter how angry we are over these terrible crimes, our Constitution
ensures fair and equitable treatment under the law for all Americans.
5. Vengeance and justice are not necessarily the same. Justice means punishing the real perpetrators, not
innocent people. Hurting other children and neighbors will not make us safer, stop terrorists, or help punish
students who harm or harass classmates. It will only add to the hate and anger, increasing the risk of further
6. We are in this together. People of all ethnicities are hurt by terrorism and other acts of senseless violence. We
need to support each other, comfort each other, and work together to help those most in need during difficult
7. History shows us that intolerance only causes harm. Some of our country's darkest moments resulted from
prejudice and intolerance for our own people because individuals acted out of fear. We must not repeat terrible
mistakes such as our inappropriate, often violent treatment and ignorance of minority groups.
8. We need to work for peace in our communities and around the world. By reaching out to our classmates,
friends, and neighbors from diverse backgrounds, we can help heal the wounds from tragic events and build
stronger, more resilient communities.
9. Tolerance is a lifelong endeavor. Although it is critical today to protect our classmates and neighbors from
harassment, the issues of tolerance and inclusion go beyond this period in our national life together. We must
embrace these values towards all Americans for all time. This includes all races, religions, ethnicities, sexual
orientations, and those with special needs.

Tips for Parents and Teachers

1. Model tolerance and compassion.Children take their emotional cues from the significant adults in their lives.
Avoid making negative statements about any racial, ethnic, or religious group. Reach out to your neighbors
and colleagues who might feel at risk because of their ethnicity, religion or other traits.
2. Provide useful information. Accurate information about people, events, reactions, and feelings is empowering.
Use language that is developmentally appropriate for children. Make sure that all information is factually true.
This is especially important when news reports have negative statements about any specific group.
3. Avoid stereotyping people or countries. Children can easily generalize negative statements to students in their
classes and community. Focusing on the nationality of terrorists or the affiliations or appearance of other
perpetrators of violence can create prejudice, anger, and mistrust for innocent groups of people. Be clear about
your statements and biases, and help children understand their own prejudices.
4. Stop any type of harassment or bullying immediately. Make it clear that such behavior is unacceptable. Talk to
the children involved about the reasons for their behavior. Offer alternative methods of expressing their anger,
confusion, or insecurity.
5. Address the issue of blame factually. Explore who and what may be to blame for this event. Use non-
speculative terms. Do not suggest any group is responsible. Do not repeat the speculations of others,
including newscasters. Do not encourage or allow random blaming; but understand that self-blame may be a
way for students to feel "in control" (something different they "could have done" or "could do" in the future). Be
careful to ensure students from targeted groups do not assume blame in order to make classmates feel better.
Blaming is especially difficult in terrorist situations because someone is at fault. However, explain that the
actions of a few individuals cannot be blamed on any racial or ethnic group. Help kids resist the tendency to
want to "pin the blame" on someone close by. In this country, we still believe that all people are innocent until
solid, reliable evidence from our legal authorities proves otherwise.
6. Discuss how it would feel to be blamed unfairly by association. Ask children if they have ever gotten in trouble
for something a sibling or friend did and how they felt. Would they like it if their entire class were punished for
the actions of one student and if they think this would be fair? Older children might want to consider what would
have happened if all white American males had been condemned for the Oklahoma City bombing.
7. Explore children's fears. Even children who can describe what happened may not be able to express fears,
questions, or describe assumptions or conclusions they may have made. Use activities, role-playing, and
discussions to explore their fears about the events and their feelings about various groups from diverse
cultures or lifestyles.
8. Emphasize positive, familiar images of diverse groups. Identify people of diverse ethnicities, religions and/or
lifestyles that children know and who have a positive place in their lives. These could be neighbors, friends,
school personnel, health care professionals, members of their faith community, or local merchants. Discuss the
many characteristics, values, and experiences the children have in common with these people.
9. Identify "heroes" of varying backgrounds involved in response to traumatic events. These include firefighters,
police officers, rescue workers, military personnel, public officials, medical workers, teachers, faith leaders,
public figures, and regular citizens who work to help keep students, families, schools, and communities safe.
10. Undertake projects to help those in need with people from diverse backgrounds. Helping others is part of the
healing process. Working with classmates or members of the community who come from different
backgrounds not only enables children to feel that they are making a positive contribution, it also reinforces
their sense of commonality with diverse people.
11. Discuss historical instances of American intolerance. Internment of Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor
and the backlash against Arab Americans during the Gulf War are obvious examples. Teachers can do lessons
in class, but parents can also discuss the consequences of these events and encourage their children to
suggest better choices that Americans can make this time.
12. Learn about the diverse communities and faiths represented in your area. Knowledge debunks myths about
other people and can humanize other cultures. In school, have children share information about their family or
cultural customs to reinforce the notion that all people have special beliefs and rituals.
13. Read books with your children or students that address prejudice, tolerance, and hate. There are many, many
stories appropriate for varying age groups that can help children think about and define their feelings regarding
these issues. The school or local librarian can make recommendations.

