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Modulation of Drug Resistance Mediated by Loss of Mismatch Repair by The DNA Polymerase Inhibitor Aphidicolin

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[CANCER RESEARCH 59, 2102–2106, May 1, 1999]

Modulation of Drug Resistance Mediated by Loss of Mismatch Repair by the DNA

Polymerase Inhibitor Aphidicolin1
Nicole J. Moreland, Maureen Illand, Young Tae Kim, Jim Paul, and Robert Brown2
Cancer Research Campaign Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Campaign Beatson Laboratories, Glasgow G61 1BD [N. J. M., M. I., Y. T. K., R. B.], and Beatson
Oncology Unit, Western Infirmary, Glasgow G11 [J. P.], United Kingdom

ABSTRACT Recent in vitro studies have shown that DNA polymerase ␦ and
DNA polymerase ⑀ are able to bypass 1,2 cross-links induced by
Loss of expression of mismatch repair (MMR) proteins leads to resist- CDDP in structures that resemble replication forks (12, 13). Ap is an
ance of tumor cells to a variety of DNA-damaging agents, including
antibiotic that inhibits DNA polymerases ␣, ␦, and ⑀ by binding to
bifunctional alkylating and monofunctional methylating agents such as
cis-diaminedichloroplatinum II (CDDP) and Nⴕ-methyl-N-nitrosourea
polymerase nucleotide binding sites (14). In the present study, we
(MNU). It has been suggested that coupling to cell death does not occur in have used Ap as a tool to study the role of DNA polymerases and
the absence of MMR, but instead, DNA lesions are bypassed during replicative bypass in CDDP resistance mediated by a loss of MMR.
replication, giving a drug-tolerant phenotype. In the present study, we Studies investigating the modulatory effect of Ap on CDDP resist-
have used aphidicolin (Ap), an inhibitor of DNA polymerases, to study the ance have been performed in the past and have produced conflicting
role of replicative bypass in drug resistance mediated by loss of MMR. We results. Some studies have suggested that Ap can increase both
have examined the survival of matched ovarian carcinoma cell lines with CDDP-induced DNA damage and cytotoxicity (15–17), whereas oth-
known MMR status after sequential treatment with CDDP or MNU and ers have concluded that Ap has no effect on CDDP-induced DNA
Ap. We show that Ap increases the sensitivity of MMR-deficient cell lines damage or cytotoxicity (18, 19). All of these studies have been
to CDDP and MNU to a greater extent than their MMR-proficient coun-
performed using cells with unknown MMR status. Consequently,
terparts. Furthermore, loss of MMR correlates with loss of CDDP-in-
duced G2 arrest, but this is partially restored after Ap treatment. These
conclusions were drawn without considering the role of MMR in
data support Ap sensitizing drug-resistant cancer cells that have lost CDDP resistance or how Ap may alter MMR function. In contrast, our
MMR to CDDP and MNU and suggest that the potential use of Ap as a investigations involved quantifying the survival of paired ovarian
modulator of drug resistance should be targeted to MMR-defective tu- carcinoma cell lines with known MMR status after sequential treat-
mors. ment with CDDP or MNU and Ap. We show that Ap increases the
sensitivity of MMR-deficient lines to CDDP and MNU by a greater
INTRODUCTION extent than MMR-proficient lines. This supports Ap sensitizing drug-
resistant cancer cells that have lost MMR to CDDP or MNU and is
CDDP3 is a clinically important antitumor drug that is particularly consistent with Ap inhibiting replicative bypass preferentially in
effective against ovarian and testicular tumors (1). It is generally MMR-deficient cells.
accepted that DNA is a crucial target for CDDP cytotoxicity (2). The
main lesions formed by CDDP are intrastrand cross-links between
purine bases, with 1,2 cross-links accounting for 90% of lesions, and MATERIALS AND METHODS
1,3 cross-links accounting for an additional 5% (3). As with most
Cell Lines and Drug Sensitivity Assays. The following human cell lines
chemotherapeutic agents, the clinical effectiveness of CDDP is often were used: (a) A2780, a MMR-proficient ovarian carcinoma line; (b) A2780/
