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Merry Riana

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Merry Riana

Who is not familiar with Merry Riana? A businessman, writer and successful
motivator from Indonesia. The journey of Merry Riana's success story is enshrined in
books and a film.

"Million Dollar Dream" was an inspirational and motivational book titles written by
Merry Riana a successful woman entrepreneur at a young age he also A Speaker,
Trainer and Motivator Women become number 1 in Asia. Merry Riana who became
one of her most successful Entrepreneur and motivators come from Indonesia, he was
born on May 29, 1980 in Jakarta, Merry Riana was born and grew up in Jakarta in a
simple family. Parents Merry is a businessman and a homemaker

He was the eldest of three brothers. Merry Riana began her education at the Don
Bosco Pulomas Elementary School, graduating from there and then entered the Santa
Ursula Middle School and also in high school, continuing at the same school, Santa
Ursula High School, which is a Catholic school for women in Central Jakarta

After graduating from high school, Merry Riana wanted to continue her studies at
Trisakti University. However, the aspiration to study at the Trisakti University
Electrical Engineering Department was broken because of the great riots in 1998.

Merry journey begins in Singapore during riots in Jakarta in 1998. Ideals to lecture in
the Department of Electrical Engineering from Trisakti University were dashed
because of the incident. He then chose the college in Singapore to avoid things that
are not desirable. Merry's father decided to send their children to study abroad. And
Singapore when it is an option that makes the most sense because it is relatively close,
safe environment and a good education system.

Travel in Singapore was not as easy as imagined. The money that was brought,
apparently was not enough to support daily life. Merry remembered his friend at one
of Singapore's favorite colleges called Nanyang Technology University.

Perjalanan di singapura ternyata tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Uang yang dibawa,
ternyata tidak cukup banyak untuk menopang kehidupan sehari-hari. Merry teringat
dengan temannya yang ada di salah satu perguruan favorit di Singapura bernama
Nanyang Technology University.

Merry finds out that Nanyang Technology University offers educational loan
programs. In developed countries, the cost of education can be paid in debt. The
education fund will be paid if someone has finished college and starts working. Of
course education loans need people who guarantee. Usually parents will guarantee the
debt, but not with Merry Riana. He asked his friend to help find someone who wanted
to guarantee his debt. Long story short, Merry met a man named Alva

Merry began studying in college with a major in Electrical and Electronics

Engineering, Nanyang Technological University in 1998. Merry admitted majors
become majors most sense to him at the time. Merry dreams of becoming an engineer.
Her goal was probably because he wanted to help his father in running the business.
Without adequate preparation for study abroad, Merry had failed the English test at
the Nanyang Technological University. Without adequate preparation of stock funds
anyway, Merry borrow funds from the Government of Singapore. He borrowed
money from the Bank of Singapore Government scholarships of $ 40,000 and must be
repaid after he graduated from college and work.

To save money, Merry works around this by only eating instant noodles in the
morning, eating lunch with 2 sheets of jamless bread, participating in seminars and
gatherings in the evenings for free meals, even for drinks he takes from tap water on
his campus.

It gradually faded almost every day in his first year of college. This very alarming life
prompted him to seek income outside. From starting to distribute flyers on the road,
becoming a flower shop keeper, and becoming a banquet waiter at a hotel. When he
realized his life had not changed even though he had entered the second year of
college, Merry began to build dreams.
Because he has no educational background and business experience, Merry collects
information by attending various seminars and involving himself in student
organizations related to the business world.
Without adequate business experience and knowledge, Merry jumps into the business
world. That he did because he knew that having an ordinary job was not enough to
fulfill his dream of success at the age of 30 years.
Merry also tried to practice by plunging into multi-level marketing even though
eventually he lost 200 dollars. Merry even lost 10,000 dollars when turning money in
the stock business.

Karena ia tidak memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman bisnis, Merry
mengumpulkan informasi dengan menghadiri berbagai seminar dan melibatkan
dirinya dalam organisasi mahasiswa yang terkait dengan dunia bisnis.
Tanpa pengalaman dan pengetahuan bisnis yang memadai, Merry terjun ke dunia
bisnis. Itu dia lakukan karena dia tahu bahwa memiliki pekerjaan biasa tidak cukup
untuk memenuhi mimpinya untuk sukses pada usia 30 tahun.
Merry juga mencoba berlatih dengan terjun ke multi-level marketing meski akhirnya
dia kehilangan 200 dolar. Merry bahkan kehilangan 10.000 dolar ketika menghasilkan
uang dalam bisnis saham.

