Using Dictogloss Technique To Improve Students' Writing Ability at Second Grade of Sma Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung
Using Dictogloss Technique To Improve Students' Writing Ability at Second Grade of Sma Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung
Using Dictogloss Technique To Improve Students' Writing Ability at Second Grade of Sma Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung
(A Script)
Lidya Utami
This research was intended to find whether teaching writing hortatory exposition
text through dictogloss technique could significantly increase students’ writing
ability or not. This research used quantitative method with pre test and post test.
Pre-experimental research design was used in this research. It was used to find out
whether there was an improving of using dictogloss technique in writing subject.
The data showed that there was an improvement in students’ writing ability after
having two times treatments through dictogloss technique. The T-test analysis was
applied on the data to see the significance of the improvement. It was gained that
the t-count value was analysis of t0 is 4.4. It can be said that (p= 0.00 < 0,005)
While the lowest pre test was 50.67 and the highest score was 76. The lowest post
test score was 66.67 and the highest was 80. It means that the null hypothesis (H 0)
is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Based on that T-test analysis,
the dictogloss technique is effective and applicable at class XI IPS 2 of SMA
Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung to increase the students writing ability of
hortatory exposition text.
Lidya Utami
A Script
Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirement for S-1 Degree
Language and Arts Department of
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
The name of the writer is Lidya Utami. She was born in Kotabumi, North
Lampung on February 25 , 1988. She is the second child of Djunaidi, Ar and Elly
Yusnani. She has two brothers and two sisters.
She joined kindergarten at TK Nurul Iman in 1993 and graduated in 1994. In the
same year, she enrolled at SD Negeri 05 Kelapa Tujuh Kotabumi. In 2000 she
pursued at SMPN 07 Kotabumi. Then, she continued study in MAN 01 Kotabumi,
North Lampung and graduated in 2006.
Ridho Almashar
The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to all those who gave her
the possibility to complete this script.
The writer would like to acknowledge her sincere gratefulness to her supervisor
1. Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd, as her first advisor in finishing this script. Also due
to Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd as her second advisor. Without your help, the writer
would not finish this paper. May He bless you sir.
2. And the writer would express her thanks too, to Prof., Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah,
M.A. as her script examiner and academic advisor. Thank you very much
for guiding the writer in caring and patiently. Hope God rewards your
3. The writer would like to dedicate this script to the writer’s parents, Bunda
and Ayah, who always pray and wait for the writer and very patiently
waited the writer to pass from her college and who always love the writer
until the end. I pray for you always, hopefully Alloh gives you Jannah as
your reward and we gathered there. Aamiin. Thank you so much Bunda
and Ayah, I love you very much to the moon and back.
4. Also for the writer’s friends, Devi S, Mb Mery, Indah K. Rini, Intan T.
Chodija, ‘Ncan’ Candra, Mb Santi, Siti Alfiah, mb Ema, Casey, Naya,
Wahyu Sri Sukarsih, Widhi Yanti RN, and whoever that the writer cannot
mention one by one. Thank you very much for your care and the supports.
5. The writer gratitude too, to her beloved friends in Cahaya’s House, Kak
Eka, Dian, Deka, Mb Helma, Lia, Suryati, Mb Vega, Mb Yuni.
6. Also to Kepri Band; Christina, Deva, Fina, Nisa, Purwanti. Thank you so
much for spending the ‘silly and crazy’ time together, love you.
7. To Ms. Zunia wati, S. Pd, M, Pd and Ms. Nova, S. Pd also for the sweet
students, XI IPS 2 in SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung, thanks for
our team work.
8. Last but not the least, the writer would express the happiness ever met you
guys, 2006 English Department comrades. I will miss you. And for the
2010, 2012, 2013 comrades, thank you for your helps.
And for the writer’s Almamater, this place taught everything to the writer.
