1 Ball Mills 1
1 Ball Mills 1
1 Ball Mills 1
1.1 Feed Temperature........................................................................................................6
1.2 Feed size......................................................................................................................6
1.2.1 Coarse and Fine Clinker....................................................................................6
1.3 Feed Moisture.............................................................................................................7
1.4 Feed Chemistry...........................................................................................................8
1.4.1 SO3 Effects.........................................................................................................8
1.4.2 Weathered or Stored Clinker vs. Fresh Clinker..................................................8
1.4.3 Alite / Belite / Grinding Aid................................................................................8
1.5 Feed Bins..................................................................................................................10
1.5.1 Expanded Flow.................................................................................................10
1.6 Weighfeeders.............................................................................................................11
1.7 Feed Arrangement.....................................................................................................12
2 DRYING..........................................................................................................................13
2.1 Drying Targets...........................................................................................................13
2.2 Drying Capacities......................................................................................................13
2.3 Drying without external heat source.........................................................................14
2.3.1 Actions to control drying when no external heat source available..................14
2.4 Drying compartment (ball mills)..............................................................................14
2.5 Kiln and cooler Air....................................................................................................15
2.6 Flash or Shaft Dryer..................................................................................................15
2.7 Rotary Dryer / Flash Dryer Comparision..................................................................16
2.8 Hot Gas Generators...................................................................................................19
2.8.1 Fuel Sources.....................................................................................................19
2.9 Heat Balance.............................................................................................................20
2.9.1 Heat Balance Program.....................................................................................20
3 GRINDING......................................................................................................................21
3.1 Mill Speed.................................................................................................................22
3.2 Mill L/D and Chamber Lengths................................................................................22
3.2.1 L/D....................................................................................................................22
3.2.2 Chamber Lengths..............................................................................................23
3.2.3 FLS Combidan Design Philosophy..................................................................23
3.3 Quality criteria in mill and at mill exit......................................................................24
3.3.1 CEMENT Ball Mill...........................................................................................24
3.3.2 RAW ball mill....................................................................................................25
3.4 Ball charge filling level.............................................................................................25
3.4.1 LAFARGE Recommended Ball Charge Filling Levels.....................................25
3.4.2 Relationship Mill kWh/t and Ball Charge filling level.....................................25
3.4.3 Relationship Throughput and ball charge filling Level...................................26
3.5 Material filling level.................................................................................................27
3.5.1 Relationship Crushing Efficiency and Material Filling Level..........................27
3.5.2 Ball Charge Classification...............................................................................28
3.5.3 Swelling of charge / Reverse Classification.....................................................28
3.6 Residence TIme.........................................................................................................29
3.7 Ball Coating..............................................................................................................29
3.8 Grinding Aids............................................................................................................29
3.8.1 Willi Suter Presentation....................................................................................30
3.8.2 Price.................................................................................................................30
3.8.3 Effect of grinding aid on kWh/t........................................................................30
3.8.4 Effect of grinding aid on product quality.........................................................31
3.9 Spitzers (Unground Clinker).....................................................................................31
4 GRINDING TOOLS.......................................................................................................32
4.1 Ball Charge...............................................................................................................32
4.1.1 Ball weights sizes and densities........................................................................32
4.1.2 Ball Charge Specific Surface............................................................................32
4.2 Ball Charge Condition..............................................................................................33
4.3 Monochamber and Raw Mill Ball Charge Design....................................................34
4.4 1st Chamber Ball Charge Design...............................................................................35
4.4.1 Biggest ball size – bond formula......................................................................35
4.4.2 100mm balls......................................................................................................35
4.4.3 Raw mill............................................................................................................35
4.4.4 Cement Mill......................................................................................................36
4.5 2nd Chamber Ball Charge Design..............................................................................37
4.5.1 Discussion.........................................................................................................37
4.5.2 Raw Mill...........................................................................................................38
4.5.3 Cement Mill With Classifying Liners................................................................39
4.5.4 Cement Mill With Non-Classifying Liners........................................................40
4.5.5 Open circuit cement mill...................................................................................41
4.5.6 Calculation Procedure For A Composite Cement............................................42
4.6 Liners........................................................................................................................45
4.6.1 Impact on Process.............................................................................................45
4.6.2 Process Design.................................................................................................45
4.6.3 Liner Bolting.....................................................................................................46
4.7 Diaphragms...............................................................................................................46
4.7.1 Diaphragm Design...........................................................................................46
4.7.2 Selecting Diaphragms......................................................................................46
4.7.3 Drying Compartment and 1st Chamber............................................................47
4.7.4 Intermediate......................................................................................................48
4.7.5 End diaphragm.................................................................................................49
4.8 Mill Head..................................................................................................................49
4.9 Mill Shell..................................................................................................................49
4.10 Mill Ball Charge and Internals Lifetimes.................................................................50
4.10.1 Ball Charge.......................................................................................................50
4.10.2 Liners................................................................................................................50
5 MILL VENTILATION, DEDUSTING AND FILTERS..............................................53
5.1 Pressure Drops..........................................................................................................53
5.2 Mill ventilation..........................................................................................................53
5.2.1 Mill ventilation velocities.................................................................................53
5.2.2 Static Separators on the Mill Ventilation..........................................................55
5.2.3 Ventilation Limits..............................................................................................56
5.2.4 Mill Fan (Ball Mill)..........................................................................................56
5.3 Auxilliary Dedusting.................................................................................................56
5.3.1 Ducting.................................................................................................................56
5.3.2 Dedusting Hood Design...................................................................................58
5.4 Bag Filters.................................................................................................................58
5.4.1 Filter Design.....................................................................................................58
5.4.2 Filter Types.......................................................................................................60
5.5 Electrostatic Precipitators.........................................................................................63
6 TRANSPORT AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT.......................................................64
6.1 Belt Conveyors..........................................................................................................64
6.1.1 Belt Cleaners....................................................................................................64
6.1.2 Spillage Conveyors...........................................................................................64
6.2 Elevators...................................................................................................................64
6.3 material transport pneumatic versus mechanical......................................................66
6.4 Transfer points..........................................................................................................67
6.5 Airslides....................................................................................................................67
6.6 Metal Separation.......................................................................................................68
6.6.1 Overband Separator.........................................................................................68
6.6.2 Metal Trap........................................................................................................68
6.7 Fuller Pump...............................................................................................................70
6.8 Pfister Feeder............................................................................................................71
7 SEPARATION.................................................................................................................72
7.1 Separator Price..........................................................................................................72
7.2 Separator analysis.....................................................................................................72
7.2.1 Concept of Bypass............................................................................................72
7.2.2 Efficiency..........................................................................................................73
7.2.3 Cut point...........................................................................................................73
7.2.4 Sharpness..........................................................................................................74
7.2.5 Circulating Load Calculation...........................................................................74
7.2.6 Rosin-Rammler.................................................................................................74
7.3 Cyclones....................................................................................................................75
7.4 Static separators........................................................................................................75
7.5 1st Generation (Sturtevant) Separators......................................................................76
7.5.1 1st Generation Modifications............................................................................77
7.6 2 Generation Separators..........................................................................................77
7.6.1 2nd Generation Separator Modifications..........................................................77
7.7 3 Generation / High efficiency separators...............................................................78
7.7.1 Impact on Production.......................................................................................78
7.7.2 Impact on KWh/t...............................................................................................79
7.7.3 HES Comparison..............................................................................................79
7.7.4 HES Dimensioning...........................................................................................80
7.7.5 HES Guide Vanes..............................................................................................81
7.7.6 HES Operation.................................................................................................82
7.7.7 HES Wear Protection........................................................................................82
7.7.8 HES Fan and Filter Dimensioning...................................................................83
7.8 Separator Conversions To HES.................................................................................83
7.8.1 Open Circuit Conversion..................................................................................84
7.8.2 Static Separator Conversion.............................................................................84
7.8.3 1st Generation Conversion................................................................................84
7.8.4 2nd Generaton Conversion................................................................................85
7.8.5 Alesd Raw Ball Mill Separator.........................................................................85
8 OPERATION AND CONTROL....................................................................................87
8.1 Ball Mills..................................................................................................................87
8.1.1 Optimal Mill Load............................................................................................87
8.1.2 Mill Ear Control - Costs...................................................................................87
8.1.3 Circulating Load...............................................................................................87
8.1.4 Mill flushing and Pumping of separator feed...................................................88
8.1.5 Detection of Filling Level.................................................................................88
8.1.6 Fineness Control...............................................................................................89
8.1.7 Online Analysers...............................................................................................89
8.1.8 Start-up of a New Mill......................................................................................89
9 PRODUCT QUALITY...................................................................................................90
9.1 Mesh size conversion................................................................................................90
9.2 Raw meal..................................................................................................................91
9.2.1 Fineness............................................................................................................91
9.2.2 Moisture............................................................................................................92
9.2.3 Quartz...............................................................................................................92
9.3 Influence of raw grinding on kiln burnability...........................................................92
9.3.1 Kiln Dust...........................................................................................................92
9.4 cement.......................................................................................................................92
9.4.1 EN 197-1...........................................................................................................92
9.4.2 Fineness............................................................................................................92
9.4.3 Moisture............................................................................................................93
9.4.4 Particle size Distribution..................................................................................93
9.4.5 Mineralogy.......................................................................................................93
9.4.6 Density..............................................................................................................93
9.4.7 Grinding Aids...................................................................................................94
9.4.8 Clinker Storage.................................................................................................94
9.5 Fly Ash Cement.........................................................................................................94
9.6 pozzolana cement......................................................................................................94
9.6.1 fineness.............................................................................................................94
9.7 masonry cement........................................................................................................94
9.8 Slag cement...............................................................................................................94
9.8.1 Fineness............................................................................................................94
9.9 limestone cement......................................................................................................95
9.10 coal............................................................................................................................95
9.10.1 Fineness............................................................................................................95
9.11 petcoke......................................................................................................................95
10 COOLING AND GYPSUM (CASO4 DIHYDRATE)..............................................96
10.1 Vertical Mills.............................................................................................................96
10.2 Cost...........................................................................................................................96
10.3 Objectives of cooling................................................................................................96
10.4 Water Injection..........................................................................................................96
10.4.1 Choice of 1st or 2nd Chamber Injection, Co-Current / Counter-Current...........97
10.4.2 Direction of Spray.............................................................................................97
10.4.3 Water Injection Troubleshooting......................................................................98
10.4.4 Control of water spray......................................................................................98
10.4.5 Effect of water injection on cement properties.................................................98
10.5 Cement Coolers.........................................................................................................99
10.5.1 Cooler Dimensioning........................................................................................99
10.5.2 Cooler Design.................................................................................................100
10.6 Gypsum...................................................................................................................101
10.6.1 importance of gypsum.....................................................................................101
10.6.2 Gypsum hydrolyis...........................................................................................101
10.6.3 False set / flash set.........................................................................................101
10.6.4 Gypsum solubility...........................................................................................103
10.6.5 The use of anhydrite.......................................................................................103
10.6.6 Gypsum replacements.....................................................................................104
10.6.7 Phosphogypsum..............................................................................................104
Plants with satellite coolers have high clinker temperatures: e.g. Cumarebo, Oujda…..
