Troubleshooting: 7.1. Unable To See Files On A Mounted File System
Troubleshooting: 7.1. Unable To See Files On A Mounted File System
Troubleshooting: 7.1. Unable To See Files On A Mounted File System
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7. Troubleshooting
This is intended as a step-by-step guide to what to do when things go wrong using NFS. Usually trouble
first rears its head on the client end, so this diagnostic will begin there.
First, check to see if the file system is actually mounted. There are several ways of doing this. The most
reliable way is to look at the file /proc/mounts, which will list all mounted filesystems and give details about
them. If this doesn't work (for example if you don't have the /proc filesystem compiled into your kernel),
you can type mount -f although you get less information.
If the file system appears to be mounted, then you may have mounted another file system on top of it (in
which case you should unmount and remount both volumes), or you may have exported the file system on
the server before you mounted it there, in which case NFS is exporting the underlying mount point (if so
then you need to restart NFS on the server).
If the file system is not mounted, then attempt to mount it. If this does not work, see Symptom 3.
7.2. File requests hang or timeout waiting for access to the file
This usually means that the client is unable to communicate with the server. See Symptom 3 letter b.
There are two common errors that mount produces when it is unable to mount a volume. These are:
This means that the server does not recognize that you have access to the volume.
Check your /etc/exports file and make sure that the volume is exported and that your client
has the right kind of access to it. For example, if a client only has read access then you have to
mount the volume with the ro option rather than the rw option.
Make sure that you have told NFS to register any changes you made to /etc/exports since
starting nfsd by running the exportfs command. Be sure to type exportfs -ra to be extra
certain that the exports are being re-read.
Check the file /proc/fs/nfs/exports and make sure the volume and client are listed correctly.
(You can also look at the file /var/lib/nfs/xtab for an unabridged list of how all the active
export options are set.) If they are not, then you have not re-exported properly. If they are
listed, make sure the server recognizes your client as being the machine you think it is. For
example, you may have an old listing for the client in /etc/hosts that is throwing off the server,
or you may not have listed the client's complete address and it may be resolving to a machine
in a different domain. One trick is login to the server from the client via ssh or telnet; if you then
type who, one of the listings should be your login session and the name of your client machine
as the server sees it. Try using this machine name in your /etc/exports entry. Finally, try to
ping the client from the server, and try to ping the server from the client. If this doesn't work, or
if there is packet loss, you may have lower-level network problems.
It is not possible to export both a directory and its child (for example both /usr and /usr/local).
You should export the parent directory with the necessary permissions, and all of its
subdirectories can then be mounted with those same permissions.
This means that the client does not detect NFS running on the server. This could be for several
First, check that NFS actually is running on the server by typing rpcinfo -p on the server. You
should see something like this:
This says that we have NFS versions 2 and 3, rpc.statd version 1, network lock manager (the
service name for rpc.lockd) versions 1, 3, and 4. There are also different service listings
depending on whether NFS is travelling over TCP or UDP. UDP is usually (but not always) the
default unless TCP is explicitly requested.
If you do not see at least portmapper, nfs, and mountd, then you need to restart NFS. If you are
not able to restart successfully, proceed to Symptom 9.
Now check to make sure you can see it from the client. On the client, type rpcinfo -pserver
where server is the DNS name or IP address of your server.
If you get a listing, then make sure that the type of mount you are trying to perform is
supported. For example, if you are trying to mount using Version 3 NFS, make sure Version 3
is listed; if you are trying to mount using NFS over TCP, make sure that is registered. (Some
non-Linux clients default to TCP). Type man rpcinfo for more details on how to read the output.
If the type of mount you are trying to perform is not listed, try a different type of mount.
If you get the error No Remote Programs Registered, then you need to check
your /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files on the server and make sure your client
actually is allowed access. Again, if the entries appear correct, check /etc/hosts (or your DNS
server) and make sure that the machine is listed correctly, and make sure you can ping the
server from the client. Also check the error logs on the system for helpful messages:
Authentication errors from bad /etc/hosts.allow entries will usually appear
in /var/log/messages, but may appear somewhere else depending on how your system logs
are set up. The man pages for syslog can help you figure out how your logs are set up. Finally,
some older operating systems may behave badly when routes between the two machines are
asymmetric. Try typing tracepath [server] from the client and see if the word "asymmetric"
shows up anywhere in the output. If it does then this may be causing packet loss. However
asymmetric routes are not usually a problem on recent linux distributions.
