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ISSN 0259-2517

Manual on development PLANT

and use of FAO and WHO PRODUCTION


specifications for PAPER

pesticides 173

First Edition
Manual on development PLANT

and use of FAO and WHO PRODUCTION


specifications for pesticides PAPER

First Edition

Prepared by the
FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Specifications (JMPS)


Rome, 2002
The designations employed and the presentation of material in
this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion
whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, or on the part of the World
Health Organization, concerning the legal status of any
country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning
the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

ISBN 92-5-104857-6

All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this

information product for educational or other non-commercial purposes are
authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright holders
provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of material in this
information product for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited
without written permission of the copyright holders. Applications for such
permission should be addressed to the Chief, Publishing Management Service,
Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy or
by e-mail to copyright@fao.org.

© FAO and WHO 2002


Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................i
Procedures for handling confidential proprietary data and potential conflicts of interest ........... ii
Background to the development of FAO and WHO specifications for pesticides..................iii-vi
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope of specifications..........................................................................1-2
1.2 The JMPS................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Liaison with other international organizations........................................2-4
1.4 Participation by the pesticide industry ...................................................4-5
1.5 Purpose and use of specifications.........................................................5-6
1.6 Access to FAO/WHO specifications ......................................................... 6
2. The process of developing FAO/WHO specifications
2.1 Categories of specification and their status.............................................. 7
2.2 Submission of proposals and data ........................................................7-8
2.3 Meetings and functions of the JMPS........................................................ 8
2.4 Confidentiality of Information.................................................................... 9
2.5 Timetable and principles for the development of specifications ..........9-12
2.6 Publication of specifications ................................................................... 12
2.7 Review of specifications ....................................................................12-13
2.8 Overview of information required for specifications................................ 13
2.9 Acceptability of analytical and physical test methods............................. 14
3. Requirements and procedures for development of FAO/WHO
3.1 Minimum data requirements for support of the reference (first)
specification for an active ingredient
A Data requirements for technical grade active ingredients
(TC/TK) ........................................................................................... 15-18
B Data requirements for formulations ................................................... 18
C Methods for analysis and testing of TC/TK and formulations..... 18-19
3.2 Minimum data requirements for extension of an existing
specification to an additional manufacturer or a new manufacturing
D Data requirements for the determination of equivalence ................. 19
E Determination of equivalence ........................................................ 20-21
3.3 Evaluation reports ............................................................................. 22-24
3.4 Decision making and action procedures for dealing with
submissions from initial and subsequent proposers .......................... 24-25
3.5 Prioritization criteria for development and review of specifications ... 25-26

4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of specification clauses

Introduction............................................................................................... 27-28
4.1 Title and code ....................................................................................... 28
4.2 Description............................................................................................ 29
4.3 Active ingredient
4.3.1 Identity tests ........................................................................ 29-30
4.3.2 Content of active ingredient ................................................. 30-32
4.4 Relevant impurities
4.4.1 By-products of manufacture or storage ............................... 32-33
4.4.2 Water................................................................................... 33-34
4.4.3 Insolubles ............................................................................ 34-35

Page III

4.5 Physical properties

Introduction.................................................................................... 35-36
4.5.1 to .10 Density (bulk density) ..................................................... 36
4.5.11 to 20 Surface (wettability, persistent foam)........................ 36-37
4.5.21 to 30 Volatilization (volatility).............................................. 37-38
4.5.31 to 40 Particulate, fragmentation and adhesion (wet
sieve, dry sieve, nominal size range, dustiness,
attrition resistance, integrity, adhesion to seeds) ..... 38-41
4.5.41 to 50 Dispersion (dispersibility, disintegration time,
degree of dispersion, suspensibility, dispersion
stability, emulsion stability)....................................... 41-45
4.5.51 to 60 Flow (flowability, pourability) ..................................... 46-47
4.5.61 to 70 Solution and dissolution (acidity, alkalinity, pH
range, miscibility with oil, dissolution of water-
soluble bags, degree of dissolution, solution
stability, release rate, “free” active ingredient)........... 47-49
4.6 Storage stability (at 0ºC, at elevated temperature) ......................... 50-52
5. Specification guidelines for technical materials and technical
concentrates (except microbial TKs)
Introduction.................................................................................................... 53
5.1 Technical materials (TC) ................................................................... 54-55
5.2 Technical concentrates (TK) ............................................................. 56-57
6. Specification guidelines for solid formulations
Categorization of solid formulations .............................................................. 58
6.1 to 6.10 solid formulations for direct use
6.1 Dustable powders (DP) ................................................................ 59-61
6.2 Powders for dry seed treatment (DS)........................................... 62-64
6.3 Granules (GR).............................................................................. 65-67
6.4 Tablets for direct application (DT) ................................................ 68-70
6.11 to 6.20 solid formulations for dispersion
6.11 Wettable powders (WP) ............................................................. 71-75
6.12 Water dispersible powders for slurry seed treatment (WS)........ 76-78
6.13 Water dispersible granules (WG)............................................... 79-83
6.14 Water dispersible tablets (WT)................................................... 84-86
6.15 Emulsifiable granules (EG) ........................................................ 87-89
6.16 Emulsifiable powders (EP) ......................................................... 90-92
6.21 to 6.30 solid formulations for dissolution
6.21 Water soluble powders (SP) ...................................................... 93-96
6.22 Water soluble powders for seed treatment (SS) ........................ 97-99
6.23 Water soluble granules (SG).................................................. 100-103
6.24 Water soluble tablets (ST) ..................................................... 104-106
7. Specification guidelines for liquid formulated pesticides
Categorization of liquid formulations ........................................................... 107
7.1 to 7.10 Simple solutions
7.1 Soluble concentrates (SL)........................................................ 108-110
7.2 Solutions for seed treatment (LS) ............................................ 111-113
7.3 Oil miscible liquids (OL) ........................................................... 114-115
7.4 Ultra low volume liquids (UL) ................................................... 116-118

Page IV

7.11 to 7.20 Solutions for dispersion

7.11 Emulsifiable concentrates (EC).............................................. 119-121
7.12 Dispersible concentrates (DC) ............................................... 122-124
7.21 to 7.30 Emulsions
7.21 Emulsions, oil in water (EW) .................................................. 125-128
7.22 Emulsions for seed treatment (ES) ........................................ 129-131
7.23 Micro-emulsions (ME) ............................................................ 132-135
7.31 to 7.40 Suspensions
7.31 Aqueous suspension concentrates (SC)................................ 136-139
7.32 Suspension concentrates for seed treatment (FS).................140-142
7.33 Aqueous capsule suspensions (CS) ......................................143-147
7.34 Oil-based suspension concentrates (OD) ..............................148-151
7.41 to 7.50 Dual character formulations
7.41 Aqueous suspo-emulsions (SE).............................................152-155
8. Specification guidelines for pesticides formulated as, or in, devices
for application
Categorization of formulated devices..................................................... 156
8.1 Mosquito coils (MC) .................................................................157-161
8.2 Vaporizer mats (MV) ................................................................162-164
8.3 Liquid vaporizers (LV) ..............................................................165-168
8.4 Aerosols (AE)...........................................................................169-175
9. Specification guidelines for microbial pesticides
Categorization of microbial pesticides.................................................... 176
Introduction ............................................................................................ 177
9.1 Bacterial larvicide technical concentrates (TK) ........................178-183
9.11 Bacterial larvicide wettable powders (WP) .............................184-189
9.12 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible granules (WG)...............190-195
9.13 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible tablets (WT) ..................196-201
9.21 Bacterial larvicide suspension concentrates (SC) ..................202-207
Appendix A Guidelines on sampling .............................................................208-217
Annex 1 A model sampling report.............................................................. 218
Appendix B Supply and certification of reference substances............................. 219
Appendix C Glossary of terms ......................................................................220-225
Appendix D Coding of active ingredients, specifications and method status ....... 226
Appendix E CropLife International codes for technical and formulated
Appendix F CIPAC codes for pesticides, in numerical order ........................232-238
Appendix G CIPAC codes for pesticides, in alphabetical Order ...................239-245
Appendix H Declarations of interests and confidentiality by FAO/WHO
experts ....................................................................................246-254
Appendix I Recommended letter of access to confidential information ............... 255

Page V

FAO and WHO wish to acknowledge the invaluable contribution of

Mr Alan Hill, Chairman of the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide
Specifications (JMPS), in the preparation of this Manual.

Our appreciation is also extended to the members of the JMPS, as well as the
representatives from the pesticide industry for their inputs.

The constructive comments and suggestions of other Organizations and

interested parties in the process are also acknowledged.

Gero Vaagt, FAO Morteza Zaim, WHO

Page VI

FAO and WHO specifications are developed with the basic objective of
promoting, as far as practicable, the manufacture, distribution and use of
pesticides that meet basic quality requirements.
Compliance with the specifications does not constitute an endorsement or
warranty of the fitness of a particular pesticide for a particular purpose, including
its suitability for the control of any given pest, or its suitability for use in a
particular area. Owing to the complexity of the problems involved, the suitability
of pesticides for a particular purpose and the content of the labelling instructions
must be decided at the national or provincial level.
Furthermore, pesticides which are manufactured to comply with these
specifications are not exempted from any safety regulation or other legal or
administrative provision applicable to their manufacture, sale, transportation,
storage, handling, preparation and/or use.
FAO and WHO disclaim any and all liability for any injury, death, loss, damage or
other prejudice of any kind that may be arise as a result of, or in connection with,
the manufacture, sale, transportation, storage, handling, preparation and/or use
of pesticides which are found, or are claimed, to have been manufactured to
comply with these specifications.
Additionally, FAO and WHO wish to alert users to the fact that improper storage,
handling, preparation and/or use of pesticides can result in either a lowering or
complete loss of safety and/or efficacy.
FAO and WHO are not responsible, and do not accept any liability, for the testing
of pesticides for compliance with the specifications, nor for any methods
recommended and/or used for testing compliance. As a result, FAO and WHO
do not in any way warrant or represent that any pesticide claimed to comply with
a FAO or WHO specification actually does so.

1. This disclaimer applies to all specifications published by FAO and WHO.

Page VII
Procedures for handling confidential proprietary pesticide data and
potential conflicts of interest by the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide
Specifications (JMPS)

This statement has been prepared to ensure and verify the transparency of the process of data
evaluation by the JMPS (a process essential for the development of internationally acceptable
specifications for pesticides), whilst complying with the legitimate need of Industry to protect trade
secrets (e.g. the results of their research, confidential business information).
a) The proposer of a specification is asked to provide all pertinent data specified in
sections 3.1 and 3.2 of this Manual, together with any other information justifiably
required by FAO and/or WHO for the purposes of the JMPS. Confidential information
pertaining to the manufacturing process and other trade secrets must be identified
clearly by the proposer, so that this information will not be published in the evaluation
summary or inadvertently divulged to third parties.
b) Where a manufacturer makes available confidential proprietary data or information,
for the purposes of evaluation by the JMPS, FAO and WHO undertake to respect and
safeguard the data from unauthorized release or disclosure and to provide the
necessary facilities, at FAO Headquarters in Rome or WHO Headquarters in Geneva,
to ensure the proper handling and security of the above mentioned data.
c) The Data Package received by FAO or WHO for evaluation will be sent to the expert,
participating in the JMPS, to whom the compound has been assigned for evaluation
for consideration by the forthcoming closed meeting (see glossary).
d) When FAO or WHO sends confidential proprietary data or information to a nominated
expert participating in the JMPS, it will instruct the expert not to make copies of all or
parts of the data, nor to share or use the data for anything other purpose than
evaluation of the proposed specification and the corresponding presentation of the
draft evaluation to the closed meeting. The expert will be asked to acknowledge in
writing that he/she accepts these conditions by signing undertakings of confidentiality
and restrictions on use.
e) At the closed meeting, experts participating in the JMPS will be required to sign an
undertaking to respect the confidentiality of the proprietary data and the restrictions
on use, and any discussions pertaining to them. The deliberations of the JMPS will
be recorded in the confidential report of the closed meeting, to be held by FAO and
f) Experts participating in the JMPS will be required to sign a declaration of their actual
or potential interests in the information, proposals or pesticides under consideration.
Experts will not take part in discussions in which their declared interest gives rise to a
conflict of interest, except to provide the JMPS with information, if required.
g) Following the closed meeting and completion of the evaluation and specifications, all
data (including the proprietary data) will be returned to FAO or WHO by the assigned
expert and kept secure at FAO or WHO Headquarters. Subsequently, the
confidential data and information will be accessed only for the purposes of
determination of equivalence or review of the specifications, under similar
procedures. Confidential data and information do not become the property of FAO or
WHO. When a specification is withdrawn, FAO or WHO will, if possible, contact the
proposer who originally submitted the data, to determine whether the data package
should be destroyed or returned to the proposer.
h) In the determination of equivalence, if the existing limit for a relevant impurity is
exceeded by the additional TC/TK, FAO and/or WHO can be expected to request
information from the additional proposer about the increased levels of relevant
impurities. Where there is a new impurity, or an exceedance of the 50% or 3 g/kg
limit for non-relevant impurities, requests for further information from the additional
proposer will refer only to the impurity data provided by the second proposer. No
reference will be made to the data owned by any other proposer other than that, by
inference, it may be concluded that the 50% or 3 g/kg limit has been exceeded. In
such cases, every care will be taken to avoid inadvertent release of confidential

Background to FAO and WHO specifications for pesticides

FAO specifications
Acting on the recommendations of the FAO Conference on Pesticides in Agriculture , which were
endorsed at the second session of the FAO Committee of Experts on Pesticides in Agriculture ,
the Director-General of FAO established an FAO Working Party on the Official Control of
Pesticides on 25 July 1963 under the provisions of the statutes of the FAO Committee of Experts
on Pesticides in Agriculture.
The purpose and terms of reference of the Working Party were to advise and assist the Director-
General on all matters related to the official control of pesticides, and to prepare a model licensing
and approval scheme; to provide guidance on efficacy and safety in use and transport; and to
produce specifications for pesticides used in agriculture analogous to those prepared by the World
Health Organization (WHO) for public health purposes.
The Working Party was subsequently divided into two sections: Section A, to prepare a model
scheme for the official control of pesticides and to provide guidance on labelling; and Section B, to
prepare specifications for pesticides used in plant protection.
In 1975, The Working Party was renamed the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Specifications,
Registration Requirements and Application Standards . Its purpose and terms of reference were
to advise the Director-General on the official control of pesticides, efficient and safe application
methodology and biological testing standards, with particular reference to developing and adopting
specifications for agricultural pesticides. Section B of the Working Party became the Group on
Specifications. In 1989, the Panel of Experts on Prior Informed Consent was amalgamated with
the other Groups, to become part of the Panel of Experts on Pesticide Specifications, Registration
Requirements, Application Standards and Prior Informed Consent. The Group on Specifications
held formal meetings in 1977, 1979, 1981, 1992, 1997 and 1998 and, for many years, has held
additional (informal) technical meetings in association with the annual meetings of the
Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council (CIPAC).
The first edition of the FAO Specifications Manual was published in 1971 as FAO Agricultural
Development Paper No. 93. The second, third and fourth editions were published in 1979, 1987
and 1995, as FAO Plant Production and Protection Papers No. 13, No. 85 and No. 128,
In 1996, a draft plan was prepared by the FAO Group on Specifications, to change the procedures
by which specifications were developed and applied. The objectives were (i) to prepare
specifications by a formal evaluation procedure that is transparent and analogous to that
employed by the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR); (ii) to enable JMPR
evaluations of pesticide toxicology and residues to be linked to the evaluations of the technical
active ingredients; and (iii) to limit the scope of specifications to manufacturers whose technical
active ingredients have been evaluated by the Group. Following extensive consultation and
comments from interested parties, the procedures were adopted by the FAO Group at formal
meetings in October 1998, held in Rome. The new procedures were presented in the fifth edition
of the Manual (FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 149, 1999). In addition, the
Manual was extensively reorganized. Statements of the aim, applicability, methods and
requirements were provided for all specification clauses, which were grouped according to broad
characteristics. Similarly, for clarity and ease of comparison, the specification guidelines were
grouped according to the general features of the products involved. A Spanish edition of the 5
edition of the Manual was made available in 2001.
Specifications developed under the two procedures are superficially similar in appearance but
have a very different basis. Specifications developed under the old procedure could be applied to
any manufacturer’s product. Specifications developed under the new procedure apply only to the
products of manufacturers whose data have been evaluated by the Group on Specifications. Prior
to 1999, all specifications were produced in hard copy only. Under the new procedure,
specifications are published on the internet and only available in hard copy form on request.
Specifications published on the internet are integral with the corresponding evaluations of data, so

FAO. Report of the FAO Conference on Pesticides in Agriculture. Rome, 1962.
FAO. Report of the Meeting of the FAO Committee of Experts on Pesticides in Agriculture.
Rome, 1962.
FAO. Report on the 9th Session of the FAO Committee of Experts on Pesticides in Agriculture.
Rome, 1975.

Page IX
Background, continued

that users of the specifications can be informed of the data and scientific reasoning which support
the specification.
WHO specifications
The WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) was set up in 1960 and remains the only
international programme that promotes and co-ordinates the testing and evaluation of pesticides
intended for public health uses. The International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of
Pesticides constitutes the framework for WHOPES in promoting the safe handling and use,
efficacy, cost-effective application and quality control of pesticide products/formulations for public
health use. The development of specifications for pesticides and application equipment, for use in
international trade and quality control, forms an integral part of the WHOPES programme.
WHOPES functions in close collaboration with national disease and pest control programmes and
national pesticide registration authorities, many international and regional organizations and
institutions concerned with pesticide management, legislation and regulation, research institutions
and with industry.
WHOPES recommendations take account of existing published and unpublished data and are
based on consideration of different factors which may influence performance of products for a
given application. The recommendations are for global use, but small-scale local testing of the
product is necessary to determine performance under specific local conditions and target species.
The global objectives of WHOPES are to:
- facilitate the search for alternative pesticides and application methodologies that are safe
and cost-effective; and
- develop and promote policies, strategies and guidelines for the selective and judicious
application of pesticides for public health use, and assist and monitor their implementation by
Member States.
In its present form, established in 1982, WHOPES comprises a four-phase evaluation and testing
Phase 1. Technical or formulated pesticides are tested for efficacy and persistence using
laboratory-bred arthropods. This phase also incorporates and study of cross-resistance with the
various classes of pesticides currently available and the establishment of tentative diagnostic
concentrations for the detection of vector resistance in the field. Compounds are also evaluated,
in close collaboration with the WHO Programme on Chemical Safety (WHO/PCS), for their safety
for humans and the environment. Minimum laboratory experimentation to allow the confirmation
of the basic toxicological and ecotoxicological information available from the manufacturer or other
sources, in the light of the particular requirements of WHO, may also be carried out by appropriate
WHO collaborating centres.
Phase 2. This phase comprises studies on natural vector populations in the field, on a small scale
and under well-controlled conditions, to determine application doses and assess the efficacy and
persistence of the pesticide. Where appropriate, the action of products on non-target fauna is
verified. Phase 2 is also the first opportunity to document any harmful effects of the product upon
operators in a field situation.
Phase 3. WHO, industry and one or more institutions located in disease endemic countries
undertake to assess the efficacy of the product on a medium or large scale against a specified
disease vector. Phase 3 comprises entomological, safety and, where appropriate, epidemiological
evaluation. The institution supplies qualified staff for implementation, while the manufacturer
supplies the insecticide and the funds needed for the trial. WHO bears the technical responsibility
for the operation and is involved in the field through independent consultants. All three parties
participate in drafting the trial protocol in accordance with a pre-established model that needs to
be adapted to each situation. The final report is drafted by the institution, which submits it to WHO
for evaluation. The report is then submitted to the manufacturer for review.
A scientific committee, the WHOPES Working Group, assists WHOPES in reviewing evaluation
reports and assessing current knowledge about products and their intended applications, and

International Code of Conduct in the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, FAO, Rome, 1990.

Page X
Background, continued

makes recommendations to WHOPES on their public health use. The reports of the WHOPES
Working Group are issued as WHO documents and are widely distributed .
Phase 4. This phase is concerned with the establishment of specifications for the technical
product and the formulations evaluated. Prior to 2002, draft specifications proposed by industry
were reviewed by the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Vector Biology and Control and WHO
collaborating centres and were then issued as interim specifications. These were then reviewed
every five to six years by the WHO Expert Committee on Vector Biology and Control, which could
recommend their publication as full WHO specifications. At its meeting in 1999 , the Expert
Committee on Vector Biology and Control recommended harmonization of the specifications
development procedures and processes with those of FAO. From 2002, all specifications for
technical grade active ingredients and most specifications for formulated products will be
developed through the FAO/WHO JMPS, using the new procedure. As in the case of FAO
specifications, a transitionary period will permit completion of specifications already in
development under the old procedure.
Under the new procedure, WHO recommendations on use and WHO specifications are restricted
to the data package and product evaluated by WHOPES. Where a TC/TK of a subsequent
proposer has been found “equivalent” (see chapter 3) and the formulations derived from it meet all
criteria of WHO specifications for the reference product, WHO recommendations on use are
expected to apply. Any potential differences in safety and efficacy, due to formulation-specific
properties, are determined in the small scale field studies described above.
Joint FAO/WHO specifications
In December 1999, the WHO Expert Committee on Vector Biology and Control recommended
that FAO and WHO should use the same definitions nomenclatures, format and supporting
methodologies for pesticide specifications. The Committee further recommended that WHO and
FAO should develop joint specifications for technical materials (TC) and technical concentrates
(TK) for those pesticides used in both public health and agricultural applications. In May 2000, the
proposal was recommended for adoption by the FAO Panel of Experts.
In consequence, to facilitate harmonization of specifications development, in 2001, WHO and FAO
signed a Memorandum of Understanding to implement the recommendations and to enable the
expert committees of FAO and WHO to work together. When working together, the two expert
committees will be known as the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticides Specifications (JMPS)
and the first full meeting of the JMPS was held in Rome in June, 2002. In future, it is expected
that the expert committees will meet separately only where a specifications issue arises that
cannot be resolved by the JMPS.
In 2001, a draft of the present FAO/WHO Manual was circulated widely by FAO and WHO, with
comments invited from industry, member governments and any other interested party. In
February 2002, a small drafting group of members of the FAO and WHO expert committees and
industry technical experts met in York, UK, to consider all the comments received and to produce
a draft for adoption by the JMPS in June 2002.

Available on request from the Department of Communicable Disease Control, Prevention and Eradication,
World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
Specifications for insecticides and for spraying and dusting apparatus were first published by WHO in
1953 and were intended to cover all the principal compounds used in controlling insects of public health
Chemistry and Specifications of Pesticides, Sixteenth report of the WHO Expert Committee on Vector
Biology and Control. WHO Technical Report Series, 899. WHO, Geneva, 2001.
Chemistry and Specifications of Pesticides, Sixteenth report of the WHO Expert Committee on Vector
Biology and Control. WHO Technical Report Series, 899. WHO, Geneva, 2001.

Page XI
Background, continued

This 1 edition of the FAO/WHO Manual incorporates guidelines for pesticide formulations for
public health use, including those for microbial larvicides. In addition, new guidelines for
agricultural pesticides (DC, OD, EG and EP) have been incorporated, together with various
procedural refinements which have proven necessary in the light of experience since 1999.
Pesticide formulations, the specifications for them, and scientific knowledge in relation to
pesticides, will continue to evolve and FAO, WHO and the JMPS welcome comments on any
aspect of this 1st edition of the joint Manual.

Page XII

1.1 Scope of specifications

The term “pesticide” is considered to embrace active ingredients in any form,
irrespective of whether, or to what extent, they have been formulated for
application. The term is usually associated with materials intended to kill or
control pests (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc.) but, for the present
purposes, it also embraces certain materials to control the behaviour or
physiology of pests (e.g. insect repellents and insect growth regulators) or of
crops during production or storage.
FAO and WHO specifications relate only to pesticides produced by
manufacturers whose data on those pesticides have been evaluated as
satisfactory by the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Specifications (JMPS).
The specifications encompass the physical appearance of the material, its
content of active ingredient and any relevant impurities, and its physical
The specifications do not encompass the chemical characteristics of the
formulants, other than where they influence the physical characteristics (which
are taken to include characteristics such as pH, acidity and alkalinity). The
specifications do not include clauses which define the fundamental properties of
the active ingredient and this includes the efficacy of the pesticide1. Data on the
efficacy of pesticides are not evaluated by the JMPS. FAO specifications for
agricultural pesticides are developed only after registration by the manufacturer
in one or more countries and the efficacy of these pesticides is usually inferred
from this evidence. However, the efficacy of the active ingredient and
formulations of public health pesticides will be evaluated in laboratory and field
trials by the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES), usually when the
WHO/FAO specification for the technical material is developed. WHO
specifications for formulations are published, following satisfactory evaluation of
safety and efficacy. In special cases, where specifications are required during
evaluation of the efficacy of a novel product for public health for example, WHO
may introduce an interim specification for a formulation and may also introduce
an interim guideline specification for the same purpose.
FAO/WHO specifications are intended for quality assurance and risk
management. The hazards and risks associated with pesticides are considered,
for specifications purposes, by the WHO Programme on Chemical Safety
(WHO/PCS). This involves provision of an opinion by WHO/PCS on summary
data, which takes account of evaluations by the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on
Pesticide Residues (JMPR) and/or national registration authorities. In the
absence of evaluation by bodies such as these, the WHO/PCS conducts a
detailed assessment of original studies before the JMPS proceeds with the
development of specifications. An important aspect of the assessment of
hazards and risks is to determine the links between (i) the hazard and
purity/impurity profile data submitted, and (ii) the purity/impurity profile data
submitted and the limits for purity/impurities applied in normal manufacturing
production. FAO and WHO recognise that generation of replicate data on all
potential/actual hazards by each manufacturer of a pesticide may be
unnecessary and ethically undesirable. The lack of direct links in (i), above, does
not preclude development or extension of a specification but proposers are
required to disclose the links, or lack of them, to ensure that JMPS
recommendations are based upon a properly informed assessment of hazards
and risks.

Page 1
1. Introduction, continued

1.2 The JMPS

The JMPS is composed of scientists collectively possessing expert knowledge of
the development of specifications. Their opinions and recommendations to
FAO/WHO are provided in their individual expert capacities, not as
representatives of their countries or organizations. Experts appointed by FAO
are drawn from the FAO Panel on Pesticide Specifications, Registration
Requirements, Application Standards and Prior Informed Consent. Experts
appointed by WHO are drawn from the WHO Panel of Experts on Vector Biology
and Control, together with a representative of the WHO/PCS.
FAO and WHO may also invite academic or government experts with special
skills or knowledge to attend the JMPS as special advisors.
In addition, industry experts may be invited for either of two purposes. Firstly,
they may be invited to provide explanations or additional information in support of
specifications proposed by their own company (there is no access to other
companies’ information or proposals). Secondly, industry scientists with special
skills or knowledge of technical issues (not related to a particular company’s
proposals or specifications) may be invited. Industry experts do not, and the
other additional experts may not, participate in drafting the recommendations of
the JMPS (see also 2.3).
The primary function of the JMPS is to produce recommendations to FAO and/or
WHO on the adoption, extension, modification or withdrawal of specifications.

1.3 Liaison with other international organizations, international

conventions and national regulatory authorities
1.3.1 Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council
(CIPAC) and AOAC International (AOAC)
Wherever practicable, the test methods cited in FAO/WHO specifications should
have been evaluated by inter-laboratory trials.
CIPAC and AOAC publish methods of analysis which have been accepted after
collaborative testing (which may include peer verification). CIPAC also tests and
publishes methods for the determination of physical properties. Methods to be
used in support of FAO and WHO specifications may be validated by other
organizations but, with few exceptions, the methods currently in use have been
produced by CIPAC and AOAC. Methods for determination of the active
ingredient or of a physical property, other than those validated by CIPAC or
AOAC, are accepted by the JMPS on a case-by-case basis. In cases of dispute,
designated referee methods should be used. Where available, those produced
by CIPAC and AOAC will normally be considered the referee methods (unless
they have been proven inferior to another method).

Page 2
1. Introduction, continued

1.3.2 FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR)

The principal function of the JMPR is to make recommendations on the
acceptable daily intake (ADI), acute reference dose (acute RfD) and maximum
residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides, to FAO, WHO and the Codex Committee on
Pesticide Residues. In its 1999 report, the JMPR proposed that its evaluation of
the toxicology and residues of a pesticide should, as far as practicable, be
conducted following the development of FAO/WHO specifications for that
pesticide. The proposal was accepted by the Codex Committee on Pesticide
Residues in 2001. The procedure enables the JMPR to take account of the
impurities, especially relevant impurities, in its evaluations. Ideally, the JMPR
and JMPS evaluations should be conducted in the same year, because this
ensures comparability of data provided and minimises duplication of effort in
providing the data. FAO and WHO recognise that it will take several years to
harmonise the JMPS and JMPR agendas for this purpose.
1.3.3 Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC)
Existing FAO or WHO specifications for pesticides which are subject to the
Rotterdam Convention, or could become subject to the Convention following
consideration by the Interim Chemical Review Committee (ICRC), are prioritized
for review, and withdrawal if appropriate, by the JMPS. Such specifications may
be retained if by changing the formulation, or control of parameters such as the
concentration of relevant impurities, the risks - to those handling or using the
pesticide, or to the environment - are thereby acceptably reduced.
1.3.4 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP)
Existing FAO or WHO specifications for pesticides which are subject to the
Stockholm Convention are prioritized for review and withdrawal by the JMPS, as
1.3.5 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
English ISO common names, accepted by ISO, are adopted wherever possible.
1.3.6 International Nomenclature for Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI)
The standard names for insect repellents published by INCI are adopted where
1.3.7 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
The OECD references FAO and WHO specifications for active ingredients and
formulations in its harmonised recommendations for registration.
1.3.8 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
UNIDO co-operates with FAO and WHO in establishing technical specifications
for active ingredients and formulations, and uses or recommends the use of such
specifications in its technical assistance programmes.

International Standard ISO 1750 and amendments - Pesticides and other Agrochemicals -
Common Names.

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1. Introduction, continued

1.3.9 National and regional registration authorities

As far as practicable and without prejudice to the progress of specifications
development by any of the organizations, FAO, WHO and the JMPS seek
harmonization of principles and specification requirements with registration
authorities. Normally, WHO/PCS bases its evaluation of risks and hazards to the
health and environment on the detailed evaluations made by national registration
authorities. This cost- and time-efficient approach can be replaced by a
WHO/PCS full evaluation of all data if either WHO/PCS or the JMPS
recommends this course of action.
The European Community (EC) has harmonized pesticide registration and
control systems in member countries and FAO specifications are an important
feature of the authorization Directives. Specification requirements for agricultural
pesticides in various developing countries are also being harmonized with those
of FAO.

1.4 Participation by the Pesticide Industry

1.4.1 Development of specifications
The data on which FAO and WHO specifications are based are provided by the
pesticides industry. Pesticide manufacturers are strongly encouraged to submit
draft specifications and the supporting data to the JMPS for evaluation. As far as
practicable, and where applicable, submissions should coincide with
corresponding submissions to the JMPR (1.3.2, above).
1.4.2 WHOPES efficacy data requirements
Data on efficacy provided by industry at are assessed by WHOPES in deciding
further laboratory and field testing requirements, prior to the development of
formulation specifications by the JMPS. Efficacy data are not considered by the
1.4.3 Changes affecting specifications after adoption by FAO and
It is the responsibility of industry to inform FAO and/or WHO of any changes in
manufacturing process which could affect the validity of specifications, and of any
changes in manufacturer’s name or contact address. Such changes in
manufacturing process should be evaluated by the JMPS. Failure to provide this
information may lead to withdrawal of the specification.
1.4.4 Development of specification guidelines and principles
Industry is strongly encouraged to prepare draft guideline specifications for new
formulation types for consideration by the JMPS. Comments on, or suggested
amendments to, proposed or existing guidelines may come from industry,
experts participating in the JMPS or any other interested party. Guidelines are
kept under review by the JMPS. Guidelines and related matters are normally
considered at open meetings (see glossary of terms, Appendix C) of the JMPS
but are adopted by a closed meeting. As part of a continuing process by FAO
and WHO to consider specification principles, representatives of all pesticide
manufacturers are strongly encouraged to participate in open meetings of the
JMPS. Industry groups (for example, CropLife International and the European
Crop Care Association, ECCA) may be invited to provide technical experts as
advisers to special consultation sessions of the JMPS, to facilitate a fully

Page 4
1. Introduction, continued

informed deliberation of issues. Industry experts are not involved in preparing

JMPS recommendations to FAO and WHO.

1.5 Purpose and use of specifications

1.5.1 Purpose
In general, specifications may be used:
(i) as part of a contract of sale, so that a buyer may purchase a
pesticide with some guarantee of the quality expected; and
(ii) by the competent authority to check that the quality of the
formulation on the market is the same as that registered.
FAO/WHO specifications are intended to enhance confidence in the purchase
and use of pesticides and thus to contribute to human and environmental safety,
as well as to more sustainable agricultural production and improved public
health. FAO/WHO specifications may be used by national authorities as an
international point of reference but are not intended to replace national or
international registration requirements.
1.5.2 Requirements
In order to characterize a pesticide, it is necessary to be able to determine its
composition and chemical and physical properties.
It is clearly not practicable to test all possible chemical and physical properties.
The parameters critically related to identity and quality are identified and limits for
these parameters selected to form the basis of a specification. A specification
should be brief but it must be unambiguous and supported by appropriate test
methods to determine whether the material conforms with the limits established.
The specification itself does not define biological efficacy nor give information on
hazards but this type of information (e.g. flash point, explosive properties) may
accompany a specification, even though it does not form a part of the
1.5.3 Basis of contract
A specification may be used as part of a contract of sale, to ensure delivery of
good quality pesticides.
Pesticides should continue to be fit for use after storage for at least two years in
the unopened, original containers, provided that (i) they have not been unduly
exposed to extremes of temperature, humidity and/or light; (ii) that labels (for
example, prepared according to FAO labelling guidelines1) do not indicate a
shorter shelf-life; and (iii) that any special instructions from the manufacturer
have been followed.

Food and Agriculture Organization (1995). Guidelines on Good Labelling Practice (Revised).

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1. Introduction, continued

1.5.4 Official control of pesticides

Where appropriate, FAO and WHO specifications should be linked to registration
requirements so that they can also be used in the official control of pesticides, to
ensure as far as possible that the quality of the pesticide supplied is the same as
that registered. The guidelines provided in this Manual may also be used as a
framework of criteria and/or parameters for the assessment of formulations for
which FAO or WHO specifications do not exist.
Ultimately the competent authorities decide whether or not a particular pesticide
shall be used in their country.
WHOPES recommendations on the use of public health pesticides expedite the
local registration of products to be used for the control of vectors and pest of
public health importance and minimize requirements for local testing of products
that have given satisfactory results in similar circumstances. Reports of
WHOPES evaluations of public health pesticides are available on request from
the address given in section 1.6.
1.5.5 Role of specifications in the world market
Harmonization of relevant national and/or international standards through the use
of FAO and WHO specifications should facilitate world trade in pesticides.
FAO and WHO specifications are designed to reflect generally acceptable
product standards. The specifications provide an international point of reference
against which products can be judged, either for regulatory purposes or in
commercial dealings, and thus help to prevent the trading of inferior products.
They define the essential chemical and physical properties that may be linked to
the efficacy and safe use of a product.

1.6 Access to FAO and WHO specifications

Users of specifications are advised that these are subject to a continuing process
of up-dating and that it is essential that only the most recent version is used. In
case of doubt, confirmation of the most recent version may be obtained from
Copies of current FAO specifications may be obtained from the Sales &
Marketing Group, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
fax: ++39-06-5705-3360
e-mail: publications-sales@fao.org
web site: http://www.fao.org/catalog/interact//order-e.htm
Or accessed at: http://www.fao.org/ag/agp/agpp/pesticid/
Copies of current WHO specifications may be obtained from the WHO Pesticide
Evaluation Scheme, Communicable Disease Control, Prevention and
Eradication, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
fax: ++41 22 791 4869
e-mail: cdsdoc@who.int
Or accessed at: http://www.who.int/ctd/whopes

Page 6

2.1 Categories of specification and their status

Prior to 1999, three categories of FAO specifications (tentative, provisional and
full) were developed1, differing in the CIPAC/AOAC status of the analytical
methods for the active ingredient. Following a transitionary period, 1999-2000,
only full specifications were adopted, using new procedures similar to those
presented in this Manual. From 2002, full specifications will be adopted
according to the procedures given in this Manual.
Prior to the introduction of this Manual, two categories of WHO specifications
(interim and full) were developed. The difference in status reflects the extent of
peer review and the validation of the methods of analysis through collaborative
study. From 2002, only full specifications will be developed, using the new
procedures presented in this Manual. However, an interim period will be
established by WHO, during which existing WHO interim specifications and
specifications for pesticides currently under laboratory and field evaluation by
WHOPES may be progressed under the old or new procedure.
The specifications developed by both organizations under the old procedures
remain in force until they are reviewed using the current procedures, at which
time either they will be withdrawn or they will be upgraded to full specification
status. Priorities for review are given in section 3.5 of this Manual.
Specifications prepared according to the earlier procedures were applied to all
products which were nominally similar. That is, for a defined active ingredient,
the specification applied to all products containing that active ingredient,
providing they were of the appropriate formulation type. However, under the
“new” procedures the FAO and WHO specifications do not apply to nominally
similar products of other manufacturers, nor to those where the active ingredient
is produced by other routes by the same manufacturer. The scope of these new
specifications may be extended to similar products when the JMPS is satisfied
that the additional products are equivalent to those which formed the basis of the
reference specification (see glossary, Appendix C).

2.2 Submission of proposals and data

Initially, all proposals must be sent to FAO or WHO, or both if appropriate3.
Proposals relating to the same active ingredient and/or the formulations but
submitted by different manufacturers can be provided simultaneously or at
different times, and submissions may be made jointly or independently. To
facilitate communications, and at the discretion of FAO and/or WHO, subsequent
dialogue and information exchange may occur between the proposer and the

Manual on the Development and Use of FAO Specifications for Plant Protection Products, 4th
Edition, FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 128, FAO, Rome, 1995.
Manual on the Development and Use of FAO Specifications for Plant Protection Products, 5th
Edition, FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 149, FAO, Rome, 1999.
Correspondence, clearly marked “Confidential” if confidential information is included, should be
addressed, as required, to:
The Senior Officer (Pesticide Management Group), Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO,
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Fax ++3906-5705-6347.
WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES), Communicable Disease Control, Prevention and
Eradication, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Fax: ++41 22 791 4869.

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2. The process of developing specifications, continued

designated evaluator. In this case, all communications must be copied, or noted

if verbal, to FAO and/or WHO.

2.3 Meetings and functions of the JMPS

FAO and WHO will organize, annually, open and closed meetings of the JMPS.
Open meetings can be attended by anyone and are intended for discussion of
specifications principles, new guidelines, amendments to the Manual, and so on.
Closed meetings are restricted to JMPS members, and others invited FAO/WHO,
because they involve consideration of commercially confidential information.
Details are given in the glossary. Prior to these meetings, draft or revised
specifications, together with the supporting data, will be evaluated by experts
participating in the JMPS, as designated by FAO and/or WHO.
The overall purposes of the annual meetings are:
- to evaluate and confirm (or reject) new and revised specifications and to
resolve issues or evaluations in dispute;
- to update and prepare the agenda of the JMPS for the following 3 years,
taking into account any developments or emergent information which may
necessitate changes in priority; and
- to advise FAO and WHO on specifications, relevant policy and
In open meetings (see glossary) the JMPS will consider issues of general
importance to specifications and, in doing so, will seek the views of all interested
In closed meetings, (see glossary) the JMPS will consider:
(i) evaluations and proposed specifications, involving commercially
confidential data;
(ii) changes in technical requirements for, and policy on, specifications;
(iii) priorities for review of specifications in the forthcoming three years (see
section 3.5);
and make appropriate recommendations to FAO and/or WHO.
If required, additional experts from academia, government and/or industry may
be invited by FAO/WHO to attend certain sessions of the closed meetings, to
provide information or opinion on problematic or contentious issues. All
additional experts will be required to respect the confidentiality of the information
and discussions, and to sign a declaration of conflict of interest, but their periods
of attendance will be restricted to ensure that confidentiality of commercial
information is strictly maintained. Industry experts will not, and the other
additional experts may not, be permitted to participate in the development of final
recommendations by the appointed experts.

Page 8
2. The process of developing specifications, continued

2.4 Confidentiality of Information

FAO and WHO will maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information
provided in support of proposed specifications1. By means of a letter of access
provided by the proposer, FAO and/or WHO will seek, as a minimum, to establish
that the data provided on purity and impurities are similar to those provided to
one or more registration authorities in countries in which the proposer indicates
that the pesticide is registered. Additional facts about the active ingredient or
formulation will be sought only from the proposer. A specification will not be
published without agreement between the proposers, the JMPS and FAO/WHO
on the content but, irrespective of agreement on the specification, the JMPS
evaluation will be published on the internet by FAO, WHO or both.

2.5 Timetable and principles for the development of specifications2,3

The procedure and deadlines are scheduled with reference to the annual
(i) In January, FAO and WHO will publish trawls4 for pesticides to be included
in the next 3-year programme of the JMPS and announce the dates of the
following JMPS meeting. Intending proposers may request inclusion of
new or revised specifications, by writing to FAO and/or WHO, at any time.
Prior to each meeting, FAO and WHO will provide the JMPS with a
summary of the requests received. Submission of a request will not
guarantee its inclusion in the 3-year programme but the JMPS will
consider as many requests as practicable.
(ii) Following publication of the 3-year programme, proposers will be required
to provide draft specifications and the supporting data outlined in Sections
3.1 or 3.2. Proposers who are unable to provide the data required to
support specifications, within the timetable given in paragraphs (iii) and (vi)
below, must notify FAO and/or WHO as soon as possible, so that the
programme may be adjusted accordingly. Where a pesticide is withdrawn
from the 3-year programme, an alternative pesticide may be brought
forward by FAO and WHO.

A statement of the procedures for handling unpublished proprietary pesticide data and potential
conflicts of interest in the development of pesticide specifications by the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting
on Pesticide Specifications (JMPS) is provided on page ii.
Correspondence, clearly marked “Confidential” if confidential information is included, should be
addressed, as required, to:
The Senior Officer (Pesticide Management Group), Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO,
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Fax ++3906-5705-6347.
WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES), Communicable Disease Control, Prevention and
Eradication, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Fax: ++41 22 791 4869.
Attendance at closed meetings of the JMPS is at the express invitation of FAO or WHO, only.
Attendance at the open meetings is open to all who wish to attend.
Trawls will be published on the internet (http://www.fao.org/ag/agp/agpp/pesticid and
http://www.who.int/ctd/whopes) and in relevant publications such as Farm Chemicals, Agrow,
Pesticide Outlook, etc.

Page 9
2. The process of developing specifications, continued

(iii) Proposers should submit draft specifications and supporting information to

FAO or WHO, as appropriate, by 30 September. One printed copy of the
supporting information and draft specification should be submitted,
together with an electronic version, using templates available at
(http://www.fao.org/ag/agp/agpp/pesticid or http://www.who.int/ctd/whopes). The
guideline specifications provided in this manual must be used. If
appropriate guidelines do not exist, proposers should refer to Section
1.4.4. The proposer must confirm whether or not the company’s data
differ from those submitted to the FAO/WHO JMPR, the WHO/PCS and/or
the registration authorities in at least one country in which the active
ingredient or product is registered; and that all relevant information is
included in the proposal.
(iv) On receipt of the draft specification(s) and supporting information for a
pesticide, FAO or WHO will allocate it to an expert participating in the
JMPS, for preliminary evaluation.
(v) If the toxicological and/or ecotoxicological data provided are identical to
those submitted to the FAO/WHO JMPR or WHO/PCS, their evaluations
of the hazards and risks will normally be incorporated into the JMPS
evaluation. If the impurity, toxicological and/or ecotoxicological data are
identical to those submitted to national authorities for the purposes of
registration, registration of the active ingredient and formulations will
normally be interpreted by the JMPS as acceptability of the hazards and
risks. Registration authorities may be contacted for confirmation of the
similarity of the impurity, toxicological or ecotoxicological data, utilizing the
proposer’s letter authorizing access to the proprietary information. Where
the data submitted to JMPS differ from those evaluated by the other
organizations, the proposer will be asked for an explanation. Where no
national, JMPR or WHO/PCS evaluation is available, a full assessment of
the toxicological and ecotoxicological data by WHO/PCS will be essential
before proceeding with the JMPS evaluation. The opinion of WHO/PCS
on the toxicological and ecotoxicological data will be considered by the
JMPS in all cases.
An important aspect of the assessment of hazards and risks is to
determine the links between (i) the hazard and purity/impurity profile data
submitted, and (ii) the purity/impurity profile data submitted and the limits
for purity/impurities applied in normal manufacturing production. FAO and
WHO recognise that generation of replicate data on all potential/actual
hazards by each manufacturer of a pesticide may be unnecessary and
ethically undesirable. The lack of direct links in (i), above, does not
preclude development or extension of a specification but proposers are
required to disclose the links, or lack of them, to ensure that JMPS
recommendations are based upon a properly informed assessment of
hazards and risks.
(v) The proposer should be notified of additional information required, if any,
by 31 December.
(vi) The proposer should send additional information, as requested, to the
evaluator and FAO/WHO by 28 February, if the proposal and
corresponding evaluation are to be considered at the next meeting of the
JMPS. All communications between the evaluator and proposer, related

Page 10
2. The process of developing specifications, continued

to the proposal under consideration, will be copied, or reported, to

(vii) The evaluator should consider the information provided and send a
completed evaluation to FAO/WHO by 30 April, for circulation to the
proposer and the experts participating in the JMPS.
(viii) Proposers who disagree with a draft evaluation, or who wish to present
additional supporting data, should provide FAO/WHO with appropriate
information at least 3 weeks before the meeting at which the evaluation is
to be considered. FAO/WHO will send this information immediately to the
(ix) The procedure for considering evaluations at meetings of the JMPS will
- a presentation by the evaluator and consideration by the JMPS;
- followed, where the draft evaluation is disputed or input by the
proposer is requested, by presentation of a case by the proposer and
consideration by the JMPS;
- followed by withdrawal of the proposer and consideration of the final
JMPS recommendation.
Post-meeting amendments involving anticipated subsequent responses
from the proposer will be accepted for incorporation into the evaluation
report. Depending upon the number and complexity of minor changes, the
JMPS may recommend post-meeting circulation of the final draft
evaluation and/or specifications, to ensure maintenance of agreement
between the experts. Major changes, or unexpected and important
emergent information from the proposer, will require that the submission is
reconsidered by a future meeting.
Where the JMPS considers draft or revised specifications prepared by
multiple proposers for the same pesticide, the proposers may address the
JMPS individually or together, according to the proposers’ preference.
(x) If the JMPS is unable to reach a consensus, the proposer will be asked to
provide data to resolve the outstanding issue(s), within a specified time.
Following a recommendation to reject a proposed specification, a
specification redrafted by the proposer may be considered at the next
meeting, depending upon the priorities (see Section 3.5) and work load of
the JMPS.
(xi) The basis for recommendations to accept or reject specifications will be
recorded in the evaluation.
(xii) The proposer(s) will be identified in the evaluation (see Section 3.3), which
will be cross-referenced with the specification(s).
(xiv) The specifications do not apply to the active ingredients or formulations of
other manufacturers, nor to those produced by different processes, unless
these have been evaluated as equivalent (see Section 3.2.E). If the
proposer subsequently changes the manufacturing process significantly,
re-evaluation by the JMPS will be required to ensure compliance with the
specification. Changes in manufacturing process which would be
considered significant can be identified in accordance with the test for
equivalence described in section 3.2 of this Manual. The primary

Page 11
2. The process of developing specifications, continued

specification may be modified to accommodate the additional products, or

those produced by the different process, depending upon the outcome of
the JMPS evaluation. The reference profile of impurities will normally
remain that associated with the specification as initially adopted.

2.6 Publication of specifications

Accepted, new or modified specifications and the corresponding evaluations will
be published only on the internet. It is intended that publication should be within
the calendar year in which the specifications are recommended for adoption.
Hard copies may be provided on request from the addresses given in section 1.6
of this Manual. Only the latest versions of specifications will be accessible on the
internet but all evaluations which refer to them will be available. The evaluations
ensure that specifications are clearly based on a thorough consideration of all
important issues, but they do not contain confidential information. The content of
evaluation reports, and the nature and style of publications, will be determined by
FAO and WHO. Specifications developed under the previous FAO and WHO
systems will remain valid, until they are reviewed by the JMPS.
Methods of analysis are published in CIPAC Handbooks,1 or the AOAC
Handbook2 and Journal, and physical test methods are published in the CIPAC
Handbooks. Methods in support of WHO specifications developed under the
previous procedure are attached to the specifications.

2.7 Review of specifications

Specifications will be reviewed at intervals, according to the priorities outlined in
section 3.5 of this Manual. FAO and WHO will prepare a programme for review
of all published specifications, which will be considered by the JMPS. As one of
their responsibilities of product stewardship, and as a condition for maintaining
an FAO or WHO specification, proposers must inform FAO/WHO of changes in
the manufacturing process which have implications for the existing specification,
and of changes in company name or address.
Specifications are published on the basis that information on the manufacturing
process (confidential), impurity profiles, the hazard data available to FAO/WHO,
and the manufacturer’s name and address remain valid. Proposers have a
responsibility to inform FAO/WHO of changes in this information. Where the
validity of this information is in doubt, the specification(s) may be scheduled for
review by the JMPS. The manufacturer of a product evaluated by WHOPES,
and based upon which evaluation the WHO recommendations for use and
specifications have been developed, should notify WHO of any changes to the
manufacturing process, formulation characteristics and/or formulants that could
require re-evaluation of the product and/or review of the specification. Proposers
may also request review of specifications.

Obtainable from Black Bear Press Ltd., King's Hedges Road, Cambridge, CB4 2PQ, UK.
(fax: ++44-1223-426877).
Cuniff P. A., Ed. (1998) Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 16th edition.
Obtainable from AOAC International, 481 North Frederick Avenue, Suite 500, Gaithersburg,
Maryland 20877-2417, USA. (fax: ++1-301-924-7089, e-mail: pubsales@aoac.org,
website: http://www.aoac.org).

Page 12
2. The process of developing specifications, continued

Specifications under review must be supported by the data indicated in Sections

3.1 or 3.2 of this Manual (as appropriate).
The JMPS will then:
(i) confirm that the existing specification is suitable, or
(ii) recommend an amended specification, or
(iii) recommend that the specification be withdrawn.
Where national authorities find it necessary to adapt FAO or WHO specifications,
FAO and WHO should be informed by the proposer, or the authority, of the
changes made and the reasons for them. Such modified specifications cannot
be considered to be FAO/WHO specifications but information supporting the
changes will assist revisions of the specifications by the JMPS.
Comments and further information relating to specifications are welcomed by
FAO and WHO. Proposals for modification of specifications should be supported
by evidence to show that the change is pertinent to maintaining or improving the
quality/performance, or to reducing the risks, of the technical grade active
ingredient or formulation.

2.8 Overview of information required for specifications

The following information should be submitted.
(i) The name, address and contact point of the proposer(s) of the
(ii) Either the draft new specification or a statement of the specification to be
(iii) Either the information described in section 3.1, to support a new
specification, or the information described in section 3.2, to support the
extension of an existing specification.
(iv) If the proposal is for joint FAO/WHO specifications, the proposer must
state whether or not the materials used for both areas of application are
similar and, unless different formulation specifications are proposed, that
the specifications for the formulations are applicable to both agricultural
and public health uses.
(v) Any other relevant information likely to help the JMPS to make sound
All clauses in the draft specification should be presented in a standard form (see
sections 5 to 9 of this Manual).

Page 13
2. The process of developing specifications, continued

2.10 Acceptability of analytical and physical test methods

Analytical methods, supporting FAO and WHO specifications, for the
determination of active ingredients in technical and formulated pesticides must
be collaboratively tested and approved by CIPAC AOAC1.
Analytical methods for determination of relevant impurities in the technical
material must be peer (independent laboratory) validated (e.g. by the AOAC peer
verified methods procedure) and preferably approved by AOAC, CIPAC. If the
data have not yet been reviewed by such an organization, they may be submitted
to the evaluator for consideration. In case of doubt, the JMPS may postpone a
conclusion on the acceptability of the analytical method until the data have been
reviewed by CIPAC or AOAC.
Where collaborative study, or peer validation, of the method of analysis is still in
progress at the date of submitting the proposal, the estimated date of completion
must be provided. Specifications will not normally be published prior to the
completion of validation of the methods and, if the validation is unlikely to be
completed before the next closed meeting of the JMPS, consideration of the
proposal may be postponed.
Physical test methods may be validated by CIPAC or, in certain cases, by OECD,
ASTM or the European Community. References to physical test methods in this
Manual are prefixed “MT” for CIPAC methods, “EC” for European Community
methods, or with the complete acronym for OECD or ASTM methods. These
methods may be regarded as definitive as, in many cases, the physical property
is defined by the method of measurement. Where more than one method is
available, a referee method must be designated. Where a method is specified
that has not been adopted by CIPAC, the specification should also define the
property as measured by the most appropriate CIPAC method, if there is one.
Unless it is considered to have been superseded, the CIPAC method will
normally be considered the referee method.
Although the level of acceptance of methods within the CIPAC or AOAC systems
is not completely critical, preference will be given to "full" or "final action"
methods and the methods should normally have achieved a minimum of
“provisional” or “first action” status. In addition to the emergence of new
information on the active ingredient or the specifications, review of an existing
specification may be triggered by revocation of the CIPAC/AOAC status of a

Methods produced by alternative organizations may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Page 14
3.1 Minimum data requirements for support of the reference (first)
specification for an active ingredient
General notes:
(i) An electronic template, to assist proposers assemble and submit the data required, is
available from FAO or WHO and will be sent by e-mail upon request. Proposed
specifications for TC/TK, and all formulation types involved, should be submitted in the
form presented in the Manual. These templates are also available by e-mail.
(ii) In general, studies which fulfil the requirements of modern national registration systems
will meet the needs for the development of FAO and WHO specifications.
(iii) In cases where the technical material (TC) is not isolated, the data and information in
paragraphs A.4 to A.10 and C1 to C5 may be derived from the technical concentrate
(iv) The requirements of section 3.1 will apply in most cases. Exceptionally, where a
proposer believes that a requirement is not appropriate to the proposed specification, or
that additional information should be considered by the JMPS, the proposer must submit
a reasoned case to support this opinion. In such a case, further progress of the
proposed specification will depend on agreement (between the JMPS and the proposer)
on the data required for evaluation.
(v) Data submitted will be maintained on confidential files by FAO and/or WHO, for future
determination of equivalence, as required, but the data remain the property of the
(vi) Original study reports will not normally be required, unless the evaluator or the JMPS
are unable to resolve a particular issue without the information. However, the study
report source of data should be summarized in the form of author, title and date, to allow
ease of reference between the proposer and FAO/WHO.
(vii) If certain data are not available, or if the proposer believes that the specifications must
deviate from the guidelines presented in the Manual, the proposer should provide a
written explanation or supporting case. Such explanations or cases should be brief,
simple and clear.
(viii) To introduce a new formulation specification where the proposer’s TC/TK specification
has already been accepted, it is not necessary to re-submit the dossier identified below.
In this case it is only necessary to identify the specification involved and to provide
evidence in support of proposed changes from the specification guidelines, if any.

A. Data requirements for technical grade active ingredients (TC/TK)

A.1 Identity of the active ingredient
ISO English (E-ISO) common name (and its status if not yet
accepted) or INCI name (if appropriate).
Any other common name or synonym.
Chemical name (IUPAC and CA).
CAS® No. (for each isomer or the mixture of isomers, if
Structural formula(e) (including stereochemistry of the active
isomers, if appropriate and if known).
Isomeric composition, if appropriate.
Molecular formula.
Relative molecular mass.

Page 15
3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

A.2 Physical properties of the active ingredient (and the methods

and conditions used to generate these data). Where the active
ingredient is a mixture of diastereoisomers, physical and chemical
data for each diastereoisomer should be submitted, if available.
Where the biologically active moiety is formed from the active
ingredient, physico-chemical data should also be submitted for the
active moiety, if available. Properties should include:
vapour pressure;
melting point, boiling point, or temperature of decomposition;
solubility in water;
octanol : water partition coefficient;
dissociation characteristics, if appropriate;
hydrolysis, photolysis and other degradation characteristics.
A3 Outline of the route of manufacture, summarizing the conditions
and solvents employed (confidential information).
A.4 Minimum active ingredient content.
A.5 Manufacturing maximum limits for impurities present at or
above 1 g/kg, supported by batch analysis data (minimum 5
typical batches)(all confidential data). If the manufacturing process
is conducted at more than one site, 5 batch analytical data should
be provided from at least two sites representing typical extremes of
impurity profile. The statistical basis for the manufacturing limits
should be explained (for example: maximum level found in practice;
average plus 3 standard deviations of levels found in practice; etc.).
Relevant impurities present at or above 1 g/kg must be identified.
Typically the unidentified and/or unaccountable fraction of the
TC/TK should not exceed 20 g/kg (confidential information, except
for the published specification limits for relevant impurities).
A.6 Maximum limits for impurities relevant at < 1 g/kg. Maximum
limits for these relevant impurities should also be supported with
batch analytical data (minimum 5 typical batches) and the proposer
should state the statistical basis for the manufacturing limits
(confidential information).
A.7 Information on relevant impurities, with explanations of the
effects observed (for example, toxicological effects, or effects on
the stability of the active ingredient). Limits set by the FAO/WHO
Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) and/or registration
authorities should accompany this information, identifying the
authority responsible for setting the limit.
Note to paragraphs A.6 and A.7.
(i) Relevant impurities must be included in the specification but other impurities (including
isomer of low activity) must not be included.

Relevant impurities are defined in the glossary, Appendix C.

Page 16
3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

A.8 Identity and nominal content (g/kg) of compounds intentionally

added to the TC/TK (confidential data).
A.9 Toxicological summaries (including test conditions and results)
A.9.1 Toxicological profile of the TC/TK based on acute oral, dermal
and inhalation toxicity; skin and eye irritation, skin sensitization.
A.9.2 Toxicological profile of the TC/TK based on repeated
administration (from sub-acute to chronic) and studies such as
reproductive and developmental toxicity, genotoxicity,
carcinogenicity, etc.
A.9.3 Ecotoxicological profile of the TC/TK based on toxicity to aquatic
and terrestrial organisms (e.g. fish, Daphnia, algae, birds, bees),
as appropriate to the intended use, and information of
A.10 Other information
A.10.1WHO/PCS hazard classification.
A.10.2References to JMPR evaluations for toxicology, environmental
fate and ecotoxicology should be given, where these exist. The
toxicological and ecotoxicological data supplied to the JMPR for
evaluation should be cross-referenced to the batch analysis
data of the technical materials used in those studies.
A.10.3A letter of authorization (see Appendix I) granting competent
FAO/WHO and registration authorities access to registration
data on behalf of FAO/WHO. This is to enable FAO/WHO to
assess whether or not:
(i) the technical material for which an FAO/WHO
specification is proposed is equivalent to that registered by
the authority, as assessed by a comparison between the
data submitted to FAO/WHO and those submitted for
registration; or
(ii) a decision that technical materials from different
manufacturers are equivalent was based on data similar to
those provided to FAO/WHO.
If the data are known to differ from those submitted by the
proposer for registration, explain the relevance of the data
provided to FAO/WHO.
A.10.4Statements to identify the links between purity/impurity data and
the hazard information and risk assessments.
(i) Normally, the data provided are expected to have been
generated from the proposer’s material. Identify which, if
any, of the hazard data were not generated from the
proposer’s technical grade active ingredient and formulated
products, state the source of the information and explain the
relevance of the data.
(ii) Identify any toxicological/ecotoxicological data generated
from batches of material which were either specially purified,
or in which the impurity concentrations exceeded the limits
identified in paragraphs A.4, A.5 and A.6, above. Explain
the relevance of the data.
Page 17
3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

(iii) Confirm that current production complies with the limits

identified in paragraphs A.4, A.5 and A.6, above.

B Data requirements for formulations (see also General note viii, above)
B.1 Identify if the formulations are for public health or agriculture uses,
or both.
B.2 In the case of public health pesticides, confirm that the formulation
and manufacturing process are the same as those employed for the
materials evaluated by WHOPES for efficacy.
B.3 List the main formulation types available and identify those for
which specifications are sought.
B.4 List the main countries where these formulations are registered and
sold or, there are very many, give the number of countries in each
region or continent.
B.5 Physical properties, as required by sections 5 to 9 of this Manual. If
necessary, briefly explain why it is proposed that certain clauses
should be deleted, new clauses should be inserted, or less stringent
limits should be adopted compared with those given in the guideline

C Methods for the analysis and testing of TC/TK and formulations

C.1 At least two methods for testing identity of the active ingredient and
one for testing the identity of the counter-ion or other derivative, if
C.2 Method for determination of active ingredient content. If the
method has not yet been validated by CIPAC or AOAC, or has not
validated for the particular formulation, indicate the expected year
of completion of the validation.
C.3 Methods of analysis for relevant impurities, in detail, including
validation data, if not published. Give the principle of the methods
of analysis used for non-relevant impurities in the TC/TK (GC with
FID, for example).
C.4 Reference test methods for physical properties. If a particular
method intended for testing compliance with the specification has
not yet been validated by CIPAC, or has not validated for the
particular formulation, indicate the expected year of completion of
the validation.
C.5 Information on validation completed, in progress or planned for
methods listed under C.2 and C.3.
Notes to paragraphs C1 to C5.
(i) The methods used to generate data submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of
paragraphs A.4, A.5, A.6 and B.5 of Section 3.1 must be referenced, if they differ from
those intended only for checking compliance with the specification.

Page 18
3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

(ii) Methods required to assess compliance with a specification must be independently

validated and must be published or otherwise made publicly available. Where
independent laboratory validation (collaborative study of the method of analysis for the
active ingredient, or peer validation of a method for a relevant impurity) is in progress at
the date of submitting the proposal, the estimated year of completion must be provided.
With the exception of certain WHO interim specifications, specifications will not normally
be published prior to the completion of validation of the methods.
3.2 Minimum data requirements for extension of an existing specification
to an additional manufacturer or a new manufacturing process
General notes:
(i) An electronic template, to assist proposers assemble and submit the data required, is
available from FAO or WHO and will be sent by e-mail upon request.
(ii) Data submitted for the determination of equivalence are expected to correspond to the
same form (i.e. TC or TK) of the technical grade active ingredient upon which the
reference specification is based.
(iii) The requirements of this section 3.2 will apply in most cases. Exceptionally, where a
proposer believes that a requirement is not appropriate to the proposed extension of the
specification, or that additional information should be considered by the JMPS, the
proposer must provide a reasoned case to support this opinion. In such a case, further
consideration of the proposed extension of specification will depend on agreement
(between the JMPS and the proposer) on the data required for evaluation.
(iv) Data submitted will be maintained on confidential files by FAO and/or WHO, for future
determination of equivalence, if required, but the data remain the property of the
(vi) Original study reports will not normally be required, unless the evaluator or the JMPS
are unable to resolve a particular issue without the information. However, the study
report source of data should be summarized in the form of author, title and date, to allow
ease of reference between the proposer and FAO/WHO.
(vii) If certain data are not available, or if the proposer believes that the specifications must
deviate from the guidelines presented in the Manual, the proposer should provide a
written explanation or supporting case. Such explanations or cases should be brief,
simple and clear.
(viii) To introduce a new formulation specification where the proposer’s TC/TK has already
been judged equivalent, it is not necessary to re-submit the dossier identified below. In
this case it is only necessary to identify the specification involved and to provide
evidence in support of changes proposed in the existing formulation specification, if any.

D. Data requirements for the determination of equivalence

D.1 Data requirements for technical grade active ingredients include the
information required in Section 3.1, paragraphs A.1 A.3 to A.8,
A.9.1, A.10.4, A.10.5 and B1 to B5.
D.2 Additional toxicological summaries
The following additional information may be required, in cases
where the equivalence cannot be determined from the data
required by paragraph D.1.
D.2.1 Toxicological profile corresponding to that of section 3.1,
paragraph A.9.2.
D.2.2 Ecotoxicological profile corresponding to that of section 3.1,
paragraph A.9.3.

Page 19
3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

E. Determination of equivalence
E.1 Technical grade active ingredients from different manufacturers or
manufacturing processes are deemed to be equivalent if:
E.1.1 the materials meet the requirements of the existing
FAO/WHO specifications; and
E.1.2 assessments of the manufacturing process used and the
impurity profile (together with assessments of the
toxicological/ecotoxicological profiles, if necessary) have
been carried out with the result that the profiles meet the
requirements of sections E.3, E.4 and E.5, below.
E.2 Where a producer changes the manufacturing process for a
technical grade active ingredient which has previously been
evaluated and incorporated into a specification, equivalence may
be determined on the basis of paragraphs E.1.1 and E.1.2, above.

E.3 Equivalence of the impurity profile of a technical grade active

ingredient (note: an assessment cannot be made by the proposer).
E.3.1 Where (i) the maximum level (manufacturing limit) of each
non-relevant impurity is not increased by more than 50%
(relative to the maximum level in the reference profile), or the
maximum absolute level (manufacturing limit) is not
increased by more than 3 g/kg (whichever represents the
greater increase); (ii) there are no new relevant impurities;
and (iii) the maximum level of the relevant impurities is not
increased; the technical grade active ingredients will
normally be considered equivalent.
E.3.2 Where these limits for differences in maximum non-relevant
impurity concentration are exceeded, the proposer will be
asked to provide a reasoned case, with supporting data as
required, as to why the particular impurities remain “non-
relevant”. The JMPS will evaluate the case to decide
whether or not the technical active ingredient is considered
to be equivalent. Where the material is not considered to be
equivalent, additional information may be required.
E.3.3 Where new impurities are present at ≥ 1 g/kg, the proposer
will be asked to provide a reasoned case, with supporting
data if available, as to why these impurities are “non-
relevant”. The JMPS will evaluate the case to decide
whether or not the technical active ingredient is equivalent.
E.3.4 Where relevant impurities are increased in maximum
concentration and/or where new relevant impurities are
present, appropriate toxicological, ecotoxicological or other
appropriate information should be submitted, if available.

Page 20
3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

E.4 Equivalence of the toxicological profiles of a technical grade active

E.4.1 The toxicological profile will be considered equivalent to that
of the reference profile, where the data required by
paragraph D.1 above (referring to the requirements of
section 3.1, paragraph A.9.1) do not differ by more than a
factor of 2 compared to the reference profile (or by a factor
greater than that of the appropriate dosage increments, if
more than 2). There should be no change in the
assessment in those studies which produce either positive or
negative results.
E.4.2 Where necessary (see paragraph A.2 of this section 3.2),
additional toxicological data (see paragraph D.2.1 of this
section 3.2) will be assessed by the criterion applied in
paragraph E.4.1 of this section 3.2, provided that, where
appropriate, the organs affected are the same. The "no
observable effect levels" (NOELs) or "no observable adverse
effect levels" (NOAELs) should not differ by more than the
differences in the dose levels used.

E.5 Equivalence of the ecotoxicological profiles for the technical active

(as appropriate to the intended use of the active ingredient)
Where required (see section D.2, above), the ecotoxicological
profile (section D.2.2, above) will be considered equivalent to that of
the reference profile if the data do not differ by more than a factor
of 5 compared to the reference profile (or by a factor more than that
of the appropriate dosage increments, if greater than 5), when
determined using the same species.
Note to paragraphs E.3.1, E.4.1, E.4.2 and E.5.
Reference profiles are defined by the information provided for the reference
specification, according to the requirements of paragraphs A.4, A.5, A.6, A.8 and A.9 of
section 3.1.
E.6 Where a technical active ingredient proposed for inclusion in an
existing specification does not comply strictly with the tests for
equivalence given in this section 3.2, but it is otherwise considered
by the JMPS to be of acceptable or improved quality, a modification
of the existing specification will be considered. This procedure may
follow evaluation of the data required under sections D.1 and/or
D.2, above.

Page 21
3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

3.3 Evaluation reports

Evaluation reports will have the following general structure.
TITLE (ISO name of compound)
3.3.1 Explanation
A brief outline of the history of the pesticide, the proposed specification and
the evaluation; identifying whether it is a new or revised specification, or
whether the evaluation is in response to a specific question raised at a
previous JMPS. The patent status of the active ingredient (including expiry
dates of patents in major markets) is given. The active ingredient is
identified as a commodity chemical, if appropriate.
References are given to JMPR evaluations for toxicology, environmental
fate and ecotoxicology.
The proposers and the date of data submission are identified.
3.3.2 Uses
A brief explanation of the types of pests controlled and the fields of use
(agriculture, public health, municipal weed control, etc.)
3.3.3 Identity
ISO common name:
Chemical names -
Structural formula:
Molecular formula:
Relative molecular mass:
Identity tests:

3.3.4 Physical and chemical properties of pure active ingredient

Physical and chemical properties, such as those listed below, are tabulated.
Information on additional properties (such as spectra) is included as
required. The purity of the active ingredient tested is recorded for each of
the relevant properties.
Vapour pressure:
Melting point, boiling point or temperature of decomposition:
Solubility in water:
Octanol : water partition coefficient:
Dissociation characteristics:
Relevant degradation characteristics (hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis,
rearrangement, etc.):

Page 22
3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

3.3.5 Chemical composition and properties of the technical material (TC

and TK)
Various publicly available information is presented, including the following.
Purity (content of active ingredient) and tolerance on purity.
Melting or boiling temperature range.
Relevant impurities and maximum limits for them - including references to
published information by JMPR and/or evaluations of the impurity profile by
national registration authorities. An indication is provided of whether the
impurity profile data correspond to those submitted for registration in a
particular country.

3.3.6 Hazard summary

Toxicological and ecotoxicological data submitted by the proposer are
summarized and tabulated.
The proposer’s statements on the links between toxicology/ecotoxicology
data, the purity/impurity data provided, and current production of the active
ingredient are summarized.
Published WHO/PCS information, including the hazard classification, is
Specific toxicological and ecotoxicological opinions or evaluations
conducted by WHO/PCS, or by national registration authorities, are

3.3.7 Formulations
The main formulation types available in the market are identified.
The main countries where the formulations are registered and sold are

3.3.8 Methods of analysis and testing

The methods used in development of the data are summarized, as well as
methods available for testing the specifications, including the following:-
chemical analysis methods for active ingredient (including identity tests);
analytical methods for relevant impurities (the status of collaborative studies
or peer validations of the analytical methods is identified);
physical testing methods.

Where appropriate, the JMPS assessment of peer validation data submitted

in support of analytical methods for relevant impurities is given.

3.3.9 Physical properties

Provides a review of the data supporting the relevant physical properties, as
defined in the Manual.
3.3.10 Containers and packaging
This section provides a brief indication of special requirements for
containers and packaging, if required.

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3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

3.3.11 Expression of active ingredient

The method of expression of salts, esters, etc., is explained, as intended in

3.3.12 Appraisal
The previous sections mostly record and summarise factual information.
The appraisal includes the discussion and interpretation of data and the
reasons for recommending particular parameters in the specifications. It
also summarizes the responses made by competent authorities approached
by FAO/WHO for assistance in assessing the proposal.
The appraisal will also note gaps in, or problems with, the data submitted.
Where a specification or the data profile is considered unacceptable, the
appraisal will explain why and, where appropriate, will list the information
justifiably required to enable the evaluation to be completed.
Where non-equivalence has been determined on the basis of non-relevant
impurities, the reason will be given without identifying the impurities. If
materials do not comply with the criteria for equivalence given in Section
3.2 E are nonetheless considered by the JMPS to be equivalent, the
reasons are given, without revealing confidential information.

3.3.13 Recommendations
Provides a recommendation for/against adoption, modification or extension
of the specifications (modified during the evaluation process, if necessary)
by FAO and/or WHO.
Recommends provision of additional information which may be required, for
example, in order to make a recommendation for adoption of the
3.3.14 References
Relevant publicly available literature is referenced.
Unpublished reports supplied in confidence (include authors, year, study
title, study identification number, organization) are referenced. The source
of data included in the evaluation may be similarly referenced if the original
study report was not accessed, to simplify cross-referencing in
communications between the proposer and FAO/WHO.

3.4 Decision making and action procedures for dealing with submissions
from initial and subsequent proposers
Scenario 3.4.1
No FAO/WHO Specification exists for the pesticide
(a) A proposer or group of proposers submits a draft specification, supported
by information in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.1.

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3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

(b) The JMPS assesses the impurity, toxicological and ecotoxicological

profiles, to decide which impurities are relevant and must be specified.
(c) FAO/WHO agree the text of the evaluation and specification and the
proposer checks it for factual accuracy.
(d) FAO/WHO publish the evaluation and specification, including the name(s)
of the proposer(s) of the specifications for technical grade active
ingredient(s) or formulation(s) recommended for adoption in the
Scenario 3.4.2
Incorporation of a subsequent manufacturer's technical grade active
ingredient or formulation(s) into an existing evaluation and the list of
(a) The subsequent proposer(s) provide(s) information in accordance with the
requirements of section 3.2 (manufacturing process, impurity profile, short
term toxicity and, where equivalence cannot be determined with this
information, any additional toxicity data requested by the JMPS).
(b) The JMPS compares the new impurity, toxicological and ecotoxicological
profiles with the original one(s), and recommends that FAO/WHO take
actions as indicated below.
Case (i) Insufficient data are provided or the quality of the material is
Action: Rejection of the new submission.
Case (ii) Submission and quality of the material are acceptable and no
change of the specification is needed.
Action: Add the name(s) of the subsequent proposer(s) to the
evaluation and the list of evaluations to be published by
Case (iii) The quality of the material is acceptable but the specification must
be changed to accommodate the additional material.
Action: Involve the proposer(s) already listed to develop a
mutually agreed draft of a revised specification. If the listed
proposer(s) do not wish to comment on, or cannot agree to,
changes in the specification, the JMPS will recommend options
for appropriate action by FAO/WHO.

3.5 Prioritization criteria for development and review of specifications

FAO and WHO will prioritize the 3-year programme according to the following
criteria, which are not presented in strict order of priority.
• Development of specifications for new active ingredients and/or formulations
required by FAO or WHO for use in international programmes, e.g. for locust
control and for control of major vector-borne diseases.

Page 25
3. Data requirements and procedures, continued

• Review of existing specifications for active ingredients or impurities with newly

discovered serious health or environmental hazards and/or a rejection of re-
registration at national/regional review for this reason.
• Review or development of specifications for active ingredients under
evaluation or re-evaluation by JMPR.
• Development of specifications for new active ingredients or formulation types,
as chosen by the proposer.
• Extension of existing specifications to encompass products manufactured by
additional producers.
• Review of existing specifications where changes to the manufacturing
process have occurred.
• Review of existing specifications where the active ingredients are, or are
expected to become, subject to international agreements on Prior Informed
Consent (PIC) or Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP).
• Review of existing specifications where active ingredients are subject to
withdrawal of national or regional registration, due to lack of supporting data.
• Review of existing specifications where active ingredients being reviewed by
EU, USA, Japan and other regulatory authorities, under re-registration
• Review of existing specifications which are tentative, provisional or interim.
• Review of existing specifications older than 10 years where the pesticides are
still marketed.
• Review of existing specifications where the pesticides are no longer
The three-year programme will be reviewed annually.

Page 26

Note. Certain additional clauses for household insecticides and microbial pesticides appear in
Sections 8 and 9. In these cases, the aims, applicability and requirements are generally
evident from the context of the clauses.
A specification should not require judgement to be exercised by the buyer, so the
clauses in it should describe quantifiable parameters and provide limits for them.
Apart from the title and description, non-quantifiable elements should be included
in the notes attached to, but not forming part of, the specification. Such notes
may include information on the hazard classification of the active ingredient and
formulations, such as the flash point, or other properties and characteristics to
assist the user, e.g. reference to national and international handling and transport
regulations, phytotoxicity and other potential problems relating to the use of the
technical or formulated product. In addition, the notes may provide supporting
information on test conditions or, in some cases, provide details of the test
methods. However, in most cases, the specifications simply give references to
the test methods to be used.
Technical grade active ingredients should be as pure as economically
practicable, as this will generally tend to minimize formulation and toxicity
problems, as well as those arising from taint, phytotoxicity, etc. In setting
standards, the JMPS will take account of the technical problems associated with
raising quality but, even where no compelling reasons exist for doing so, the long
term advantages of improving quality will often outweigh the disadvantages.
The specification of a formulation takes into account properties which have
relevance to, for example, efficacy, operator safety and impact on the
environment. Standard tests do not yet exist for all parameters for which
specification limits are desirable and, in some cases, the standard tests available
are not ideal. Therefore there is a continuing need for new test methods and
improvement of existing ones.
Certain clauses in the guidelines presented in Sections 5 to 9 may be
inappropriate, or additional clauses may be necessary, for a particular
specification. Where the need for the clause is clearly dependent upon the
active ingredient, proposers should simply state that it is not relevant. Insertion
of a proposed clause, or deletion of a standard clause, in draft specifications
must be supported by a reasoned case, which may range from a simple
explanation to a detailed technical argument with supporting information.
With the exception of tolerances on active ingredient content, proposals for
specification limits that are more stringent than those given in the guidelines are
usually acceptable to the JMPS. Proposals for specification limits which are less
stringent than those given in the guidelines must be supported by a reasoned
case and, where practicable, data to show that the formulation behaves
satisfactorily in use.
Specifications normally refer only to a single active ingredient. In cases where
two or more active ingredients are co-formulated, the specification for each active
ingredient is expected to apply. FAO/WHO specifications do not apply to
mixtures prepared in the spray tank, etc.

Page 27
4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

As far as practicable, a sample taken for testing for compliance with a

specification must be representative of the entire lot of the pesticide under
scrutiny. Recommendations for sampling are presented in Appendix A or, in the
case of guidelines presented in sections 8 and 9, in the Notes to the guideline

4.1 Title and code

To provide a brief, unequivocal identification and description of the
technical or formulated pesticide.
All specifications.
No published methods, based on visual observation.
The E-ISO (or INCI for repellents, etc.) common name of the active
ingredient should be used, indicating the status of the name. If an ISO
or INCI name does not exist then the trivial name, or the chemical
name according to IUPAC or CA conventions, may be used. If a trivial
name is used, the IUPAC or CA chemical name should be given in
CIPAC codes for active ingredients are listed in Appendices F and G.
CropLife International codes for technical pesticides and formulation
types are listed in Appendix E.
Codes for FAO specifications developed under former procedures
included a status code. The previous system is explained in Appendix
B of the Manual on the Development and Use of FAO Specifications
for Plant Protection Products, 4th edition, Plant Production and
Protection Paper 128, 1995, FAO, Rome. These status codes will be
superseded when the earlier specifications are reviewed.
Codes developed under former procedures for WHO full specifications
included a status code and type of pesticide product, followed by a
number allocated to each compound and formulated product. Codes
for interim specifications included a status code and a number referring
to the year of publication and file number. As part of the transition to
the new procedure, codes for more recent WHO interim specifications
have included the product type, CIPAC number and year of

Page 28
4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

4.2 Description
To provide a brief, clear description of properties of the technical grade
active ingredient or formulation, which can be checked by simple
inspection, and statements identifying the active ingredient(s) and the
presence of necessary additives.
All specifications.
Not relevant.
The description of a technical grade active ingredient or formulation
should include physical state (e.g. crystals, liquid, hard lumps, etc.),
colour, odour (if appropriate, and taste for products intended for use in
potable water) and, where required, declaration of any modifying
agents present (e.g. grinding agents). General terms, such as “solid”
or “liquid”, must be qualified with suitable adjectives to make them
more descriptive. Each specification guideline (Sections 5 to 9)
includes a standard clause for the description.
Where the active ingredient may exist in various chemical forms, the
description must identify fully the form. For example, in the case of
2,4-D, the active ingredient must be described as 2,4-D sodium salt,
2,4-D free acid, 2,4-D iso-octyl ester, etc., as appropriate. If the same
specification is to be applied to more than one salt, ester, etc., the
clause should identify them. For example “…as the sodium, potassium
or ammonium salt…” or “…as the mixed sodium and potassium
salts…”. The phrase must be deleted from the description (Sections 5
to 8) if it does not apply. The title must include CIPAC code for the salt
or derivative.
In most cases, a specification will apply only to one active ingredient,
whether or not it may be formulated with others. Where it is essential
to include more than one active ingredient in a single specification, the
description must identify all active ingredients present.

4.3 Active ingredient

4.3.1 Identity tests
To provide a proven means for identification of the active ingredient(s).
All specifications.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

Must be referenced and, if not already published, a full description
provided to FAO and/or WHO. In cases where the techniques involved
are non-standard, the description should appear as a note at the end
of the specification.
At least two identity tests are required for the active ingredient, or its
active component, to enable a clear decision to be made if one test
produces ambiguous results.
Where the active ingredient is in the form of a salt (etc.) and the
counter ion (etc.) is not identified by the test for the active component,
a separate identity test may be required for the counter ion (etc.).
Such a test is usually more important for TC/TK specifications, so that
formulators can be sure of their starting materials. However, if the
identity of the counter-ion is important for reasons of product stability,
safety, efficacy, etc., the test may also be required for formulations.
The identity test for the counter-ion may be simpler than, or part of, the
identity test for the active component. For example, melting point may
be used or, if an active ingredient identity test is based on IR, a band
specific to the salt may be sufficient. A single identity test is usually
sufficient for the counter-ion (etc.).

4.3.2 Content of active ingredient

To ensure that the active ingredient content is described by limits,
acknowledging the fact that both analytical results and actual
concentrations are variable.
All specifications.
The method(s) of analysis must be adopted by CIPAC or AOAC
(provisional or first action, as a minimum) prior to publication of the
specification. If the method has not yet been published, then full
details must be submitted to FAO and/or WHO by the proposer.
For solids, liquid technical pesticides, volatile liquids (of maximum
boiling point 50°C) and viscous liquids (with minimum kinematic
viscosity of 1 x 10-3 m2/s at 20 ± 2°C) the content must be expressed
on a g/kg basis.
For other liquids the active ingredient content may be declared in terms
of g/kg or g/l at 20 ± 2°C.
The active ingredient content of technical materials (TC) should be
expressed as:

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

"The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (not less
than ...... g/kg) and, when determined, the average measured
content shall not be lower than the declared minimum content."
The active ingredient content of technical concentrates (TK) and
formulated pesticides should be expressed as:
“The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l
at 20 ± 2°C,) and, when determined, the average measured
content shall not differ from that declared by more than the
following tolerances:”
The tolerances for formulated products and TK should be expressed in
the form of the table below, including only the appropriate content and
tolerance entries.
Declared content in g/kg or g/l Tolerance
at 20 ± 2°C
up to 25 ± 15% of the declared content for
“homogeneous” formulations (EC, SC,
SL, etc.), or
± 25% for “heterogeneous” formulations (GR,
WG, etc.)
above 25 up to 100 ± 10% of the declared content
above 100 up to 250 ± 6% of the declared content
above 250 up to 500 ± 5% of the declared content
above 500 ± 25 g/kg or g/l

Note In each range the upper

limit is included
The tolerances refer to the average analytical result obtained and take
into account manufacturing, sampling and analytical variations, except
where an overage is required. Positive deviations from the upper limits
given in the table may be utilised if the formulation is manufactured
with an overage to compensate for degradation in storage. The
requirement for an overage must be justified when the draft
specification is proposed.
Technical materials (TC) do not have an upper limit given for content
because it is desirable that their purity should be as high as
practicable. An increase in active ingredient content above the
minimum specified will have no measurable risk consequences but the
consequential decrease in impurity content may reduce risks and will
minimize the dispersal of the impurities into the environment.
Technical concentrates or formulations will be considered to comply
with the specification if the average analytical result lies within the
tolerance range of the declared content.
In cases of dispute, if a specification provides limits in both g/kg and
g/l, the analytical results must be determined and expressed as g/kg.
Conversion of g/kg data to g/l should be based on measurement of the
actual mass per millilitre of the formulation at a specific temperature,
not on a nominal value.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

Validation of the method(s) and development of the specification may

proceed in parallel, or the former may precede the latter. However, the
specification will not be published until validation of the method(s) is
The table of tolerances should include only those formulation
concentrations which are available in the market and, in the case of
WHO specifications, those which have been evaluated by WHOPES.
Where the method for determination of active ingredient content is
based on detection of only the active component of a salt (etc.) and not
the complete salt (etc.), the specification must define the exact basis
for calculation and expression of active ingredient content. The same
applies where the active ingredient content is determined indirectly.
In special cases, an overage relative to the nominal content may be
accepted but the need for the overage must be justified by the
proposer and the overage should be as low as practicable.

4.4 Relevant impurities

4.4.1 By-products of manufacture or storage
To limit the content of impurities (other than water or insolubles) which
may otherwise increase the risks associated with handling or use of the
technical material or formulation, or adversely affect the efficacy of the
All specifications where relevant impurities may be associated with the
active ingredient.
Analytical methods must be peer validated, as a minimum. Where the
analytical method and peer validation data have not been published,
they must be submitted to FAO and/or WHO, for evaluation by the
JMPS. Unless published, the analytical method should be described in
a note to the specification.
The maximum permitted level should be quoted as g/kg of the active
ingredient content. The maximum permitted level may be quoted as
g/kg of formulated product only in unusual cases where evidence is
provided to show that its concentration relative to the active ingredient
is affected by the formulation, dilution, etc.
Clauses must be provided only for relevant impurities (see comments,
Separate clauses must be provided for each relevant impurity.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

The specification must not include limits for impurities which are not
classified as relevant. Separate clauses should be provided for each
relevant impurity. The limit may be set at a level less than 1 g/kg, for
an exceptionally hazardous impurity (e.g. dioxins). Relevant impurities
absent from the impurity profile submitted, but known to be potentially
present when an alternative route of manufacture is employed, should
not be included. They will be considered by the JMPS, as and when
manufacturers using the alternative route of manufacture propose
extension of the specification to their products.
Production of technical active ingredients at cost levels acceptable to
the user may result in the presence of detectable impurities, such as
(i) materials used in the synthesis; (ii) side-reaction products formed
during synthesis, e.g. inactive isomers; (iii) decomposition products of
the active ingredient arising during preparation of the formulation or
during storage; (iv) traces of solvent remaining from synthesis or
Such impurities are considered relevant only if, at levels exceeding
those specified, they (i) offer an unacceptable risk either to human
beings or to the environment; (ii) influence the quality of the formulation
by causing, for example, chemical decomposition of the active
ingredient or deterioration of the package during storage or corrosion
of application machinery; (iii) cause phytotoxicity to treated plants or
taint of food crops; etc.
Relevant impurities can occur in formulants and unintended
contamination with other chemicals can occur during preparation of a
formulation. Formulants and their impurities, and formulation
contaminants, are not within the scope of FAO specifications. In
exceptional cases, where an impurity in a formulant is capable of
increasing the content of a relevant impurity produced by synthesis or
degradation of the active ingredient, the maximum content of the
relevant impurity may be specified on a formulation basis (as opposed
to the usual active ingredient basis). In all other cases where
hazardous compounds could be present in formulants, manufacturers
of formulations must ensure that risks from these sources are
minimized and acceptable.
The average measured level of a relevant impurity must not exceed its
declared maximum limit.
4.4.2 Water
To limit the water content where water might adversely affect storage
stability or, in the case of TC/TK, where subsequent formulation of the
active ingredient containing too much water could lead to an
unacceptable product.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

Technical materials, technical concentrates and non-aqueous
MT 30 Water:
30.1 Karl Fischer method;
30.2 Dean and Stark method;
30.5 Karl Fischer method using pyridine-free reagents.
The maximum permitted level must be quoted in g/kg of the technical
grade active ingredient or formulation. The method to be used must be
This clause is required only where water is directly considered to be a
relevant impurity, or it has the potential to become a relevant impurity
in products formulated from a TC/TK, and the water is not adequately
limited by another clause.
If none of the existing methods for determination of water content is
suitable, reasons should be given and an alternative referenced,
together with information supporting its validation.

4.4.3 Insolubles
To limit materials that are insoluble in specified solvents. This is to
enable producers of formulations to quantify impurities that, when the
formulation is used in the field, may block filters and nozzles, or may
otherwise adversely affect the physical properties of the formulation.
Insolubles must be shown to be relevant to be included in a
Technical materials and technical concentrates.
MT 7 ethanol insoluble material;
MT 71 sodium hydroxide insoluble material;
MT 76 triethanolamine insoluble material;
MT 10 water insoluble material;
MT 11 xylene insoluble material;
MT 27 acetone insoluble material.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

The maximum permitted level must be quoted in g/kg of the technical
grade active ingredient or formulation. The method to be used must be
If none of the existing methods is suitable, reasons should be given
and alternatives referenced together with information supporting their

4.5 Physical properties

For the purposes of this Manual, these properties are broadly grouped and
numbered as follows: (i) density properties, 1-10; (ii) surface properties, 11-20;
(iii) volatilization properties, 21-30; (iv) particulate, fragmentation and adhesion
properties, 31-40; (v) dispersion properties, 41-50; (vi) flow properties, 51-60; (vii)
solution and dissolution properties, 61-70. These groups are not definitive and
some properties could be placed in more than one category.
Tests of physical properties cannot emulate what happens in the field under all
circumstances. Instead, the tests provide simple models against which
satisfactory/unsatisfactory performance may be judged. Limits for satisfactory
performance are based on the experience of manufacturers, WHOPES and
others, in relating physical performance in the field to test results. Test results
are therefore indicative of physical performance, they do not define exactly how a
product will perform under specific conditions.
For some physico-chemical tests, recommended limits are stated. For example,
in the case of suspensibility, not less than 60 % of the active ingredient shall
remain in suspension. However, in certain cases, due to the standardized test
conditions (e.g. the test temperature), the test results may not meet the guideline
limits, despite the fact that the formulation is fit for its intended purpose. A less
stringent limit does not automatically imply that a formulation is not fit for use but,
where a proposed limit is less stringent than that given in the guideline, the JMPS
requires evidence to demonstrate acceptable behaviour of the formulation in the
spray tank or other application equipment.
The physical properties of formulations that are diluted with water before use can
be affected by the hardness of the water used for dilution and the water
temperature. Test temperatures for determination of most physical properties
have been harmonised at 30 ± 2ºC. Not because this represents an “average”
field temperature but because it is a temperature which is readily maintained in
most laboratories (for example in a water bath, which may be difficult or relatively
costly to control at lower temperatures). CIPAC Handbook F lists standard
waters that may be used in laboratory tests, to simulate naturally occurring
waters. With certain exceptions, Standard Water D should be adopted in tests,
even where an alternative Standard Water is recommended in the CIPAC
method. Exceptions are tests of emulsion stability and dispersion stability where
both Standard Waters A and D are to be used.
Test concentrations should relate to the recommended use rates given on the
label. Where several use rates are recommended, the highest and lowest
concentrations (so long as they are within the limitations of the test method)

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

should be used, even where other concentrations are indicated in the existing
CIPAC method. Recently revised CIPAC methods have taken this into account.

(i) Density properties

4.5.2 Bulk (pour and tap) density
To provide information for packaging, transport and application.
Density specifications may have particular utility for solid materials
where measurement of dosage is by volume (scoop or other container)
rather than by weight.
Powders and granulated materials.
MT 33 Tap density for powders;
MT 58.3 Apparent density after compaction without pressure, for
MT 159 Pour and tap bulk density of granular materials;
MT 169 Tap density of water dispersible granules (WG);
MT 186 Bulk density, the preferred method (this is a revision of MT 33,
MT 58.3, MT 159 and MT 169, which is currently unpublished but
available from the CIPAC secretariat).
General limits cannot be given.
The limits should be justified.

(ii) Surface properties

4.5.11 Wettability
To ensure that water dispersible/soluble powders and granules, and
emulsifiable powders and granules, are rapidly wetted when mixed with
water, e.g. in the tank of a spraying machine.
All solid formulations to be dispersed or dissolved in water.
MT 53.3 Wetting of wettable powders.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

Normally the formulation shall be wetted in 1 min, without swirling.

4.5.12 Persistent foam

To limit the amount of foam produced when filling the spray tank.
All formulations intended for dilution with water before use.
MT 47.2 Determination of the foaming of suspension concentrates.
Normally there shall be a maximum of 60 ml of foam after 1 min.
MT 47.2 has been tested for determination of persistent foam
produced by suspension concentrates, but it has been agreed by
CIPAC that it is applicable to other formulations (WP, EC, WG, etc.).
Except for formulations packed in water soluble bags, persistent
foaming is not tested after storage at elevated temperature, because
surfactants are unlikely to more effective after storage.

(iii) Volatilization properties

4.5.21 Volatility
To ensure that application of ultra-low volume formulations does not
lead to unacceptable drift due to too rapid evaporation of the sprayed
Ultra-low volume liquids (UL).
Under development.
Dependent upon the method of measurement.
The evaporation rate of droplets is dependent on their size,
composition and air temperature. Initial droplet size is partly a function
of the application equipment used. In the absence of a standard test
for evaporation rate, the method adopted for the specification must be
made available to FAO and/or WHO, together with data supporting its
validity. Supporting information should be provided on the correlation
between the volatility specified and droplet size reduction and
consequential increased drift potential.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

(iv) Particulate, fragmentation and adhesion properties

4.5.31 Wet sieve test
To restrict the content of insoluble particles of sizes which could cause
blockage of sprayer nozzles or filters.
Wettable powders (WP); suspension concentrates including those for
seed treatment and oil-based (SC, FS and OD); water dispersible
granules (WG); aqueous capsule suspensions (CS); dispersible
concentrates (DC); suspo-emulsions (SE); water-soluble and
dispersible tablets (ST and WT); and emulsifiable granules and
powders (EG and EP).
MT 59.3Wet sieving;
MT 182 Wet sieving after dispersion of water dispersible granules
MT 182 Wet sieve test using recycled water;
MT167 Wet sieving after dispersion of water dispersible granules
MT 185 Wet sieve test, a revision of the methods MT59.3 and
MT 167.
A suitable phrase and values may be:
Maximum 2% retained on a 75 µm test sieve.
In some specification guidelines, this test is not included because it is
effectively included in other tests, e.g. solution stability, see 4.5.64.

4.5.32 Dry sieve test

To restrict the content of particles of unwanted sizes.
Powders and granules intended for direct application.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

MT 59.1 Dustable powders (DP);
MT 58 Granular formulations (GR);
MT170 Dry sieve analysis of water dispersible granules (WG).
General limits cannot be given.

4.5.33 Nominal size range

To ensure that an acceptable proportion of a granule formulation is
within an appropriate particle size range, in order to minimize
segregation during transport and handling, thus ensuring uniform flow
rates through application equipment.
Granules (GR).
MT 59.2 (MT 58) Sieve analysis.
Not less than 85% of the formulation shall be within the nominal size
Size range may affect biological activity and the suitability of
application equipment.

4.5.34 Dustiness
To restrict the dustiness of granular formulations, which may liberate
dust into the air when handled and applied, and hence the risks to
Granules (GR), water dispersible granules (WG) and water soluble
granules (SG).
MT 171 Dustiness of granular formulations.
The formulation shall be “nearly dust free” or “essentially non-dusty”,
as defined by method MT 171.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

Method MT 171 describes two ways to measure dustiness: a
gravimetric method and an optical method. The optical method usually
shows good correlation with the gravimetric method and can, therefore,
be used as an alternative, where the equipment is available. Where
the correlation is in doubt, it must be checked with the formulation to
be tested. In case of dispute, the gravimetric method shall be used.

4.5.35 Attrition resistance

To ensure that granular formulations remain intact until use, to
minimize risks during handling or use from the dust generated by
attrition in handling and transport and, in the case of granules (GR), to
avoid generation of dusts and/or fines that may also affect application
and efficacy in the field.
Granular formulations (GR, WG, SG and EG).
MT 178 Attrition resistance of granules (GR);
MT 178.2 Attrition resistance of granules intended for dispersion in
water (WG, SG, EG). At present, this test is not specified for WG, SG,
EG (dustiness is specified) and it is desirable to produce a test which
more accurately reflects the potential for generation of respirable dust
from these formulations.
General limits cannot be given.

4.5.36 Integrity
To ensure that tablets remain intact until use, to avoid risks from dust
and to ensure that the intended dose is always applied.
Tablets (DT, ST and WT).
Method under consideration.
No broken tablets. Degree of integrity to be expressed as percentage
by weight.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

The degree of integrity of tablets will depend on whether tablets are
loose-packed or close-wrapped (e.g. blister packs).

4.5.37 Adhesion to seeds

To ensure that the intended dose remains on seeds, and is not easily
removed, which may increase risks in handling and adversely affect
All seed treatment formulations.
Method under development, but MT 83 (Seed adhesion test for
powders for seed treatment) may be applicable.
General limits cannot be given.

(v) Dispersion properties

4.5.41 Dispersibility
To ensure that the formulation is easily and rapidly dispersed when
diluted with water.
Suspension concentrates (SC), aqueous capsule suspensions (CS)
and water dispersible granules (WG).
MT 160 Spontaneity of dispersion of suspension concentrates;
MT 174 Dispersibility of water dispersible granules.
General limits cannot be given.
Using method MT 160, chemical assay is the only fully reliable
technique to measure the mass of active ingredient still in suspension.
Simpler measurements such as gravimetric and solvent extraction
determination may be used routinely, provided that they have been
shown to give equal results to those of the chemical assay method. In
cases of dispute, chemical assay shall be the referee measurement.
Method MT 174 has been validated only for gravimetric determination.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

4.5.42 Disintegration time and degree of dispersion/dissolution

To ensure that soluble or dispersible tablets disintegrate rapidly on
addition to water and that the formulation is readily dispersed or
Soluble tablets (ST) and water dispersible tablets (WT).
Method under development.
Maximum disintegration time of whole tablet: ...... sec (or min).

4.5.43 Suspensibility
To ensure that a sufficient amount of active ingredient is
homogeneously dispersed in suspension in the spray liquid to give a
satisfactory and effective mixture during spraying.
Wettable powders (WP), suspension concentrates (SC), capsule
suspensions (CS) and water dispersible granules (WG).
MT 15.1 Suspensibility of wettable powders;
MT 161 Suspensibility of aqueous suspension concentrates;
MT 168 Suspensibility of water dispersible granules;
MT 177 Suspensibility of water dispersible powders (simplified
MT184 Suspensibility of formulations forming suspensions on dilution
in water (a harmonisation of methods MT 15, MT 161 and MT
168, not published at present but available from the CIPAC
For wettable powders, suspension concentrates, capsule suspensions
and water dispersible granules, normally at least 60% of the active
ingredient shall remain in suspension.
Method MT 177 has two versions and is a simplified form of MT 15.1.
Both methods involve determination of suspensibility by means of
chemical assay but, in case of dispute, MT 15.1 shall be the referee
method. In the application of methods MT 161 and MT 168, chemical
assay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active
ingredient still in suspension. Simpler methods such as gravimetric
determination (with or without solvent extraction) may be used

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

routinely, provided that they have been shown to give equal results to
those of the chemical assay method. In case of dispute, chemical
assay shall be the referee method.
The suspension is prepared by the method given in the instructions for
use of the formulation or, if no method is given, by the MT 15.1 method
(b), without creaming. The test is normally carried out after the test of
stability at elevated temperature, using CIPAC Standard Water D. In
special cases a test using Standard Water D before the heat stability
test may be necessary. Suspensions are to be tested at the highest
and lowest recommended rates of use. The test is carried out in a
water bath at 30 ± 2°C, unless other temperatures are required.
MT 184 is the preferred method.

4.5.44 Dispersion stability

To ensure that a sufficient proportion of active ingredient is
homogeneously dispersed in suspension and emulsion in the spray
liquid to give a satisfactory and effective mixture throughout spraying.
Suspo-emulsions (SE), emulsifiable granules (EG), emulsifiable
powders (EP), dispersible concentrates (DC) and oil-based suspension
concentrates (OD).
MT 180 Dispersion stability of suspo-emulsions.
The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2°C (unless other temperatures
are required) with CIPAC Standard Waters A and D, shall continue to
comply with the following:
Time after allowing the Limits of stability
dispersion to stand
0h Initial dispersion complete
0.5 h "cream", maximum: ...... ml
"free oil", maximum: ...... ml
sediment, maximum: ...... ml
24 h Re-dispersion complete
24.5 h "cream", maximum: ...... ml
"free oil", maximum: ...... ml
sediment, maximum: ...... ml

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

The test should be carried out at the highest and lowest recommended
rates of use.

4.5.45 Emulsion stability and re-emulsification

To ensure that a sufficient proportion of the active ingredient is
uniformly dispersed in emulsion to give a satisfactory and effective
mixture throughout spraying.
Emulsifiable concentrates (EC), emulsions, oil in water (EW) and
microemulsions (ME)
MT 36.1.1 Emulsion characteristics of emulsifiable concentrates,
5% v/v oil phase when diluted - hand shaking;
MT 36.3 Emulsion characteristics of emulsifiable concentrates;
MT 36.2 Emulsion characteristics of emulsifiable concentrates,
≤1% v/v oil phase when diluted;
MT 173 Colorimetric method for the determination of the stability of
dilute emulsions;
MT 183 Agrochemical emulsion tester for the determination of the
stability of dilute emulsions.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2°C (unless other
temperatures are required) with CIPAC Standard Waters A and D,
shall comply with the following:
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 36.1, MT 36.3
0h Initial emulsification complete
0.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
2.0 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
24 h Re-emulsification complete
24.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
Note: in applying MT 36.1
or 36.3, tests after 24 h are
required only where results
at 2 h are in doubt
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 173
0h Initial emulsification expressed as
0.5 h minimum: ......%
4.0 h minimum: ......%
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 183
2m AC reading maximum ......
7 to 32 m AC reading similar to above (no
major increase, decline or
Note: in applying MT 183, initial AC
reading will be <1 in most cases

The test is normally carried out after the heat stability test, using
CIPAC Standard Waters A and D at a temperature of 30 ± 2°C. In
special cases a test in Standard Waters A and D before the heat
stability test may be necessary. The method MT 36.1 is an extreme
test, due to the high concentration (5%) used, and it may not be
applicable to formulations designed for use at much lower
concentrations, but it is a useful screening test for such formulations.
Where emulsions are to be used at dilutions of <2%, the suitability of
the specified method should be checked before it is included in the
specification. The criteria given in the table for MT 36.1 and MT 36.3
are appropriate for tests carried out at 5% concentration but, for tests
involving lower concentrations of the formulated product, alternative
criteria may be considered by the JMPS. There is no universally
applicable referee method.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

(vi) Flow properties

4.5.51 Flowability
To ensure that powders and granules for direct application will flow
freely from application machinery; and that granules powders for
dispersion or dissolution in water will flow freely, rather than clumping,
after storage.
Dustable powders (DP), water soluble powders (SP), water dispersible
powders for seed treatments (WS), water soluble powders for seed
treatments (SS), water dispersible granules (WG) and water soluble
granules (SG).
MT 172 Flowability of water dispersible granules after heat test under
General limits cannot be given.

4.5.52 Pourability
To ensure that formulations have characteristics that will enable them
to pour readily from containers.
Suspension concentrates (SC FS, and OD), aqueous capsule
suspensions (CS), suspo-emulsions (SE), and similarly viscous
formulations, but may also be applied to formulations in solution, such
as soluble concentrates (SL) and emulsifiable concentrates (EC).
MT 148.1 Pourability of suspension concentrates, revised.
Maximum "residue": ...... %.
The “residue” is the proportion of formulation remaining in the cylinder.
The clause does not define the pouring and rinsing characteristics of
containers. Pouring characteristics of formulation/container
combinations are unique and the test method determines only the
performance of the formulation in a test cylinder. Important though the
pouring and rinsing characteristics of the formulation/container
combination are to the user, methods are not yet available that permit
them to be incorporated into FAO or WHO specifications.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

Where the proposed limit is high, it will be necessary to demonstrate

that the residue can be rinsed readily from containers.