The writer,
Lidya Utami
Abstract ................................................................................................. i
Curriculum Vitae ................................................................................. ii
Motto ..................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgement ................................................................................. iv
Dedication ............................................................................................. v
Table of Content ................................................................................... vi
List of Pictures ...................................................................................... viii
List of Tables ........................................................................................ ix
List of Appendices ................................................................................ x
I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1
3.4. Data Collecting Technique............................................. 29
3.5. Research Instrument....................................................... 29
3.6. Validity of the Data ........................................................ 30
3.6.1 Content Validity........................................................ 30
3.6.2 Construct Validity..................................................... 31
3.6.3. Reliability of the Data.............................................. 31
3.7. Research Procedures ..................................................... 31
3.8. Data Analysis ................................................................ 32
3.9. Scoring Students’ Writing............................................. 33
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION.................................................. 34
Table 3.9.1 Analytical Scoring Rubric.................................................. 34
problem, objective of the problem, the use of the research, scope of the problems
One of standard competencies that should be achieved by the students are the
ability to communicate both in oral and written form by using appropriate, fluent,
exposition and hortatory exposition discourse. There are four skills in learning
language, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The ability of writing will help
them express their ideas, or share information through written language. Since
as means of ideas and emotional expression, because when they write ideas and
emotion creatively, they are communicating on paper in their very best way. The
work of writing is presented in the form of texts, usually known as genres, which
Genre can be defined both in terms of the intended form and the intended function
of the writing. By form was meant such written products as letter, laboratory
problems in writing were lack of vocabulary and had weaknesses in grammar and
writing activity as it was rarely practiced in the class. For that reason, teacher
should use effective teaching technique that encourages students to get involved
actively in the class. The teaching learning process has to be involved not only
teacher and students, but also between the students? Students, in every level of
oriented curriculum (KTSP 2006) in English subject syllabus of the second year
students in senior high school should be able to write hortatory exposition text.
In fact, many students thought that writing hortatory exposition text was the most
difficult activity to do. Why? Because it deal with arguing on some issues
grammar, and confuse how to start writing. They were weak in writing English
and took time to think what they want to write. By writing the researcher hope the
students would have a development in English and writing as their ability and will
help them to understand what people say in English written text in the future.
The researcher used a technique to develop the students’ writing skill. Based on
some previous research that had been done by other researcher, in order to
minimize the problem above, therefore there should be some suitable techniques
As the researcher’s experience when she did teaching practice, most of students
were afraid to write and could not write freely because they do not had enough
vocabulary. Whereas, they had knowledge about the news out there. Easily they
Hence, the researcher tells that writing is not as scary as the students ever
imagined. Language was not just sitting and keeping silent in the class. Writing is
an active activity; it can be done in any places. They could exchange their
The researcher did the qusiy experiment in a senior high school, at XI IPS 2 of
SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 2 Bandar Lampung. The teacher said that the students
were seldom to write in English in the class. As foreign language students are in
the process of learning especially in writing, the students would try to convey the
reserving and processing information. Although they had given a topic to write,
they could not automatically begin to do their writing tasks. Even they write
several lines, they mostly find difficulties on how to continue their writing. As the
result, they tend to stop their writing. Furthermore, writing is almost neglected
rarely had learning activities about writing English. Another factor that influenced
the students’ writing ability is about the process. The teaching learning is related
to classroom activity. For example discussing what they have seen on TV, internet,
newspaper, etc. the students can share their thought and find the new words and
In identifying the problem the researcher made a little interview with the teacher
and the students. There were many factors that influence why the students’ writing
achievement was relatively low than another skills. Based on the research back
It is already stated in the background of the problem of the research that one of the
Based on the identification of the problems above, the researcher limited her
Based on the limitation of the problems, the main problem of this research is
formulated as follows:
a. Is there any different of students writing ability which are being taught by
b. Is there any improve of students’ writing ability after being taught by using
dictogloss technique?
result of that research will be useful for the learning- teaching process to
develop the students’ writing ability, and that research could reinforce and
The population of that research was the second year students of XI IPS 2 SMA
exposition text.
happened or be done.
he/her ideas through written form that should consider some aspects:
form of score.
