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Aircraft Armament Abroad: Modern Practice Reme-Zved: The Con-Tinental Vogue Oj The

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88 FLIGHT. JANUARY 24, 1935.


Modern Practice
Reme-zved : The Con-
tinental Vogue oj the
" Canon " : Heavily
Armed Fighters : High-
powered Engines :
Sheltered Gunners

A GENERAL increase in the armament of standard

fighting aircraft may soon be expected. I t is
common knowledge by this time t h a t the
single-seater day and night fighters built to
specification F . 7 / 3 0 of the British Air Ministry have
four machine guns, or twice as many as are mounted by Excellent fighting view and heavy armament are features
the machines they are intended to replace. Similar, il not of the Polish P.Z.L. P.24. Note, in this view, the " valley "
greater, increases in the fire power of single-seaters are for the machine guns
indicated on the Continent. There, designers are going a
step farther. They are not merely duplicating machine- this large rise in weight one might sacrifice some of the
gun armament, but are fitting small-bore canons, the de- forward fixed armament and, in its place, have a rear
velopment of which has been so carefully fostered in gunner with all his attendant advantages while maintain-
France. ing a performance substantially similar to that of the
These amplifications of the attacking power of single- single-seater. The Mureaux 180 C.2 monoplane exhibited
staters have resulted from the realisation that this type at the Paris Show is an example of a two-seater fighter
of machine has very definite limitations. If an aircraft derived from a single-seater—in this case the 170 C.I. Both
can fire only in one direction, designers are saying, then types employ an Hispano-Suiza " X " engine of 650 h.p.—
fire power must be as heavy as possible compatible with that in the two-seater is an Xcrs moteur canon (i.e., it has
the retention of the fighter's essential qualities of speed a gun lying between the cylinder banks and firing through
and manoeuvrability. So they mount additional and larger the centre of a geared airscrew shaft)—and the performance
guns, and find that their aeroplanes, if they are to compete of the two-seater is little inferior to t h a t of its predecessor.
with more lightly armed machines, must be correspondingly Perhaps the most formidable-looking single-seater fighter
higher-powered. Consequently, this increase in armament exhibited at the Paris Show, and probably the most power-
is one of the reasons that we find Continental single-seaters ful in existence in Europe a t the time, was the Polish
with Hispano " Y " type engines or Gnome-Rhone K.i4's P.Z.L " Super P.24 " with a 900 h.p. Gnome-Rhone K.14
of 800 or 900 h . p . engine, two 20 mm. Oerlikon canons, and two machin
Certain schools of military thought maintain that with guns. The canons are mounted in large fairings at the

Two French bicanon single-seaters : The Loire 46C.1 and the Dewoitine D.372, with small-bore quick-firers mounted in
their wings.

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