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Numerical Investigation of Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Unsteady Ow Between Parallel Plates

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Propulsion and Power Research 2016;5(4):318–325

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Propulsion and Power Research



Numerical investigation of two-dimensional and

axisymmetric unsteady flow between parallel
P. Raissia, M. Shamlooeib,n, S.M. Ebrahimzadeh Sepasgozarc, M. Ayanid

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Babol University of Technology, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Received 6 March 2015; accepted 15 June 2015

Available online 2 December 2016

KEYWORDS Abstract In this study, heat and mass transfer in a viscous fluid which is squeezed between
parallel plates is investigated numerically using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The
Squeezing flow;
Heat transfer; numerical investigation is carried out for different governing parameters namely; the squeeze
Mass transfer; number, Prandtl number, Eckert number, Schmidt number and the chemical reaction
Schmidt number; parameter. Results show that Nusselt number has direct relationship with Prandtl number
Eckert number; and Eckert number but it has reverse relationship with the squeeze number. Also it can be
Chemical reaction found that Sherwood number increases as Schmidt number and chemical reaction parameter
parameter increases but it decreases with increases of the squeeze number.
& 2016 National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction
The study of unsteady squeezing of a viscous incom-
pressible fluid between two parallel plates in motion normal
Corresponding author.
to their own surfaces independent of each other and
E-mail addresses: majid.shamlooei@yahoo.com,
arbitrary with respect to time has been regarded as one of
majidshambooli@yahoo.com (M. Shamlooei). the most important research topics due to its wide spectrum
Peer review under responsibility of National Laboratory for Aeronautics of scientific and engineering applications such as hydro-
and Astronautics, China. dynamical machines, polymer processing, compression,

2212-540X & 2016 National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Numerical investigation of two-dimensional and axisymmetric unsteady flow between parallel plates 319

injection molding and lubrication system. The first work on method. Effects of active parameters on flow and heat
the squeezing flow under lubrication approximation was transfer treatment are examined.
reported by Stefan [1]. In 1886, Reynolds [2] obtained a
solution for elliptic plates. The theoretical and experimental
studies of squeezing flows have been conducted by many
2. Mathematical formulation
researchers [3–5]. The inadequacy of Reynolds equation in
We consider the heat and mass transfer analysis in the
the analysis of porous thrust bearings and squeeze films
unsteady two-dimensional squeezing flow of an incompressible
involving high velocity has been demonstrated by Ishizawa
viscous fluid between the infinite parallel plates (Figure 1). The
[6]. Nanofluid heat transfer enhancement was studied by
two plates are placed at z ¼ 7ℓð1  αtÞ1=2 ¼ 7hðtÞ. For
several authors [7–45].
α40 the two plates are squeezed until they touch t ¼ 1=α
Recently, due to their applications in many branches of
and for αo0 the two plates are separated. The viscous
science and engineering, the interest in the study of heat and
dissipation effect, the generation of heat due to friction caused
mass transfer has been increased. Coincident heat and mass
by shear in the flow, is retained. This effect is quite important in
transfer with chemical reaction effect plays a vital role in
the case when the fluid is largely viscous or flowing at a high
design of chemical processing equipment, formation and
speed. This behavior occurs at high Eckert number ð441Þ.
dispersion of fog, damage of crops due to freezing, food
Mass transfer with chemical reaction of the time dependent
processing and cooling towers, distribution of temperature
reaction rate is accounted. Further the symmetric nature of the
and moisture over grove fields, etc. Mahmood et al. [46]
flow is adopted.
investigated the heat transfer characteristics in the squeezed
The governing equations for mass, momentum, energy
flow over a porous surface. Abd-El Aziz [47] considered the
and mass transfer in unsteady two dimensional flow of a
outcome of time-dependent chemical reaction on the flow of
viscous fluid are:
a viscous fluid past an unsteady stretching sheet. Magne-
tohydrodynamic squeezing flow of a viscous fluid between ∂u ∂v
þ ¼ 0; ð1Þ
parallel disks was analyzed by Domairry and Aziz [48]. ∂x ∂y
Most of engineering problems, especially some heat transfer  2 
∂u ∂u ∂u 1 ∂p ∂ u ∂2 u
equations are nonlinear, therefore some of them are solved þu þv ¼ þυ þ ; ð2Þ
using numerical solution and some are solved using the ∂t ∂v ∂y ρ ∂x ∂x2 ∂y2
different analytic method, such as perturbation method,  2 
∂v ∂v ∂v 1 ∂p ∂ v ∂2 v
homotopy perturbation method, variational iteration method þu þv ¼  þυ þ ; ð3Þ
introduced by He. Therefore, many different methods have ∂t ∂v ∂y ρ ∂y ∂x2 ∂y2
recently introduced some ways to eliminate the small 2 
∂T ∂T ∂T ∂ T ∂2 T
∂t þ u ∂x þ v ∂y ¼ ρC p ∂x2 þ ∂y2
parameter. One of the semi-exact methods which does not
need small parameters is the Homotopy Perturbation  2   !
υ ∂u ∂u ∂u 2
Method. The homotopy perturbation method, proposed first þ 4 þ þ ; ð4Þ
by He in 1998 and was further developed and improved by Cp ∂x ∂x ∂y
He [49]. The method yields a very rapid convergence of the
solution series in the most cases. The method yields a very  2 
rapid convergence of the solution series in the most cases. ∂C ∂C ∂C ∂ C ∂2 C
þu þv ¼D þ  K 1 ðtÞC ð5Þ
The HPM proved its capability to solve a large class of ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y2
nonlinear problems efficiently, accurately and easily with
approximations convergency very rapidly to solution.
Usually, few iterations lead to high accuracy solution. This
method is employed for many researches in engineering
sciences. He's homotopy perturbation method is applied to
obtain approximate analytical solutions for the motion of a
spherical particle in a plane couette flow by Jalal et al. [50].
Sheikholeslami et al. [51] studied rotating MHD viscous
flow and heat transfer between Stretching and porous
surfaces using HPM. They found that Increasing magnetic
parameter or viscosity parameter lead to decreasing Nu
while with increasing of rotation parameter, blowing
velocity parameter and Pr the Nusselt number increases.
In recent years some researchers used new methods to
investigated flow and heat transfer charactristics [52–92].
In this paper, flow, heat and mass transfer in a viscous
fluid which is squeezed between parallel plates is investi-
gated numerically using the fourth-order Runge–Kutta Figure 1 Geometry of problem.
320 P. Raissi et al.

