Stream of Consciousness: Definition
Stream of Consciousness: Definition
Stream of Consciousness: Definition
In literature, stream of consciousness is a method of narration that describes
happenings in the flow of thoughts in the minds of the characters.
Stream of consciousness is a style or technique of writing that tries to capture the natural flow of
a character's extended thought process, often by incorporating sensory impressions, incomplete
ideas, unusual syntax, and rough grammar.
Stream of consciousness, from a psychological perspective, describes metaphorically the
phenomenon the continuous and contiguous flow of sensations, impressions, images, memories
and thoughts experienced by each person, at all levels of consciousness, and which is generally
associated with each person’s subjectivity, or sense of self.
The phrase ‘stream of consciousness’ as a literary technique was first used by William James
and become widely adopted as a term of art in literary criticism during the twentieth century,
especially of the novels of Virginia Woolf Dorothy Richardson, or James Joyce, among others.
Many of the literary experiments of the early twentieth century sought to represent consciousness
as a private affair of a person, experienced from within. In these work of arts, the inner life of the
characters are illustrated by the writer as a combination of their sensations, memories, thoughts,
feelings and emotional conditions.
This double quality of life is detailed by Woolf in her critical essay, Modern Fiction, where she
argues that the task of a modern writer is to capture the “essential thing” which she describes as
an “unknown and uncircumscribed spirit.” This technique relied upon the mimetic representation
of the mind of a character and dramatized the full range of the character’s consciousness by
direct and apparently unmediated quotation of such mental processes as memories, thoughts,
impressions, and sensations.
William James is one of the original creators of the science of psychology and is famous for the
perspicacious account presented on the stream of consciousness in his masterwork The Principles
of Psychology. The following is from James’s Talks to Teachers on Psychology: And to Students
on Some of Life’s Ideals and encapsulates his concept of the stream of consciousness:
Now the immediate fact which psychology, the science of mind, has to study is also the most
general fact. It is the fact that in each of us, when awake, some kind of consciousness is always
going on. There is a stream, a succession of states, or waves, or fields, of knowledge, of feeling,
of desire, of deliberation etc. That constantly pass and repass, and that constitute our inner life.
A stream of consciousness consists of momentary states of consciousness one after another in a
series that subjectively seems tightly adjacent. Inner awareness does not detect any interruption
in the flow of consciousness however long or brief it may be. Such a stoppage must subsequently
be inferred to have taken place if it is to be known of at all. Some of James’s remarks suggest
that the stream of consciousness is continuous in the sense of expanding in the dimension of time
through internal growth rather than by a series of external accretions.
This stream is very similar to interior monologue and used interchangeably by some. It tends to
be less ordered then monologue Consciousness has no beginning and no end, thoughts fill quite
randomly from one thing to another.
Through our data visualization, we have analyzed multiple flashbacks including Clarissa’s
flashback to rejecting Peter, Clarissa’s flashback to Peter, Clarissa’s flashback to Sally, Peter’s
flashback to his love for Clarissa, Peter’s flashback and talk about wisdom, and finally Septimus’
story. Putting these flashbacks and passages throughout the novel into Wordle allowed us to
determine what was important throughout the novel. The character’s had a sense of nostalgia and
truly missed their past. Words such as “old”, “always”, and “feeling” let us into the character’s
want for the past and helped us better understand their personalities and stories. In conclusion,
the Mrs. Dalloway novel gives an evidence of patriarchal societies which treats women as
nobodies. Also, women are denied a chance to express their ideas and feelings towards different
issues in their society.
Virginia Woolf has used the stream of consciousness amazingly in this novel. In my opinion, if
someone wants to go through stream of consciousness briefly then he should study Mrs.
Dalloway as this is beautifully demonstrated and the symbolic exposition of this technique which
explored the inner life of the characters, expose their follies, frustrations and their complexities.