Karl-Heinz has never measured more than 150°C clinker temperature at mill inlet. Depends
on storage time and whether stored inside / outside. Solution to satellite cooling is to pour
water onto satellites (Karl-Heinz saw this in Korea).
Example Chekka, clinker temperature > 150°C with coal, but then lower with petcoke (clinker
made from petcoke is finer better heat exchange in cooler)
Ball Mill
Cement Lafarge max R5% >25mm, Holcim <50mm. Standard offer from mill
manufacturer is R5% >30mm
Raw Meal max R1% > 30 mm (Lafarge). Holcim “<25 – 50mm”.
o For quartz, feed must be precrushed to <10mm. Note that 90mm are required
to crush quartz fed at <3mm. Quartz demands a high crushing energy AND a
high grinding energy.
It is “accepted” that coarse clinker is in many cases easier to grind than fine clinker. Yet,
when clinker from the same kiln system is screened into coarse and fine fractions, lab testing
is unable to determine significant differences in terms of energy requirements at high fineness
(see also clinker grindability). On the other hand, some plants can tell when their clinker
breaker has worn out. The oversized clinker causes the mill to choke and lose production.
In general, a mill system is set up to accept clinker of a certain size (or PSD) and if it
receives anything different, then production rates are usually affected.
backspills) and the second empties and starts to over grind. If the clinker becomes too fine
then it flushes through immediately to the second compartment and overwhelms it. Mill
outlet fineness suddenly drops and the circulating load jumps up rapidly. Some spectacular
mill cycles have resulted from clinker segregation problems.
Ball Mill
Temperature clinker &
[t/h] proportion
2 3 4 [%] H2O
The clinker SO3 content has been recognized as having an impact on grindability. Higher
SO3 in clinker results in a reduction in grindability and increases specific power consumption
per ton. Also, increasing SO3 (above optimum) content in clinker results in a decline of the
28 day cube strengths at a constant Blaine. It is important to watch for this as a lot of plants
switch to higher sulfur (and cheaper) fuels.
It has not been proven conclusively that the grindability of weathered or stored clinker is
significantly different than that of fresh clinker. The greater impact seems to be from the
condition of the weathered or stored clinker (i.e. wet or dry, fine or lumpy, warm or cold, etc.)
and its effect on the mill system.
For instance, if the clinker is wet, the production rate will drop if the mill system cannot
accept additional or replacement moisture. If the clinker is stored outdoors, it may be very
fine as a result of it being passed over many times with a bulldozer; or it may be chunky from
hydration effects, or a combination of the two. In this case, the first compartment ball charge
may not be capable of accepting a feed size which varies greatly from that of fresh clinker
without a corresponding loss of production. On the other hand, a comparatively large amount
of fines have been known to result in a production rate increase. As a rule with weathered
clinker, it is necessary to increase blaine to maintain strengths and this will cause a plant to
lose production. This also depends on the addition rate.
In summary, the mill system limitations have more impact on production rates relating to
weathered or stored clinker versus fresh clinker than does the grindability of the clinker itself.
A ball mill is optimised for certain conditions – if these are changes, production will
To date, research indicates that grinding energy for up to 3,000 blaine rises with:
Item [2] relates to raw mix chemistry. Items [1] & [3] relates to overburning. Large alites
means over-burnt clinker thus it's harder to grind. Clinker with a lot of pores are easier to
crush. Some (not all) plants can monitor their grindability by watching the clinker
literweights. As it rises, the clinker becomes over-burnt; sometimes balls up into bigger
pieces; and sometimes it gets very dense (no pores). Good literweights are usually between
1250 and 1350. Watch out if gets above 1400. Note that some plants make a very fine yet
seemingly hard to grind clinker. The researchers have observed that a high proportion of big
alite crystals can be found in the fine sizes, in these cases.
On the other hand for fine grinding (> 3,000 blaine), the main factors become:
1) alite size, as before
2) C2S content , as before
3) grinding aid. Cost 0.6-1.2 €/t, usage 150-400 g/t.
As the cement particle gets smaller the pores disappear and no longer become a factor.
Increasing the amount of grinding aid will make the cement easier to grind.
Hard burning = hard grinding. Hard burning may be necessary when the fuel burning is not
1.5 Feed Bins
Typical problem: slag or other composite cements milled in systems designed only for OPC.
Therefore 2 bins instead of 3 often dosing problems since slag or other component is dosed
with a front-end loader.
Or, there are 3 bins, but they are designed for clinker or gypsum and not the mineral
Feed bins have sides at different angles in order for the material to flow at different speeds.
This imparts shearing forces on the material and thereby prevents accumulation of material in
the bin corners.
Expanded exit flow means that the exit box diverges in the direction of the flow. This allows
material from the part of the bin nearest the flow direction to fall.
This can also be achieved by having a straighter side in the direction of the flow.
1.6 Weighfeeders
1.7 Feed Arrangement
End Discharge Mill max 4% drying with hot gases, 1.5% without
Absolute drying capacity depends on the material size and if the moisture is surface or
in the pores. Take example of sticky clay which rolls down preblending pile making
large clumps This is difficult to dry.
5-7% may be possible to dry without a drying chamber but accepting a lower
production (depends if moisture is surface water or in pores).
1% additional water = 10% less capacity, when no excess of drying capacity.
Greater than 7-8% definitely requires a drying chamber
Max hot gas temperature 450°C for roller and 350°C for ball mill trunnion bearing
(but note that Réunion is 550°C above trunnion), 250-300°C for roller press separator
Center Discharge Mill: 1st compartment hot gases only, max 10-15% with kiln air +
extra hot air.
Air Swept Mill: no intermediate diaphragm (pressure drop too great). Therefore single
compartment, therefore small feed granulo / low hardness particles required.
Raw Mill Exit Moisture approximately 0.4%.
4 stage preheater systems are generally able to dry raw meal up to 8% moisture. 5
stage 6.5%, 6 stage 5.5%.
Percentage of total feed that can be dried is often largely a function of the clinker temperature
and the proportion of clinker in the feed.
Hot gases from hot gas generator <1300°C. Standard temperature with a hot gas is
400°C, ideal is 450°C. Need adequate cooling on the trunnion bearings. Max Bearing
temperature typically 60-70°C (??).
Introduce gases at <350°C if no drying compartment or drying compartment is
integrated into the mill, <700°C if an overhanging drying compartment. Drying
300°C = 220 kg H2O/m³.h
700°C = 350 kg H2O/m³.h
Create tubulence in drying chamber by installing impact plate but watch for influence
on the system pressure drop.
Make sure that material is lifted to provide a full curtain of material. Watch for
influence on the system pressure drop.
Maximise retention time of the material by installing a weir at the outlet. Verify
impact on the mill motor.
Two sources for raw and cement grinding: KILN GAS and COOLER GAS.
KILN GAS is often used for the raw mill instead of the cement mill because the
temperatures are higher than cooler air (typically 300 –350°C) and the raw meal is
generally more moist than cement. Kiln gas has high CO2 / CO content, and is
therefore an explosion and safety hazard in the raw mill.
COOLER GAS is used for cement mills because it is generally stable (more
independent of kiln performance than kiln gas). Note however that cooler gas goes
preferentially to the kiln air (high in O2), and only the excess supplies the cement mill.
Overhung cooler is located on the other side of the trunnion. Often the metal is thinner etc
because there is no ball charge.
Dust Load at raw meal outlet
Kurt B. thinks that flash dryer internals are not used in the cement industry, despite what
is shown in the books.
Rotary Dryer
Dried GBFS
to storage
Performance :
Thermal efficiency : 50 - 65% (not insulated)
Feed moisture : max.12 - 15%
Residual moisture : <0.5%
Flash Dryer
Dried GBFS
to BM, RP or HM
Air Heater
Flash Dryer
Grinding system : BM, RP, HM
Criteria for dryer sizing :
Heating : air heater
Material & gas flow : cocurrent flow
Hot gas temperature: 300-600°C
Gas velocity : > 25 m/s
Retention time : < 1 - 1.5 s
Performance :
Thermal efficiency : 45 - 60 % (insulated)
Feed moisture : max. 12 - 15%
Residual moisture : 1 - 4%
- Design capacity t/h 50 50
- Feed moisture % 12 12
- Residual moisture % max. 0.5 max. 3.0
- Dryer diameter x length(or height) m 2.0 x 5.5 1.1 x 25.0
- Heating capacity MW 8.0 8.0
- Dedusting air flow m3/s 16.0 28.0
RELATIVE CAPEX COST (1) : % 100 70 - 100(2)
(1). The scope includes complete dryer, heating & dedusting systems and excludes raw & dried slag handling.
(2). The lower end represents a process that the dedusting system is integrated to that of the ball mill system.
Operating Costs
2.8 Hot Gas Generators
8-9 litres of oil per tonne are required to dry a 10% blastfurnace slag in PL.
9 litres of fuel oil per tonne of coal are used in Chekka.
Pedro Leopoldo decreased from 11 litres to 7 litres per tonne of slag using oil.
If there is CO then there is a lack of Oxygen. There should be about 10% oversupply of O2 at
least. check O2 in return gas ahead of HGG if it is a inert system. The primary air fan should
give a good pressure to the burner, the head can be optimised to give a flame without any
colour. No colour = good burning. If using solids, then check momentum thru burner and
density phases in the solids flow.
Pressure of gas at HGG outlet should be constant -3 to -5 mbar. any variations (caused by feed
maybe) will impact the burner and cause inefficient burning.
Additionally, if you can measure at 90 degree angles multiple places you can check
temperatures and verify good mixing downstream of hot and cold gases. (Remember my idea
of using a drill and just boring holes in any place, that's the idea here!)
It is critical if temp before mill is reading X and actually most of the gas has temp Y because
of separated flow.
Heat Balance
Mill Feed + Water Mill Product at mill outlet
Separator Returns Air at mill outlet.
Air Evaporated Water
Mill Power
For the drying, the program first uses the kiln and cooler gases specified in the input section.
If this is too much, it will bypass the mill and go straight to the filter. If it is not enough it will
use gases from a supposed hot gas generator.
The program calculates an estimation of the available KILN GAS based on kiln
For the available COOLER GAS, need to ask TPT on a case-by-case basis.
There is no direct to filter gas loop for cement and coal mills. The available amount of
kiln and cooler gases must be modified manually to reach 0 m3/h excess gas.
3.1 Mill Speed
"Mill Speed
3.2.1 L/D
Kurt Breitschmid from ??? report: The mill with a L/D ratio of 2,9 [-] is rather short for
grinding cement with a fineness >3'500 [cm2/g] according to Blaine.
Raw Mills: L/D = 1.5 - 3.2
Cement Mills L/D = 2.8 - 3.2
Typical L/D is 3.2.
3.2.2 Chamber Lengths
For blaine 3000, chamber 1 : 32-34%
For blaine 4000, chamber 1 : 26-28%.
For Raw Mill, chamber 1 : 35-45%
L/D 3
L1/L2 % 40 / 60
Filling Level % 32.5 / 31
FLS philosophy is of long 1st chamber and short 2nd chamber. In the second chamber there is
a narrow range of ball charge and so there is no possiblity for classifying the charge.