(vii) Solution and dissolution properties

4.5.61 Acidity, alkalinity or pH range
To minimize potential decomposition of the active ingredient,
deterioration of the physical properties of the formulation, or potential
corrosion of the container.
Specifications for any material where adverse reactions would occur in
the presence of excessive acid or alkali.
MT 31 Free acidity or alkalinity;
MT 75.3 pH of diluted and undiluted aqueous solutions.
General limits cannot be given.
Acidity and alkalinity should be expressed as g/kg H2SO4 and NaOH,
irrespective of the nature of the acid or alkali species present.
pH must be expressed as a range with upper and lower limits, and the
temperature of measurement stated.
The requirement for this clause should be justified by the proposer.
For example, it will be justified where acid- or base-catalysed
degradation of the active ingredient occurs but not if the active
ingredient and formulants are stable over a wide range of pH values.

4.5.62 Miscibility with hydrocarbon oil

To ensure that when a formulation is diluted with oil, an homogeneous
mixture is produced.
Any specification for a formulation intended to be diluted with oil before
use (e.g. OL).
MT 23 Miscibility with hydrocarbon oil.
General limits cannot be given.

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4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

4.5.63 Dissolution of water soluble bags

To ensure that formulations packed in water soluble bags, when
dispersed or dissolved, will not block filters or nozzles of application
All formulations packaged in water soluble bags.
MT 176 Dissolution rate of water soluble bags.
A suitable figure may be a maximum of 30 sec.

4.5.64 Degree of dissolution and/or solution stability

To ensure that: (i) water soluble formulations dissolve readily and when
diluted, produce stable solutions without precipitation, flocculation, etc.;
(ii) soluble concentrates produce stable solutions on dilution.
Specifications for all water soluble formulations.
MT 179 Degree of dissolution and solution stability;
MT 41 Dilution stability of all aqueous solutions.
General limits cannot be given.
MT 179 has been tested for water soluble granules (SG), but it has
been agreed by CIPAC that it is also applicable to water soluble
powders (SP).

4.5.65 Rate of release of active ingredient

To ensure that the release of active ingredient from a slow release
product occurs in a controlled and defined manner.
Slow release granules (e.g. encapsulated granules, CG) and slow-
release capsule suspensions (CS).

Page 48
4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

Appropriate test method not available for CG. Test methods for CS
under development.
General limits cannot be given.
The release rate of active ingredient from slow release capsules is
dependent upon the external environment and physical forces placed
upon the capsules/granules. Use of the methods therefore requires
strict adherence to the extraction protocol because the release rate of
active ingredient is defined by the method of measurement. The
method is intended to distinguish a product having an acceptable
release rate in use from those which release the active ingredient too
rapidly or too slowly. It is impossible to emulate release conditions
occurring in all scenarios of normal use but the method should provide
a broad indication of whether the rate of release is acceptable when
the product is used according to label recommendations.

4.5.66 “Free” active ingredient

To limit the proportion of active ingredient that can be regarded as non-
encapsulated in an encapsulated formulation, in order to limit the risks
of dermal exposure to users (the formulation may be rinsed from skin
before significant penetration occurs).
Slow release granules (e.g. encapsulated granules, CG) and slow-
release capsule suspensions (CS).
Appropriate test method not available for CG. Test methods for CS
under development.
General limits cannot be given.
“Free” active ingredient may be in solution, emulsion or adhering to the
outside of capsule walls. The active ingredient within slow release
capsules is usually in dynamic equilibrium with the external
environment and it follows that any measurement which disturbs the
equilibrium will change the distribution. Use of the methods therefore
requires strict adherence to the extraction protocol because “free”
active ingredient is defined by the method of measurement.

Page 49
4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

4.6 Storage stability

4.6.1 Stability at 0ºC
To ensure that the properties of formulations are not adversely
affected by storage during cold periods, with respect to dispersion and
particulate properties.
Specifications for liquid formulations.
MT 39.3 Stability of liquid formulations at 0ºC.
After storage at 0 ± 2ºC for 7 days, the formulation must continue to
comply with the requirements of appropriate clauses for initial
dispersion, stability of emulsion or suspension, and wet sieve test. The
permitted normal maximum amount of separated solid and liquid is
0.3 ml.
The principle problems with low temperature storage are related to
precipitation or separation of liquid phases. The original properties of
the formulation must be restored on warming and mixing, otherwise
application in the field is likely to be unsatisfactory. The test may be
conducted at a lower temperature, if required and if agreed between
buyer and seller.
In certain cases (e.g. CS) it may be important to assess the effect of
freezing and thawing cycles on the formulation. Adverse effects on
retention of the active ingredient by capsules may occur.
Method MT 39.3 is suitable for formulations consisting of a solution of
a pesticide in water or organic solvent (e.g. solution concentrates and
emulsifiable concentrates). It may be used for certain liquid
formulations that consist of a dispersion in an aqueous or non-aqueous
continuous phase but, in these cases, the applicability of the method
must be established before the clause and limit are based upon it.

4.6.2 Stability at elevated temperature

To ensure that the properties of formulations are not adversely
affected by storage at high temperature, and to assess their long-term
storage stability at more moderate temperature, with respect to content
of active ingredient (and a possible consequent increase in relevant
impurities) and certain physical properties.
Specifications for all formulations.

Page 50
4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

MT 46.3 Accelerated storage procedure.
After storage at 54 ± 2ºC for 14 days, the formulation must continue to
comply with the requirements of appropriate clauses for content of
active ingredient, relevant impurities, particulate and dispersion
The average active ingredient content should not decline to less than
95% of the average content measured prior to the test, and relevant
physical properties should not change to an extent that might adversely
affect the application and/or safety.
Where the formulation is not suitable nor intended for use in hot
climates and is adversely affected by very high temperature, the test
conditions may be modified. Avoidance of temperatures exceeding
50ºC is likely to be necessary where the formulation is packed in water
soluble bags and this may also be necessary in the case of certain
household insecticides, such as aerosols (AE).
Alternative conditions are: 6 weeks at 45 ± 2ºC; 8 weeks at 40 ± 2ºC,
12 weeks at 35 ± 2ºC or 18 weeks at 30 ± 2ºC.
Samples of the formulation taken before and after the MT 46.3 test
should be analyzed concurrently, after the test, in order to reduce the
analytical error.
Further information must be provided if the degradation of the active
ingredient exceeds 5% or a physical property is adversely affected.
For example, the degradation products must be identified and
The MT 46.3 test is useful in rejecting formulations that are unlikely to
meet acceptable levels of storage stability but it may not simulate the
whole range of conditions which occur in practice. The nature of the
packaging may also influence the stability of the formulation.
Further information (including field use experience) to demonstrate the
stability of the formulation during storage must be provided if it does
not meet the stated requirements. Where a temperature lower than
54°C must be used for the test, the JMPS will consider the need for a
precautionary clause on the suitability of the formulation(s) for use in
hot climates.
Formulation labels must be marked with the release date (month and
year) of the lot or batch. Relevant information on the storage stability
of the formulation must be provided, if the intended shelf-life is less
than 2 years. The date shown on the label must be the start date from
which the supplier guarantees the quality of the formulation. The term
"release date" should be used rather than "formulation date", which
may lead to confusion between supplier and buyer (see also FAO
Guidelines on Good Labelling Practice, revised, 1995). Where the
quality of a particular formulation is in doubt, due to prolonged storage

Page 51
4. Aims, applicability, and requirements of clauses, continued

and/or unfavourable storage conditions, analysis and testing are

recommended to assess suitability for use.
Formulations are generally expected to continue to be satisfactory in
use after storage for at least two years from the release date in the
unopened original containers, provided that these have been stored
according to the instructions given on the label. A more detailed
consideration of shelf life and storage stability matters is given in
CropLife International Technical Monographs: No. 10, Options for
Ensuring Quality in Stored Pesticide Products (January, 1985); and
No. 17, Guideline for Specifying the Shelf life of Plant Protection
Products (May, 1993)1. See also the FAO International Code of
Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides2.

These monographs may be obtained through the CropLife International website http://www.croplife.org.
Accessible through the FAO website http://www.fao.org/ag/agp/agpp/pesticid/.

Page 52
TECHNICAL CONCENTRATES (except microbial TKs1)

A technical material (TC) is an active ingredient isolated (as far as is practicable)
from the starting materials, solvents, etc., used to produce it The isolation
process may be simple, for example filtration and drying of a precipitate, or
relatively complex. A TC may be prepared from a TK but it may also be diluted,
with or without conversion to a salt or other derivative, to prepare a TK. A TC is
formulated before use as a pesticide and a salt or other derivative may be
formed during the formulation process. A TC is traded between manufacturers
and formulators.
A technical concentrate (TK) may be an active ingredient which has not been
isolated from the materials, solvents, etc., used to produce it, or it may be a
minimally diluted TC intended for use in preparing formulations. In some cases it
is necessary or advantageous to manufacture formulations from a technical
concentrate (TK), rather than from a TC. For example, the active ingredient may
be unstable in a pure form or an isolation process may introduce unnecessary
cost and complexity, especially if the only impurity removed is water. A salt or
other derivative may be formed during the formulation process or in the
preparation of the TK.
Where a TC/TK is intended for application by the end user, it should comply with
the formulation specifications appropriate to its physical state.
If necessary, TC and TK materials can usually be reworked by manufacturers, to
ensure compliance with specifications prior to formulation, and therefore storage
stability clauses are not included in these specifications.
TC and TK specifications may also appear to be very simple because very few
physical properties are likely to affect the stability and performance of the active
ingredient in this form. The simplicity of the TC/TK specifications may appear to
contrast with the volume of data evaluated in support them but it should be
remembered that TC/TK specifications form the starting point for all formulation
“Technical grade active ingredient” is used in this Manual as a generic term,
referring to both TC and TK.

For information on specifications for microbial pesticides, see section 9.

Page 53
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] TECHNICAL MATERIAL

[CIPAC number]/TC

5.1.1 Description
The material shall consist of …… [ISO common name] together with
related manufacturing impurities, in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), and shall
be ...... [physical description] free from visible extraneous matter and added
modifying agents, except stabilizers if required.

5.1.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 1)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where
the identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one
additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 1)
The …… [ISO common name] content shall be declared (not less
than ...... g/kg) and, when determined, the average measured
content shall not be lower than the declared minimum content. Any other relevant clause (Note 1)
Such as isomer ratio, if relevant.

5.1.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 2)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg. Water (MT 30.5) (Notes 3 & 4)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg. Insolubles (Notes 3 & 4)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

Page 54
5.1 Technical materials (TC), continued

5.1.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH. Any other relevant clause (Notes 3 & 4)
Such as a sieve test, kinematic viscosity range, specific gravity, etc.
Note 1 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 2 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 3 Clauses to be included only if appropriate to the material.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.

Page 55
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] TECHNICAL CONCENTRATE

[CIPAC number]/TK

5.2.1 Description
The material shall consist of …… [ISO common name] together with
related manufacturing impurities, in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), and shall
be …… [physical description] free from visible extraneous matter and added
modifying agents except for the diluent and stabilizer, if required.

5.2.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 1)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where
the identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one
additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 1)
The …… [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or,
for liquids only, g/l at 20 ± 2°C,) and, when determined, the average
measured content shall not differ from that declared by more than
the appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section
4.3.2. Any other relevant clause (Note 1)
Such as isomer ratio.

5.2.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 2)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

Page 56
5.2 Technical concentrates (TK), continued Insolubles (Notes 3 & 4)

If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

5.2.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3)
(Notes 3 & 4)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Any other relevant clause (Note 4)

Such as a sieve test, kinematic viscosity range, specific gravity, etc.
Note 1 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 2 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 3 Clauses to be included only if appropriate to the material.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.

Page 57


6.1 Dustable Powders (DP)
6.2 Powders for Dry Seed Treatment (DS)
6.3 Granules (GR)
6.4 Tablets for Direct Application (DT)
6.11 Wettable Powders (WP
6.12 Water Dispersible Powders for Slurry Seed Treatment (WS)
6.13 Water Dispersible Granules (WG)
6.14 Water Dispersible Tablets (WT)
6.15 Emulsifiable Granules (EG)
6.16 Emulsifiable Powders (EP)
6.21 Water Soluble Powders (SP)
6.22 Water Soluble Powders for Seed Treatment (WS)
6.23 Water Soluble Granules (WG)
6.24 Water Soluble Tablets (ST)

Page 58
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] DUSTABLE POWDER

[CIPAC number]/DP
6.1.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ……
[ISO common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO
specification [......], in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), together with carriers
and any other necessary formulants. It shall be in the form of a fine, free-flowing
powder, free from visible extraneous matter and hard lumps.

6.1.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 1)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where
the identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one
additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 1)
The …… [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ
from that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in
the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

6.1.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 2)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 3)
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

Page 59
6.1 Dustable powders (DP), continued

6.1.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Notes 3
and 4)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Dry sieve test (MT 59.1) (Note 5)
Maximum: 5% retained on a 75 µm test sieve. Not more than
(0.005 x X)% of the mass of the sample used for the determination
shall be present as ...... [ISO common name] in the residue on the
sieve, where X is the ...... [ISO common name] content (g/kg) found
under (Note 6).

6.1.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 7), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined mean content found before storage
(Note 8) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- dry sieve test (,
as required.
Note 1 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 2 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated
Note 3 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 Method MT 59.1, together with relevant methods of analysis for active ingredient, see
Note 1.
Note 6 If the formulation has a found content of 40 g/kg of ...... [ISO common name] and 20 g
of sample is used in the test, then the amount of ...... [ISO common name] in the
residue on the sieve should not exceed 0.040 g, i.e.
(0.005 x 40) x 20 g

Page 60
6.1 Dustable powders (DP), continued

Note 7 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 8 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed together after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 61
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

The guidelines for seed treatment formulations do not apply to formulations

intended for film-coating or pelleting of seeds. They include special clauses,
related to their use pattern, although some of the corresponding test methods are
not yet developed. The influence of treatment on germination is of major
importance but it is not the subject of a specification clause because no test
method is applicable to all types of seeds. To avoid adverse effects, users
should apply the formulation strictly according to the recommendations of the
manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on germination is not
known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and should be
protected from excessive temperature and moisture.

…… [ISO common name] POWDER FOR DRY SEED TREATMENT (Note 1)

[CIPAC number]/DS

6.2.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ......
[ISO common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO
specification [......], in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), together with suitable
fillers and any other necessary formulants including colouring matter (Note 1). It
shall be in the form of a fine free-flowing powder, free from visible extraneous
matter and hard lumps.

6.2.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where
the identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one
additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ
from that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in
the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

Page 62
6.2 Powders for dry seed treatment (DS), continued

6.2.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)
If required, maximum: ...... g/kg.

6.2.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Dry sieve test (MT 59.1) (Note 5)

If appropriate, maximum ..% of the formulation shall be retained on
a test sieve, the mesh size of which must be specified.
Not more than (......x X)% of the mass of sample used for the
determination shall be present as [ISO common name] in the
residue on the sieve, where X is the [ISO common name] content
(g/kg) found under (Note 6). Adhesion to seeds (Note 7) (Method under development)
The manufacturer shall declare for each group of seed for which
the material is recommended, the minimum percentage of the [ISO
common name] remaining on the seeds after the test.

6.2.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 8), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 9) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- dry sieve test (,
- adhesion to seeds (,
as required.

Page 63
6.2 Powders for dry seed treatment (DS), continued

Note 1 The influence of treatment on germination is of major importance but it is not the subject
of a specification clause because no test method is applicable to all types of seeds. To
avoid adverse effects, users should apply the formulation strictly according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on
germination is not known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and
should be protected from excessive temperature and moisture.
The formulation shall contain a dye or pigment that permanently colours the seed after
treatment (red is recommended). In some countries, there may be a legal requirement
that a specific colour shall be used. The same colour must not be used for denaturing
seeds intended for use as livestock feeding stuffs.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method(s) to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 Method MT 59.1, together with relevant methods of analysis (see Note 3).
Note 6 For example, if the maximum permitted on the sieve is 5% and if the formulation has a
found content of 400 g/kg of [ISO common name] and 20 g of sample is used in the
test, then the amount of the [ISO common name] in the residue on the sieve should not
exceed 0.40 g, i.e.
(0.005 x 400) x 20 = 0.40 g
Note 7 Suitable tests may depend on the formulation and seeds. MT 83 may be applicable. If
not, the company should supply an alternative procedure, especially when pre-
moistening of the seed or use of a binder is prescribed.
Note 8 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 9 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed together after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 64

These specifications are intended for granular products to be applied in dry form
by machine. Granules formulated on commercially available fertilizers as carriers
are excluded, if they are to be applied at full fertilizer rate.
Granules intended to be used in crop protection are formulated in many different
ways depending on the physico-chemical properties of the active ingredient(s),
the manufacturing equipment available and the nature of the carriers used. This
can lead to products of differing physical properties. Furthermore, a wide range
of application equipment is available in different parts of the world. In
consequence, the establishment of internationally agreed specifications for
granules is relatively more difficult than is the case for some other types of
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] GRANULES

[CIPAC number]/GR (Note 1)

6.3.1 Description
The material shall consist of granules containing technical ...... [ISO common
name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification [......], in the
form of ...... (see Section 4.2), together with suitable carriers and any other
necessary formulants. It shall be dry, free from visible extraneous matter and
hard lumps, free-flowing, essentially non-dusty and intended for application by

6.3.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where
the identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one
additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ
from that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in
the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

Page 65
6.3 Granules (GR), continued

6.3.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Notes 4 & 5)
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

6.3.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Notes 4 &
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Pour and bulk density (MT 186)
Where required, the pour and bulk density range of the formulation
shall be declared.
Pour density: ...... to ...... g/ml.
Bulk density: ...... to ...... g/ml. Nominal size range (MT 58)
The nominal size range of the formulation shall be declared
(Note 6). Normally, the ratio of the lower to the upper limit should
not exceed 1:4 (Note 7). Not less than 850 g/kg of the formulation
shall be within the nominal declared size range. Dustiness (MT 171)
Essentially non-dusty (Note 8). Attrition resistance (MT178)
Minimum ......% attrition resistance. Rate of release of active ingredient
Applicable only to slow release granules (CG)
(Appropriate test method not available.)

Page 66
6.3 Granules (GR), continued

6.3.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 9), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 10) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- nominal size range (,
- dustiness (,
- attrition resistance (,
as required.
Note 1 Where the specification does not include certain types of granule (e.g. encapsulated
granules (CG), microgranules (MG), or macrogranules (GG), the exclusions should be
noted in the description.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 If required or relevant.
Note 5 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 6 e.g. 250 to 500 µm, 500 to 1,200 µm.
Note 7 Higher ratios increase the risk of segregation and adverse effects on the flow rate. This
should be checked with the machine to be used. The purchaser should check that the
nominal size range is suitable for his requirements, since different size ranges may
affect biological activity.
Note 8 The optical method, MT 171, usually shows good correlation with the gravimetric
method and can, therefore, be used as an alternative where the equipment is available.
Where the correlation is in doubt, it must be checked with the formulation to be tested.
In case of dispute the gravimetric method shall be used.
Note 9 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 10 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed together after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 67

Tablets are pre-formed solids of uniform shape and dimensions, usually circular,
with either flat or convex faces, the distance between faces being less than the
diameter. Their size and weight is determined by manufacturing and/or use
requirements. Tablets for direct application (DT) are intended for application in
the field (e.g. rice paddies) without prior dispersal or dissolution in water.
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.


[CIPAC number]/DT

6.4.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ...... [ISO
common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification
[......], in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), together with carriers and any other
necessary formulants. It shall be in the form of tablets for direct application. The
formulation shall be of dry, unbroken, free-flowing tablets and shall be free from
extraneous matter.

6.4.2 Active ingredient (Note 1) Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient(s) shall comply with an identity test and,
where the identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one
additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ
from that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in
the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

6.4.3 Relevant impurities (Note 1) By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ...... % of the …… [ISO common name] content found

Page 68
6.4 Tablets for direct application (DT), continued Water (MT 30.5)

Maximum: ...... g/kg has to be specified.

6.4.4 Physical properties (Note 1) Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Notes 4, 5 &
If required (not applicable to effervescent tablets),
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Tablet integrity (Method under consideration)
No broken tablets
Maximum degree of attrition: ...... % (loose packed tablets).
Maximum degree of attrition: ...... % (close packed tablets).

6.4.5 Storage stability (Notes 1 and 7) Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 8) without pressure
(Note 9), the determined average active ingredient content must not
be lower than ......% relative to the determined average content
found before storage (Note 10) and the formulation shall continue
to comply with the clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- tablet integrity (,
as required.
Note 1 Sub-samples for analysis are prepared as follows.
An entire tablet (or several entire tablets) must be taken. The tablet(s) should be
milled and thoroughly mixed to provide an homogeneous powder, prior to weighing
a portion for analysis.
Sub-samples for tests of physical properties and storage stability are prepared as
(a) To determine tablet integrity (, or storage stability (, the tablet(s)
must not be broken for the purpose, prior to the test.
(b) The tablet(s) may be broken to provide the size of test portion required for
methods MT 31, MT 75.3 and must be completely disintegrated for the
purposes of these tests.
(c) For determination of tablet integrity, an entire pack of tablets should be used.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.

Page 69
6.4 Tablets for direct application (DT), continued

Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 Where relevant.
Note 5 Before performing the method MT 75.3, it is necessary to let the tablet(s) disintegrate
completely into a 250 ml beaker containing 50 ml of water used for the pH test. A gentle
stirring may be needed.
Note 6 Effervescent tablets are tablets which incorporate an effervescent system.
Note 7 Storage stability tests should be performed only on intact tablets.
Note 8 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 9 Without pressure means that the test is done as specified by method MT 46.3, but no
pressure is applied to the sample during its ageing.
Note 10 Analysis of the formulation before and after the storage stability test, should be carried
out concurrently (i.e. after storage) to minimize the analytical error.

Page 70
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] WETTABLE POWDER

[CIPAC number]/WP

6.11.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ...... [ISO
common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification
[......], in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), together with filler(s) and any other
necessary formulants. It shall be in the form of a fine powder free from visible
extraneous matter and hard lumps.
Where the material is packaged in sealed water soluble bags, the description
shall be as follows (Note 1):
The material shall consist of a defined quantity of a ...... [ISO common name]
wettable powder complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification
......, in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), contained in a sealed water soluble

6.11.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient(s) shall comply with an identity test and,
where the identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one
additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ
from that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in
the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

6.11.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)
If required, maximum: ...... g/kg.

Page 71
6.11 Wettable powders (WP), continued

6.11.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Wet sieve test (MT 185)
Maximum: ......% retained on a 75 µm test sieve. Suspensibility (MT 15.1, MT 177, MT 184) (Notes 5 & 6)
A minimum of ......% of the ...... [ISO common name] content found
under shall be in suspension after 30 min in CIPAC
Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Notes 7 & 8).
In the case of water soluble bag packaging, the provisions of clause should be applied. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 9)
Maximum: ...... ml after 1 min.
In the case of water soluble bag packaging, the provisions of clause should be applied. Wettability (MT 53.3)
The formulation shall be completely wetted in ...... min without

6.11.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 10), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 11) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- wet sieve test (,
- suspensibility (,
- wettability (,
as required.
In the case of water soluble bag packaging, the package should be
enclosed in a watertight sachet, box or any other container at
......°C (Note 12) for ...... days. The determined average active
ingredient content must not be lower than ......% relative to the
determined average content found before storage, and the
formulation shall continue to comply with the clauses for:

Page 72
6.11 Wettable powders (WP), continued

- by-products of manufacture or storage (,

- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- wet sieve test (,
- dissolution of the bag (,
- suspensibility (,
- persistent foam (,
as required. None of the bags tested should show signs of leakage
or rupture during normal handling, before and after storage.

6.11.6 Material packaged in a sealed water soluble bag (see Notes 13, 14
and 15) Dissolution of the bag (MT 176)
The dissolution of the bag shall be tested on a sample of the
emptied and cleaned bag taken according to the procedure
described in Note 13, together with an appropriate proportion of the
Flow time of the suspension: maximum ...... sec. Suspensibility (MT 15.1, MT 177, MT 184) (Notes 5 & 6)
The suspensibility shall be tested on a suspension containing the
WP and the bag material in the actual ratio of application,
prepared according to the procedure described in Note 15.
A minimum of ......% shall be in suspension after 30 min in CIPAC
Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Notes 7 & 8). Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 9)
The persistent foam shall be tested on a suspension containing
the WP and the bag in the actual ratio of application, prepared
according to the procedure described in Note 15.
Note 1 For record keeping purposes, the suffix "SB" should be added to the formulation code
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 The formulation should be tested at the highest and lowest rates of use recommended
by the supplier, provided this does not exceed the conditions given in methods MT 15.1,
MT 177 or MT 184.
Note 6 This test will normally only be carried out after the heat stability test
Note 7 Unless another temperature is specified.
Note 8 Chemical assay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active
ingredient still in suspension. However, simpler methods such as gravimetric and
solvent extraction determination may be used on a routine basis provided that these
methods have been shown to give equal results to those of chemical assay. In case of
dispute, chemical assay shall be the "referee method".

Page 73
6.11 Wettable powders (WP), continued

Note 9 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be at the highest rate of use
recommended by the supplier.
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 11 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.
Note 12 If, due to irreversible changes in the characteristics of the bag material when stored
above 50°C, the test temperature should not exceed 45°C, refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 13 Sub-sampling
Lay the bag on a bench and carefully open one side of the bag with a cutter, taking care
not to damage the seals.
Transfer the contents of the bag into a suitable flask. This material shall be used to
carry out the tests for:
- active ingredient identity (,
- active ingredient content (,
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- water content (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- wet sieve test (,
- wettability (,
- dissolution of the bag (,
- suspensibility (,
- persistent foam (,
as required.
The bag is then opened on three sides, completely cleaned from adhering powder by
brushing or suction and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. It shall be used to carry out the
dissolution test ( Aliquots of an aqueous solution of the bag material shall be
used in the suspensibility ( and persistent foam ( tests.
In the case of delay of the above tests, the bag shall be stored in a watertight container
(glass bottle or equivalent) to avoid any change in its properties.
Note 14 The sampling of the bag for the dissolution test should be as follows:
"Lay the empty cleaned bag in its original configuration (double layer). Delineate and
then cut up a test sample including part of the upper seal (5 cm) and symmetrically
including the vertical seal (10 cm)."
If the size of the bag is less than this dimension, use the whole bag.
Carry out the dissolution test immediately to avoid any modification of the sample.
Note 15 The procedure for adding the bag material to the solution for the suspensibility and the
persistent foam tests should be as follows:
Prepare a stock solution of the bag material (1 mg/ml) by weighing approximately a
100 mg sample (n mg) of the bag (excluding sealed parts) to the nearest mg. Dissolve
this sample by stirring in the standard water used for the tests to give a final volume of
n ml. Store the stock solution in a stoppered bottle before use.

Page 74
6.11 Wettable powders (WP), continued

Calculate the volume (V ml) of the stock solution of the bag to be added to the test
suspension of the wettable powder according to the following equation:
V(ml) = X x 1000B
where: B (g) = weight of the emptied and cleaned bag
W (g) = nominal weight of the WP contained in the bag
X (g) = weight of the WP sample used in the test."

Page 75
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

The guidelines for seed treatment formulations do not apply to formulations

intended for film-coating or pelleting of seeds. They include special clauses,
related to their use pattern, although some of the corresponding test methods are
not yet developed. The influence of treatment on germination is of major
importance but it is not the subject of a specification clause because no test
method is applicable to all types of seeds. To avoid adverse effects, users
should apply the formulation strictly according to the recommendations of the
manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on germination is not
known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and should be
protected from excessive temperature and moisture.


[CIPAC number]/WS

6.12.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ......
[ISO common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO
specification [......], in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), together with carriers
and any other necessary formulants, including colouring matter (Note 1). It shall
be in the form of a powder free from visible extraneous matter and hard lumps.

6.12.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient(s) shall comply with an identity test and,
where the identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one
additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ
from that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in
the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

Page 76
6.12 Water dispersible powders for slurry seed treatment (WS), continued

6.12.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)
If required, maximum: ...... g/kg.

6.12.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Wet sieve test (MT 185) (Note 5)
Maximum: ......% of the formulation shall be retained on a ......µm
test sieve. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 6)
Maximum: ...... ml after ...... min. Wettability (MT 53.3)
The formulation shall be completely wetted in ...... min without

6.12.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 7) the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 8) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- wet sieve test (,
as required.

Page 77
6.12 Water dispersible powders for slurry seed treatment (WS), continued

Note 1 The influence of treatment on germination is of major importance but it is not the subject
of a specification clause because no test method is applicable to all types of seeds. To
avoid adverse effects, users should apply the formulation strictly according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on
germination is not known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and
should be protected from excessive temperature and moisture.
The formulation shall contain a dye or pigment that permanently colours the seed after
treatment (red is recommended) and cannot be removed by washing with water. In
some countries, there may be a legal requirement that a specific colour shall be used.
The same colour should not be used for denaturing seeds to be used as livestock
feeding stuffs.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 This test should detect coarse particles or extraneous materials which could cause
blockage of spray nozzles or filters of the application equipment. It should be performed
at the application concentration.
Note 6 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be specified at the highest rate of use
recommended by the supplier.
Note 7 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 8 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 78

Water dispersible granules are intended for application after disintegration and
dispersion in water by conventional spraying equipment.
WGs are formulated in many different ways depending on the physico-chemical
properties of the active ingredient and the manufacturing equipment available.
This can lead to products of differing appearances and differing particle size
ranges. Products with a wide particle size range may give rise to some
segregation in the containers. However, since the mixture from which WGs are
formed is homogeneous, it is possible to allow a wider particle size range than
typically used for GRs.
In order to check the properties of a WG according to a given specification, it is
essential that the sample taken is representative. A method of sample
preparation of WG is available (CIPAC MT 166: "Sample preparation for
analytical determination of WG") which should be applied.
Where the material is packed in sealed water soluble bags, samples of intact
bags for analysis and testing should be taken from a freshly opened commercial
container, if practicable.
The properties specified in this guideline are considered to be essential for good
field performance. In addition to the properties usually considered for WP, these
are degree of dispersion in water, dustiness, and flow properties.
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.


(CIPAC No ......)/WG

6.13.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ...... [ISO
common name], complying with the requirements of the FAO/WHO specification
...... , in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), together with carriers and any other
necessary formulants. It shall be in the form of granules (Note 1) for application
after disintegration and dispersion in water. The formulation shall be dry, free-
flowing, essentially non-dusty, and free from visible extraneous matter and hard
Where the material is packaged in sealed water soluble bags, the description
shall be as follows (Note 2):
The material shall consist of a defined quantity of ...... [ISO common name] water
dispersible granules complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification
...... , in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), contained in a sealed water soluble

Page 79
6.13 Water dispersible granules (WG), continued

6.13.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 3)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 3)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in the
table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

6.13.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Notes 5 & 6)
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

6.13.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 6)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Wettability (MT 53.3) (Note 7)
The formulation shall be completely wetted in ...... min. Wet sieve test (MT 185)
Maximum: ......% retained on a 75 µm test sieve. Degree of dispersion (MT 174)
Dispersibility: minimum ......% after 1 minute of stirring. Suspensibility (MT 168, MT 184) (Notes 8 & 9)
A minimum of ......% shall be in suspension after 30 min in CIPAC
Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 10).
In the case of water soluble bag packaging, the requirements of
clause should be applied.

Page 80
6.13 Water dispersible granules (WG), continued Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 11)

Maximum: ...... ml after 1 minute. Dustiness (MT 171) (Note 12)
Essentially non-dusty. Flowability (MT 172)
At least ......% of the formulation shall pass through a 5 mm test sieve
after 20 drops of the sieve.

6.13.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 13), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower that ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 14) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- wet sieve test (,
- degree of dispersion (,
- suspensibility (,
- dustiness (,
as required.
In the case of water soluble bag packaging, the package should be
enclosed in a watertight sachet, box or any other container at ......°C
(Note 15) for ...... days. The determined average active ingredient
content must not be lower than ......% relative to the determined
average content found before storage, and the formulation shall
continue to comply with the clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- degree of dispersion (,
- dissolution of the bag (,
- suspensibility (,
- persistent foam (,
as required. None of the bags tested should show signs of leakage
or rupture during normal handling, before and after storage.

6.13.6 Material packaged in a sealed water soluble bag (Notes 16, 17 & 18) Dissolution of the bag (MT 176)
The dissolution of the bag shall be tested on a sample of the emptied
and cleaned bag taken according to the procedure described in Note
17, together with an appropriate proportion of the WG.
Flow time of the suspension: maximum ...... sec.

Page 81
6.13 Water dispersible granules (WG), continued Suspensibility (MT 168, MT 184) (Notes 8, 9 & 18)

The suspensibility shall be tested on a suspension containing the
WG and the bag material in the actual ratio of application, prepared
according to the procedure described in Note 17.
A minimum of ......% shall be in suspension after 30 min in CIPAC
Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Notes 9 & 10). Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 11)
The persistent foam shall be tested on a suspension containing the
WG and the bag in the actual ratio of application, prepared according
to the procedure described in note 18.
Note 1 Depending on the manufacturing conditions, WGs may have different forms and particle
size ranges. To describe specific formulations, it is recommended that information
about the form (e.g. irregular shape, nearly spherical, cylindrical...) is added and the
nominal size range stated.
Note 2 For record keeping purposes, the suffix "SB" should be added to the formulation code
Note 3 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 5 There may be cases where a minimum water content has to be specified.
Note 6 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 7 The method to be used shall be stated, either with or without swirling.
Note 8 The formulation should be tested at the highest and lowest rates of use recommended
by the supplier, provided this does not exceed the conditions given in methods MT 168
and MT 184.
Note 9 Chemical assay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active
ingredient still in suspension. However, the simpler gravimetric method, MT 168, may
be used on a routine basis provided that it has been shown to give equal results to
those of chemical assay. In case of dispute, chemical assay shall be the "referee
Note 10 Unless another temperature is specified.
Note 11 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be specified at the highest rate
recommended by the supplier.
Note 12 Measurement of dustiness must be carried out on the sample "as received" and, where
practicable, the sample should be taken from a newly opened container, because
changes in the water content of samples may influence dustiness significantly. The
optical method, MT 171, usually shows good correlation with the gravimetric method
and can, therefore, be used as an alternative where the equipment is available. Where
the correlation is in doubt, it must be checked with the formulation to be tested. In case
of dispute the gravimetric method shall be used.
Note 13 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 14 Analysis of the formulation, before and after the storage stability test, should be carried
out concurrently (i.e. after storage) to reduce analytical error.

Page 82
6.13 Water dispersible granules (WG), continued

Note 15 If irreversible changes in the characteristics of the bag material are known to occur
when stored at elevated temperatures, refer to Section 4.6.2 of this Manual for
alternative storage conditions.
Note 16 Sub-sampling.
Lay the bag on a bench and carefully open one side of the bag with a cutter, taking care
not to damage the seals.
Transfer the contents of the bag into a suitable flask. This material shall be used to
carry out the tests for:
- active ingredient identity (,
- active ingredient content (,
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- water content (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- wettability (,
- wet sieve test (,
- degree of dispersion (,
- dissolution of the bag (,
- suspensibility (,
- persistent foam (,
as required.
The bag is then opened on three sides, completely cleaned from adhering powder by
brushing or suction and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. It shall be used to carry out the
dissolution test ( Aliquots of an aqueous solution of the bag material shall be
used in the suspensibility ( and persistent foam ( tests.
In the case of delay of the above tests, the bag shall be stored in a watertight container
(glass bottle or equivalent) to avoid any change in its properties.
Note 17 The sampling of the bag for the dissolution test should be as follows:
"Lay the empty cleaned bag in its original configuration (double layer). Delineate and
then cut up a test sample including part of the upper seal (5 cm) and symmetrically
including the vertical seal (10 cm)."
If the size of the bag is less than this dimension, use the whole bag.
Carry out the dissolution test immediately to avoid any modification of the sample.
Note 18 The procedure for adding the bag material to the solution for the tests for dissolution of
the bag, suspensibility and persistent foam should be as follows:
"Prepare a stock solution of the bag material (1 mg/ml) by weighing approximately a 100
mg sample (n mg) of the bag (excluding sealed parts) to the nearest mg. Dissolve this
sample by stirring in the standard water used for the tests to give a final volume of n ml.
Store the stock solution in a stoppered bottle before use.
Calculate the volume (V ml) of the stock solution of the bag to be added to the test
suspension of the water dispersible granule according to the following equation:
V(ml) = X x 1000B
where: B (g) = weight of the emptied and cleaned bag
W (g) = nominal weight of the WG contained in the bag
X (g) = weight of the WG sample used in the test."

Page 83

Tablets are pre-formed solids of uniform shape and dimensions, usually circular,
with either flat or convex faces, the distance between faces being less than the
diameter. Their size and weight is determined by manufacturing and/or use
requirements. Water dispersible tablets (WT) are intended for application after
disintegration and dispersion in water by conventional spraying equipment.
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.


[CIPAC number]/WT

6.14.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ...... [ISO
common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification
[……], in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), together with carriers and any other
necessary formulants. It shall be in the form of tablets for application after
disintegration and dispersion in water. The formulation shall be dry, of unbroken
and free-flowing tablets, and shall be free from visible extraneous matter.

6.14.2 Active ingredient (Note 1) Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in the
table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

6.14.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Notes 1 & 3)
If required,
Maximum: ……% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

Page 84
6.14 Water dispersible tablets (WT), continued Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)

Maximum: … g/kg.

6.14.4 Physical properties (Note 1) Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 4, 5 & 6)
If required (not applicable to effervescent tablets),
Maximum acidity: … g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: … g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: … to … Disintegration time
Effervescent tablets only (Method under consideration) (Note 7).
Maximum: … min for total disintegration. Wet sieve test (MT 185)
Maximum: … % retained on a 75 µm test sieve. Suspensibility (MT 184) (Notes 6 and 8)
A minimum of … % shall be in suspension (Note 9) after 30 min in
CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 ± 2ºC (Note 10). Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 6 & 11)
Maximum: … ml after 1 minute. Tablet integrity (Method under consideration)
No broken tablets
Maximum degree of attrition: ...... % (loose packed tablets).
Maximum degree of attrition: ...... % (close packed tablets).

6.14.5 Storage stability (Note 1) Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 10) without pressure
(Note 13), the determined average active ingredient content must not
be lower than … % relative to the determined average content found
before storage (Note 13) and the formulation shall continue to comply
with the clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- disintegration time (,
- wet sieve test (,
- suspensibility (,
- tablet integrity (,
as required.

Page 85
6.14 Water dispersible tablets (WT), continued

Note 1 Sub-samples for analysis are prepared as follows.

An entire tablet (or several entire tablets) must be taken. The tablet(s) should be
milled and thoroughly mixed to provide an homogeneous powder, prior to
weighing a portion for analysis.
Sub-samples for tests of physical properties and storage stability are prepared as
(a) To determine tablet integrity (, disintegration time (, or
storage stability (, the tablet(s) must not be broken for the purpose,
prior to the test.
(b) The tablet(s) may be broken to provide the size of test portion required for
CIPAC methods MT 31, MT 75.3, MT 47.2, MT 184 and MT 185 and must be
completely disintegrated for the purposes of these tests.
(c) For determination of tablet integrity, an entire pack of tablets should be used.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 Where relevant.
Note 6 Before running the CIPAC test, it is necessary to let the tablet(s) disintegrate completely
into a 250 ml beaker containing 50 ml of the water required by the method. A gentle
stirring may be needed.
Note 7 Effervescent tablets are tablets which incorporate an effervescent system.
Note 8 The formulation should be tested at the highest and lowest rates of use recommended
by the supplier, provided this does not exceed the conditions given in method MT 184.
Note 9 Chemical assay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active
ingredient still in suspension. However, the simpler gravimetric method, MT 168, may
be used on a routine basis provided that it has been shown to give equal results to
those of chemical assay. In case of dispute, chemical assay shall be the "referee
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions. Storage stability tests will be performed only
on intact tablets.
Note 11 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be specified at the highest rate
recommended by the supplier.
Note 12 Without pressure means that the test is done as specified by CIPAC MT 46.3, but no
pressure is applied to the sample during its ageing.
Note 13 Analysis of the formulation before and after storage stability test, should be carried out
concurrently (i.e. after storage) to minimize the analytical error.

Page 86

A water emulsifiable granule is a formulation consisting of granules to be applied
as a conventional O/W emulsion of the active ingredient(s), either solubilized or
diluted in an organic solvent, after disintegration and dissolution in water.
Water emulsifiable granules comprise one or several active ingredient(s), either
solubilized or diluted in a suitable organic solvent which is (are) absorbed in a
water soluble polymeric shell or some other type of soluble or insoluble matrix.
The formulation may contain other formulants as necessary.
Water emulsifiable granules are treated in a similar fashion to water dispersible
granules (WG) and emulsifiable concentrates (EC) as they disintegrate and
emulsify on dilution into water.
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] EMULSIFIABLE GRANULES


6.15.1 Description
The material shall consist of granules (Note A1) containing technical ...... [ISO
common name] in the form of ……. (see Section 4.2), complying with the
requirements of FAO specification ......, which may be dissolved in an organic
solvent, together with other suitable formulants. The material shall be
homogeneous, dry, free-flowing, free from visible extraneous matter and hard
lumps and provide an emulsion upon dilution in water.

Notes A to F are explanatory notes for the preparation of a draft specification and should not be
included in the final specification. Notes 1 to 3 should be included in the final specification.

Page 87
6.15 Emulsifiable granules (EG), continued

6.15.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note B)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall at least comply with an additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note B)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in the table
of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

6.15.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note B & C)
If required,
Maximum: ...... % of the …… [ISO common name] content found under Water (MT 30)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

6.15.4 Physical properties Acidity or Alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 1)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH
pH range: ...... to ...... Wettability (MT 53.3) (Note D)
The formulation shall be completely wetted in ...... min. Dispersion stability (MT 180)
The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2 °C with CIPAC Standard
Waters A and D, shall comply with the following:
Initial determination
sediment volume ...... ml
top cream (or oil) ...... ml
sediment volume ...... ml
top cream (or oil) ...... ml

Page 88
6.15 Emulsifiable granules (EG), continued Wet sieve test (MT 185) (Note 2)

Maximum: ...... % retained on a 75 µm test sieve. Dustiness (MT 171)
The formulation shall be nearly dust-free or essential non-dusty
(Note E). Persistent foam (MT 47.2)
Maximum ...... ml after 1 minute.

6.15.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2 °C for 14 days (Note F), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ...... %
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 3) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the clauses
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity, alkalinity or pH range (,
- dispersion stability (,
- wet sieve test (,
- dustiness (,
as required.
Note 1 In case of drifting pH values, the reading on the pH-meter is taken as constant
and valid if the deviation in value is less than 0.1 pH unit over a period of 10 min
(without stirring).
Note 2 The test will detect any coarse particle which could cause blockage of nozzles and
Note 3 Analysis of the formulation before and after storage stability test should be carried out at
the same time (i.e. after storage) to reduce the analytical error.
Note A Depending on the manufacturing process, the granules may have different forms and
particle size ranges. To describe specific formulations, it is recommended that the form
is described (e.g. irregular shape, nearly spherical, cylindrical) and that the nominal size
range is stated.
Note B Methods of analysis for the active ingredient must be CIPAC, AOAC. Methods of
analysis for relevant impurities must be peer validated. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate validation data, must be submitted to
FAO by the proposer.
Note C This clause should only include relevant impurities.
Note D The method to be used shall be stated, either without or with swirling (MT 53.3.1 or
MT 53.3.2).
Note E For individual specifications, use only one of these criteria.
Note F Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.

Page 89

A water-emulsifiable powder is applied as a conventional oil-in-water emulsion of
the active ingredient(s), after dispersion in water. The active ingredient(s) may
be solubilized or diluted in organic solvent(s).
Water emulsifiable powders contain one or more active ingredient(s), either
solubilized or diluted in suitable organic solvent(s) which is (are) absorbed in a
water soluble polymer powder or some other type of soluble or insoluble powder.
The formulation may contain other formulants, as necessary.
Water emulsifiable powders are treated in a similar fashion to water dispersible
powders (WP), emulsifiable granules (EG) and emulsifiable concentrates (EC),
as they disperse and emulsify on dilution in water.
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] EMULSIFIABLE POWDER


6.16.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ...... [ISO
common name], complying with the requirements of FAO specification [......], in
the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), together with any other necessary formulants.
The material shall be dry, free flowing, free from visible extraneous matter and
hard lumps and provide an emulsion upon dilution in water.

6.16.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 1)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall at least comply with an additional test. ...... [ISO common name]content (Note 1)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in the table
of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

Page 90
6.16 Emulsifiable powders (EP), continued

6.16.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Notes 1 and 2)
If required,
Maximum: ...... % of the …… [ISO common name] content found under Water (MT 30.5)
If required
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

6.16.4 Physical properties Acidity or Alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Wettability (MT 53.3) (Note 3)
The formulation should be completely wetted in ...... min. Dispersion stability (MT 180)
The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2 °C with CIPAC Standard
Waters A and D, shall comply with the following:
Initial determination
sediment volume ...... ml
top cream (or oil) ...... ml
sediment volume ...... ml
top cream (or oil) ...... ml Wet sieve test (MT 185) (Note 4)

Maximum: ...... % retained on a 75 µm test sieve. Persistent foam (MT 47.2)
Maximum ...... ml after 1 minute.

Page 91
6.16 Emulsifiable powders (EP), continued

6.16.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2 °C for 14 days (Note 5), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ...... %
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 6) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the clauses
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity, alkalinity or pH range (,
- dispersion stability (,
- wet sieve test (,
as required.

Note 1 Methods of analysis for the active ingredient must be CIPAC, AOAC. Methods of
analysis for relevant impurities must be peer validated. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate validation data, must be submitted to
FAO by the proposer.
Note 2 This clause should only include relevant impurities.
Note 3 The method to be used shall be stated, either without or with swirling (MT 53.3.1 or
MT 53.3.2).
Note 4 The test will detect any coarse particle which could cause blockage of nozzles and
Note 5 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 6 Analysis of the formulation before and after storage stability test, should be carried out
at the same time (i.e. after storage) to reduce the analytical error.

Page 92
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] WATER SOLUBLE POWDER

[CIPAC number]/SP

6.21.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ...... [ISO
common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ......
, in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), together with any necessary formulants. It
shall be in the form of a powder to be applied as a true solution of the active
ingredient after solution in water, but which may contain insoluble inert
Where the material is packaged in sealed water soluble bags, the description
shall be as follows (Note 1):
The material shall consist of a defined quantity of a ...... [ISO common name]
water soluble powder complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO
specification ...... , in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), contained in a sealed
water soluble bag.

6.21.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in the
table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

6.21.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)
If required, maximum: ...... g/kg

Page 93
6.21 Water soluble powders (SP), continued

6.21.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Wettability (MT 53.3) (Note 5)
The formulation shall be completely wetted in ...... min without
swirling. Degree of dissolution and solution stability (MT 179) (Note 6)
Residue of formulation retained on a 75 µm test sieve after
dissolution in CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 7):
Maximum: ......% after 5 min.
Maximum: ......% after 18 hours. Persistent foam (MT 47.2)
If required, maximum: ...... ml after ...... min (Note 8)
In the case of water soluble bag packaging, the provisions of clause should be applied.

6.21.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 9), the determined average
active ingredient content must not be lower than ......% relative to the
determined average content found before storage (Note 10) and the
formulation shall continue to comply with the clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- wettability (,
- degree of dissolution and solution stability (,
as required.
In the case of water soluble bag packaging, the package should be
enclosed in a watertight sachet, box or any other container at ......°C
(Note 11) for ...... days. The determined average active ingredient
content must not be lower than ......% relative to the determined
average content found before storage, and the formulation shall
continue to comply with the clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- wettability (,
- dissolution of the bag (,

Page 94
6.21 Water soluble powders (SP), continued

- degree of dissolution and solution stability (,

- persistent foam (,
as required. None of the bags tested should show signs of leakage
or rupture during normal handling, before and after storage.

6.21.6 Material packaged in a sealed water soluble bag (Notes 12, 13 & 14) Dissolution of the bag (MT 176)
The dissolution of the bag shall be tested on a sample of the emptied
and cleaned bag taken according to the procedure described in Note
13, together with an appropriate proportion of the SP.
Flow time of the suspension: maximum ...... sec. Degree of dissolution and solution stability (MT 179) (Note 6)
The degree of dissolution and solution stability shall be tested on a
solution containing the SP and the bag material in the actual ratio of
application, prepared according to the procedure described in Note
Residue of formulation retained on a ...... µm test sieve after
dissolution in CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 7).
Maximum: ......% after 5 min.
Maximum: ...... % after 18 hours. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 8)
The persistent foam shall be tested on a solution containing the SP
and the bag in the actual ratio of application, prepared according to
the procedure described in Note 14.
Note 1 For record keeping purposes, the suffix "SB" should be added to the formulation code
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 A typical figure is 1 minute.
Note 6 This test will detect coarse particles which arise from impurities in the technical material
and/or are present as inert ingredients, which could cause blockage of nozzles or filters
in the application equipment.
Note 7 Unless another temperature and/or water is specified.
Note 8 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be specified at the highest rate of use
recommended by the supplier.
Note 9 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.

Page 95
6.21 Water soluble powders (SP), continued

Note 10 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.
Note 11 If, due to irreversible changes in the characteristics of the bag material when stored
above 50°C, the test temperature should not exceed 45°C, refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 12 Sub-sampling
Lay the bag on a bench and carefully open one side of the bag with a cutter, taking care
not to damage the seals.
Transfer the contents of the bag into a suitable flask. This material shall be used to
carry out the tests for:
- active ingredient identity (,
- active ingredient content (,
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- water content (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- wettability (,
- dissolution of the bag (,
- degree of dissolution and solution stability (,
- persistent foam (,
as required.
The bag is then opened on three sides, completely cleaned from adhering powder by
brushing or suction and weighed to the nearest centigram. It shall be used to carry out
the dissolution test ( Aliquots of an aqueous solution of the bag material shall
be used in the suspensibility ( and persistent foam ( tests.
In the case of delay of the above tests, the bag shall be stored in a watertight container
(glass bottle or equivalent) to avoid any change in its properties.
Note 13 The sampling of the bag for the dissolution test should be as follows:
"Lay the empty cleaned bag in its original configuration (double layer). Delineate and
then cut up a test sample including part of the upper seal (5 cm) and symmetrically
including the vertical seal (10 cm)."
If the size of the bag is less than this dimension, use the whole bag.
Carry out the dissolution test immediately to avoid any modification of the sample.
Note 14 The procedure for adding the bag material to the solution for the rate of dissolution,
solution stability and the persistent foam tests should be as follows:
"Prepare a stock solution of the bag material (1 mg/ml) by weighing approximately a 100
mg sample (n mg) of the bag (excluding sealed parts) to the nearest mg. Dissolve this
sample by stirring in the standard water used for the tests to give a final volume of n ml.
Store the stock solution in a stoppered bottle before use.
Calculate the volume (V ml) of the stock solution of the bag to be added to the test
suspension of the water soluble powder according to the following equation:
V(ml) = X x 1000B
where: B (g) = weight of the emptied and cleaned bag
W (g) = nominal weight of the SP contained in the bag
X (g) = weight of the SP sample used in the test."

Page 96
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

The guidelines for seed treatment formulations do not apply to formulations

intended for film-coating or pelleting of seeds. They include special clauses,
related to their use pattern, although some of the corresponding test methods are
not yet developed. The influence of treatment on germination is of major
importance but it is not the subject of a specification clause because no test
method is applicable to all types of seeds. To avoid adverse effects, users
should apply the formulation strictly according to the recommendations of the
manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on germination is not
known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and should be
protected from excessive temperature and moisture.


[CIPAC number]/SS

6.22.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical [ISO common
name)], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ...... , in the
form of ...... (see Section 4.2), together with any necessary formulants including
colouring matter (Note 1). It shall be in the form of a water soluble powder, free
from visible extraneous matter and hard lumps.

6.22.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in the
table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

Page 97
6.22 Water soluble powders for seed treatment (SS), continued

6.22.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Insolubles (MT 10) (Note 4)
Water, maximum: ...... g/kg.

6.22.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 5)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Degree of dissolution and solution stability (MT 179)
Maximum residue after 5 min: ...... %.
Maximum residue after 18 h: ...... %. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 6)
Maximum: ...... ml after ...... min.

6.22.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 7), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 8) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- water insoluble material (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- degree of dissolution and solution stability (,
as required.
Note 1 The influence of treatment on germination is of major importance but it is not the subject
of a specification clause because no test method is applicable to all types of seeds. To
avoid adverse effects, users should apply the formulation strictly according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on
germination is not known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and
should be protected from excessive temperature and moisture.
The formulation shall contain a dye or pigment that permanently colours the seed after
treatment (red is recommended) and cannot be removed by washing with water. In
some countries, there may be a legal requirement that a specific colour shall be used.
The same colour should not be used for denaturing seeds to be used as livestock
feeding stuffs.

Page 98
6.22 Water soluble powders for seed treatment (SS), continued

Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 This test should detect coarse particles or extraneous materials which could cause
blockage of spray nozzles or filters of the application equipment. It should be performed
at the application concentration.
Note 5 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 6 The test should be carried out at the application concentration.
Note 7 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 8 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 99
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] WATER SOLUBLE GRANULES

(CIPAC No ......)/SG

6.23.1 Description
The material shall consist of granules containing technical ...... [ISO common
name] complying with the requirements of the FAO/WHO specification ......, in
the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), and, if required, suitable carriers and/or
necessary formulants. It shall be homogeneous, free from visible extraneous
matter and/or hard lumps, free flowing, and essentially non-dusty. The active
ingredient shall be soluble in water. Insoluble carriers and formulants shall not
interfere with compliance with
Where the material is packaged in sealed water soluble bags, the description
shall be as follows (Note 1):
The material shall consist of a defined quantity of ...... [ISO common name] water
soluble granules complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ......
, in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), contained in a sealed water soluble bag.
This quantity corresponds to the treatment of a defined area.

6.23.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient(s) shall comply with an identity test and, where
the identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in the
table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

6.23.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: .…..% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

Page 100
6.23 Water soluble granules (SG), continued Water (MT 30.5) (Notes 4 and 5)

If required, maximum: ..…. g/kg.

6.23.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 6)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Degree of dissolution and solution stability (MT 179)
Residue of formulation retained on a ...... µm test sieve after
dissolution in CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 7).
Maximum: ...... % after 5 min.
Maximum: ...... % after 18 hours. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 8)
If required, maximum ...... ml after 1 min.
In the case of water soluble bag packaging, the provisions of clause should be applied. Dustiness (MT 171) (Note 9)
Essentially non-dusty Flowability (MT 172)
At least ......% of the formulation shall pass through a 5 mm test sieve
after 20 drops of the sieve.

6.23.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperatures (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 10) the determined
average active ingredient content shall not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 11) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- degree of dissolution and solution stability (,
- dustiness (,
as required.
In the case of water soluble bag packaging, the package should be
enclosed in a watertight sachet, box or any other container at ...... °C
(Note 12) for ...... days. The determined average active ingredient
content must not be lower than ......% relative to the determined
average content found before storage, and the formulation shall
continue to comply with the clauses for:
Page 101
6.23 Water soluble granules (SG), continued

- by-products of manufacture or storage (,

- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- dissolution of the bag (,
- degree of dissolution and solution stability (,
- persistent foam (,
as required. None of the bags tested should show signs of leakage
or rupture during normal handling, before and after storage.
6.23.6 Material packaged in a sealed water soluble bag (Notes 13, 14 & 15) Dissolution of the bag (MT 176)
The dissolution of the bag shall be tested on a sample of the emptied
and cleaned bag taken according to the procedure described in Note
14, together with an appropriate proportion of the SG.
Flow time of the solution: maximum ...... sec. Degree of dissolution and solution stability (MT 179)
The degree of dissolution and solution stability shall be tested on a
solution containing the SG and the bag material in the actual ratio of
application, prepared according to the procedure described in Note
Residue of formulation retained on a ...... µm test sieve after
dissolution in CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 7).
Maximum: ......% after 5 min.
Maximum: ...... % after 18 hours. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 8)
The persistent foam shall be tested on a solution containing the SG
and the bag in the actual ratio of application, prepared according to
the procedure described in Note 15.
Note 1 For record keeping purposes, the suffix "SB" should be added to the formulation code
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 If required, a minimum water content may be specified as an alternative, or in addition,
to the maximum.
Note 6 If required.
Note 7 Unless other temperatures or waters are specified.
Note 8 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be specified at the highest rate of use
recommended by the supplier.

Page 102
6.23 Water soluble granules (SG), continued

Note 9 The optical method, MT 171, usually shows good correlation with the gravimetric
method and can, therefore, be used as an alternative where the equipment is available.
Where the correlation is in doubt, it must be checked with the formulation to be tested.
In case of dispute the gravimetric method shall be used.
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 11 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed together after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.
Note 12 If, due to irreversible changes in the characteristics of the bag material when stored
above 50°C, the test temperature should not exceed 45°C, refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 13 Sub-sampling
Lay the bag on a bench and carefully open one side of the bag with a cutter, taking care
not to damage the seals.
Transfer the contents of the bag into a suitable flask. This material shall be used to
carry out the tests for:
- active ingredient identity (,
- active ingredient content (,
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- water content (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- dissolution of the bag (,
- degree of dissolution (,
- persistent foam (,
as required.
The bag is then opened on three sides, completely cleaned from adhering powder by
brushing or suction and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. It shall be used to carry out the
dissolution test ( Aliquots of an aqueous solution of the bag material shall be
used in the degree of dissolution and solution stability ( and persistent foam
( tests. In the case of delay of the above tests, the bag shall be stored in a
watertight container (glass bottle or equivalent) to avoid any change in its properties.
Note 14 The sampling of the bag for the dissolution test should be as follows:
"Lay the empty cleaned bag in its original configuration (double layer). Delineate and
then cut up a test sample including part of the upper seal (5 cm) and symmetrically
including the vertical seal (10 cm)." If the size of the bag is less than this dimension,
use the whole bag. Carry out the dissolution test immediately to avoid any modification
of the sample.
Note 15 The procedure for adding the bag material to the solution for the rate of dissolution,
solution stability and the persistent foam tests should be as follows:
"Prepare a stock solution of the bag material (1 mg/ml) by weighing approximately a 100
mg sample (n mg) of the bag (excluding sealed parts) to the nearest mg. Dissolve this
sample by stirring in the standard water used for the tests to give a final volume of n ml.
Store the stock solution in a stoppered bottle before use. Calculate the volume (V ml) of
the stock solution of the bag to be added to the test suspension of the water soluble
granule according to the following equation:
V(ml) = X x 1000B
where: B (g) = weight of the emptied and cleaned bag
W (g) = nominal weight of the SG contained in the bag
X (g) = weight of the SG sample used in the test."

Page 103

Tablets are pre-formed solids of uniform shape and dimensions, usually circular,
with either flat or convex faces, the distance between faces being less than the
diameter. Their size and weight is determined by manufacturing and/or use
requirements. Water soluble tablets (ST) are intended for application after
dissolution in water by conventional spraying equipment. STs contain an active
ingredient which is totally soluble in water at use rate concentrations.
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] WATER SOLUBLE TABLETS

[CIPAC number]/ST

6.24.1 Description
The material shall consist of an homogeneous mixture of technical ...... [ISO
common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification …,
in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), together with carriers and any other
necessary formulants. It shall be in the form of tablets for application after
disintegration and dissolution in water. The formulation shall be of dry, unbroken,
free-flowing tablets and shall be free from extraneous matter.

6.24.2 Active ingredient (Note 1) Identity tests
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Notes 1 & 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance, given in the
table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

6.24.3 Relevant impurities (Note 1) By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: …… % of the …… [ISO common name] content found

Page 104
6.24 Water soluble tablets (ST), continued Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)

Maximum: … g/kg.
6.24.4 Physical properties (Note 1) Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Notes 4, 5 &
If required (not applicable to effervescent tablets),
Maximum acidity: … g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: … g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: … to … Disintegration time
Effervescent tablets only (Method under consideration) (Note 6)
Maximum: … min for total disintegration Degree of dissolution and solution stability (MT 179) (Note 7)
Maximum: … % retained after 5 min on a 75 µm test sieve.
Maximum: … % retained after 18 hours on a 75 µm test sieve. Wet sieve test (MT 185) (Note 8)
Maximum: … % retained on a 75 µm test sieve. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Notes 5 & 9)
Maximum: … ml after 1 minute. Tablet integrity (Method under consideration)
No broken tablets
Maximum degree of attrition: ...... % (loose packed tablets).
Maximum degree of attrition: ...... % (close packed tablets).
6.24.5 Storage stability (Note 1) Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 10) without pressure
(Note 11), the determined average active ingredient content must not
be lower than … % relative to the determined average content found
before storage (Note 12) and the formulation shall continue to comply
with the clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- disintegration time (,
- degree of dissolution and solution stability (,
- wet sieve test (,
- tablet integrity (,
as required.

Page 105
6.24 Water soluble tablets (ST), continued

Note 1 Sub-samples for analysis are prepared as follows.

An entire tablet (or several entire tablets) must be taken. The tablet(s) should be
milled and thoroughly mixed to provide an homogeneous powder, prior to
weighing a portion for analysis.
Sub-samples for tests of physical properties and storage stability are prepared as
(a) To determine:
- tablet integrity (,
- disintegration time (,
- degree of dissolution / solution stability (,
- storage stability (,
the tablet(s) must not be broken for the purpose, prior to the test.
(b) The tablet(s) may be broken to provide the size of test portion required for
CIPAC methods MT 31, MT 75.3 and MT 47.2 and must be completely
disintegrated for the purposes of these tests.
(c) For determination of tablet integrity, an entire pack of tablets should be used.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 Before performing the CIPAC test, it is necessary to let the tablet(s) disintegrate
completely into a 250 ml beaker containing 50 ml of the water required by the method.
A gentle stirring may be needed.
Note 6 Effervescent tablets are tablets which incorporate an effervescent system.
Note 7 MT 179 requires that the formulation is tested at the highest recommended use
concentration, with a minimum of 3 g in a total of 250 ml. Nevertheless, to evaluate the
degree of dissolution, the tablet(s) must not be broken. Therefore the number of entire
tablets used should be the closest possible to the highest recommended concentration
(with a minimum of 3 g). For effervescent tablets, the cylinder should not be stoppered
and inverted until effervescence has ceased.
Note 8 For wet sieving of effervescent tablets, the dispersion obtained in the test for
disintegration time ( is directly poured through the sieve and rinsed.
Note 9 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be the highest rate recommended by
the supplier.
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions. Storage stability tests must be performed
only on intact tablets.
Note 11 Without pressure means that the test is performed as specified by CIPAC MT 46.3, but
no pressure is applied to the sample during its ageing.
Note 12 Analysis of the formulation before and after storage the stability test, should be carried
out concurrently (i.e. after storage), to minimize the analytical error.

Page 106

7.1 Soluble Concentrates (SL)
7.2 Solutions for Seed Treatment (LS)
7.3 Oil miscible liquids (OL)
7.4 Ultra-Low Volume Liquids (UL).
7.11 Emulsifiable Concentrates (EC)
7.12 Dispersible concentrates (DC)
7.21 Emulsions, Oil in Water (EW)
7.22 Emulsions for Seed Treatment (ES)
7.23 Micro-emulsions (ME)
7.31 Aqueous Suspension Concentrates (SC)
7.32 Flowable Concentrate for Seed Treatment (FS)
7.33 Capsule suspensions (CS)
7.34 Oil-based Suspension Concentrates (OD)
7.41 Aqueous Suspo-Emulsions (SE)

Page 107
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] SOLUBLE CONCENTRATE

[CIPAC number]/SL

7.1.1 Description
The material shall consist of technical ...... [ISO common name], complying with
the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ......, in the form of ....... (see Section
4.2), dissolved in suitable solvents, together with any other necessary formulants.
It shall be in the form of a clear or opalescent liquid, free from visible suspended
matter and sediment, to be applied as a true solution of the active ingredient in

7.1.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 1)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Notes 1 & 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC) and, when determined, the average content measured
shall not differ from that declared by more than the appropriate
tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

7.1.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Notes 4 & 5)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

Page 108
7.1 Soluble concentrates (SL), continued

7.1.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 5)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Solution stability (MT 41)

The formulation, after the stability test at 54°C (clause and
following dilution (Note 6) with CIPAC standard water D and standing
at 30 ± 2°C for 18 h, shall give a clear or opalescent solution, free
from more than a trace of sediment and visible solid particles. Any
visible sediment or particles produced shall pass through a 45 µm
test sieve. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 7)
Maximum: …… ml after 1 minute.

7.1.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the volume of solid and/or liquid
which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml. Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 8), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 9) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
as required.
Note 1 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 2 If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the analytical
results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 This clause is not appropriate for formulations formulated in water.
Note 5 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.

Page 109
7.1 Soluble concentrates (SL), continued

Note 6 The concentration used for the test should not be higher than the highest concentration
recommended in the instructions for use.
Note 7 The mass of sample to be used in the test should correspond to the highest rate of use
recommended by the supplier.
Note 8 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 9 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 110
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

The guidelines for seed treatment formulations do not apply to formulations

intended for film-coating or pelleting of seeds. They include special clauses,
related to their use pattern, although some of the corresponding test methods are
not yet developed. The influence of treatment on germination is of major
importance but it is not the subject of a specification clause because no test
method is applicable to all types of seeds. To avoid adverse effects, users
should apply the formulation strictly according to the recommendations of the
manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on germination is not
known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and should be
protected from excessive temperature and moisture.

…… [ISO common name] SOLUTION FOR SEED TREATMENT (Note 1)

[CIPAC number]/LS

7.2.1 Description
The material shall consist of technical ...... [ISO common name], complying with
the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ...... , in the form of ....... (see
Section 4.2), dissolved in suitable solvents, together with any other necessary
formulants, including colouring matter (Note 1). It shall be in the form of a clear
or opalescent liquid, free from visible suspended matter and sediment.

7.2.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 3) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

Page 111
7.2 Solutions for seed treatment (LS), continued

7.2.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Notes 5 & 6)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

7.2.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 6)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Solution stability (MT 41) (Note 7)

The formulation, after the stability test at 54°C (clause and
following dilution (Note 8) with CIPAC standard water D and standing
at 30 ± 2°C for 18 h, shall give a clear or opalescent solution, free
from more than a trace of sediment and visible solid particles. Any
visible sediment or particles produced shall pass through a 45 µm
test sieve.

7.2.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the volume of solid and/or liquid
which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml. Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 9) the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 10) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
as required.

Page 112
7.2 Solutions for seed treatment (LS), continued

Note 1 The influence of treatment on germination is of major importance but it is not the subject
of a specification clause because no test method is applicable to all types of seeds. To
avoid adverse effects, users should apply the formulation strictly according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on
germination is not known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and
should be protected from excessive temperature and moisture.
The formulation shall contain a dye that permanently colours the seed after treatment
(red is recommended) and cannot be removed by washing with water. In some
countries, there may be a legal requirement that a specific colour shall be used. The
same colour must not be used for denaturing seeds intended for use as livestock
feeding stuffs.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the analytical
results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 5 Only for non-aqueous solutions. The limit is normally 5 g/kg.
Note 6 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 7 Only applied to water miscible solutions.
Note 8 The concentration should be within the range of concentrations recommended in the
instructions for use. This test is not applicable to undiluted formulations.
Note 9 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 10 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 113
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] OIL MISCIBLE LIQUID

[CIPAC number]/OL

7.3.1 Description
The material shall consist of a solution of technical ...... [ISO common name],
complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ...... , in the form of
....... (see Section 4.2), together with any other necessary formulants. It shall be
free from visible suspended matter and sediment.

7.3.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 1)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 1)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 2) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

7.3.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

Page 114
7.3 Oil miscible liquids (OL), continued

7.3.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Notes 4 & 5)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Miscibility with hydrocarbon oil (MT 23)
If required, the formulation shall be miscible with the appropriate
hydrocarbon oil (Note 6).

7.3.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the volume of solid and/or liquid
which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml. Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 7), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 8) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- miscibility with hydrocarbon oil (,
as required.
Note 1 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 2 If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the analytical
results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 These methods have not been tested on this type of formulation but may be used as a
starting point for further development.
Note 6 The concentration should not be higher than the highest concentration recommended in
the instructions for use.
Note 7 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 8 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 115

In addition to the parameters for characterizing the acceptability of performance

of UL formulations defined in the guideline below, there are two additional ones
which cannot be incorporated at present.
Viscosity can be critically important for successful application of a UL formulation
but the requirements are dependent upon both the formulation and the
application technique or equipment. For this reason, no clause is provided for
kinematic viscosity.
The potential for loss of droplet mass by volatilisation may also be critical for UL
formulations because, if the losses are too high, the proportion of the spray which
drifts from the target, and the distance over which the drift occurs, may be
increased to unacceptable levels. The volatilization and drift that occur in
practice are dependent upon the initial droplet size spectrum and the height
through which droplets fall, the air temperature and wind speed. Even if the
other parameters are reasonably consistent, wind speed, in particular, is usually
highly variable even over short distances and periods of time. A degree of
volatilization which may be unacceptable for one type of application may be of
little or no consequence in another case. It is desirable that a clause to limit
losses by volatilization should be included in the specification but, at present, it is
difficult to relate a simple measurement of loss by volatilization to the potential
increase in drift produced. Industry is requested to produce a method, together
with data obtained under controlled conditions, that will allow a meaningful
relationship to be established between the results produced and the potential
increase in drift in various scenarios.

Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] ULTRA LOW VOLUME LIQUID

[CIPAC number]/UL

7.4.1 Description
The material shall consist of technical ...... [ISO common name], complying with
the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ......, in the form of ....... (see Section
4.2), together with any necessary formulants. It shall be in the form of a stable
homogeneous liquid, free from visible suspended matter and sediment.

Page 116
7.4 Ultra low volume liquids (UL), continued

7.4.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 1)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 1)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 2) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

7.4.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

7.4.4 Physical properties (Notes 5 and 6) Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ......
7.4.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the volume of solid and/or liquid
which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml (Note 7). Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 8), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 9) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (, as required.

Page 117
7.4 Ultra low volume liquids (UL), continued

Note 1 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 2 If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute, the analytical
results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 Viscosity can be critically important for successful application of a UL formulation but the
requirements are dependent upon both the formulation and the application technique or
equipment. For this reason, no clause is provided for kinematic viscosity.
Note 6 Loss of droplet mass by volatilisation can be critical for UL formulations because, if the
losses are significant, the proportion of the spray which drifts from the target, and the
distance over which the drift occurs, is likely to increase. The volatilization and
additional drift that occur in practice are dependent on the initial droplet size spectrum
and the height through which droplets fall, the air temperature and wind speed. In
addition, a degree of volatilization which may be unacceptable for one type of
application may be of little or no consequence in another case. At present, no method
is available to allow measurement of loss by volatilization to be related to the potential
increase in drift and therefore no clause is provided for volatility.
Note 7 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified for a particular formulation.
Note 8 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 9 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 118
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.


[CIPAC number]/EC

7.11.1 Description
The material shall consist of technical ...... [ISO common name], complying with
the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ...... , in the form of ....... (see
Section 4.2), dissolved in suitable solvents, together with any other necessary
formulants. It shall be in the form of a stable homogeneous liquid, free from
visible suspended matter and sediment, to be applied as an emulsion after
dilution in water.

7.11.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 1)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 1)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 2) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

7.11.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

Page 119
7.11 Emulsifiable concentrates (EC), continued

7.11.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Emulsion stability and re-emulsification (MT 36.1.1, MT 36.2,
MT 36.3, MT 173 or MT 183) (Note 5)
The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2°C (Notes 6 and 7) with
CIPAC Standard Waters A and D, shall comply with the following:
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 36.1, 36.3
0h Initial emulsification complete
0.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
2.0 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
24 h Re-emulsification complete
24.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
Note: in applying MT 36.1
or 36.3, tests after 24 h are
required only where results
at 2 h are in doubt
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 173
0h Initial emulsification expressed as
0.5 h minimum: ......%
4.0 h minimum: ......%
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 183
2m AC reading maximum ......
7 to 32 m AC reading similar to above (no
major increase, decline or
Note: in applying MT 183, initial AC
reading will be <1 in most cases Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 8)

Maximum: ...... ml after 1 min.

Page 120
7.11 Emulsifiable concentrates (EC), continued

7.11.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the volume of solid and/or liquid
which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml. Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 9), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 10) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity, alkalinity, pH range (,
- emulsion stability and re-emulsification (,
as required.
Note 1 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 2 If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the analytical
results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 This test will normally only be carried out after the heat stability test The
criteria given in the table for MT 36.1 and MT 36.3 are appropriate for tests carried out
at 5% concentration but, for tests involving lower concentrations of the formulated
product, alternative criteria may be considered by the JMPS.
Note 6 Unless another temperature is specified.
Note 7 MT 36.1 tests the formulation at 5% dilution.
Note 8 The test should be carried out at the highest application concentration.
Note 9 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 10 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 121
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.


[CIPAC number]/DC

7.12.1 Description
The material shall consist of technical ...... [ISO common name], complying with
the requirements of FAO specification ...... , in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2),
dissolved in suitable solvents, together with any other necessary formulants. It
shall be in the form of a stable homogeneous liquid, free from visible suspended
matter and sediment, to be applied as a dispersion after dilution in water.

7.12.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 1)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 1)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 2) and, when determined, the content measured shall
not differ from that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance,
given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

7.12.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (MT 30.5) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ...... g/kg.

Page 122
7.12 Dispersible concentrates (DC), continued

7.12.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31.2) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Dispersion stability (MT 180) (Note 5)
The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2°C (Notes 6 & 7) with CIPAC
Standard Waters A and D, shall comply with the following:
Time after allowing the dispersion to stand Limits of stability
1h "cream" or oil, maximum: ...... ml
sediment, maximum: ...... ml Wet sieve test (MT 185) (Note 8)

Maximum: .......g/kg of the formulation shall be retained on a ......µm
test sieve, at the dilutions specified. Persistent foam (MT 47.2)
Maximum: ...... ml after 10 sec.
Maximum: ...... ml after ...... min.

7.12.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the volume of solid and/or liquid
which separates shall not be more than ...... ml. Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 9), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 10) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity, alkalinity or pH range (,
- dispersion stability (,
as required.
Note 1 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO by the proposer.
Note 2 If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the analytical
results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.

Page 123
7.12 Dispersible concentrates (DC), continued

Note 4 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 5 This test will normally be carried out after storage at elevated temperatures (
Note 6 Unless another temperature is specified.
Note 7 The formulation should be tested at the highest and lowest rates of use recommended
by the supplier.
Note 8 This test detects oversize particles (e.g. caused by crystal growth) or flocs (formed
between the suspension particles and the emulsion oil phase), or extraneous material,
which could cause blockage of spray nozzles or filters in the spray tank.
Dispersion concentrates are much more sensitive than suspensions to the dilution used
and the amount of mixing/shear they experience on dilution. Therefore more
information about the dilution rates and the dispersion methods must be provided.
- The dilution rate should be that recommended for the formulation use. If a range of
dilution rates is recommended, the lowest and highest rates should both be
subjected to the wet sieve test.
- The degree of mixing the dilution receives must be stipulated, e.g. apply a specific
number of inversions. Ideally the sample should be dispersed and then allowed to
stand for a period of time before sieving (i.e. giving time for crystal growth to occur).
Note 9 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 10 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 124

EW is the designation for a stable emulsion of active ingredient(s) in an aqueous
phase, intended for dilution with water before use. The active ingredient is
normally a liquid and forms the dispersed oil phase, but it is also possible to
emulsify a solid or liquid active ingredient dissolved in a water immiscible solvent.
Emulsions, like suspension concentrates, are metastable systems. Therefore,
after transportation and storage it may be necessary to re-homogenize the
formulation, either by shaking small containers or by stirring the contents of large
Since emulsions are often non-Newtonian liquids, they show a complex rheology
which cannot easily be described by simple measurements of viscosity. Rheology
can influence the dilution characteristics which are checked by the emulsion
stability test.
These guideline specifications apply to aqueous macro-emulsions only and not to
other formulations such as suspo-emulsions (SE), inverse emulsions (EO) or
micro-emulsions (ME).
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] EMULSION, OIL IN WATER

[CIPAC number]/EW

7.21.1 Description
The formulation shall consist of an emulsion of technical ...... [ISO common
name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ...... , in the
form of ....... (see Section 4.2), in an aqueous phase together with suitable
formulants. After gentle agitation, the formulation shall be homogeneous (Note
1) and suitable for dilution in water.

7.21.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional

Page 125
7.21 Emulsions, oil in water (EW), continued ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)

The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 3) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

7.21.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

7.21.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 5)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Pourability (MT 148.1)
Maximum "residue": ...... %.

Page 126
7.21 Emulsions, oil in water (EW), continued Emulsion stability and re-emulsification (MT 36.2, MT 36.1.1,

MT 36.3, MT 183 or MT 173) (Note 6)
The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2°C (Notes 7 & 8) with CIPAC
Standard Waters A and D, shall comply with the following:
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 36.1, 36.3
0h Initial emulsification complete
0.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
2.0 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
24 h Re-emulsification complete
24.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
Note: in applying MT 36.1
or 36.3, tests after 24 h are
required only where results
at 2 h are in doubt
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 173
0h Initial emulsification expressed as
0.5 h minimum: ......%
4.0 h minimum: ......%
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 183
2 min AC reading maximum ......
7 to 32 min AC reading similar to above (no
major increase, decline or
Note: in applying MT 183, initial AC
reading will be <1 in most cases Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 9)

Maximum: ...... ml after 1 min.

7.21.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, no separation of particulate or oily
matter shall be visible after gentle agitation.

Page 127
7.21 Emulsions, oil in water (EW), continued Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)

After storage 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 10), the determined average
active ingredient content must not be lower than ......% relative to the
determined average content found before storage (Note 11) and the
formulation shall continue to comply with the clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- emulsion stability and re-emulsification (,
as required.
Note 1 All physical and chemical tests listed in this specification are to be performed with a
laboratory sample taken after the recommended homogenization procedure.
Before sampling to verify the formulation quality, the commercial container must be
inspected carefully. On standing, emulsions may develop a concentration gradient
which could even result in the appearance of a clear liquid on the top (sedimentation of
the emulsion) or on the bottom (creaming up of the emulsion). Therefore, before
sampling, the formulation must be homogenized according to the instructions given by
the manufacturer or, in the absence of such instructions, by gentle shaking of the
commercial container (for example, by inverting the closed container several times).
Large containers must be opened and stirred adequately.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the analytical
results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 5 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 6 This test will normally be carried out only after the stability at elevated temperatures test
( The criteria given in the table for MT 36.1 and MT 36.3 are appropriate for
tests carried out at 5% concentration but, for tests involving lower concentrations of the
formulated product, alternative criteria may be considered by the JMPS.
Note 7 Unless another temperature is specified.
Note 8 The formulation should be tested at the highest and lowest rates of use recommended
by the supplier.
Note 9 The test should be carried out at the highest application concentration.
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 11 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 128
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

The guidelines for seed treatment formulations do not apply to formulations

intended for film-coating or pelleting of seeds. They include special clauses,
related to their use pattern, although some of the corresponding test methods are
not yet developed. The influence of treatment on germination is of major
importance but it is not the subject of a specification clause because no test
method is applicable to all types of seeds. To avoid adverse effects, users
should apply the formulation strictly according to the recommendations of the
manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on germination is not
known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and should be
protected from excessive temperature and moisture.

…… [ISO common name] EMULSION FOR SEED TREATMENT (Note 1)

[CIPAC number]/ES

7.22.1 Description
The material shall consist of a water-based emulsion containing technical ......
[ISO common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO
specification ...... , in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), together with any
necessary formulants including colouring matter (Note 1). It shall be easy to
homogenize (i.e. after gentle shaking of small commercial containers or stirring of
the contents of large containers, the material shall be homogeneous), and
suitable for dilution with water if necessary.

7.22.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 3) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

Page 129
7.22 Emulsions for seed treatment (ES), continued

7.22.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

7.22.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 5)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Emulsion stability on dilution with water
Method not available Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 6)
Maximum: ...... ml after 1 min.

7.22.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, no separation of particulate or oily
matter shall be visible after gentle agitation. Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 7), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 8) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- emulsion stability on dilution with water (,
as required.
Note 1 The influence of treatment on germination is of major importance but it is not the subject
of a specification clause because no test method is applicable to all types of seeds. To
avoid adverse effects, users should apply the formulation strictly according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on
germination is not known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and
should be protected from excessive temperature and moisture.
The formulation shall contain a dye that permanently colours the seed after treatment
(red is recommended). In some countries, there may be a legal requirement that a
specific colour shall be used. The same colour should not be used for denaturing seeds
intended as livestock feeding stuffs.

Page 130
7.22 Emulsions for seed treatment (ES), continued

Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute, the analytical
results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 5 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 6 MT 47.2 has to be adapted for higher concentrations.
Note 7 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 8 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 131

A micro-emulsion is a mixture of water, water insoluble and water soluble
components forming a visually homogeneous, transparent liquid. One or more
active ingredients may be present in either the aqueous phase, the non-aqueous
phase, or in both phases. A variety of micro-emulsion formulations may be
prepared in which the aqueous phase can be considered the dispersed phase,
the continuous phase or, alternatively, where the two phases are considered to
be bicontinuous. In all cases micro-emulsions will disperse into water to form
either conventional emulsions or dilute micro-emulsions.
One of the major benefits of micro-emulsions is that they, unlike other
conventional dispersion formulations, are thermodynamically stable. In this
respect they are somewhat similar to soluble concentrate (SL) formulations.
However, micro-emulsions are often only stable within limited temperature
ranges. For this reason particular attention should be given to the directions for
formulation storage.
Given that they form emulsions or dilute micro-emulsions on dilution into water,
micro-emulsions are treated in a similar fashion to emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
formulations, with some additional modifications to take account potential use
problems relating to storage and use at high and low temperatures.
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] MICRO-EMULSION

[CIPAC number]/ME

7.23.1 Description
The material shall consist of technical ...... [ISO common name],
complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification ....... , in the
form of ....... (see Section 4.2), combined with water and other suitable
formulants to give a stable, transparent liquid, free from visible suspended
matter and sediment (Note 1).

7.23.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional

Page 132
7.23 Micro-emulsions (ME), continued ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)

The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 3) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

7.23.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ..….% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

7.23.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 5)
If relevant/required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Persistent foam (MT 47.2)
Maximum ...... ml after 1 minute (Note 6).

Page 133
7.23 Micro-emulsions (ME), continued Emulsion stability and re-emulsification (MT 36.1.1, MT 36.2.2,

MT 36.3 or MT 173) (Note 7)
The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2°C (Notes 8 and 9) with
CIPAC Standard Waters A and D, shall comply with the following:
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 36.1, 36.3
0h Initial emulsification complete
0.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
2.0 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
24 h Re-emulsification complete
24.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
Note: in applying MT 36.1
or 36.3, tests after 24 h are
required only where results
at 2 h are in doubt
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 173
0h Initial emulsification expressed as
0.5 h minimum: ......%
4.0 h minimum: ......%
Time after dilution Limits of stability, MT 183
2 min AC reading maximum ......
7 to 32 min AC reading similar to above (no
major increase, decline or
Note: in applying MT 183, initial AC
reading will be <1 in most cases

7.23.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, no separation of particulate or oily
matter shall be visible after gentle agitation (Note 10).

Page 134
7.23 Micro-emulsions (ME), continued Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)

After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Notes 10 and 11), the
determined average active ingredient content must not be lower than
...... % relative to the determined average content found before
storage (Note 12) and the formulation shall continue to comply with
the clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- emulsion stability and re-emulsification (,
as required.
Note 1 Before sampling a commercial container to verify formulation quality, inspect it carefully
to ensure that no phase separation has taken place. If the formulation has been
subjected to a temperature extreme, the recovery to a transparent, visually
homogeneous liquid may require some gentle agitation of the container before the
sample is taken.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 In certain cases, micro-emulsion formulations may be quite viscous. In such a case,
unless homogenization is carried out carefully, it is possible for the sample to become
aerated. This can lead to errors in the determination of the active ingredient content in
g/l. It is preferable, therefore, to determine the content in g/kg and, if necessary, to
determine the mass per millilitre in g/ml, to calculate the active ingredient content in g/l.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 5 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected. Treat ME as an emulsifiable concentrate.
Note 6 The test should be performed at the maximum application concentration.
Note 7 Unless another temperature is specified.
Note 8 Using MT 173, MT 36.3 or MT 183, it may be advisable to test the formulation at the
highest and lowest application concentrations recommended by the supplier.
Note 9 This test will normally be carried out only after the stability at elevated temperatures test
( The criteria given in the table for MT 36.1 and MT 36.3 are appropriate for
tests carried out at 5% concentration but, for tests involving lower concentrations of the
formulated product, alternative criteria may be considered by the JMPS.
Note 10 In certain circumstances, phase separation may occur at high or low temperatures. The
formulation shall be deemed to be acceptable if the recovery to a single phase is as
rapid as the thermal equilibrium with ambient or use temperatures.
Note 11 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 12 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 135

SC is the designation for a stable suspension of active ingredient(s) in an
aqueous continuous phase, intended for dilution with water before use.
The parameters which best describe the performance characteristics are:
- pourability test (to ensure that the SC can be poured from its container);
- water dispersibility (spontaneity of dispersion), suspensibility, wet sieve
and persistent foam tests (to ensure the sprayability of the diluted
Some other physical properties, especially particle size range and viscosity,
however, are excluded from the specification for the following reasons:
- particle size range: There is no internationally accepted, simple method for
determination of the particle size range of SCs. Moreover, particle size
range is described and limited in the specification by a number of easily
quantifiable parameters which are influenced by it. These parameters are
the wet sieve analysis, suspensibility, pourability and water dispersibility.
- viscosity: Although viscosity is also an important property, it cannot readily
be determined by simple means. Since most SCs show non-Newtonian
flow characteristics, viscosity is only one part of a much more complex
rheology. Pourability and water dispersibility parameters included in the
specification adequately describe the flow (rheological) properties.

Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.


[CIPAC number]/SC

7.31.1 Description
The material shall consist of a suspension of fine particles of technical ......
[ISO common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO
specification ......, in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), in an aqueous
phase together with suitable formulants. After gentle agitation the material
shall be homogeneous (Note 1) and suitable for further dilution in water.

Page 136
7.31 Aqueous suspension concentrates (SC), continued

7.31.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 3) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

7.31.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

7.31.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) (Note 5) or pH range (MT 75.3)
If relevant/required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Pourability (MT 148.1)
Maximum "residue": ......%. Spontaneity of dispersion (MT 160) (Note 6)
A minimum of ......% of the ...... [ISO common name] content found
under shall be in suspension after 5 min in CIPAC Standard
Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 7). Suspensibility (MT 161, MT 184) (Note 6)
A minimum of ......% of the ...... [ISO common name] content found
under shall be in suspension after 30 min in CIPAC
Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 7). Wet sieve test (MT 185) (Note 8)
Maximum: ......% of the formulation shall be retained on a ...... µm
test sieve. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 9)
Maximum: ...... ml after 1 min.

Page 137
7.31 Aqueous suspension concentrates (SC), continued

7.31.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the formulation shall continue to
comply with clauses for:
- suspensibility (,
- wet sieve test (,
as required. Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 10), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 11) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- pourability (,
- spontaneity of dispersion (,
- suspensibility (,
- wet sieve test (,
as required.
Note 1 Before sampling to verify the formulation quality, inspect the commercial container
carefully. On standing, suspension concentrates usually develop a concentration
gradient from the top to the bottom of the container. This may even result in the
appearance of a clear liquid on the top and/or of sediment on the bottom. Therefore,
before sampling, homogenize the formulation according to the instructions given by the
manufacturer or, in the absence of such instructions, by gentle shaking of the
commercial container (for example by inverting the closed container several times).
Large containers must be opened and stirred adequately. After this procedure, the
container should not contain a sticky layer of non-dispersed matter at the bottom. A
suitable and simple method of checking for a non-dispersed sticky layer "cake" is by
probing with a glass rod or similar device adapted to the size and shape of the
container. All the physical and chemical tests must be carried out on a laboratory
sample taken after the recommended homogenization procedure.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 Unless homogenization is carried out carefully, it is possible for the sample to become
aerated. This can lead to errors in the determination of the mass per millilitre and in
calculation of the active ingredient content (in g/l) if methods other than MT 3.3 are
used. If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the
analytical results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 5 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.

Page 138
7.31 Aqueous suspension concentrates (SC), continued

Note 6 Chemical assay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active
ingredient still in suspension. However, simpler methods such as gravimetric and
solvent extraction determination may be used on a routine basis provided that these
methods have been shown to give equal results to those of the chemical assay method.
In case of dispute, the chemical method shall be the referee method.
Note 7 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified.
Note 8 This test detects coarse particles (e.g. caused by crystal growth) or agglomerates (crust
formation) or extraneous materials which could cause blockage of spray nozzles or
filters in the spray tank.
Note 9 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be specified at the application rate of
use recommended by the supplier.
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 11 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 139
(Flowable concentrates for Seed treatment)
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

The guidelines for seed treatment formulations do not apply to formulations

intended for film-coating or pelleting of seeds. They include special clauses,
related to their use pattern, although some of the corresponding test methods are
not yet developed. The influence of treatment on germination is of major
importance but it is not the subject of a specification clause because no test
method is applicable to all types of seeds. To avoid adverse effects, users
should apply the formulation strictly according to the recommendations of the
manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on germination is not
known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and should be
protected from excessive temperature and moisture.


[CIPAC number]/FS

7.32.1 Description
The material shall consist of a suspension of fine particles of technical ...... [ISO
common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO specification
......, in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), in an aqueous phase together with
suitable formulants, including colouring matter (Note 1). After gentle stirring or
shaking, the material shall be homogeneous (Note 2) and suitable for further
dilution with water if necessary.

7.32.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 3)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 3)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 4) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

Page 140
7.32 Suspension concentrates for seed treatment (FS), continued

7.32.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 5)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

7.32.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 6)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Pourability (MT 148.1)
Maximum "residue": ......%. Wet sieve test (MT 185) (Note 7)
Maximum: ......% retained on a ......µm test sieve. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 8)
Maximum: ...... ml after 1 min. Suspensibility (MT 161, MT 184) (Note 9)
A minimum of ......% of the ...... [ISO common name] content found
under shall be in suspension after 30 min in CIPAC
Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 10).

7.32.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the formulation shall continue to
comply with the clause for: wet sieve test ( Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 11), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 12) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity, alkalinity or pH range (,
- pourability (,
- wet sieve test (,
- suspensibility (,
as required.

Page 141
7.32 Suspension concentrates for seed treatment (FS), continued

Note 1 The influence of treatment on germination is of major importance but it is not the subject
of a specification clause because no test method is applicable to all types of seeds. To
avoid adverse effects, users should apply the formulation strictly according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer and should not treat seeds for which effect on
germination is not known. Treated seeds should be stored in a suitable container and
should be protected from excessive temperature and moisture.
The formulation shall contain a dye or pigment that permanently colours the seed after
treatment (red is recommended). In some countries, there may be a legal requirement
that a specific colour shall be used. The same colour must not be used for denaturing
seeds intended for use as livestock feeding stuffs.
Note 2 Before sampling to verify the formulation quality, inspect the commercial container
carefully. On standing, suspension concentrates usually develop a concentration
gradient from the top to the bottom of the container. This may even result in the
appearance of a clear liquid on the top and/or sediment on the bottom. Therefore,
before sampling, homogenize the formulation according to the instructions given by the
manufacturer or, in the absence of such instructions, gently shake the commercial
container (for example by inverting the closed container several times, large containers
must be opened and stirred adequately). After this procedure, the container should not
contain a sticky layer of non-dispersed matter at the bottom. A suitable and simple
method of checking for a non-dispersed sticky layer ("cake") is by probing with a glass
rod or similar device adapted to the size and shape of the container. All the physical
and chemical tests must be carried out on a laboratory sample taken after the
recommended homogenization procedure.
Note 3 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 4 Unless homogenization is carried out carefully, it is possible for the sample to become
aerated. This can lead to errors in the determination of the mass per millilitre, and in
calculation of the active ingredient content (in g/l) if methods other than MT 3.3 are
used. If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the
analytical results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 5 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 6 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 7 This test should detect coarse particles (e.g. caused by crystal growth) or extraneous
materials which could cause blockage of spray nozzles or filters of the application
Note 8 The test should be carried out at the application concentration.
Note 9 Chemical assay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active
ingredient still in suspension. However, simpler methods such as gravimetric and
solvent extraction determination may be used on a routine basis provided that these
methods have been shown to give equal results to those of the chemical assay method.
In case of dispute, the chemical method shall be the referee method.
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified.
Note 11 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 12 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 142

CS is the designation for a stable suspension of micro-encapsulated active
ingredient in an aqueous continuous phase, intended for dilution with water
before use.
The parameters which best describe the performance characteristics are as
- Active ingredient, determined and expressed as "total", "free" and “release
rate” (“total” is required in all cases, "free" and “release rate” are
dependent upon the intended application).
- Pourability test (to ensure that the CS can be poured from its container).
- Water dispersibility, suspensibility, re-suspensibility, wet sieve and
persistent foam tests (to ensure the sprayability of the diluted suspension).
- Stability to freezing/thawing. Freezing of a micro-encapsulated
formulation may result in capsule failure through crystallization or by other
mechanisms, with the result that the properties of the formulation may be
drastically changed, including release of the active ingredient into the
aqueous medium.
Some other physical properties, especially particle size range and viscosity,
however, are excluded from the specification for the following reasons.
- Particle size range. There is no internationally accepted, simple method
for determination of the particle size range of CSs. Moreover, particle size
range is described and limited in the specification by a number of easily
quantifiable parameters which are influenced by it. These parameters are
the wet sieve analysis, suspensibility, pourability and water dispersibility.
- Viscosity. Although viscosity is also an important property, it cannot
readily be determined by simple means. Since most CSs show non-
Newtonian flow characteristics, viscosity is only one part of a much more
complex rheology. Pourability and water dispersibility parameters included
in the specification adequately describe the flow (rheological) properties.

Page 143
7.33 Aqueous capsule suspensions (CS), continued

Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.


[CIPAC number]/CS

7.33.1 Description
The material shall consist of a suspension of micro-capsules containing technical
...... [ISO common name], complying with the requirements of FAO/WHO
specification ......, in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), in an aqueous phase,
together with suitable formulants. After agitation, the material shall appear
homogeneous (Note 1) and suitable for further dilution in water.

7.33.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content Total content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2ºC, Note 3) and, when determined, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2 Free (non-encapsulated) content (Notes 2 and 4)
(methods under development)
If required,
The free ...... [ISO common name] average content measured shall
not exceed ......% of the determined total content. Release rate (Note 4) (for slow- or controlled release
formulations) (methods under development)
If required,
The release rate measured shall comply with the following criteria:

Page 144
7.33 Aqueous capsule suspensions (CS), continued

7.33.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 5)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

7.33.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 6)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Pourability (MT 148.1)
Maximum "residue": ......%. Spontaneity of dispersion (MT 160) (Note 7)
A minimum of ......% of the ...... [ISO common name] content found
under shall be in suspension after 5 min in CIPAC
Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 7). Suspensibility (MT 161, MT 184) (Note 7)
A minimum of ......% of the ...... [ISO common name] content found
under shall be in suspension after 30 min in CIPAC
Standard Water D at 30 ± 2°C (Note 8). Wet sieve test (MT 185) (Note 9)
Maximum: ......% of the formulation shall be retained on a ......µm test
sieve. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 10)
Maximum: ...... ml after 1 min.

7.33.5 Storage stability Freeze/thaw stability (Note 11)
After undergoing ...... freeze/thaw cycles and following
homogenization, the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- pourability (,
- spontaneity of dispersion (,
- suspensibility (,
- wet sieve test,
as required.

Page 145
7.33 Aqueous capsule suspensions (CS), continued

An increase in the free ...... [ISO common name] content shall be

allowed, with the maximum concentration after the test corresponding
to ......% of that found for total content under Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 12), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 13) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- pourability (,
- spontaneity of dispersion (,
- suspensibility (,
- wet sieve test (,
as required.
An increase in the free ...... [ISO common name] content shall be
allowed, with the maximum concentration after the test corresponding
to ......% of that found for total content under

Note 1 All physical and chemical tests listed in this specification are to be performed with a
laboratory sample taken after the recommended homogenization procedure.
Before sampling to verify formulation quality, the commercial container must be
inspected carefully. On standing, suspensions usually develop a concentration gradient
from the top to the bottom of the container. This may even result in the appearance of a
clear liquid on the top and/or of sediment on the bottom. Therefore before sampling, the
formulation must be homogenized according to the instructions given by the
manufacturer or, in the absence of such instructions, by gentle shaking of the
commercial container (for example by inverting the closed container several times).
Large containers must be opened and stirred adequately. After this procedure, the
container should not contain a sticky layer of non-dispersed matter at the bottom. A
suitable and simple method of checking for a non-dispersed sticky layer "cake" is by
probing with a glass rod or similar device adapted to the size and shape of the
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 Unless homogenization is carried out carefully, it is possible for the sample to become
aerated. This can lead to errors in the determination of the mass per millilitre, and in
calculation of the active ingredient content (in g/l), if methods other than MT 3.3 are
used. If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the
analytical results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 4 The need for clauses to limit the free active ingredient content and release rate of the
active ingredient depends on the intended release properties of the formulation. A
clause to control release rate is likely to be required for slow- or controlled-release
formulations. A clause to control free active ingredient is likely to be required where
encapsulation is intended to control the release or stability of the active ingredient, or to
decrease the risks to users from accidental exposure to the active ingredient.
Note 5 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.

Page 146
7.33 Aqueous capsule suspensions (CS), continued

Note 6 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 7 Chemical assay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active
ingredient still in suspension. However, simpler methods such as gravimetric and
solvent-extraction determination may be used on a routine basis provided that these
methods have been shown to give equal results to those of the chemical assay method.
In case of dispute, the chemical method shall be the "Referee method".
Note 8 Unless other temperature and/or times are specified.
Note 9 This test detects coarse particles (e.g. oversize capsules, crystals) or agglomerates (of
capsules or from crust formation), or extraneous materials which could cause blockage
of spray nozzles or filters in the spray tank.
Note 10 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be specified at the application rate of
use recommended by the supplier.
Note 11 After manufacture and during shipping it is often impossible for buyer or seller to
guarantee that the formulation has not been exposed to freezing temperatures. As
freezing of an aqueous capsule suspension may result in undesirable, irreversible
changes, including (but not limited to) capsule failure caused by crystallization of the
active ingredient, the ability of the formulation to successfully withstand repeated
freezing and thawing is an important property. Unless otherwise agreed, the
freeze/thaw stability test shall cycle the formulation between room temperature (e.g.
20 ± 2°C) and -10 ± 2°C on 18-hour-freeze/6-hour-melt cycles for a total of 4 cycles.
Note 12 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 13 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 147

An oil-based suspension concentrate (OD) is a stable suspension of active
ingredient(s) in an organic fluid, which may contain other dissolved active
ingredient(s), intended for dilution with water before use.
OD formulations are metastable systems, like oil-in-water emulsions (EW) and
suspension concentrates (SC). Therefore, after transportation and storage it
may be necessary to re-homogenise the formulation, either by shaking or by
OD, like SC formulations, do not disperse as spontaneously as EC formulations
upon dilution in water. Therefore the spray solution has to be stirred in order to
obtain a homogeneous dispersion before application.
The parameters which best describe the performance characteristics are:
- pourability (to ensure that the OD can be poured from its container);
- dispersion stability, wet sieve and persistent foam tests (to ensure the
sprayability and stability of the diluted suspension);
- storage at elevated temperature (to ensure the absence of crystal growth
upon storage).
Information about other properties may also be given, e.g. mass per millilitre,
acidity or alkalinity and stability at 0°C, but these parameters do not normally
constitute essential parts of the specification.

Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.


[CIPAC number]/OD

7.34.1 Description
The material shall consist of a stable suspension of fine particles of technical ......
[ISO common name], complying with the requirements of FAO specification ......,
in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), in a non-aqueous fluid together with suitable
formulants. After shaking or stirring of the sample, the material shall be
homogeneous (Note 1).

Page 148
7.34 Oil-based suspension concentrates (OD), continued

7.34.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
active remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2°C, Note 3) and, when determined, the content measured shall
not differ from that declared by more than the appropriate tolerance,
given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

7.34.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ......% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

7.34.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 5)
If relevant/required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ...... Pourability (MT 148.1)

Maximum “residue”: ...... %.

Page 149
7.34 Oil-based suspension concentrates (OD), continued Dispersion stability (MT 180)

The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2°C (Notes 6 & 7) with CIPAC
Standard waters A and D, shall comply with the following:

Time after allowing the dispersion Limits of stability

to stand

0h Initial dispersion complete

0.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
"Sediment", maximum: ...... ml
24 h Re-dispersion complete
24.5 h "Cream", maximum: ...... ml
"Free oil", maximum: ...... ml
"Sediment", maximum: ...... ml Wet sieve test (MT 185 ) (Note 8)

Maximum: ...... % of the formulation shall be retained on a ...... µm
test sieve. Persistent foam (MT 47.2) (Note 9)
Maximum: ...... ml after 1 min.

7.34.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the formulation shall continue to
comply with the clauses for:
- dispersion stability (,
- wet sieve test (,
as required. Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 10), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ...... %
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 11) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity,
- alkalinity or pH range (,
- pourability (,
- dispersion stability (,
- wet sieve test (,
as required.

Page 150
7.34 Oil-based suspension concentrates (OD), continued

Note 1 Before sampling to verify the formulation quality, inspect the commercial container
carefully. On standing, oil-based suspension concentrates (OD) usually develop a
concentration gradient from the top to the bottom of the container. This may even result
in the appearance of a clear liquid on the top and/or of sediment on the bottom.
Therefore, before sampling, homogenise the formulation according to the instructions
given by the manufacturer or, in the absence of such instructions, by gently shaking of
the commercial container (for example by inverting the closed container several times).
Large containers must be opened and stirred adequately. After this procedure, the
container should not contain a sticky layer of non-dispersed matter at the bottom. A
suitable and simple method of checking for a non-dispersed sticky layer (“cake”) is by
probing with a glass rod or similar device adapted to the size and shape of the
container. All the physical and chemical tests must be carried out on a laboratory
sample taken after the recommended homogenisation procedure.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO by the proposer.
Note 3 Unless homogenisation is carried out carefully, it is possible for the sample to become
aerated. This can lead to errors in the determination of the mass per millilitre, and in the
calculation of the active ingredient content (in g/l), if methods other than OECD 109 are
used. If the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20 ± 2 °C, then in case of dispute the
analytical results shall be calculated as g/kg.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 5 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 6 Unless another temperature is specified.
Note 7 The formulation should be tested at 2% dilution or, alternatively, at the highest and
lowest rates of use recommended by the supplier.
Note 8 This test detects coarse particles (e.g. caused by crystal growth) or agglomerates (crust
formation) or extraneous materials which could cause blockage of spray nozzles or
filters in the spray tank.
Note 9 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be specified at the application rate of
use recommended by the supplier.
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 11 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analysed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 151

An aqueous suspo-emulsion is a mixture of water-insoluble active ingredients
dispersed in an aqueous solution, where one (or more) of the active ingredients
is in suspension form and one (or more) of the active ingredients is in emulsion
form. The formulation is intended for dilution into water prior to spray application.
Mixtures of active ingredients are often used to provide a broader spectrum of
pest control. Formulating the active ingredients together eliminates the need for
tank mixing (which can lead to incompatibilities). Like other aqueous liquid
formulations, suspo-emulsions are easy to handle and measure, dust free, non-
flammable and offer good miscibility with water.
Suspo-emulsions are not stable indefinitely and therefore it is necessary to
ensure that, after transportation and storage, the formulation remains suitable for
use. Quantification of the following parameters, particularly after high and low
temperature stability tests, serves this purpose.
- active ingredient identity tests and active ingredient content determination
(related to biological efficacy);
- impurities;
- examination of appearance and pourability test (to ensure that the SE can
be poured from its container);
- water dispersibility, suspensibility, wet sieve and persistent foam tests (to
ensure the sprayability of the diluted suspo-emulsion).
Information about other properties may also be given, e.g. mass per millilitre and
flash point (if relevant), but these parameters do not normally constitute essential
parts of the specification. However, some other physical properties, especially
particle size distribution and viscosity, are excluded from the specification for the
following reasons.
- Particle size distribution. There is no internationally accepted, simple
method for determination of the particle size distribution of suspo-emulsions (nor
of suspension concentrates). Moreover, particle size distribution is described
and limited in the specification by easily quantifiable parameters which are
influenced by it. These parameters are the performance in wet sieve analysis
and the suspensibility tests.
- Viscosity. Although viscosity is a very important property, it cannot be
described simply, as most suspo-emulsions show non-Newtonian flow
characteristics. In the specification, the pourability and water dispersibility
adequately describe the flow (rheological) properties.

Page 152
7.41 Aqueous suspo-emulsions (SE), continued

Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] AQUEOUS SUSPO-EMULSION

[CIPAC number]/SE

7.41.1 Description
The material shall consist of a suspension of fine particles of technical ...... [ISO
common name] complying with the requirements of the FAO/WHO specification
......, in the form of ....... (see Section 4.2), combined with an emulsion of fine
droplets of technical ...... [ISO common name] complying with the requirements
of the FAO/WHO specification …..., in the form of ...... (see Section 4.2), in an
aqueous phase together with suitable formulants. After gentle agitation the
material shall appear homogeneous (Note 1) and be suitable for further dilution
in water.

7.41.2. Active ingredients Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredients shall comply with identity tests and, where an
identity remains in doubt, it shall comply with at least one additional
test. …… and …… [ISO common names] content (Note 2)
The …… and …… [ISO common names] content shall be declared
(g/kg or g/l at 20 ± 2ºC, Note 3) and, when determined, the average
contents measured shall not differ from those declared by more than
the appropriate tolerances, given in the table of tolerances, Section

7.41.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ..….% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

7.41.4 Physical properties Acidity or alkalinity (MT 31) or pH range (MT 75.3) (Note 5)
If required,
Maximum acidity: ...... g/kg calculated as H2SO4.
Maximum alkalinity: ...... g/kg calculated as NaOH.
pH range: ...... to ......

Page 153
7.41 Aqueous suspo-emulsions (SE), continued Pourability (MT 148.1)

Maximum "residue": ...…%. Dispersion stability (MT 180) (Note 6)
The formulation, when diluted at 30 ± 2°C (Note 7) with CIPAC
Standard Waters A and D, shall continue to comply with the
Time after allowing the dispersion to stand Limits of stability
0h Initial dispersion complete
0.5 h "cream", maximum: ...... ml
"free oil", maximum: ...... ml
sediment, maximum: ...... ml
24 h Re-dispersion complete
24.5 h "cream", maximum: ...... ml
"free oil", maximum: ...... ml
sediment, maximum: ...... ml Wet sieve test (MT 185) (Note 8)

Maximum: ...... g/kg of the formulation shall be retained on a ......µm
test sieve, at the dilutions specified. Persistent foam (MT 47.2)
Maximum ......ml after 1 min.
7.41.5 Storage stability Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the formulation shall continue to
comply with the clauses for:
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- dispersion stability (,
- wet sieve test (,
as required. Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3)
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days (Note 9), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 10) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- acidity/alkalinity/pH range (,
- pourability (,
- dispersion stability (,
- wet sieve test (, as required.

Page 154
7.41 Aqueous suspo-emulsions (SE), continued

Note 1 Before sampling to verify formulation quality, inspect the commercial container carefully.
On standing, suspo-emulsions usually develop a concentration gradient which may
result in the appearance of a clear layer at either the top or the bottom of the container.
A sediment layer may also form at the bottom of the container, which can be detected
by probing with a glass rod. Before sampling, homogenize the formulation according to
the instructions given by the manufacturer or, in the absence of such instructions, by
gentle shaking of the commercial container (for example by inverting the closed
container several times).
After this procedure the container should not contain a sticky layer of non-dispersed
matter at the bottom (if the suspo-emulsion has flocculated it may not be possible to re-
disperse this sticky layer). All the physical and chemical tests must be carried out on a
laboratory sample taken after the recommended homogenization procedure.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC, AOAC or equivalent. If the methods have not yet
been published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be
submitted to FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 Unless homogenization is carried out carefully, it is possible for the sample to become
aerated. This can lead to errors in the determination of the active ingredient content in
g/l. It is preferable, therefore, to determine the content in g/kg and, if necessary, to
determine the mass per millilitre, to calculate the active ingredient content in g/l.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 5 The method to be used shall be stated. If several methods are available, a referee
method shall be selected.
Note 6 This test will normally be carried out after the stability at elevated temperatures test
( The test should be carried out at the highest and lowest recommended
rates of use.
Note 7 Unless another temperature is specified.
Note 8 This test detects oversize particles (e.g. caused by crystal growth) or flocs (formed
between the suspension particles and the emulsion oil phase), or extraneous material,
which could cause blockage of spray nozzles or filters in the spray tank.
Suspo-emulsions are much more sensitive than suspensions to the dilution rate used
and the amount of mixing/shear they experience on dilution. Therefore more
information about the dilution rates and the dispersion methods must be provided.
e.g. - The dilution rate should be that recommended for the formulation use. If a
range of dilution rates is recommended, the lowest and highest rates should
both be subjected to the wet sieve test.
- The amount of mixing the dilution receives must be stipulated, e.g. a certain
number of inversions. Ideally the sample should be dispersed and then
allowed to stand for a period of time before sieving (e.g. giving time for any
likely flocculation to occur).
Note 9 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 10 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 155


8.1 Mosquito coils (MC)
8.2 Vaporizing mats (MV)
8.3 Liquid vaporizers (LV)
8.11 Aerosol dispensers (AE)

Page 156
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] MOSQUITO COILS

[CIPAC number]/MC

The material, sampled from any part of the consignment in accordance with the
procedure described in Note 1 or any other acceptable procedure, shall comply
with the specification.

8.1.1 Description
The product shall consist of technical …… [ISO common name] complying with
the requirements of the WHO specification(s) ......, in the form of ....... (see
Section 4.2), together with organic fillers capable of smouldering well, a binder
and additives such as synergists, dye and fungicide, formulated in the form of a
coil. The coil must burn without producing any flame except at the beginning,
and should be readily extinguishable after ignition of the coil.

8.1.2. Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 2)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, it shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 2)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined on a dry weight basis, the average content
measured shall not differ from that declared by more than the
appropriate tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

8.1.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 3)
If required,
Maximum: ..….% of the …… [ISO common name] content found
under Water (CIPAC MT 30.2 ) (Note 4)
Maximum: … g/kg.

Page 157
8.1 Mosquito coils (MC), continued

8.1.4 Physical properties Average weight of coils (Note 5)
The average weight of the coils shall be declared (in g) and when
determined on 20 single coils, the average weight shall not differ from
that declared by more than ±10 %. Burning time (Note 6)
The average burning time determined from five single coils, which
must burn continuously in a draught-free atmosphere, shall not be
less than that declared. Strength of coil (Note 7)
Every coil of 20 single coils shall be able to withstand a minimum
load of 120 g without breaking. Separation of 'twin' coils (Note 8)
The mosquito coil, if in 'twin' form, shall be properly made so as to
facilitate easy separation. When 50 twin coils are separated, not
more than 3 coils shall break.

8.1.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature (in original twin coil packaging)
After storage at 54 + 20C for 14 days (Note 9), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......% of
the determined average content found before storage (clause (Note 10) and the formulation shall continue to comply with
the clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- burning time (,
- strength of coil (,
- separation of ‘twin’ coils (
Note 1 Sampling
General requirements
a)Samples shall be stored in such a manner that there is no deterioration of the material.
b) The sampling instrument shall be clean and dry.
c) Samples shall be protected against contamination.
Sampling, testing and acceptance
a) In any consignment, all the master cartons containing containers of the same type
shall constitute a lot.
b) Samples shall be drawn from each lot and individually tested to ascertain whether the
material complies with the specified requirements.
c) Any sample failing to comply with the specified requirements shall be termed as
defective. The acceptance number shall be the maximum number of defective
samples permissible for a lot to be accepted.

Page 158
8.1 Mosquito coils (MC), continued

d) The number of containers to be drawn from the lot and the acceptance number shall
be as shown in the following Table.
Total number of Number of Acceptance
containers in lot containers to be number
300 or less 3 0
301 to 1200 6 1
1201 to 2000 13 2
2001 to 7000 21 3
7001 to 15000 29 4
15001 to 24000 48 6
24001 to 41000 84 9
over 41000 126 13
e) Each of the containers to be tested shall be drawn from a different master carton
which shall be selected at random. In order to ensure randomness of selection,
random number tables shall be used. If such tables are not available, the following
procedure may be adopted.
Starting from any master carton, count the master cartons as 1, 2, 3...... r in a
systematic manner. Every rth carton shall be drawn, r being the integral part of N/n,
where N is the total number of master cartons in the lot and n the number of master
cartons to be selected.
Preparation of test samples
a) A sufficient quantity of samples is selected by taking at random a twin-form coil from
each individual box of the reduced sample. From the total number of selected coils,
sufficient coil samples are reserved for examination for compliance with the
requirements of physical characteristics in, and
b) The remainder of the coils are ground in a hammer-mill to pass a 1-mm mesh-
screen and reserved for test for compliance with, and These
groups of samples constitute the test samples. Each set of test samples shall be
packed and labelled, taking into account the general requirements of Note 1.
Note 2 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC or AOAC. If the methods have not yet been
published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be submitted to
WHO by the proposer.
Note 3 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. Method(s) of analysis must be peer validated.
Note 4 Normally, the water content should not exceed 120g/kg.
Note 5 Typical average weight per coil is 12 g.
Note 6 A typical burning time should be 7.5 hours in order to ensure that the coil burns for a
length of time approximately equivalent to the normal duration of sleep. However, in
special circumstances to be stated on the label, the burning time may be increased or
reduced accordingly.
Note 7 Method for determination of the breaking load/tensile strength of mosquito coil (an
alternative, acceptable method may be used).
Plastic device (Figure 1, end of note).
Spring Scale (e.g. Attonic MP-2) with a range 0 to 200 + 5 g, accurately calibrated
(Figure 2, end of section).
Select 20 boxes of mosquito coils randomly, pick one single coil from each box.
Discard single coils that are broken or cracked due to careless separation in the
selection process. Subject all the 20 single coils of the breaking load test.
A piece of mosquito coil is placed within the plastic device supported by opposite
grooves so that on one side the groove only supports 2 cm of the coil from the tip. The
coil and plastic device is then placed on the flat platform of the 500 g scale register.
The pointed end of the screw is lowered and adjusted to fit into the head/eye of the coil.
The screw is then turned gently and gradually in a clockwise direction depressing the
mosquito coil downwards until it breaks. The register on the scale is recorded at the

Page 159
8.1 Mosquito coils (MC), continued

breaking point. The minimum specification for the standard coil is 120 g. Repeat the
above procedure for the remaining 19 single coils.
Note 8 Method for separation of twin mosquito coils.
a) Break the connecting points at the ends of the coils, then hold both heads/eyes of
the double coils with thumbs and forefingers.
b) Gently push the heads or eyes in the opposite direction and pull them apart to
displace into single coils. Gentle twisting may be done if necessary.
Satisfactory separation of twin coils is considered achieved if no breakage occurs.
Note 9 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 10 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.
Note 11 A typical unit container contains 5 double coils.
Note 12 Each unit container shall contain at least one mosquito coil stand/holder.
Note 13 The mosquito coil stand/holder must be made of suitable non-flammable materials
which can hold the burning coil stably.

Page 160
8.1 Mosquito coils (MC), continued

Figure 2 Method for determination of the breaking load/tensile strength of mosquito coil

Page 161
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] VAPORIZING MATS

[CIPAC number]/MV

The material, sampled from any part of the consignment in accordance with the
procedure described in Note 1 or any other acceptable procedure, shall comply
with the specification.

8.2.1 Description
The vaporising mat shall consist of a pulp-made mat, or a mat made of
other suitable inert materials, impregnated with an insecticide. Stabilisers,
synergists, slow-release agents, perfumes and colouring agents may be
added. The mat is intended for use in a heating unit (Note 2) designed to
produce slow volatilisation of the active ingredient. The ...... [ISO common
name] technical material used in the manufacture of the mat shall comply
with the requirements of WHO specification ......

8.2.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 3)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, it shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 3)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (mg/mat)
and, when determined, the average content measured shall not differ
from that declared by more than ± 15%.

8.2.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ..….% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

Page 162
8.2 Vaporizing mats (MV), continued

8.2.4 Physical properties Size of mat (Note 5)
The size of the mat should be compatible with the associated heater. Evaporation rate
After heating the mat on the appropriate heating unit for 4 hours, a
minimum of 20% of the active ingredient content found under
should remain.
8.2.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature
After storage at 54 ±2ºC for 14 days (Note 6), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 7) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the clause
- by-products of manufacture or storage (

Note 1 Sampling
General requirements
a) Samples shall be stored in such a manner that there is no deterioration of the material.
b) The sampling instrument shall be clean and dry.
c) Samples shall be protected against contamination.
Sampling, testing and acceptance
a) In any consignment, all the master cartons containing mats of the same type shall
constitute a lot.
b) Samples shall be drawn from each lot and individually tested to ascertain whether the
material complies with the specified requirements.
c) Any sample failing to comply with the specified requirements shall be termed as
defective. The acceptance number shall be the maximum number of defective
samples permissible for a lot to be accepted.
d) The number of mats to be drawn from the lot and the acceptance number shall be as
shown in the following Table.
Total number of Number of mats to Acceptance
containers in lot be tested number
300 or less 3 0
301 to 1200 6 1
1201 to 2000 13 2
2001 to 7000 21 3
7001 to 15000 29 4
15001 to 24000 48 6
24001 to 41000 84 9
over 41000 126 13
e) Each of the mats to be tested shall be drawn from a different master carton which
shall be selected at random. In order to ensure randomness of selection, random
number tables shall be used. If such tables are not available, the following procedure
may be adopted.
Starting from any master carton, count the master cartons as 1, 2, 3...... r in a
systematic manner. Every rth carton shall be drawn, r being the integral part of N/n,
where N is the total number of master cartons in the lot and n the number of master
cartons to be selected.

Page 163
8.2 Vaporizing mats (MV), continued

Note 2 The heating unit must comply with all relevant national safety standards.
Note 3 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC or AOAC. If the methods have not yet been
published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be submitted to
WHO by the proposer.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. The method(s) of analysis must be peer
Note 5 This clause is to ensure easy insertion and removal of the mat. Typical size of the mat
is 35 mm by 22 mm, 2.6 mm thick.
Note 6 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 7 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 164
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] LIQUID VAPORIZERS

[CIPAC number]/LV

The material, sampled from any part of the consignment in accordance with the
procedure described in Note 1 or any other acceptable procedure, shall comply
with the specification.

8.3.1 Description
The product shall consist of a liquid insecticide formulation in a
cartridge/bottle (Figure 1), designed to fit a suitable heater unit (Note 2),
and the formulation shall be effective as it passes up the heated wick and
evaporates at a suitable rate, over the period claimed by the
manufacturer. The cartridge/bottle shall be designed to minimise the risk
of accidental ingestion of the contents. The ...... [ISO common name]
technical material used in the manufacture of the liquid vaporizer shall
comply with the requirements of WHO specification ......

8.3.2 Active ingredient Identity tests (Note 3)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, it shall comply with at least one additional
test. ...... [ISO common name] content (Note 3)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at
20 ± 2°C) and, when determined, the average content measured
shall not differ from that declared by more than the appropriate
tolerance, given in the table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

8.3.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Note 4)
If required,
Maximum: ..….% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

Page 165
8.3 Liquid vaporizers (LV), continued

8.3.4 Physical properties Cartridge/bottle
The cartridge/bottle:
a) shall be made of a suitable heat-resistant material;
b) shall be of a suitable shape and size to fit the heater unit for
which it was designed;
c) shall hold the wick firmly, with a stopper preventing spillage
should the cartridge/bottle be inverted with the covering cap.
d) shall have a child-proof cap. Wick
The wick:
a) shall be made of a suitably porous heat-resistant material;
b) shall draw up sufficient insecticide formulation, when heated at
one end, for vaporisation to provide a suitable level of protection
against mosquitoes;
c) shall be of material and design such that it can vaporise the total
content of the insecticide formulation in the bottle/cartridge to
which it is attached. Vaporization rate

The wick and cartridge/bottle shall be designed and constructed such
that the insecticide formulation vaporizes from the heated end of the
wick at a constant, or close to constant, rate to enable a constant rate
of active ingredient emission throughout the minimum effective period
( (note 5) Minimum effective period (Note 5)

The minimum effective period shall be declared and the
cartridge/bottle shall hold sufficient formulation to enable the product
to function for not less than the minimum effective period declared.

8.3.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature
After storage at 54 ±2ºC for 14 days (Note 6), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 7) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clauses for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- minimum effective period (

Page 166
8.3 Liquid vaporizers (LV), continued

Note 1 Sampling
General requirements
a) Samples shall be stored in such a manner that there is no deterioration of the material.
b) The sampling instrument shall be clean and dry.
c) Samples shall be protected against contamination.
Sampling, testing and acceptance
a) In any consignment, all the master cartons containing liquid vaporizer refill bottles of
the same type shall constitute a lot.
b) Samples shall be drawn from each lot and individually tested to ascertain whether the
material complies with the specified requirements.
c) Any sample failing to comply with the specified requirements shall be termed as
defective. The acceptance number shall be the maximum number of defective
samples permissible for a lot to be accepted.
d) The number of refill bottles to be drawn from the lot and the acceptance number shall
be as shown in the following Table.
Total number of Number of Acceptance
containers in lot containers to be number
300 or less 3 0
301 to 1200 6 1
1201 to 2000 13 2
2001 to 7000 21 3
7001 to 15000 29 4
15001 to 24000 48 6
24001 to 41000 84 9
over 41000 126 13
e) Each of the refill bottles to be tested shall be drawn from a different master carton
which shall be selected at random. In order to ensure randomness of selection,
random number tables shall be used. If such tables are not available, the following
procedure may be adopted.
Starting from any master carton, count the master cartons as 1, 2, 3...... r in a
systematic manner. Every rth carton shall be drawn, r being the integral part of N/n,
where N is the total number of master cartons in the lot and n the number of master
cartons to be selected.
Note 2 The heating unit must comply with all relevant national safety standards.
Note 3 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC or AOAC. If the methods have not yet been
published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be submitted to
WHO by the proposer.
Note 4 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. The method(s) of analysis must be peer
Note 5 Determination of the minimum effective period of a refill bottle of a liquid vaporizer.
Method under development.
Note 6 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 7 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Page 167
8.3 Liquid vaporizers (LV), continued

Page 168

Not all characteristics which define the acceptability of aerosol dispensers are
incorporated in the specification guideline given below.
The flammability and ignition distance of the spray produced by the dispenser
and formulation are of potentially great importance to the user but they must be
dealt with by appropriate labelling of the dispensers.
The spray droplet size distribution is relevant to operator risk and may influence
efficacy. At present, the measurement is complex and interpretation of the
results is not straightforward, and therefore no clause is included.
Aerosol dispensers are expected to withstand corrosion for a minimum of 2 years
from the date of release by the manufacturer. Ideally, specifications would
include a clause to define the corrosion resistance of the dispenser. At present,
no practical method is available to predict whether or not whether or not the
structural integrity of dispenser could be compromised within 2 years and
therefore a clause cannot be included. Manufacturers, users of aerosols and/or
other interested parties are invited to develop and propose simple methods
based on standard conditions, so that this important omission can be rectified.

Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
referring to section 4. If two or more active ingredients are co-formulated, they should
have separate specifications. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline,
incorporate only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

...... [ISO common name] AEROSOL DISPENSERS

[CIPAC number]/AE

The material, sampled from any part of the consignment in accordance with the
procedure described in Note 1 or any other acceptable procedure, shall comply
with the specification.

8.11.1 Description
The product shall consist of a liquid insecticide formulation in a pressurised,
non-refillable aerosol dispenser, containing propellant(s), synergist(s) and other
formulants (see note 2, for restrictions on solvents and propellants), as required,
intended for release of the active ingredient into the air in the form of an aerosol.
The technical (ISO common name(s)), in the form(s) of …… (see Section 4.2),
used in the manufacture of the formulation shall comply with the requirements of
WHO specification(s) ......

Page 169
8.11 Aerosol dispensers (AE), continued

8.11.2 Active ingredient and synergist Active ingredient identity tests (Notes 3 and 4)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where an
identity remains in doubt, it shall comply with at least one additional
test. [Active ingredient ISO common name] content (Notes 3 and 4)
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
that declared by more than the appropriate tolerances, given in the
table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2. [Synergist ISO common name] content (Notes 4, 5 and 6), if
The ...... [ISO common name] content shall be declared (g/kg) and,
when determined, the average content measured shall not differ from
those declared by more than the appropriate tolerances, given in the
table of tolerances, Section 4.3.2.

8.11.3 Relevant impurities By-products of manufacture or storage (Notes 4, 6 and 7)
If required,
Maximum: ..….% of the …… [ISO common name] content found

8.11.4 Physical properties Net content of formulation
The minimum net content shall be declared (kg) and, when
determined, the average net content shall not be lower than that
declared. Internal pressure (Note 8 and Figure 1)
The maximum rated pressure of the dispenser shall be declared on
the label and, when measured at 30 ± 2ºC, the internal pressure shall
not exceed ......% of the maximum rated pressure. Discharge rate (Note 9)
The discharge rate of the filled dispenser shall be within the range
.….. to …… g formulation/sec. pH range (applicable to water-based formulations only)
(Note 10)
pH range: ...... to ......

Page 170
8.11 Aerosol dispensers (AE), continued Clogging of aerosol dispenser valves

No clogging shall occur when the aerosol dispenser valves are tested
in accordance with the procedure as described in Note 11 or any
other acceptable method.

8.11.6 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature
After storage at 54 ±2ºC for 14 days (Note 12), the determined
average active ingredient content must not be lower than ......%
relative to the determined average content found before storage
(Note 13) and the formulation shall continue to comply with the
clause for:
- by-products of manufacture or storage (,
- the combined weight of the container and contents shall not be
less than …% of the original weight.
Note 1 Sampling
General requirements
a) Samples shall be stored in such a manner that there is no deterioration of the material.
b) The sampling instrument shall be clean and dry.
c) Samples shall be protected against contamination.
Sampling, testing and acceptance
a) In any consignment, all the master cartons containing containers of the same type
shall constitute a lot.
b) Samples shall be drawn from each lot and individually tested to ascertain whether the
material complies with the specified requirements.
c) Any sample failing to comply with the specified requirements shall be termed as
defective. The acceptance number shall be the maximum number of defective
samples permissible for a lot to be accepted.
d) The number of containers to be drawn from the lot and the acceptance number shall
be as shown in the following Table.
Total number of Number of Acceptance
containers in lot containers to be number
300 or less 3 0
301 to 1200 6 1
1201 to 2000 13 2
2001 to 7000 21 3
7001 to 15000 29 4
15001 to 24000 48 6
24001 to 41000 84 9
over 41000 126 13
e) Each of the containers to be tested shall be drawn from a different master carton
which shall be selected at random. In order to ensure randomness of selection,
random number tables shall be used. If such tables are not available, the following
procedure may be adopted.
Starting from any master carton, count the master cartons as 1, 2, 3...... r in a
systematic manner. Every rth carton shall be drawn, r being the integral part of N/n,
where N is the total number of master cartons in the lot and n the number of master
cartons to be selected.

Page 171
8.11 Aerosol dispensers (AE), continued

Note 2 Solvents not permitted for use in aerosols:

2-butoxyethanol (ethylene glycol monobutyl ether)
2-butoxyethylacetate (ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate)
carbon tetrachloride
1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride)
2-ethoxyethanol (ethylene glycol monoethyl ether)
2-ethoxyethylacetate (ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate)
2-hexanone (methyl n-butyl ketone)
2-methoxyethanol (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether)
2-methoxyethylacetate (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate)
Propellants. The Montreal Protocol and EU directive on the withdrawal of
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) from aerosols were noted. Hydrocarbon propellants are
recommended for insecticide aerosols, provided international safety standards are met
by the aerosol producer. Industry should be encouraged to develop alternative and
safer propellants and delivery systems.
Note 3 Method(s) of analysis must be CIPAC or AOAC. If the methods have not yet been
published then full details, with appropriate method validation data, must be submitted to
FAO/WHO by the proposer.
Note 4 To remove the contents of the dispenser it should be weighed (to ± 0.01 g, at room
temperature so that it is dry on the outside) and either immersed in dry ice (solid carbon
dioxide) for a minimum of 1 hr or placed in deep freeze (-18ºC or below) overnight. The
container should then be removed to a fume hood and, using a suitable shield, the
container should be punctured towards the top with a sharp implement, making a hole
or holes that will be sufficiently large for the subsequent introduction and removal of
extraction solvent. Allow the propellent to evaporate by allowing the contents to rise to
room temperature without applying additional warming. Using a suitable solvent
(appropriate to the active ingredient and synergist), thoroughly rinse the contents of the
dispenser into a volumetric flask, make to volume with the solvent. If possible, use a
solvent that will not remove paint or other external coatings. Using a suitable analytical
method, determine the mass of active ingredient and synergist in the rinsate. Dry the
rinsed dispenser and re-weigh it to determine the mass of formulation it contained. Use
this value to express the content of active ingredient and synergist on a g/kg basis.
Note 5 If the identity of the synergist is considered confidential, the JMPS will consider the
requirements for this clause on a case-by-case basis.
Note 6 The method(s) of analysis must be peer validated or CIPAC or AOAC.
Note 7 This clause should include only relevant impurities and the title should be changed to
reflect the name of the relevant impurity. The method(s) of analysis must be peer
Note 8 Determination of pressure in finished aerosol packs .
The determination of the pressure existing in the finished aerosol packs is necessary to
verify that the true pressure is compatible with the pressure limitations of the pack, and
in accordance with the regulations in force.
True pressure is the relative pressure given by an accurate manometer, at a given

European Union
European Aerosol Federation, (49 Square Marie-Louise, 1000 Brussels, Belgium)

Page 172
8.11 Aerosol dispensers (AE), continued

The determination of the true pressure in the finished aerosol pack:
a) in such a way that the measurement affects as little as possible the value of the real
b) in such a way that the manometer will not be polluted by the product under pressure
present in the pack.
The method is recommended for determination of the true pressure of all filled aerosol
The following are required:
a) a source of reference gas (nitrogen for instance) from which the pressure can be
regulated by means of a control valve;
b) a manometer of high accuracy, if possible cushioned by an oil-bath and adapted to
fit the aerosol container on which the measurement will be effected (Figure 1).
The apparatus must be assembled in such a way that, in the state of rest, the
manometer is connected to the reference gas (the pressure of this gas being slightly
higher than the actual pressure in the pack) and, for taking the measurement, the
manometer is connected to the interior of the pack to show the actual pressure.
Working operation
a) Make sure that the aerosol dispenser is thoroughly equilibrated to 30 ± 2ºC.
b) The measuring apparatus must be fitted with an appropriate adaptor for the valve
c) The pressure of the reference gas must be regulated to a value slightly higher than
the anticipated pressure of the dispenser.
d) Apply the measuring apparatus to the valve and press lightly in order to open the
valve and the slide of the apparatus.
e) Read the true pressure on the manometer, when the needle has stabilized.
Accuracy of measurement
The measurement of the true pressure will be the more accurate:
a) with larger aerosol dispenser sizes;
b) with only a small difference in pressure between the reference gas and the true
pressure of the dispenser (if required, measurements can be made on additional
dispensers after adjusting the reference gas pressure to a value very close to the
true pressure);
c) if the dead volume of the manometer is small (less than 2 ml).
Test report
The test report must indicate, in addition to the results and test conditions, any relevant
working details not specified in the method, especially if they are suspected of having
influenced the results.
5.1 It is necessary to recalibrate the manometer frequently, for example with the aid of a
manometric balance.
5.2 A non-return valve can be inserted in the apparatus to avoid the aerosol product
penetrating the manometer if the pressure of the reference gas is inadvertently
much lower than the true pressure in the dispenser.
Note 9 Evaluation of discharge rate of filled aerosol dispensers
The method is applicable to the majority of aerosols marketed at present. It may be used,
with discretion, for dispenser fitted with vapour-phase taps where there will be a continually
changing composition as the contents are discharged. It is not suitable for use in the
inverted position for dispensers with vapour phase taps, as there will be a erratic discharge
dependent upon the liquid content of the dip tube. Where dispensers are intended to be
used in an inverted position, it is vital that the test shall be done in that way. It is important
that discharge tests follow the instructions for use given on the dispenser. The method is
not intended for use with metering valves.

European Aerosol Federation 49 Square Marie-Louise, 1000 Brussels, Belgium)

Page 173
8.11 Aerosol dispensers (AE), continued

The discharge rate of an aerosol dispenser is determined by measuring the quantity of
material expelled through the valve in the given time. The exact duration of discharge,
normally 10 sec, and the temperature of the dispenser must be carefully controlled for
good reproducibility. Normally the test is repeated three times to give three determinations
but, in the case of products filled with vapour phase tap valves, it is preferable to reduce
the discharge interval to 5 sec and the number of determinations to two. This is to
minimise the variation in composition that will occur as the contents are sprayed off.
There will be some loss of accuracy using the shorter duration of discharge.
Alternatively, the discharge rate may be determined at different stages in the emptying of
the dispenser (e.g. 90%, 70%, 50%, 30% and 10% fill) which then allows the values to be
plotted graphically. Where the composition changes with the emptying of the packs, this
offers a particularly convenient way of showing the effect of this change. In the case of
storage test samples, a single test is normally performed at each examination to conserve
the contents.
A water bath at 25°C ± 0.5°C, a stop watch accurate to 0.2 second, a balance weighing
to 0.1 g and a pressure gauge accurate to 2 psig (0.1 kg.cm ) are required.
a) The valve of the aerosol dispenser shall be handled according to label instructions
and the valve shall be operated for five sec to remove material in the dip tube which
may not be homogenous with the bulk of the filling.
b) The aerosol dispenser shall be immersed in a water bath maintained at
25°C ± 0.5°C for half an hour, or for sufficiently long for the contents to attain the
temperature of the water bath.
c) The aerosol dispenser shall be removed from the water bath, wiped completely dry,
the valve operated for one second to remove any water in the valve, the internal
pressures of the dispenser shall be measured and the dispenser shall be weighed
to within 0.1g.
d) The aerosol dispenser shall then be shaken for 3 sec by hand or other suitable
means and the valve shall be operated fully open for 10 sec, timed by the stop
watch. During the discharge, the dispenser shall be positioned as indicated in the
instructions for use.
e) The aerosol dispenser shall be wiped clean of any liquid and re-weighed to within
0.1 g.
Procedures (b) to (d) shall be repeated twice or more and the internal pressure of the
dispensers shall be measured again.
The difference in weights derived from procedure (e) and procedure (c) shall be divided
by 10 (sec). Results should not differ by more than 0.1 g from the mean of the three
results. If a greater difference is found at least two more readings should be taken.
Report valve discharge rates as g.sec at the measured mean pressure of the
dispenser. The method, e.g. 3 x 10 sec, 2 x 5 sec or 1 x 5 sec (90%....50%....10%)
spraying, etc., shall be quoted.
a) Where discharge rates are to be determined at various stages of pack emptying it is
advisable to allow the pack to reach equilibrium at 25°C in the water bath, shake
and spray for 5 sec, re-shake vigorously and re-spray for another 5 sec and replace
in water bath. This procedure may then be repeated until the correct pack content
is reached. This rather tedious procedure avoids errors arising from the fall in
temperature of the contents of the pack during prolonged spraying.
b) Results may show variations from sample to sample that are greater than might be
expected from normal manufacturing tolerances. This may be due variations in the
valve orifice diameter.
c) The discharge rate of freshly prepared aerosol dispensers will not normally be the
same as for samples allowed to “mature”, due to the effect of solvents on the

Page 174
8.11 Aerosol dispensers (AE), continued

Note 10 The pH may be determined by any acceptable method.

Note 11 Testing of valves of filled aerosol dispensers for clogging
a) Fume hood
b) Protective clothing and mask.
Shake the aerosol dispensers thoroughly and, keeping them in an upright position,
disperse the contents of each into the fume hood. Actuate the valve in a series of
cycles (30 sec on, 30 sec off) until the dispenser is emptied. Examine the valves for
Note 12 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified. Refer to Section 4.6.2 of this
Manual for alternative storage conditions.
Note 13 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.

Figure 1. Manometric measurement of internal pressure.

Page 175

9.1 Bacterial larvicide technical concentrates (TK)
9.11 Bacterial larvicide wettable powders (WP)
9.12 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible granules (WG)
9.13 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible tablets (WT)
9.21 Bacterial larvicide suspension concentrates (SC)



Page 176

Where appropriate, the guidelines, clauses and limits to be adopted for
specifications for bacterial larvicides are similar to those identified in Sections 4
to 8 of this Manual. The rationale for requirements and objectives which differ
are described below. In addition to these differences, where the use of Bti
formulations are proposed for use in drinking water, colour, taste and odour
should be included in the specifications. The maximum acceptable level of
microbial contaminants has yet to be determined, where used for drinking water
or any other public health application.
Description of the product. The active ingredient is described in terms of the
genus, species and strain of bacterium. The description should also include
information on the colour, odour and taste, if the product is intended for
application to drinking water.
Active Ingredient identity. The aim is to enable identification of the bacterium
species and strain and to identify the internationally recognised culture collection
from which reference standard material may be obtained for the purposes of
checking compliance with the specifications.
Active Ingredient content. The aim is to ensure that the content of active
ingredient is described unequivocally and a method for assay of biopotency
(toxicity to target mosquitoes) is provided for this purpose.
Impurities, microbial. The aim is to limit the content of microbial contaminants,
which may otherwise increase the risks associated with handling or adversely
affect the efficacy of the material. Reference is provided to an appropriate
Impurities, chemical. This clause is specifically intended to limit the content of
beta-exotoxin and hence the potential for adverse effects on non-target

Page 177
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
providing justification. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

…… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium]

[CIPAC number]/TK

9.1.1 Description (Note 1)

The material shall consist of …… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of
bacterium] together with related by-products of the route of manufacture and
shall be in the form of [physical description], free from visible extraneous matter
and added modifying agents, except for stabilizers (preservatives) and free-flow
agents (Note 2), if required.

9.1.2 Active Ingredient (Note 3) Identity
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional test. Active ingredient content (biopotency)
The …… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium] content
shall be declared in International Toxic Units (ITU/mg product), and
when determined by the method described in Note 4, the average
biopotency shall not be less than 90% of the declared minimum content.

9.1.3 Relevant impurities and contaminants Microbial contaminants and impurities
(Note 5.) Chemical impurities
The material shall be free from beta-exotoxin when tested with the fly
larvae toxicity test (Notes 6 and 7) or an equivalent HPLC method. Water (WHO test method M7R1)
Maximum … g/kg (Note 8).

Page 178
9.1 Bacterial larvicide technical concentrates (TK), continued

9.1.4. Physical and Physico-Chemical Properties pH range (CIPAC MT 75.3)
If required,
pH range … to …

9.1.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature
(Method to be developed – Note 9.)

Note 1 The technical concentrate is the axenic (“pure”) single organism, with all relevant
biological components associated with it, e.g., toxins, cellular parts and spores. The
description must include information on any genetic modifications of the strain used.
Note 2 A free-flow agent may be required to minimise static electricity and the agglomeration of
Note 3 Information must be provided on the source and identification characteristics of
reference material obtainable from an internationally recognised institution.
Note 4 Determination of the biopotency (toxicity) of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and
B. sphaericus products.
Biopotency is tested by comparing mosquito larval mortality produced by the
product under test with the mortality produced by the corresponding reference standard.
Biopotency is measured in International Toxic Units (ITU) per mg of product.
Presently, there are two internationally recognized reference powders that allow
determination of biopotency using bioassays of bacterial preparations to mosquito
larvae, when used in conjunction with the methods described below.
The biopotency of products based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
(Bti) is compared against a lyophilized reference powder (IPS82, strain 1884) of this
bacterial species, using early fourth-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti (strain Bora Bora).
The toxicity of IPS82 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 15,000 ITU/mg powder
against this insect strain.
The biopotency of products based on Bacillus sphaericus (Bsph) is determined
against a lyophilized reference powder (SPH88, strain 2362) of this bacterial species
using early fourth-instar larvae of Culex pipiens pipiens (strain Montpellier). The toxicity
of SPH88 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 1,700 ITU/mg of powder against this
insect strain.
The toxicity of all bacterial preparations based on Bti or Bsph can be determined
against the above standard powders. The toxicity (ITU/mg) of products tested is
determined according to the following formula:
titre (ITU/mg) of product tested = titre standard (ITU/mg) x LC50 (mg/l) standard
LC50 (mg/l) unknown "X"
The use of alternative bacterial larvicide reference powders and/or alternative
strains of mosquitoes in this test must be approached cautiously, because it is inevitable
that different results will be obtained with them. Such alternatives must be the subject
of careful cross-calibration against the reference powders and/or strains identified
above. Ideally, such cross-calibration should be conducted by a group of independent
expert laboratories. The alternative powders/strains, and the cross-calibration data
which support them, should be made available to anyone who wishes to use, or check,
the test with the alternative powders/strains.

Page 179
9.1 Bacterial larvicide technical concentrates (TK), continued

Apparatus and reagents
Top-drive homogenizer or stirrer.
Ice bath (container of crushed ice).
Analytical balance (accurate to ± 0.1 mg).
Top-pan balance (accurate to ± 10 mg), preferably with tare facility.
Deionised water.
Wetting agent (e.g. Tween 80).
200 ml borosilicate glass or plastic beakers.
500 ml wide-necked, screw-capped, clear glass bottle.
100 ml screw-capped clear glass bottles.
10 ml pipette.
12 ml plastic tubes with stoppers or caps.
200 ml plastic or wax-coated paper cups.
(i) Preparation of reference standard suspensions for calibration of the bioassay
Before preparing the suspension, check that stirring/blending of the wetting
agent/water mixture, described in the following paragraph, does not lead to foaming. If
it does, dilute (e.g. 1:10) the wetting agent before use.
Accurately weigh about 50 mg (to the nearest 0.1 mg) of the reference standard
powder and transfer it to a 200 ml beaker with 100 ml deionised water (it can be
transferred directly to the 500 ml bottle if the neck is wide enough to accept the
stirrer/blender head). Allow the mixture to stand for 30 min and add a small drop (about
0.2 mg) of wetting agent. Place the beaker in the ice bath and either stir or blend the
mixture for 2 min. Check visually for any large particulates remaining and repeat the
stirring/blending if there are any. Weigh or tare the 500 ml bottle and transfer the
suspension/solution to it, rinsing carefully and thoroughly the beaker and stirrer/blender.
Add further deionised water to make the weight of contents to 500 g (500 ml), cap the
bottle and shake vigorously to mix the contents. Confirm, by microscopic examination
of a small aliquot, that no aggregates of spores and crystals persist. If any are present,
the contents must be subjected to further stirring/blending in the ice bath. This primary
suspension/solution contains 1 mg/10 ml and must be shaken vigorously immediately
before removing aliquots.
Transfer 10 ml aliquots of the primary solution/suspension to clean 12 ml tubes
that are stoppered/capped immediately. If transferring a number of aliquots, cap and
shake the primary suspension/solution at intervals not exceeding 3 min, because the
spores and crystals sediment quickly in water. The aliquots can be stored for a month
at 4°C and for 2 years in a freezer at -18°C. Each contains 1 mg standard powder.
To prepare a “stock solution”, weigh or tare a 100 ml bottle. Transfer one of the 10 ml
aliquots into the 100 ml bottle, rinsing carefully at least twice with deionised water, and
fill to a total of 100 g. Shake the mixture vigorously (or use the blender) to produce a
homogeneous suspension. Frozen aliquots must be homogenised thoroughly before
use, because particles agglomerate during freezing. The “stock solution” contains
10 mg/l.
From the “stock solution”, subsequent dilutions are prepared directly in plastic
cups filled (by weighing) with 150 ml de-ionized water. To each cup, 25 early L4 larvae
of Aedes aegypti or Culex pipiens (depending on the bacterial species to be tested:
Aedes for Bti and Culex larvae for B. sphaericus) are added first by means of a Pasteur
pipette, prior to addition of bacterial suspensions. The volume of water added with the
larvae is removed from the cup (by weighing) and discarded, to avoid changing of the
volume in the cup. Using micropipettes, 600 µl, 450 µl, 300 µl, 150 µl, 120 µl and 75 µl
of “stock solution” are added to separate cups and the solutions mixed to produce final
concentrations of 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.008 and 0.005 mg/l, respectively, of the
reference standard powder. Four replicate cups are used for each concentration and
one for the control, which contains only 150 ml de-ionized water.

Page 180
9.1 Bacterial larvicide technical concentrates (TK), continued

(ii) Preparation of suspensions of the product to be tested

For bioassay of preparations of dry products (TK, WP, WG, WT) of unknown
toxicity, an initial homogenate is made in the same manner as described for the
reference standard powder, above, except that the replicate determinations must be
made on dilutions prepared by weighing separate test portions of the product. That is
four replicate primary suspension/solutions must be prepared. For assay of a liquid
formulation (SC), after suitable agitation, 100 mg is weighed instead of 50 mg (the
“stock solution” then corresponding to 20 mg/l). Cups and larvae are prepared as
described above and comparable dilutions are prepared as for the reference standard.
For products of unknown toxicity, perform range-finding bioassays, using a wide
range of concentrations of the product under test, to determine its approximate toxicity.
The results are then used to determine a narrower range of concentrations for a more
precise bioassay.
(iii) Determination of toxicity
No food is added for Aedes larvae. For the Culex bioassay, finely ground yeast
extract (1.5 mg) is added to the water and mixed to produce a concentration of 10 mg/l.
All tests should be conducted at 28 + 2°C, with a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. To avoid
the adverse effects of evaporation of water in low humidity, the relative humidity should
be maintained at 50 ± 15%, if possible.
Each bioassay series should preferably involve 6 concentrations x 4 replicates x
25 larvae for the reference standard and the unknown and 100 larvae for the control.
The aim is to identify a range of concentrations that give mortality between 5 to 95 %
(because 100 larvae are used). Data giving 0 or 100 % mortality are ignored for the
calculation of the LC50. To prepare a valid dose-response curve, only concentrations
giving values between 95% and 5% mortality should be used. A minimum of two
dilution points must be above the LC50 and two below, to ensure the validity of the value.
The sensitivity of the insect colony may require a slightly different 6 dilution series to be
Mortality is determined at 24 and 48 h by counting the live larvae remaining. If
pupation occurs, the pupae should be removed and their numbers excluded from the
calculations. If more than 5% of larvae pupate, the test is invalidated because larvae do
not ingest 24 hours before pupation and too many larvae may have survived simply
because they were too old. Because of the very rapid killing action of Bti, usually there
is no difference between the 24 and 48 h mortality. In this case, the 48-h count
confirms the 24-h reading and provides a check on the possible influence of factors
other than Bti components. Mortality is recorded at 48 h for Bsph preparations, due to
its slower rate of action.
If the control mortality exceeds 5%, the mortalities of treated groups should be
corrected according to Abbott's formula [Abbott, W. S. (1925). A method for computing
the effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal of Economic Entomology, 18, 265-267]:
percentage (%) control = ————
X x 100

where X = % survival in untreated control,

Y = % survival in treated sample.
Tests with a control mortality greater than 10%, or any pupation greater than 5%,
should be discarded. Mortality-concentration regression lines may be drawn on gausso-
logarithmic paper but this is rather subjective. It is preferable to use a statistical
program, such as SAS, which incorporates a Log Probit Analysis. With such a statistical
program, Abbott’s formula is not required because the correction is automatically carried
out by the program. The toxicity of an unknown preparation is determined by estimation
and comparison of the LC50s of the tested product and reference standard preparations,
using the formula described above. The toxicity of Bti preparations is defined by the
count at 24 h after initiation of the test, whereas the toxicity of Bsph is defined by the
count after 48 h of larval exposure.

Page 181
9.1 Bacterial larvicide technical concentrates (TK), continued

For increased accuracy, bioassays should be repeated on at least three different

days, concurrently with the assay of the reference standard, and the standard deviation
of the means calculated. A test series is valid if the relative standard deviation (RSD or
coefficient of variation, CV) is less than 25%.
(iv) Production of test larvae
L4 larvae are representative of the total sensitivity of the target population and
convenient to handle. It is very important to use a homogenous population of early
fourth instars, which are obtained within five day of hatching using standardized rearing
For Aedes aegypti, eggs are laid in a cup lined with filter paper and filled one third
with deionised water. The paper is dried at room temperature and kept for several
months by storing in a sealed plastic bag at room temperature. When larvae are
needed, the paper is immersed in de-chlorinated water. To synchronise hatching, add
larval feed to the water 24 hours prior to adding the eggs. The bacterial growth will
deoxygenate the water and this triggers egg hatching. This usually induces the first
instars to hatch within 12 h. These larvae are then transferred to a container (25 x 25 x
depth cm) containing 2 litres of de-chlorinated water, to obtain a population of 500 to
700 larvae per container. Larval feed may be flakes of protein as used for aquarium
fish, or powdered cat biscuit, and the containers are held at 25 + 2° C. It is important
that the amount of food is kept low to avoid strong bacterial growth that kills the larvae.
Several feedings with one or two days interval and daily observation of the larvae is
optimal. If the water becomes turbid, replace all water by filtering out the larvae and
transfer to a clean container with clean water and feed. Five to seven days later a
homogenous population of early fourth instars (5 days old and 4 to 5 mm in length)
should be obtained.
For Culex pipiens pipiens larvae, it is more difficult to obtain a homogenous
population of fourth instars. Firstly, a large number of egg rafts must be laid and
collected on the same day. These can be stored at 15-18°C in order to accumulate
more eggs for hatching. The first instars are fragile and thus should not be handled.
Development to the second instar usually takes 3-4 days at 25 + 2° C after the eggs are
laid. When ready, second instars are grouped in a tray with 3 L dechlorinated water of
4-6 cm depth, 800 – 1000 larvae per tray. Food (yeast extract and dog or cat biscuits)
is provided as needed. Early fourth instars suitable for testing are usually obtained
within 7 days, though sometimes 8 or 9 days are required.
Note 5 The maximum acceptable levels of microbial contaminants have not yet been
determined. See International Health Criteria, Bacillus thuringiensis, International
Programme on Chemical Safety, Geneva, World Health Organization (In press).
Note 6 Fly larvae toxicity test: Bond R. P. M., et al. The thermostable exotoxin of Bacillus
thuringiensis. In: Burges H. D. and Hussey N. W., eds. Microbial control of insects and
mites. Academic Press, London, 1971.
Note 7 No test is required if the manufacturer has shown that the Bacillus thuringiensis strain is
not capable of producing beta exotoxin. No test is required for Bacillus sphaericus,
because this species is not known to produce exotoxins.
Note 8 Generally, the water content should not exceed 5%, to preclude premature degradation
of the product.
Note 9 Microbial larvicides should be stored at cool temperatures but accelerated storage
stability tests would be most useful for rapid checks on the storage stability of products.
At present, no standardised method is available. In the absence of an accelerated
storage stability test, it is recommended that the following minimum standards be met:
a) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 5ºC for 2 years; and
b) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 20 to 25ºC for 1 year.
These storage stability tests shall be performed using representative product
samples and the biopotency shall be assessed using the test method described in
Note 3.

Page 182
9.1 Bacterial larvicide technical concentrates (TK), continued

Results from the biopotency test may vary by up to ± 25% from the average and
this must be taken into account in determining the potency loss. If one- and two-year
test data are not available at the time of drafting a specification, an estimate of the
storage stability may be acceptable, pending completion of the tests.

Page 183
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
providing justification. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

…… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium]

[CIPAC number]/WP

9.11.1 Description (Note 1)

The material shall consist of an homogenous mixture of …… [Genus, species,
subspecies and strain of bacterium] (Note 2) complying with the requirements of
WHO specification ……, together with fillers and any other necessary formulants.
It shall be in the form of a fine powder for dispersion in water. The formulation
shall be dry, free flowing, and free from visible extraneous matter and hard
lumps. The formulation shall be …… in colour.

9.11.2 Active Ingredient (Note 3) Identity
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional test. Active ingredient content (biopotency)
The …… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium] content
shall be declared in International Toxic Units (ITU/mg product), and
when determined by the method described in Note 4, the average
biopotency shall not be less than 90% of the declared minimum content.

9.11.3 Relevant impurities and contaminants Microbial contaminants
(Note 5) Chemical impurities
The material shall be free from beta-exotoxin when tested with the fly
larvae toxicity test (Notes 6 and 7) or an equivalent HPLC method. Water (WHO test method M7R1)
Maximum …… g/kg (Note 8).

Page 184
9.11 Bacterial larvicide wettable powders (WP), continued

9.11.4. Physical and Physico-Chemical Properties pH range (WHO test method M25, CIPAC MT 75.3)
If required,
pH range …… to …… Persistent foam (CIPAC MT 47.2) (Note 9)
Maximum: …… ml after 1 minute. Wet sieve test (CIPAC MT 185)
Maximum: ……% of the formulation shall be retained on a ...... µm test
sieve. Suspensibility (CIPAC MT 168, MT 184) (Note 10)
A minimum of ……% of the product shall be in suspension after 30 min
in CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 + 2οC (Note 11). Wettability (CIPAC MT 53.3) (Note 12)
The formulation shall be completely wetted in …… min.

9.11.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature
(Method to be developed – Note 13)

Note 1 In addition to the characteristics described in the clause, odour and taste may also be
important criteria for acceptability of the product where the product is intended for
application to drinking water supplies. There are no objective or consistent tests to
determine acceptability of these characteristics. If odour and taste are to be checked it
is recommended that, for this purpose, the product is diluted to the highest rate of use.
Note 2 The axenic (“pure”) single organism, with all relevant biological components associated
with it, e.g., toxins, cellular parts and spores. The description must include information
on any genetic modifications of the strain used.
Note 3 Information must be provided on the source and identification characteristics of
reference material obtainable from an internationally recognised institution.
Note 4 Determination of the biopotency (toxicity) of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and
B. sphaericus products.
Biopotency is tested by comparing mosquito larval mortality produced by the
product under test with the mortality produced by the corresponding reference standard.
Biopotency is measured in International Toxic Units (ITU) per mg of product.
Presently, there are two internationally recognized reference powders that allow
determination of biopotency using bioassays of bacterial preparations to mosquito
larvae, when used in conjunction with the methods described below.
The biopotency of products based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
(Bti) is compared against a lyophilized reference powder (IPS82, strain 1884) of this
bacterial species, using early fourth-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti (strain Bora Bora).
The toxicity of IPS82 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 15,000 ITU/mg powder
against this insect strain.

Page 185
9.11 Bacterial larvicide wettable powders (WP), continued

The biopotency of products based on Bacillus sphaericus (Bsph) is determined

against a lyophilized reference powder (SPH88, strain 2362) of this bacterial species
using early fourth-instar larvae of Culex pipiens pipiens (strain Montpellier). The toxicity
of SPH88 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 1,700 ITU/mg of powder against this
insect strain.
The toxicity of all bacterial preparations based on Bti or Bsph can be determined
against the above standard powders. The toxicity (ITU/mg) of products tested is
determined according to the following formula:
titre (ITU/mg) of product tested = titre standard (ITU/mg) x LC50 (mg/l) standard
LC50 (mg/l) unknown "X"
The use of alternative bacterial larvicide reference powders and/or alternative
strains of mosquitoes in this test must be approached cautiously, because it is inevitable
that different results will be obtained with them. Such alternatives must be the subject
of careful cross-calibration against the reference powders and/or strains identified
above. Ideally, such cross-calibration should be conducted by a group of independent
expert laboratories. The alternative powders/strains, and the cross-calibration data
which support them, should be made available to anyone who wishes to use, or check,
the test with the alternative powders/strains.
Apparatus and reagents
Top-drive homogenizer or stirrer
Ice bath (container of crushed ice)
Analytical balance (accurate to ± 0.1 mg)
Top-pan balance (accurate to ± 10 mg), preferably with tare facility
Deionised water
Wetting agent (e.g. Tween 80)
200 ml borosilicate glass or plastic beakers
500 ml wide-necked, screw-capped, clear glass bottle
100 ml screw-capped clear glass bottles
10 ml pipette
12 ml plastic tubes with stoppers or caps
200 ml plastic or wax-coated paper cups
(i) Preparation of reference standard suspensions for calibration of the bioassay
Before preparing the suspension, check that stirring/blending of the wetting
agent/water mixture, described in the following paragraph, does not lead to foaming. If
it does, dilute (e.g. 1:10) the wetting agent before use.
Accurately weigh about 30 mg (to the nearest 0.1 mg) of the reference standard
powder and transfer it to a 200 ml beaker with 100 ml deionised water (it can be
transferred directly to the 500 ml bottle if the neck is wide enough to accept the
stirrer/blender head). Allow the mixture to stand for 30 min and add a small drop (about
0.2 mg) of wetting agent. Place the beaker in the ice bath and either stir or blend the
mixture for 2 min. Check visually for any large particulates remaining and repeat the
stirring/blending if there are any. Weigh or tare the 500 ml bottle and transfer the
suspension/solution to it, rinsing carefully and thoroughly the beaker and stirrer/blender.
Add further deionised water to make the weight of contents to 500 g (500 ml), cap the
bottle and shake vigorously to mix the contents. Confirm, by microscopic examination
of a small aliquot, that no aggregates of spores and crystals persist. If any are present,
the contents must be subjected to further stirring/blending in the ice bath. This primary
suspension/solution contains 1 mg/10 ml and must be shaken vigorously immediately
before removing aliquots.
Transfer 10 ml aliquots of the primary solution/suspension to clean 12 ml tubes
that are stoppered/capped immediately. If transferring a number of aliquots, cap and
shake the primary suspension/solution at intervals not exceeding 3 min, because the
spores and crystals sediment quickly in water. The aliquots can be stored for a month
at 4°C and for 2 years in a freezer at -18°C. Each contains 1 mg standard powder.

Page 186
9.11 Bacterial larvicide wettable powders (WP), continued

To prepare a “stock solution”, weigh or tare a 100 ml bottle. Transfer one of the
10 ml aliquots into the 100 ml bottle, rinsing carefully at least twice with deionised water,
and fill to a total of 100 g. Shake the mixture vigorously (or use the blender) to produce
a homogeneous suspension. Frozen aliquots must be homogenised thoroughly before
use, because particles agglomerate during freezing. The “stock solution” contains
10 mg/l.
From the “stock solution”, subsequent dilutions are prepared directly in plastic
cups filled (by weighing) with 150 ml de-ionized water. To each cup, 25 early L4 larvae
of Aedes aegypti or Culex pipiens (depending on the bacterial species to be tested:
Aedes for Bti and Culex larvae for B. sphaericus) are added first by means of a Pasteur
pipette, prior to addition of bacterial suspensions. The volume of water added with the
larvae is removed from the cup (by weighing) and discarded, to avoid changing of the
volume in the cup. Using micropipettes, 600 µl, 450 µl, 300 µl, 150 µl, 120 µl and 75 µl
of “stock solution” are added to separate cups and the solutions mixed to produce final
concentrations of 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.008 and 0.005 mg/l, respectively, of the
reference standard powder. Four replicate cups are used for each concentration and
one for the control, which contains only 150 ml de-ionized water.
(ii) Preparation of suspensions of the product to be tested
For bioassay of preparations of dry products (TK, WP, WG, WT) of unknown
toxicity, an initial homogenate is made in the same manner as described for the
reference standard powder, above, except that the replicate determinations must be
made on dilutions prepared by weighing separate test portions of the product. That is
four replicate primary suspension/solutions must be prepared. For assay of a liquid
formulation (SC), after suitable agitation, 100 mg is weighed instead of 50 mg (the
“stock solution” then corresponding to 20 mg/l). Cups and larvae are prepared as
described above and comparable dilutions are prepared as for the reference standard.
For products of unknown toxicity, perform range-finding bioassays, using a wide
range of concentrations of the product under test, to determine its approximate toxicity.
The results are then used to determine a narrower range of concentrations for a more
precise bioassay.
(iii) Determination of toxicity
No food is added for Aedes larvae. For the Culex bioassay, finely ground yeast
extract (1.5 mg) is added to the water and mixed to produce a concentration of 10 mg/l.
All tests should be conducted at 28 + 2°C, with a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. To avoid
the adverse effects of evaporation of water in low humidity, the relative humidity should
be maintained at 50 ± 15%, if possible.
Each bioassay series should preferably involve 6 concentrations x 4 replicates x
25 larvae for the reference standard and the unknown and 100 larvae for the control.
The aim is to identify a range of concentrations that give mortality between 5 to 95 %
(because 100 larvae are used). Data giving 0 or 100 % mortality are ignored for the
calculation of the LC50. To prepare a valid dose-response curve, only concentrations
giving values between 95% and 5% mortality should be used. A minimum of two
dilution points must be above the LC50 and two below, to ensure the validity of the value.
The sensitivity of the insect colony may require a slightly different 6 dilution series to be
Mortality is determined at 24 and 48 h by counting the live larvae remaining. If
pupation occurs, the pupae should be removed and their numbers excluded from the
calculations. If more than 5% of larvae pupate, the test is invalidated because larvae do
not ingest 24 hours before pupation and too many larvae may have survived simply
because they were too old. Because of the very rapid killing action of Bti, usually there
is no difference between the 24 and 48 h mortality. In this case, the 48-h count
confirms the 24-h reading and provides a check on the possible influence of factors
other than Bti components. Mortality is recorded at 48 h for Bsph preparations, due to
its slower rate of action.

Page 187
9.11 Bacterial larvicide wettable powders (WP), continued

If the control mortality exceeds 5%, the mortalities of treated groups should be
corrected according to Abbott's formula [Abbott, W. S. (1925). A method for computing
the effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal of Economic Entomology, 18, 265-267]:
percentage (%) control = ————
X x 100

where X = % survival in untreated control,

Y = % survival in treated sample.
Tests with a control mortality greater than 10%, or any pupation greater than 5%,
should be discarded. Mortality-concentration regression lines may be drawn on gausso-
logarithmic paper but this is rather subjective. It is preferable to use a statistical
program, such as SAS, which incorporates a Log Probit Analysis. With such a
statistical program, Abbott’s formula is not required because the correction is
automatically carried out by the program. The toxicity of an unknown preparation is
determined by estimation and comparison of the LC50s of the tested product and
reference standard preparations, using the formula described above. The toxicity of Bti
preparations is defined by the count at 24 h after initiation of the test, whereas the
toxicity of Bsph is defined by the count after 48 h of larval exposure.
For increased accuracy, bioassays should be repeated on at least three different
days, concurrently with the assay of the reference standard, and the standard deviation
of the means calculated. A test series is valid if the relative standard deviation (RSD or
coefficient of variation, CV) is less than 25%.
(iv) Production of test larvae
L4 larvae are representative of the total sensitivity of the target population and
convenient to handle. It is very important to use a homogenous population of early
fourth instars, which are obtained within five days of hatching using standardized rearing
For Aedes aegypti, eggs are laid in a cup lined with filter paper and filled one third
with deionised water. The paper is dried at room temperature and kept for several
months by storing in a sealed plastic bag at room temperature. When larvae are
needed, the paper is immersed in de-chlorinated water. To synchronise hatching, add
larval feed to the water 24 hours prior to adding the eggs. The bacterial growth will
deoxygenate the water and this triggers egg hatching. This usually induces the first
instars to hatch within 12 h. These larvae are then transferred to a container (25 x 25 x
depth cm) containing 2 litres of de-chlorinated water, to obtain a population of 500 to
700 larvae per container. Larval feed may be flakes of protein as used for aquarium
fish, or powdered cat biscuit, and the containers are held at 25 + 2° C. It is important
that the amount of food is kept low to avoid strong bacterial growth that kills the larvae.
Several feedings with one or two days interval and daily observation of the larvae is
optimal. If the water becomes turbid, replace all water by filtering out the larvae and
transfer to a clean container with clean water and feed. Five to seven days later a
homogenous population of early fourth instars (5 days old and 4 to 5 mm in length)
should be obtained.
For Culex pipiens pipiens larvae, it is more difficult to obtain a homogenous
population of fourth instars. Firstly, a large number of egg rafts must be laid and
collected on the same day. These can be stored at 15-18°C in order to accumulate
more eggs for hatching. The first instars are fragile and thus should not be handled.
Development to the second instar usually takes 3-4 days at 25 + 2° C after the eggs are
laid. When ready, second instars are grouped in a tray with 3 L dechlorinated water of
4-6 cm depth, 800 – 1000 larvae per tray. Food (yeast extract and dog or cat biscuits)
is provided as needed. Early fourth instars suitable for testing are usually obtained
within 7 days, though sometimes 8 or 9 days are required.
Note 5 The maximum acceptable levels of microbial contaminants have not yet been
determined. See International Health Criteria, Bacillus thuringiensis, International
Programme on Chemical Safety, Geneva, World Health Organization (In press).

Page 188
9.11 Bacterial larvicide wettable powders (WP), continued

Note 6 Fly larvae toxicity test: Bond R. P. M., et al. The thermostable exotoxin of Bacillus
thuringiensis. In: Burges H. D. and Hussey N. W., eds. Microbial control of insects and
mites. Academic Press, London, 1971.
Note 7 No test is required if the manufacturer has shown that the Bacillus thuringiensis strain is
not capable of producing beta exotoxin. No test is required for Bacillus sphaericus,
because this species is not known to produce exotoxins.
Note 8 Generally, the water content should not exceed 5%, to preclude premature degradation
of the product.
Note 9 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be at the highest rate of use
recommended by the supplier.
Note 10 Bioassay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active ingredient still in
suspension. However, simpler methods such as gravimetric determination may be used
on a routine basis provided that these methods have been shown to give equal results
to those of the bioassay method. In case of dispute, the bioassay method shall be the
referee method.
Note 11 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified.
Note 12 The method to be used shall be stated, either with or without swirling. The formulation
shall be completely wetted in less than 2 min for optimum performance.
Note 13 Microbial larvicides should be stored at cool temperatures but accelerated storage
stability tests would be most useful for rapid checks on the storage stability of products.
At present, no standardised method is available. In the absence of an accelerated
storage stability test, it is recommended that the following minimum standards be met:
a) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 5ºC for 2 years; and
b) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 20 to 25ºC for 1 year.
These storage stability tests shall be performed using representative product
samples and the biopotency shall be assessed using the test method described in
Note 4.
Results from the biopotency test may vary by up to ± 25% from the average and
this must be taken into account in determining the potency loss. If one- and two-year
test data are not available at the time of drafting a specification, an estimate of the
storage stability may be acceptable, pending completion of the tests.

Page 189
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
providing justification. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

…… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium]

[CIPAC number]/WG

9.12.1 Description (Note 1)

The material shall consist of an homogenous mixture of …… [Genus, species,
subspecies and strain of bacterium] (Note 2) complying with the requirements of
WHO specification ……, together with fillers and any other necessary formulants.
It shall be in the form of granules (Note 3) for application after disintegration and
dispersion in water. The formulation shall be dry, free flowing, and free from
visible extraneous matter and hard lumps. The formulation shall be …… in

9.12.2 Active Ingredient (Note 4) Identity
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional test. Active ingredient content (biopotency)
The …… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium] content
shall be declared in International Toxic Units (ITU/mg product), and
when determined by the method described in Note 5, the average
biopotency shall not be less than 90% of the declared minimum content.

9.12.3 Relevant impurities and contaminants Microbial contaminants
(Note 6.) Chemical impurities
The material shall be free from beta-exotoxin when tested with the fly
larvae toxicity test (Notes 7 and 8) or an equivalent HPLC method. Water (WHO test method M7R1)
Maximum …… g/kg (Note 9).

Page 190
9.12 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible granules (WG), continued

9.12.4. Physical and Physico-Chemical Properties pH range (WHO test method M25, CIPAC MT 75.3)
If required,
pH range …… to …… Persistent foam (CIPAC MT 47.2)
Maximum: …… ml after 1 minute. Wet sieve test (CIPAC MT 185)
Maximum: ……% of the formulation shall be retained on a ...... µm test
sieve. Degree of dispersion (CIPAC MT 174)
A minimum of ……% of the product shall be in suspension after 5 min in
CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 + 2οC (Note 10). Suspensibility (CIPAC MT 168, MT 184) (Note 11)
A minimum of ……% of the product shall be in suspension after 30 min
in CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 + 2οC (Note 10). Wettability (CIPAC MT 53.3) (Note 12)
The formulation shall be completely wetted in …… min. Dustiness (CIPAC MT 171) (Note 13)
Essentially non-dusty.

9.12.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature
(Method to be developed – Note 14.)

Note 1 In addition to the characteristics described in the clause, odour and taste may also be
important criteria for acceptability of the product where the product is intended for
application to drinking water supplies. There are no objective or consistent tests to
determine acceptability of these characteristics. If odour and taste are to be checked it
is recommended that, for this purpose, the product is diluted to the highest rate of use.
Note 2 The axenic (“pure”) single organism, with all relevant biological components associated
with it, e.g., toxins, cellular parts and spores. The description must include information
on any genetic modifications of the strain used.
Note 3 Depending on the manufacturing conditions, WGs may have different forms and particle
size ranges. To describe specific formulations, it is recommended that information
about the form (e.g. irregular shape, nearly spherical, cylindrical) is added and the
nominal size range stated.
Note 4 Information must be provided on the source and identification characteristics of
reference material obtainable from an internationally recognised institution.
Note 5 Determination of the biopotency (toxicity) of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and
B. sphaericus products.

Page 191
9.12 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible granules (WG), continued

Biopotency is tested by comparing mosquito larval mortality produced by the
product under test with the mortality produced by the corresponding reference standard.
Biopotency is measured in International Toxic Units (ITU) per mg of product.
Presently, there are two internationally recognized reference powders that allow
determination of biopotency using bioassays of bacterial preparations to mosquito
larvae, when used in conjunction with the methods described below.
The biopotency of products based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
(Bti) is compared against a lyophilized reference powder (IPS82, strain 1884) of this
bacterial species, using early fourth-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti (strain Bora Bora).
The toxicity of IPS82 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 15,000 ITU/mg powder
against this insect strain.
The biopotency of products based on Bacillus sphaericus (Bsph) is determined
against a lyophilized reference powder (SPH88, strain 2362) of this bacterial species
using early fourth-instar larvae of Culex pipiens pipiens (strain Montpellier). The toxicity
of SPH88 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 1,700 ITU/mg of powder against this
insect strain.
The toxicity of all bacterial preparations based on Bti or Bsph can be determined
against the above standard powders. The toxicity (ITU/mg) of products tested is
determined according to the following formula:
titre (ITU/mg) of product tested = titre standard (ITU/mg) x LC50 (mg/l) standard
LC50 (mg/l) unknown "X"
The use of alternative bacterial larvicide reference powders and/or alternative
strains of mosquitoes in this test must be approached cautiously, because it is inevitable
that different results will be obtained with them. Such alternatives must be the subject
of careful cross-calibration against the reference powders and/or strains identified
above. Ideally, such cross-calibration should be conducted by a group of independent
expert laboratories. The alternative powders/strains, and the cross-calibration data
which support them, should be made available to anyone who wishes to use, or check,
the test with the alternative powders/strains.
Apparatus and reagents
Top-drive homogenizer or stirrer
Ice bath (container of crushed ice)
Analytical balance (accurate to ± 0.1 mg)
Top-pan balance (accurate to ± 10 mg), preferably with tare facility
Deionised water
Wetting agent (e.g. Tween 80)
200 ml borosilicate glass or plastic beakers
500 ml wide-necked, screw-capped, clear glass bottle
100 ml screw-capped clear glass bottles
10 ml pipette
12 ml plastic tubes with stoppers or caps
200 ml plastic or wax-coated paper cups
(i) Preparation of reference standard suspensions for calibration of the bioassay
Before preparing the suspension, check that stirring/blending of the wetting
agent/water mixture, described in the following paragraph, does not lead to foaming. If
it does, dilute (e.g. 1:10) the wetting agent before use.
Accurately weigh about 50 mg (to the nearest 0.1 mg) of the reference standard
powder and transfer it to a 200 ml beaker with 100 ml deionised water (it can be
transferred directly to the 500 ml bottle if the neck is wide enough to accept the
stirrer/blender head). Allow the mixture to stand for 30 min and add a small drop (about
0.2 mg) of wetting agent. Place the beaker in the ice bath and either stir or blend the
mixture for 2 min. Check visually for any large particulates remaining and repeat the
stirring/blending if there are any. Weigh or tare the 500 ml bottle and transfer the
suspension/solution to it, rinsing carefully and thoroughly the beaker and stirrer/blender.
Add further deionised water to make the weight of contents to 500 g (500 ml), cap the

Page 192
9.12 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible granules (WG), continued

bottle and shake vigorously to mix the contents. Confirm, by microscopic examination
of a small aliquot, that no aggregates of spores and crystals persist. If any are present,
the contents must be subjected to further stirring/blending in the ice bath. This primary
suspension/solution contains 1 mg/10 ml and must be shaken vigorously immediately
before removing aliquots.
Transfer 10 ml aliquots of the primary solution/suspension to clean 12 ml tubes
that are stoppered/capped immediately. If transferring a number of aliquots, cap and
shake the primary suspension/solution at intervals not exceeding 3 min, because the
spores and crystals sediment quickly in water. The aliquots can be stored for a month
at 4°C and for 2 years in a freezer at -18°C. Each contains 1 mg standard powder.
To prepare a “stock solution”, weigh or tare a 100 ml bottle. Transfer one of the
10 ml aliquots into the 100 ml bottle, rinsing carefully at least twice with deionised water,
and fill to a total of 100 g. Shake the mixture vigorously (or use the blender) to produce
a homogeneous suspension. Frozen aliquots must be homogenised thoroughly before
use, because particles agglomerate during freezing. The “stock solution” contains
10 mg/l.
From the “stock solution”, subsequent dilutions are prepared directly in plastic
cups filled (by weighing) with 150 ml de-ionized water. To each cup, 25 early L4 larvae
of Aedes aegypti or Culex pipiens (depending on the bacterial species to be tested:
Aedes for Bti and Culex larvae for B. sphaericus) are added first by means of a Pasteur
pipette, prior to addition of bacterial suspensions. The volume of water added with the
larvae is removed from the cup (by weighing) and discarded, to avoid changing of the
volume in the cup. Using micropipettes, 600 µl, 450 µl, 300 µl, 150 µl, 120 µl and 75 µl
of “stock solution” are added to separate cups and the solutions mixed to produce final
concentrations of 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.008 and 0.005 mg/l, respectively, of the
reference standard powder. Four replicate cups are used for each concentration and
one for the control, which contains only 150 ml de-ionized water.
(ii) Preparation of suspensions of the product to be tested
For bioassay of preparations of dry products (TK, WP, WG, WT) of unknown
toxicity, an initial homogenate is made in the same manner as described for the
reference standard powder, above, except that the replicate determinations must be
made on dilutions prepared by weighing separate test portions of the product. That is
four replicate primary suspension/solutions must be prepared. For assay of a liquid
formulation (SC), after suitable agitation, 100 mg is weighed instead of 50 mg (the
“stock solution” then corresponding to 20 mg/l). Cups and larvae are prepared as
described above and comparable dilutions are prepared as for the reference standard.
For products of unknown toxicity, perform range-finding bioassays, using a wide
range of concentrations of the product under test, to determine its approximate toxicity.
The results are then used to determine a narrower range of concentrations for a more
precise bioassay.
(iii) Determination of toxicity
No food is added for Aedes larvae. For the Culex bioassay, finely ground yeast
extract (1.5 mg) is added to the water and mixed to produce a concentration of 10 mg/l.
All tests should be conducted at 28 + 2°C, with a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. To avoid
the adverse effects of evaporation of water in low humidity, the relative humidity should
be maintained at 50 ± 15%, if possible.
Each bioassay series should preferably involve 6 concentrations x 4 replicates x
25 larvae for the reference standard and the unknown and 100 larvae for the control.
The aim is to identify a range of concentrations that give mortality between 5 to 95 %
(because 100 larvae are used). Data giving 0 or 100 % mortality are ignored for the
calculation of the LC50. To prepare a valid dose-response curve, only concentrations
giving values between 95% and 5% mortality should be used. A minimum of two
dilution points must be above the LC50 and two below, to ensure the validity of the value.
The sensitivity of the insect colony may require a slightly different 6 dilution series to be
Mortality is determined at 24 and 48 h by counting the live larvae remaining. If
pupation occurs, the pupae should be removed and their numbers excluded from the
calculations. If more than 5% of larvae pupate, the test is invalidated because larvae do
not ingest 24 hours before pupation and too many larvae may have survived simply

Page 193
9.12 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible granules (WG), continued

because they were too old. Because of the very rapid killing action of Bti, usually there
is no difference between the 24 and 48 h mortality. In this case, the 48-h count
confirms the 24-h reading and provides a check on the possible influence of factors
other than Bti components. Mortality is recorded at 48 h for Bsph preparations, due to
its slower rate of action.
If the control mortality exceeds 5%, the mortalities of treated groups should be
corrected according to Abbott's formula [Abbott, W. S., (1925). A method for computing
the effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal of Economic Entomology, 18, 265-267]:
percentage (%) control = ————
X x 100

where X = % survival in untreated control,

Y = % survival in treated sample.
Tests with a control mortality greater than 10%, or any pupation greater than 5%,
should be discarded. Mortality-concentration regression lines may be drawn on gausso-
logarithmic paper but this is rather subjective. It is preferable to use a statistical
program, such as SAS, which incorporates a Log Probit Analysis. With such a
statistical program, Abbott’s formula is not required because the correction is
automatically carried out by the program. The toxicity of an unknown preparation is
determined by estimation and comparison of the LC50s of the tested product and
reference standard preparations, using the formula described above. The toxicity of Bti
preparations is defined by the count at 24 h after initiation of the test, whereas the
toxicity of Bsph is defined by the count after 48 h of larval exposure.
For increased accuracy, bioassays should be repeated on at least three different
days, concurrently with the assay of the reference standard, and the standard deviation
of the means calculated. A test series is valid if the relative standard deviation (RSD or
coefficient of variation, CV) is less than 25%.
(iv) Production of test larvae
L4 larvae are representative of the total sensitivity of the target population and
convenient to handle. It is very important to use a homogenous population of early
fourth instars, which are obtained within five day of hatching using standardized rearing
For Aedes aegypti, eggs are laid in a cup lined with filter paper and filled one third
with deionised water. The paper is dried at room temperature and kept for several
months by storing in a sealed plastic bag at room temperature. When larvae are
needed, the paper is immersed in de-chlorinated water. To synchronise hatching, add
larval feed to the water 24 hours prior to adding the eggs. The bacterial growth will
deoxygenate the water and this triggers egg hatching. This usually induces the first
instars to hatch within 12 h. These larvae are then transferred to a container (25 x 25 x
depth cm) containing 2 litres of de-chlorinated water, to obtain a population of 500 to
700 larvae per container. Larval feed may be flakes of protein as used for aquarium
fish, or powdered cat biscuit, and the containers are held at 25 + 2° C. It is important
that the amount of food is kept low to avoid strong bacterial growth that kills the larvae.
Several feedings with one or two days interval and daily observation of the larvae is
optimal. If the water becomes turbid, replace all water by filtering out the larvae and
transfer to a clean container with clean water and feed. Five to seven days later a
homogenous population of early fourth instars (5 days old and 4 to 5 mm in length)
should be obtained.
For Culex pipiens pipiens larvae, it is more difficult to obtain a homogenous
population of fourth instars. Firstly, a large number of egg rafts must be laid and
collected on the same day. These can be stored at 15-18°C in order to accumulate
more eggs for hatching. The first instars are fragile and thus should not be handled.
Development to the second instar usually takes 3-4 days at 25 + 2° C after the eggs are
laid. When ready, second instars are grouped in a tray with 3 L dechlorinated water of
4-6 cm depth, 800 – 1000 larvae per tray. Food (yeast extract and dog or cat biscuits)
is provided as needed. Early fourth instars suitable for testing are usually obtained
within 7 days, though sometimes 8 or 9 days are required.
Note 6 The maximum acceptable levels of microbial contaminants have not yet been
determined. See International Health Criteria, Bacillus thuringiensis, International
Programme on Chemical Safety, Geneva, World Health Organization (In press).

Page 194
9.12 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible granules (WG), continued

Note 7 Fly larvae toxicity test: Bond R. P. M., et al. The thermostable exotoxin of Bacillus
thuringiensis. In: Burges H. D. and Hussey N. W., eds. Microbial control of insects and
mites. Academic Press, London, 1971.
Note 8 No test is required if the manufacturer has shown that the Bacillus thuringiensis strain is
not capable of producing beta exotoxin. No test is required for Bacillus sphaericus,
because this species is not known to produce exotoxins.
Note 9 Generally, the water content should not exceed 5%, to preclude premature degradation
of the product.
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified.
Note 11 Bioassay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active ingredient still in
suspension. However, simpler methods such as gravimetric determination may be used
on a routine basis provided that these methods have been shown to give equal results
to those of the bioassay method. In case of dispute, the bioassay method shall be the
referee method.
Note 12 The method to be used shall be stated, either with or without swirling. The formulation
shall be completely wetted in less than 2 min for optimum performance.
Note 13 Measurement of dustiness must be carried out on the sample "as received" and, where
practicable, the sample should be taken from a newly opened container, because
changes in the water content of samples may influence dustiness significantly. The
optical method, MT 171, usually shows good correlation with the gravimetric method
and can, therefore, be used as an alternative where the equipment is available. Where
the correlation is in doubt, it must be checked with the formulation to be tested. In case
of dispute the gravimetric method shall be used.
Note 14 Microbial larvicides should be stored at cool temperatures but accelerated storage
stability tests would be most useful for rapid checks on the storage stability of products.
At present, no standardised method is available. In the absence of an accelerated
storage stability test, it is recommended that the following minimum standards be met:
a) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 5ºC for 2 years; and
b) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 20 to 25ºC for 1 year.
These storage stability tests shall be performed using representative product
samples and the biopotency shall be assessed using the test method described in
Note 4.
Results from the biopotency test may vary by up to ± 25% from the average and
this must be taken into account in determining the potency loss. If one- and two-year
test data are not available at the time of drafting a specification, an estimate of the
storage stability may be acceptable, pending completion of the tests.

Page 195
Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
providing justification. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

…… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium]

[CIPAC number]/WT

9.13.1 Description (Note 1)

The material shall consist of an homogenous mixture of …… [Genus, species,
subspecies and strain of bacterium] (Note 2) complying with the requirements of
WHO specification ……, together with fillers and any other necessary formulants.
It shall be in the form of tablets for application after disintegration and dispersion
in water. The formulation shall be dry, unbroken, free-flowing tablets and shall be
free from visible extraneous matter. The formulation shall be …… in colour.

9.13.2 Active Ingredient (Note 3) Identity
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional test. Active ingredient content (biopotency)
The …… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium] content
shall be declared in International Toxic Units (ITU/mg product), and
when determined by the method described in Note 4, the average
biopotency shall not be less than 90% of the declared minimum content.

9.13.3 Relevant impurities and contaminants Microbial contaminants
(Note 5) Chemical impurities
The material shall be free from beta-exotoxin when tested with the
fly larvae toxicity test (Notes 6 and 7) or an equivalent HPLC
method. Water (WHO test method M7R1)
Maximum …… g/kg (Note 8)

Page 196
9.13 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible tablets (WT), continued

9.13.4. Physical and Physico-Chemical Properties pH range (WHO test method M25, CIPAC MT 75.3)
If required,
pH range …… to …… Persistent foam (CIPAC MT 47.2)
Maximum: …… ml after 1 minute. Wet sieve test (CIPAC MT 185)
Maximum: ……% of the formulation shall be retained on a ...... µm test
sieve. Suspensibility (CIPAC MT 168, MT 184) (Note 9)
A minimum of …% of the product shall be in suspension after 30 min in
CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 + 2οC (Note 10). Tablet integrity (method under consideration)
No broken tablets.
Maximum degree of attrition: ……% (loose packed tablets).
Maximum degree of attrition: ……% (close packed tablets). Disintegration time (method under consideration)
Maximum: …… min for total disintegration.

9.13.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature
(Method to be developed – Note 11.)

Note 1 In addition to the characteristics described in the clause, odour and taste may also be
important criteria for acceptability of the product where the product is intended for
application to drinking water supplies. There are no objective or consistent tests to
determine acceptability of these characteristics. If odour and taste are to be checked it
is recommended that, for this purpose, the product is diluted to the highest rate of use.
Note 2 The axenic (“pure”) single organism, with all relevant biological components associated
with it, e.g., toxins, cellular parts and spores. The description must include information
on any genetic modifications of the strain used.
Note 3 Information must be provided on the source and identification characteristics of
reference material obtainable from an internationally recognised institution.
Note 4 Determination of the biopotency (toxicity) of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and
B. sphaericus products.
Biopotency is tested by comparing mosquito larval mortality produced by the
product under test with the mortality produced by the corresponding reference standard.
Biopotency is measured in International Toxic Units (ITU) per mg of product.

Page 197
9.13 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible tablets (WT), continued

Presently, there are two internationally recognized reference powders that allow
determination of biopotency using bioassays of bacterial preparations to mosquito
larvae, when used in conjunction with the methods described below.
The biopotency of products based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
(Bti) is compared against a lyophilized reference powder (IPS82, strain 1884) of this
bacterial species, using early fourth-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti (strain Bora Bora).
The toxicity of IPS82 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 15,000 ITU/mg powder
against this insect strain.
The biopotency of products based on Bacillus sphaericus (Bsph) is determined
against a lyophilized reference powder (SPH88, strain 2362) of this bacterial species
using early fourth-instar larvae of Culex pipiens pipiens (strain Montpellier). The toxicity
of SPH88 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 1,700 ITU/mg of powder against this
insect strain.
The toxicity of all bacterial preparations based on Bti or Bsph can be determined
against the above standard powders. The toxicity (ITU/mg) of products tested is
determined according to the following formula:
titre (ITU/mg) of product tested = titre standard (ITU/mg) x LC50 (mg/l) standard
LC50 (mg/l) unknown "X"
The use of alternative bacterial larvicide reference powders and/or alternative
strains of mosquitoes in this test must be approached cautiously, because it is inevitable
that different results will be obtained with them. Such alternatives must be the subject
of careful cross-calibration against the reference powders and/or strains identified
above. Ideally, such cross-calibration should be conducted by a group of independent
expert laboratories. The alternative powders/strains, and the cross-calibration data
which support them, should be made available to anyone who wishes to use, or check,
the test with the alternative powders/strains.
Apparatus and reagents
Top-drive homogenizer or stirrer.
Ice bath (container of crushed ice).
Analytical balance (accurate to ± 0.1 mg).
Top-pan balance (accurate to ± 10 mg), preferably with tare facility.
Deionised water.
Wetting agent (e.g. Tween 80).
200 ml borosilicate glass or plastic beakers.
500 ml wide-necked, screw-capped, clear glass bottle.
100 ml screw-capped clear glass bottles.
10 ml pipette.
12 ml plastic tubes with stoppers or caps.
200 ml plastic or wax-coated paper cups.
(i) Preparation of reference standard suspensions for calibration of the bioassay
Before preparing the suspension, check that stirring/blending of the wetting
agent/water mixture, described in the following paragraph, does not lead to foaming. If
it does, dilute (e.g. 1:10) the wetting agent before use.
Accurately weigh about 50 mg (to the nearest 0.1 mg) of the reference standard
powder and transfer it to a 200 ml beaker with 100 ml deionised water (it can be
transferred directly to the 500 ml bottle if the neck is wide enough to accept the
stirrer/blender head). Allow the mixture to stand for 30 min and add a small drop (about
0.2 mg) of wetting agent. Place the beaker in the ice bath and either stir or blend the
mixture for 2 min. Check visually for any large particulates remaining and repeat the
stirring/blending if there are any. Weigh or tare the 500 ml bottle and transfer the
suspension/solution to it, rinsing carefully and thoroughly the beaker and stirrer/blender.
Add further deionised water to make the weight of contents to 500 g (500 ml), cap the
bottle and shake vigorously to mix the contents. Confirm, by microscopic examination
of a small aliquot, that no aggregates of spores and crystals persist. If any are present,
the contents must be subjected to further stirring/blending in the ice bath. This primary
suspension/solution contains 1 mg/10 ml and must be shaken vigorously immediately
before removing aliquots.

Page 198
9.13 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible tablets (WT), continued

Transfer 10 ml aliquots of the primary solution/suspension to clean 12 ml tubes

that are stoppered/capped immediately. If transferring a number of aliquots, cap and
shake the primary suspension/solution at intervals not exceeding 3 min, because the
spores and crystals sediment quickly in water. The aliquots can be stored for a month
at 4°C and for 2 years in a freezer at -18°C. Each contains 1 mg standard powder.
To prepare a “stock solution”, weigh or tare a 100 ml bottle. Transfer one of the
10 ml aliquots into the 100 ml bottle, rinsing carefully at least twice with deionised water,
and fill to a total of 100 g. Shake the mixture vigorously (or use the blender) to produce
a homogeneous suspension. Frozen aliquots must be homogenised thoroughly before
use, because particles agglomerate during freezing. The “stock solution” contains
10 mg/l.
From the “stock solution”, subsequent dilutions are prepared directly in plastic
cups filled (by weighing) with 150 ml de-ionized water. To each cup, 25 early L4 larvae
of Aedes aegypti or Culex pipiens (depending on the bacterial species to be tested:
Aedes for Bti and Culex larvae for B. sphaericus) are added first by means of a Pasteur
pipette, prior to addition of bacterial suspensions. The volume of water added with the
larvae is removed from the cup (by weighing) and discarded, to avoid changing of the
volume in the cup. Using micropipettes, 600 µl, 450 µl, 300 µl, 150 µl, 120 µl and 75 µl
of “stock solution” are added to separate cups and the solutions mixed to produce final
concentrations of 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.008 and 0.005 mg/l, respectively, of the
reference standard powder. Four replicate cups are used for each concentration and
one for the control, which contains only 150 ml de-ionized water.
(ii) Preparation of suspensions of the product to be tested
For bioassay of preparations of dry products (TK, WP, WG, WT) of unknown
toxicity, an initial homogenate is made in the same manner as described for the
reference standard powder, above, except that the replicate determinations must be
made on dilutions prepared by weighing separate test portions of the product. That is
four replicate primary suspension/solutions must be prepared. For assay of a liquid
formulation (SC), after suitable agitation, 100 mg is weighed instead of 50 mg (the
“stock solution” then corresponding to 20 mg/l). Cups and larvae are prepared as
described above and comparable dilutions are prepared as for the reference standard.
For products of unknown toxicity, perform range-finding bioassays, using a wide
range of concentrations of the product under test, to determine its approximate toxicity.
The results are then used to determine a narrower range of concentrations for a more
precise bioassay.
(iii) Determination of toxicity
No food is added for Aedes larvae. For the Culex bioassay, finely ground yeast
extract (1.5 mg) is added to the water and mixed to produce a concentration of 10 mg/l.
All tests should be conducted at 28 + 2°C, with a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. To avoid
the adverse effects of evaporation of water in low humidity, the relative humidity should
be maintained at 50 ± 15%, if possible.
Each bioassay series should preferably involve 6 concentrations x 4 replicates x
25 larvae for the reference standard and the unknown and 100 larvae for the control.
The aim is to identify a range of concentrations that give mortality between 5 to 95 %
(because 100 larvae are used). Data giving 0 or 100 % mortality are ignored for the
calculation of the LC50. To prepare a valid dose-response curve, only concentrations
giving values between 95% and 5% mortality should be used. A minimum of two
dilution points must be above the LC50 and two below, to ensure the validity of the value.
The sensitivity of the insect colony may require a slightly different 6 dilution series to be
Mortality is determined at 24 and 48 h by counting the live larvae remaining. If
pupation occurs, the pupae should be removed and their numbers excluded from the
calculations. If more than 5% of larvae pupate, the test is invalidated because larvae do
not ingest 24 hours before pupation and too many larvae may have survived simply
because they were too old. Because of the very rapid killing action of Bti, usually there
is no difference between the 24 and 48 h mortality. In this case, the 48-h count confirms
the 24-h reading and provides a check on the possible influence of factors other than Bti
components. Mortality is recorded at 48 h for Bsph preparations, due to its slower rate
of action.

Page 199
9.13 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible tablets (WT), continued

If the control mortality exceeds 5%, the mortalities of treated groups should be
corrected according to Abbott's formula [Abbott, W. S., (1925). A method for computing
the effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal of Economic Entomology, 18, 265-267]:
percentage (%) control = ————
X x 100

where X = % survival in untreated control,

Y = % survival in treated sample.
Tests with a control mortality greater than 10%, or any pupation greater than 5%,
should be discarded. Mortality-concentration regression lines may be drawn on gausso-
logarithmic paper but this is rather subjective. It is preferable to use a statistical
program, such as SAS, which incorporates a Log Probit Analysis. With such a
statistical program, Abbott’s formula is not required because the correction is
automatically carried out by the program. The toxicity of an unknown preparation is
determined by estimation and comparison of the LC50s of the tested product and
reference standard preparations, using the formula described above. The toxicity of Bti
preparations is defined by the count at 24 h after initiation of the test, whereas the
toxicity of Bsph is defined by the count after 48 h of larval exposure.
For increased accuracy, bioassays should be repeated on at least three different
days, concurrently with the assay of the reference standard, and the standard deviation
of the means calculated. A test series is valid if the relative standard deviation (RSD or
coefficient of variation, CV) is less than 25%.
(iv) Production of test larvae
L4 larvae are representative of the total sensitivity of the target population and
convenient to handle. It is very important to use a homogenous population of early
fourth instars, which are obtained within five day of hatching using standardized rearing
For Aedes aegypti, eggs are laid in a cup lined with filter paper and filled one third
with deionised water. The paper is dried at room temperature and kept for several
months by storing in a sealed plastic bag at room temperature. When larvae are
needed, the paper is immersed in de-chlorinated water. To synchronise hatching, add
larval feed to the water 24 hours prior to adding the eggs. The bacterial growth will
deoxygenate the water and this triggers egg hatching. This usually induces the first
instars to hatch within 12 h. These larvae are then transferred to a container (25 x 25 x
depth cm) containing 2 litres of de-chlorinated water, to obtain a population of 500 to
700 larvae per container. Larval feed may be flakes of protein as used for aquarium
fish, or powdered cat biscuit, and the containers are held at 25 + 2° C. It is important
that the amount of food is kept low to avoid strong bacterial growth that kills the larvae.
Several feedings with one or two days interval and daily observation of the larvae is
optimal. If the water becomes turbid, replace all water by filtering out the larvae and
transfer to a clean container with clean water and feed. Five to seven days later a
homogenous population of early fourth instars (5 days old and 4 to 5 mm in length)
should be obtained.
For Culex pipiens pipiens larvae, it is more difficult to obtain a homogenous
population of fourth instars. Firstly, a large number of egg rafts must be laid and
collected on the same day. These can be stored at 15-18°C in order to accumulate
more eggs for hatching. The first instars are fragile and thus should not be handled.
Development to the second instar usually takes 3-4 days at 25 + 2° C after the eggs are
laid. When ready, second instars are grouped in a tray with 3 L dechlorinated water of
4-6 cm depth, 800 – 1000 larvae per tray. Food (yeast extract and dog or cat biscuits)
is provided as needed. Early fourth instars suitable for testing are usually obtained
within 7 days, though sometimes 8 or 9 days are required.
Note 5 The maximum acceptable levels of microbial contaminants have not yet been
determined. See International Health Criteria, Bacillus thuringiensis, International
Programme on Chemical Safety, Geneva, World Health Organization (In press).
Note 6 Fly larvae toxicity test: Bond R. P. M., et al. The thermostable exotoxin of Bacillus
thuringiensis. In: Burges H. D. and Hussey N. W., eds. Microbial control of insects and
mites. Academic Press, London, 1971.

Page 200
9.13 Bacterial larvicide water-dispersible tablets (WT), continued

Note 7 No test is required if the manufacturer has shown that the Bacillus thuringiensis strain is
not capable of producing beta exotoxin. No test is required for Bacillus sphaericus,
because this species is not known to produce exotoxins.
Note 8 Generally, the water content should not exceed 5%, to preclude premature degradation
of the product.
Note 9 Bioassay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active ingredient still in
suspension. However, simpler methods such as gravimetric determination may be used
on a routine basis provided that these methods have been shown to give equal results
to those of the bioassay method. In case of dispute, the bioassay method shall be the
referee method.
Note 10 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified.
Note 11 Microbial larvicides should be stored at cool temperatures but accelerated storage
stability tests would be most useful for rapid checks on the storage stability of products.
At present, no standardised method is available. In the absence of an accelerated
storage stability test, it is recommended that the following minimum standards be met:
a) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 5ºC for 2 years; and
b) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 20 to 25ºC for 1 year.
These storage stability tests shall be performed using representative product
samples and the biopotency shall be assessed using the test method described in
Note 4.
Results from the biopotency test may vary by up to ± 25% from the average and
this must be taken into account in determining the potency loss. If one- and two-year
test data are not available at the time of drafting a specification, an estimate of the
storage stability may be acceptable, pending completion of the tests.

Page 201
9.21 Bacterial larvicide aqueous suspension concentrates (SC), continued


Note for preparation of draft specifications. Do not omit clauses or insert additional
clauses, nor insert limits that are more lax than those than given in the guidelines, without
providing justification. From the “Notes” provided at the end of this guideline, incorporate
only those which are applicable to the particular specification.

…… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium]

[CIPAC number]/SC

9.21.1 Description (Note 1)

The material shall consist of a suspension of fine particles of technical
…… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium, Note 2], complying
with the requirements of WHO specification……, in an aqueous phase together
with suitable formulants. The formulation shall be …… in colour. After agitation
the material shall be homogeneous (Note 3) and suitable for further dilution with

9.21.2 Active Ingredient (Note 4) Identity
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the
identity remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional test. Active ingredient content (biopotency)
The …… [Genus, species, subspecies and strain of bacterium] content
shall be declared in International Toxic Units (ITU/mg product), and
when determined by the method described in Note 5, the average
biopotency shall not be less than 90% of the declared minimum content.

9.21.3 Relevant impurities and contaminants Microbial contaminants
(Note 6). Chemical impurities
The material shall be free from beta-exotoxin when tested with the fly
larvae toxicity test (Notes 7 and 8) or an equivalent HPLC method.

9.21.4. Physical and Physico-Chemical Properties pH range (WHO test method M25, CIPAC MT 75.3)
If required,
pH range …… to ……

Page 202
9.21 Bacterial larvicide aqueous suspension concentrates (SC), continued Persistent foam (CIPAC MT 47.2)

Maximum: …… ml after 1 minute. Wet sieve test (CIPAC MT 185)
Maximum: ……% of the formulation shall be retained on a ...... µm test
sieve. Dispersibility (CIPAC MT 160)
A minimum of ……% of the product shall be in suspension after 5 min in
CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 + 2οC (Note 9). Suspensibility (CIPAC MT 161, MT 184) (Note 10)
A minimum of ……% of the product shall be in suspension after 30 min
in CIPAC Standard Water D at 30 + 2οC (Note 9). Pourability (CIPAC MT 148.1)
Maximum “residue”: …… %.

9.21.5 Storage stability Stability at elevated temperature
(Method to be developed – Note 11.)

Note 1 In addition to the characteristics described in the clause, odour and taste may also be
important criteria for acceptability of the product where the product is intended for
application to drinking water supplies. There are no objective or consistent tests to
determine acceptability of these characteristics. If odour and taste are to be checked it
is recommended that, for this purpose, the product is diluted to the highest rate of use.
Note 2 The axenic (“pure”) single organism, with all relevant biological components associated
with it, e.g., toxins, cellular parts and spores. The description must include information
on any genetic modifications of the strain used.
Note 3 Before sampling to verify the formulation quality, inspect the commercial container
carefully. On standing, suspension concentrates usually develop a concentration
gradient from the top to the bottom of the container. This may even result in the
appearance of a clear liquid on the top and/or sediment on the bottom. Therefore,
before sampling, homogenize the formulation according to the instructions given by the
manufacture or, in the absence of such instructions, by shaking of the commercial
container. Large containers must be opened and stirred adequately. After this
procedure, the container should not contain a sticky layer of non-dispersed matter at the
bottom. A suitable and simple method of checking for a non-dispersed sticky layer
"cake" is by probing with a glass rod or similar device adapted to the size and shape of
the container. All the physical and chemical tests must be carried out on a laboratory
sample taken after the recommended homogenization procedure.
Note 4 Information must be provided on the source and identification characteristics of
reference material obtainable from an internationally recognised institution.

Page 203
9.21 Bacterial larvicide aqueous suspension concentrates (SC), continued

Note 5 Determination of the biopotency (toxicity) of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and
B. sphaericus products.
Biopotency is tested by comparing mosquito larval mortality produced by the
product under test with the mortality produced by the corresponding reference standard.
Biopotency is measured in International Toxic Units (ITU) per mg of product.
Presently, there are two internationally recognized reference powders that allow
determination of biopotency using bioassays of bacterial preparations to mosquito
larvae, when used in conjunction with the methods described below.
The biopotency of products based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
(Bti) is compared against a lyophilized reference powder (IPS82, strain 1884) of this
bacterial species, using early fourth-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti (strain Bora Bora).
The toxicity of IPS82 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 15,000 ITU/mg powder
against this insect strain.
The biopotency of products based on Bacillus sphaericus (Bsph) is determined
against a lyophilized reference powder (SPH88, strain 2362) of this bacterial species
using early fourth-instar larvae of Culex pipiens pipiens (strain Montpellier). The toxicity
of SPH88 has an arbitrarily assigned toxicity of 1,700 ITU/mg of powder against this
insect strain.
The toxicity of all bacterial preparations based on Bti or Bsph can be determined
against the above standard powders. The toxicity (ITU/mg) of products tested is
determined according to the following formula:
titre (ITU/mg) of product tested = titre standard (ITU/mg) x LC50 (mg/l) standard
LC50 (mg/l) unknown "X"
The use of alternative bacterial larvicide reference powders and/or alternative
strains of mosquitoes in this test must be approached cautiously, because it is inevitable
that different results will be obtained with them. Such alternatives must be the subject
of careful cross-calibration against the reference powders and/or strains identified
above. Ideally, such cross-calibration should be conducted by a group of independent
expert laboratories. The alternative powders/strains, and the cross-calibration data
which support them, should be made available to anyone who wishes to use, or check,
the test with the alternative powders/strains.
Apparatus and reagents
Top-drive homogenizer or stirrer.
Ice bath (container of crushed ice).
Analytical balance (accurate to ± 0.1 mg).
Top-pan balance (accurate to ± 10 mg), preferably with tare facility.
Deionised water.
Wetting agent (e.g. Tween 80).
200 ml borosilicate glass or plastic beakers.
500 ml wide-necked, screw-capped, clear glass bottle.
100 ml screw-capped clear glass bottles.
10 ml pipette.
12 ml plastic tubes with stoppers or caps.
200 ml plastic or wax-coated paper cups.
(i) Preparation of reference standard suspensions for calibration of the bioassay
Before preparing the suspension, check that stirring/blending of the wetting
agent/water mixture, described in the following paragraph, does not lead to foaming. If
it does, dilute (e.g. 1:10) the wetting agent before use.
Accurately weigh about 50 mg (to the nearest 0.1 mg) of the reference standard
powder and transfer it to a 200 ml beaker with 100 ml deionised water (it can be
transferred directly to the 500 ml bottle if the neck is wide enough to accept the
stirrer/blender head). Allow the mixture to stand for 30 min and add a small drop (about
0.2 mg) of wetting agent. Place the beaker in the ice bath and either stir or blend the
mixture for 2 min. Check visually for any large particulates remaining and repeat the
stirring/blending if there are any. Weigh or tare the 500 ml bottle and transfer the

Page 204
9.21 Bacterial larvicide aqueous suspension concentrates (SC), continued

suspension/solution to it, rinsing carefully and thoroughly the beaker and stirrer/blender.
Add further deionised water to make the weight of contents to 500 g (500 ml), cap the
bottle and shake vigorously to mix the contents. Confirm, by microscopic examination
of a small aliquot, that no aggregates of spores and crystals persist. If any are present,
the contents must be subjected to further stirring/blending in the ice bath. This primary
suspension/solution contains 1 mg/10 ml and must be shaken vigorously immediately
before removing aliquots.
Transfer 10 ml aliquots of the primary solution/suspension to clean 12 ml tubes
that are stoppered/capped immediately. If transferring a number of aliquots, cap and
shake the primary suspension/solution at intervals not exceeding 3 min, because the
spores and crystals sediment quickly in water. The aliquots can be stored for a month
at 4°C and for 2 years in a freezer at -18°C. Each contains 1 mg standard powder.
To prepare a “stock solution”, weigh or tare a 100 ml bottle. Transfer one of the
10 ml aliquots into the 100 ml bottle, rinsing carefully at least twice with deionised water,
and fill to a total of 100 g. Shake the mixture vigorously (or use the blender) to produce
a homogeneous suspension. Frozen aliquots must be homogenised thoroughly before
use, because particles agglomerate during freezing. The “stock solution” contains
10 mg/l.
From the “stock solution”, subsequent dilutions are prepared directly in plastic
cups filled (by weighing) with 150 ml de-ionized water. To each cup, 25 early L4 larvae
of Aedes aegypti or Culex pipiens (depending on the bacterial species to be tested:
Aedes for Bti and Culex larvae for B. sphaericus) are added first by means of a Pasteur
pipette, prior to addition of bacterial suspensions. The volume of water added with the
larvae is removed from the cup (by weighing) and discarded, to avoid changing of the
volume in the cup. Using micropipettes, 600 µl, 450 µl, 300 µl, 150 µl, 120 µl and 75 µl
of “stock solution” are added to separate cups and the solutions mixed to produce final
concentrations of 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.008 and 0.005 mg/l, respectively, of the
reference standard powder. Four replicate cups are used for each concentration and
one for the control, which contains only 150 ml de-ionized water.
(ii) Preparation of suspensions of the product to be tested
For bioassay of preparations of dry products (TK, WP, WG, WT) of unknown
toxicity, an initial homogenate is made in the same manner as described for the
reference standard powder, above, except that the replicate determinations must be
made on dilutions prepared by weighing separate test portions of the product. That is
four replicate primary suspension/solutions must be prepared. For assay of a liquid
formulation (SC), after suitable agitation, 100 mg is weighed instead of 50 mg (the
“stock solution” then corresponding to 20 mg/l). Cups and larvae are prepared as
described above and comparable dilutions are prepared as for the reference standard.
For products of unknown toxicity, perform range-finding bioassays, using a wide
range of concentrations of the product under test, to determine its approximate toxicity.
The results are then used to determine a narrower range of concentrations for a more
precise bioassay.
(iii) Determination of toxicity
No food is added for Aedes larvae. For the Culex bioassay, finely ground yeast
extract (1.5 mg) is added to the water and mixed to produce a concentration of 10 mg/l.
All tests should be conducted at 28 + 2°C, with a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. To avoid
the adverse effects of evaporation of water in low humidity, the relative humidity should
be maintained at 50 ± 15%, if possible.
Each bioassay series should preferably involve 6 concentrations x 4 replicates x
25 larvae for the reference standard and the unknown and 100 larvae for the control.
The aim is to identify a range of concentrations that give mortality between 5 to 95 %
(because 100 larvae are used). Data giving 0 or 100 % mortality are ignored for the
calculation of the LC50. To prepare a valid dose-response curve, only concentrations
giving values between 95% and 5% mortality should be used. A minimum of two
dilution points must be above the LC50 and two below, to ensure the validity of the value.
The sensitivity of the insect colony may require a slightly different 6 dilution series to be
Mortality is determined at 24 and 48 h by counting the live larvae remaining. If
pupation occurs, the pupae should be removed and their numbers excluded from the

Page 205
9.21 Bacterial larvicide aqueous suspension concentrates (SC), continued

calculations. If more than 5% of larvae pupate, the test is invalidated because larvae do
not ingest 24 hours before pupation and too many larvae may have survived simply
because they were too old. Because of the very rapid killing action of Bti, usually there
is no difference between the 24 and 48 h mortality. In this case, the 48-h count
confirms the 24-h reading and provides a check on the possible influence of factors
other than Bti components. Mortality is recorded at 48 h for Bsph preparations, due to
its slower rate of action.
If the control mortality exceeds 5%, the mortalities of treated groups should be
corrected according to Abbott's formula [Abbott, W. S. (1925). A method for computing
the effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal of Economic Entomology, 18, 265-267]:
percentage (%) control = ————
X x 100

where X = % survival in untreated control,

Y = % survival in treated sample.
Tests with a control mortality greater than 10%, or any pupation greater than 5%,
should be discarded. Mortality-concentration regression lines may be drawn on gausso-
logarithmic paper but this is rather subjective. It is preferable to use a statistical
program, such as SAS, which incorporates a Log Probit Analysis. With such a statistical
program, Abbott’s formula is not required because the correction is automatically carried
out by the program. The toxicity of an unknown preparation is determined by estimation
and comparison of the LC50s of the tested product and reference standard preparations,
using the formula described above. The toxicity of Bti preparations is defined by the
count at 24 h after initiation of the test, whereas the toxicity of Bsph is defined by the
count after 48 h of larval exposure.
For increased accuracy, bioassays should be repeated on at least three different
days, concurrently with the assay of the reference standard, and the standard deviation
of the means calculated. A test series is valid if the relative standard deviation (RSD or
coefficient of variation, CV) is less than 25%.
(iv) Production of test larvae
L4 larvae are representative of the total sensitivity of the target population and
convenient to handle. It is very important to use a homogenous population of early
fourth instars, which are obtained within five day of hatching using standardized rearing
For Aedes aegypti, eggs are laid in a cup lined with filter paper and filled one third
with deionised water. The paper is dried at room temperature and kept for several
months by storing in a sealed plastic bag at room temperature. When larvae are
needed, the paper is immersed in de-chlorinated water. To synchronise hatching, add
larval feed to the water 24 hours prior to adding the eggs. The bacterial growth will
deoxygenate the water and this triggers egg hatching. This usually induces the first
instars to hatch within 12 h. These larvae are then transferred to a container (25 x 25 x
depth cm) containing 2 litres of de-chlorinated water, to obtain a population of 500 to
700 larvae per container. Larval feed may be flakes of protein as used for aquarium
fish, or powdered cat biscuit, and the containers are held at 25 + 2° C. It is important
that the amount of food is kept low to avoid strong bacterial growth that kills the larvae.
Several feedings with one or two days interval and daily observation of the larvae is
optimal. If the water becomes turbid, replace all water by filtering out the larvae and
transfer to a clean container with clean water and feed. Five to seven days later a
homogenous population of early fourth instars (5 days old and 4 to 5 mm in length)
should be obtained.