His mentality had fallen even though in this condition he could still finish his studies.
Merry lost all of his investment and collapsed. Even so, Merry rose again and tried
hard to become an entrepreneur.
Merry began to try from the beginning by learning seriously about the ins and outs of
the market. After feeling ready, he decided to pursue the financial planning industry.

Mentalnya sempat jatuh meski dalam kondisi tersebut masih bisa menyelesaikan
kuliah Sayang, Merry kehilangan semua investasinya dan terpuruk. Meski begitu,
Merry kembali bangkit dan berusaha keras untuk menjadi entrepreneur.

Merry mulai berusaha dari awal dengan belajar secara sungguh-sungguh tentang seluk
beluk pasar. Setelah merasa siap, ia pun memutuskan untuk menekuni industri
perencanaan keuangan.

Merry thinks that is the thing that will make him able to realize his dreams in a
relatively short time. After graduating, Merry prepared himself carefully.

Merry berpikir itulah hal yang akan membuatnya mampu mewujudkan impiannya
dalam waktu yang relatif singkat. Tamat kuliah, barulah Merry mempersiapkan diri
dengan matang.

Together with Alva Tjenderasa who was his friend when he was in college. Both of
them start running a joint business, Learning from the experience of successful
Merry Riana then started from the sales sector in the field of financial services. When
Merry began his career as a financial advisor, he had to wrestle with a number of
challenges and obstacles.
His parents, lecturers and friends did not agree with the decision of Merry. Merry did
not yet have the ability to speak Mandarin even though more than half of Singapore's
population was ethnic Chinese

Bersama Alva Tjenderasa yang merupakan temannya ketika kuliah. Berdua mereka
mulai menjalankan usaha bersama, Belajar dari pengalaman para pengusaha sukses.

Merry Riana kemudian memulai dari sektor penjualan di bidang jasa keuangan. Saat
Merry memulai karier sebagai seorang penasihat keuangan, ia harus bergulat dengan
sejumlah tantangan dan hambatan.

Orang tuanya, dosen serta teman-temannya kurang setuju dengan keputusan Merry
tersebut. Merry saat itu belum memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Mandarin padahal
lebih dari separuh penduduk Singapura ialah etnis China.

As a foreigner there, Merry's experience and relations are very limited. However, one
reason that makes the Merry unyielding is that he is still young and single so he feels
freer and is more willing to take risks.
Without feeling too burdened with the possibility of failure or the need to succeed,
Merry prefers to focus on the experiences and lessons he can get during the early
phases of his career.
Sebagai seorang pendatang asing di sana, pengalaman dan relasi Merry sangat
terbatas. Namun, satu alasan yang membuat Merry pantang menyerah ialah usianya
yang masih muda dan masih lajang sehingga ia merasa lebih bebas dan lebih berani
mengambil risiko.

Tanpa merasa terlalu terbebani dengan kemungkinan gagal atau keharusan untuk
berhasil, Merry lebih memilih untuk memfokuskan diri pada pengalaman dan
pelajaran yang ia bisa dapatkan selama fase-fase awal kariernya.

But Merry has made up his mind. He worked 14 HOURS OF DAY, standing near the
MRT station & bus stop to offer insurance, he even worked until midnight and only
came home at 2 in the morning, not to mention the uncertain income made him forced
to save money to manage his daily needs.
Until finally he succeeded as a Financial Consultant who sold financial and banking
products such as insurance, credit cards, deposits, savings, etc. In the first six months
of his career at Prudential, Merry managed to pay off his debts of 40 thousand
Singapore dollars.