This chapter presents things that were crucial for this research. There were
and organizing ideas, putting them on a paper and reshaping and revising them.
reading are social activities. Graham (2016:1) Says, improving students’ writing
skills helps them succeed inside and outside the classroom. Effective writing is a
communication tool for students to convey thoughts and opinions, describe ideas
and events, and analyze information. Indeed, writing is a life-long skill that plays
increasingly important role in how students learn and practice writing in and out
practices. Writing is an activity which expresses the message through a text that
can be read by the reader. It can be understand since studying languages tend to
someone or writing something for someone. These others are always in some
implicated and constructed. Even those texts we read or write that come from or
are intended for people we do not know assemble versions of our identities and
positions are readers – as men and women, students and teachers. Building the
different genres to see how they were constructed, and without becoming used to
writing. Evaluation judgments of the different fields of learning are mainly based
upon writing. Students who are skilled in writing can get better grades than those
who are unskilled. Thus, the basics of good writing should be taught and practiced
from the early years of learning Muslim (2014:Vol.4). Based on definitions above
it can be inferred that writing is one of the way to produce language that comes
from our mind. We can allocate our ideas, feeling or anything that was in our
people whenever the writer is not present and then writing is also a skill to make a
form of word that had a higher value. Writing is among the most complex human
processes of writing by novice and expert authors have been studied by such
critical literary theory, hyper text theory, second language acquisition, and writing
pedagogy. From such a wealth of approaches and themes, this book will be
writing in EFL at advanced levels Jozsef (2001:1). Deane (2011:6) sketches that
one expects to find parallel expressive, receptive, and reflective skills across tasks
with similar domains in play. These are different modes of thought, but they
invoke the same mental representations. A reader may start with letters on the
page and end up with ideas. A writer may start with ideas and end up with letters
on the page. A thinker may deal simultaneously with letters and words, sentences,
writing. Weir (1990) in his scoring scheme for the Test English for Educational
internal pattern.
write text relevance, adequately, and clear. Put the punctuation, grammar, and
So, in writing ability the students should master the seven aspects above that have
been described.
According to expert, there are some compositions that should be followed by the
a. Content
Content refers to the substance of writing, the experience of main idea i.e.
subject. Content the paragraph do the work of conveying ideas rather that
b. Organization
than attempt to piece together all collection of fact and jumble ideas. Even
in early drafts it may still be searching for order, trying to make out
c. Vocabulary
Vocabulary refers to the selection of word those are suitable with the
content. It begins with the assumption that writer wants to express the
d. Language Use
Language use refers to the use of correct grammatical form and synthetic
e. Mechanic
Mechanic refers to the use of graphic convention of the language, i.e, the
generally the aspects of the writing were classified into five aspects
can see it from the syllabus that the school provided it.
Hence, the students at this grade have already had an ability to elaborate
the information surrounding them in the form of writing, so, the researcher
takes this to know how far the students’ ability in writing a text, in context
what they should write in simple texts. By using dictogloss technique, the
especially in writing, then, it makes the students more active since this
technique can stimulate them to find the new topics and reconstruct the
text that can be discussed and is hoped to improve the students’ writing
While according to the categories above, there are aims that should be
12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam 12.2. Mengungkap-kan makna dan
2. 3 Types of Writing
type of writing. According Setyawan (2015:12-13) there are four main types of
a. Description
see, feel or hear what the writer feels, sees or hears. A description could be
impressions and feelings that the writer had about what he/she was
b. Narration
in which they occur. However, the purpose of the narrative writing was not
c. Exposition
explanation of processes.
d. Argumentation
Argumentation is a form of writing in which we argue for certain idea and try
the writers not only inform but also attempt to convince the readers that the
because the writer does not see the readers facial expression, hear their voice,
sufficient evidence to prove to your reader that your opinion is valid. From
the explanation of the types above, the researcher took exposition type as
works and able to write paragraph in this case, hortatory exposition text,
Widiati (2006: Vol.13) states that n the writing for communication type, students
are made aware of the purpose in writing and the audience they are writing to.
Thus, in this type of writing students write with a reader in mind and they can also
have feedback from the teacher as the reader of their written texts. In terms of the
explore ideas. Students are given freedom to develop their ideas and continue
given time for revisions of their drafts. Writing is not just one practice or activity.
