5 Check the bus bar for any damage and they are bolted OK
Dates: Started/
Completed 25/04/2018 Signature:
3. Torque Test
1 +SA.1 10mm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm
2 +SA.2 10mm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm
3 +SA.3 10mm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm
4 +SA.4 10mm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm 40Nm
Perform and check the torque for all the interconnection joints of the busbar which are
made at site
The torque should be checked as per the values on NETA ATS Table 100.12.1 or as
per manufacturer recommendations.
Dates: Started/
Completed 25/04/2018 Signature:
4. Continuity Test
1 Phase R OK OK
2 Phase Y OK OK
3 Phase B OK OK
4 Neutral (N) OK OK
5 Earth (E) OK OK
Dates: Started/
Completed 25/04/2018 Signature:
Test Values
Test Points Location Test
S/N Results
From To R Y B N
Measurement will be carried out from terminals of main incomer breaker to all the
outgoing breaker terminals with all the breakers are in close position. The test will be
performed from both incomers.
Compare contact resistance values to similar phase/ pole. Investigate values which
deviate from those of similar phase/ pole by more than 50% of the lowest value.
Dates: Started/
Completed 25/04/2018 Signature:
Table 6.1 – IR Test Parameters (As per Table 100.1 of NETA ATS 2009)
Table 6.2 – IR Test Values Before High Voltage Test (Main Incomers, Bus coupler, Outgoing
breakers closed)
Test No. Test Points Test Values (MΩ) Test Results (/)
1 R–E 60 GΩ
2 Y–E 60 GΩ
3 B–E 63 GΩ
4 N–E 71 GΩ
5 R–N 63 GΩ
6 Y–N 75 GΩ
7 B–N 87 GΩ
8 R–Y 94 GΩ
9 Y–B 94 GΩ
10 B–R 86 GΩ
Table 6.3 – IR Test Values After High Voltage Test (Main Incomers, Bus coupler, Outgoing
breakers closed)
Test No. Test Points Test Values (MΩ) Test Results (/)
1 R–E
2 Y–E
3 B–E
4 N–E
5 R–N
6 Y–N
7 B–N
8 R–Y
9 Y–B
10 B–R
Dates: Started/
Completed 25/04/2018 Signature:
Table 7.2 – High Voltage Test Values (Main Incomers, Bus coupler, Outgoing breakers closed)
1 R – Y+B+N+E
2 Y – B+R+N+E
3 B – R+Y+N+E
Dates: Started/
Completed 25/04/2018 Signature: