Lesson Plan 8 Ways
Lesson Plan 8 Ways
Lesson Plan 8 Ways
Lesson Number:
Prior knowledge/skills required: Resources: Attachments are included at the end of this document.
Introduction to narrative
Timing Lesson content and teaching strategies being Student activity 8 ways link/symbol/s
Students to take notes of the This activity is designed to
5 Mins Teacher should show students a fishing net (made different ways of story telling as get students thinking
from bark) and say “This fishing net is representative the PowerPoint is presented. about a variety of cultures
of today’s lesson. We are going to be listening to a and how ancient traditions
story today and reinterpreting it. Just like this net, Student discussion – share their have been shaped into
we are going to create something out of something own experiences of story telling modern techniques across
else. We will be weaving our stories together to (could include bedtime stories, cultures (weaving the past
make something different. Sounds a bit weird? Well make their own art, rap, tell and the future).
this whole lesson is going to be different from what stories to their friends.
you’re used to.”
Students will now listen to a story from The Students will sit in a learning Students will hear a
15 mins Dreaming as told by a member of a local Aboriginal circle and may ask questions traditional story from an
community. about the story. Aboriginal community
After the telling of the story, the class will have a If possible, the rest of the lesson
short discussion about the story morals and its will take place outside. If not,
meaning in real life. the class will form a circle inside
the room.
15 mins The class will work together in four small groups Students gather into their groups This task is designed to get
(split evenly) to reimagine the story. Each group will and talk together to come up students to connect their
have a different task as follows; with an idea of how they will present with the stories of
retell the Dreaming story to the the past, thus weaving the
Group 1: Reimagine the story’s moral in today’s class. past and the future. It is
setting (eg, this high school, or a sports club etc) This also designed to get them
group must use the same moral (or plot), but in a The teacher and the Aboriginal to think past the Euro-
modern setting. community member will interact centric scholarly stories to
with each group and offer delve into different
Group 2: Retell the story with a modern moral (eg suggestions and feedback on storytelling techniques for
bullying or drug use) This group must use the same their ideas. greater understanding of
characters and must be set in ancient Australia. meaning through a
weaving of cultural norms.
Group 3: Tell the same story without using words.
This can be as creative as they like and may be Students will participate in
played like charades or mime, or drawn in a series of or view a variety of tasks
pictures on the whiteboard or on paper. including;
10 Mins At the end of the presentations, the Aboriginal Pick out thoughtful / quiet Students will deconstruct
community member should give some feedback on students for this question time. and reconstruct the stories
what they liked about the presentations. Students they have just seen as a
will discuss each of the presentations. (push up not group.
Discussion starters:
Which presentation did you like best? Why?
What are the strengths of the presentation that
didn’t use words?
Did any of the presentations seem strange? Why?
Can anyone give an example of a story that is told
without using words?
Home- Homework task for Assessment: Students to take a homework With the Aboriginal
work Students are to research online and find a new sheet and stick it in their book. community member the
traditional story (eg Aboriginal Dreaming, Irish folk lesson is concluded,
tales,) to present to the class for their assessment. articulating what has been
The story they choose must be presented in a learnt prior to exiting the
historically traditional method – i.e. not words on classroom.
paper – to highlight the different ways of thinking
and preparing stories. Methods of presentation
include song, dance, rhythm, art, use of objects or
representation of characters.
LESSON PLAN: Carys Arnold 10096097 Page 4
ENA4-2A Students are expected to draw inspiration from the information given at the beginning of the lesson and
work collaboratively to compose, edit and rehearse their new text. They will also be assessed on this at
the end of the unit as shown in their homework sheet.
ENA4-7D Students will be assessed on their demonstration of understanding of the oral text. Each student should
participate in the discussion about the performances during the class to assess their understanding of
texts and context
Links to next lesson
In the next lesson, students will begin unpacking some of the meanings within pictorial storytelling. An example of this is in the
PowerPoint as an extension task. Students will also listen to other oral stories from YouTube, and examine similarities between
ancient cave paintings and modern simplistic storytelling such as Snapchat. These activities will assist them in their homework
assessment for the unit when they are to present their own story in a non-written technique. Time will also be allocated for them
to begin the task in class so they can talk to the teacher and the Aboriginal community member (if available as part of the
Indigenous Week) about their ideas.
AISTL graduate standards and evidence that this lesson achieves this standard.
AITSL Standard Evidence within this lesson
1.3 and 1.4 This lesson is designed to allow students of differing backgrounds to draw on what they know of
storytelling from their on culture to collaborate with other students to create a new interpretation of a
traditional text. Students who come from an oral storytelling culture will be able to make full use of their
cultural knowledge to thrive and assist other students in the tasks. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
students should be particularly engaged in this lesson since it is inspired by Aboriginal learning circles
and the spirit of collaboration.
WHS considerations
Jagnjic, T. (2016). yo bro is it safe down there in the woods? yeah man it's cool [illustration]. Retrieved from
Jordaan, C. (n.d.). YirraKurl – Aboriginal Procurement and Aboriginal Storytelling. Retrieved from
Launikari, M. (2015). Storytelling in the Ancient and More Modern Times. Retrieved from
Sentinel News Service. (2015, July 30). ‘Art of the Spirit – Myth to Reality’ At Museum of African American Art. Retrieved from
LESSON PLAN: Carys Arnold 10096097 Page 5
Classroom ready:
PowerPoint Slideshow
LESSON PLAN: Carys Arnold 10096097 Page 6
Homework sheet
Research online (or in books!) and find a traditional story similar to the one we heard today. Try to find a story from a non-white
culture (eg Aboriginal Dreaming, middle eastern folk tales, ancient Egyptian tales, even something like old wives’ tales – ask your
parents/guardians for help if you get stuck). Once you have chosen a story you like, you need to come up with an idea to present
to the class on Friday. The story must be presented in a historically traditional method – i.e. not words on paper. Your
presentation may take the form of a yarn, song, dance, rhythm, art, use of objects or even a slideshow.
For next lesson you will need to have chosen your story as we will spend some time preparing your presentations in class.