Tapi Merry sudah membulatkan tekad. Ia bekerja 14 JAM DALAM SEHARI, berdiri
di dekat stasiun MRT & halte bus untuk menawarkan asuransi, bahkan ia bekerja
sampe tengah malam dan baru pulang jam 2 dini hari, belum lagi pendapatan yang
tidak pasti membuatnya terpaksa kembali berhemat untuk mengatur kebutuhan

Sampai akhirnya ia sukses sebagai Financial Consultant yang menjual produk-produk

keuangan dan perbankan seperti asuransi,kartu kredit.deposito,tabungan,dll. Dalam
enam bulan pertama karirnya di Prudential, Merry berhasil melunasi utangnya sebesar
40 ribu dolar Singapura.

Exactly the first year he managed to get income of 200 thousand Singapore Dollars or
around 1.5 billion Rupiah. Merry Riana was then awarded the Top New Advisory
Award that was dreamed of by many people who had pursued the profession of
financial advisory in 2003.
Then in 2004, Merry's brilliant achievements led him to be promoted as manager.
Merry then started his own business after being appointed as a manager by renting an
office and having his own employees.

Tepat satu tahun pertamanya ia berhasil mendapatkan penghasilan sebesar 200 Ribu
Dollar Singapura atau sektar 1,5 Milyar Rupiah. Merry Riana kemudian dianugrahi
Penghargaan Penasihat Baru Teratas yang diidam-idamkan banyak orang yang
menekuni profesi penasihat keuangan pada tahun 2003.

Kemudian di tahun 2004, prestasi Merry yang cemerlang membuatnya dipromosikan

sebagai manajer. Merry lalu memulai bisnisnya sendiri setelah diangkat menjadi
manajer dengan menyewa kantor dan memiliki karyawan sendiri.
Now, Merry Riana has a dream to have a positive impact on 1 million people in Asia,
especially in Indonesia. One of them is by launching the book "Million Dollars of
Dreams" which is very inspiring and will be lifted to the big screen.
Merry stated that her motivation not only came from the desire to provide a better life
for her parents but also from her ambition to help other young people to do the same.

Kini, Merry Riana mempunyai mimpi untuk memberikan dampak positif bagi 1 juta
orang di Asia,terutama di Indonesia. Salah satunya dengan meluncurkan buku “Mimpi
Sejuta Dolar” yang sangat inspiratif dan akan diangkat ke layar lebar.

Merry menyatakan bahwa motivasinya tidak hanya berasal dari keinginan untuk
memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik pada kedua orangtuanya tetapi juga dari
ambisinya untuk membantu generasi muda lainnya untuk melakukan hal serupa.

He hopes that young people can provide a better life, not only for themselves but also
their parents and other family members.
The book "Dream A Million Dollars" itself has become a National Bestseller in just 1
month after its launch. This book attracted Singapore and Southeast Asia's public
attention because writing about Merry Riana's achievements resulted in S $ 1,000,000
at the age of 26. Initially, Merry Riana was a Nanyang Technological University
student who owed S $ 40,000 in debt.

Ia berharap para pemuda mampu memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik, tak hanya
bagi diri mereka sendiri tetapi juga orang tua mereka dan anggota keluarga mereka
yang lain.

Buku ” Mimpi Sejuta Dolar ” sendiri sudah menjadi National Bestseller hanya dalam
waktu 1 bulan setelah peluncurannya. Buku ini menarik perhatian publik Singapura
dan Asia Tenggara karena menuliskan tentang prestasi Merry Riana menghasilkan
S$ 1.000.000 pada usia 26 tahun yang Awalnya, Merry Riana adalah mahasiswi
Nanyang Technological University yang berhutang sebanyak S$ 40.000.

Judul : Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar

Pemeran : Chelsea Islan (Merry Riana)
Dion Wiyoko (Alfa)
Karim Niniek (Miss Noor)
Kimberly Rider (Irene Lee)
Chyntia Lamusu (Mama Merry
Ferry Salim (Ayah Merry Riana)
Rilis tahun : 24 Desember 2014
Bahasa : Indonesia, Melayu, Inggris
Produksi : MD Pictures

