PatternsofOrganization PDF
PatternsofOrganization PDF
PatternsofOrganization PDF
Patterns of organization show the relationships between supporting details in paragraphs, essays, and chapters.
The organization of the supporting details helps you understand how an author thinks and helps you remember
what you read. While the table below explains the characteristics of the patterns and gives sample signals and
sentences, keep in mind that there may be additional signals not mentioned. Plus, a topic sentence or thesis
statement might not predict the organization of the paragraph. Read the entire selection. Not every piece of
writing fits neatly into these categories. In the real world, many texts contain sections and passages that combine
two or more patterns of organization.
Organizational Sample
Characteristics Signals
Pattern Thesis/Topic Sentence
“Public schools should
Describes or discusses an Causes: require students to wear
event/action that is caused because, causes, creates, uniforms because they
by another event/action. due to, for this reason, if save parents money, de-
There may be a single this…then, leads to, on emphasize fashion, and
Cause cause and effect or several account of, produces, create school spirit.”
and causes with several since, this
“The large movement of
Effect Effects: people from rural to urban
Answers: “Why did this as a result, areas has major effects on
happen?” “What were the consequently, hence, in a city’s ability to provide
results of a particular effect, resulting, since, housing, employment, and
event?” therefore, thus adequate sanitation
“A first date can end up
Also called Division or
being categorized as
Categorization, this categories, classified as, successful, a clingy, a
pattern divides a topic into classes, classifications, boastful or awkward.”
parts or groups and comprises, composed of,
separately discusses each. different stages of, "There are three kinds of
Classification divisions, elements, book owners. The first
Answers: “How do the
features, groups, has all the standard sets
parts work with the
includes, kinds, types, and best sellers. The
whole?” “What
varieties, ways second has a great many
characteristics classify the
book. The third has a few
concept or subject?”
books or many.”
Also called Listing, Series, also, and, another, a “Managers experience a
Addition or Enumeration, number of, as well as, number of different
a series of items, facts, too, besides, first, for personnel problems that
reasons, examples, example, for instance, must be solved before a
List of Items features or characteristics furthermore, in addition, department can work
that support the main idea in fact, largest, least, effectively.”
is listed in whatever order moreover, most
the author prefers. important, one, plus, “There are several
second, several, the different theories about
Answers: “What examples
following the origin of the Moon.”
support the main idea?”
“Many of the racial and
Also called Time Order, after, afterward, as soon ethnic groups that live in
Narration or Sequence of as, at last, at that time, the Hawaiian Islands today
Events, details support the before, during, arrived at different times
main idea as a list of eventually, finally, first, in history.”
events told in the order second, following,
Chronological formerly, immediately, “The death of Mac's
that they happened.
in/on (date), last, later, mother created for him a
Answers: “When did it next, now, meanwhile, shocked disbelief, then a
happen?” “In what order shortly, since, then, personal loneliness and
did it happen?” until, when grief that led to declining
Details support the main
“Not all stars are the same
idea as a list of steps,
age, so it is possible to see
directions, or a sequence
stars at every stage of
of stages in which a certain
accordingly, after that, their life cycle.”
order is needed. The
begins, following steps,
steps/ stages lead up to a
Process how to, in the process of, “There are several steps
final product or finished
series, sequence, stages, that must be followed if
then, first, second, third, gold is to be efficiently
next, last, finally extracted and refined
Answers: “How?”
from the bedrock in South
“In what sequence or
Africa's Witwatersarnd
order?” “What are the
steps of the process?”
Organized to emphasize “There are similar safety
the similarities and/or Comparison:
features on all the cars in
differences between two also, as well as, both,
the showroom.”
or more items or topics. correspondingly,
compared to, in
Answers: “How are two comparison, in the same
Community service
items similar?” “How are way, just as, like,
activities develop social
two items different?” likewise, resembles,
and emotional skills of
share, similarly, the
students while academic
Comparison means same as, too
Comparison classes develop
what things have in intellectual skills.”
and common
Contrast although, as opposed to,
how items or concepts Combination:
but, despite, differs
are alike “Gangs and fraternities
from, even though,
the similarities between share many
however, instead,
elements or ideas characteristics, but are
nevertheless, on the
Contrast means quite different.”
contrary, on the other
the differences between
hand, in contrast,
items or concepts “Mary, like her sister, has
instead, in spite of,
how things are not alike brown hair. However, the
unlike, whereas, while,
distinctions between yet
two differ when it comes
elements or ideas to eye color.”