reduced by the acquisition of resistance (4). Although drug uptake and cp70, a CDDP-resistant A2780 derivative known to be MMR defective due to
metabolism can be important for drug responsiveness (5), an inability loss of expression of the MMR protein MLH1 (8, 20); and (c) the A2780/cp70
to couple DNA damage to an apoptotic signal pathway can also lead derivatives cp70-ch2 and cp70-ch3 that have been transfected with human
to CDDP resistance (6, 7). chromosomes 2 and 3, respectively (9). The transfer of chromosome 3 con-
Studies suggest that MMR proteins are able to link CDDP-induced taining a wild-type copy of the hMLH1 gene into A2780/cp70 restores MLH1
DNA damage to cell death in a variety of carcinoma cells (6, 8). It has expression and MMR activity, whereas the transfer of chromosome 2 has no
been suggested that in the absence of MMR, coupling to apoptosis effect on MLH1 expression or MMR activity (data not shown). All cell lines
does not occur, but instead, CDDP-induced intrastand cross-links are were maintained as monolayers in RPMI 1640 with 10% FCS and grown at
37°C in 95% air:5% CO2. All cell lines were free of Mycoplasma infection.
bypassed during replication, giving a CDDP-resistant phenotype (9,
Drug sensitivity assays were performed by seeding cells (5 ⫻ 105) into
10). Such a MMR-dependent mechanism of resistance may have flasks on day 1 and exposing cells to CDDP (Sigma) for 1 h or MNU (Sigma)
widespread implications in cancer chemotherapy because loss of for 2 h on day 4. This was followed immediately by 24-h exposures to Ap
expression of MMR proteins has been correlated not only with resist- (Sigma), after which cells were re-seeded at 103 cells/dish into at least five
ance to CDDP (and carboplatin) but also with resistance to 6-thio- dishes per treatment, per experiment. Surviving colonies were counted after an
guanine, doxorubicin, etoposide, ionizing radiation, and monofunc- additional 10 days of growth.
tional methylating agents such as temozolomide and MNU (6, 7, 11). Cell Cycle Analysis by Flow Cytometry. Proportions of cells in different
phases of the cell cycle were assessed by the incorporation of BrdUrd in a
1– 4-h pulse, propidium iodide staining, and flow cytometric analysis, as
Received 9/4/98; accepted 3/5/99.
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page described previously (21).
charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with Statistics. The mean colony counts over the replicates for each set of
18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. experimental conditions are the basic data used for the statistical analysis.
Supported by grants from the Association for International Cancer Research and the
These data are then transformed to give the odds of colony formation as
Cancer Research Campaign UK (to R. B.).
To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at Cancer Research Campaign follows: (mean colony count)/(1000 ⫺ mean colony count). The analysis of
Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Campaign Beatson Laboratories, covariance technique was used to analyze the data. The odds of colony
Garscube Estate, Switchback Road, Glasgow, G61 1BD, United Kingdom. Phone: 0141- formation for each cell line, as observed on the first replicate with no cisplatin
330-4335; Fax: 0141-330-4127; E-mail: gpma61@udcf.gla.ac.uk.
3 and no modifier present, is taken as the covariate reflecting the difference
The abbreviations used are: CDDP, cis-diaminedichloroplatinum II; MMR, mismatch
repair; Ap, aphidicolin; MNU, N⬘-methyl-N-nitrosourea; BrdUrd, bromodeoxyuridine; between the experiments (this replicate is omitted from the mean count
SF, surviving fraction; O6-meGua, O6-methylguanine; O6-beGua, O6-benzylguanine. calculation outlined above). To make the data conform to the assumptions of

the analysis of covariance, a square root transformation is then applied to the

odds of colony formation and the covariate.
The P quoted for each pair of cell lines is for the three-way interaction (Cell
line) ⫻ (Ap) ⫻ (CDDP or MNU dose). This interaction relates to the null
hypothesis that the change in sensitivity to CDDP or MNU brought about by
Ap is the same for both cell lines.


