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PSYRATS Erna Erawati

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The key takeaways are that the study validated several psychometric instruments - the Psychotic Symptoms Ratings Scales, Cognitive Bias Questionnaire for Psychosis, and Metacognitive Ability Questionnaire - in the Indonesian language to assess symptoms and cognitive biases in schizophrenia patients.

The aim of the study was to validate the Indonesian versions of the Psychotic Symptoms Ratings Scales, Cognitive Bias Questionnaire for Psychosis, and Metacognitive Ability Questionnaire.

The instruments validated in the Indonesian language were the Psychotic Symptoms Ratings Scales, Cognitive Bias Questionnaire for Psychosis, and Metacognitive Ability Questionnaire.

The Validation of the Indonesian version of Psychotic Symptoms Ratings Scale

(PSYRATS), the Indonesian version of Cognitive Bias Questionnaire for Psychosis

(CBQp) and Metacognitive Ability Questionnaire (MAQ)

Short heading: Instrumental study

Erna Erawati1*, Budi Anna Keliat2, Novy H.C Daulima 3
* Corresponding author: Erna Erawati ernaerawati57@yahoo.com

Author Affiliations
Erna Erawati, MN
Lecturer at Polytechnic of Health Semarang, Programmed Diploma of Nursing in
Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia

Budi Anna Keliat, SKp., M. App.Sc

Professor of Mental Psychiatric Nursing Sciences on Mental Psychiatric
Nursing Faculty Indonesia University, Depok, Indonesia

Dr Novy H.C Daulima, CD, S.Kp, M.Sc,

Doctor of Mental Psychiatric Nursing Sciences on Mental Psychiatric Nursing Faculty
Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Author contributions
EE, BAK was responsible for the study conception and design. EE, BAK, NH was
responsible for the drafting of the manuscript. BAK made critical revisions to the paper for
important intellectual content. NH provided statistical expertise. EE, BAK, NH provided
administrative, technical and material support. BAK, NH supervised the study.

This work was supported by a donation DIPA (Daftar Isian Perencanaan Anggaran)
Polytechnic of Health Semarang, Central Java

Conflict of interest
Aim: The present study was to validate the Indonesian version of Psychotic Symptoms
Ratings Scales (PSYRATS), the Cognitive Bias Questionnaire for Psychosis (CBQp) and
the Metacognitive Ability Questionnaire (MAQ) as a new scale to measure the ability of
metacognition of schizophrenia.

Background: The PSYRATS, CBQp, and MAQ have demonstrated their usefulness for
the assessment of hallucinations and delusions, cognitive biases and metacognitive
ability in schizophrenia. So far no validation of the Indonesian version has been carried

Methods: The PSYRATS, CBQp and MAQ were administered to 155 subjects with a
diagnosis of schizophrenia. Factor structure, reliability, test-retest stability, and
convergent validity were analyzed.

Findings : We found that the all psychometric were reliable and valid. Indonesian version
of the PSYRATS and CBQp Indonesian version have high reliability. The reliability of new
psychometric of MAQ was Cronbach’s alpha=.759 and was checked in a subsample
(n=32; r=.668; p<.01).

Conclusions: Similar to the original PSYRATS and CBQp, the Indonesian PSYRATS and
CBQp have good psychometric properties.The new psychometric of MAQ is a valid
instrument for assessing metacognition. Implications for future research are discussed.

Schizophrenia; Hallucination severity; delusion severity; Bias cognitive for psychosis;
Metacognition:Instrumental study.

Accessible Summary
 The Psychotic Symptoms Ratings Scales (PSYRATS) Indonesian version is a
good and sensible psychometric to asses hallucination and delusion severity as
positive symptoms in schizophrenia.
 Cognitive biases involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Therefore
Cognitive Bias Questionnaire for Psychosis (CBQp) Indonesian version as valid
and reliable instruments is needed to measure cognitive biases such as jump to
conclusion (JTC), intentionalising, catastrophising, emotion-based reasoning and
dichotomous thinking.
 The Metacognitive Ability Questionnaire (MAQ) as a new instrument could be
used in assesing the metacognition of schizophrenia patients so that they can
minimized their own cognitive bias.

