Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
The Online voting system (OVS) also known as e-voting is a term encompassing several different
types of voting embracing both electronic means of counting votes. Electronic voting technology can
include punched cards, optical scan voting systems and specialized voting kiosks (including self-
contained direct-recording electronic voting systems or DRE). It can also involve transmission of
ballots and votes via telephones, private computer networks, or the internet.
Online voting is an electronic way of choosing leaders via a web driven application. The advantage
of online voting over the common “queue method” is that the voters have the choice of voting at
their own free time and there is reduced congestion. It also minimizes on errors of vote counting.
The individual votes are submitted in a database which can be queried to find out who of the
aspirants for a given post has the highest number of votes.
This system is geared towards increasing the voting percentage in College since it has been noted
that with the old voting method {the Queue System}, the voter turnout has been a wanting case.
With system in place also, if high security is applied, cases of false votes shall be reduced.
With the “ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM”, a voter can use his\her voting right online without any
difficulty. He\She has to register as a voter first before being authorized to vote. The registration
should be done prior to the voting date to enable data update in the database.
However, not just anybody can vote. For one to participate in the elections, he/she must have the
requirements. For instance, he/she must be a registered students i.e. must be 18 and above years
old. As already stated, the project „Online Voting' provides means for fast and convenient voting
and access to this system is limited only to registered voters.
Internet voting systems are appealing for several reasons which include; People are getting more
used to work with computers to do all sorts of things, namely sensitive operations such as shopping
and home banking and they allow people to vote far from where they usually live, helping to reduce
absenteeism rate.
The voting/polling process by registered voters in College is very cumbersome. So many cases of
missing data in the voter registration files have been reported. There are also scenarios where
unregistered voters flock in the polling centers as “Fake Voters” to participate in the voting process.
Even after voting, malicious clerks and officers-in-charge of the polling station end up playing with
the results figures. This results in the release of wrong results leading to cases of post-election
violence in the College.
Such cases can be solved by insisting on voters exercising that task online using the Online Voting
System. The voters can also vote from anywhere around the campus, they don’t need to travel back
to the College during election time in case they are absent on the day of election.
Provision of improved voting services to the voters through fast, timely and
convenient voting.
Reduction of the costs incurred by the Electoral Commission during voting time in
paying the very many clerks employed for the sake of the success of the manual
Check to ensure that the members who are registered are the only ones to vote.
Cases of “Dead People” voting are also minimized.
Online voting system (OVS) will require being very precise or cost cutting to
produce an effective election management system.
Therefore crucial points that this (OVS) emphasizes on are listed below.
ii. This system is a lot easier to independently moderate the elections and
subsequently reinforce its transparency and fairness.
iii. Less capital, less effort, and less labor intensive, as the primary cost and effort
will focus primarily on creating, managing, and running a secure online portal.
iv. Increased number of voters as individual will find it easier and more convenient
to vote, especially those abroad.
Validating the system to ensure that only legible voters are allowed to vote.
Less effort and less labor intensive, as the primary cost and focus primary on creating,
managing, and running a secure web voting portal.
Increasing number of voters as individuals will find it easier and more convenient to
vote, especially those abroad.
Voting on the Internet has disadvantages based on the areas of secrecy and protection against
coercion and/or vote selling. It's such a truly bad idea that there seems to be no credible academic
effort to deploy it at all. The College General elections of 2017 brought management attention to
problems with current methods of casting and counting votes in College elections. Most people
believe that the current system should be changed; there is much disagreement on how such
changes should be made.
Students of the College have begun signing a petition in a fresh attempt to force the electoral body
to allow them vote online in the next College Election. They advocate using the OVS since it
reduces cases of uncounted, unmarked, and spoiled ballots. The students their report even proposes
a framework for a new voting system with a decentralized, modular design.
Therefore, they tend to be extremely suspicious of proprietary voting machines and their makers
who insist that we should “just trust [them].”
Neumann gives a list of suggestions for "generic voting criteria" which suggests that a voting
system should be so hard to tamper with and so resistant to failure that no commercial system is
likely to ever meet the requirements, and developing a suitable custom system would be extremely
difficult and prohibitively expensive.