The Effect of Ap on CDDP Cytotoxicity. We have tested the

hypothesis that Ap may specifically sensitize MMR-deficient, CDDP-
resistant tumor cells by inhibiting replicative bypass in paired ovarian
carcinoma cell lines of differing MMR status (as described in “Ma-
terials and Methods”). In the first instance, the effect of Ap on cell
survival and cell cycle progression was characterized in the four cell
lines. IC50 estimations obtained from clonogenic survival assays per-
formed after a 24-h exposure to Ap are shown in Table 1. These IC50
estimates did not correlate with MMR status and CDDP sensitivity but
did correlate with the proportion of S-phase cells (as measured by
flow cytometry) present in each cell line at the time Ap exposure was
begun (r2 ⫽ 0.79). This suggests that a cell line with a higher basal
level of S-phase cells has increased polymerase activity and requires
a higher concentration of Ap to inhibit this activity. Flow cytometric
analysis demonstrated that a 24-h exposure to Ap at the IC50 concen-
tration inhibits the progression of the cells through the cell cycle by
inducing a reversible G1-S-phase block (data not shown) and inhib-
iting replicative DNA synthesis (Table 1). Comparable cell cycle data
with Ap have been published previously (22).
Clonogenic assays in which CDDP incubations (1 h) were followed
by Ap incubations (24 h) were performed using the determined IC50
concentrations of Ap appropriate for each cell line. For both sets of
paired cell lines, data from triplicate experiments were transformed to
odds of colony formation (as detailed in “Materials and Methods”). In
the A2780/A2780/cp70 cell line pair, the differing slopes of the cells
treated with CDDP alone show that the MMR-defective A2780/cp70
cells (Fig. 1A, iii) are more resistant than the MMR-proficient A2780
cells (Fig. 1A, i), as demonstrated previously (6). A2780 had a SF of
0.24 at 10 ␮M CDDP for 1 h, whereas A2780/cp70 had a SF at this
concentration of 0.85. However, when Ap is added, the slopes for the
two cell lines are very similar (Fig. 1A, ii and iv), indicating that Ap
reduces the relative CDDP resistance in the MMR-defective A2780/
cp70 cells compared to the parental line. The null hypothesis that the
change in sensitivity to CDDP mediated by Ap is the same for both
cell lines was rejected (P ⫽ 0.02).
The chromosome transfer cell lines show the same MMR depen-
dence as the parental lines; thus, the differing slopes of the cells
treated with CDDP alone demonstrate that the MMR-defective cp70- Fig. 1. The effect of Ap on CDDP cytotoxicity. Odds of colony formation in A2780/
ch2 cells (Fig. 1B, iii) are more resistant than the MMR-proficient A2780/cp70 (A) and cp70-ch3/cp70-ch2 (B) paired cell lines. All cultures were treated
with 10 (A) or 20 ␮M (B) CDDP for 1 h; half of the cultures (A, ii and iv; B, ii and iv) were
also treated with Ap for 24 h (using the IC50 concentration of AP appropriate for each cell
line) beginning immediately after CDDP removal. Clonogenic survival was quantified as
Table 1 Ap sensitivity and cell cycle arrest detailed in “Materials and Methods.” Graphs show the mean levels and associated 95%
confidence intervals.
Percentage of cells in S phaseb