Additional Tips for Schools

1. Provide parents with information. Send home materials on class lessons, book titles, resources for further
information, and opportunities to help. Enlist support from parents to prevent "teasing, bullying or abuse" of any
students. Consider implementation of one of the proven bullying prevention curricula, such as "Bullyproof Your
2. Train all school personnel. Every school professional should be trained to model tolerance and intervene
immediately if a child is being bullied. This includes bus drivers, lunchroom and playground monitors, after
school program leaders, coaches and extracurricular activities directors.
3. Share information with community groups. Provide talking points, information, and intervention strategies to
local community organizations dealing with children. This can include local libraries, youth programs,
recreational facilities, and the media.

The world is going through a turbulent environment in this era of intense globalization with awful amount of
competition for businesses, and of fierce struggle for nations in gaining attention for trade, tourism, investment and
other issues. Nation branding can extend a significant helping hand in this regard, especially for disadvantageous
country like Bangladesh. Bangladesh, regrettably, faces a reputation challenge which is popularly known as its
"image problem". This challenge of the image problem is of two folds. One is some unfavorable realities which are to
rectify over time while the other requires devising an effective communication strategy which will adequately transmit
the primary strength of the country to the world at large.

Country branding refers to the earning of image and reputation for a country by utilizing its inner talents and
opportunities which are original and inspiring to the outer world. It is closely related to its identity, requires a lot of
'soul-searches' and ultimately coming up with some associations that is believed internally and appealing externally.

The need for mobilising like-minded people at the national level and creating among them an awareness of the
dangers involved in communal hatred and conflicts and of the need for joining hands and protesting against such
divisive and destructive and forces was strongly felt. The "National Convention on Communal Harmony" was the
outcome of this common concern the "National Convention on Communal Harmony" was the outcome of this ... in
India played an important role in planning this convention. ... To wean away the youth of this country from falling
victims to communalisation. ...

Communal Harmony

Mankind demands the realization of diverse values to ensure their individual and collective well being. It is also
observed that certain communal forces in the society engage in exploitation, oppression, persecution, and other
forms of deprivation resulting in disturbing communal harmony. Based on these observations are the beginnings of
what today are called "human rights" and the legal processes, national and international, associated with them.

The principle of human rights has widespread acceptance domestically and internationally, however, there is no
complete agreement on the nature of such rights or their substantive scope. Despite this lack of consensus, certain
fundamental aspects are widely accepted. Regardless of their ultimate origin or justification, human rights are
understood to represent individual and group demands for the shaping and sharing of power, wealth, spiritual pursuit,
and other cherished values in community process. Most fundamental are the value of respect and its constituent
elements of reciprocal tolerance and mutual forbearance in the pursuit of all other values. Consequently, they imply
claims against persons and institutions that impede realization, and standards for judging the legitimacy of laws and

The Charter of the United Nations (1945) begins by reaffirming a "faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity
and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small." It states that
the purposes of the United Nations are, among other things, "to develop friendly relations among nations based on
respect for the principle of equal rights and self determination of peoples . . . [and] to achieve international co-
operation . . . in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without
distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion . . . ." And, in two key articles, all members "pledge themselves to
take joint and separate action in cooperation with the Organization" for the achievement of these and related

In our society, it is the responsibility of every individual to preserve harmony and protect individual rights. Recently
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu was rocked by bomb blasts on February 14th 1998, and since then the police in various
parts of the state have discovered a huge quantity of explosives. These terrorist actions were blamed the police on Al-
Umma, a Muslim fundamentalist organisation that has its base in Kottaimedu, a predominantly Muslim area in
Coimbatore. Many looked with suspicion on their Muslim neighbors and men and women who had lived earlier in love
and harmony now considered their neighbors as their enemies.

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