Therefore non-classifying (dragpeb) style liners are used. These liners should NOT be
installed in a long second chamber or where there is a wide range of ball sizes.
The maximum ball size that can be used with these liners is 50mm.
According to FLS, the corrugated 2nd chamber liner provides the necessary lifting and also
prevents slippage between liners and balls. Also maximises power uptake due to the thin
profile (+2.7% kW compared to traditional classifying liner for a 4.6m diameter mill)
FLS mills have large centre openings. They allow the ball charge to be higher than the centre
screen level when the mill is at stop because when the mill is running, the ball make a banana
shape around the centre screen, therefore the screen is not damaged.
Dear Mr Ortega,
For closed circuit mills grinding OPC as well as CEM II type products, the
FLSmidth default CII media charge is 40% 25 mm, 40% 20 mm and 20% 15mm (~38
m^2/t). This charge is combined with a relatively low design circulation
factor, reflecting that the rather fine media charge works with good
grinding efficiency up to ~20002200 Blaine at the mill exit. This also
means that we would use the same design charge for say 12% R45 µm and 5%
R45 µm, as the design circulation factor would be adjusted for maintainng
an approximately unchanged fineness at the mill outlet.
A coarser CII charge wil have lower grinding efficiency and require a
higher design circulation factor. This will give a coarser product at the
mill outlet and thus reduce dry coating. The balance between lower grinding
efficiency and reduced coating will depend both on the material and the
Length/Diameter ratio of the mill.
Hoping that you will find my remarks useful, Ole S. Rasmussen
FLSmidth A/S
Process Design
Vigerslev alle 77
DK2500 Valby
Phone +45 3618 2356
Fax +45 3617 1091
At Intermediate Diaphragm
0% water at the intermediate diaphragm.
15 – 25% R0.5 mm (Old Holderbank Manual)
HGRS / LAFARGE <5% R2mm at the end of chamber 1 is the general fineness
OR (LAFARGE) 86-92% passing 1 mm, 80-90% passing 0.6 mm, 75-
85% passing 0.5mm
Another is <50% R90m sieve (this is also what we use for the grindability test).
Inlet 2nd Chamber
<5% R1.2mm at inlet to the second chamber is necessary for a ball charge of 30mm.
At Discharge Diaphragm
<0.35% water in the mill exit product since values greater than this may lead to
hydration reduction in strength. Keep dew point under 60°C and there will be
no hydration ??
Holderbank: 15-25% R90, max 5% R200
Lafarge: <5% R0.5mm, <30% R0.2mm before the discharge diaphragm.
Blaine at the end of C2 is usually half that of the final blaine, or 40-60% for typical
circulating loads.
3.3.2 RAW ball mill
a) Austin, Klimpel and Luckie – „Process Engineering of Size Reduction: Ball Milling“.
a. U = volume of material / empty volume between balls
b. X-axis Ballcharge filling level
c. Y-axis specific electrical energy consumption of mill kWh/t mill.
b) Energy Input for Cement Grinding, von H.-G. Ellerbrock and B. Schiller, Dusseldorf,
ZKG - Nr. 2/1988)
a. Review of 11 mills showed the following results. They used kWh/t of mill
throughput as a bench mark given that they were grinding to a mill exit of 1800
cm2/g. All mills were running at 55% to 75% of critical speed.
15 20 25 30 35
Volume Load (%)
Practical results: Azergues. 100% 72% of the charge (= 30% filling 21.6%).
Throughput 100% 80%. KWh/t mill 100% 91%.
a) Austin, Klimpel and Luckie – „Process Engineering of Size Reduction: Ball Milling“.
45% 30%
0.015 20%
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Fractional Formal Powder Filling, fc
40% filling gives maximum production.
40% gives 3.8% more production than 30% if the material level is optimised.
Lafarge best practice: in a non-sold out market, it is typical to maintain the 1 st level charge at
26-28% filling in order to optimise kWh/t without penalising production too heavily. The
second chamber is usually 2% higher than the 1st chamber level i.e. 28-30%.
Loading can be reduced to 22% filling for OPTIMUM kWh/t if production really isn’t
needed. This is a STRICT MINIMUM due to increased likelihood of damage on shell
liners in C2.
For high market demand, increase the filling level in the C1 to 32-34%, C2 34-26% according
Mill installed power
Stress on gearing
Stress on mill shell
Drying capacity
Separator efficiency
Other constraints
Ball level in the inlet trunnion max 50-75 mm above the level.
When filling levels in C2 are >34%, the effect of classifying liners in often lost.
Optimimum filling level occurs between 0.6 and 1.1. This is independent of the amount of
balls used. BUT: SEE Austin, Klimpel and Luckie which suggest the opposite.
35%/45%/50% in between
Relative Absolute Breakage Rate, Sfc/K
Optimum Range
0.6 to 1.1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Material Filling Ratio, U
3.5.2 Ball Charge Classification
------------------------ LAFARGE:
Reverse classification occurs when particles greater than 1/3 the diameter of the void space
between balls are NOT crushed immediately. The reasons are:
Feed granulometry or hardness too much for ball charge
In the first chamber, inefficient crushing due to ball charge too small or liners
too worn
Ball charge too large in the 1st chamber combined with diaphragm slots too large
large particles get into the 2nd chamber.
is noticed that the balls in this area migrate down the slope too and they may
stop in the middle or the end of the compartment. Often it is the BIGGER
BALLS THAT MIGRATE reverse classification in the C1 and C2.
High variations in power draw at the mill motor
Test using fluorosceine, mixed in a bag with some clinker, then added to the feed belt.
Sample at mill exit every 30 seconds for a period of ~25 minutes after adding the
clinke+fluorosceine. Need specialised measuring equipment in lab.
Ball and liner coating can occur in raw as well as finish grinding. Ball coating can be a result
of the following conditions:
Adequate ventilation will help alleviate persistent problems. Mill ventilation can serve two
purposes to reduce ball coating in mill temperature problem situations. It can take heat away
from the mill as it is created by the grinding, and it can take water vapor away from
introduction with the material or from water sprays which provide additional cooling.
The present theory concerning ball coating is that as the particles of feed shatter under the
impact of the ball charge, the surface equilibrium becomes unbalanced. This unbalanced
condition causes an attraction between the individual particles of feed and between the feed
particles and balls resulting in ball and liner coating, material agglomeration in the mill and
"pack set". Ball and liner coating cushions the impact of balls, and in severe cases can affect
lift. Material agglomeration affects grinding as well as separation.
Pack set is that condition where bulk cement, after being compacted by vibration, requires
considerable mechanical effort to start initial flow. Actually, pack set bears much the same
relationship with cement flowability, as starting friction bears to moving friction. Pack set,
like starting friction, requires more force to start material flow than that required to keep the
material flowing. Pack set has become a serious problem in recent years because of the
cement industry's use of large diameter mills which causes a higher material surface
unbalance and the increased transportation of cement in bulk quantities.
The addition of a grinding aid spreads the feed particles farther apart, thus exposing more
surface area to the grinding media, resulting in increased production. The grinding aid
adheres to the individual particles, thereby restoring the particles to a balanced state, thus
reducing agglomeration, ball coating and pack set.
The quantity of grinding aid used in a particular mill is dependent on the size of the mill, feed
size, product size, type of clinker being ground, etc. For instance, in large diameter ball
mills, the impact force of the grinding media is so great, that a high material surface
unbalance prevails in the mill when grinding all types of clinker, thus requiring a
grinding aid at all times.
The higher the fineness, the more grinding aid that must be used to restore the feed particles
to a balanced state. Normally, grinding aids are added in a 15% concentrated solution (1:7
grinding aid to water - helps the dispersal of grinding aid in mill), at approximately 2-2.5
Lb./Ton for medium fineness and 3-4 Lb./Ton for high fineness cement. (Check with your
"Grinding Aid
Presentation - Willi Suter.pdf"
3.8.2 Price
"Grinding Aid
o Threshold value 150-200 g/t
o Typically 300-400 for a cement 3000 to 4000 blaine, 350-400 for higher blaines.
o Effect of ground limestone important??
o XEU242P Never go below 350 g/t.
Spitzers can cause the production of superfines which in turn affects blaine. See Lafarge high
blaine, high rejects problem. Note that hydrated clinker e.g. after long period of storage
outside, can cause a large number of hydrated superfines which add nothing to strength
The reasons for the optimum are as follows. If the balls are too small then they don't have the
inertia to properly nip the material and break it. For example; grits (or spitzers) in the second
compartment, the cascading small balls don't hit with enough force to fracture the grains so
they are worn smooth at a slow rate and retained in the mill, causing material transport
If the balls are bigger than the optimum for the feed size then the lower number of contact
(nip) points reduces the specific breakage rate. Note that if a particle size is smaller than
either the optimum for both the smaller or larger ball the specific breakage rate of the smaller
ball is superior, this is why finer balls in the second compartment work well.
Ball Size Density
3.5 - 2.5 inch 4550 kg/m3
2.5 - 3/4 inch 4650 kg/m3
Ball Size Density
90-60 mm 4.4 t/m³
50-30 mm 4.6 t/m³
30-20mm 4.7
WARNING: Depending on the source foundry bulk density values have been known to
vary considerably.
4.2 Ball Charge Condition
Stefan Evers and Stephane: There is no contractual specification for the condition of ball
There is a general contractual specification that <3% of charge breaks after being in the mill.
Example of delivered ball charge in La Réunion from a South African foundry (license(?)
4.3 Monochamber and Raw Mill Ball Charge Design
D = 9.6e^(-0.13x)
Nominal Weight per Ball # of Balls per Surface Area per Surface Area
Diameter Ball
inches mm lbs/ball g/ball 100 lbs 100 kg in2 cm2 ft2/ton m2/tonne
0.38 10 0.008 4 13 200 29 101 0.442 2.85 810 82.98
0.63 16 0.035 16 2 860 6 305 1.227 7.92 487 49.91
0.75 19 0.061 28 1 640 3 616 1.767 11.40 402 41.22
0.88 22 0.096 44 1 040 2 293 2.405 15.52 347 35.58
1.00 25 0.143 65 699 1 541 3.142 20.27 305 31.24
1.25 32 0.28 127 357 787 4.909 31.67 243 24.93
1.50 38 0.484 220 207 456 7.069 45.61 203 20.81
2.00 51 1.15 522 87 192 12.57 81,10 152 15.55
2.50 64 2.24 1016 45 99 19.63 126.64 123 12.56
3.00 76 3.87 1755 26 57 28.27 182.39 102 10.45
3.50 89 6.15 2790 16 35 38.48 248.26 86 8.76
WARNING: values may vary from supplier to supplier. The above table should be
considered as approximate values.
Sampling is recommended for bulk density and porosity index calculations.
3/4 radius
1/2 radius
1/4 radius
46 Rc
48 Rc
53 Rc
61 Rc
64 Rc
4.4 1st Chamber Ball Charge Design
90 mm 3 kg/ball
100mm 4 kg/ball
110mm 5.5 kg/ball
"Argument against
100mm balls Spreadsheet.xls"
4.4.4 Cement Mill
The ball charge tendency in the 1st compartment is to use the coarser of the gradings available.