Cell line Ap IC50 (␮M) a

pre-Apc post-Ap (IC50)d cp70-ch3 cells (Fig. 1B, i). The cp70-ch2 cells had a SF of 0.84 at 20
MMR proficient cells ␮M CDDP for 1 h, whereas cp70-ch3 cells had a SF of 0.36 at this
A2780 1.9 30.3 ⫾ 2.3 2.9 ⫾ 0.6 concentration. Thus, as demonstrated previously for colon cell lines
cp70-ch3 3.1 38.5 ⫾ 2.1 3.2 ⫾ 1.1
MMR-deficient cells (7), restoration of MMR by chromosome transfer sensitizes these
A2780-cp70 2.4 37.0 ⫾ 3.1 3.0 ⫾ 1.3 ovarian cell lines to CDDP. However, when Ap is added, the slopes
cp70-ch2 2.1 34.2 ⫾ 2.2 2.5 ⫾ 0.6
in the two cell lines are very similar (Fig. 1B, ii and iv), indicating that
The concentration at which a 50% survival of clonogenic cells is seen after a 24-h
exposure to Ap.
Ap reduces CDDP resistance in the MMR-defective cp70-ch2 cells.
The percentage of cells in the S-phase fraction is calculated from the number of Again, the significance was demonstrated by the rejection of the null
BrdUrd-positive cells expressed as a percentage of total cells. Errors are SEs of the mean.
hypothesis (P ⫽ 0.02).
The percentage of cells in S phase at time Ap exposure was begun.
The percentage of cells in S phase after a 24-h exposure to Ap at the IC50 The Effect of Ap on MNU Cytotoxicity. The development of
concentration. CDDP resistance by a loss of MMR has a precedent in the develop-

Ap Modulation of CDDP-induced G2-M-phase Arrest. CDDP

treatment of tumor cells can inhibit their progression through the cell
cycle by inducing a G2-M-phase arrest, with this arrest having been
implicated in CDDP-induced apoptosis (24). Furthermore, CDDP-
induced G2-M-phase arrest appears to be correlated with MMR status
in ovarian carcinoma cell lines (20). Thus, cell lines deficient in MMR
and resistant to CDDP, including A2780/cp70, demonstrate reduced
G2-M-phase arrest after CDDP damage compared to MMR-proficient
lines such as A2780. To determine whether the chromosome transfer
cell lines cp70-ch3 and cp70-ch2 differ in their ability to arrest in
G2-M phase compared with the parental A2780/cp70 cell line, cell
cycle analysis has been performed. As shown in Fig. 3A, the MMR-
proficient cp70-ch3 cells show a marked increase in cells with a 4 N
DNA content 24 h after a 1-h CDDP exposure (20 ␮M), which is
indicative of a G2-M-phase arrest, whereas the MMR-deficient
A2780/cp70 and cp70-ch2 cell lines show no such increase.
Next we examined whether the increased sensitization to CDDP by
Ap in the MMR-deficient cp70-ch2 cells is accompanied by a restored
G2-M-phase arrest. Fig. 3B reveals that the addition of Ap (IC50) for

Fig. 2. The effect of Ap on MNU cytotoxicity and odds of colony formation in

cp70-ch3/cp70-ch2 paired cell lines. All cultures were treated with 200 ␮M MNU for 2 h;
half of the cultures (ii and iv) were also treated with Ap for 24 h (the IC50 concentration
of AP appropriate for each cell line) beginning immediately after MNU removal. Clono-
genic survival was quantified as detailed in “Materials and Methods.” Graphs show the
mean levels and associated 95% confidence intervals.