A note to a cousin is not like a business report, which is different again from a
poem. The processes and ways of thinking that lead to these varied kinds of texts
can also vary widely, from the quick email to a friend to the careful drafting and
redrafting of a legal contract. The different purposes and genres both grow out of
and create varied relationships between the writers and the readers, and existing
assumptions about what knowledge and experience are already shared, and what
needs to be explained. Writing with certain purposes in mind, the writer focuses
attention on what the audience is thinking or believing; other times, the writer
Kellog (2008:2) states that writing an extended text at an advanced level involves
not just the language system. It poses significant challenges to our cognitive
systems for memory and thinking as well. Indeed, writers can put to use virtually
Writing is a stage in which the writers out their ideas, information, and words on
papers. It means that the students should write down of what they were going to
say or write. The next was re-write, it is defined as a process of making revisions
or changes of what they had written. In process writing, spelling becomes a part
of writing and not a separate isolated skill. Some believe that if children enjoy
writing and engage in a lot of writing then spelling ability usually takes care of
itself. Direct instruction on technical skills could be done within the context of
a. Prewriting, where children spend time thinking about the content of their
b. Drafting and redrafting, and the young writers’ conference with their
teacher or peers on ways of improving their writing. Not all writing pieces
require this kind of process some writers go through several drafts while
c. Editing and revising, which normally take place after the final draft had
been put aside for a while. Further conferencing could take place at this
d. Publishing, when the final draft is prepared for publication. E.g., A class
child may not want other people to read his or her writing.
In this research the students use drafting and redrafting to make their
hortatory exposition text by writing the clues that the teacher said to the
clues they redrafting or elaborate the clues into the text form.
through pre-planned.
cultural changes creating communicative needs which could not be readily met by
agriculture rather than hunting and gathering, there developed a need for
permanent records which could be referred to over and over again. Also he says
that language learning was a social process, and knowledge was transmitted in
social contexts, through relationships, like those of parents and child or a teacher
and pupil, or classmates, that were defined in the value systems and ideology of
the culture. In addition, when working with the students of foreign and second
the students and their prior knowledge and capacities, and understanding their
carrying out their work; know about language, learning, children, curriculum and
methodology; understand that learning ultimately takes place one child at a time;
try to create appropriate social settings and interactions, and to influence the rate
and direction of personal learning; and utterly convinced that teacher guides,
Hortatory is a kind of English text that produces the writer’s effort to influence
the writer includes some opinions about certain things to strengthen the main idea
text. In this recommendation, the writer asks and persuades the readers.
There were three language structures in hortatory exposition text, i.e. thesis
language structures:
a. Thesis statement
b. Arguments
It is about opinions which support the writer’s main idea. The more
c. Recommendation
A lot of people, especially teenagers, who do not smoke always, want to try smoking.
They know it is bad for them and all, but it is just something they want to try. So they ask
one of their smoker friends for a cigarette. Admittedly, they firstly cannot light it on their
own so they ask his friend to do it. Then they inhale that cigarette and smoke
Apparently that makes them the born smokers. Now they do smoke fairly regularly. They
cannot avoid smoking and they enjoy too. They have smoker friends. Every day they
bring a pack in their pocket. For them, a pack of cigarette is as important as a wallet for
their money.
Suddenly, for certain reason, they realize the fact that tobacco is the cause of a long list of
nasty diseases. It is not only heart disease, stroke, and chronic lung disease but also
bladder, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Even it was reported that around 400,000 Americans
died each year. It was one every 80 seconds from tobacco-related illnesses.
Then they decide it is stupid to harm selves. They want to quit smoking. Unfortunately, they
find that quitting smoking is so difficult. “Why can’t I stop smoking? I really want to
stop it”. It is hard to quit because nicotine is powerfully addictive. Cigarette is one of the
most efficient drug-delivery devices ever devised. As result, when people try to quit
smoking, they often experience classic nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety,
irritability, headache, depression, and restlessness.
Well, still want to try smoke? Think the facts before trying! If you are not smoker, you
should never and never try to smoke.
text cooperatively and this text is similar to the one read to them before and they
have taken some notes on, both in case of content and style. Therefore, the
constructed text is not a replication of the original one since students use their
notes, share their ideas with their group-mates, and utilize their own background
Kowal and Swain (1997) claim that dictogloss is an effective learning technique
since the task provide a context for negotiation. This script examined
facilitate L2 learning. The learners’ interaction suggest that the four procedural
stages of the task were all important for language learning. They were: first, read
the dictogloss through once at a normal speed, asking students to listen carefully.