A voting machine must produce human-readable hardcopy paper results, which can be verified by
the voter before the vote is cast, and manually recounted later if necessary.
In the recent years, voting equipment which were widely adopted in many colleges may be divided
into five types:
1. Paper-based voting: The voter gets a blank ballot and use a pen or a marker to
indicate he want to vote for which candidate. Hand-counted ballots is a time and labor
consuming process, but it is easy to manufacture paper ballots and the ballots can be
retained for verifying, this type is still the most common way to vote.
2. Lever voting machine: Lever machine is peculiar equipment, and each lever is
assigned for a corresponding candidate. The voter pulls the lever to poll for his favorite
candidate. This kind of voting machine can count up the ballots automatically. Because
its interface is not user-friendly enough, giving some training to voters is necessary.
4. Punch card: The voter uses metallic hole-punch to punch a hole on the blank ballot.
It can count votes automatically, but if the voter’s perforation is incomplete, the result
is probably determined wrongfully.
5. Optical voting machine: After each voter fills a circle correspond to their favorite
candidate on the blank ballot, this machine selects the darkest mark on each ballot for
the vote then computes the total result. This kind of machine counts up ballots rapidly.
However, if the voter fills over the circle, it will lead to the error result of optical-scan.
Recent years, a considerable number of college has adopted E-voting for their official
The proposed solutions were correspondingly outlined to hold back these attacks. For example, to
avoid hacker making incursion into the voting system via network, we can design our system
To transmit data without network. Another example is to limit voter to input particular data, so
that we can prevent the command injection from running.
MS SQL DBMS-it allows combination, extraction, manipulation and organization of
data in the voters‟ database. It is platform independent and therefore can be implemented
and used across several such as Windows, Linux server and is compatible with various
hardware mainframes. It is fast in performance, stable and provides business value at a low
HTML -Hypertext Markup Language-This is currently the core of the web world,
it is a language used to makeup web page. It is the glue that holds everything together.
Although HTLM was used for the implementation of the OVS, it is highly compatible with
extensible HTML (XHTML) which is designed to be a replacement of HTML made to
handle data and is also portable between different browsers and platforms with little or no
alterations in code. Macromedia Dreamweaver is a prefer tool for designing HTML pages
and that is the tool used in coming up with this OVS system.
By the help of C# programming language, we can develop different types of secured and robust
o Window applications
o Web applications
o Web service applications
o Database applications etc.
C# is approved as a standard by ECMA and ISO. C# is designed for CLI (Common Language
Infrastructure). CLI is a specification that describes executable code and runtime environment.
ASP.Net Framework- ASP.NET is a unified web development model integrated with .NET
framework, designed to provide services to create dynamic web applications and web services. It is
built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR) of the .NET framework and includes those
benefits like multi-language interoperability, type safety, garbage collection and inheritance.
Mark Anders and Scott Guthrie of Microsoft created the first version of ASP.NET in 1992. It was
created to facilitate the development of distributed applications in structured and object-oriented
manner by separating the presentation and content and hence write clean code. ASP.NET uses the
code-behind model to generate dynamic pages based on Model-View-Controller architecture.
They have some the major differences from ASP, an earlier version of ASP.NET. The object
model of ASP.NET has thus significantly improved from ASP, which makes it fully backward
compatible to ASP.
These differences include:
1. Usage of compiled code (instead of interpreted code),
2. Event-driven server-side scripting model,
3. State management,
4. Rapid application development using controls and libraries of the .NET framework.
5. Dynamic programming code is placed separately in a file or specially designated tag. This
avoids the program code getting modified during runtime.
Visual Studio 2017- Visual Studio 2017 is the most powerful Universal Windows
Platform development environment. It brings unparalleled productivity improvements, a
streamlined acquisition experience and enhanced debugging tools for Universal Windows
Platform developers.
Testing is done via WAMPSERVER.
