Unit - 3 Bituminous Mixes: Mechanical Properties, Dense and Open Textured Mixes
Unit - 3 Bituminous Mixes: Mechanical Properties, Dense and Open Textured Mixes
Unit - 3 Bituminous Mixes: Mechanical Properties, Dense and Open Textured Mixes
UNIT - 3
Bituminous Mixes: Mechanical properties, dense and open textured mixes,
flexibility and brittleness, bituminous mix, design methods using Rothfutch’s
Method and specification using different criteria- voids in mineral aggregates,
voids in total mix, density, flow, stability, percentage voids filled with bitumen.
Numerical examples
a) Stability
Stability is the resistance of the paving mix to deformation under the load. It is
the stress to which specified strain is produced (load at which specified
deformation). Depending upon the specification or field condition, it is influenced
by density of the mix or percentage voids in the compacted mix or viscosity of
bituminous binder. If the voids are less, stability will be more and strength will
be more. But there must be minimum voids which would provide space on
necessary densification which takes place under the traffic movement and
expansion of bitumen at high temperature in the atmosphere. If there are no
sufficient voids, the bituminous binder bleeds over the surface and causes
b) Durability
It is the resistance of the mix against weathering and abrasive actions. Due to
weathering bituminous mix gets harden which is due to loss of volatiles and
oxidation. The tensile strain is induced due to heavy wheel loads and excessive
strain may be developed which may cause cracks or plastic failure.
c) Flexibility
It is the property of the mix that measures the level bending strength.
d) Skid Resistance
It is the resistance of the finished pavement against skidding which depends
upon the surface texture and bitumen content of mix. If the bitumen content is
more, the surface of the pavement is smoothen or slippery. Therefore the
bitumen content must be optimum to have better skid resistance.
e) Workability
It is the ease with which the mix can be laid and compacted to maximum density.
It is the function of gradation of aggregates, their shape and texture, bitumen
content and its type.
Durability is defined as the resistance of the mix against weathering and abrasive
actions. Weathering causes hardening due to loss of volatiles in the bitumen.
Abrasion is due to wheel loads which causes tensile strains. Typical examples of
failure are (i) pot-holes, - deterioration of pavements locally and (ii) stripping, lost
of binder from the aggregates and aggregates are exposed. Disintegration is
minimized by high binder content since they cause the mix to be air and
waterproof and the bitumen film is more resistant to hardening.
Flexibility is a measure of the level of bending strength needed to counteract
traffic load and prevent cracking of surface. Fracture is the cracks formed on the
surface (hairline-cracks, alligator cracks), main reasons are shrinkage and
brittleness of the binder. Shrinkage cracks are due to volume change in the
binder due to aging. Brittleness is due to repeated bending of the surface due to
traffic loads. Higher bitumen content will give better flexibility and less fracture.
Skid Resistance
It is the resistance of the finished pavement against skidding which depends on
the surface texture and bitumen content. It is an important factor in high speed
traffic. Normally, an open graded coarse surface texture is desirable.
Workability is the ease with which the mix can be laid and compacted, and
formed to the required condition and shape. This depends on the gradation of
aggregates, their shape and texture, bitumen content and its type. Angular, flaky
and elongated aggregates workability. On the other hand, rounded aggregates
improve workability.
Desirable Properties
Constituents of a Mix
• Coarse aggregates: offer compressive and shear strength and shows good
interlocking properties. E.g.: Granite
• Fine aggregates: Fills the voids in the coarse aggregate and stiffens the
binder. E.g. Sand, Rock dust
• Filler: Fills the voids, stiffens the binder and offers permeability. E.g. Rock
dust, cement, lime
• Binder: Fills the voids, cause particle adhesion and offers impermeability.
E.g. Bitumen, Asphalt, Tar
Types of Mix
• Gap-graded mix: Some large coarse aggregates are missing and has good
fatigue and tensile strength.
• Open-graded mix: Fine aggregate and filler are missing, it is porous and
offers good friction, low strength and for high speed.
Ga = -----------------------------------------------------
W1/G1 + W2/G2 + W3/G3 + W4/G4 +.....
W1, W2, W3, W4, .... = percent by weight of aggregates
G1, G2, G3, G4, ..... = specific gravity of each material used in mix
In the above equation, the total weight of aggregate mix is considered which will
be in the numerator then this equation gets modified.
W1 + W2 + W3 +.....
Ga = ------------------------------------------
W1/a1 + W2/a2 + W3/a3 +.....
W1, W2, W3 ... = actual weight of component used in the mix.
d) Proportioning of Aggregates
As a first step the design grading is selected based on the type of construction,
thickness of the layer and its specification if any. Then the available aggregate
are analyzed for gradation. Using the graphical method suggested by Rothfutch’s
Proportioning of Aggregates:-
1. Trial and error procedure: Vary the proportion of materials until the
required aggregate gradation is achieved.
The Marshall stability of the mix is defined as the maximum load carried by a
compacted specimen at a standard test temperature of 60° C. The flow is
measured as the deformation in units of 0.25 mm between no load and maximum
load carried by the specimen during stability test. In this test an attempt is made
Vinayaka, Asst. Professor, School of Civil Engineering, REVA University Page 10
to obtain Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC) for the type of aggregate mix and
traffic intensity.