What is already known about this topic

 PSYRATS is gold standard in the measurement of auditory hallucination and
 The Cognitive Bias Questionnaire for Psychosis (CBQp) is a reliable and valid
self-report instrument for assessing cognitive bias for psychosis.

What this paper adds

 PSYRATS and CBQp Indonesian version, MAQ are a reliable and valid
instruments to schizophrenia in measuring hallucination, delusion, cognitive bias
and metacognitive ability.
 PSYRATS and CBQp Indonesian version, MAQ can be implemented easily in an
inpatient ward by a psychiatric nurse.

Implications for research, practice and/or policy

 PSYRATS Indonesian version should become a standard psychometric in
assessing auditory hallucination and delusion in schizophrenia.
 CBQp Indonesian version could be used as bias cognitive psychometric in
 MAQ could be used as a new psychometric in assessing metacognitive ability.
Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric condition which worldwide prevalence estimates
range between 0.5% and 1% (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). The
prevalence of severe mental disorder in Indonesia was 1,7 per thousand population and
the highest rate were in province DI Yogyakarta and Aceh as much as 2,7 per thousand
population (Riskesdas, 2013). The symptoms of schizophrenia fall into four categories
include positive symptom, negative symptoms, disorganization and cognitive impairment
that people may have from one, two, or all (Bustillo, 2008). Schizophrenia is associated
with lack of awareness on their own cognitive distortion. Unlike neuropsychological
disturbances reflecting neural-based deficits, cognitive biases are distortions in the
collection, appraisal and processing of certain information (e.g., jumping to conclusions,
overconfidence in errors) (Moritz, et al, 2013). They also have a high rates of suicide,
severe functional impairment, and high costs for psychiatric services.

Due to the wide range of schizophrenia symptoms, studies of this disorder have used
multiple symptomatology scales designed to evaluate the disorders. The use of several
different scales gives an indirect assessment of schizophrenia symptoms. However, more
recently, several hallucination and delusion scales based on DSM-IV criteria have been
developed to increase accuracy of the diagnosis and decrease the time needed to
perform the assessment. Clinician-administered rating scales commonly used in inpatient
hospital settings include the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales (PSYRATS; Haddock,
1999), the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS; Kay, Fiszbein, & Opler, 1987),
the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scales (BPRS; Overall & Gorham, 1962), the Schedule for
the Assesment of Negative Symptoms (SANS; Andreasen, 1982a) and the Schedule for
the Assesment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS; Andreasen, 1982b). Differences between
these scales mainly involve administration time, time-frame considered, and the number
of items used to assess each criterion. Despite the good psychometric properties of these
clinician-administered instruments, they all have certain disadvantages, such as a need
for clinical expertise to perform the assessments.

The Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales (PSYRATS), a 17-item instrument composed of 2

subscales to measure the hallucination and delusion severity and changes in
schizophrenia. The PSYRATS has strong psychometric properties, but its seldom being
used to practical in some settings in Indonesia. The PSYRATS had shown the highest
levels of sensitivity to change and that discriminate best between hallucination and
delusion. Findings showed a high internal consistency, high test-retest reliability, and
good sensitivity to change after Metacognitive Training (MCT) treatment. In short,
Haddock et al (1988) considered that the PSYRATS was a reliable and brief self-reported
instrument for assessing hallucination and delusion severity as well as sensitivity to

Cognitive biases involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.The Cognitive Bias

Questionnaire for Psychosis (CBQp) is a reliable and valid self-report instrument for
assessing cognitive bias for psychosis. CBQp, a 30 items consisted of 15 items of
anomalous perceptions and 15 items of threatening events. According to Peters et al
(2010) The CBQp has good psychometric properties. The Cognitive Biases
Questionnaire for psychosis (CBQp)was developed to measure five biases (JTC,
intentionalising, catastrophising, emotion-based reasoning and dichotomous thinking) that
are considered to be important in psychosis, and delusions specifically. The 5 biases
were highly correlated with each other, although confirmatory factor analysis showed
equal goodness of fit indices for 1-factor and 5-factor scales.