When producing high Blaine Cement it is the objective to use less tonnage. Achieve
nearer 8-9 kWh/t at the target mill output instead to go for a more fine ball charge (??)
Some plants use on 90, 80, 70 mm balls in 1st chamber. E.e. San Sebastien.
4.5 2nd Chamber Ball Charge Design
4.5.1 Discussion
The purpose of the transition zone is to grind the oversize that manages to get by the partition
which is too large for the main second compartment charge to grind. Usually it is composed
of 2, (sometimes 3 sizes). In metric, we usually pick 50 and 40 mm Ø's. In U.S. units we
pick 2" and 1.5" Ø's. The transition zone constitutes the first part of the second compartment.
In any case, for each size in the transition zone we extend the value (N) and the use the exact
same number of balls for each size. Back-calculating we can then determine the weight and
the percentage that represents.
Note that transition zone design can only be used effectively if there is a good classifying
action from the liners. Most people also get a little nervous with such a small tonnage in the
transition. Thus in practice they tend to be larger than what is recommended by the Slegten
model. 2nd Chamber Ball Charge – Bombled Versus Polysius and Slegten
Comparing the two curves we can observe that the 1989 design has a slightly coarser ball
charge in the first compartment than what the Polysius model would suggest using, (average
ball weights were calculated to be 1.65 kg/ball vs. 1.5 kg/ball respectively). However it's the
reverse in the second. In fact Polysius model does not recommend any 0.75"Ø balls at all.
In general the Polysius model is simplistic - one curve fits all mills. As a rule of thumb, it
suits raw mills and especially monochambers very well. Solutions will tend to have coarse
second compartment ball charges.
The Slegten model divides the mill ball charge into 3 parts: first compartment, transition zone
and the second compartment. The approach in designing the ball charge is different in each.
However, a recommendation from Slegten will vary from their own model since they take
into consideration field inspections, their own experience, and their own rules of thumb for
mill idiosyncrasies. (They are not all that different from the rules discussed in "Practical
Fundamentals .... Volume 1".) This is after all how they make money on consulting. In
general the Slegten model is compatible only with mills with classifying linings in the
second compartment.
non-classifying liners only permit 3 ball sizes in C2.
Lafarge recommended top-size 30-40 mm (2002).
Standard optimisation is to maximise fine grinding using balls 25mm – 15mm.
1) Optimum ball sizes are related to particle sizes according to the following equation:
d1/d2 = (D1/D2)1.7
d = particle diameter
D = ball diameter
2) Particle size distribution along the mill axis can be expressed as a function of %
residue at particle size di:
4.5.3 Cement Mill With Classifying Liners
The second chamber Slegten standard ball charge composition for an OPC cement varies with the
cement fineness as indicated in the table:
The repositions to keep the ball charge parameters constant are calculated according to Slegten
As an indication the HMC standard ball charge for 3'000 [cm2/g] has 62 [g/u] and 29.4 [m2/t] as
average ball weight and charge specific surface respectively.
4.5.4 Cement Mill With Non-Classifying Liners
Here, the grinding efficiency and the manufacturing technology for the balls do not allow one
to use a large variety of ball sizes. Usually, the range in Ø, (from largest to smallest) should
not exceed 0.75 inches (~20 mm). One must make a compromise then, between using very
large Ø's or very small Ø's in the second compartment. Your choice must take into account
the effect of porosity will have on throughput and the separator. If you work with too many
sizes in such a compartment, then you'll experience reverse or double reverse classification
and a drop in production. It is better to work with a fairly flat gradation of ball sizes.
Diameter mm by weight
40 Ø = 8%
30 Ø = 32%
25 Ø = 35%
20 Ø = 25%
4.5.5 Open circuit cement mill
4.5.6 Calculation Procedure For A Composite Cement
When composite cements are ground the fineness according to Blaine is not anymore as reliable as
with OPC. A fineness correction must be introduced.
According to Slegten laboratory to calculate the equivalent OPC fineness of composite cement the
following values:
Ø Fly ash: Fly ash fineness [cm2/g] * actual fly ahs content in [%].
Ø The OPC equivalent fineness must be calculated for every cement type ground in
the mill being studied.
Ø The ball charge will be chosen from table 1 or 2 (closed or open circuit mill)
according to the smallest OPC equivalent fineness calculated.
Ø If the OPC equivalent fineness is, for example, 3'700 [cm2/g] interpolation of the
ball composition given on the tables must be done.
Ø The [%] of balls ranging from 60 [mm] to 40 [mm] has to be adapted to the
operation condition of the first chamber (specific energy given to the material, state
of the liner, of the ball charge and of the diaphragm):
© If the first chamber supplies no coarse material to the second chamber, a
smaller amount of these balls than reported on the tables will be required,
even the suppression of the biggest diameters.
© On the contrary, when coarse material can be supplied to the second
chamber the amount of these balls reported on the tables might be
Ø The calculated ball charge must always be compared to the actual ball charge
© a coarser ball charge might led to a loss in grinding efficiency,
© if the actual ball charge is finer than the calculated one the interpretation of
the process parameters of the grinding circuit will help to decide if a finer
ball charge composition will allow an even better mill operation.
43 Ball Charge Wear Rates – See file on ball form
Net wear rate = process wear rate (loss of tonnage inside the mill during grinding)
Gross wear rate = purchasing wear rate (takes into account the balls thrown away during
sorting, either too small for compartment or scrap), is therefore more than the net wear.
A rough estimation can be calculated considering a global net wear rate of 1.1 [g/kWh]
(Stephane). Gross wear rate 1.5 g/kWh (my estimate). Wear rate is the same for raw
material and cement. Different for slurry grinding (6 times more).
This value can change a lot depending on the cement composition and the abrasivity of these
components. For example, for pure slag grinding the value can be doubled.
Specific ball wear costs [DM/tcement]
0.3 [DM/t cement ]
] /t
C o s t s o f b a lls [ D M
1000 0.2
0 50 100 150 200
Compartment 1
Low Abrasive Material: 2.5% Carbon,17.5% Chromium
Medium Abrasive Material: 3.0%, 20%
High Abrasive Material: 3.0+%, 20%+
Compartment 2
Low / Medium Abrasive Material: 3,0% Carbon,12% Chromium
High Abrasive Material: 3.0%, 20+%
The working conditions of a liner are “soft” when:
In any other case the working conditions are “hard”. If more than one of the above-mentioned
points are given during a mill operation the working conditions are very hard.
If the operating conditions are much more favourable than the one above (speed far below 76
% and/or filling degree >>28, the material level in the chamber is good) the working
conditions are very soft.
To avoid changes in the steel structure and therefore damage of the liner, the indicated
operating temperatures (T operation) must not be exceded. Also heating up or cooling
must be done according to the indicated gradient temperature.
For high alloyed steels a perfect support of the plates must be granted to avoid plates
For medium and high alloyed steels the hardness can be modified through specific
heat treatment to reach a better compromise between wear and impact resistance.
Note: for identical liner design, alloy composition and heat treatment the lifetime
reached will be the same and independent from the liner manufacturer.
Estanda: In first chamber design for maximum 3% expansion of the ball charge. (Also
Estanda: In second chamber design for a maximum of 2% expansion in ball charge.
Steel type Commercial desigantion Composition Hardness Restrictions and comments Application
BHO Estanda Magotteaux %C % Cr Other HRc
Mn steel -- FED – 40 FMU 80 1.15 -- 13 % 230 (HBr) T < 250 C, Inlet wall liner, very hard
Mn working conditions
e < 100 mm
Medium 312 FED – 4 FMU 29 0.35 7 Mo, 53 350 < T operation < 500 C First chamber liner hard
alloyed Mn working conditions and slag,
Slow cooling/heating (< 250 slot grates for intermediate
C/h) diaphragms.
313 FED – 6 FMU 4 0.45 3 Mo, 40 < HRC < with heat
Mn treatment
High 314 FED – 13 FMU 11 1.25 12.5 Mo, 50 Perfect support required. Inlet wall liner, soft working
alloyed Mn conditions.
T operation < 450 C
Back plates for intermediate
Not for big parts. diaphragms.
e > 80 mm First chamber liner.
321 FED – 14 FMU 12 1.85 12.5 Mo, 56 50 < HRc< 63 with heat Second chamber liner
Mn treatment.
632 FED – 18 FMU 18 2.9 18 Mo, < 63 Vertical mill roller and grinding
Mn track segments.
652 FED – 25 FMU 40 2.7 26 Mn < 60 Very soft working conditions.
FED – 27 FMU 46 3.3 26 Mo, 53
4.6 Liners
Correct design is a function of the expansion of the charge which allows material to penetrate
the charge, and the lifting angle defined as the angle between the vertical and the line between
the top ball and the centre of the mill.
1st compartment – low hardness, high impact strength. Opposite for 2 nd compartment
(abrasion resistant).
Manganese liners – small mills, more deformation
Low Chromium – big and small liners, less deformation
High Chromium alloyed cast steel – Most Used, impact strength 4-10 J/cm²
Classifying: every row for small mills, every two rows for medium mills, every 3 for large
mills. Classifying angle increasing with mill size.
Classifiying liners only work if ball filling level is <35% and chamber L/D is >1.5.
The flat parts are corrugated, and the sloping parts are not. Therefore………
Above volume load of 34-36%, the traditional classifying liner breaks down.
NOTE: The X-Class classifying effect breaks down at critical speeds >80%.
Typical production rate increase from non-classified to classified 6%. This is because
the classifiying liner allows the efficient use of the existing fine ball charge, and further,
allows a further increase in the amount of fine ball charge.
OPC 25000+ hours 1st chamber, 50000+ 2nd chamber.
Raw Meal: 35000 hours 1st chamber, 70000 hours 2nd chamber.
Rubber Liners – Wet grinding (steel corrosion, good abrasion resistance for balls<65mm)
Conversion from non-classifying to classifying liners in short mills can reduce filling capacity
by up to 5% (check!)
4.7 Diaphragms
10-20 cm2/tph
The type of diaphragm that suits a defined application can be found based on the following
criteria: Mill type: cement mill, dry process raw mill, wet process raw mill.
Diaphragm location:
o Raw mill: transfer diaphragm at the drying chamber outlet, intermediate, peripheral
discharge for a double rotator mill and outlet diaphragm.
o For a cement mill: intermediate or outlet diaphragm. For the case of
cement mills with a drying chamber see raw mills.
Moisture content of the mill fresh feed. Above or below 2 [%H2O] content.
The diaphragm type: the name indicated refer to Magotteaux - Slegten denomination. For
details about each type of diaphragm, please, see B14.2 reg. 8 and B14.1 reg. 2.
Diaphragm characteristics
o The diaphragm frame can be manufactured or cast. The second one is only use in
special applications where wear is very high.
Machined plates have a greater lifetime than cast plates of the same slot width.
4.7.4 Intermediate
Chekka trunpet at the exit of diaphragm lets material flow out of diaphragm outside the air
stream BUT also accelerates the material in the gas stream uses less of C2 charge.
Most important design criteria are the slot width and total slot area.
From Lafarge best practice papre, experience shows a 5% increase in mill throughput when
installing a flow control diaphragm after a non-flow controlling diaphragm.