Second, read the dictogloss a second time, and encourage students to jot down
notes. Third, review difficult or possibly unknown vocabulary that appears in the
dictogloss. The last, create short passage that embeds a particular grammatical
form you wish to emphasize. It should be a form that the students know well but
Wajnryb (1990:18) explains that the foundation stone of dictogloss is the concept
of text: “Text provides the point of departure from which the procedure begins
(the dictation); it was the goal towards which the learners direct their energies (the
reconstruction); and it was the framework within which their efforts were
measured (the analysis).” It may be said, then, that the basic premise of the whole
procedure was the value placed on text as the semantic unit of language. This
means that textual considerations, such as textual cohesion, were brought into
(reconstruction). Wajnryb adds that there was the sense of the text as culture-
specific, in this case to English. What this means was that each text offers a
The author maintains that continued and regular exposure to and construction of
appreciation, and manipulation of the logical and rhetorical world of English. For
those learners whose first language rests on a very different logic system or world
view, this was enormously important and valuable. Because the students could
There are four steps in dictogloss technique that is suggested by Nunan (1996:
a. Preparation
The teacher stimulates the students to face the text that will be heard by
vocabulary discussion.
b. Diction
The students listen twice. First, the students only listening and getting the
c. Reconstruction
In the last diction, the learners collect the notes and arrange again the text
according to their version. In this step the writer does not give language
There are several ways to cover this step. First, in each text, students’
Projector (OHP), LCD Projector, etc. Second, the text could be duplicated
and distributed to all the students. Third, the students could compare
2. The students are able to express their thoughts, ideas, and able to find
their ideas.
technique. She estimates that the technique a little confusing, needs some
group consists of weak students, it will not run well and spend much time during
a. The researcher reads a text. Students listen. They do not take notes. They
just listen.
c. The students individually write down as much of the story as they could
remember at least 250 words. They could use pictures, abbreviations, other
words, blanks or anything else that will help them if they don't recall the
d. They put down their pens and the researcher reads the text one last time.
Writing is one of the language skills which are aimed to help students to develop
understand the information that they have had. The students are treated by using
dictogloss technique then get more exposure to the language because the students
become more actively involved during the teaching and learning by being
This technique is used correctly, it solve the students’ problem to write in English.
Then the students have confident to express their information. The students found
that they unconfident to write because they had lack of vocabulary and
grammatical mastery also made their ideas could not be properly conveyed and
Related to the frame of theories above, the researcher assumes that teaching
on the students’ writing ability, because this method encourages the students to be
means that students had a chance to develop their skill to write each other and tell
2.10 Hypothesis
H1: teaching hortatory exposition text through dictogloss technique does give
H0: teaching hortatory exposition text through dictogloss technique does not give
Research design was a plan or steps that should be prepared to collect the data in a
research. Model that tried to find the relations between variable was called by
experiment. Research experiment tended to get the relation from variables validly
This chapter told a research method which covered research design, population of
the research, variables, and data collecting technique, research instrument, and
validity of the data, research procedure, and data analysis. In this research, the
writer will use one group pretest-post test design. The students was be given the
pretest before the treatment and post test after the learning process.
The researcher used pre-experimental class by using one class which was taken
from the teacher’s suggestion and it was proper to the research design. Therefore,
this research used one group of pre-test and post-test design. The researcher gave a
pre-test before a treatment and post test after the treatment. The variables were
T1 X T2
T1 : Pre-test
T2 : Post-test
X : Treatment
(Setiyadi, 2006:131)
researcher would take only one class as the sample. This class consisted of 33
students. The researcher took the students of XI IPS 2 as the sample, since the
teacher suggested to take this class to researcher and they did not do writing
3.3 Variables
Hatch and Farhady (1982) state that variable is an attribute of person to person or
from object to object. Besides, in order to assess the influence of the treatment in
a. Dictogloss independent variable (X) because this variable was major and
was investigated.