Empowering metacognitive competency by raising awareness for cognitive biases may

then act prophylactically against psychotic breakdown (Moritz et al, 2013 in Roberts &
Penn, 2013). There for, a new instrument to measure the metacognitive ability was
needed. A change in cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects was proved using
MAQ before and after treatment of the metacognitive training (Erawati, et al, 2013). MAQ
consist of 29 items which consist of 17 items of cognitive aspect, 5 items of affective
aspect, and 7 items of behavior aspect.

Several instruments have been created to assess schizophrenia diagnosis and severity in
the Indonesian population. However, no validated self-report measures are yet available
to specifically assess hallucination, delusion severity, bias cognitive and metacognitive
ability. For this reason, the aim of the present study was to validate the Indonesian
language version of the PSYRATS, CBQP, and MAQ in a sample of subjects with
schizophrenia diagnosis. The psychometric properties of Indonesian version of the

In an Indonesian sample of 155 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia were interviewed
twice during the course of two months using a newly developed Indonesian version of the
PSYRATS, CBQp and MAQ with very good psychometric properties. Our design adopted
factor structure, reliability, test-retest stability.
This study was approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee at the Ghrasia
Mental Hospital Jogjakarta and carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Participants were given a detailed description of the study and gave their written informed

The total sample consisted of 155 subjects with schizophrenia recruited from
mentalhealth settings in Indonesian public institutions. According to Nunnally (1978) the
sample size was considered appropriate taking into account psychometric
recommendations that suggest 5 to 10 individuals per item. Inclusion criteria consisted of
schizophrenia diagnosis fulfilling Diagnostic and StatisticalManual of Mental Disorders,
fourth edition (DSM-IV) (APA, 2000) and age between 18 and 65 years. Exclusion criteria
were as follows: co morbidity with bipolar disorder, current major depressive disorder,
substance dependence, and severe difficulties in reading comprehension. All participants
had to be native Indonesian speakers.

There were 155 schizophrenia patients with delusions and hallucination in our mental
hospital during May- July 2012. Of these, all met the criteria for delusions and
hallucination score using PSYRATS.

Patient Demographics
The socio-demographic and background characteristics of patients were analyzed
usingunivariateanalysisand cross table statistics. Schizophrenia clients in this research
were 35 years old on average. Most of the schizophrenia clients were male (54.19%).
These and other characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Note that the patient did
not differ significantly on any variable at baseline.

The Indonesian version of the PSYRATS replicates the original version. The PSYRATS-
Hallucination subscale has high reliability (Cronbach’s alpha=.741), as well as good test-
retest stability, which was checked in a subsample (n=31; r=.791; p<.01). The Indonesian
version of the PSYRATS-delusion subscale replicates the original version has high
reliability (Cronbach’s alpha=.801), as well as good test-retest stability, which was
checked in a subsample (n=31; r=.637; p<.01). The Indonesian version of the CBQP
replicates the original version. The scale has high reliability (Cronbach’s alpha=.722), as
well as good test-retest stability, which was checked in a subsample (n=92; r=.664;
p<.01). The Indonesian version MAQ reliability (Cronbach’s alpha=.759), as well as good
test-retest stability, which was checked in a subsample (n=32; r=.668; p<.01). PSYRATS
has shows moderate to high correlations with MAQ. The PSYRATS is able to
discriminate among different levels of delusion and hallucination severity.