ment of resistance to DNA methylation damage, in particular, the

potentially lethal O6-meGua lesion (11). Thus, it is possible that
MMR-deficient cells may have the ability to perform replicative
bypass not only of 1,2 intrastrand cross-links produced by CDDP but
also of O6-meGua lesions produced by methylating agents such as
MNU. To determine whether Ap specifically sensitizes MMR-defi-
cient tumor cells to MNU, identical studies to those performed with
CDDP have been performed with MNU, using clonogenic assays to
measure cell sensitivities.
Initial clonogenic assays performed with MNU and Ap in this study
incorporated a 4-h O6-beGua pretreatment. The basis for this was that
O6-beGua treatment has been shown to deplete O6-meGua DNA
methyltransferase activity in vitro (23). O6-meGua DNA methyltrans-
ferase is a DNA repair enzyme that can repair O6-meGua lesions
induced by MNU, resulting in a MNU-resistant phenotype. However,
studies have shown that the inclusion of O6-beGua when treating the
A2780/ A2780/cp70 paired cell lines with MNU did not significantly
alter the MMR-dependent MNU resistance of the cell lines (20).
Similarly, in the present studies, O6-beGua pretreatment had no sig-
nificant effect on the modulatory activity of Ap (data not shown);
thus, it was eliminated from the subsequent protocols.
In the cp70-ch3/cp70-ch2 cell line pair, the differing slopes of the
cells treated with MNU alone demonstrate that the MMR-defective
cp70-ch2 cells (Fig. 2iii) are more resistant than the MMR-proficient
cp70-ch3 cells (Fig. 2i). This demonstrates that MNU sensitivity
correlates with the presence of MMR in these cell lines. The cp70-ch2 Fig. 3. CDDP-induced cell cycle arrest. A, CDDP induced changes in the proportion of
cell line had a SF of 0.6 after 200 ␮M MNU for 2 h, whereas cp70-ch3 cells with 4 N DNA content in the A2780/cp70, cp70-ch3, and cp70-ch2 cell lines. Cells
were exposed to CDDP (20 ␮M) for 1 h. A 4-h BrdUrd (10 mM) pulse was performed 24 h
had a SF of 0.04 after the same treatment. When Ap is added, the after CDDP treatment. B, CDDP and Ap induced changes in the proportion of cells with
slopes in the two cell lines become similar (Fig. 2, ii and iv), indicat- 4 N DNA content in the cp70-ch3/cp70-ch2 paired cell lines. Cells were seeded on day 1
ing that Ap reduces MNU resistance in the MMR-defective cp70-ch2 and exposed to CDDP (20 ␮M) and Ap (the IC50 concentration of AP appropriate for each
cell line) for 24 h over days 4 and 5. A 1-h BrdUrd (10 mM) pulse was performed 24 h
cells. The null hypothesis that the change in sensitivity to MNU by Ap after completion of the Ap incubation. The values shown were calculated from the means
is the same for both cell lines was rejected (P ⫽ 0.023). of at least two repeat measurements, analyzing more than 15,000 events. Bars, SE.

Fig. 4. Model of the effect of Ap on replicative

bypass. We suggest that DNA damage may be re-
paired (A) or may be cytotoxic and induce immediate
cell death (B). Alternatively, the lesion may persist
and produce a signal during replication that triggers a
cell death pathway (C). In certain circumstances,
these lesions may be bypassed during replication,
allowing survival (D). We propose that in a MMR-
proficient environment, this bypass is inhibited, al-
lowing additional cell death (E). Ap may inhibit
bypass of CDDP and MNU lesions in the MMR-
defective cell lines by virtue of its ability to block
polymerase ␦ and ⑀ function, resulting in further cell
death (E).

24 h after a 1-h CDDP (20 ␮M) exposure increases the proportion of and cp70-ch3 cell lines, this bypass is inhibited, allowing additional
cells with 4 N DNA in both the cp70-ch3 and cp70-ch2 cell lines as cell death (Fig. 4E). The results presented in this study suggest that Ap
compared to those treated with Ap alone. In contrasting studies with may inhibit bypass of CDDP and MNU lesions in the MMR-defective
CDDP as a single agent (Fig. 3A), there is a marked increase in the A2780/cp70 and cp70-ch2 cell lines by virtue of its ability to block
proportion of cells with 4 N DNA in the MMR-deficient cp70-ch2 polymerase ␦ and ⑀ function, resulting in further cell death (Fig. 4E).
cells treated with both CDDP and Ap compared to those treated with An alternative explanation stems from the ability of Ap to inhibit
Ap alone (Fig. 3B). The increase of 4 N cells in the presence of Ap polymerase ␣ (14). DNA polymerase ␣ is an essential DNA synthesis
correlates with the reduction in CDDP resistance seen in the presence enzyme, and as a consequence of this, incubating cells with Ap
of Ap in these cells (Fig. 1B). Taken together, these observations induces a reversible late G1 block in the cell cycle (Table 1). This
suggest that there is a correlation between MMR status, CDDP sen- raises the possibility that the modulatory effect observed in this study
sitivity, and G2-M-phase arrest and that Ap is able to restore CDDP- is simply a consequence of cell cycle delay. In vitro studies combining
induced G2-M-phase arrest in a MMR-deficient background. CDDP and Ap in A2780/cp70 cells have demonstrated that Ap in-
creased CDDP cytotoxicity in A2780/cp70 cells, and this correlated
DISCUSSION with the ability of Ap to delay the removal of platinum-DNA adducts
(15). Thus, Ap may reduce CDDP and MNU resistance in MMR-
We have shown that Ap has a greater effect on sensitization to
deficient cell lines by delaying the removal of DNA-drug adducts.
CDDP and MNU in MMR-defective cells than in their MMR-profi-
However, certain CDDP-resistant human ovarian cells appear to be
cient counterparts. These observations lead to the question: how does
able to bypass CDDP DNA intrastrand cross-links during DNA rep-
Ap alter drug cytotoxicity in a MMR-dependent manner? We favor a
lication (25). If a resistant cell is able to bypass an adduct, then the
model whereby Ap inhibits the bypass of DNA lesions that may occur
amount of time that an adduct is present should not affect cell
in the absence of MMR. The model has stemmed from several bodies
survival, arguing against the significance of the ability of Ap to delay
of evidence. The first is the ability of Ap to inhibit DNA polymerase
␦ and ⑀, both of which are able to bypass DNA adducts such as lesion removal.
CDDP-induced 1,2 cross-links in vitro (14, 19). The second is that Ap not only reduces resistance to CDDP in MMR-defective cells
increased replicative bypass of CDDP lesions has been demonstrated but also increases the proportion of cells with a 4 N DNA content,
in CDDP-resistant ovarian cell lines (10). Thirdly, increased recom- which is indicative of G2-M-phase arrest, after CDDP treatment (Fig.
bination-dependent replicative bypass has been proposed to lead to 3B). Several studies have suggested a link between MMR proteins and
CDDP resistance in yeast and mammalian cells (9). A diagram of this the G2-M-phase cell cycle checkpoint in response to DNA damage
replicative bypass model is shown in Fig. 4. We suggest that DNA induced by CDDP, 6-thioguanine, methylating agents, and radiation
damage, such as that induced by CDDP and MNU, may be processed (20, 26, 27). Davis et al. (27) have hypothesized that in a MMR-
in a number of ways within a cell. The initial lesion may be repaired proficient environment, the MMR system binds and recognizes certain
(Fig. 4A) or may be cytotoxic and induce immediate cell death (Fig. lesions, resulting in the formation of DNA breaks. These breaks
4B). Alternatively, the lesion may persist and produce a signal during produce a signal that results in G2-M-phase cell cycle arrest and a loss
replication that triggers a cell death pathway (Fig. 4C). In the case of of survival. Thus, in the absence of MMR, lesions are not recognized,
CDDP and MNU, the persistent lesions are likely to be the 1,2 DNA strand breaks are not generated, and G2-M-phase arrest is unable
intrastrand cross-link and the O6-meGua lesions, respectively, be- to be induced. The ability of Ap to restore G2-M-phase arrest may be
cause these are the most potent and prevalent lesions induced by the due to a restoration of the induction of DNA strand breaks. If Ap is
compounds (2, 11). In certain circumstances, these lesions may be indeed inhibiting replicative bypass of CDDP lesions, then this inhi-
bypassed during replication, allowing survival (Fig. 4D). We propose bition could increase the probability of DNA breaks at lesion sites.
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