Here u and v are the velocities in the x and y directions We introduce these parameters:
respectively, T is the temperature, C is the concentration, P y αx
is the pressure, ρ is the fluid density, v is the kinematic η¼ ; u¼ f 0 ðηÞ;
½lð1  αtÞ 
1=2 ½2ð1  αtÞ
viscosity, k is the thermal conductivity, C P is the specific αl T
heat, D is the diffusion coefficient of the diffusing species v¼  f ðηÞ; θ¼ ;
½2ð1 αtÞ 1=2 TH
and k1 ðtÞ ¼ k1 ð1 αtÞ is the time-dependent reaction rate.
The relevant boundary conditions are: ϕ¼ : ð7Þ
C ¼ 0; v ¼ vw ¼ dh=dt; T ¼ TH; C ¼ CH at y ¼ hðtÞ;
v ¼ ∂u=∂v ¼ ∂T=∂v ¼ ∂C=∂y ¼ 0 at y ¼ 0: ð6Þ Substituting the above variables into Eqs. (2) and (3) and
then eliminating the pressure gradient from the resulting
equations give:
Table 1 Comparison of θ0 ð1Þ between the present results and f iv  S ðηf 000 þ 3f 00 þ f 0 f 00  f f 000 Þ ¼ 0; ð8Þ
analytical results obtained by Mustafa et al. [93] for viscous fluid
Using Eq. (7), Eqs. (4) and (5) reduce to the following
S ¼ 0:5 and δ ¼ 0:1.
differential equations:
Pr Ec Mustafa et al. [93] Present work  0 
θ″ þ PrS ðf θ0  ηθ0 Þ þ PrEc f ″2 þ 4δ2 f 2 ¼ 0; ð9Þ
2 1 5.98053 5.9805303
5 1 14.43941 14.439413 ϕ″ þ ScS ðf ϕ0  ηϕ0 Þ Scγϕ ¼ 0; ð10Þ
1 2 6.052647 6.0526471
1 5 15.13162 15.131617
With these boundary conditions:
f ð0Þ ¼ 0; f ″ ð0Þ ¼ 0; θ0 ð0Þ ¼ 0;

Figure 2 (a) Effect of Prandtl number on the temperature profile Figure 3 (a) Effect of Eckert number on the temperature profile
when Ec ¼ 0:5; S ¼ 1; (b) effects of the squeeze number, Prandtl when Pr ¼ 0:7; S ¼ 1 and δ ¼ 0:1; (b) effect of the squeeze number
number on the Nusselt number profile when Ec ¼ 0:5. and Eckert number on the Nusselt number when Pr ¼ 0:7.
Numerical investigation of two-dimensional and axisymmetric unsteady flow between parallel plates 321

Figure 4 (a) Effect of Schmidt number on concentration profiles Figure 5 (a) Effect of chemical reaction parameter on concentration
when S ¼ 1; γ ¼ 1; (b) effects of the squeeze number and Schmidt profiles when S ¼ 1; Sc ¼ 1; (b) effects of the squeeze number and
number on the Sherwood number when γ ¼ 1. chemical reaction parameter on the Sherwood number when Sc ¼ 1.

ϕ0 ð0Þ ¼ 0; f ð1Þ ¼ 1; f 0 ð1Þ ¼ 0;  lk ∂C
∂y y ¼ h ðt Þ
θ ð1Þ ¼ ϕ ð1Þ ¼ 1; ð11Þ Sh ¼ ð13Þ
where S is the squeeze number, Pr is the Prandtl number,
Ec is the Eckert number, Sc is the Schmidt number and γ is In terms of Eq. (7), we obtain
the chemical reaction parameter which are defined as: l2 =x2 ð1  αt ÞRex C f ¼ f ″ð1Þ;
 2 1 αt Nu ¼  θ0 ð1Þ; ð14Þ
αl2 μC p 1 αx pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
S¼ ; Pr ¼ ; Ec ¼ 1 αt Sh ¼  ϕ0 ð1Þ:
2υ k Cp 2 ð1  αt Þ
υ k1 l2 l
Sc ¼ ; γ¼ ; δ¼ ; ð12Þ
D υ x
3. Results and discussion
Physical quantities of interest are the skin friction
coefficient, Nusselt number and Sherwood number which The main objective of this study was to apply fourth-
are defined as: order Runge-Kutta method to obtain an explicit analytic
solution of the heat and mass transfer characteristics in a
    viscous fluid which is squeezed between parallel plates. The
∂u ∂T
μ ∂y y ¼ h ðt Þ  lk ∂y y ¼ h ðt Þ
present code is validated by comparing the obtained results
Cf ¼ ; Nu ¼ ; with other works reported in Ref. [23]. As shown in
ρv2w kT H Table 1, they are in a very good agreement.
322 P. Raissi et al.

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