Assignment (60%) : ESM 641 Research Methods in Education
Assignment (60%) : ESM 641 Research Methods in Education
Assignment (60%) : ESM 641 Research Methods in Education
Assignment (60%)
This Guide explains the basis on which you will be assessed in this course during the semester. It
contains details of the facilitator-marked assignment.
One element in the assessment strategy of the course is that all students should have the same
information as facilitators about the Assignment. This guide also contains the marking criteria that
facilitators will use in assessing your work.
Please read through the whole guide at the beginning of the course.
Academic Writing
a) Plagiarism
i) What is Plagiarism?
Any written assignment (essays, project, take-home exams, etc) submitted by a student
must not be deceptive regarding the abilities, knowledge, or amount of work contributed by
the student. There are many ways that this rule can be violated. Among them are:
o Paraphrases: The student paraphrases a closely reasoned argument of an author
without acknowledging that he or she has done so. (Clearly, all our knowledge is
derived from somewhere, but detailed arguments from clearly identifiable sources
must be acknowledged.)
o Outright plagiarism: Large sections of the paper are simply copied from other
sources, and are not acknowledged as quotations.
o Other sources: often include essays written by other students or sold by
unscrupulous organizations. Quoting from such papers is perfectly legitimate if
quotation marks are used and the source is cited.
o Works by others: Taking credit deliberately or not deliberately for works produced
by another without giving proper acknowledgement. Works includes photographs,
charts, graphs, drawings, statistics, video-clips, audio-clips, verbal exchanges such
as interviews or lectures, performances on television and texts printed on the web.
o The student submits the same essay to two or more courses.
According to Wurman (1988), the new disease of the 21st century will
be information anxiety, which has been defined as the ever-widening
gap between what one understands and what one thinks one should
c) Referencing
All sources that you cite in your paper should be listed in the Reference section
at the end of your paper. Here’s how you should do your Reference.
From a Journal
DuFour, R. (2002). The learning-centred principal: Educational Leadership,
59(8). 12-15.
From a Webpage
National Park Service. (2003, February 11). Abraham Lincoln
Birthplace National Historic Site. Retrieved February 13, 2003,
From a Book
Naisbitt, J. and Aburdence, M. (1989). Megatrends 2000. London:
Pan Books.
This assignment is intended to develop your ability to read an academic article critically.
Write a critique of the article using the headings below to structure your critique. Note that the
questions provided are merely a guide and are intended to provoke your thinking. You may
discuss issues not addressed in the questions.
What are the conclusions drawn by the researchers? Are they supported by the data?
Is there congruence between the research questions, the methodology and the
findings of the study?
Part B (15%) – 4 pages
A researcher wanted to determine the effectiveness of the Inquiry Method in enhancing Inductive
Reasoning among primary school children. Subjects were randomly assigned to the groups. The
treatment was conducted over a period of 4 weeks.
Experimental Group R O X O
Control Group R O - O
Nusa is an island with a population of 120,000 people and one-third are between 18 and 30 years
of age. About 80% of the population have access to high speed broadband. You have been given
the task to find out about internet usage among 18 to 30- year olds. Due to time and financial
constraints, you are able to access to only 1% of the population.
[Note: You have to decide what is meant by ‘internet usage’, i.e. operational definition]
a) Explain how you intend to select the sample to ensure it is representative of the population.
b) Suggest THREE research questions for the study.
c) Name THREE demographic variables you would include in your study.
d) Besides the demographic variables write down TEN Questions you would include in the
e) Explain why you have chosen these TEN questions.