Pfeiffer design makes the material flow out of 3 and 9 O’clock positions thereby not
entraining the material in the air-flow increase in effective grinding length + reduced wear
of balls near diaphragm.
Front plates
Cement slot width: Slot width normally 6mm, but may be 8mm in the case of moisture
content > 2% in order to avoid clogging.
Raw Meal slot width: 8mm intermediate
Concentric slots lead to less blocking
Thickness is 40-60mm when new, 15-30mm when worn out, Pfeiffer 8-10mm.
Inside rings wear faster than outer rings.
Back Plates
Thickness is 40-80mm when new, 15-30mm when worn out, Pfeiffer 8-10mm.
Plates with slots provide less resistance to air flow, but impact negatively the material
flow control.
Central Opening
Should be as large as possible for minimum air resistance, may be adaptable to the
filling level.
Grate is only a security measure against balls passing between chambers in the event
of a blockage.
4.7.5 End diaphragm
Centre discharge mill – single diaphragms, slots 2mm larger on fine compartment side.
Low wear rate.
Slot width:
OPC 7-10 mm
Raw Meal 12-18 mm
Tendency to use slide-shoe bearings on large mills. There are too many stresses on large mills
which have trunnions.
For trunnion mills, the end plate is either welded directly onto the shell or is bolted. The end
plate is usually bolted to the trunnion unless it is cast as one piece if small. For proper direct
welding a steel with low sulphur content is required.
Mill head plates which get damaged plates circulate in the mill and damage the liners.
4.10 Mill Ball Charge and Internals Lifetimes
4.10.1Ball Charge
Magotteaux Rules:
OPC 2800-3200 cm2/g lifetime 100%
OPC 4000-5000 cm2/g -15%
Slag Cement 2800-3200 cm2/g -20%
Slag Cement 4000-5000 cm2/g -30%
Blind Plates C = 1,25, Cr = 12 20,000 – 30,000
2nd chamber Double the values for 1st chamber
Outlet Diaphragm (1) C = 0,35, Cr = 7 20,000 – 30,000
Outlet Diaphragm (2) C = 3, Cr = 25 30,000 – 45,000
The graphic below gives the distribution of the gross and net wear rate in the Group for cement
grinding based on ATR 1’998.
The average net wear is 14.9 [g/t] while 28.7 [g/t] for the gross wear rate. This means that about 50
[%] of the liner weight is not being used. Known cases show that within 15 – 20 [%] of the liner
initial weight can be worn before the liner looses its function.
Wear rate [g/t]
Gross [g/t]
Net [g/t]
Raw meal tube mill liner wear rate [g/t]
Wear rate [g/t]
60 Gross [g/t]
50 Net [g/t]
Turbulent Flow:
P2 = P1.(V2/V1)^2
Laminar Flow:
P2 = P1.(V2/V1)^1
In a vertical mill:
P2 = P1.(V2/V1)^1.5 (hence some laminar flow through nozzle ring)
In a bag filter:
P2 = P1.(V2(v1)^1.4 (due to laminar flow through bags. Only turbulent at inlet and outlet)
1. Primary objective is the removal of fines
2. Secondary is the removal of heat (a heat carrier)
3. Third is fluidisation or movement of material through the mill
Air temperature is generally 5°C lower than clinker temperature. If even lower false air.
To fine dust at the mill filter can lead to to quick bag penetration with fine dust resulting
in shortened bag lifetime and increased pressure drop
Bag wear is not only a function of dust load but also depending on ducting and filter inlet
design as well as air speed at the ilnlet of the filter.
Lafarge allow up to 3 m/s above the ball charge in raw mills.
10 m/s
5 m/s
1 m/s
25 m/s
55 Discharge Trunnion
As a rule of thumb, the maximum vent velocity through the discharge trunnion is 23 to 25
m/s. To achieve higher usually requires such a large pressure drop that most dust collectors
and fans are not designed to make this practical. To estimate the maximum venting volume
flow, take the smallest available cross sectional area; deduct 40% to allow for material in the
trunnion; multiply by 25 m/s.
A gas speed of 4-5 m/s exit drop-out box and a mill speed of 1.5 m/s generally gives a blaine
of the aspirated dust of ~3000 cm²/g (Beat Stocker).
A gas speed of 2-2.5 m/s exit drop-out box (mill speed 0.5 m/s) gives a blaine of ~4000
These units work just like the two separators in series in one respect and like two separators in
parallel in another. All of the feed that goes to the static separator (generated by mill sweep)
is essentially double-classified. First by the static and then again in the dynamic separator
(static rejects go to the elevator). The second nice thing is that the feed to the dynamic is
reduced by the amount of product pulled off by the static. Thirdly, the fineness of the feed to
the dynamic is reduced, this appears to improve its performance too. Fourthly, if your
dynamic is a Sturtevant you will likely find the quality of the product from the grit is better
than your separator fines, Rosin-Rammler speaking.
The trick here is to get as much material as possible to the static. This means maximum mill
sweep. Demopolis gets half of their mill exit material to the grit first, but it takes 1.6 m/s
above the balls ( and a 400 HP fan) to do it.
If you have an H.E.S., the value of adding a static is questionable since the separator is
so efficient already - it won't know the difference. Quality may suffer too. The static's
generally produce cement superior to a Sturtevant, similar to a Raymond, and worse
than an H.E.S. based on Rosin-Rammler. In short follows these rules of thumb:
• Sturtevant or Raymond
• potentially good mill sweep
As an alternative consider also a large dropout box (poor man's static) if you have the room,
but not the money. (Exshaw FM2)
Capacity [m3/h]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
5.3.1 Ducting
Bhatpara, ducting at the exit of the 51 Dorol is about 15mm thick. Delivered with spiders
inside in orderto maintain the shape of the parts.
Dedusting ductwork design. 16 m/s for slag and clinker, 18 m/s for the rest.
Example Stéphane cement course. Elevator dedusting located in wrong position + incorrect
hooding extraction of large quantity of fines from elevator. Then discharged from
auxillary filter onto VRM feed belt mill vibrations and mill stop.
5.3.2 Dedusting Hood Design
Can velocity. Vertical upwards speed of the gas between the bags. Should be as low as
possible in order to give max time for filtration, and to reduce the hold up of the falling filter
cake coming off the outside of the bags. If too high, fine particles get dislodged from the cake
and get sucked onto neighbouring bags. There is therefore repeated filtering of the same
Design Challenges
Reduction in energy consumption through low filter pressure drop, correct ductwork and
low compressed air consumption.
Optimisation of filter media serive life, fine dust collection, temperature resistance,
Larger filter volumes for increased kiln and grinding capacities
Reduction of the number of filters e.g. combine kiln and cooler filter
More decentralised filters (e.g. top-mounted hopperfilters) in order to reduce ducting
D u s t c o lle c to r – B a g c le a n in g
E x a m p le b a g c le a n in g c y c le s
T y p ic a l c le a n in g s e q u e n c e R e c o m m e n d e d c le a n in g s e q u e n c e
7 7
E x a m p le o f r e c o m m e n d e d c le a n in g s e q u e n c e f o r a d u s t c o lle c to r w ith 1 7 b a g - r o w s
a n d 1 0 t im e r p o s it io n s :
T im e r
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
P o s it io n
V a lv e 1 4 7 1 0 2 5 8 3 6 9
N u m b . 1 1 1 4 1 7 1 2 1 5 1 3 1 6
1 2
H G R S 0 8 /0 4 -O R
Raw Mill
In order to satisfy 260°C limit and achieve adequate conductivity of the gas, gas conditioning
by water injection in a gas tower must be done. Up to 80 g/m3stp or up to 900 g/m3stp if
there is no cyclone after the raw mill and an exhaust gas temperature of 280-400°C are
Coal Mill
From ZKG International Dec 2004: Filters require:
High pressure shock resistance air-tightness
Fulfillment of ATEX Zone 22+20 Directive.
Pulse jet filters are therefore normally used.
Design for 150% of the maximum pumping airflow.
Clinker Cooler
Normal operation, dust loading 5-30 g/m3stp, up to 100 g/m3 during upset operation.
Temperature usually 230-280°C, up to 400°C in upset conditions.
Traditionally and ESP was used, but now bag filters are used at 130°C, therefore upstream
conditioning with an air/air heat exchanger is required (process gas in pipes is cooled
externally by axial fans). A temperature of 130°C allows cheaper polyester bags to be used.
5.4.2 Filter Types
Airflow passes through the bags from inside to outside. The particles collect on the inside of
the bag and are cleaned by flushing the bag for a long period at low pressure.
Reverse air filters are mainly used in the USA for large volume flows. The permissable area
loading is substantially lower than for pulse jet filters, hence the capital costs are higher.
Operational costa are also higher.
Diaphragm valve is opened by electrovalve for a pulse time of less than 0,2 seconds. Either
high pressure (3-6 bar) or low pressure (1-3 bar) pulse is used.
These filters are used exclusively for new cement mill draft and separator installations where
dust loading can be as high as 1000 g/m3. ESPs are confined to existing plants. Vertical mills
with filter requirements of up to 900,000 m3/h.
Filter Pictures
5.5 Electrostatic Precipitators
Distance between skirts 2/3 of the troughed belt width. ½ for free flowing materials.
Spillage conveyor runs every 15 minutes for 5 minutes, or every hour 5 minutes..
6.2 Elevators
Chains have higher wear rate. Investment costs between bands and chains are similar.
c) For powdered material on mill circuits, bulk density changed due
to internal water sprays, irregular grinding aid addition, or too
much air on the airslide feeding the elevator.
c) For powdered materials, no de-aeration holes on the buckets
If you suspect a recirculation problem get an inspection hatch installed a short distance below
the discharge on the return side. There should be little or no material raining down.
To approximate the degree of boot overfilling, drill, tap and install a series of small plugs at
regular intervals starting from the bottom on the return side of the elevator. It's messy but
Table with Data of all Bucket Elevators at new 4900 t/d Clinker Production Line at Gladstone
Horizontal transport:
Belt conveyor are more favourable then the pneumatic conveying system, but
==> additional expenses to avoid emissions have to be applied
==> more maintenance work has to be considered
==> higher investment cost have to be foreseen
Vertical transport:
With pneumatic pipe conveying the lifting work is reduced by the significantly lower wall
friction loss in the vertical conveying section.
Decisions about the system to be installed may be based on following considerations :
Maintenance costs
Operating costs
Capital expenses
System availability (Suppliers)
The energy consumption for pneumatic conveying is much more heavily influenced than that
for mechanical conveying by the given operation conditions, constraints and the relevant bulk
material properties.
Results show far better energy consumption for mechanical conveyors in an abstracted
system. Pneumatic transport 1.2 – 1.8 kWh/t depending on distances.
Due to the fact that conveying systems often are more complicated in the cement plant
(changes in directions, different levels, transfer points, dedusting facilities, and so on), each
new conveying system has to be adapted to the particular situation.