If you get the error Remote system error - No route to host, but you can ping the server
correctly, then you are the victim of an overzealous firewall. Check any firewalls that may be set
up, either on the server or on any routers in between the client and the server. Look at the man
pages for ipchains, netfilter, and ipfwadm, as well as the IPChains-HOWTO and the Firewall-
HOWTO for help.
The second problem has to do with username mappings, and is different depending on whether you are
trying to do this as root or as a non-root user.
If you are not root, then usernames may not be in sync on the client and the server. Type id [user] on both
the client and the server and make sure they give the same UID number. If they don't then you are having
problems with NIS, NIS+, rsync, or whatever system you use to sync usernames. Check group names to
make sure that they match as well. Also, make sure you are not exporting with the all_squash option. If
the user names match then the user has a more general permissions problem unrelated to NFS.
If you are root, then you are probably not exporting with the no_root_squash option;
check /proc/fs/nfs/exports or /var/lib/nfs/xtab on the server and make sure the option is listed. In
general, being able to write to the NFS server as root is a bad idea unless you have an urgent need --
which is why Linux NFS prevents it by default. See Section 6, “Security and NFS” for details.
If you have root squashing, you want to keep it, and you're only trying to get root to have the same
permissions on the file that the user nobody should have, then remember that it is the server that
determines which uid root gets mapped to. By default, the server uses the UID and GID of nobody in
the /etc/passwd file, but this can also be overridden with the anonuid and anongid options in
the /etc/exports file. Make sure that the client and the server agree about which UID nobody gets
mapped to.
7.5. When I transfer really big files, NFS takes over all the CPU cycles on the server and
it screeches to a halt
This is a problem with the fsync() function in 2.2 kernels that causes all sync-to-disk requests to be
cumulative, resulting in a write time that is quadratic in the file size. If you can, upgrading to a 2.4 kernel
should solve the problem. Also, exporting with the no_wdelay option forces the program to use o_sync()
instead, which may prove faster.
Jan 7 09:15:29 server kernel: fh_verify: mail/guest permission failure, acc=4, error=13
Jan 7 09:23:51 server kernel: fh_verify: ekonomi/test permission failure, acc=4, error=13
These happen when a NFS setattr operation is attempted on a file you don't have write access to.
The messages are harmless.
The "can't get a request slot" message means that the client-side RPC code has detected a lot of
timeouts (perhaps due to network congestion, perhaps due to an overloaded server), and is throttling
back the number of concurrent outstanding requests in an attempt to lighten the load. The cause of
these messages is basically sluggish performance. See Section 5, “Optimizing NFS Performance” for
It means what it says: You should upgrade your mount package and/or am-utils. (If for some reason
upgrading is a problem, you may be able to get away with just recompiling them so that the newer
kernel features are recognized at compile time).
They are harmless. Older versions of rpc.lockd needed to be started up manually, but newer
versions are started automatically by nfsd. Many of the default startup scripts still try to start up
lockd by hand, in case it is necessary. You can alter your startup scripts if you want the messages to
go away.
This results from the file handle being 16 bits instead of a multiple of 32 bits, which makes the kernel
grimace. It is harmless.
/etc/exports is very sensitive to whitespace - so the following statements are not the same:
/export/dir hostname(rw,no_root_squash)
/export/dir hostname (rw,no_root_squash)
The first will grant hostname rw access to /export/dir without squashing root privileges. The second will
grant hostname rw privileges with root squash and it will grant everyone else read/write access, without
squashing root privileges. Nice huh?
Simple commands such as ls work, but anything that transfers a large amount of information causes the
mount point to lock.
1. It will happen if you have ipchains on at the server and/or the client and you are not allowing
fragmented packets through the chains. Allow fragments from the remote host and you'll be able to
function again. See Section 5, “Optimizing NFS Performance” for details on how to do this.
2. You may be using a larger rsize and wsize in your mount options than the server supports. Try
reducing rsize and wsize to 1024 and seeing if the problem goes away. If it does, then increase
them slowly to a more reasonable value.
Check the file /etc/exports and make sure root has read permission. Check the binaries and make sure
they are executable. Make sure your kernel was compiled with NFS server support. You may need to
reinstall your binaries if none of these ideas helps.
If a file has been modified within one second of its previous modification and left the same size, it will
continue to generate the same inode number. Because of this, constant reads and writes to a file by
multiple clients may cause file corruption. Fixing this bug requires changes deep within the filesystem
layer, and therefore it is a 2.5 item.
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