Page 206
9.21 Bacterial larvicide aqueous suspension concentrates (SC), continued

For Culex pipiens pipiens larvae, it is more difficult to obtain a homogenous

population of fourth instars. Firstly, a large number of egg rafts must be laid and
collected on the same day. These can be stored at 15-18°C in order to accumulate
more eggs for hatching. The first instars are fragile and thus should not be handled.
Development to the second instar usually takes 3-4 days at 25 + 2° C after the eggs are
laid. When ready, second instars are grouped in a tray with 3 L dechlorinated water of
4-6 cm depth, 800 – 1000 larvae per tray. Food (yeast extract and dog or cat biscuits)
is provided as needed. Early fourth instars suitable for testing are usually obtained
within 7 days, though sometimes 8 or 9 days are required.
Note 6 The maximum acceptable levels of microbial contaminants have not yet been
determined. See International Health Criteria, Bacillus thuringiensis, International
Programme on Chemical Safety, Geneva, World Health Organization (In press).
Note 7 Fly larvae toxicity test: Bond R. P. M., et al. The thermostable exotoxin of Bacillus
thuringiensis. In: Burges H. D. and Hussey N. W., eds. Microbial control of insects and
mites. Academic Press, London, 1971.
Note 8 No test is required if the manufacturer has shown that the Bacillus thuringiensis strain is
not capable of producing beta exotoxin. No test is required for Bacillus sphaericus,
because this species is not known to produce exotoxins.
Note 9 Unless other temperatures and/or times are specified.
Note 10 Bioassay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active ingredient still in
suspension. However, simpler methods such as gravimetric determination may be used
on a routine basis provided that these methods have been shown to give equal results
to those of the bioassay method. In case of dispute, the bioassay method shall be the
referee method.
Note 11 Microbial larvicides should be stored at cool temperatures but accelerated storage
stability tests would be most useful for rapid checks on the storage stability of products.
At present, no standardised method is available. Bacterial larvicide aqueous
suspension concentrates are particularly sensitive to high temperatures, they should
normally be stored at temperatures not exceeding 15ºC and should be retested if stored
for more than 1 year. In the absence of an accelerated storage stability test, it is
recommended that the following minimum standards be met:
a) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 5ºC for 2 years; and
b) no more than 10% loss in biopotency below the labelled potency value when stored
at 15ºC for 1 year.
These storage stability tests shall be performed using representative product
samples and the biopotency shall be assessed using the test method described in
Note 5.
Results from the biopotency test may vary by up to ± 25% from the average and
this must be taken into account in determining the potency loss. If one- and two-year
test data are not available at the time of drafting a specification, an estimate of the
storage stability may be acceptable, pending completion of the tests.

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Appendix A



The objective of this sampling procedure is to provide sufficient representative material for testing
the packaging and physical and chemical properties of pesticides, to ensure that pesticides
moving in trade meet their minimum quality specifications, and that their physical state and
chemical composition are suitable for safe and efficient use. The guidelines are not intended for
process quality control in manufacturing, formulation or packaging.
The procedure has been established to ensure that samples are collected safely and at an
appropriate stage, are representative, and will arrive at their destination intact. The procedure
may be used for commercial or official regulatory purposes.

Pesticides are toxic chemicals which can poison if handled improperly. These sampling guidelines
are not intended to provide detailed safety instructions and therefore sampling inspectors should
be informed of, and comply with, the safety precautions required for specific pesticides and should
wear appropriate protective clothing as indicated by labels or pictograms. The general
precautions to be taken include the following.
• Take great care to avoid contamination of the skin or clothing, ingestion of pesticides,
or inhalation of dusts and vapours. Take similar care to avoid contamination of
personal belongings and the local environment. Do not keep food in the immediate
vicinity. If practicable, sample pesticides only in a well ventilated environment.
• Take care to avoid spillage or splashing of liquids or spreading of dusts. Take
particular care in handling leaking containers or those with a build up of material
around the opening.
• Before sampling make sure washing facilities are available, in case of accidental
spillage and for adequate washing after sampling is completed.
• Do not eat, smoke or drink during sampling nor before removing protective clothing
and washing thoroughly.
• Attach labels to sample containers before starting the sampling. As far as practicable,
ensure that the outsides of sample containers are not contaminated with the sample
• Ensure the safe and proper cleaning of equipment and the safe disposal of
contaminated materials such as personal protective clothing and equipment, tissue
paper, etc.

Active ingredient: the biologically active part of the pesticide formulation.
Analytical portion: a portion of a suitably prepared and appropriately homogenized laboratory
sample which is analyzed or tested; also known as a test portion.
Batch: an identifiable quantity of an active ingredient or formulation which has been
manufactured, processed and stored under conditions which are presumed
Notes Each batch which is to be tested must be sampled separately.
The batch should be marked with the batch number by the manufacturer or
processor. Batches which are not identified with a (single) batch number, or
which are evidently not uniform, may be sampled as if they are more than one

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Appendix A

Batches which exceed 5000 kg may be sampled as if they are more than one
Bulk sample: the combined total of the primary samples taken from the batch.
Notes The bulk sample should be mixed thoroughly before dividing it to produce (at
least three) equal laboratory samples.
The bulk sample should not be less than 300 g or 300 ml for technical
materials, 600 ml for liquid formulations and 1800g for solid formulations.
These requirements may be increased, depending upon the tests required.
Where the bulk sample is comprised of small packages (e.g. sachets), each
containing less than these quantities: either the packages should be opened
and the contents thoroughly, but carefully, mixed before subdivision into the
laboratory samples; or the intact packages should be divided equally and
randomly between the laboratory samples but, in this case, each laboratory
sample must consist of at least three individual containers.
Where a batch of a formulation is stored or transported in single bulk
container, the bulk sample should consist primary samples taken from a
number of points in the batch.
Consignment: a quantity of one or more materials delivered at one time. A consignment of
pesticides may consist of one or more batches or parts of batches.
Distribution: the process by which pesticides are supplied through trade channels to local or
international markets.
End user: the persons or organizations using the pesticide for its intended purpose.
Formulation: the combination of active ingredient(s) and formulants intended to facilitate the
application of a pesticide and make it effective for the purpose claimed.
IATA: International Air Transport Association
ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization
IMO: International Maritime Organization
Inspector (Sampling Officer): a person who has been properly trained in reliable and safe
sampling, and who is authorized by the responsible authority to examine
pesticides and take samples for controlling the quality of pesticides and their
Note The inspector should carry an appropriate identification or authorization
Label: the written or graphic information on, or attached to, the immediate container of
the pesticide and its external packaging, if any.
Laboratory sample: the portion of material which is obtained by the specified sampling
procedure, and which is sent to the laboratory for testing.
Notes The laboratory sample should not be less than 100 g or 100 ml for technical
materials, 200 ml for liquid formulations and 600g for solid formulations.
These requirements may be increased, depending upon the tests required.
Where the laboratory sample is comprised of more than one intact container
of a formulation, each container shall be analyzed individually, if practicable.
In this case, each container shall meet the specification and, in case of
dispute, the containers comprising the replicate laboratory samples shall also
be analyzed separately.
Packing: the container together with the protective wrapping used to transport pesticides,
via wholesale or retail distribution, to end users.

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Appendix A

Packing unit: an individual container containing pesticide, and/or a retail package containing a
number of smaller packages or containers (each usually less than 2 l or 2 kg) of a
Primary sample: a quantity of material, loose or packaged, taken, with or without a sampling tool,
from a single sampling position in a container or batch.
Notes Where a formulation is packaged for the end user in quantities larger than
that required for the bulk sample, the primary sample and the bulk sample
may be indistinguishable as the corresponding laboratory samples are
withdrawn from a single container.
For small packages containing less material than the minimum amount
required for the bulk sample, the next larger packing unit (e.g. a box
containing a sufficient number of small packages) may be opened to take
randomly the necessary number of small packages (i.e. primary samples) to
prepare the bulk sample.
RID: International Regulations concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail.
Random sampling: a sampling procedure in which each package or portion of material has
an equal chance of being chosen.
Referee analysis: an analysis performed in an independent laboratory staffed by suitably
experienced personnel, agreed by the parties to a dispute, in order to certify the
quality of a disputed sample.
Registration certificate: a document issued by the responsible government organization
which sets out, among others things, the conditions of use, handling instructions,
quality, the labelling and packaging specifications for a formulated pesticide.
Responsible authority: the government agency or agencies responsible for regulating the
manufacture, distribution and/or use of pesticides, and more generally for
implementing registration.
Sampling Assistant: a person allocated to help the inspector in handling containers, sampling
equipment etc.
Note A Sampling Assistant can only take samples under supervision from the
Sampling Report: the standard report form completed by the inspector at the time of
sampling and countersigned by the person designated to be responsible for the
batch at the time the sample is taken.
Note At least four copies are required, one to be attached to each laboratory
sample and one to be retained by the inspector for his/her own record.
Testing laboratory: a laboratory which is authorized by the responsible authority to test
pesticides for their compliance with quality specifications.


Sampling and subsequent analysis of the sample taken constitute the most effective way to
monitor compliance with quality specifications. Although sampling should preferably be done by
removing material from positions in a batch which are chosen in a statistically random manner, in
practice the positions may be limited by accessibility and safety. If random sampling is not
practicable, the method of selecting primary samples should be noted in the Sampling Report
under Remarks.

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Appendix A

The general sampling protocol for on-site examination of packaging is as follows.


identifiable batch

selected packing units

assessment of packing units

return packing units to batch

The general sampling protocol for laboratory testing is as follows.


identifiable batch
sampled units may or may
not be returned to batch,
depending upon size and
national legislation
primary samples

bulk sample

laboratory samples (3)

attach sampling reports

analytical portions

Where applicable, the samples for laboratory testing may be taken from packing units which have
been selected for on-site examination.
Sampling may be carried out at any point in the distribution of pesticides, from the factory to the
retail outlet. Where national legislation permits pesticides to be sold from opened containers,
these may also be subject to sampling for quality control at the point of sale or use.
The role of the inspector in collecting samples and forwarding them to the testing laboratory is
crucial to the success of the testing carried out. The inspector must be well trained in sampling
procedures. In all cases the sampling technique used must ensure that the samples taken enable
the analyst to provide results which are representative of the material sampled. The Inspector
must therefore follow established procedures for sampling, handling and packaging.
The basic principles of sampling of technical grade active ingredients and formulations differ
because of their subsequent uses. Technical grade active ingredients are processed into
formulations. During this procedure the raw material is likely to be mixed thoroughly and
consequently its average properties should be determined from composite samples representing
the batch. On the other hand, each container of a formulation should meet the quality

Page 211
Appendix A

specification. Consequently the material removed from each package should be analyzed
The quality of technical grade active ingredients should be tested at manufacturing or formulating
plants, etc., before formulation.
Formulated pesticides may be checked before distribution at manufacturing, formulating and
packing plants or, in the case of imported formulations, at central depots or stores. If practicable,
samples should be taken from retail outlets before the beginning of the normal season of use for
the pesticide, so that effective corrective action can be taken, if required.
The bulk sample should be thoroughly mixed and divided into three equal laboratory samples.
The three laboratory samples are provided for: the testing laboratory; the organization agreed by
both parties to retain referee samples; and the person designated responsible for the batch at the
time of sampling. A Sampling Report should be completed in a minimum of four copies. One
copy of the sampling report should accompany each laboratory sample and the last copy should
be retained by the Inspector.
The recommended form of Sampling Report is shown in Annex I. In the remarks section of the
report, the Inspector should record his/her observations of the suitability of the storage conditions;
whether the pesticide was exposed to frost, water, prolonged sunshine or high temperature;
whether opened containers were present; the apparent homogeneity of the batch; whether
segregated fractions of the formulation were sampled separately and how many such samples
were taken from the batch.
Appropriate, clean equipment and containers must be used to take and retain samples, to
avoid contamination from outside sources, to ensure that contamination of the sampling officer is
minimized and to enable the analyst to analyze the submitted material satisfactorily.
Bottles, their seals, and sampling equipment must have been approved by the testing
laboratory. Bottles should be made of glass but solvent-resistant plastic may be satisfactory in
certain cases.
To prepare for sampling
(a) Collect information on:
• the toxicity of, and handling instructions for, the pesticides to be sampled;
• the amount of laboratory sample required for the tests.
• the nature and identity of pesticide materials to be sampled and the number and sizes
of packing units involved;
(b) Select appropriate:
• sampling apparatus, e.g. 50-100 ml pipettes; 3-way pipette fillers; siphon-and-lift hand
pumps (possibly with interchangeable non-drip discharge tubes suitable for
hydrocarbons); dip tubes; sample triers, scoops etc.; sample bottles (preferably glass
containers with caps that can be tightly closed); plastic bags (without ventilation holes);
plastic sheets; tools for opening pesticide containers; containers for pesticides where
the original containers are to be emptied;
• portable balance(s) with a suitable weighing range;
• labels which can be firmly glued or otherwise attached to the sample containers;
• sealing tape and wax seal, or official printed tape to certify the authorized opening of
containers and to indicate the amount taken as sample (only where national legislation
permits selling resealed containers);
• personal safety devices, e.g. appropriate gloves (suitable for handling drums, cans
packages, sampling devices and sample containers), aprons, dust masks, an effective
respirator where necessary, safety goggles, tissue paper, first aid kit, soap, towel and a
supply of water for washing;

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Appendix A

• case for sampling equipment and sample containers which enables them to be carried
and transported safely;
• absorbent material (e.g. sawdust, vermiculite or similar material) for filling the space
around sample containers.
Note Newspaper, polystyrene granules or wood wool are not satisfactory
(c) Check the availability of:
• a sufficient number of Sampling Report sheets;
• writing and marking pens;
• a valid identification document or authorization of the Inspector (Sampling Officer);
• Sampling Assistants;
• vehicle for carrying sampling personnel, equipment and samples.
• transportation for the samples to the laboratories.
(d) Notify:
• the individual responsible for the site in advance of the sampling date to ensure the availability
of responsible personnel to handle pesticide containers during the sampling operations;
• the laboratories of the types and numbers of samples likely to be sent for analysis.
Note Merchants or retailers who are re-packing pesticide formulations for sale in
small quantities should not be notified in advance.


The quality of packaging is assessed by external examination of original intact containers or
packages. The number of packing units to be selected from randomly chosen positions depends
on the size of the batch, as follows: up to 5 units, each unit; for 6-100 units, 5 units; for more than
100 units, 1 for every 20 units. Each selected packing unit shall meet the quality specification.
(a) The packing is acceptable if all containers selected randomly as samples are
intact, their contents do not leak during shaking or turning, there is no observable
sign of pesticide contamination on the surface of the containers, and the material
and size of the packing comply with the Registration Certificate. Deformation of
containers is unacceptable if the contents are thereby pressurized or if the
containers are rendered more difficult or hazardous to store, to transport or to
(b) The permanent label and any attached documents are acceptable if they are
clearly legible, intelligible and give the information which is specified in the
Registration Certificate. Secondary packaging, if any, of the pesticide containers
is acceptable if it indicates clearly the nature of the contents and the hazard
(c) Where the nominal gross mass (or the nominal nett mass and the nominal mass
of the container) is specified, the mass of the contents of pesticide containers
should be checked by weighing the intact containers with their contents.
Where only the nett mass or volume is specified, the mass of the contents of
pesticide containers should be checked by weighing the intact containers
complete with contents. The mass of the container (and of the contents where
the volume is specified) must then be determined. Where practicable, the
following procedure should be performed in the laboratory but, if not, suitable
alternative containers are required on site and the Inspector must take due care
in transferring the pesticide. The measurements should be made on a minimum
of 3 containers. Carefully and completely remove the entire contents into a
suitable alternative container. Where the nett volume is specified, calculate the
nominal nett mass either from the measured specific gravity or from the specific

Page 213
Appendix A

gravity quoted in the pesticide specification. Sum the mean mass of the empty
containers with the nominal mass content to obtain the estimated nominal gross
mass. Compare the measured gross masses of the selected containers with the
estimated nominal gross mass and, where the deviation exceeds the specified
value (or that permitted by national legislation), determine the nett masses or
volumes by removal of the contents. Where the same pesticide, in identical
containers, is to be checked on a number of occasions, the nominal gross mass
estimated for the first batch may be used to check subsequent batches.
The accuracy of the mass or volume measurements should be equal to or better
than 1/4th of the acceptable deviation from the nominal mass or volume, in the
quality specification. For example, if the nominal gross mass is 550 g and the
permitted deviation is ± 2% then its mass equivalent is 11 g. Consequently the
accuracy of the weighing should be ± 2.5 g or better (and the resolution of the
balance should be ± 1 g).
(d) The Inspector should pay attention to the general condition of the packages
during sampling. If any deficiency (deformation, leakage, loose labels, etc.) is
observed, the packages in the remainder of the batch should be examined
individually and the defective ones removed. Their further use should be
determined on a case-by-case basis depending on national legislation and the
corrective actions which are practicable.


In the case of packed pesticides the number of primary samples to be taken and aggregated into
a bulk sample is as follows: up to 5 packing units, 1 primary sample from each unit; 6-100 units, 1
primary sample from 5 units; over 100 units, 1 primary sample per 20 units.
Where the technical grade active ingredient is transported or stored in a single, large bulk, 15
primary samples should be taken from randomly selected parts of the batch.
The minimum mass of the bulk sample should be 300 g and 3 equal laboratory samples should be
withdrawn from it after mixing: one to be sent to the testing laboratory, the second to be retained
by the supplier of the pesticide and the third to be kept for referee analysis in case of dispute. The
referee sample should be retained by an organization agreed by both parties.
Note Bulk samples and laboratory samples of technical grade active ingredients
must be made homogeneous, as far as is practicable, before subdivision. In
order to facilitate homogenization of laboratory samples, liquid pesticides may
be carefully warmed to a maximum of 40°C, in the laboratory. Warming of
bulk samples in the field should not be attempted.

In an acceptable batch of formulated pesticide, the material in each individual container should
meet the specification. Therefore each bulk sample taken for testing should normally be obtained
from a single packing unit and may consist of one or more primary samples taken from that
packing unit. The packing unit and the corresponding method for obtaining primary/bulk samples
should be identified as follows.
(i) For end-user containers which each hold sufficient formulation to be subdivided into three
laboratory samples (i.e. holding 600 ml or more for liquid formulations and 1800 g or more for
solid formulations), the bulk sample is obtained from a single container and no primary
sampling is required. The contents should be well mixed before opening the container and
removal of the three laboratory samples. In the case of large containers, each laboratory
sample should consist of material removed from the top, middle and bottom of the container,
as far as is practicable.

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Appendix A

(ii) For end-user containers which each hold less than is required for three laboratory samples
(i.e. holding less than 600 ml for liquid formulations or less than 1800 g for solid formulations),
the bulk sample should be taken from a single packing unit consisting of multiple small
containers (the primary samples) which, when aggregated, will provide sufficient formulation to
be subdivided into three laboratory samples. If individual containers are not packaged into
larger units at the time of sampling, the bulk sample should be aggregated from sufficient
containers taken at one point in the batch.
The individual containers of the bulk sample should normally be opened, their contents should
be mixed thoroughly (taking special care with granules and water-dispersible formulations)
and subdivided into three laboratory samples. Alternatively, if required (where the containers
are also to be tested by the laboratory, for example), the individual containers may remain
intact but each laboratory sample should then consist of a minimum of three containers and
each should be analyzed separately.
(iii) Bulk tankers or wagons should be sampled by taking three primary samples, each a minimum
of 200 ml (of liquid formulations) or 600 g (of solid formulations), from different depths of the
tank or at the beginning, middle and end of discharging. The primary samples should be
aggregated into a bulk sample, well-mixed and subdivided into three laboratory samples.
One of the laboratory samples should be sent to the testing laboratory, the second should be
retained by the supplier of the pesticide and the third should be kept for referee analysis in case of
dispute. The referee sample should be retained by an organization agreed by both parties.
Where an identifiable batch of end-user packaged formulation cannot be presumed uniform (e.g.
where there are no data from previously satisfactory similar batches, etc.), separate bulk samples
should be taken from the number of sampling positions indicated in Table 1. These bulk samples
must not be aggregated but should be identified and analyzed separately. If a batch may be
presumed uniform, bulk samples may be taken from fewer positions (a minimum of one) in the
batch. Batches of solid formulations, particularly granular formulations, are less easily judged to
be uniform than are liquid formulations and should normally be sampled in accordance with the
requirements of Table 1.
Table 1. Number of bulk samples to be selected randomly for testing physical and chemical
properties of formulated pesticides.
Number of packing units in the batch Number of packing units from which
primary/bulk samples are to be taken
up to 10 1
11 - 20 2
21 - 40 3
> 40 3 plus 1 for every additional 20 units up to a
maximum of 15 sampled units
The sampling report should indicate whether the storage conditions could have been
unsatisfactory for formulations which must be protected from frost, extreme heat or moisture.
If national legislation permits, the nett contents of open containers may be restored (where
samples have been taken from several containers) by combining their contents if the samples
removed represent more than 10% of the nett contents. In this case, reseal the containers with
official tape to indicate that they have been sampled.
Using appropriate care, containers which are to be opened for sampling should be shaken, rolled,
tumbled or otherwise agitated (using methods which could be adopted by end users) before
sampling, to try to achieve physical homogeneity. Before taking samples, the contents of
containers of liquid pesticides should be visually checked, where practicable, for any physical
heterogeneity, such as crystallization, precipitation, sedimentation or separation. A rod may be
used to check for the presence of dense sediment. After complete or partial emptying, inspect
containers again for sediment which was not re-suspended.

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Appendix A

Where the separated components of formulations cannot be redissolved or homogenized by

methods which can also be used in the field before application of the formulation, this must be
recorded in the sampling report.
Note Such a formulation is not suitable for use and separate samples should be
taken from the segregated portions as evidence of the deteriorated condition.
Subsequent analysis may be omitted. An estimate should be made of the
amount or depth of any sediment or separated layers remaining.
The samples from containers which are to be opened should be collected, using appropriate
apparatus such as a pump or pipette, into glass bottles or other containers that can be tightly


Particulate solid formulations are not usually sensitive to frost, although they are frequently
affected by high temperatures and moisture. A batch that has been stored in an exposed state
(e.g. in inadequately sealed bags) must be regarded as non-uniform and the number of bulk
samples taken should be in accordance with table 1.
Granular formulations (especially those such as GR, WG, SG etc.) may undergo mechanical
segregation of the different particle sizes during transport and when being transferred to other
containers. At the initial sampling and when samples are subdivided for preparing the laboratory
sample and analytical portions, the utmost care must be exercised to obtain a representative
portion of the material.
Where applicable, CIPAC methods MT 58.1 and MT 166, should be used for sampling solids.
Otherwise, bags may be sampled through a top corner. The primary samples from a single bag
should be collected with an appropriate dip tube, trier, sampling probe or scoop and aggregated,
to form the bulk sample, in a glass bottle, plastic bag or other container that can be tightly closed.
The dip tube, etc., should be inserted through the opening diagonally across the bag and should
be long enough to reach the bottom. Using a long-handled scoop, the bag may be tilted so that
primary samples can be taken from the top, middle and bottom parts of the bag. Other types of
container should be opened appropriately and sampled in a similar way to bags.
The bulk sample from each bag, or other container of the pesticide, should be divided into 3 equal
laboratory samples, preferably using a mechanical sample divider. If a mechanical divider is not
available, laboratory samples should be prepared by manual division, paying the utmost attention
to avoiding contamination of the working environment, as follows.
• Transfer the bulk sample into a polyethylene bag large enough to be about one third full.
• Mix the contents by inverting the securely closed bag at least 10 times, put the bag on a flat
surface and spread the material within it over as large an area as possible. (The sample layer
should be approximately 1 cm deep.)
• Divide the spread material into 6 approximately equal portions and combine pairs of portions to
form each laboratory sample (e.g. 1st and 4th; 2nd and 5th; 3rd and 6th).
Where a formulation in water soluble bags is to be sampled, intact bags must be taken complete
with contents, preferably from freshly opened commercial packs. The individual bags must not be
opened but despatched for testing as quickly as possible.


Care must be taken to avoid spillage, leakage or deterioration of samples during packaging and
transport. Pesticide samples which are packed improperly and broken during transport can
endanger the health of both transport handlers and laboratory staff.
The following example procedure may be adopted when packing and shipping pesticide samples.

Page 216
Appendix A

(a) Place each sealed sample container, clearly marked with a sample number which
corresponds to that on the accompanying Sampling Report, in a plastic bag and seal
with tape.
(b) Line a robust container of about 4 l capacity (e.g. a plastic or metal can with a
securely fitting lid) with a suitably large plastic bag.
(c) Half-fill the plastic-lined container with absorbent material to immobilize the sample
bottles and to absorb any leakage from broken bottles.
(d) Place the Sampling Reports in a separate plastic bag, seal it and place it in the
container. Fill the remainder of the container with absorbent material.
(e) Close the container and seal its lid. Attach securely labels showing:
(i) the address of the testing laboratory, and the name of the contact unit or person;
(ii) the appropriate hazard classification of the pesticide;
(iii) arrow(s) indicating the "up" position of the samples.
When pesticide samples are transported, the regulations of ICAO, IMO, RID or IATA must be met
as applicable.

Page 217
Appendix A, Annex 1, continued

Name and address of store or plant:

Name of pesticide: Manufacturer/supplier:

Batch No: Batch total quantity (kg, l or pcs):

Date of manufacture:

On-site tests

Number of packing units selected: pcs.

Specified gross mass, or nett mass/volume, of containers:

Minimum and maximum measured gross masses of containers:

Mean measured mass of empty containers (if applicable):

Estimated nominal gross mass of containers (if applicable):

Quality of packing:

Quality of label:

Sampling for laboratory tests

Number of packing units sampled:

Amount and number of primary samples taken for bulk sample:

Location of the reference sample and name of responsible person:



....................................................................... .................................................................
Name and signature Name and signature
of Inspector of owner or representative
of store/plant

Page 218
Appendix B



Reference substances of known content are often essential for the quantitative
determination of pesticide active ingredients in different types of sample and at various
concentration levels. They are available from various sources. It is important that the active
ingredient content is declared and certified (Note 1).
There are two sources for the supply of certified reference substances:
- the manufacturer of the active ingredient in question;
- standards institutions or companies selling reference substances.
1.1 Supply by the manufacturer
The manufacturer of a pesticide technical grade active ingredient, or its formulations, is
obliged to supply a certified reference substance in the following cases:
1.1.1 Trade relations between customer and manufacturer
The customer, or an independent laboratory, might want to check the active ingredient
content of material delivered by the manufacturer. This is to be done on the basis of
the specification and using the analytical method stated therein. The manufacturer's
certified reference substances should be made available to the customer so as to
avoid any discrepancy in the analytical results, which could otherwise be derived from
differences in the purity of the reference substances used by the two parties.
1.1.2 Relations between manufacturer and registration authorities
Each company (not only the inventor company) applying for the registration of a
pesticide (new a.i. or formulation) must supply its own certified reference substance, if
required by the registration authorities.
1.2 Supply by reference substances producers or suppliers
There are various standards institutions (Note 2) and commercial companies which offer
reference substances. They should normally be approached if reference substances are
required in situations different from those mentioned above. On request manufacturers
may, at their discretion, also supply reference substances in such cases.
A certificate of identity and determined content, together with the corresponding measurement
uncertainty and a reference to the method(s) of analysis used, must always accompany each
sample of a certified reference substance. Descriptions such as “greater than ..%” are
unacceptable. The recommended storage conditions and an expiry date shall be stated.

Note 1 For more detailed information, see CIPAC Handbook D, pages 186-196.
Note 2 e.g. LGC, Queen’s Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LY, U.K.

Page 219
Appendix C

Note. Definitions of pesticide formulation types are given in Appendix E together with the
CropLife International two-letter coding system.
Term Definition
Active ingredient(s) The component(s) of a formulation responsible for the direct or indirect
biological activity against pests and diseases, or in regulating
metabolism/growth, etc. A single active ingredient may be comprised of
one or more chemical or biological entities which may differ in relative
activity. A formulation may contain one or more active ingredients.
Agglomerate Particles bound firmly together.
Aggregate Particles adhering loosely together.
AOAC AOAC International, formerly the Association of Official Analytical
Apparent density see Density.
Attrition The wearing away of the surface of a solid by friction or impact,
particularly by particle-to-particle interaction.
Batch A defined quantity of material produced in a single series of operations.
Bulk density see Density.
CA Chemical Abstracts.
Carrier A solid formulant added to a technical grade active ingredient as an
absorbent or diluent.
® ®
CAS No. Chemical Abstracts Service Registry number.
CIPAC Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council.
CropLife International Formerly known as GCPF and also GIFAP.
Closed meeting A meeting of the JMPS dealing with confidential information, where
participation is confined exclusively to experts appointed by FAO/WHO.
Proposers and/or others may be invited by FAO/WHO for consideration
of specific issues.
Compatibility The property of chemicals or formulations which, when mixed together,
do not adversely react or interact with one another physically, chemically
or in their biological effect.
Cream An opaque layer accumulating at the top or the bottom of an emulsion.
Density Mass per unit volume of substance at a stated temperature. The units of
volume and mass must be stated, e.g. grams per millilitre at 20 ± 2 C.
Bulk density of powders and granules refers to their apparent density,
including the air, etc., incorporated into the bulk. Bulk density values are
affected by settling (e.g. by tapping), compaction or pressure.
Device For the purposes of this Manual, any physical or mechanical entity which
is loaded with a quantity of pesticide, ready for immediate use without
dilution, mixing, etc.
Dispersibility The ease with which an insoluble solid or liquid material may be
dispersed uniformly in a liquid.
Dust A fine solid material, potentially airborne, with particle size less than
50 µm.
ECCA European Crop Care Association

Page 220
Appendix C

Note. Definitions of pesticide formulation types are given in Appendix E together with the
CropLife International two-letter coding system.
Term Definition
Ecotoxicological profile A summary of data on ecotoxicological endpoints that may have
consequences for aquatic and terrestrial organisms, due to possible
exposure dependent on the intended uses, for a particular pesticide.
ELINCS No. European List of Notified Chemical Substances number (for new
EINECS No. European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
number (for existing chemicals).
Equivalence (equivalent) The FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of
Pesticides defines equivalence broadly as: “the determination of the
similarity of the impurity and toxicological profile, as well as of the
physical and chemical properties, presented by supposedly similar
technical material originating from different manufacturers, in order to
assess whether they present similar levels of risk”.
In practice, determination of equivalence by the JMPS involves a
comparative assessment of the impurity and toxicological profiles, as
well as data for the physical and chemical properties, of technical grade
active ingredients (TC/TK) produced by different manufacturers or by
different manufacturing routes. The comparison is made with the
reference profile in each case. If the materials can share a common
specification, and if the degree of similarity is such that the material(s)
produced by the additional manufacturer(s), or the new manufacturing
route(s), present(s) risks that are considered to be no greater than the
TC/TK on which the reference profiles are based, the additional/new
material(s) can be considered equivalent to the original TC/TK.
Formulations of a particular pesticide are regarded as equivalent if they
are prepared from equivalent TCs/TKs and conform to the same
specification but this does not imply that they necessarily provide equal
efficacy or present identical risks in a particular application.
Endpoint Measurable physico-chemical, ecological or toxicological characteristic
or parameter of the test system (usually an organism) that is chosen as
the most relevant assessment criterion (e.g. temperature of
decomposition, death in an acute test or tumour incidence in a chronic
Evaluator An expert attending the JMPS, assigned by FAO/WHO to perform the
evaluation of data provided in support of a proposed FAO/WHO
specification, or of a proposed extension to an existing specification,
following the procedural principles laid down in the current edition of this
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
FAO/WHO specifications International standards of quality for pesticides evaluated and published
Filler An inert solid formulant used as a diluent.
Fines see Undersize Particles.
Flammable Readily ignitable.
Flammable liquid A liquid having a flash point of not less than 21°C and not more than
55°C, as determined by a closed cup method. See also Highly
Flammable Liquid.

Page 221
Appendix C

Note. Definitions of pesticide formulation types are given in Appendix E together with the
CropLife International two-letter coding system.
Term Definition
Flash point The lowest temperature at which a material forms a flammable
vapour/air mixture under standard conditions.
Flocculation Aggregation of particles suspended in a liquid.
Flowability Ability of materials to flow freely under stated conditions.
Formulant Any substance, other than a technical grade active ingredient,
intentionally incorporated in a formulation.
Formulation A pesticide preparation containing technical grade active ingredient(s)
and formulant(s) in a form suitable for use.
JMPS The group of experts appointed by FAO and WHO to deal with pesticide
Hazard For the purposes of this Manual, the ability of a chemical or material to
cause an undesirable effect. Undesirable effects are described in the
definition of relevant impurities. See also Risk.
Highly flammable liquid A liquid having a flash point of less than 21°C as determined by a closed
cup method. See also Flammable Liquid
Impurity profile Maximum concentrations of all impurities (including “unknowns”) in a
technical grade active ingredient produced by a manufacturer using a
single process, derived from analysis of production batches. In general,
the impurities are those with manufacturing specification limits at or
above 1 g/kg but lower limits apply to exceptionally hazardous impurities.
Where the same active ingredient is produced at different sites by the
same manufacturer and manufacturing route, the profile should
encompass all sites. Where the manufacturing route differs between
sites, or the manufacturers differ, the impurity profiles should be defined
separately. These data are confidential and not included in evaluations.
INCI No. International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients number.
Independent laboratory See peer validation.
Interested parties Organizations or individuals, such as commercial companies, pesticide
registration authorities, non-governmental organizations, and scientists
concerned with pesticide specifications.
ISO International Organization for Standardization, which publishes common
names for pesticides which have generally been developed by the British
Standards Institution (BSI). E-ISO indicates the English form of the
name and F-ISO indicates the French form. French names are identified
as masculine (m) or feminine (f) as appropriate.
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
JMPR FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues. Comprised of the FAO
Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment
and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues.
JMPS FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Specifications. A group of experts
appointed by FAO and WHO to deal with pesticide specifications.
Lot Part or all of a consignment that may comprise part of, all of, one
manufacturing batch.

Page 222
Appendix C

Note. Definitions of pesticide formulation types are given in Appendix E together with the
CropLife International two-letter coding system.
Term Definition
Lump A macroscopic piece of solid matter without regular shape.
Manual The current edition of the Manual on the development and use of
FAO/WHO specifications for pesticides.
Minimum data Data required to evaluate proposals for FAO/WHO specifications. Such
requirements data are the minimum considered necessary to evaluate all aspects of
the specification.
Non-flammable Not readily ignitable, with a flash point above 55°C as determined by a
closed cup method.
Open meeting A meeting of the JMPS where, in addition to experts invited by
FAO/WHO, participation is open to anyone who wishes to attend.
Oversize particles Particles of a solid material larger than a specified size.
Peer validation Validation of an analytical method by a (peer) laboratory operating
independently from that of the originator of the method. The two
(also known as
laboratories may belong to the same organisation, as long as the
Independent laboratory
analysts, equipment, etc., are distinct and operate separately and without
collusion for the validation. The validation process will follow the peer
verification procedure of AOAC International (or similar).
Pesticide Any substance, or mixture of substances, or micro-organisms including
viruses, intended for repelling, destroying or controlling any pest,
including vectors of human or animal disease, nuisance pests, unwanted
species of plants or animals causing harm during or otherwise interfering
with the production, processing, storage, transport, or marketing of food,
agricultural commodities, wood and wood products or animal feeding
stuffs, or which may be administered to animals for the control of
insects, arachnids or other pests in or on their bodies. The term includes
substances intended for use as insect or plant growth regulators;
defoliants; desiccants; agents for setting, thinning or preventing the
premature fall of fruit; and substances applied to crops either before or
after harvest to protect the commodity from deterioration during storage
and transport. The term also includes pesticide synergists and safeners,
where they are integral to the satisfactory performance of the pesticide.
The term “technical pesticide” refers to technical materials and technical
concentrates. The term “formulated pesticide” refers to any formulation
containing a pesticide.
Phytotoxic Phytotoxicity is the capacity of a compound to cause temporary or long-
lasting damage to plants. The damage may be general or restricted to
certain species or cultivars of plants. Phytoxic impurities or
contaminants in a herbicide may extend the range of plants damaged
beyond that expected.
Proposer Any manufacturer, group of manufacturers, or interested party, which
submits a draft specification and a data package, to FAO/WHO for
evaluation, in support of a new specification or for extension of an
existing specification.

Page 223
Appendix C

Note. Definitions of pesticide formulation types are given in Appendix E together with the
CropLife International two-letter coding system.
Term Definition
Reference Specification The current published specification for a pesticide, where this has been
developed according to evaluation procedures similar to that given in this
Manual (i.e. 1999-on for FAO specifications and 2002-on for WHO
specifications). The reference specification is subject to review and may
be revised in the light of emergent information, or to incorporate the
formulations of a subsequent manufacturer. The reference specification
is used as the first criterion in the determination of equivalence of a
technical grade active ingredient and/or formulation of a parallel or
subsequent manufacturer.
Reference Profile The impurity, toxicological and ecotoxicological profiles upon which the
original specification for a technical grade active ingredient is based.
The reference profiles are used for the determination of equivalence. A
reference profile is not amended by the data supporting additional
technical grade active ingredients that are subsequently judged to be
equivalent but, following a review of specifications by the JMPS, a new
reference profile may supersede an earlier one.
Generally, the reference profile of impurities relates to the technical
grade active ingredient supported by the most complete toxicological and
ecotoxicological profiles.
Release Date The date from which the supplier guarantees a shelf-life of at least 2
years, unless stated otherwise, under actual conditions of storage in the
area where the technical grade active ingredient or formulation is to be
Relevant Impurities Those by-products of the manufacture or storage of a pesticide which,
compared with the active ingredient, are toxicologically significant to
health or the environment, are phytotoxic to treated plants, cause taint in
food crops, affect the stability of the pesticide, or cause any other
adverse effect. Water may also be a relevant impurity if it can adversely
affect the stability of the pesticide or the manufacture of a satisfactory
formulation. Insoluble material may also be a relevant impurity in a
TC/TK if formulations to be prepared from them would block spray
filters/nozzles, or fail the wet sieve test, for example.
Risk The probability that an undesirable effect (see definition of relevant
impurity) will manifest itself as a consequence of the presence of a
hazard(see definition of hazard). In most cases, the concentration or
mass of the hazardous material reaching the point at which the
undesirable effect is initiated is a measure of the risk. In a certain cases,
it may be impossible to determine the lowest concentration or mass
which is associated with no observable risk that the undesirable effect
will be manifested.
Sedimentation The fall of particles in a continuous medium (usually liquid for
specification purposes).
Seed treatment The process of coating or impregnating seeds with a chemical.
Sieving Separation of particles according to their size by the use of sieves.
Size distribution The mass or numerical frequency distribution of the particles of a solid
particulate material.
Size range Lower and upper limits in size of a particulate material.

Page 224
Appendix C

Note. Definitions of pesticide formulation types are given in Appendix E together with the
CropLife International two-letter coding system.
Term Definition
Subsequent, additional or Any pesticide manufacturer other than the proposer of the original
parallel manufacturer specification.
Surfactant A formulant which reduces the interfacial tension of two boundary
surfaces, thereby increasing the emulsifying, spreading, dispersibility
and/or wetting properties of liquids or solids.
Tank mix Two or more formulations mixed in the spray tank (including non-
pesticide fomulations e.g. liquid fertilizers) .
Tap density see Density.
Tolerance Permitted limits of variation active ingredient content from a given value.
Known as “certified limits” in some countries.
Toxicological profile A summary of data on toxicological endpoints that may have
consequences for human health, due to exposure via various routes, for
a particular pesticide.
Undersize particles Particles of a solid material smaller than a specified size.
WHO World Health Organization.
WHOPES WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme.

Page 225
Appendix D


ISO common names are used in specifications and methods of analysis, where possible. Each
specification or CIPAC method of analysis is assigned a number based on the CIPAC code
number for the chemical and its derivatives, forming a cross-reference between the FAO/WHO
specification and the method of analysis.
Individual code numbers have been allocated according to the CIPAC system, given in
APPENDICES F and G. Derivatives of parent compounds are coded with a suffix, based on ISO
257, allocated as indicated below:
Inorganic cations 202 ethyl 302 Cl
003 Li 203 propyl 303 Br
007 NH4 204 iso-propyl 304 I
011 Na 205 butyl 305 OH
012 Mg 206 sec-butyl 306 SO4
013 Al 207 ter-butyl 307 SO3
019 K 208 pentyl (amyl) 308 NO3
020 Ca 209 iso-amyl 309 NO2
029 Cu 210 hexyl 310 PO4
030 Zn 211 heptyl 311 PO3
Organic cations 212 mexyl Acid radicals, organic
101 MeNH2 213 octyl anions
102 Me2NH 214 meptyl 401 acetate (acetyl)
103 EtNH2 215 iso-octyl 402 propanoate
104 Et2NH 216 nonyl (propanyl)
105 iso-PrNH2 217 decyl 403 butyrate (butanoyl)
106 (iso-Pr)2NH 218 lauryl 404 pentanoate
107 BuNH2 219 stearyl 405 hexanoate
108 sec-BuNH2 220 oleyl 406 heptanoate
109 ter-BuNH2 221 butomethyl 407 octanoate
110 olamine 222 butotyl 408 laurate
111 diolamine 223 ethadyl 409 stearate
112 trolamine 224 ethotyl 410 -
113 diclexine 225 propargyl 411 oleate
114 trimesium 226 tefuryl 412 benzoate
Ester radicals 227 benzyl 413 naphthoate
201 methyl Inorganic anions
Ester radicals, continued 301 F
Mixtures of pesticides are indexed alphabetically.


The status of a CIPAC analytical or test method is indicated as:
Full method M/F
Provisional method M/P
Tentative method
Draft method

Draft methods are not usually published by CIPAC but may be available on request from
FAO/WHO. Different methods are specified by a number following the letter, e.g. -/MI/-, -/(M)/-, -
/m3/- indicating respectively a full method, a second provisional method and a third draft method.
Miscellaneous techniques (MT) and reagents (RE) are numbered in a similar manner.

Page 226
Appendix E
CropLife International codes for technical & formulated pesticides
Code Term Definition
AB Grain bait Special form of bait.
AE Aerosol dispenser A container-held formulation which is dispersed generally
by a propellant as fine droplets or particles upon the
actuation of a valve.
AL Any other liquid A liquid not yet designated by a specific code, to be
applied undiluted.
AP Any other powder A powder not yet designated by a specific code, to be
applied undiluted.
BB Block bait Special form of bait.
BR Briquette Solid block designed for controlled release of active
ingredient into water.
CB Bait concentrate A solid or liquid intended for dilution before use as a bait.
CF Capsule suspension A stable suspension of capsules in a fluid to be applied to
for seed treatment the seed, either directly or after dilution.
CG Encapsulated granule A granule with a protective or granule release-controlling
CL Contact liquid or gel Rodenticidal or insecticidal formulation in the form of a
liquid/gel for direct application, or after dilution in the case
of gels.
CP Contact powder Rodenticidal or insecticidal formulation in powder form for
direct application. Formerly known as tracking powder
CS Capsule suspension A stable suspension of capsules in a fluid, normally
intended for dilution with water before use.
DC Dispersible concentrate A liquid homogeneous formulation to be applied as a
solid dispersion after dilution in water. (Note: there are
some formulations which have characteristics
intermediate between DC and EC).
DP Dustable powder A free-flowing powder suitable for dusting.
DS Powder for dry seed A powder for application in the dry state
treatment directly to the seed.
DT Tablet for direct Formulation in the form of tablets to be applied
application individually and directly in the field, and/or bodies of
water, without preparation of a spraying solution or
EC Emulsifiable concentrate A liquid, homogeneous formulation to be applied as an
emulsion after dilution in water.
ED Electrochargeable liquid Special liquid formulation for electrostatic
(electrodynamic) spraying.
EG Emulsifiable Granule A granular formulation, which may contain water-
insoluble formulants, to be applied as an oil-in-water
emulsion of the active ingredient(s) after disintegration in
EO Emulsion, water in oil A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a
solution of pesticide in water dispersed as fine globules in
a continuous organic liquid phase.

Page 227
Appendix E
CropLife International codes for technical & formulated pesticides
Code Term Definition
EP Emulsifiable powder A powder formulation, which may contain water-insoluble
formulants, to be applied as an oil-in-water emulsion of
the active ingredient(s) after dispersion in water.
ES Emulsion for seed A stable emulsion for application to the seed either
treatment directly or after dilution.
EW Emulsion, oil in water A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a
solution of pesticide in an organic liquid dispersed as fine
globules in a continuous water phase.
FD Smoke tin Special form of smoke generator.
FG Fine granule A granule in the particle size range from 300 to 2500 µm.
FK Smoke candle Special form of smoke generator.
FP Smoke cartridge Special form of smoke generator.
FR Smoke rodlet Special form of smoke generator.
FSFlowable concentrate for A stable suspension for application to the seed, either
seed treatment directly or after dilution.
FT Smoke tablet Special form of smoke generator.
FU Smoke generator A combustible formulation, generally solid, which upon
ignition releases the active ingredient(s) in the form of
Special forms of smoke generators
Smoke candle (FK)
Smoke cartridge (FP)
Smoke pellet (FW)
Smoke rodlet (FR)
Smoke tablet (FT)
Smoke tin (FD)
FW Smoke pellet Special form of smoke generator.
GA Gas A gas packed in pressure bottle or pressure tank.
GB Granular bait Special form of bait.
GE Gas generating product A formulation which generates a gas by chemical
GF Gel for Seed Treatment A homogeneous gelatinous formulation to be applied
directly to the seed.
GG Macrogranule A granule in the particle size range from 2000 to 6000
GL Emulsifiable gel A gelatinized formulation to be applied as an emulsion in
GP Flo-dust Very fine dustable powder for pneumatic application in
GR Granule A free-flowing solid formulation of a defined granule size
range ready for use.
Special forms of granules:
Encapsulated granule (CG) A granule with a protective or release-controlling coating.
Fine granule (FG) Particle size range from 300 to 2500 µm.
Macrogranule (GG) Particle size range from 2000 to 6000 µm.
Microgranule (MG) Particle size range from 100 to 600 µm.
GS Grease Very viscous formulation based on oil or fat.

Page 228
Appendix E
CropLife International codes for technical & formulated pesticides
Code Term Definition
GW Water soluble gel A gelatinized formulation to be applied as an aqueous
HN Hot fogging concentrate A formulation suitable for application by hot fogging
equipment, either directly or after dilution.
KK Combi-pack solid/liquid A solid and a liquid formulation, separately contained
within one outer pack, intended for simultaneous
application in a tank mix.
KL Combi-pack liquid/liquid Two liquid formulations, separately contained within one
outer pack, intended for simultaneous application in a
tank mix.
KN Cold fogging concentrate A formulation suitable for application by cold fogging
equipment, either directly or after dilution.
KP Combi-pack solid/solid Two solid formulations, separately contained within one
outer pack, intended for simultaneous application in a
tank mix.
LA Lacquer Solvent-based, film-forming composition.
LS Solution for seed A clear to opalescent liquid to be applied to the
treatment seed either directly or as a solution of the active
ingredient after dilution in water. The liquid may contain
water-insoluble formulants.
LV Liquid vaporizer A liquid formulation in a cartridge/bottle, designed to fit a
suitable heater unit, from which the formulation passes
up a heated wick and evaporates into the local
MC Mosquito coil A coil which burns (smoulders) without producing a flame
and releases the active ingredient into the local
atmosphere as a vapour or smoke.
ME Micro-emulsion A clear to opalescent, oil and water containing liquid, to
be applied directly or after dilution in water, when it may
form a diluted micro-emulsion or a conventional
MG Microgranule A granule in the particle size range from 100 to 600 µm.
MV Vaporizing mats A mat made from pulp, or other suitable inert materials,
and impregnated with an active ingredient. The mat is
intended for use in a heating unit designed to produce
slow volatilisation of the active ingredient.
OD Oil dispersion A stable suspension of active ingredient(s) in a water-
immiscible fluid, which may contain other dissolved
active ingredient(s), intended for dilution with water
before use.
OF Oil miscible flowable A stable suspension of active ingredient(s) in a fluid
concentrate (oil miscible intended for dilution in an organic liquid before use.
OL Oil miscible liquid A liquid, homogeneous formulation to be applied as a
homogeneous liquid after dilution in an organic liquid.
OP Oil dispersible powder A powder formulation to be applied as a suspension after
dispersion in an organic liquid.
PA Paste Water-based, film-forming composition.
PB Plate bait Special form of bait.

Page 229
Appendix E
CropLife International codes for technical & formulated pesticides
Code Term Definition
PC Gel or paste concentrate A solid formulation to be applied as a gel or paste after
dilution with water.
PO Pour-on Solution for pouring on the skin of animals in a high
volume (normally more than 100 ml per animal).
PR Plant rodlet A small rodlet, usually a few centimetres in length and a
few millimetres in diameter, containing an active
PS Seed coated with a Self defining.
RB Bait (ready for use) A formulation designed to attract and be eaten by the
target pests.
Special forms of baits:
Block bait (BB)
Grain bait (AB)
Granular bait (GB)
Plate bait (PB)
Scrap bait (SB)
SA Spot-on Solution for spot application on the skin of animals in a
low volume (normally less than 100 ml per animal).
SB Scrap bait Special form of bait.
SC Suspension concentrate A stable suspension of active ingredient(s) with
(= flowable concentrate) water as the fluid, intended for dilution with water before
SD Suspension concentrate A stable suspension of active ingredient(s) in a fluid,
for direct application which may contain other dissolved active ingredient(s),
intended for direct application, to rice paddies, for
SE Suspo-emulsion A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a stable
dispersion of active ingredients in the form of solid
particles and fine globules in a continuous water phase.
SG Water soluble granule A formulation consisting of granules to be applied as a
true solution of the active ingredient after dissolution in
water, but which may contain insoluble inert ingredients.
SL Soluble concentrate A clear to opalescent liquid to be applied as a solution of
the active ingredient after dilution in water. The liquid
may contain water-insoluble formulants.
SO Spreading oil Formulation designed to form a surface layer on
application to water.
SP Water soluble powder A powder formulation to be applied as a true solution of
the active ingredient after dissolution in water, but which
may contain insoluble inert ingredients.
SS Water soluble powder for A powder to be dissolved in water before
seed treatment application to the seed.
ST Water soluble tablet Formulation in form of tablets to be used individually, to
form a solution of the active ingredient after disintegration
in water. The formulation may contain water-insoluble
SU Ultra-low volume (ULV) A suspension ready for use through ULV
suspension equipment.

