Ron Clark Academy
Ron Clark Academy
Ron Clark Academy
Edrienne Brown
Dr. Wilcox
EDU 402
28 September 2017
Going to the Ron Clark Academy was so different than just reading about his school and
watching the movie. In my opinion, I thought the school was filled with happiness and wonders
because students and teachers were walking on tables and singing chants. However, I was wrong.
Even though the children were happy, the Ron Clark Academy is like a regular school, but with
some extra positivity and more hands-on activities. Reading the book made it seem like school
Heaven, but actually seeing it behind closed doors made me feel like I was in high school trying
to prepare for the real world. It taught children how to track and to look at people while the
student is talking. I also saw a student crying because of the challenges that are expected.
Before coming to the Ron Clark Academy I had a lot of questions. Questions like how
the teacher control bad behaviors or the students’ urge to beat on the drums because it is right
there. Another thing that I was wondering was about the answering system. I know that if you
have an answer you can just stand up, but what if two people stood up at once and starts to give
out their answers? Also, how do the Ron Clark’s teachers use Love and Logic when a student is
upset and not cooperating? Even with these questions, there were a few positive things that I
wanted to see, like the students’ behavior especially the fifth graders since this is their first year
at the RCA. My main focus was also the relationships in the four houses.
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Even after going to the RCA I still have questions on the answering style. In one of the
classes that I observed two girls stood up and gave their answers. It took a while for one of them
to just let the other talk. However, in a public school what if a student does not sit down? What if
that starts an argument between the two? I feel like that could be avoided by the students raising
Another thing that I notice at the academy was the tone of voice. The teachers did not yell
at the students, which I admired, but Ron Clark did look frustrated. He made me scared and I am
not even in his classroom. Just seeing the way a teacher’s facial expression change makes me
feel terrible and not motivated to talk anymore because I have made the instructor upset.
However, Mr. Clark did use a Love and Logic term by saying that he is upset that no one
There were also a few things in the reading that I did not experience, for example, the
handshakes. At the beginning of the trip the children shook hands with the visitors, but
afterward, there was a lot of pushing in the halls. I am not talking about pushing people on
purpose, but the lack of saying excuse me from time to time. I am not sure if it was because they
were in a hurry. Even at lunch, the children did not shake hands before sitting down. While
reading about introductions and shaking hands, in the book, I had the impression that it is
supposed to happen all the time before speaking to a quest. However, even the visiting teachers
did not say excuse me while pushing through others, which was weird because they teach their
I also did not see the encouraging cheers for when a student is stuck on an answer.
However, I think that it was because of the grade levels I observed. On the contrary, I did see a
lot of thumbs up rolling in a circle that I thought was really useful in a big classroom because it
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is a very quiet gesture. Using these signals for agreeing or disagreeing is very interesting to me
because it quietly tells the student, that is answering, that he or she is on the right track or needs
to backtrack. It also allows the teacher to see that their audience of students is following along. I
would love to implement this hand signal into a future classroom because it allows all of the
students to give an answer even though they were not chosen to speak.
One thing that I notice in Ron Clark’s personal classroom were the laser pointers. As a
student answered the problem on the board they pointed at the area that they were mostly
focused on. Using pointer is a brilliant idea because in an elementary school class there are a lot
of students in one room. If a student was able to point at the board and explain their answer
without having to walk the aisles to get there, it would make the transition very smooth. In my
opinion, this would be a great investment for my host school because there are a lot of students
in that one building and classroom itself. I also believe that standing up while answering is great
because it builds up the ability to make eye contact when talking and being able to actually talk
The biggest thing that I valued during my time at the RCA was having houses and
rewards points towards the house. I am very interested in doing that for my future students, but
not a school wide system. For example, each student will be allowed to spin a smaller wheel and
whatever house it lands on, like Isibindi! they would stay in that house for the whole school year.
As a member of the team answer a question right in class or behaves appropriately the points will
go to the house that they are in. at the end of the month, the house with the most points will
receive a reward of their choice. This is a nice idea because as a teacher you are watching their
behavior throughout the whole month and not just for the week. The more we give children a
In conclusion, the Ron Clark Academy is a very well built school that I wish to see
around the United States. Not only do they teach hands on experience, but they also teach the
students about different cultures and allow them to travel to farther places instead of the next
state over. I wish to revisit when I begin to teach so I can implement new discoveries that Ron