Data analysis
Data analysis was carried out using SPSS 18.0 statistical software for Windows.
Descriptive statistics were used to describe the demographic and clinical characteristics
of the sample. An exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) of principal components with a
Varimax rotation was performed to examine the factorial structure of the scale. It was
used Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to explore the goodness of fit of the original
one-factor structure of the PSYRATS Indonesian version, CBQp Indonesian version, and
MAQ. EQS software for Windows version 6.1 was used to conduct the CFA. The
maximum likelihood with robust correction method was used to adjust for distributional
problems in the data set. Although a model with a non-significant chi-square estimate is
generally considered a model with good fit, Hu and Bentler recommended combinational
rules to evaluate model fit. The following criteria were used to indicate the fit of the CFA
models to the data: CFI (Comparative Fit Index) and GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) >.90
and RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) <.08. Values for CFI and GFI
ranged from 0 to 1. These fit statistics and the chi-square were selected because
previous research has demonstrated their performance and stability.

To test internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha was estimated and the split-half method
was also applied. In addition, Cronbach’s alpha was estimated with each of the items
removed one at a time from the scale. Test-retest reliability and convergent validity were
evaluated by correlation analysis.

Psychotic Rating Scale (PSYRATS) is a golden standard in measure delusion and
hallucination severity on schizophrenia. Haddock et al (1999) PSYRATS have two
independent subscales, eleven characteristics of hallucinations and six characteristics of
delusions are assessed using an item-specific anchored five-point rating system. In the
auditory hallucinations subscale (PSYRATS-AH) hallucinations are rated for example in
regard to their frequency, location, loudness, and disruption to life. The delusions
subscale (PSYRATS-DS) includes for example items concerning the amount and
duration of preoccupation with delusions or amount and intensity of distress. The ratings
are based on the patients' experiences during the previous week. In particular, the
separate assessment of the dimension of the personal distress linked to symptoms is a
major advantage of the PSYRATS. Using a likert scale (0-4), the range score of delusion
subscale is 0-24, whereas the range score of hallucination subscale is 0-44. If the score
is smaller, then there will be a decline of the symptom.

The CBQp was related to hallucinations, delusions and depression, and there was
preliminary evidence that it is sensitive to change following CBTp. None of the biases
were related to existing experimental tasks, suggesting the CBQp measures a different
construct. The research conducted by Jasper, et al (2010) to 30 respondents show that
the CBQp has good psychometric properties andthe 5 biases were highly correlated with
each other, although confirmatory factor analysis showed equal goodness of fit indices for
1-factor and 5-factor scales. Another research showed that the CBQ-P and DACOBS
appear to be psychometrical sound instruments to assess general thinking bias in
psychosis within a Flemish population (Bastiaens, et al, 2013).

Metacognitive Ability Questionnaire (MAQ) is a reliable and valid self-report instrument for
assessing the metacognition awareness on schizophrenia. MAQ is a 29- items subjective
metacognition scale designed to measure metacognitive ability. Each item is
quantitatively assessed on a 4-point Likert scale that ranges from 0 (rare) to 3 (often). It
reflects the goal of each MCT session and consisted of three component of metacognitive
skills pertaining to cognition, affect and behavior. If the score is higher, then there will be
an increasing of the ability of metacognition.

To conclude, the Indonesian PSYRATS is a reliable instrument for assessing and
discriminating hallucination and delusion severity in Indonesian population. Moreover,
administration-time is brief and it is suitable for use in both research and clinical settings.
Also, CBQpis good psychometric to asses cognitive bias for psychosis and MAQ is a
valid and reliable instruments to measure metacognitive ability in Indonesian population.

Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions
EE conceived the study aims and design, and developed the study in discussions with
BK, NH. EE performed the analysis and drafted the initial manuscript. All authors
contributed to interpretation of results, revised and commented on the manuscript for
important intellectual content. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Table 1
Sociodemographic variables at baseline

Variables (n=155)
Sex (male/female) 84/71
Age in years 35.68(12.36)
Educational background
Elementary School 24
Yunior high School 34
Senior high school 68
College 29
Working status
Student 10
Civil worker 8
Entrepreneur 82
Unemployee 55
Marriage status
Married 57
Divorce 20
Not married 78
Ever had trauma in the past
Yes 143
No 12
Mental disorder history in
Yes, there is 40
None 115
Ever been hospitalized with
mental disorder
Never 35
Ever 120

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