Pre test was administered before the treatment was given writing test to
know how far the students writing ability especially for the material would
be taught by the researcher. The researcher read the text then the students
listened to what the researcher read. After the students listening to the text,
After giving the treatment to the students, the researcher gave the posttest
to the students. The type of the post test was also in the form of production
test in this case, writing test. The test was administered to see whether the
The instrument of this research is writing test. The researcher read text and
showed picture to the students, from the pictures and clues the students elaborated
A test was considered valid if the test measure the object to be measured and
suitable with the criteria. According to the Hatch and Farhady (1982; 281) there
are two basic types of validity: content validity and construct validity of the test.
The writer adopts the test based on the students’ handbook and the curriculum
used to get the content validity of the test. Content validity was concerned
with the test which was sufficiently representative and comprehensive. In the
content validity and the material were given suitable related to the curriculum.
It meant that the materials were suitable to the students. Content validity was
meter content, the focus of content validity was adequacy of the sample and
simply on the appearance of the test (Hatch and Farhady, 1982). According to
short functional text and essay form of narrative, spoof and hortatory
exposition in daily life context. While, the basic competence notes that it
poster, pamphlet, etc) formal and informal by using kind of written language
Construct validity was concerned with whether the task was actually in line
with the theory of what it means to know the language that would be
meant to know a language. It meant that the pretest and posttest would be
language used, and a table of specification was an instrument that would help
In this research writer used inter rater reliability in achieving the reliability
data which consist of pretest and posttest. The first and second raters were the
English teacher and the last rater was the researcher herself. Both of them
discussed and put mind of the writing criteria in order to obtain the reliable
The writer also used the statistical formula for accounting the reliability score
3. 8 Data Analysis
The data from the writing test were arranged from the highest until the lowest one.
The data from the pre-test and posttest will be analyzed to find out whether the
result of the test similar or not. The researcher uses pretest-posttest design to
compare the result of the data from the pre-test and post-test with the same
The formula of the group that the researcher uses to know the significance of the
different mean was as follows:
= −
+ − 2
N : number of participants
X: mean of students’ score
DS: deviation standard
While to find out the standard deviation∑the writer used the formula as follows:
∑ : calculation
D: deviation
N: number of participants
Scoring the students work was a step to obtain quantitative information from each
writing was rating scale. In using rating scale, the scorer could make a rank order
of the result of the students’ work, based on a given categories to know which
students had the high scores and which had the lowest scores. There were five
components of writing that each student’s final score was divided by the total of
The success indicator in this research was when the students already fulfill the
minimum criteria of mastering English lesson at XI IPS 2 of SMA
Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung (KKM 70). It meant that the students had
reached the criteria of successful students.
This chapter presents of the conclusion that the researcher does in her research.
The conclusion is based on the result implementation and the discussion of the
findings from the previous chapter. The recommendations offer some suggestions
for the teachers and further researcher who want to conduct further study
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded that dictogloss can be
students’ score of pretest and post test. The students of the school know how to
make a good writing and it is very useful for them when they write something.
Therefore they can make a hortatory exposition text better than before. Referring
to the discussion of the research findings on the previous chapter, the writer
supported by the significant result of the pre-test that is 61.23, than the
post-test is 71.96.
2. Dictogloss also can improve students’ aspect writing skill. It showed in the
The highest score achieved by the students are content and vocabulary.
The score improved because the students were able to make sentences in
3. It can be seen from the score of five aspect of writing: content from (6.06)
language use from (3.03) 27.27 into 30.30. Furthermore for vocabulary
was (12.12) 21.21 into 33.33, and the last is mechanic from 27.27 to 30.30.
According to a small interview that the researcher did to the teacher; the teacher
rarely gave the writing activity when she teaches English in a class to the students.
5.2 Suggestion
After conducting this research, the researcher offers several recommendations for
the English teachers and other researchers. They are followed below:
The results of the research show that the activity is believed to be friendly
improving the students’ writing ability. It was very useful for them to use
the technique to assess the students more active and it could multiply their
vocabularies and of course ability in writing. They can use LCD projector
learning process. This comment goes with the argument that “good
relevant to the point from language education theories, such Leung (2009)
This research only gives some main parts of the technique on the use of
that the other researchers could conduct the other studies of the same issue
3. From the result, the lowest aspects of writing are organization, language
use and mechanic. The writer suggests that the teacher must pay more
attention for the students about their organization, language use, and
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