6.5 Airslides
minimum inclinations: deg %
raw meal 5 9
< 3500 cm2/g 5 9
> 3500 cm2/g 6 10.5
ex mill product
raw meal 12 21.5
cement 12 21.5
separator coarses
raw meal 15 27
cement 12 21.5
conveying air rates m3/m2/min
(1.5) - 2 - (5)
Metal Trap Costs €30,000. Install an extra fan exclusively for the airslides providing 7
m3/min/m2 air. Use Cement Course Diagram.
Tramp Metal Separator (System Polysius) Ball Mill (Detail)
Air slide
Air slides
Slide Gates
The foreign body trap installed in the circuit (after the bucket elevator discharge)
works very well. This can be taken as example of a good practice:
Foreign body trap with gates Screen below foreign body trap
In cases where FK Pump capacity is marginal with respect to the circuit, venting become
crucial to ensuring that the bulk density is as high as possible to maximize tonnage. To
help out, an extra venting box or baffle plate can be added to the hopper as shown in the
diagram below. Recognize that the variable pitch screw compacts the material which in effect
squeezes any air out. This air escapes out into the hopper which will aerate the incoming
material further. The baffle plate provides a easy escape route for this air without re-
entraining it, thus maximizing the feed bulk density.
Occasionally in some installations, for reasons not fully understood, material can become
over-compacted which causes the pump to draw high motor amps and trip suddenly. Fuller, in
many installations, (but not all, consult Fuller if you wish to modify a particular pump) has
provided a small threaded port located midway in the pump barrel. This is a compressed air
injection port. Typically it is hooked up to a solenoid which in turn is activated by a high
motor amp switch. As the motor suddenly rises in current, the switch causes the solenoid to
open which fires compressed air into the barrel momentarily. This fluidizes the compacted
material, relieving the binding on the screw and hence motor amps.
G-B6: Troubleshooting - Pumps
Condition: Dusting from feed hopper, pump running
1. Check flapper arm for movement. If movement is minimal or none, hold the arm
down by hand to try and feel if there is material coming out of the pump. If there is no
material flow or the load seems light, check flow to the pump hopper for possible
obstructions. If none, check the airslide air valve setting and the dedusting line.
2. If the load seems normal continue to hold arm down to attempt to make a material
seal. If the seal is achieved observe operation of the pump and monitor the operation
3. Of the seal is still not achieved, check to see if there is enough manifold pressure, it
should be 25 to 30 PSI. If air pressure is low, start another compressor and attempt to make a
seal by holding down on the flapper arm. If a seal is achieved observe and monitor the
operation of the pump.
4. If all of the above attempts to make a seal fail, contact the control room and advise
him of the problem. Contact the Coordinator or Mechanical Maintenance.
Variable Pitch Screw
Air Seal Air Header
Roller Bearing
“Engineering” means:
Equipment Flowsheet
General Arrangement Drawings
Equipment Drawings
Dedusting ducting routing
Platework design drawings
Equipment Manuals
Take the % of particles <45m in the separator feed and multiply by the t/h. Take 80% of this
value for the product. The remainder is rejects.
Lafarge: bypass decrease of 2-5% max when kg sep feed / m3/h sep air <2 no significant
effect on the mill production rate.
Lafarge: bypass is the lowest % of feed that will go back to the mill.
Note that Ito considers bypass a function of the particle dispersion and separator geometry.
The particles rejected by the separator back to the mill consist of this amount + the truly
separated particles.
A quick check for separator overload is to compare the PSD of the feed and the rejects. If
they are similar, this indicates a high bypass.
Bypass is a function of the separator feedrate. Therefore the classifier cannot be described by
a single Tromp curve.
1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation
60 57%
Bypass (%)
40 42%
100 t/h
160 t/h
50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
Feedrate to Separator (t/h)
7.2.2 Efficiency
% recovery of THE RANGE 0 – x m feed size into the fines stream. Is therefore
CUMULATIVE Depends on the circulating load.
= f / (u * a)
f = % passing in fines at sieve size x m
a = % passing in feed at sieve size x m
“d50” - Is the particle size at which 50% of a sample is greater.
7.2.4 Sharpness
d75 / d25 – particle size 75% in rejects / particle size 25% in rejects. Equals “1” for perfect
Calculate with (f - r) / (a - r) using different sieve sizes.
Or: CL = (f-r) / (a-r). Do for every particle size and take average.
Result is variable according to the size class chosen.
CL = A/F
Aa = Rr + Ff (a,r,f = percentages 0 to x m) or % residue on any sieve size.
7.2.6 Rosin-Rammler
The term "Rosin-Rammler number" relates to the use of the Rosin-Rammler-Bennett curve.
This Rosin-Rammler curve is simply a mathematical formula which can be made to
approximate most powder size distributions. The slope value [n], sometimes called the
Rosin-Rammler Number, simultaneously reflects the PSD's scatter or irregularity and
the tendency to group in one narrow size range. A PSD of random numbers will fit a
Rosin- Rammler distribution 9 out of 10 times. However it's slope or [n] will be low. As the
irregularities disappear and/or the PSD begins to group around a size range then the
RR# increases.
R = 100 · e
R = % residue at size [d]
d = particle size, µm
do = fineness number = size at 36.8 % retained or 63.2 % passing
n = Uniformity = slope of the Rosin-Rammler distribution or Rosin Rammler Number
0.6 - 0.7 raw meal grinding
0.75 - 0.85 open circuit grinding or very bad separator performance
0.85 - 1.00 bad to mediocre performance for first generation separators (Raymond, Sturt)
1.00 - 1.20 good performance for first or second generation separators (Humbolt-Wedag)
1.10 - 1.40 high efficiency separators
The figures given above are for cement, raw mix R.R. Nos. are usually lower.
7.3 Cyclones
HMC guide value is 2.6 [m3/m2.h]. Where m2 is the area based on the nominal diameter.
A more sophisticated approach is the cyclone, shown in figure 4.1. The outward spin forces
the coarse particles out of the gas stream. Cyclones are intended to separate dust from gases -
they are very poor size classifiers. WARNING: do not confuse cyclone efficiency with
selection (recovery) efficiency. Cyclone efficiency refers to the effectiveness of dust removal
from gas stream - not how good of a classifier it is.
75-80% efficient = the mass percentage separated into the cyclone rejects.
Lafarge – 96%(?).
Example from HGRS library: 10% increase in throughput after installation of a static
separator (cement fineness 3500).
See Heming photo for example of adjustable dip tube height, and diameter of dip tube.
Centrifugal Force
particles loses
velocity and
drops out, only KHD and FCB are
to be re- two suppliers who
entrained at the made this
inlet where the modification to
velocity is much capture the coarse
higher. The particles as rejects.
resulting cloud Thus efficiency
blocks flow. improves on the
The same laws of fluid dynamics are at work in a Sturtevant, but are used slightly differently
and less efficiently. The high efficiency separator uses drag and centrifugal forces in direct
opposition to determine the cut size or balance diameter. Residence time in the classification
zone is largely dependent on particle mass, gravity and fluid resistance. However in
Sturtevants (and other similar first generation machines) drag forces are pitted mainly against
relatively weak gravity forces to determine cut size or selection. For this reason, improving
the main fan or opening the diaphragm tends to "drag" or "lift" a lot more coarse particles out
of the classification zone leading to lower 325 and 200 meshes (but with a lower separator
bypass). Consequently secondary selector blades are crucial to overcoming this gross
inefficiency. The strong centrifugal forces determines rejection and thus residence time
instead. Time for separation is much shorter than what is found in HES units. By adding
more selector blades (increasing total blade area), the spinning internal vortex and thereby the
centrifugal forces are strengthened and shortens the residence time in the classification zone.
Drag forces must overcome gravity; they must overcome centrifugal forces acting at right
angles; and they must drag or lift particles past the selector blades. Separator bypass
increases and the cut size favors the smaller diameter, whenever centrifugal forces are
increased by changing the selector blades. In scaling up unit sizes Sturtevant also made the
colossal mistake of not scaling up the height of the classification zone correctly. Hence
larger Sturtevants tend to be more inefficient than smaller units by virtue of having a
proportionately smaller classification zone. Changing the main fan or the diaphragm
merely changes the drag or lift forces in Sturtevants, thus affects the force balance with
similar performance end results.
Once the particle is selected in the inner cone it moves to the outer cone where it is must again
by selected to report to product, the other portion not selected returns to the inner cone
through the return air vanes, increasing separator bypass.
Understanding how these forces are employed will help the process engineer make rational
decisions regarding how best to enhance separator performance.
At this point it worthwhile to point out a couple of useful rules of thumb for Sturtevant
a) maximize main fan power to minimize separator bypass but be wary - this will
reduce overall fineness if no other changes are made.
b) increasing total blade area will improve blaine fineness and increase bypass
somewhat. The % passing a specific mesh size (200 or 325) will likely
improve as well.
c) increasing the number of blades will improve the % passing a specific mesh
size (200 or 325).
More information and useful ideas are covered in "Practical Fundamentals ... Volume 1" as
well as a useful report on Sturtevant geometry is contained in this Volume.
"Sturtevant "Sturtevant
Modifications.DOC" Geometry and Fineness LAFARGE.DOC"
See PPE ppt file.
See Stephane Report Siggenthal.
See Modification DIBUJOS, Carboneras (installation of cage rotor with cone to ZUB 45/6),
also done on two ZUB 42 separators at Sparrows Point.
1. Check Vertical Speed past separating Blades (function of plate supporting blades)
2. Check fan flowrate and fan for improper modifications (cf. Heming)
3. Check gap between blades and outside of casing (design value Polysius Cyclopol =
50mm). This reduces the residue value (rather than Blaine)
4. Check for sufficient rotor power if air speed is increased (or number of blades?).
Design flow cooling air = 10% total separator air. Maximum cooling effect = 3-5°C.
1. Reduce the bypass less fines returning to C1 which cushion the grinding forces of
the balls more efficient grinding greater production.
2. Increase the concentration of particles in the range 3-30m which are important for
strength development can reduce the fineness target for the same strength
greater production.
For typical cases (existing separator at the limit, mill OK to pass more particles), production
increase is in the range 12-43%.
7.7.2 Impact on KWh/t
For typical cases (existing separator at the limit, mill OK to pass more particles), kWh/t
decrease is in the range 6-21%.
The existence of a pregrinder in a cement circuit is good for the conversion to a high
efficiency separator because following the increase in production, the pregrinder will
rarely plug unlike a 1st chamber in a ball mill.
Experience shows that separators should operate with a maximum amount of air and
cage speed in order to reduce bypass and hence reduce kWh/t. Working with maximum
air-flow also gives a sharper PSD.
Polysius Sepol: (cf: mill 8 West Thurrock) has the fines extracted from underneath. This
allows a central material feed from the top and therefore a more even material distribution.
First hit market in 1985. Sold 40 a year worldwide every year since. Use guide vanes to
direct the air evenly through the cage.
KHD SKS: (cf: Dotternhausen, Réunion) 4 feed points (Hp and SO think this is the best
NOTE: At Dotternhausen the shale was previously ground to 7000 blaine. After installation
of new SKS circuit, only 5900 blaine is required for the same quality. AND the laser
granulometry shows very little difference between the 2 grinding methods.
The VSK is arranged before the roller press in order to cool or heat the clinker with fresh air /
hot gas as required.
