An RTL Power Optimization Technique Base PDF
An RTL Power Optimization Technique Base PDF
An RTL Power Optimization Technique Base PDF
SystemVerilog Assertions
Khaled Khalifa Khaled Salah
Alexandria University Mentor Graphics
Alexandria, Egypt Cairo, Egypt
Abstract ـــــThis paper presents a novel technique based on consumed power. Performing accurate and efficient power
System Verilog assertions to optimize the consumed power of enhancement as early as possible in the flow of creating any
RTL designs. The proposed technique helps the designer to design is important in creating a power optimized designs
enhance his RTL code towards achieving low power design. and essential for the successful low power designs. Our
The designer codes the proposed technique according to the
technique is concerned of performing accurate and efficient
design specifications and integrates the coded technique into
his test bench. The coded technique generates directive design power enhancement through being part of the design
massages which will be followed to modify and enhance the verification environment in the flow of creating RTL
design code to reduce the consumed power of the design. The designs.
idea behind this technique is to monitor the whole design
signals. Thus, this technique is a design-dependent technique as Our key contributions of this paper are as follows:
it depends on the design specifications. The coded technique
determines the targeted signals of the specific input then it I. Proposing a power optimization technique utilizing
displays the mistakenly setting signals which may consume System Verilog assertions.
additional wasted power. This technique can be applied and
II. A detailed discussion of our power optimization
included in any verification framework like the Universal
Verification Methodology (UVM) to integrate the power technique through a simple case study to compare
optimization feature of this technique with the features of the the power results of the original code with the
used framework. Through applying this technique, the optimized code after applying the proposed
consumed power of the design is significantly reduced as it technique.
catches each unused design signal that consumes additional III. An overview on how assertions are written to
wasted power. This paper explains how to apply the proposed generate directed test cases.
technique with respect to any design specifications and also IV. Providing a method of how to extract the consumed
provides the technique code itself of a simple RTL case study. power of any synthesizable code with respect to the
Moreover, it also attaches the resultant directive massages and
dissipated power in signals activities.
presents a comparison between the consumed power before
and after the modification of the RTL code according to the
directive massages of the coded technique. The rest of paper is organized as follows. In section II,
The proposed power optimization technique is presented. In
Index Terms— Design Power Optimization, System Verilog Section III. A simple case study is explained. Conclusions
Assertions, Verification Environment, HDL, RTL, Test Cases, are given in section IV.
Power Extraction.
With the explosive growth in laptops, portable personal
communication systems, and the evolution of the shrinking Design verification is considered to be the most important
technology, the research efforts in low power design process in the SoC design flow as more than 70 percent of
techniques have been intensified. Today, there are the time is spent on design verification. Since the
increasing numbers of portable applications requiring low verification process verifies the correctness of the design, it
power architectures than ever before. Therefore, may doesn’t concern of any other additional design code
architectures with low power consumption become the that doesn’t affect the design correctness. This additional
major candidates for design of microprocessors and system design code may cause consuming more additional wasted
components [1]. power as this code isn’t in the design specifications but it
The VLSI low power design problems can be broadly doesn’t affect the design correctness.
classified into two categories: analysis and optimization. For example, if the specifications of a certain design tell
Optimization is the process of generating the best design that when the input is high, the output signal (A) only must
with the lowest power consumption. The task of the design be high. But in the real implementation code, the designer
engineer is to carefully weigh each design code line with the wrote that when the input is high, both output signals (A)
specification constraints to generate the lowest design and (B) are high. In the implementation code, setting signal