Web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer
Desktop or laptop with at least 2.0 GHz Processor speed, At least 40 GB Hard Disk Capacity and
512 RAM and Printer.
Note that for one to experience the system administrator’s privilege, he/she must login as the system
admin with the admins password and username which is kept secret/confidential at all costs.
At the first visit of the OVS site, the user interacts with the system via the interface below:
1. Home Page:
2. Admin Page:
The eligible Voter can register themselves to take part in the E-Voting by using this page. This
page is monitored by the admin whose control the entire OVS.
A Voter Login Page is the entering of identifier information into a system by a registered voter in
order to access that system (e.g., a computer or a website). A login generally requires the user to
enter two pieces of information, first a user name and then a password.
5. Candidate Registration:
The eligible Candidate can register themselves to take part in the Election by using this page. The
Admin is responsible for registering the eligible candidate to take part in the Election. This page is
monitored by the admin whose control the entire OVS.
6. Voting Page:
In this page the certified voter will access the page to give their valuable vote to the desire candidate
those are stand in the election for different post.
7. Result Page:
After voting, a voter is allowed to check the results by visiting the results page shown above. This
page allows the registered voter to check the out coming result of the election after successful
completion of the election.
The system administrator can view a list of registered voters by clicking on the view
registered voters link.
These are just but a few of the important sites of the OVS. Others include the about us,
contact us etc.
1. Registration details table-the table holds records of registered users/voters with their
respective preferred usernames and passwords. It also has the contacts {phone numbers and
email address} of voters/users.
IdNo int(10) No
Fname varchar(15) No
Lastname varchar(15) No
Email varchar(15) No
Gender varchar(50) No
Address varchar(50) No
PhoneNo varchar(15) No
Username varchar(20) No
Password varchar(40) No
This same table is used by the user to get the username and password for logging in.
2. Vote table-That holds records of the candidate, and the voter who casts a vote in favor of
the candidate. Its primary key is the id field which is also necessary during vote counting.
The database is queried to find out how many voters casts their votes for a given contestant.
IdNo Int(10) No
Cad_reg varchar(25) No
Cad_name varchar(25) No
Dept varchar(25) No
Email varchar(15) No
Gender varchar(50) No
DOB varchar(50) No
Phone varchar(50) No
Post varchar(15) No
Party varchar(50) No
Vote_count varchar(15) No
4.1.1 Specifications
1. Web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer, MYSQL
DBMS, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Programming language such as JAVA and XML
2. Windows OS Xp, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. At least 2.0
GHz Processor speed, At least 40 GB Hard Disk Capacity and 512 RAM
At the first visit of the system, the voter/admin interacts with the login page where he/she is
required to provide a valid username and password in order to login. Once logged in, then the
voter/user is allowed to perform activities such as voting, viewing results and voter registration as
per the privileges.
This is where a new user/voter starts; the individual is required to provide a username and
password. When this is provided the system validates the user if the entered information tallies
with what is in the database. He/she is then logged in otherwise the voter/user isn’t logged in.
The main aspect behind OVS is that it enabled us to bring out the new ideas that were sustained
within us for many for many days. This project offers the voters to cast easily through internet.
Vote counting is also made easy by the OVS since it’s just a matter of querying the database.
OVS is used by a number of Colleges today. Developing a good system is critical to the success
of the system to prevent system failures and to gain wide acceptance as the best method available.
A good OVS system requires ten characteristics which this system already has. These are:
After our research and our finalization of this project, we highly recommend that the online voting
system (OVS) serves to be the best to be put in use especially in the 21 st century where human
beings are embracing technology and where there is malicious struggle for power by leaders all
over the world. This struggle for power has resulted in the use of all approaches by the leaders in
power to remain in their positions at whatever costs even if it means applying vote rigging to win
With this system in place, a number of such problems shall be forgotten. We therefore recommend
that the IEBMA should put the OVS technology at practice to phase out some of the problems they
go through during manual voting.
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Project Proposal
Feasibility study
Reqrmt analysis
System design
UI design
Integration and
Computer storage devices such as Flash disk, 2000
2GB and CD ROMs
Total Estimate Budget Cost 25,500
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