Awal cerita dimulai pada saat terjadinya kerusuhan di Indonesia pada Mei
1998. Dimana pada peristiwa itu, keturunan Tionghoa menjadi korban diskriminasi.
Pada waktu terjadi kerusuhan di Jakarta dan banyak pihak yang menjadi korban dan
dirugikan, termasuk salah satunya adalah keluarga Merry. Merry yang pada saat itu
baru tamat SMA, dikirim oleh Papanya ke Singapura karena menurut Papanya situasi
disana akan lebih aman dibandingkan dengan situasi di Jakarta. Di dalam perjalanan
menuju bandara mereka dihadang oleh kawana penjarah dan harus terpaksa melepas
harta benda demi keselamatan. Orang tua Merry terpaksa harus menjual
barang-barang mereka yang tersisah untuk membeli satu tiket untuk Merry. Meskipun
pada awalnya Merry tidak ingin pergi sendirian tanpa keluarganya, dengan berat hati
Merry terbang ke Singapura dengan hanya bermodalkan sebuah laptop, beberapa
lembar uang dan sebuah kartu nama yang diberikan oleh Papanya.

The beginning of the story began at the time of the riots in Indonesia in May 1998.
Where at that event, Chinese descendants became victims of discrimination. At the
time of the riots in Jakarta and many parties who were victims and disadvantaged,
including one of them was the Merry family. Merry, who at that time had just finished
high school, was sent by his father to Singapore because according to him, the
situation there would be safer compared to the situation in Jakarta. On the way to the
airport, they were confronted by kawana looters and had to be forced to release
property for safety. Merry's parents were forced to sell their separate items to buy a
ticket for Merry. Although at first Merry did not want to go alone without his family,
Merry reluctantly flew to Singapore with only a laptop, several bills and a business
card given by his father.

Setelah tiba di Singapura, Merry langsung menuju ke alamat yang tertera

dalam kartu nama yang di berikan papanya. Ternyata Om Hans (pemilik kartu nama
tersebut) sudah pindah dan tidak tinggal di sana lagi. Secara tidak sengaja Merry
bertemu dengan Mrs. Noor yang baik hati memberinya izin untuk mengakses internet
dengan akun miliknya. Merry pun segera memberikan kabar kepada keluarganya
bahwa ia telah tiba di Singapura. Merry pun tidak putus asa begitu saja, melalui media
social ia temukan seorang temanya sewaktu SMA bernama Irene yang memang
kuliahdi Singapura. Merry tidak mengenal begitu akrab dengan sosok Irene, tapi
Merry yakin bahwaIrene adalah teman yang baik. Dengan bantuan Irene, Merry
akhirnya menemukan tempat untuk dijadikan tinggal sementara sampai ayahnya
datang. Merry menginap di asrama Irene secara ilegal.
After arriving in Singapore, Merry goes directly to the address on the business card
that his father gave him. It turned out that Om Hans (the owner of the business card)
had moved and did not stay there again. Merry accidentally met with Mrs. The kind
Noor gave him permission to access the internet with his account. Merry immediately
gave news to his family that he had arrived in Singapore. Merry did not despair just
like that, through social media he found a friend when he was a high school named
Irene who was studying in Singapore. Merry didn't know how familiar Irene was, but
Merry was sure that Irene was a good friend. With the help of Irene, Merry finally
found a place to make a temporary stay until his father arrived. Merry stayed at Irene's
hostel illegally.

Karena perbuatanya itu melanggar aturan akhirnya Merry harus diusir dari
asrama itu. Irene,mencoba untuk bernegosisasi dengan pihak kampus agar Merry
dapat menginap di sana, Pihakkampus memberi syarat untuk tinggal disana harus
menjadi mahasiswa di kampus tersebut. Dan untuk menjadi mahasiswa di universitas
tersebut, Merry harus melewati tes.Merry yangmemiliki kegigihan dan kepintaran
akhirnya lolos seleksi ujian dan diterima di salah satu perguruan tinggi terbaik di
Singapura. Senyum Merry lantas hilang ketika dia tahu bahwa harusmembayar uang
sebesar $40.000. Salah satu harapan Merry adalah mengambil student loanyang hanya
bisa didapat jika ada yang menjadi penjamin. Karena tidak ada kerabat dan Irenetidak
bisa menjadi penjamin, Merry pun harus mencari mahasiswa senior yang bisa menjadi
penjaminnya. Dari sanalah Merry dikenalkan seorang mahasiswa senior oleh Irene
bernama Alfa. Alfa bersedia menjadi penjamin bagi Merry dengan berbagai syarat,
salah satunya menyuruh Merry untuk mencari kerja sambilan.