Sturtevant SD100: (cf: Rochefort) 2 feed points, poorly placed (but made no difference).
Walter says that the SD100 is dimensioned differently from others poor experiences with
this size.
Fuller O-Sepa: (cf: Cilacap) 4 feed points, air extracted upwards. Primary and secondary air
inlets. 425 separators installed worldwide as of April 2006.
FLS SEPAX: uses a desagglomerator for roller press feeds. Generally bottom-fed. Like a
vertical mill separator?
Most manufacturers design for the same cage dimensions but with a higher gas flow for raw
meal simply because the cut size of the raw meal is higher. Speeds are usually 20% higher.
Therefore if 4 m/s cement, 4.8 m/s raw material.
For cement:
3.9 m/s cage speed Sturtevant
3.6 Polysius
3.4 Pfeiffer
4.5 KHD
Polysius philosophy is lower speeds in order to reduce wear. KHD is higher speeds in order
to improve separation efficiency.
Cage speed desirable max is 35 m/s. Need a special (expensive) rotor construction for speeds
> 35 m/s.
note that for the Alesd Raw Mill separator, KHD did not want to drop below a cage speed of
12 m/s (for reasons of separation efficiency).
Specific air load (feed): < 2.5 kg/m³ (FLS O-Sepa: 2.5) or > 0.4 m3/kg, although
is 4 kg/m3 for Horomills and VSK.
Specific air load (product) < 0.75 kg/m³ (FLS O-Sepa: 0.85) or > 1.33 m3/kg
(hence circ load of 3.3)
Cage speed 5-35 m/s
Research by ONODA suggests that the different sizes of separators may not have been scaled
up correctly. Cage height, gap width (between the cage and guide vanes) and especially cage
bars or blade spacing are important factors. Apparently there is a critical optimum spacing
width between cage blades or bars. Too wide or too narrow results in poor 325 mesh values.
The spacing varies with unit size. Larger units appear to have spacing that's too wide.
1st generation: 1,0 kg/m³ (difficult to measure the airflow) or 6 t/m² [depending on
separator-surface (separator diameter); see also particular advise in the
manual, as specific value depends also from product fineness]
3rd generation: 1,8 kg/m³ ; +/- 0,2 kg/m³, higher if the fine material load remains< 1,0
Separator efficiency is usually poor if separator rejects are > 850 cm²/g for cement in the
range 3200-4000.
Walther et al:
Reasons for guide vanes:
1. Pre-separation of the incoming particles. Larger particles have a hard time to change
their direction, so get caught by the vanes (effect static separator / cyclone)
2. The guide vanes pass the material in a direction in front of the rotor blades (not into
the blades) where the particles are then "presented" to the gas flow. Somehow this is a
more "pure" separation than if the material is directed into the rotor blades, probably
less wear too.
3. The guide vanes direct into a single direction/angle to the rotor. If there were no
vanes, then the same sized particle which approaches the rotor at different angles
would have a different chance of being separated.
4. The blades act as a trap for particles which have rebounded off the vanes. The
particles lose velocity and fall into the rejects cone
5. The vanes can be angled at different points around the rotor (useful if the
aerodynamics of the spiral around the rotor is not well designed) so that the airflow is
evenly distributed to the cage (I guess only beneficial if the material is also evenly
K-HB: guide vanes provide a surface for the rebounding particles to be trapped, lose velocity
and fall down the cone.
Third generation separator. Put the air at max, and change the rotor speed only (1-2 revs/min)
to get the fineness. Highest separation efficiency at highest air flows. Low air = higher by-
pass. Low air flow needs low cage speed.
Wear is a function of:
Angle of impact
Particle velocity
Particle shape
Particle hardness
Material bulk density
Wear material
More detail:
Wear rate increases at (particle velocity)1.8
The highest rate of wear for normal steel occurs at an angle of impact of 25°. The
lowest is at 90°.
The highest rate of wear of compound steel is 65°.
With an angle of impact of 90°, wear of normal and compound steel are identical
With increasing material load wear rate is reduced (autogenous protection by
rebounding particles)
The wear rate is strongly dependent on the type of material conveyed.
Particularly high wear occurs from: Pozzolana, raw meal with high quartz content,
disagglomerated cakes from a roller press (due to particle shape?).
Included in the design is the possibility to recirculate 0-80% of the total airflow.
Alesd HES with 4 cyclones and 265,000 m3/h @90°C, fan is designed for 38 mbar.
Alesd HES with 2 cyclones and 530,000 m3/h @90°C, fan is designed for 45 mbar
Only 5-8% above the nominal airflow is recommended for the filter.
Alesd RM, 4-4.5% of separating airflow is dedusted, but filter is sized for 2.5 times this value.
Fan is sized for 30 mbar.
For new installations a HES is best-suited in most cases. Special applications (e.g. low water
demand, flatter granulometry may require alternative solutions)
7.8.1 Open Circuit Conversion
Conversion to HES will only make a difference if the mill has L/D of <3.5.
o In this case, production increase of >20%
o Cost of conversion $2.5M including mill ventilation system + separator
Conversion to a static separator will give:
o Increase in capacity of between 5 and 10%
o Mill MUST be sufficiently ventilated and mill filter must recuperate more than
15% of the finished product.
o Cost $60k
Example from HGRS library: 10% increase in throughput after installation of a static
separator (cement fineness 3500).
Generally static separators are associated with a dynamic separator which produces 80% of
the fines. Therefore little interest in optimising the static separator. However, for birotor
mills, the static may produce 60% of the fines. In this case:
For Cement:
Separating ventilation and separator blade drives will give:
o Increase up to 5% production
o Allow greater flexibility in multi product mills
o Required a Variable Speed Drive on each shaft with the possibility of
increasing speed by 20% and installing a cage at 57° or vertical for selection.
Cost $250k.
Installation of a 2nd Generation (extra cyclone and external fan + VSD for selection
process) will increase capacity by 7%.
o Cost: $700k.
o Allows cooling / drying possibilities.
Installation of HES wil give:
o Throughput increase of up to 12% at 3500 cm²/g, up to 30% at 5400 cm²/g.
o Typical value (Holcim) 30%. Palavi 30 t/h 45 t/h.
o Cost $1.6M
Proven efficiency of 2nd generation separators makes it very difficult to justify upgrade to
HES. However can:
Install cage in place of separation blades + high efficiency cyclones + increasing
ventilation gives:
o Production increase of 3-4%
o Cost: $600k for all the above changes.
Diameter 4.1 m
Height 2.735 m
Cage area 35.2 m2
D/H 1.5
Installed rotor motor power 495 kW
Airflow 530,000 m3/h at 90°C, 21,200 m3/h dedusted
Pressure drop 45 mbar
Amount of dedusting air = 4% of separating air volume.
Installed Fan Power 1100 kW
Number of cyclones 2
Diameter of cyclones 5.5 m, length 13.1 m
Dedusting Filter
Max dust load to dedusting filter 70 g/m3
Filter area 775 m2
Gas Flow 20,000 m3/h
Air to cloth ratio 1.07 if using fan design flow. (guideline 1.5 m3/m2.min)
Fan deisgn air flow 50,000 m3/h at 90°C
Pressure drop 30 mbar
Diameter 2.9 m ( 6.6 m2)
Gas speed (530,000/3600) / 6.6 = 22.3 m/s
Guarantee on 200m??
Dedusting filter sizing- actual flow 20,000 m3/h, sized for 50,000 m3/h
Sepol motor power – page 2, 495 kW, page 16, 380 kW
Air quantity unclear: fan design 530,000, separating air 530,000, operating air 493,000 m3/h
(datasheet). Radial airspeed is 4.2 with 530,000 but only 3.9 with 493,000 m3/h. Same
applies with smaller separators.
For the single separator, not an ideal bend at the air inlet. Much better (straight) inlet into the
two smaller separators.
Targets: Material level middle of charge in C1, 50mm above charge in C2.
Fuller strategy – high circulating loads and coarse ball charge, highly filled. (U.S mills)
Hanspeter: adapt ball charge for a higher retention time increase the fineness at the
mill exit and reduce the load on the separator.
Lafarge: The amount of fines returned to the mill do not lead to overgrinding or reduce
the capacity of the mill. BUT NOTE EXAMPLE OF FOS – CLINKER ALONE 30 t/h
during purge not plugged, 24 t/h with recirc plugged. Therefore Lafarge statement
not true.
Due to:
Irregular dosing of grinding aid or water
Mill airlock too tight (yeah, right!)
Pumping pneumatic trough conveyors
One drawback in mill operation, with the addition of grinding aids, is the occurrence of
flushing in the mill. Due to the dry dispersing action of the grinding aid, the fluidity of the
dry material being ground may be greatly increased, causing the material to flush rapidly
through the mill. Normally this sort of problem is related how the grinding aid is injected
and/or that there is a metering problem (i.e.. flushes of grinding aid). Usually too much
grinding aid can't hurt, except for cost and leaky liner bolts.
Mill Power
Mill power increases with increasing filling of the voids between the balls. At some point the
balls interlock in a different manner and are released lower on the shell reduction in
abosrbed kW.
Most mills operate in the zone where an increase in feed leads to a reduction in the absorbed
kW, some in the opposite zone and few in the unstable zone.
Mill Sound
1st chambers are often porous and coarse at the start of the chamber, then fine in the centre and
coarse again towards the end. Material tends to accumulate only where it meets the point of
lowest porosity, but this point can be affected by feed size and crushability as well as changes
to the ball charge porosity. Sinve microphones are fixed, thery are trying to measure a peak
level that is shifting with changes in circulating load.
Mill Elevator
Suffers the following problems:
Long lag times, especially with multi chambers or long mills
Cannot detect extreme problems in 1st chamber
Sensitive to erratic water spray or grinding aid flow
Sensitive to amount of aeration air used or material flidity
Boot is overfilled digging influences kW not just the load
Motor is oversized, therefore kWs is insensitive
Rejects Flow
8.1.6 Fineness Control
At Jerez, fineness according to Blaine is NOT considered a good control parameter of quality
EXCEPT for OPC where a good correlation exists between blaine and compressive strenght
development. R63m is used instead.
E.g. Insitec.
Installation not protected from dust (cf. photo Jerez and Dotternhausen)
Supposed benefits
Better control of product quality, narrower range of operation
Hence increased productivity and reduced kWh/t due to reduced overgrinding
Allows optimisation in the by giving immediate feedback to engineers actions (but
note that the system must restabilise after an action, hence the real result of the action
occurs 2 hours later!)
Reduction of laboratory workload
Faster cement type changes (5 minutes from sample to result)
The bolts of the liner fixation should be reightened several times, for the first time after 8-12
Sample size = 0.1 x (max particle size mm)^1.5 WITH MINIMUM SAMPLE SIZE 1kg
PAGE 67 CMC for representative sample size.
1 micron = 0.001 mm
Mesh Size No. Ø µm Mesh Size No. Ø µm
4 4,750 50 300 raw meal
5 4,000 60 250
6 3,350 70 212 raw meal
7 2,800 80 180
8 2,360 (2.36 mm) interm. diaphr. 100 150
10 2,000 120 125
12 1,700 140 106
14 1,400 170 90 coal, raw meal
16 1,180 200 75 cement
18 1,000 230 63
20 850 270 53
25 710 325 45 cement
30 600 400 38
35 500 450 32
40 425 500 25
45 355 635 20
9.2.1 Fineness
Holcim targets:
"29 Product
Generally milling particles to R90 and limiting the number of particles >200m. Therefore
we only generally consider these 2 sizes.