Also known as Chain of
Command or Hierarchical,
details are given in a list, but “While the most basic
central, chief, ending need is physiological,
the author indicates which
with, finally, finishing workers aspire to self-
items in the list are more
with, least, less, major, actualization as their most
important than others,
main, key, lastly, most valued need.”
Order of either from the least
essential, least/most
Importance important to the most “There are many reasons
important, primarily,
important or from the most to oppose the death
primary, principal,
to the least important. penalty, but the most
secondarily, significant,
more, first, next, last, important is that it does
Answers: “Which point is not deter violent crime.”
the most/least important?”
“Which element is crucial?”
“Since pollution has a
detrimental impact on
The text presents a modern living standards, a
significant problem and key solution is increased
explains it in detail. Then, recycling of waste
answer, challenge, need,
a possible solution is products.”
difficulty, dilemma,
suggested. Sometimes,
Problem enigma, improve, “Many children suffer long-
only the problem is
indicate, issue, plan a term consequences of
and presented because there is
need, problem, propose,
Solution no solution. bullying. However, the
remedied, resolve, problem can be remedied
respond to, solve, through a three-pronged
Answers: “What is the
suggest approach: educating the
“What is a possible parents, encouraging a
solution?” community atmosphere, and
implementing a peer
mediation program.”
The paragraph opens with a clear cause and effect relationship: Orphaned children who enter foster care benefit
from leaving the institution, and children who do not enter foster care do not fare as well. Note, however, that the
two groups are also contrasted in order to prove the main idea expressed in the first sentence. Children
abandoned at birth can thrive if they enter foster care. Thus, as the transitional phrase "in contrast" suggests,
comparison and contrast is the second pattern used to organize the material.
Classification based on Cause and Effect with Definition
According to economists, there are four different types of unemployment, each with its own specific cause. The
first type of unemployment is seasonal. Workers in certain industries—such as agriculture, resorts and retail—are
subject to fluctuating demands for their services because of peak and off-peak times in these industries. This type
of unemployment is regular, predictable, and relatively short-term. The second type of unemployment is referred
to as frictional. It is caused by school and college graduates seeking jobs for the first time and by workers
changing jobs. These people usually remain unemployed for just a short time while they seek a position. A third
type of unemployment is structural, caused, for example, by the use of new machinery, such as robots, that can
perform simple repetitive tasks. Workers displaced by structural changes often experience long-term
unemployment while seeking a job that matches their skills and salary expectations. The last type of
unemployment is cyclical. This kind is produced by the overall business cycle. Cyclical unemployment increases in
recessions; it decreases during growth periods.
The opening sentence provides two sets of clues. The phrase “four different types of unemployment” suggests
classification, mainly because the sentence suggests that these four types comprise all the possible kinds of
unemployment. If it did not, then simple listing would be the better answer. However, the phrase “each with its
own specific cause” implies the cause and effect pattern. In addition, the italics for the names of the four types
followed by a specific definition make it clear that the definition pattern is also in play.
Further explanation and activities for Recognizing Patterns of Organization can be found in the following texts:
Flemming, Loraine. Reading for Results, 12th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2014. (See pages 489-568)
Flemming, Loraine. Reading Keys, 3rd ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2011. (See pages 299-347)
Langan, John. Ten Steps to Advancing College Reading Skills, 5th ed. West Berlin: Townsend Press, Inc., 2010. (See pages 187-250)
McWhorter, Kathleen T. Reading Across the Disciplines: College Reading and Beyond, 5th ed. San Francisco: Pearson Education, 2012. (See
pages 105-135)
Spears, Deanne. Improving Reading Skills: Contemporary Readings for College Students, 6th ed. New York: McGraw- Hill, 2010. (See pages
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