Title of Course: Pakistan Studies
Title of Course: Pakistan Studies
Title of Course: Pakistan Studies
Course Outline
Recommended Books:
1. Bhattia, B. M., (1990), Pakistan’s Economic Development 1947-90, Lahore: Vanguard.
2. Kamar, Inam ul Haq.Dr., (1999), Pakistan Movement and Balochistan, Quetta: Maktabah-e-Shah.
3. Khan, F. K., (1991), A Geography of Pakistan, Karachi: Oxford University Press.
4. Cheiagh, M. A. (1993), Tareekh-e-Pakistan, Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications.
5. Rehmanullah. Prof., (1984), Muttalia Pakistan, Lahore: Khalid Book Depot.
6. Sleem, M. (1995), Tareekh-e-Nizriya-e-Pakistan, Lahore: Idara Taleem Tahqeeq