What Is Risk?: Investment Pattern On The Basis of Risk Profile of Investors
What Is Risk?: Investment Pattern On The Basis of Risk Profile of Investors
What Is Risk?: Investment Pattern On The Basis of Risk Profile of Investors
The word ‘risk’ has a definite financial meaning. It refers to possibility of incurring a loss in
a financial transaction. In a broad sense, investment is considered to involve limited risk and is
confined to those avenues where the principal is safe. ‘Speculation’ is considered as an
involvement of funds of high risk.
Systematic risk refers to that portion of the total variability of the return caused by common
factor affecting the prices of all securities alike through economic, political and social factors.
Unsystematic risk refers to that portion of the total variability of the return caused due to unique
factors, relating that firm or industry, through such factors as management failure, labour
strikes, raw material scarcity etc.
Investment is the purchase of an asset or item with the hope that it will generate income or
appreciate in the future and be sold at the higher price.
All investors have differing attitudes towards risk. When it comes to investing, it is important
to consider your risk profile or tolerance carefully, including how comfortable you are with the
possibility of losing money, or that returns on your investments could vary widely from year
to year.
Understanding your personal risk tolerance will help you choose an appropriate asset
allocation - the following points can help you to determine an investment mix that's appropriate
for your needs.
How would you describe your investment experience and understanding of financial markets?
To establish investment strategies that suit your profile of risk and will be comfortable with,
you need to consider the possibility that the value of your investment may decline even though
this may be temporary. Are you prepared to accept the possibility of a negative return at any
time in exchange for potentially higher long term returns? What percentage of your money
would you be prepared to invest in higher-risk investments?
Why are you investing? Is it for something in the near future (new car, or down payment on a
home) or something farther off (a young child's education or your own retirement)? If your
investing goals are short term you want your money to be there - with interest - when you need
it. Therefore, you will need to focus on relatively short-term investments like term deposits or
a cash management trust. If on the other hand, you are investing for the long term, you may be
able to afford to take some risk in pursuit of a higher return. Shares, property, and growth
orientated managed which historically have provided higher returns than fixed interest or cash
over time, may be more appropriate.
When do you expect to need to access all or part of your investments:
Moderate Your primary investment goal is capital growth. You can tolerate
some fluctuations in the value of your investment in the
anticipation of a higher return. You don't require an income and
you are prepared to invest for 5 years or more.