R90microns 10 – 20%
R200microns <0.5-1%
Ratio R200 / R90 is between 0.02 and 0.05 for good separation. Separation is
improvable for values > 0.05.
Conversion to “blaine”:
9.2.2 Moisture
Residual Moisture 0.5-1% raw materials.
9.2.3 Quartz
Note that particles > 300m may be composed of silica (quartz) compounds. These are
extremely difficult to burn in the kiln reduction in kiln throughput. The kiln can be very
sensitive to very small changes in this coarse fraction (example passing from 0.45% rejects on
300m to 0.50% can lead to serious kiln problems).
Holcim Burnability index considers calcite > 90m and quartz > 200m. Problems if
calcite > 90m and quartz > 32m.
Lafarge: limestone particles greater than 125m and Quartz particles > 45 m can
cause burnability problems.
9.4 cement
9.4.1 EN 197-1
"EN 197-1 en
Cement Standards.pdf"
9.4.2 Fineness
Accelerates strength development.
Effect is small for cement, smaller for concrete.
Greater fineness greater water requirement and greater shrinkage, and reduced
At Jerez, fineness according to Blaine is NOT considered a good control parameter of quality
EXCEPT for OPC where a good correlation exists between blaine and compressive strenght
development. R63m is used instead.
9.4.3 Moisture
Typically 0% for cement
Points 1 and 2 are improved with 3rd generation separators. Point 3 can be optimised by
the grinding part of the circuit, including gypsum type / quantity, milling temperature,
ball charge….
49% of the total specific surface is contributed by particles <2m which is only 7-9% of
the mass, and only 2% of the total specific surface is contributed by particles > 45m.
9.4.5 Mineralogy
Has little influence in practical situations
9.4.6 Density
Cement density typically: 1.1 g/cm³.
Belt conveyor – see PPE handbook.
Raw Meal
Raw meal density in homo silo = 0.9 (fresh) to 1 (if in silo for a while, used for calculation)
Fluidised raw meal 0.75 g/cm3.
(From Greenport, zeller) - Residual carbon of the fly ash (30 % corresponding to 1.5 % in the
raw mix) acts as a grinding aid
9.6.1 fineness
Has to be ground finer than ordinary OPC in order to compensate for the lower
strength development of the pozzolana proportion.
Generally high water content.
In general, GBFS is abrasive and requires more grinding energy than clinker. Slag is
therefore generally ground alone in ball mills to a fineness of 3000 – 4000 cm²/g. Grinding
alone also allows a better control of the quality which may be variable from the GBFS
producer. Vertical roller mills are also used as pregrinders (the slag always passes through a
ball mill as a finishing / mixing process with the clinker). A wide PSD is generally favoured
in order to have favorable cement / concrete properties.
The final product also often passes through a batch mixer. Limestone or other constituents
may be added at this point.
Slag cements do not produce good early strengths, although strength development at 7 and 28
days is good.
9.8.1 Fineness
The PSD generated by the grinding of GBFS changes according to the age of the slag. In
particular the necessary fineness is a function of the age. There xist no correlations as yet
between fineness and age.
Wet slag cement leads to coating / blockages etc of transport equipment additional costs.
Slag may be dried in a drier or within the grinding circuit additional costs. Other costs
arise from storage and transport of the slag.
Can use grinding aids (e.g. CB-100, Grace) to improve flowability and late strength. These
can work by removing non-reactive ferrite from the silicate surfaces of the clinker portion of
the cement greater reactivity. This additive works best at lower fineness (hence good for
limestone cements where the clinker portion is ground less fine than in OPC).
9.10 coal
9.11 petcoke
Cement temperature at the exit of a vertical roller mill is ~85°C, or 10°C less than the mill gas
outlet temperature, hence no need for cooling equipment.
10.2 Cost
FLS 2005: $US 35,000 for a complete 2nd chamber water injection system.
Cooling Options
Water spray on the feed belt simple buts risks prehydration of clinker
Water injection in mill. Only if temperatures > 100°C, otherwise the water will not
evaporate in the mill but will do so in the silos lump formation in the silos effect
on bagging operations and reduction of water release from gypsum dehydration
Separator cooling. Note this also cools the rejects, hence reduces the drying capacity
and possibly reducing the efficiency of the grinding.
o Maximum 30-40°C cooling in single-pass air separator
o Maximum 10-15°C in a cyclone separator
Mill ventilation cooling. Note the ventilation has other functions:
o Fluidises the material
o Transports fines through the mill
Water Cooler
FLS: “In order to avoid dry clogging and dehydration of the crystal water in the gypsum, the
temperature in the cement must always be kept below 125°C.”
10.4.1Choice of 1st or 2nd Chamber Injection, Co-Current / Counter-Current
General rules:
1. Only use for clinker above 100°C. If used lower, there is a risk of lack of evaporation
2. Inject first into the 2nd chamber. If this is insufficient for the cooling duty, then inject into
the 1st chamber. Other experiences show however that balancing the injection in the 1st
and 2nd chambers is also effective.
Although the feed end spray is the simplest mechanically, the first compt. is the
coldest and tends to plug easily. To control properly, you must install a thermocouple
in between the partition plates.
Partition water spray is the best from a process point of view, as it goes with the flow
and can reach any internal hot spots. Mechanically it is more apt to break due to
bending of the pipes. Co-current is preferred because the temperature of the clinker is
kept lower on average throughout the compartment. However, the installation is more
complex. Counter-current are easier to install, exept for central drives.
Discharge end water spray is a good compromise mechanically, but as it must spray
against the air flow, penetration is not deep and there’s a stronger tendency to plug the
discharge grates.
10.4.2Direction of Spray
1st Chamber:
2nd Chamber: For intermediate diaphragm spray, need to spray into the expanded
charge for maximum effect, i.e. the side opposite the electrical ear. See mistake in
o Care must be taken because water also fluidises the clinker.
o Also it can prehydrate the cement loss of strength.
Mill Shell Temp, % Range
DE Water Spray
Partiton Water Spray
Compartment 1 Compartment 2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
% Distance from Mill Feed End
Need a water flowmeter, controller + valve for each line and for the water tank level.
The effect of water vapour on cement properties depends on the cement reactivity and the
fineness. For low aluminates (7-8%) and alkalis (Na2O equivalent 0.6%) and a blaine
<4000cm²/g, there is little effect.
For cements with a high aluminate content (>10%) and high alkali (K2O > 1%) and a high
fineness, the cement can absorb up to 1.5% water leading to a reduction in strength at 2,7,28
days, and a shorter setting time, especially when alkali/SO3 ratio is > 1.
"... changes in stiffening and setting behaviors occur if ... the water introduced into the
mill [from wet additives, the water spray or from the gypsum itself] ... reacts with the
C3A of the clinker and thus reduces its reactivity. Preliminary hydration of C 3S may
moreover adversely affect strength development." [Ellerbrock]
"The main conclusion to emerge ... is that the water vapour in the mill can appreciably affect
the reactivity of C3A. ... For reasons of cement quality the water vapour dew-point
temperature in the mill air must not exceed about 70 °C."
10.5.1Cooler Dimensioning
10.5.2Cooler Design
Circular tube, water cascades down outside of a cylinder, cement is carried upwards by an
archimedes screw conveyor which occupies the entire area of the cylinder.
Up to 200 t/h cement
Cooling from 120°C to 60°C.
Consumes 1 kWh/t cement
Counter current, cement moving upwards
1.25 kJ/m°Ch
10.6 Gypsum
10.6.1importance of gypsum
10.6.2Gypsum hydrolyis
The gypsum or hemihydrate reacts with C3A to form ettringite which surrounds the C3A.
This protection delays the hydrolysis of the C3A and hence the quick setting of the cement.
The ettringite eventually breaks down under crystallisation pressure exposing C3A surface
and allowing the C3A to react with the remaining sulphate. When all the SO3 is used up, only
then does complete hydration of C3A occur with consumption of the ettringite. Ca-Al-SO4
hydrates form which set slower than Ca Aluminates.
Dehydration of Gypsum
Gypsum Hemihydrate Anhydrate III, occurs in the mill.
Dehydration function of temperature, time of exposure and humidity (reduce humidity
reduces dehydration temperature).
Gypsum is easier to grind than KK, therefore concentrates in fine fraction. Natural
ANHYDRITE II is harder to grind.
False set is due to the presence of gypsum either in the dry cement or after water is added. In
the dry cement, too much gypsum can occur with:
too little temperature in the mill (poor initial conversion to hemihydrate), or
too much cooling in the cement coolers (hemihydrate converted back to gypsum)
Gypsum can also form during hydration if too much hemihydrate is present (too hot
temperature in the mill) which then reacts with the mortar water and reforms gypsum.
Yves Zimmermann: Generally it is the latter because the hemihydrate has dissolved in
the water and then recrystallises. When there is too much gypsum in dry cement, the
gypsum has trouble dissolving and therefore there is less chance of the needles forming.
Flash set means insufficient soluble hemihydrate available to react with the C3A. This
happens with:
o If too high mill sweep and too cool insuffcient time to grind gypsum and insufficient
time/temperature to dehydrate gypsum to hemihydrate flash set excessive water
o too low temperature in the cement cooler recrystallisation of gypsum
If the cement temperature is too hot further dehydration of hemihyrate to anhydrite
which is not soluble and doesn’t cover the C3A particles during hydration flash set.
Idea is to have the right temperature in the mill so that gypsum dehydrates to the correct % of
hemihydrate, then to “freeze” this amount of hemihydrate by having the correct temperature
in the silo.
Silo temp too high more complete dehydration of gypsum in the silo water vapour
condenses on silo walls hydration of cement (lump formation) further heat of hydration
further dehydration of gypsum further liberation of water vapour etc.
10.6.4Gypsum solubility
The greater the % the hemihydrate in the cement, the greater the 1-day strength (?? Possibly –
other research shows the opposite). Anhydrite increases strength.
Total SO3 is important because it boosts strengths up to an optimum.
The amount of gypsum to be added depends on the clinker reactivity. Ususally want 40-60%
hemihydrate, but in some plants this may be 0% and in others 90%.
For an optimum level of gypsum for best volume stability and strength, for a blaine of 3000
cm²/g is dependent on the reactivity of the clinker (concentration C3A and alkalis):
Partial or total anhydrite substitution for gypsum is OK for low reactivity cements
Very difficult to control gypsum / anhydrite blends.
Very difficult to understand and solve problems related to setting times for these
The % dehydration of gypsum is estimated by a differential scanning calorimeter DSC
The balance of different gypsum forms is affected during start-up. Temperature is at mill
113°C 2
108°C 1,8
Hemihydrate 1,6
93°C 1,4
87°C 1,2
SO3 (%)
78°C 1
1 2 3 0,2
00:00 00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00
Time in hours
10.6.6Gypsum replacements