Assessment Tool L3 LO2 Observation Checklist
Assessment Tool L3 LO2 Observation Checklist
Assessment Tool L3 LO2 Observation Checklist
Student name:
Teacher’s name:
Specialization: ANIMATION
UNIT\LESSON 3 Use of Hand Tools and Equipment
LEARNING OUTCOME 2 Inspect hand tools and equipment received in animation
Instructions for observation
During the demonstration of Fair Low
High Satisfactory (2) (1)
skills, at what level does the
(4) (3)
student. . .
Prepare request slip for the Prepared a request Prepared an Prepared a request Did not prepare
slip that is appropriate appropriate request slip using any request slip
materials, tools and
and fully slip but not completely inappropriate form
equipment needed. accomplished accomplished
Observe protocol in Observed all critical Submitted a request Submitted a request Submitted a
steps in submitting a but missed one critical but missed more request without
submitting request. request step than one critical step following the
protocol in
submitting request
or Did not submit
a request
Check the completeness of Checked the Missed to check one Missed to check Did not check the
completeness of all material received materials received completeness of
the materials, tools and materials requested. the materials
equipment received. received
Check and record the status Checked and Checked and recorded Checked the status Did not check the
recorded the status of the status of the of the materials, status of
of the materials, tools and all materials, tools materials, tools and tools and equipment materials, tools
equipment received. and equipment equipment but missed but did not make a and equipment
received. one or more items record of it. received
Takes appropriate action Acted on the status of Acted and updated the
Acted on the
Did not act on the
materials that are
according to the status of the all materials, tools record of materials,
wrongly issued or
materials, tools
materials and tools received. and equipment tools and equipment and equipment
need replacement
received accordingly received but missed to that is/are wrongly
but failed to update
and updated the updated the record of issued or need
their status in the
status in the record one or more replacement
Raw Score:
Percentage Score: