Exam 2000
Exam 2000
Exam 2000
Question 1
(3 marks)
(7 marks)
c) Show a possible solution to the above problem, stating any assumptions that you make.
(15 marks)
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Question 2
a) Describe the four generations of computing and how operating systems developed as a
(12 marks)
b) There is some debate as to what will constitute a fifth generation computer. Assume
such a computer is available. What do you think will differentiate it from the computers
of today?
What advances do you think need to be made in order to produce a fifth generation
(13 marks)
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Question 3
(9 marks)
Calculate the average wait time when each of the above scheduling algorithms is used?
(12 marks)
(4 marks)
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Question 4
a) Describe the benefits of a mono-programming operating system.
(5 marks)
The operating system occupies 250K of memory and every process that is executed also
requires 250K of memory.
The processes have an average I/O wait time of 80%.
The company ask you if they should invest in more memory and, if so, how much. What
would you advise and why?
Would your advice change if the company said they had made a mistake and the average
I/O wait time was only 20%? If so, why?
(20 marks)
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Question 5
a) The buddy system is a memory management scheme that uses variable sized partitions.
(5 marks)
b) Assume a computer with a memory size of 256K, initially empty. Requests are
received for blocks of memory of 5K, 25K, 35K and 20K. Show how the buddy system
would deal with each request, showing the memory layout at each stage and the status of
the lists at the end.
After allocating all the processes, what would be the effect of the 25K process
terminating and returning its memory?
(10 marks)
(10 marks)
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Question 6
a) Every file in a filing system has a set of attributes (read only, date created etc.).
Assume a filing system allows an attribute of temporary, meaning the creating process
only uses the file during the time it is executing and has no need for the data thereafter.
Assume the process is written correctly, so that it deletes the file at the end of its
execution. Do you see any reason for an operating system to have temporary file
attribute? Give your reasons.
(5 marks)
b) An operating system supplies system calls to allow you to COPY, DELETE and
RENAME a file.
Discuss the differences between using COPY/DELETE and RENAME to give a file new
(5 marks)
c) An operating system only allows a single directory hierarchy but allows arbitrary long
filenames. Could you simulate something approximating a hierarchical file system? Give
your reasons.
(5 marks)
d) When a file is removed, the blocks it occupies are simply placed back onto the free list.
Can you see any problems with this? If so, how would you overcome them and what
problems, if any, would now exist and how would you resolve these?
(5 marks)
e) When the UNIX filling system opens a file its i-node is copied into memory. It has
been suggested, that with memory getting cheaper that if n processes open the same file
then n copies of the I-node could be held in memory. Is this a good idea? Give your
(5 marks)
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Assume there is a producer (which produces goods) and a consumer (which consumes goods). The
producer, produces goods and places them in a fixed size buffer. The consumer takes the goods from the
The buffer has a finite capacity so that if it is full, the producer must stop producing.
Similarly, if the buffer is empty, the consumer must stop consuming.
This problem is also referred to as the bounded buffer problem.
The type of situations we must cater for are when the buffer is full, so the producer cannot place new items
into it. Another potential problem is when the buffer is empty, so the consumer cannot take from the buffer.
An analogy was given in the lectures to a finite capacity conveyor belt in a factory.
In the lectures (and the course handouts) the concept of race conditions was discussed. This is the
fundamental problem we are trying to address. The example, with regards to race conditions in the lectures,
is given below. It uses the concept of sending processes to sleep when they cannot carry out their
processing (e.g. the buffer is empty so the consumer sleeps). This was suggested as a better approach than a
busy waiting solution where a process sits in a tight loop waiting for some event so that it can continue.
In the example below, although at first sight, looking logically correct, it suffers from race conditions on the
variable count.
The student must recognise the problems of race conditions and more marks will be given for showing how
this can occur.
To implement a solution to the problem using SLEEP/WAKEUP we need to maintain a variable, count, that
keeps track of the number of items in the buffer
The producer will check count against n (maximum items in the buffer). If count = n then the producer
sends itself the sleep. Otherwise it adds the item to the buffer and increments n.
Similarly, when the consumer retrieves an item from the buffer, it first checks if n is zero. If it is it sends
itself to sleep. Otherwise it removes an item from the buffer and decrements count.
void producer(void) {
int item;
while(TRUE) {
produce_item(&item); // generate next item
if(count == BUFFER_SIZE) sleep (); // if buffer full, go to sleep
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
enter_item(item); // put item in buffer
count++; // increment count
if(count == 1) wakeup(consumer); // was buffer empty?
void consumer(void) {
int item;
while(TRUE) {
if(count == 0) sleep (); // if buffer is empty, sleep
remove_item(&item); // remove item from buffer
count--; // decrement count
if(count == BUFFER_SIZE - 1) wakeup(producer); // was buffer full?
consume_item(&item); // print item
This seems logically correct but we have the problem of race conditions with count.
The following situation could arise.
The buffer is empty and the consumer has just read count to see if it is equal to zero.
The scheduler stops running the consumer and starts running the producer.
The producer places an item in the buffer and increments count.
The producer checks to see if count is equal to one. Finding that it is, it assumes that it was previously
zero which implies that the consumer is sleeping – so it sends a wakeup.
In fact, the consumer is not asleep so the call to wakeup is lost.
The consumer now runs – continuing from where it left off – it checks the value of count. Finding that
it is zero it goes to sleep. As the wakeup call has already been issued the consumer will sleep forever.
Eventually the buffer will become full and the producer will send itself to sleep.
Both producer and consumer will sleep forever.
c) Show a possible solution to the above problem, stating any assumptions that you
The solution lies in the use of semaphores. The example below shows the development of this topic in the
lectures , first of all showing how semaphores operate and then using them to solve the producer/consumer
I would not expect the student to produce al that is below but he/she must (to get full marks)
In (Dijkstra, 1965) the suggestion was made that an integer variable be used that recorded how many
wakeups had been saved. Dijkstra called this variable a semaphore. If it was equal to zero it indicated that
no wakeup’s were saved. A positive value shows that one or more wakeup’s are pending.
Now the sleep operation (which Dijkstra called DOWN) checks the semaphore to see if it is greater than
zero. If it is, it decrements the value (using up a stored wakeup) and continues. If the semaphore is zero the
process sleeps.
The wakeup operation (which Dijkstra called UP) increments the value of the semaphore. If one or more
processes were sleeping on that semaphore then one of the processes is chosen and allowed to complete its
Checking and updating the semaphore must be done as an atomic action to avoid race conditions.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Here is an example of a series of Down and Up’s. We are assuming we have a semaphore called mutex (for
mutual exclusion). It is initially set to 1. The subscript figure, in this example, represents the process, p, that
is issuing the Down.
From this example, you can see that we can use semaphores to ensure that only one process is in its critical
section at any one time, i.e. the principle of mutual exclusion.
We can also use semaphores to synchronise processes. For example, the produce and consume functions in
the producer-consumer problem. Take a look at this program fragment.
semaphore mutex = 1;
semaphore empty = BUFFER_SIZE;
semaphore full = 0;
void producer(void) {
int item;
while(TRUE) {
produce_item(&item); // generate next item
down(&empty); // decrement empty count
down(&mutex); // enter critical region
enter_item(item); // put item in buffer
up(&mutex); // leave critical region
up(&full); // increment count of full slots
void consumer(void) {
int item;
while(TRUE) {
down(&full); // decrement full count
down(&mutex); // enter critical region
remove_item(&item); // remove item from buffer
up(&mutex); // leave critical region
up(&empty); // increment count of empty slots
consume_item(&item); // print item
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
The empty and full semaphore provide a method of synchronising adding and removing items to the buffer.
Each time an item is removed from the buffer a down is done on full. This decrements the semaphore and,
should it reach zero the consumer will sleep until the producer adds another item. The consumer also does
an up an empty. This is so that, should the producer try to add an item to a full buffer it will sleep (via the
down on empty) until the consumer has removed an item.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
a) Describe the four generations of computing and how operating systems developed
as a result.
The notes/lecture material for this section is given below. The important points are
First Generation
No Operating System
Based on vacuum tubes
Second Generation
Had an operating system
Batch jobs introduced
Based on transistors
Third Generation
1965-1980 (or 1971 depending on your view)
Multi-programming and time-sharing possible
Spooling possible
Based on integrated circuits
Fourth Generation
1980 (or 1971) to present
Start of PC revolution so MS-DOS, UNIX etc. were developed.
Based on (V)LSI
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
dim whilst it was running. ENIAC was a general purpose computer that ran about 1000 faster than the
Mark I.
In 1945 John von Neumann designed the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC)
which had a memory which held a program as well as data. In addition the CPU, allowed all computer
functions to be coordinated through a single source. The UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer),
built by Remington Rand in 1951 was one of the first commercial computers to make use of these
These first computers filled entire rooms with thousands of vacuum tubes. Like the analytical engine they
did not have an operating system, they did not even have programming languages and programmers had to
physically wire the computer to carry out their intended instructions. The programmers also had to book
time on the computer as a programmer had to have dedicated use of the machine.
As computers were so expensive methods were developed that allowed the computer to be as productive as
possible. One method of doing this (which is still in use today) is the concept of batch jobs. Instead of
submitting one job at a time, many jobs were placed onto a single tape and these were processed one after
another by the computer. The ability to do this can be seen as the first real operating system (although, as
we said above, depending on your view of an operating system, much of the complexity of the hardware
had been abstracted away by this time).
Up until this time, computers were single tasking. The third generation saw the start of multiprogramming.
That is, the computer could give the illusion of running more than one task at a time. Being able to do this
allowed the CPU to be used much more effectively. When one job had to wait for an I/O request, another
program could use the CPU.
The concept of multiprogramming led to a need for a more complex operating system. One was now
needed that could schedule tasks and deal with all the problems that this brings (which we will be looking
at in some detail later in the course).
In implementing multiprogramming, the system was confined by the amount of physical memory that was
available (unlike today where we have the concept of virtual memory).
Another feature of third generation machines was that they implemented spooling. This allowed reading of
punch cards onto disc as soon as they were brought into the computer room. This eliminated the need to
store the jobs on tape, with all the problems this brings.
Similarly, the output from jobs could also be stored to disc, thus allowing programs that produced output to
run at the speed of the disc, and not the printer.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Although, compared to first and second generation machines, third generation machines were far superior
but they did have a downside. Up until this point programmers were used to giving their job to an operator
(in the case of second generation machines) and watching it run (often through the computer room door –
which the operator kept closed but allowed the programmers to press their nose up against the glass). The
turnaround of the jobs was fairly fast.
Now, this changed. With the introduction of batch processing the turnaround could be hours if not days.
This problem led to the concept of time sharing. This allowed programmers to access the computer from a
terminal and work in an interactive manner.
Obviously, with the advent of multiprogramming, spooling and time sharing, operating systems had to
become a lot more complex in order to deal with all these issues.
It is still (largely) true today that there are mainframe operating systems (such as VME which runs on ICL
mainframes) and PC operating systems (such as MS-Windows and UNIX), although the edges are starting
to blur. For example, you can run a version of UNIX on ICL’s mainframes and, similarly, ICL were
planning to make a version of VME that could be run on a PC.
This question is really up to the student to provide a convincing argument as to what they think. The
lectures notes are given below. For simply re-producing that I will award half the marks for the question. I
am really looking for the student to provide their own, original, thoughts.
Whatever answer they give, I would expect them to make the point that each generation of computing has
been hardware driven. Is this going to be the case for the next generation?
If you look through the descriptions of the computer generations you will notice that each have been
influenced by new hardware that was developed (vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits and LSI).
The fifth generation of computers may be the first that breaks with this tradition and the advances in
software will be as important as advances in hardware.
One view of what will define a fifth generation computer is one that is able to interact with humans in a
way that is natural to us. No longer will we use mice and keyboards but we will be able to talk to computers
in the same way that we communicate with each other. In addition, we will be able to talk in any language
and the computer will have the ability to convert to any other language.
Computers will also be able to reason in a way that imitates humans.
Just being able to accept (and understand!) the spoken word and carry out reasoning on that data requires
many things to come together before we have a fifth generation computer. For example, advances need to
be made in AI (Artificial Intelligence) so that the computer can mimic human reasoning. It is also likely
that computers will need to be more powerful. Maybe parallel processing will be required. Maybe a
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
computer based on a non-silicon substance may be needed to fulfill that requirement (as silicon has a
theoretical limit as to how fast it can go).
This is one view of what will make a fifth generation computer. At the moment, as we do not have any, it is
difficult to provide a reliable definition.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Round Robin
The processes to be run are held in a queue and the scheduler takes the first job off the front of the queue
and assigns it to the CPU (so far the same as FCFS).
In addition, there is a unit of time defined (called a quantum). Once the process has used up a quantum the
process is preempted and a context switch occurs. The process which was using the processor is placed at
the back of the ready queue and the process at the head of the queue is assigned to the CPU.
Of course, instead of being preempted the process could complete before using its quantum. This would
mean a new process could start earlier and the completed process would not be placed at the end of the
queue (it would either finish completely or move to a blocked state whilst it waited for some interrupt, for
example I/O).
In fact, the SJF algorithm is provably optimal with regard to the average waiting time. And, intuitively, this
is the case as shorter jobs add less to the average time, thus giving a shorter average.
The problem is we do not know the burst time of a process before it starts.
For some systems (notably batch systems) we can make fairly accurate estimates but for interactive
processes it is not so easy.
4 marks available for each algorithm. Full marks will be awarded for showing all
The processes would execute in the order they arrived. Therefore, the processes would
execute as follows, with the wait times shown.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Round Robin
This scheme allocates the processes to the CPU in the order they arrived, but only allows
them to execute for a fixed period of time (quantum = 8). Then the process is pre-empted
and placed at the end of the queue.
I would expect the students to give more detail than this (as we did in the lecture
exercises). For example, take P6, this has to wait for the following times
For P1 = 8
P2 = 6
P3 = 8
P4 = 8
P5 = 8
P6 can now execute (to completion – as its burst time is shorter than the quantum).
Therefore its total waiting time is the sum of those figures shown above, i.e., 38.
Summing all the wait times and dividing by the number of processes, gives us the
average wait time. That is
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
This is an opportunity for the student to give their views on scheduling algorithms. As we
discussed in the lectures there is no ideal scheduling algorithm, there are always trade
offs and compromises.
No marks will be awarded for saying shortest job first (SJF) would be implemented (as
this is not possible), but an algorithm that estimates the burst time, so that SJF can be
partially emulated would get some marks.
I would also give marks for saying that multi-level feedback queue scheduling would be a
good choice as, by varying the parameters to this algorithm, it is possible to emulate all
the other algorithms we considered. But the student should also say that even this is not
ideal as vast amounts of testing and guesswork would still be needed. All implementing
this algorithm does is give you the flexibility to try various algorithms.
Many other answers are possible and the marks will be awarded on the basis of their
argument and how they defend it.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Some of the advantages described in the course are given below; although the student
may suggest their own.
This question centres around a simple model that was presented that allows the students
to calculate the CPU utilization. I do not specifically ask for CPU utilization in the
question, so the student could give intuitive (and maybe vague) answers. They will not be
awarded marks for this, unless they are very well presented and argued.
Assume that that a process spends p percent of its time waiting for I/O. With n processes
in memory the probability that all n processes are waiting for I/O (meaning the CPU is
idle) is pn.
The CPU utilisation is then given by
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
CPU Utlisation = 1 - pn
The following graph shows this formula being used (the spreadsheet that produced this
graph was available from the web site for this course as well as being discussed in the
lectures and on the handouts).
Graph paper will be supplied in the exam so that the students can replicate the relevant
parts of this graph, although a table of figures would also be accptable.
CPU Utilisation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Degree of Multiprogramming
Initially, we run three processes. If we add another megabyte we increase the CPU
utilization from 49% to 70%. This, I would argue, is worth doing. Adding another
megabyte would result in 91% utilization. I would also argue that this is worth doing.
One more megabyte (allowing 15 processes to run) would gives us 96% utilization.
I would advise the company to add another two megabytes of memory (giving 91%
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
The student could argue for three megabytes (giving 96% utilization) and this would be
reasonable as I have stated nothing about the cost of memory.
If we consider the case where I/O wait time is 20% , we arrive at the following figures.
Even with three processes running the CPU is 99% utililized and I would argue that it is
not worth adding more memory.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
If we keep a list of holes (in memory) sorted by their size, we can make allocation to
processes very fast as we only need to search down the list until we find a hole that is big
The problem is that when a process ends the maintenance of the list is complicated. In
particular, merging adjacent holes is difficult as the entire list has to be searched in order
to find its neighbours.
The Buddy System is a memory allocation that works on the basis of using binary
numbers as these are fast for computers to manipulate.
Lists are maintained which stores lists of free memory blocks of sizes 1, 2, 4, 8,…, n,
where n is the size of the memory (in bytes). This means that for a 256K memory we
require 19 lists.
If we assume we have 256K of memory and it is all unused then there will be one entry in
the 256K list; and all other lists will be empty.
b) Assume a computer with a memory size of 256K, initially empty. Requests are
received for blocks of memory of 5K, 25K, 35K and 20K. Show how the buddy
system would deal with each request, showing the memory layout at each stage and
the status of the lists at the end.
7 of the 10 available marks for part b will be awarded for answering this part of the
After allocating the processes the memory will look like this. The student needs to show
the memory allocation at each stage.
25K 20K
Process 35K Process Process
8K 32K
128K 192K
5K Process
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
After allocating all the processes, what would be the effect of the 25K process
terminating and returning its memory?
3 of the 10 available marks for part b will be awarded for answering this part of the
The effect of the 25K process terminating is that the memory is occupies (32K) is added
to the 32K free list. The memory cannot be merged at this point as the free memory next
to it (its buddy) would only add up to 56K. It would need the returning of the 8K process
to give 64K of memory to combine lists.
Two alternatives were presented in the lectures. These were managing memory with bit
maps and managing memory with linked lists.
I would only expect a brief discussion of one of these methods. The notes below give
sample answers; although I would not expect the student to go into as much detail
(certainly for linked lists) – just explain the basic principle of one of the schemes.
I would expect a brief evaluation with another scheme (probably the buddy system),
giving an evaluation of the scheme they have chosen to describe.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
Under this scheme the memory is divided into allocation units and each allocation unit
has a corresponding bit in a bit map. If the bit is zero, the memory is free. If the bit in the
bit map is one, then the memory is currently being used.
This scheme can be shown as follows.
Allocation Units
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Bit Map
The main decision with this scheme is the size of the allocation unit. The smaller the
allocation unit, the larger the bit map has to be. But, if we choose a larger allocation unit,
we could waste memory as we may not use all the space allocated in each allocation unit.
The other problem with a bit map memory scheme is when we need to allocate memory
to a process. Assume the allocation size is 4 bytes. If a process requests 256 bytes of
memory, we must search the bit map for 64 consecutive zeroes. This is a slow operation
and for this reason bit maps are not often used.
P 0 1 H 1 3 P 4 3 H 7 1 P 8 1
In the list above, processes follow holes and vice versa (with the exception of the start
and the end of the list). But, it does not have to be this way. It is possible that two
processes can be next to each other and we need to keep them as separate elements in the
list so that if one process ends we only return the memory for that process.
Consecutive holes, on the other hand, can always be merged into a single list entry.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
This leads to the following observations when we a process terminates and we return the
A terminating process can have four combinations of neighbours (we’ll ignore the start
and the end of the list to simplify the discussion).
If X is the terminating process the four combinations are
In the first option we simply have to replace the P by an H, other than that the list
remains the same.
In the second option we merge two list entries into one and make the list one entry
Option three is effectively the same as option 2.
For the last option we merge three entries into one and the list becomes two entries
In order to implement this scheme it is normally better to have a doubly linked list so that
we have access to the previous entry.
When we need to allocate memory, storing the list in segment address order allows us to
implement various strategies.
First Fit : This algorithm searches along the list looking for the first segment that is large
enough to accommodate the process. The segment is then split into a hole and a process. This
method is fast as the first available hole that is large enough to accommodate the process is
Best Fit : Best fit searches the entire list and uses the smallest hole that is large enough to
accommodate the process. The idea is that it is better not to split up a larger hole that might be
needed later.
Best fit is slower than first fit as it must search the entire list every time. It has also be shown that
best fit performs worse than first fit as it tends to leave lots of small gaps.
Worst Fit : As best fit leaves many small, useless holes it might be a good idea to always use
the largest hole available. The idea is that splitting a large hole into two will leave a large
enough hole to be useful.
It has been shown that this algorithm is no very good either.
These three algorithms can all be speeded up if we maintain two lists; one for processes
and one for holes. This allows the allocation of memory to a process to be speeded up as
we only have to search the hole list. The downside is that list maintenance is complicated.
If we allocate a hole to a process we have to move the list entry from one list to another.
However, maintaining two lists allow us to introduce another optimisation. If we hold the
hole list in size order (rather than segment address order) we can make the best fit
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
algorithm stop as soon as it finds a hole that is large enough. In fact, first fit and best fit
effectively become the same algorithm.
The Quick Fit algorithm takes a different approach to those we have considered so far.
Separate lists are maintained for some of the common memory sizes that are requested.
For example, we could have a list for holes of 4K, a list for holes of size 8K etc. One list
can be kept for large holes or holes which do not fit into any of the other lists.
Quick fit allows a hole of the right size to be found very quickly, but it suffers in that
there is even more list maintenance.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
All of the questions below were not explicitly covered in the lectures, although enough
information was given to enable the students to answer the questions. In addition, if the
student has read the course textbook (or simply has some experience in using an
operating system) then the questions are not that difficult.
a) Every file in a filing system has a set of attributes (read only, date created etc.).
Assume a filing system allows an attribute of temporary, meaning the creating
process only uses the file during the time it is executing and has no need for the data
Assume the process is written correctly, so that it deletes the file at the end of its
execution. Do you see any reason for an operating system to have temporary file
attribute? Give your reasons.
The main reason for the attribute is when a process terminates abnormally, or if the
system crashes. Under these circumstances the temporary file would not be deleted.
However, by checking the temporary attribute of all files the operating system is able to
delete those files are marked as temporary, thus keeping the filing system “tidy.”
Under normal circumstances, the attribute, is not needed.
Other reasons could be that the OS could decide to place all temporary files in a certain
location – allowing the programmer to simply create a temporary file without having to
concern him/herself with the location details.
b) An operating system supplies system calls to allow you to COPY, DELETE and
RENAME a file.
Discuss the differences between using COPY/DELETE and RENAME to give a file
new name?
I would expect most students to say that there is a performance impact in using
copy/delete as the entire file is copied. If you use rename then only the index entry has to
be changed.
Limited marks will be give for this, with the rest of the marks being given for the students
other arguments – for example…
Perhaps a not so obvious reason, is that if you copy a file you create a brand new file and
some of the attributes will change (for example, date created). If you rename a file the,
date created attribute, for example, would not be changed.
c) An operating system only allows a single directory hierarchy but allows arbitrary
long filenames. Could you simulate something approximating a hierarchical file
system? Give your reasons.
Graham Kendall
Operating Systems (G53OPS) - Examination
where “/” are allowable characters in file names (which they would be as they would no
longer be invalid as they are not being used as directory separators), then by using the
various wildcard characters (e.g. “*” and “?”) you can search (copy – and perform other
operations) for files in a very similar way to a hierarchical filing system.
d) When a file is removed, the blocks it occupies are simply placed back onto the
free list. Can you see any problems with this? If so, how would you overcome them
and what problems, if any, would now exist and how would you resolve these?
The main problem is that the data still exists in the block and, somebody with the correct
tools, can access that data.
One solution is to erase the data in the block at the time the file is deleted but this has the
disadvantage of affecting performance.
A compromise solution could be to have a file attribute which marks the data as sensitive.
If this attribute is set then the data in the blocks is deleted when the file is deleted. If the
attribute is not set then the data in the blocks is not deleted.
e) When the UNIX filling system opens a file its i-node is copied into memory. It has
been suggested, that with memory getting cheaper that if n processes open the same
file then n copies of the i-node could be held in memory. Is this a good idea? Give
your reasons.
No, it is not a good idea (unless all i-nodes were read only). We could (and probably
would) arrive at the situation where processes up dates its own i-node and then eventually
the process would read the i-node back to disc. If process x wrote back its i-node just
after process y then the updates to the i-node by process x would be lost.
The student would have to come up with a very good reason to argue why it is a good
Graham Kendall