Because the act violated the rules, finally Merry had to be expelled from the hostel.
Irene, trying to negotiate with the campus so that Merry can stay there, the campus
provides conditions to stay there must be students on the campus. And to become a
student at the university, Merry must pass the test. Jerry, who has perseverance and
intelligence, finally passed the test selection and was accepted at one of the best
universities in Singapore. Merry's smile disappeared when he learned that he had to
pay $ 40,000. One of Merry's hopes is to take student vacancies that can only be
obtained if there is a guarantor. Because there are no relatives and Iren cannot be a
guarantor, Merry also has to find a senior student who can be his guarantor. From
there Merry was introduced to a senior student by Irene named Alfa. Alfa was willing
to be the guarantor for Merry with various conditions, one of which told Merry to
look for part-time work.

Merry sadar dengan kondisi yang dialami saat itu ia harus betul-betul mandiri,
ia berusaha keras untuk mencari pekerjaan namun tidak mudah. Setelah mengalami
penolakan dari beberapa tempat kerja, Merry akhirnya diterima di suatu organisasi
sosial sebagai penyebar brosur dengan gaji rendah. Ia juga sempat bekerja sebagai
cleaning service (singapore flyer) di suatu perusahaan wahana. Bisnis online dan
bermain saham resiko tinggi juga sempat Merry lakukan hingga membuat kondisi
keuangannya naik turun. Pada akhirnya Merry bekerja di suatu perusahaan asuransi
sebagai agen, berjalannya waktu Merry mendapat nasabah bernama Noor seorang
janda yang sangat dermawan. Merry dan Noor sebetulnya sudah pernah bertemu dan
mengenal baik antara keduanya, dari sanalah Noor menginvestasikan 100.000
Dollar-nya karena menyukai kepribadian Merry dengan kegigihannya. Sejak saat itu
dan seterusnya kehidupan Merry menjadi lebih baik hingga ia lulus kuliah dan
mendapat satu juta Dollar pertamanya pada usia 26 tahun.

Merry realized that with the conditions experienced at that time he had to be truly
independent, he tried hard to find work but it was not easy. After experiencing
rejection from several workplaces, Merry was finally accepted into a social
organization as a low-paid brochure spreader. He also worked as a cleaning service
(Singapore Flyer) at a vehicle company. Online business and playing high risk shares
also had Merry to do to make the financial condition up and down. In the end Merry
worked at an insurance company as an agent, as time went on Merry got a customer
named Noor a very generous widow. Merry and Noor actually had met and well
known between the two, from there Noor invested 100,000 dollars for liking Merry's
personality with his tenacity. From that moment onwards Merry's life got better until
he graduated from college and got his first million dollars at the age of 26.

Kekurangan :
• Beberapa adegan di akhir film bertempatan di Singapore Flyer yang tidak masuk
akal untuk adegan yang terjadi di akhir abad ke 20 (setelah tragedi 1998)
• Pada akhirnya, lebih menonjolkan cerita cinta (drama)
Kelebihan :
• Perjuangan Merry Riana diceritakan dengan baik di Film ini
• Teks tidak terlalu baku, dan tidak terlalu kasar, sehingga mudah dicerna
• Diselingi sedikit unsur drama dan komedi

Nilai :
• Nilai pesan yang ingin disampaikan melalui film ini adalah : jangan pernah
menyerah dengan kondisi apapun meski dirasa sulit untuk kita melaluinya, dengan
tetap yakin dan berusaha semua masalah pasti akan terselesaikan
• perjuangan pantang menyerah dari Merry Riana untuk sukses dan menggapai cita
– citanya. Meski beberapa kali mengalami kegagalan, dengan berusaha dan tekad
yang kuat serta pantang menyerah akan mengasilkan hasil yang baik(kesuksesan).
The value that we can take from this story is: never give up on any condition even
though it is difficult for us to go through it, staying confident and trying all problems
will definitely be resolved
• the unyielding struggle of Merry Riana to succeed and reach her goals. Although
several times failed, by trying and strong determination and never give up will
produce good results (success).

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