To determine the Marshall stability and Optimum bitumen content of the given
a) Mould assembly: cylindrical mould of 10.16cm diameter and 6.35 cm
height, with a base plate and collar.
b) Sample extractor
c) Compaction pedestal and hammer, weight 4.54 kg with 45.7 cm height of
fall. d) Proving ring
e) Breaking head, to apply a load on its periphery perpendicular to its axis
in a loading machine of 5 tons capacity at a rate of 5 cm per minute.
f) Loading machine
g) Flow meter (dial gauge)
a) Select the aggregate gradation from the specified ranges in the table. ( IRC
or MOST )
b) Take approximately 1200g of aggregate and filler, if any, and heat to a
temperature of 175 to 190°C.
c) Heat the compaction mould assembly and the rammer to a temperature of
138 to 149° C.
d) Heat the given bitumen to a temperature of 121 to 145°C.
e) Add the required quantity of trial bitumen content (say 3.5 % by weight of
mineral aggregate) and thoroughly mix using a trowel, maintaining a mixing
temperature of 154 to 160° C.
f) Keep the pre-heated mould and collar on the compaction pedestal.
g) Transfer the mix in the pre-heated mould and compact it 75 times using
the specified rammer.
h) Invert the specimen and again compact 75 times.
i) Repeat the procedure with specimens having other trial bitumen contents.
Marshall test setup voids filled with bitumen VFB. These calculations are
discussed next. To understand these calculation a phase diag
………… eq (1)
2. Bulk specific gravity of mix Gm The bulk specific gravity or the actual
specific gravity of the mix Gm is the specific gravity considering air voids
and is found by
……….. eq (2)
where, Wm is the weight of mix in air, Ww is the weight of mix in water, Note
that Wm − Ww gives the volume of the mix. Sometimes to get accurate bulk
specific gravity, the specimen is coated with thin film of paraffin wax, when
weight is taken in the water. This, however requires to consider the weight and
volume of wax in the calculations.
……… eq(3)
Where Gt is the theoretical specific gravity of the mix, given by equation eq (1)
and Gm is the bulk or actual specific gravity of the mix given by equation eq (2)
4. Percent volume of bitumen Vb
The volume of bitumen Vb is the percent of volume of bitumen to the total volume
and given by:
…….. eq(4)
where, W1 is the weight of coarse aggregate in the total mix, W2 is the weight of
fine aggregate in the total mix, W3 is the weight of filler in the total mix, Wb is
the weight of bitumen in the total mix, Gb is the apparent specific gravity of
bitumen, and Gm is the bulk specific gravity of mix given by equation (2)
Prepare graphical plots The average value of the above properties are determined
for each mix with different bitumen content and the following graphical plots are
1. Binder content versus corrected Marshall stability
2. Binder content versus Marshall flow
3. Binder content versus percentage of void (Vv) in the total mix
4. Binder content versus voids filled with bitumen (V FB)
5. Binder content versus unit weight or bulk specific gravity (Gm)
Determine optimum bitumen content
Determine the optimum binder content for the mix design by taking average
value of the following three bitumen contents found form the graphs obtained in
the previous step.
1. Binder content corresponding to maximum stability
2. Binder content corresponding to maximum bulk specific gravity (Gm)
3. Binder content corresponding to the median of designed limits of percent air
voids (Vv) in the total mix (i.e. 4%)
The stability value, flow value, and V FB are checked with Marshall mix design
specification chart given in Table below. Mixes with very high stability value and
low flow value are not desirable as the pavements constructed with such mixes
are likely to develop cracks due to heavy moving loads.
The Marshall Test properties of any specimen can be calculated using the
following formulae:
1) Bulk Density of Compacted Specimen (Gm)
in gm/cc
2) Theoretical Density of Specimen (Gt)
in gm/cc
Vb = Gb x W4 %
Where, W4 = % wt. of bitumen
G4 = Sp. Gravity of bitumen
NOTE : To find out Vb we can use any formula
NOTE: To obtain OBC, plot the graphs as shown and find the bitumen content
at which there is maximum stability, maximum bulk density and 5 % voids.
Take the average of these three bitumen contents as OBC.
Numerical example - 1
The specific gravities and weight proportions for aggregate and bitumen are as
under for the preparation of Marshall mix design. The volume and weight of one
Marshall specimen was found to be 475 cc and 1100 gm. Assuming absorption
of bitumen in aggregate is zero, find Vv, Vb, V MA and V FB;
Numerical example – 2
The results of Marshall Test for five specimen is given below. Find the optimum
bitumen content of the mix.
1. Explain the constituents of a bituminous mix.
2. Explain in detail flexibility and brittleness.
3. List and explain the desirable properties of a bituminous mix.
4. Explain the procedure of determining the optimum bitumen content, for a
bituminous mix, by the Marshall test.
5. List various tests conducted on bitumen and write a detailed explanatory
note on the following tests i) Ductility test ii) Flash and fire point test iii)
Specific gravity test iv) Softening point test
6. Explain proportioning of materials by Rothfutch’s method with the help of
a graph.
7. Explain aim and objective of bituminous mix design?
8. Define open graded, well graded mixes?