Page 230
Appendix E
CropLife International codes for technical & formulated pesticides
Code Term Definition
TB Tablet Pre-formed solids of uniform shape and dimensions,
usually circular, with either flat or convex faces, the
distance between faces being less than the diameter.
Special forms of tablets:
DT - tablets for direct application
ST - tablets for dissolution in water
WT - tablets for dispersion in water
TC Technical material A material resulting from a manufacturing process
comprising the active ingredient, together with associated
impurities. This may contain small amounts of necessary
TK Technical concentrate A material resulting from a manufacturing process
comprising the active ingredient, together with associated
impurities. This may contain small amounts of necessary
additives and appropriate diluents.
(TP) (Tracking powder) (Discontinued term. Refer to CP)
UL Ultra-low volume (ULV) A homogeneous liquid ready for use through ULV
liquid equipment.
VP Vapour releasing product A formulation containing one or more volatile active
ingredients, the vapours of which are released into the
air. Evaporation rate is normally controlled by using
suitable formulations and/or dispensers.
WG Water dispersible granules A formulation consisting of granules to be applied after
disintegration and dispersion in water.
WP Wettable powder A powder formulation to be applied as a suspension after
dispersion in water.
WS Water dispersible powder A powder to be dispersed at high concentration in water
for slurry seed treatment before application as a slurry to the seed.
WT Water dispersible tablet Formulation in the form of tablets to be used individually,
to form a dispersion of the active ingredient after
disintegration in water.
XX Others Temporary categorization of all other formulations not
listed above.
ZC A mixed formulation of CS A stable suspension of capsules and active ingredient(s)
and SC in fluid, normally intended for dilution with water before
ZE A mixed formulation of CS A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a stable
and SE dispersion of active ingredient(s) in the form of capsules,
solid particles, and fine globules in a continuous water
phase, normally intended for dilution with water before
ZW A mixed formulation of CS A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a stable
and EW dispersion of active ingredient(s) in the form of capsules
and fine globules in a continuous water phase, normally
intended for dilution with water before use.

Page 231
Appendix F, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in numerical order
Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide
1 2,4-D 41 monochloroacetic 78 quintozene
2 MCPA 79 fenthion
42 chlorbenside
3 DDT 80 propoxur
43 chlorpropham
4 HCH 81 4-benzothienyl
44 copper methylcarbamate
5 bromophos
(OMS 708)
6 2,4,5-T
45 mevinphos
82 diphenyl (biphenyl)
7 sodium chlorate
46 dinoseb
83 2,4-DB
8 nicotine
47 demeton-S-methyl
84 dichlorprop
9 lead arsenate
48 -
85 dicamba
10 parathion
49 2,3,6-TBA
86 ioxynil
11 dichlorvos
87 bromoxynil
12 malathion
51 mecoprop
88 chlorfenvinphos
13 chlordane
52 dalapon
89 endosulfan
14 methoxychlor
53 chlorfenson
90 amitrole
15 diazinon
54 fenson (aminotriazole)
16 dieldrin (HEOD)
55 diquat 91 atrazine
17 lime sulfur
56 paraquat 92 propazine
18 sulfur
57 ferbam 93 prometryn
58 dimefox 94 methoprotryne
20 metam-sodium
59 dimethoate 95 carbetamide
21 nabam
60 endothion 96 di-allate
22 simazine
61 maneb 97 tri-allate
23 camphechlor
62 metaldehyde 98 dinocap
24 thiram
63 propham 99 monuron
25 zineb
64 schradan 100 diuron
26 carbaryl
65 tecnazene 101 dodine
27 aldrin (HHDN)
66 TEPP 102 ethion
28 endrin
67 trichloroacetic acid 103 fentin compounds
29 petroleum oils (TCA)
104 isolan
30 tar oils 68 trichlorfon
105 menazon
31 ziram 69 zinc phosphide
106 pentachlorophenol
32 pyrethrins 70 warfarin
107 phenkapton
33 piperonyl butoxide 71 mercury
108 phenthoate
34 mancozeb
109 phosalone
72 chlorthiamid
35 fenitrothion
110 phosphamidon
73 dichlobenil
36 heptachlor
111 chloridazon
74 dichlofluanid
37 azinphos-methyl
112 fenchlorphos
75 folpet
38 rotenone
113 tetradifon
76 linuron
39 antu
114 tetrasul
77 phenmedipham
40 captan
115 thiometon

Page 232
Appendix F, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in numerical order
Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide
116 triamiphos 153 dithianon 191 demephion
117 vamidothion 154 endothal 192 fenazaflor
118 fenoprop 155 EPTC 193 methidathion
119 chlorobenzilate 156 formaldehyde 194 morfamquat
120 chloropropylate 157 ethoate-methyl 195 naled
121 coumaphos 158 fenuron 196 pindone
122 crufomate 159 fluometuron 197 potassium cyanate
123 dicofol 160 formothion 198 sulfotep
124 dioxathion 161 hexachloro 199 TDE
125 1,2-dibromoethane 200 trichloronat
162 isobenzan
126 hydrogen cyanide 201 methabenz-
163 lenacil thiazuron
127 hydrogen
phosphide 164 medinoterb 202 omethoate
128 methyl bromide 165 methiocarb 203 bioallethrin
129 dicapthon 166 methometon 204 alachlor
130 3,4,5- 167 --- 205 propanil
168 metobromuron 206 benomyl
methylcarbamate -
OMS 597 169 monolinuron 207 fluoracetic acid
131 diphacinone 170 nitrofen 208 chlorophacinone
132 allidochlor 171 oxydemeton- 209 coumafuryl
133 ametryn 210 valone
172 chinomethionat
134 atraton 211 sulfaquinoxaline
173 phorate
135 barban 212 terbutryn
174 picloram
136 benazolin 213 oxadiazon
175 prometon
137 benquinox 214 cycloate
176 propachlor
138 binapacryl 215 aldicarb
177 propineb
139 bromacil 216 propargite
178 simeton
140 carbophenothion 217 chlorotoluron
179 simetryn
141 chloramben 218 ethoprophos
180 2,4,5-TB
142 chlorazine 219 metoxuron
181 thallium
143 chlormequat 220 erbon
144 chlorbicyclen 221 chlorpyrifos
182 thionazin
145 cufraneb 222 bioresmethrin
183 trifluralin
146 dazomet 223 dinobuton
184 buturon
147 desmetryn 224 mecarbam
185 captafol
148 dichlofenthion 225 ethylene oxide
186 chlorbromuron
149 dichlone
187 chloroxuron
226 methyl formate
150 dicloran
188 coumachlor
227 aluminium
151 dimexano
189 coumatetralyl phosphide
152 disulfoton
190 crimidine

Page 233
Appendix F, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in numerical order
Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide
228 magnesium 267 allethrin 304 flurenol (flurecol)
268 resmethrin 305 fluorodifen
229 benzoylprop
269 bromofenoxim 306 fonofos
230 cyanazine
270 chlorfenprop 307 gibberellic acid
231 pirimicarb
271 napropamide 308 griseofulvin
232 bendiocarb
272 terbacil 309 isonoruron
233 ethofumesate
273 carboxin 310 maleic hydrazide
234 terbuthylazine
274 oxycarboxin 311 mebenil
235 molinate
275 tolylfluanid 312 streptomycin
236 pebulate
276 carbofuran 313 1-naphthylacetic
237 vernolate acid
277 chlordimeform
238 dinoterb 314 neburon
278 iprodione
239 pirimiphos-methyl 315 propyzamide
279 dimefuron
240 asulam 316 oxytetracycline
280 vinclozolin
241 azobenzene 317 pentanochlor
281 fluchloralin
242 ethirimol 318 phosmet
282 1-naphthyl
243 chloranil 319 pyridinitril
244 p-dichlorobenzene 320 salicylanilide
283 metribuzin
245 dimethirimol 321 siduron
284 glyphosate
246 2-phenylphenol 322 tetramethrin
285 benfluralin
247 diphenyl sulfone 323 thiabendazole
286 methyl arsonic
248 2-aminobutane acid 324 tridemorph
249 chloralose 287 monocrotophos 325 dichlorophen
250 arsenic (III) oxide 288 chlorothalonil 326 aziprotryne
251 barium carbonate 289 cyhexatin 327 dialifos
252 calcium cyanide 290 anthraquinone 328 chlorthal
253 dicoumarol 291 4-CPA (4-chloro 329 crotoxyphos
254 fluoracetamide 330 daminozide
255 norbormide 331 permethrin
292 DDE
256 phosacetim 332 cypermethrin
293 aminocarb
257 - 333 deltamethrin
294 anilazine
258 radione 334 fenvalerate
295 bensulide
259 scilliroside 335 imazalil
296 chlorbufam
260 strychnine 336 isoproturon
297 chlordecone
261 bupirimate 337 chlormephos
298 chloropicrin
262 thiophanate-methyl 338 acephate
299 dicrotophos
263 carbendazim 339 diflubenzuron
300 dodemorph
264 methomyl 340 temephos
301 drazoxolon
265 tetrachlorvinphos 341 chlorphoxim
302 EPN
266 butylate 342 oxamyl
303 fensulfothion

Page 234
Appendix F, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in numerical order
Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide
343 ditalimfos 378 butocarboxim 418 clofentezine
344 fosamine 379 etrimfos 419 cymoxanil
345 N-(2-ethylhexyl)- 380 fenarimol 420 cyromazine
381 metamitron 421 diclobutrazol
dicarboximide 382 nitrothal-isopropyl 422 (Z)-9-dodecenyl
346 1,4,4a,5a,6,9,9a,9b- 383 procymidone
octahydrodibenzo 423 fenfuram
furan 4a- 384 fosetyl
carbaldehyde 424 fenoxaprop
385 cyfluthrin
347 dipropyl pyridine- 425 fenoxycarb
386 bitertanol
2,5- dicarboxylate 426 fenpropathrin
387 cartap
348 flamprop 427 fenpropimorph
388 thiobencarb
349 flamprop-M 428 flubenzimine
389 fthalide
350 pyrazophos 429 quizalofop
390 fenobucarb
351 thiofanox 430 flurochloridone
391 chlorsulfuron
352 triadimefon 431 fluroxypyr
392 isofencarb
353 triazophos 432 fluvalinate
393 iprobenfos
354 butachlor 433 furalaxyl
394 propetamphos
355 methamidophos 434 furathiocarb
395 fluazifop
356 d-phenothrin 435 flusilazole
396 isoprocarb
357 pendimethalin 436 flutriafol
397 oxadixyl
358 diclofop 437 glufosinate
398 triadimenol
359 fenbutatin oxide 438 haloxyfop
399 propamocarb
360 triforine 439 hexythiazox
400 metolachlor
361 guazatine 440 mepiquat
401 sethoxydim
362 amitraz 441 metsulfuron
402 pencycuron
363 ethiofencarb 442 myclobutanil
403 dinoseb acetate
364 phoxim 443 nuarimol
404 azocyclotin
365 metalaxyl 444 ofurace
405 cyhalothrin
366 bentazone 445 paclobutrazol
406 flucythrinate
367 difenzoquat 446 penconazole
407 prochloraz
368 karbutilate 447 pyridate
408 propiconazole
369 methazole 448 pyrifenox
409 edifenphos
370 brodifacoum 449 quinalphos
410 flupropanate
371 bromadiolone 450 teflubenzuron
411 metazachlor
372 diphenamid 451 tefluthrin
412 isofenphos
373 ethephon 452 thifensulfuron
413 bifenox
374 hexazinone 453 flocoumafen
414 methoprene
375 mirex 454 alpha-
415 bifenthrin
376 triclopyr cypermethrin
416 benalaxyl
377 benzoximate 455 clopyralid
417 carbosulfan
456 isoprothiolane

Page 235
Appendix F, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in numerical order
Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide
457 bromethalin 496 acetochlor 535 metsulfovax
458 3-chloropropan- 497 acifluorfen 536 monalide
498 aclonifen 537 oryzalin
459 terbufos
499 aldimorph 538 oxyfluorfen
460 diphenylamine
500 ampropylofos 539 prosulfocarb
461 profenofos
501 benfuracarb 540 TCMTB
462 diflufenican
502 bensulfuron 541 tebutam
463 lambda-cyhalothrin
503 bromopropylate 542 thiocyclam
464 bensultap
504 butralin 543 thiodicarb
465 hexaconazole
505 calcium phosphide 544 tralkoxydim
466 methacrifos
506 chlorflurenol 545 triapenthenol
467 fluazifop-P (chlorflurecol)
546 tribenuron
468 bisthiosemide 507 cinosulfuron
547 tricyclazole
469 cycloheximide 508 clethodim
548 triflumuron
470 flufenoxuron 509 clomazone
549 difethialone
471 etofenprox 510 cycloxydim
550 alloxydim
472 Sha Chong 511 cyprodinil
551 benodanil
512 demeton-S-methyl
552 benzthiazuron
473 flucylcloxuron sulfone
553 bromocyclen
474 fluquinconazole 513 diethofencarb
554 bromophos-ethyl
475 mecoprop-P 514 difenacoum
555 cycluron
476 dichlorprop-P 515 amidosulfuron
556 cyprofuram
477 desmedipham 516 ethalfluralin
557 ethidimuron
478 metiram 517 ethoxyquin
558 fenaminosulf
479 tolclofos-methyl 518 etridiazole
559 furmecyclox
480 triasulfuron 519 fenpiclonil
560 isocarbamide
481 esfenvalerate 520 fenpropidin
561 nitralin
482 beta-cyfluthrin 521 fluazinam
562 prothiocarb
483 dimethomorph 522 fludioxonyl
563 qinmerac
484 fenoxaprop-P 523 fluoroglycofene
564 thiophanate
485 azinphos-ethyl 524 flutolanil
565 triazbutyl
486 chlorpyrifos-methyl 525 fuberidazole
566 quinoxyfen
487 parathion-methyl 526 haloxyfop-R
567 prohexadione
488 lindane 527 heptenophos
568 kresoxim-methyl
489 fentin acetate 528 hymexazol
569 flurtamone
490 fentin hydroxide 529 imazamethabenz
570 chlorfenapyr
491 chlozolinate 530 imazapyr
571 azoxystrobin
492 pirimiphos-methyl 531 iminoctadine
572 spiroxamine
493 quinclorac 532 isopropalin
573 Paecilomyces
494 tebuconazole 533 mepronil
495 abamectin 534 methfuroxam

Page 236
Appendix F, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in numerical order
Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide
574 Pseudomonas 611 mepanipyrim 646 malaoxon
612 indoxacarb 647 kieselguhr
575 isoxaflutole (diatomite)
613 fluazolate
576 alanycarb 648 quinoclamine
614 Coniothyrium
577 flupyrsulfuron minitans 649 acetamiprid
578 flumioxazine 615 flusulfamide 650 fenamidone
579 prosulfuron 616 florasulam 651 mefluidide
580 metalaxyl-M 617 trifoxystrobin 652 triticonazole
581 fipronil 618 Zucchini Yellow 653 cyazofamid
Mosaic Virus
582 imidacloprid 654 dimethenamid
(ZYMV mild strain)
583 pyridaben 655 propoxycarbazone
619 imazamox
584 azimsulfuron 656 methoxyfenozide
620 iprovalicarb
585 fosthiazate 657 pyraclostrobin
621 clethoxydim
586 cyclanilide 658 flucarbazone
622 benzoic acid
587 carfentrazone 659 foramsulfuron
623 etoxazol
588 flufenacet 660 milbemectin
624 Giocladium
catenulatum 661 Bacillus subtilis
(strain J1446) (strain QST 713)
589 Ampylomyces
625 mesotrione 662 beflubutamid
626 oxasulfuron 663 mesosulfuron
590 imazosulfuron
627 azadirachtin A 664 2-naphthyloxy-
591 ethoxysulfuron
(from neem) acetic acid
592 Spodoptera exigua
628 ZA 1963 665 pethoxamid
593 pymetrozine
629 ferric phosphate 666 isoxadifen
594 famoxadone
630 pyridafol 667 ethyl butylacetyl-
595 flazasulfuron amino-propionate
631 thiacloprid
596 cyhalofop 668 hydroxyethyl
632 beta-cypermethrin
isobutyl piperidine
597 acibenzolar-S- carboxylate
633 florchlorfenuron
634 iodosulfuron 669 Pseudozyma
598 cinodon-ethyl
635 simazine
599 niclosamide
670 clofencet
636 spinosad
600 cyproconazole
671 laminarin
637 thiamethoxam
601 sulfosulfuron
672 novaluron
638 dimethenamid-P
602 carvone
673 nicobifen
639 picolinafen
603 fenhexamid
674 1,2-dichloro-
640 zoxamide
604 oxadiargyl propane
641 quizalofop-P
605 pyraflufen-ethyl 675 1,3-dichloro-
642 carbon propene
606 azafenidin
676 1,3-dichloro-
607 S-metolachlor propene (cis)
643 bromide (ion)
608 tepraloxydim 677 8-hydroxyquinoline
644 paraoxon
609 epoxiconazole 678 acrinathrin
645 paraoxon-methyl
610 sulfometuron

Page 237
Appendix F, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in numerical order
Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide
679 ammonium 716 rimsulfuron
717 sintofen
680 bromuconazole
718 sodium 5-
681 buprofezin nitroguaiacolate
682 cadusafos 719 sodium
683 clodinafop
720 sodium o-
684 cresylic acid
685 cyanamide
721 sodium p-
686 dichlorobenzoic nitrophenolate
acid methylester
722 sodium
687 difenoconazole tetrathiocarbonate
688 dimethachlor 723 sulcotrione
689 dimethipin 724 tebufenozide
690 diniconazole 725 tebufenpyrad
691 disodium 726 tetraconazole
727 thidiazuron
692 fenamiphos
728 triazamate
693 fenazaquin
729 triazoxide
694 fenbuconazole
730 triflumizole
695 fenpyroximate
731 triflusulfuron
696 flurprimidole
732 trinexapac
697 formetanate
733 zeta-cypermethrin
698 hexaflumuron
734 SZI 121
699 imazaquin (flufenzine)
700 imazethapyr 735 tritosulfuron
701 isoxaben 736 bifenazate
702 isoxathion 737 spirodiclofen
703 kasugamycin 738 clothianidin
704 lufenuron 739 dimoxystrobin
705 mefluidide 740 icaridin
706 metconazole 741 transfluthrin
707 metosulam 742 d-allethrin
708 monocarbamide- 743 prallethrin
744 benthiavalicarb
709 nicosulfuron
745 prothioconazole
710 polyoxin
746 fluoxastrobin
711 pretilachlor
747 spiromesifen
712 primisulfuron
748 bispyribac
713 propaquizafop
749 dinotefuran
714 pyrimethanil
750 S-bioallethrin
715 pyriproxyfen
751 esbiothrin

Page 238
Appendix G, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in alphabetical order
Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code
abamectin 495 azobenzene 241 bromethalin 457
acephate 338 azocyclotin 404 bromide 643
acetamiprid 649 azoxystrobin 571 bromocyclen 553
acetochlor 496 Bacillus subtilis (strain bromofenoxim 269
qst 713) 661
acibenzolar 597 bromophos 5
barban 135
acifluorfen 497 bromophos-ethyl 554
barium carbonate 251
aclonifen 498 bromopropylate 503
beflubutamid 662
acrinathrin 678 bromoxynil 87
benalaxyl 416
alachlor 204 bromuconazole 680
benazolin 136
alanycarb 576 bupirimate 261
bendiocarb 232
aldicarb 215 buprofezin 681
benfluralin 285
aldimorph 499 butachlor 354
benfuracarb 501
aldrin 27 butocarboxim 378
benodanil 551
allethrin 267 butralin 504
benomyl 206
d-allethrin 742 buturon 184
benquinox 137
allidochlor 132 butylate 266
bensulfuron 502
alloxydim 550 cadusafos 682
bensulide 295
aluminium phosphide 227 calcium cyanide 252
bensultap 464
ametryn 133 calcium phosphide 505
bentazone 366
amidosulfuron 515 camphechlor 23
benthiavalicarb 744
2-aminobutane 248 captafol 185
benzoic acid 622
aminocarb 293 captan 40
amitraz 362 carbaryl 26
carbamate(oms 708) 81
amitrole (aminotriazole) 90 carbendazim 263
benzoximate 377
ammonium sulphamate679 carbetamide 95
benzoylprop 229
Ampelomyces quisqualis589 carbofuran 276
benzthiazuron 552
ampropylfos 500 carbon tetrachloride 642
beta-cypermethrin 632
anilazine 294 carbophenothion 140
bifenazate 736
anthraquinone 290 carbosulfan 417
bifenox 413
antu 39 carboxin 273
bifenthrin 415
arsenic (III) oxide 250 carfentrazone 587
binapacryl 138
asulam 240 cartap 387
bioallethrin 203
atraton 134 carvone 602
S-bioallethrin 750
atrazine 91 chinomethionat 172
bioresmethrin 222
azadichachtin A (neem)627 chloralose 249
bispyribac 748
azafenidin 606 chloramben 141
bisthiosemide 468
azimsulfuron 584 chloranil 243
bitertanol 386
azinphos-ethyl 485 chlorates 7
brodifacoum 370
azinphos-methyl 37 chlorazine 142
bromacil 139
aziprotryne 326 chlorbenside 42
bromadiolone 371

Page 239
Appendix G, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in alphabetical order
Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code
chlorbicyclen 144 Coniothyrium minitans 614 DDE 292
chlorbromuron 186 copper compounds 44 DDT 3
chlorbufam 296 coumachlor 188 deltamethrin 333
chlordane 13 coumafuryl 209 demephion 191
chlordecone 297 coumaphos 121 demeton-S-methyl 47
chlordimeform 277 coumatetralyl 189 demeton-S-methyl
sulphone 512
chlorfenapyr 570 4-cpa (4-chlorophenoxy
acetic acid) 291 desmedipham 477
chlorfenprop 270
cresylic acid 684 desmetryne 147
chlorfenson 53
crimidine 190 dialifos 327
chlorfenvinphos 88
crotoxyphos 329 di-allate 96
chlorflurenol (chlorflurecol)506
crufomate 122 diazinon 15
chloridazon 111
cufraneb 145 1,2-dibromoethane 125
chlormephos 337
cyanamide 685 dicamba 85
chlormequat 143
cyanazine 230 dicapthon 129
chlorobenzilate 119
cyazofamid 653 dichlobenil 73
chlorophacinone 208
cyclanilide 586 dichlofenthion 148
chloropicrin 298
cycloate 214 dichlofluanid 74
chloropropylate 120
cycloheximide 469 dichlone 149
chlorothalonil 288
cycloxydim 510 p-dichlorobenzene 244
chloroxuron 187
cycluron 555 dichlorobenzoic acid
chlorphoxim 341
methylester 686
cyfluthrin 385
3-chlorpropane-1,2-diol 458
dichlorophen 325
beta-cyfluthrin 482
chlorpropham 43
1,2-dichloropropane 674
cyhalofop 596
chlorpyrifos 221
1,3-dichloropropene 675
cyhalothrin 405
chlorpyrifos-methyl 486
1,3-dichloropropene (cis)676
lambda-cyhalothrin 463
chlorsulfuron 391
dichlorprop 84
cyhexatin 289
chlorthal 328
dichlorprop-P 476
cymoxanil 419
chlorthiamid 72
dichlorvos 11
cypermethrin 332
chlortoluron 217
diclobutrazol 421
alpha-cypermethrin 454
chlozolinate 491
diclofop 358
zeta-cypermethrin 733
cinidon-ethyl 598
dicloran 150
cyproconazole 600
cinosulfuron 507
dicofol 123
cyprodinil 511
clefoxidim 621
dicoumarol 253
cyprofuram 556
clethodim 508
dicrotophos 299
cyromazine 420
clodinafop 683
dieldrin 16
2,4-D 1
clofencet 670
diethofencarb 513
dalapon 52
clofentezine 418
difenacoum 514
daminozide 330
clomazone 509
difenoconazole 687
dazomet 146
clopyralid 455
difenzoquat 367
2,4-DB 83
clothianidin 738
difethialone 549

Page 240
Appendix G, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in alphabetical order
Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code
diflubenzuron 339 endosulfan 89 fenchlorphos 112
diflufenican 462 endothal 154 fenfuram 423
dimefox 58 endothion 60 fenhexamid 603
dimefuron 279 endrin 28 fenitrothion 35
dimethachlor 688 EPN 302 fenobucarb 390
dimethenamid 654 epoxiconazole 609 fenoprop 118
dimethenamid-p 638 EPTC 155 fenoxaprop 424
dimethipin 689 erbon 220 fenoxaprop-p 484
dimethirimol 245 esbiothrin 751 fenoxycarb 425
dimethoate 59 esfenvalerate 481 fenpiclonil 519
dimethomorph 483 ethalfluralin 516 fenpropathrin 426
dimexano 151 ethephon 373 fenpropidin 520
dimoxystrobin 739 ethidimuron 557 fenpropimorph 427
diniconazole 690 ethiofencarb 363 fenpyroximate 695
dinobuton 223 ethion 102 fenson 54
dinocap 98 ethirimol 242 fensulfothion 303
dinoseb 46 ethoate-methyl 157 fenthion 79
dinoseb acetate 403 ethofumesate 233 fentin acetate 489
dinotefuran 749 ethoprophos 218 fentin compounds 103
dinoterb 238 ethoxyquin 517 fentin hydroxide 490
dioxathion 124 ethoxysulfuron 591 fenuron 158
diphacinone 131 ethyl fenvalerate 334
diphenamid 372 ferbam 57
diphenyl 82 ferric phosphate 629
ethylene oxide 225
diphenylamine 460 fipronil 581
diphenyl sulphone 247 trinorborn-5-ene-2,3- flamprop 348
dipropyl pyridine-2,5- dicarboximide 345 flamprop-M 349
dicarboxylate 347 etofenprox 471 flazasulfuron 595
diquat 55 etoxazol 623 flocoumafen 453
disodium octaborate 691 etridiazole 518 florasulam 616
disulfoton 152 etrimfos 379 florchlorfenuron 633
ditalimfos 343 famoxadone 594 fluazifop 395
dithianon 153 fenamidone 650 fluazifop-P 467
diuron 100 fenaminosulf 558 fluazinam 521
DNOC 19 fenamiphos 692 fluazolate 613
(z)-9-dodecenyl acetate422 fenarimol 380 flubenzimine 428
dodemorph 300 fenazaflor 192 flucarbazone 658
dodine 101 fenazaquin 693 fluchloralin 281
drazoxolon 301 fenbuconazole 694 flucycloxuron 473
edifenphos 409 fenbutatin oxide 359 flucythrinate 406

Page 241
Appendix G, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in alphabetical order
Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code
fludioxonyl 522 Gliocladium catenulatum isofenphos 412
(strain j1446) 624
flufenacet 588 isolan 104
glufosinate 437
flufenoxuron 470 isonoruron 309
glyphosate 284
SZI 121 (flufenzine) 734 isoprocarb 396
griseofulvin 308
flumioxazine 578 isopropalin 532
guazatine 361
fluometuron 159 isoprothiolane 456
haloxyfop 438
fluoroacetamide 254 isoproturon 336
haloxyfop-R 526
fluoroacetic acid 207 isoxaben 701
fluorodifen 305 isoxadifen 666
heptachlor 36
fluoroglycofene 523 isoxaflutole 575
heptenophos 527
fluoxastrobin 746 isoxathion 702
hexachlorobenzene 161
flupropanate 410 karbutilate 368
hexaconazole 465
flupyrsulfuron 577 kasugamycin 703
hexaflumuron 698
fluquinconazole 474 kieselguhr(diatomite) 647
hexazinone 374
flurenol (flurecol) 304 kresoxim-methyl 568
hexythiazox 439
flurochloridone 430 laminarin 671
hydrogen cyanide 126
fluroxypyr 431 lead arsenate 9
hydrogen phosphide 127
flurprimidole 696 lenacil 163
hydroxyethyl isobutyl
flurtamone 569 lime sulfur 17
piperidine carboxylate 668
flusilazole 435 lindane 488
8-hydroxyquinoline 677
flusulfamide 615 linuron 76
hymexazol 528
flutolanil 524 lufenuron 704
icaridin 740
flutriafol 436 magnesium phosphide228
imazalil 335
fluvalinate 432 malaoxon 646
imazamethabenz 529
folpet 75 malathion 12
imazamox 619
fonofos 306 maleic hydrazide 310
imazapyr 530
foramsulfuron 659 mancozeb 34
imazaquin 699
formaldehyde 156 maneb 61
imazethapyr 700
formetanate 697 MCPA 2
imazosulfuron 590
formothion 160 MCPB 50
imidacloprid 582
fosamine 344 mebenil 311
iminoctadine 531
fosetyl 384 mecarbam 224
indoxacarb 612
fosthiazate 585 mecoprop 51
iodosulfuron 634
ftalide 389 mecoprop-P 475
ioxynil 86
fuberidazole 525 medinoterb 164
iprobenfos 393
furalaxyl 433 mefenpyr 651
iprodione 278
furathiocarb 434 mefluidide 705
iprovalicarb 620
furmecyclox 559 menazon 105
isobenzan 162
gibberellic acid 307 mepanipyrim 611
isocarbamide 560
mepiquat 440
isofencarb 392

Page 242
Appendix G, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in alphabetical order
Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code
mepronil 533 monocarbamide- paclobutrazol 445
dihydrogensulphate 708
mercury compounds 71 Paecilomyces
monochloroacetic acid 41 fumosoroseus 573
mesosulfuron 663
monocrotophos 287 paraoxon 644
mesotrione 625
monolinuron 169 paraoxon-methyl 645
metalaxyl 365
monuron 99 paraquat 56
metalaxyl-M 580
morfamquat 194 parathion 10
metaldehyde 62
msma 286 parathion-methyl 487
metam 20
myclobutanil 442 pebulate 236
metamitron 381
nabam 21 penconazole 446
metazachlor 411
naled 195 pencycuron 402
metconazole 706
1-naphthylacetamide 282 pendimethalin 357
methabenzthiazuron 201
1-naphthylacetic acid 313 pentachlorophenol 106
methacrifos 466
2-naphthyloxyacetic acid664 pentanochlor 317
methamidophos 355
napropamide 271 permethrin 331
methazole 369
neburon 314 pethoxamid 665
methfuroxam 534
niclosamide 599 petroleum oils 29
methidathion 193
nicobifen 673 phenkapton 107
methiocarb 165
nicosulfuron 709 phenmedipham 77
methometon 166
nicotine 8 phenothrin 356
methomyl 264
nitralin 561 phenthoate 108
methoprene 414
nitrofen 170 2-phenylphenol 246
methoprothryne 94
nitrothal 382 phorate 173
methoxychlor 14
norbormide 255 phosacetim 256
methoxyfenozide 656
novaluron 672 phosalone 109
methyl bromide 128
nuarimol 443 phosmet 318
methyl formate 226
1,4,4a,5a,6,9,9a,9b- phosphamidon 110
metiram 478
phoxim 364
metobromuron 168 carbaldehyde 346
picloram 174
metolachlor 400 ofurace 444
picolinafen 639
S-metolachlor 607 omethoate 202
picoxystrobin 628
metosulam 707 oryzalin 537
pindone 196
metoxuron 219 oxadiargyl 604
piperonyl butoxide 33
metribuzin 283 oxadiazon 213
pirimicarb 231
metsulfovax 535 oxadixyl 397
pirimiphos-ethyl 492
metsulfuron 441 oxamyl 342
pirimiphos-methyl 239
mevinphos 45 oxasulfuron 626
polyoxin 710
milbemectin 660 oxycarboxin 274
potassium cyanate 197
mirex 375 oxydemeton-methyl 171
prallethrin 743
molinate 235 oxyfluorfen 538
pretilachlor 711
monalide 536 oxytetracycline 316

Page 243
Appendix G, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in alphabetical order
Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code
primisulfuron 712 quinclorac 493 sulfometuron 610
prochloraz 407 quinmerac 563 sulfosulfuron 601
procymidone 383 quinoclamine 648 sulfotep 198
profenofos 461 quinoxyfen 566 sulphur 18
prohexadione 567 quintozene 78 SZI 121 (flufenzine) 734
prometon 175 quizalofop 429 2,4,5-T 6
prometryne 93 quizalofop-P 641 tar oils 30
propachlor 176 radione 258 2,4,5-TB 180
propamocarb 399 resmethrin 268 2,3,6-TBA 49
propanil 205 rimsulfuron 716 TCA 67
propaquizafop 713 rotenone 38 TCMTB 540
propargite 216 salicylanilide 320 TDE 199
propazine 92 S-bioallethrin 750 tebuconazole 494
propetamphos 394 schradan 64 tebufenozide 724
propham 63 scilliroside 259 tebufenpyrad 725
propiconazole 408 sethoxydim 401 tebutam 541
propineb 177 sha chong shuang 472 tecnazene 65
propoxur 80 siduron 321 teflubenzuron 450
propoxycarbazone 655 silthiofam 635 tefluthrin 451
propyzamide 315 simazine 22 temephos 340
prosulfocarb 539 simeton 178 tepp 66
prosulfuron 579 simetryn 179 tepraloxydim 608
prothiocarb 562 sintofen 717 terbacil 272
prothioconazole 745 sodium dimethylarsinate terbufos 459
Pseudomonas terbuthylazine 234
sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate
chloroaphis 574 terbutryn 212
Pseudozyma flocculosa 669 tetrachlorvinphos 265
sodium o-nitrophenolate
pymetrozine 593 720 tetraconazole 726
pyraclostrobin 657 sodium p-nitrophenolate tetradifon 113
pyraflufen 605 tetramethrin 322
sodium tetrathiocarbonate
pyrazophos 350 722 tetrasul 114
pyrethrins 32 spinosad 636 thallium sulphate 181
pyridaben 583 spirodiclofen 737 thiabendazole 323
pyridafol 630 spiromesifen 747 thiacloprid 631
pyridate 447 spiroxamine 572 thiamethoxam 637
pyridinitril 319 Spodoptera exigua 592 thidiazuron 727
pyrifenox 448 streptomycin 312 thifensulfuron 452
pyrimethanil 714 strychnine 260 thiobencarb 388
pyriproxyfen 715 sulcotrione 723 thiocyclam 542
quinalphos 449 sulfaquinoxaline 211 thiodicarb 543

Page 244
Appendix G, CIPAC codes for pesticides, in alphabetical order
Pesticide Code Pesticide Code Pesticide Code
thiofanox 351 warfarin 70
thiometon 115 zinc phosphide 69
thionazin 182 zineb 25
thiophanate 564 ziram 31
thiophanate-methyl 262 zoxamide 640
thiram 24 zucchini yellow mosaic
virus (zymv mild strain) 618
tolclofos-methyl 479
tolylfluanid 275
tralkoxydim 544
transfluthrin 741
triadimefon 352
triadimenol 398
tri-allate 97
triamiphos 116
triapenthenol 545
triasulfuron 480
triazamate 728
triazbutyl 565
triazophos 353
triazoxide 729
tribenuron 546
trichlorfon 68
trichloronat 200
triclopyr 376
tricyclazole 547
tridemorph 324
trifloxystrobin 617
triflumizole 730
triflumuron 548
trifluralin 183
triflusulfuron 731
triforine 360
trimethacarb 130
trinexapac 732
triticonazole 652
tritosulfuron 735
valone 210
vamidothion 117
vernolate 237
vinclozolin 280

Page 245
Appendix H. Declarations of interests and confidentiality


Title of meeting or work to be performed, including description of subject-

matter, substance (compounds and organisms), technology or process to
be considered:

Public health considerations and protection of the environment are of primary
importance in all FAO technical work. Measures need to be taken to ensure that
the best possible assessment of scientific evidence is achieved in an
independent atmosphere free of either direct or indirect pressures. Thus, to
assure the technical integrity and impartiality of FAO’s work, it is necessary to
avoid situations in which financial or other interests might affect the outcome of
that work.
Each expert is therefore asked to declare any interests that could constitute a
real, potential or apparent conflict of interest, with respect to his/her involvement
in the meeting or work, between (1) commercial entities and the participant
personally, and (2) commercial entities and the administrative unit with which the
participant has an employment relationship. “Commercial entity” refers to any
company, association (e.g., trade association), organization or any other entity of
any nature whatsoever, with commercial interests.
What is a conflict of interest?
Conflict of interest means that the expert or his/her partner (“partner” includes a
spouse or other person with whom s/he has a similar close personal
relationship), or the administrative unit with which the expert has an employment
relationship, has a financial or other interest that could unduly influence the
expert’s position with respect to the subject-matter being considered. An
apparent conflict of interest exists when an interest would not necessarily
influence the expert but could result in the expert’s objectivity being questioned
by others. A potential conflict of interest exists with an interest which any
reasonable person could be uncertain whether or not should be reported.
Different types of financial or other interests, whether personal or with the
administrative unit with which the expert has an employment relationship, can be
envisaged and the following list, which is not exhaustive, is provided for your
guidance. For example, the following types of situations should be declared:
1. a current proprietary interest in a substance, technology or process (e.g.
ownership of a patent), to be considered in - or otherwise related to the
subject matter of - the meeting or work;
2. a current financial interest, e.g. shares or bonds, in a commercial entity with
an interest in the subject-matter of the meeting or work (except share
holdings through general mutual funds or similar arrangements where the
expert has no control over the selection of shares);

Page 246
Appendix H. Declarations of interests and confidentiality

3. an employment, consultancy, directorship, or other position during the past 4

years, whether or not paid, in any commercial entity which has an interest in
the subject-matter of the meeting/work, or an ongoing negotiation concerning
prospective employment or other association with such commercial entity;
4. performance of any paid work or research during the past 4 years
commissioned by a commercial entity with interests in the subject-matter of
the meetings or work;
5. payment or other support covering a period within the past 4 years, or an
expectation of support for the future, from a commercial entity with an interest
in the subject-matter of the meetings or work, even if it does not convey any
benefit to the expert personally but which benefits his/her position or
administrative unit, e.g. a grant or fellowship or other payment, e.g. for the
purpose of financing a post or consultancy.
With respect to the above, an interest in a competing substance, technology or
process, or an interest in or association with, work for or support by a commercial
entity having a direct competitive interest must similarly be disclosed.
How to complete this Declaration
Please complete this Declaration and submit it to the FAO Secretariat. Any
financial or other interests that could constitute a real, potential or apparent
conflict of interest should be declared (1) with respect to yourself or partner, as
well as (2) with respect to the administrative unit with which you have an
employment relationship. Only the name of the commercial entity and the nature
of the interest is required to be disclosed, no amounts need to be specified
(though they may be, if you consider this information to be relevant to assessing
the interest). With respect to items 1 and 2 in the list above, the interest should
only be declared if it is current. With respect to items 3, 4 and 5, any interest
during the past 4 years should be declared. If the interest is no longer current,
please state the year when it ceased. With respect to item 5, the interest ceases
when a financed post or fellowship is no longer occupied, or when support for an
activity ceases.
Assessment and outcome
The information submitted by you will be used to assess whether the declared
interests constitute an appreciable real, potential or apparent conflict of interest.
Such conflict of interest will, depending on the situation, result in (i) you being
asked not to take part in the portion of the discussion or work affecting that
interest, (ii) being asked not to take part in the meeting or work altogether, or (iii)
if deemed by FAO to be appropriate to the particular circumstances, and with
your agreement, you taking part in the meeting or work and your interest being
publicly disclosed.
Information disclosed on this Form may be made available to persons outside of
FAO only when the objectivity of the meeting or work has been questioned such
that the Director-General considers disclosure to be in the best interests of the
Organization, and then only after consultation with you.

Page 247
Appendix H. Declarations of interests and confidentiality

Have you or your partner any financial or other interest in the subject-matter of
the meeting or work in which you will be involved, which may be considered as
constituting a real, potential or apparent conflict of interest?

Yes: No:
If yes, please give details in the box below.
Type of interest, e.g. patent, Name of commercial Belongs to you, Current interest?
shares, employment, entity partner or unit? (or year ceased)
association, payment (including
details on any compound, work,

Is there anything else that could affect your objectivity or independence in the
meeting or work, or the perception by others of your objectivity and

I hereby declare that the disclosed information is correct and that no other
situation of real, potential or apparent conflict of interest is known to me. I
undertake to inform FAO of any change in these circumstances, including if an
issue arises during the course of the meeting or work itself.

Signature Date
Name Institution

Page 248
Appendix H. Declarations of interests and confidentiality


Title of meeting or work to be performed, including description of subject-

matter, substance (compounds and organisms), technology or process to
be considered:

Public health considerations have a primary importance in all WHO technical

work. Measures need to be taken to ensure that the best possible assessment
of scientific evidence is achieved in an independent atmosphere free of either
direct or indirect pressures. Thus, to assure the technical integrity and
impartiality of WHO’s work, it is necessary to avoid situations in which financial or
other interests might affect the outcome of that work.
Each expert is therefore asked to declare any interests that could constitute a
real, potential or apparent conflict of interest, with respect to his/her involvement
in the meeting or work, between (1) commercial entities and the participant
personally, and (2) commercial entities and the administrative unit with which the
participant has an employment relationship. “Commercial entity” refers to any
company, association (e.g., trade association), organization or any other entity of
any nature whatsoever, with commercial interests.
In addition, as a result of WHO’s strong stance against tobacco use, it is
considered relevant for the Organization to know whether experts working with it
have, or have had, any relationship with any part of what may be called “the
tobacco industry”. Nevertheless, declaration of such an interest would not
necessarily be considered a reason to disqualify an expert.
What is a conflict of interest?
Conflict of interest means that the expert or his/her partner (“partner” includes a
spouse or other person with whom s/he has a similar close personal
relationship), or the administrative unit with which the expert has an employment
relationship, has a financial or other interest that could unduly influence the
expert’s position with respect to the subject-matter being considered. An
apparent conflict of interest exists when an interest would not necessarily
influence the expert but could result in the expert’s objectivity being questioned
by others. A potential conflict of interest exists with an interest which any
reasonable person could be uncertain whether or not should be reported.
Different types of financial or other interests, whether personal or with the
administrative unit with which the expert has an employment relationship, can be
envisaged and the following list, which is not exhaustive, is provided for your
guidance. For example, the following types of situations should be declared:
1. a current proprietary interest in a substance, technology or process (e.g.
ownership of a patent), to be considered in - or otherwise related to the
subject matter of - the meeting or work;
2. a current financial interest, e.g. shares or bonds, in a commercial entity with
an interest in the subject-matter of the meeting or work (except share

Page 249
Appendix H. Declarations of interests and confidentiality

holdings through general mutual funds or similar arrangements where the

expert has no control over the selection of shares);
3. an employment, consultancy, directorship, or other position during the past 4
years, whether or not paid, in any commercial entity which has an interest in
the subject-matter of the meeting/work, or an ongoing negotiation concerning
prospective employment or other association with such commercial entity;
4. performance of any paid work or research during the past 4 years
commissioned by a commercial entity with interests in the subject-matter of
the meetings or work;
5. payment or other support covering a period within the past 4 years, or an
expectation of support for the future, from a commercial entity with an interest
in the subject-matter of the meetings or work, even if it does not convey any
benefit to the expert personally but which benefits his/her position or
administrative unit, e.g. a grant or fellowship or other payment, e.g. for the
purpose of financing a post or consultancy.
With respect to the above, an interest in a competing substance, technology or
process, or an interest in or association with, work for or support by a commercial
entity having a direct competitive interest must similarly be disclosed.
How to complete this Declaration
Please complete this Declaration and submit it to the Secretariat. Any financial
or other interests that could constitute a real, potential or apparent conflict of
interest should be declared (1) with respect to yourself or partner, as well as (2)
with respect to the administrative unit with which you have an employment
relationship. Only the name of the commercial entity and the nature of the
interest is required to be disclosed, no amounts need to be specified (though
they may be, if you consider this information to be relevant to assessing the
interest). With respect to items 1 and 2 in the list above, the interest should only
be declared if it is current. With respect to items 3, 4 and 5, any interest during
the past 4 years should be declared. If the interest is no longer current, please
state the year when it ceased. With respect to item 5, the interest ceases when
a financed post or fellowship is no longer occupied, or when support for an
activity ceases.
Assessment and outcome
The information submitted by you will be used to assess whether the declared
interests constitute an appreciable real, potential or apparent conflict of interest.
Such conflict of interest will, depending on the situation, result in (i) you being
asked not to take part in the portion of the discussion or work affecting that
interest, (ii) being asked not to take part in the meeting or work altogether, or (iii)
if deemed by WHO to be appropriate to the particular circumstances, and with
your agreement, you taking part in the meeting or work and your interest being
publicly disclosed.
Information disclosed on this Form may be made available to persons outside of
WHO only when the objectivity of the meeting or work has been questioned such
that the Director-General considers disclosure to be in the best interests of the
Organization, and then only after consultation with you.
Declaration: Have you or your partner any financial or other interest in the
subject-matter of the meeting or work in which you will be involved, which may be
considered as constituting a real, potential or apparent conflict of interest?
Page 250
Appendix H. Declarations of interests and confidentiality

Yes: No:
If yes, please give details in the box below.
Do you have, or have you had during the past 4 years, an employment or other
professional relationship with any entity directly involved in the production,
manufacture, distribution or sale of tobacco or any tobacco products, or directly
representing the interests of any such entity?

Yes: No:
If yes, please give details in the box below.
Type of interest, e.g. patent, Name of commercial Belongs to you, Current interest?
shares, employment, entity partner or unit? (or year ceased)
association, payment (including
details on any compound, work,

Is there anything else that could affect your objectivity or independence in the
meeting or work, or the perception by others of your objectivity and


Page 251
Appendix H. Declarations of interests and confidentiality

I hereby declare that the disclosed information is correct and that no other
situation of real, potential or apparent conflict of interest is known to me. I
undertake to inform you of any change in these circumstances, including if an
issue arises during the course of the meeting or work itself.
Signature Date
Name Institution

Page 252
Appendix H. Declarations of interests and confidentiality




1) The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (‘’FAO’’),

acting through its Plant Production and Protection Division, and the World
Health Organization (‘’WHO’’), acting through its Department of
Communicable Disease Control, Prevention and Eradication, have access
to certain information relating to pesticides, including but not limited to
pesticide specifications, which information FAO and WHO consider to be
proprietary to themselves or to parties collaborating with them, including
but not limited to the manufacturers of such pesticides (hereinafter
referred to as “the Information”).

2) The Undersigned, as a [participant in] [temporary adviser to] the

FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Specifications (‘’JMPS’’), may have
access to the Information in the course of his/her participation in and/or
contributions to the meetings of the JMPS.

3) FAO and WHO are willing to provide, or to arrange for the provision of, the
Information to the Undersigned for the sole purpose of performing his/her
responsibilities in connection with the activities of the JMPS, provided that
the Undersigned undertakes to treat the Information as confidential and to
disclose it only to persons who have a need to know in connection with the
activities of the JMPS and are bound by like obligations of confidentiality
and non-use as are contained in this Undertaking.

4) The Undersigned undertakes to regard the Information as confidential and

proprietary to FAO and/or WHO, and/or to parties collaborating with FAO
and/or WHO (including but not limited to pesticide manufacturers) and
agrees to take all reasonable measures to ensure that the Information is
not used, disclosed or copied, in whole or in part, other than as provided in
this Undertaking, except that the Undersigned shall not be bound by any
such obligations if he/she is clearly able to demonstrate that the

a) was known to him/her prior to any disclosure by or on behalf of

FAO and/or WHO to the Undersigned; or

Page 253
Appendix H. Declarations of interests and confidentiality

b) was in the public domain at the time of disclosure by or on behalf of

FAO and/or WHO to the Undersigned; or
c) becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the
Undersigned; or
d) becomes available to the Undersigned from a third party not in
breach of any legal obligations of confidentiality.

5) The Undersigned also undertakes not to communicate the deliberations

and decisions of the meetings of the JMPS to persons outside these
meetings except as agreed by FAO and WHO.

6) The obligations of the Undersigned shall survive the termination of his/her

responsibilities in connection with the JMPS.

7) The Undersigned agrees to return any and all copies of any Information to
FAO and/or WHO (dependent on by whom or on whose behalf the
Information was provided to the Undersigned), promptly following the
completion of the review thereof by the JMPS.

8) Nothing in this Undertaking, or in any document relating thereto, shall be

construed as constituting a waiver of privileges and immunities of FAO
and/or WHO..[Note: temporary advisers/experts on mission enjoy certain
privileges and immunities.]

9) Any dispute relating to the interpretation or application of this Undertaking

shall, unless amicably settled, be subject to conciliation in accordance with
the Conciliation Rules of the United Nations Commission on International
Trade Law (UNICITRAL) as at present in force. In the event of failure of
the latter, the dispute shall be settled by arbitration. The arbitration shall
be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of UNCITRAL, as
at present in force. The parties shall accept the arbitral award as final
adjudication of any such dispute.

Name: Signature:


Page 254
Appendix I. Recommended format of letters of access


[Addressed to the evaluator and the registration authority]

Within the process of the development of FAO/WHO pesticide specifications, it is

necessary to assess whether or not the confidential data on manufacturing
process, purity and impurities, provided in support of the technical material for
which an FAO/WHO specification is proposed, are similar to those assessed by a
competent authority for the purposes of registering the pesticide.

The purpose of this letter of access, provided by …… [company name and

address] in support of the development of pesticide specifications for …… [name
of active ingredient], is to provide the evaluator, …… [name of evaluator],
appointed by …… [WHO or FAO or both] and the registration authority with the

[The company should choose one of the following two options. The option which
is most appropriate for the circumstances of the evaluator should be preferred.
The option which is not used should be deleted. If the pesticide is registered for
both agricultural and public health use, by separate authorities (whether in one
country or two), the company should identify both authorities.]

i) Authorisation to access the registration data submitted by ……

[company name] for …… [name of active ingredient] held by ……
[name of registration authority], in its function as the national
registration authority for pesticides in …… [name of country].; OR
ii) Authorisation to send the data provided by …… [company name] for
[active ingredient] to …… [contact name and full address of registration
authority] for their assessment of the similarity and subsequent
communication with the evaluator, …… [name of evaluator].

This authorization relates only to the above mentioned substance manufactured

by …… [name of the Company] for the intended purpose as described above.

…… [signed by company representative]

cc: …… [Registration authority]


Page 255
In 2001, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and
the World Health Organization (WHO) agreed to develop specifications for
pesticides jointly, thus providing unique, robust and universally applicable
standards for pesticide quality. This joint programme is based on a Memorandum
of Understanding between the two Organizations.
The Manual on Development and Use of FAO and WHO Specifications for
Pesticides is the first publication of this joint programme and supersedes all
previous manuals and guidance documents published by either FAO or WHO on
this subject. It provides the standard process, unified requirements and
procedures, harmonized definitions and nomenclature, technical guidelines and
standards applicable to pesticides for use in agriculture and public health.
FAO/WHO specifications for pesticides based on this Manual are developed
through the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Specifications (JMPS) and
published on the website of the two Organizations
(http://www.fao.org/AG/AGP/AGPP/Pesticid and http://www.who.int/ctd/whopes)

FAO/WHO specifications apply only to the products of manufacturers whose

technical materials have been evaluated. The specifications may be used to
provide an international point of reference against which the quality of products
can be judged, either for regulatory purposes or in commercial dealings, thereby
helping to prevent the trade, sale and use of inferior quality pesticide products.
Thus the specifications will enhance confidence in the purchase and use of
pesticides and, at the same time contribute towards better pest control, sound
agricultural production, effective vector control measures and improved user,
public and environmental safety throughout the world, especially in developing

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