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7 | Listowel Banner | Wednesday, March 27, 2019

spond. If someone wants to
see something or send a vid-
eo, you just take it then send


it. It also lets you decide to
keep the picture or not. It
makes our interaction even
more enjoyable and builds

TODAY'S YOUTH our relationships with

many people. We all know
that social media is similar
ments through technology.
Technology is not the devil -
it is here to help us and
to Facebook, but have you makes us and actually
JAYLA YUNGBLUT AND NEVAH HUTCHISON ever looked at both of them AND SOPHIA MARLES makes us more knowledge-
at the same time? Chances able. By the way, how many
WANT TO HELP ADULTS UNDERSTAND are that you know Facebook MADDIE want to. We think it is im- hours of screen time are you
has a lot of sponsorships ELLIS portant to develop and learn getting in a day?
JAYLA late a question in our own and misinformation. Older SOPHIA about relationships early SWEARING
YUNGBLUT way so we understand. people are used to those, but MARLES on. It can be good practice Our parents don't want
NEVAH Some adults think the dif- with all the new technology and can teach positive hab- us to swear even though
HUTCHISON ferent ways are bad, but a lot younger people are not! its, like good communica- they sometimes swear in
of youth feel it is better. They are better with Insta- tion, respect and responsi- front of us, but then they say
School also uses technology gram than Facebook. De- The world has changed bility as well as boundaries. "do not repeat what I just
to help us learn and collab- spite how adults think we from when today's adults We wish that parents would said." Here's an idea, just
Adults love to judge kids. orate, including Google are irresponsible on social were children and they loosen up and remember don't swear. It doesn't make
They think we don't know apps such as docs and drive. media, we also know that it don't understand us (today's what it was like to be young you sound "cool," it actually
what we are doing, or that Docs is just like Microsoft is easier to make a private youth) and things we do. It's and have crushes. makes you seem immature
we don't have good morals. Office but more "up to date." account on Instagram. That time to bring them up to THE NEW TECH and childish. It is now the
They seem to forget that we It is easier to see how many matters. So keep in mind date on the dating scene, Adults don't seem to real- 21st century - there has got-
are born after their time. It words are in your document that most youth use social technology and bad lan- ize that technology is all ta be better ways to express
is different now. We want to or if you accidentally dele- media to be safe, connect guage. around us. We were born in- yourself then yelling ob-
help those mothers and fa- ted something you can get it with others, and share kind- DATING to a world full of technology. scenities. Set a good exam-
thers, or even just adults, back way easier then rewrit- ness. Parents don't get that Parents think that we are ple for your children.
know what your teen might ing it or copying it on docs. I know that if you take kids are more mature now a only using devices to play Adults: welcome to the
think you don't understand! You can share, collaborate, this information we have days and soon enough kids games and message our 2019, where we aren't as na-
One of the main things and seek feedback -- just like given you to heart, you and are going to start dating at friends. What our parents ive and immature as you
that adults just don't get we did for this article. the youth in your life will get the ages of 11 and up. Par- don't understand is that think. We aren't slaves to
about youth are the many School has changed. It's along. Remember that today ents just don't understand most the time we are actual- the screens.were no more
new ways of school. For ex- called progress. is way different then when and have the opposite opin- ly doing school work. The attached as you are. Swear-
ample, today's math is dif- Social media is really you were a kid. And that's ion of their kids. They think school board and teachers ing just isn't so peachy.
ferent than it was back popular these days, and it OK! It might even be better. it's inappropriate to start are doing their part to save Time for some perspective.
when our parents were chil- should be. We are able to dating too early, that we are the environment by reduc-
dren. You did math one or connect to many people and Jayla Yungblut and too young, immature and ing the amount of paper Maddie Ellis and So-
two ways and that was it. build quality relationships. Nevah Hutchison are stu- naive be in relationships used in schools and they are phia Marles are students at
Now you can learn math a Snapchat is great! It is like dents at North Perth West- but we think that kids moving forward with the North Perth Westfield
lot of ways and sometimes messaging, but easier to field Elementary School in should be allowed to start times by assigning home- Elementary School in Lis-
teachers want us to calcu- take pictures, reply, and re- Listowel. dating at the age of 11 if they work and other assign- towel.

that there wasn't as much
sports and extracurricular
ing me what my friends are
activities going on when
they were younger. The el-
doing on the weekend, and der ones in our family may
NATHAN days don't understand how video games is also easier ing out with friends and not my answer is normally hock- think this is too much but re-
TORMEY communication has than calling because most making our parents do it. ey. Most of the people I hang ally it helps with time man-
Column changed. Time has gone kids like video games and Furthermore, it helps with out with play higher level agement and other life skills.
from calling or going over to have gaming consoles like strategizing if you had to hockey than me and their This is another one of those
someone's house to texting XBox and PS4. Online games take out enemies of an on- schedules almost never line this things our parents are
and talking on video games have just recently added in line video game. Devices can up with mine. When our el- still adjusting to.
Times are changing. with each other. It is now game talking and that wasn't allow you to work on the ders were kids, there wasn't I know people don't like
Things aren't the same as easier to text someone be- there when older genera- same slideshow but on dif- all these things such as hock- change but it is inevitable. I
they were when adults were cause cell phones are a ne- tions played them. My par- ferent things such as, iPads, ey, soccer and volunteering hope this article helps you
kids and now they are still cessity now and everyone ents are always nagging Chromebooks and laptops. as coaches going on in their older people grasp some of
adapting to this change. has them. When parents and about spending too much Times are changing and lives. Adults are starting to the changes going on around

These are a couple things grandparents were young, time playing my iPad or communication is changing understand that schedules you.
that adults don't understand there weren't phones this ad- XBox when really it is more with it. just keep getting busier. In
about kids in the twenty first vanced. In addition, it is a lot of a social catch up while do- SCHEDULE fact, I know this because my Nathan Tormey is a
century. easier to text someone if they ing something that you en- People are busier than ev- parents have said that this is student at North Perth
COMMUNICATION want to hangout then call joy. These devices help us er and our older family the busiest times in their life Westfield Elementary
Adults and seniors these them. Communication on kids with organizing hang- members are still adapting. because of sports and work. School in Listowel.

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