Oral Ulceration: GP Guide To Diagnosis and Treatment: Stephen Flint Ma, PHD, MB BS, BDS, FDSRCS, Ffdrcsi, Ficd
Oral Ulceration: GP Guide To Diagnosis and Treatment: Stephen Flint Ma, PHD, MB BS, BDS, FDSRCS, Ffdrcsi, Ficd
Oral Ulceration: GP Guide To Diagnosis and Treatment: Stephen Flint Ma, PHD, MB BS, BDS, FDSRCS, Ffdrcsi, Ficd
lceration is one of the most is such a readily accessible source noma (see Figure 2): this typically
U common complaints of
patients who attend their GPs with
of diagnostic information.
Causes of oral ulceration range
presents as an ulcer with a rolled
everted edge and sloughing or
an oral problem and the differen- from the relatively trivial, eg trau- granular base. The exophytic form,
tial diagnosis is extensive. matic ulcers, to the serious, eg oral verrucous carcinoma, is uncom-
However, the artificial distinction cancer or pemphigus vulgaris (see mon but has a better prognosis.
between medicine and dentistr y Table 1). The ulcer is often painless
has led to this important area of The key to appropriate therapy until it involves the periosteum,
disease presentation being over- is accurate diagnosis and this may bone or deep mucosal tissues and,
looked in medical training, and require liaison between general consequently, many patients pre-
many doctors therefore feel inad- and specialist medical and dental sent late with extensive disease
equately prepared to deal with oral practitioners. and a poor prognosis. The key to
mucosal disease. management of this disease is
Although the cause of ulcera- Diagnosis of oral early diagnosis and prompt surgi-
tion is often local, the oral mucosa ulceration cal treatment.
is an important site of manifesta- Ulcers of different causes may have Persistent, painless ulcers that
tion of many systemic conditions ver y similar clinical appearance are found on routine examination,
and oral ulceration may be the ini- and a few important key questions particularly in the elderly, should
tial presentation in such cases. The in the history provide useful diag- thus not be ignored, especially in
oral mucosa can be easily exam- nostic clues. Because of the rich those who smoke or drink alcohol
ined with a good light and a inner vation of the oral mucosa, regularly, or where there is evi-
wooden spatula, and a thorough most ulcers are painful. dence of er ythroplakia or leu-
oral inspection should be part of An important exception to this coplakia. The incidence of oral
every clinical examination since it rule is early squamous cell carci- cancer is increasing.
oral ulceration
investigate or
treat refer? remove cause biopsy symptomatic
refer for
refractory or
change in resolution no resolution resolution no resolution
disease pattern
patients will deny self-injury and tion. One in three patients has a eg 0.1 per cent triamcinolone ace-
the underlying psychopathology family history and the onset is usu- tonide in carboxymethylcellulose
requires attention. Treatment of ally in the young. Most are non- paste (Adcortyl in Orabase), and
oral lesions is symptomatic. smokers and otherwise healthy. antimicrobial mouthwashes, eg
The diagnosis is clinical and chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine or
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis three variants – minor (see Figure benzydamine.
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is 4), major and herpetiform – are For maximum benefit treat-
common and may affect 10 per described. The pathogenesis is ment is best initiated in the ‘pro-
cent of the population at some immunologically mediated but dromal’ phase or as soon as the
time during their lives. One in 15 poorly understood. ulcer begins to form. It is impor-
patients have an underlying cause In most patients outbreaks are tant that the oral mucosa is dried
in some series which, if treated, infrequent and respond to simple before applying carboxymethyl-
will ameliorate or cure the condi- treatments such as topical steroids, cellulose preparations so that the
very alarmed with a choking sen- Key points ulceration is associated with nico-
sation. Rupture of the bulla leads randil (Ikorel) therapy (see Figure
to ulceration. There is no demon- • the most common causes of oral 1) and there appears to be a dose
strable immunopathogenesis; how- ulceration are trauma and recur- response. The ulceration is long-
ever, there are some reports that rent aphthous stomatitis standing and will not heal unless
show an association with the use of • any ulcer that does not heal within the drug is withdrawn or at least
steroid inhalers and poor inhaler two weeks of the removal of the the dose reduced.
technique, leading to deposition suspected cause should be biop- The widespread use of the bis-
of high doses of steroid on the soft sied phosphonates in a number of
palate leading to mucosal atrophy • some ulcers are manifestations of indications is now becoming
and capillar y fragility. Such systemic disease or drug therapy recognised as a serious cause of
patients should be instructed on for that disease osteonecrosis of the jaws, pre-
inhaler technique and asked to • some drugs themselves can senting as ulceration of the
gargle after inhaler use. cause oral ulceration attached oral mucosa and dead,
• immunofluorescent histopathol- infected bone exposure (see
Oral ulceration caused by drugs ogy is an important diagnostic Figure 8), which is proving to be a
Drugs themselves can cause oral procedure for blistering disorders serious and ver y difficult man-
ulceration in a number of ways. • serious diseases such as pemphi- agement issue.
They can have a direct effect, be gus or malignancy may present as
associated with fixed drug or oral ulceration Further reading
lichenoid eruption, allergy, er y- • appropriate therapy depends on Oral and maxillofacial diseases. Scully C,
thema multiforme or be chemi- accurate diagnosis Flint SR, Porter SR, et al. London:
cally caustic and cause a burn if Taylor Francis, 2004.
administered or taken inappro- The list of drugs causing Oral lichenoid drug eruptions.
McCartan BE, McCrear y CE. Oral
priately. lichenoid eruptions is presented in
Diseases 1997;(3):58-63.
Oral mucosal burns are seen if Table 3. Although some of the Oral medicine in practice. Lamey P-J,
bisphosphonates are allowed to drugs are rarely used nowadays, Lewis MAO. London: British Dental
dissolve in the mouth rather than since the classes of drugs causing Journal Publications, 1992.
swallowed whole, with copious lichenoid eruptions are so disparate Osteonecrosis of the jaw and bisphos-
amounts of water, sitting upright. it is likely that these types of lesion phonates. Maerevoet M, Martin C,
Classically, patients with toothache are generally under-reported and Duck L. N Engl J Med 2005;7(353):
may place an aspirin over the under-recognised, and the full list 99-102.
affected tooth and cause an acid may include many new drugs. The Persitent nicorandil-induced oral
burn to the mucosa (see Figure 7). importance of this diagnosis is that ulceration. Healy CM, Smyth Y, Flint
Cytotoxic drugs by their ver y the ulceration will resolve with with- SR. Heart 2004; 90(7):e38-41.
nature affect rapidly dividing cells drawal of the drug, or changing the
and cause bone marrow suppres- drug to a different class of drug to Dr Flint is a consultant and senior
sion, hair loss and oral (and other) treat a particular condition. lecturer at the Dublin Dental School
mucositis and, in sufficient dose, Some drugs may cause oral and Hospital and Trinity College,
ulceration. ulceration directly. Oral mucosal Dublin