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Vpmc-10570a What Is Vitrea-Pacs 4.1

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version 4.1

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VPMC-10570A What is Vitrea®-PACS? version 4.1

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What is Vitrea-PACS? version 4.1

Table of Contents
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Minimum System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
The Integrated Vitrea-PACS Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
After Launching Vitrea from PACS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Vitrea Integrated Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Launching Vitrea from within PACS — Integrated Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Interruptible Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Auto-Export of DICOM Snapshots to PACS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Patient Anonymization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Standard Vitrea User Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Table of Contents VPMC-10570A 3 of 10

What is Vitrea-PACS? version 4.1

Vitrea®-PACS is Vitrea software integrated with a Picture Archiving and Communi-
cation System (PACS).

NOTE For general Vitrea Safety and Regulatory Considerations, refer to the
Safety and Regulatory Considerations section of the Basic Vitrea User Guide.
This document describes:
• minimum system requirements for best performance
• the differences between standard Vitrea and Vitrea-PACS
• descriptions of the Vitrea-PACS running mode (integrated), and instructions
for how to launch Vitrea in integration mode
• how to Auto-export DICOM snapshots to PACS
• information on patient header anonymization
• methods for accessing standard Vitrea user guides

Minimum System Requirements

The Vitrea software was developed to run on a Windows®/Intel®-based PC
platform using common, off-the-shelf hardware components. Because off-the-
shelf hardware changes regularly, these specifications are provided to ensure
optimal system performance.

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

• CPU — dual processors running at 2.2GHz or higher; Intel® Xeon™ and
Dual-Core Xeon and AMD Opteron™ Family Support; 2x dual-core Xeon
5150 processor at 2.66GHz is recommended
• Memory — 4GB RAM
• Graphics Cards
• ATI FireGL™ X1/X2/X3/V5100 Graphics Card w/ OpenGL® support
• NVIDIA® Quadro® FX 3000/3400/3450/3500/4500 Graphics Card
w/ OpenGL support
• Display
• 1600 x 1200 DPI (recommended)
• 1280 x 1024 DPI (required)
• Network Card — 10/100/1000 Base TX
• Other Recommendations (not requirements):
• Sound card
• Hard drive with ample space to store patient data
• CD-R/RW burner

4 of 10 VPMC-10570A Overview
What is Vitrea-PACS? version 4.1

Minimum Software Requirements:

• Microsoft® Windows XP Professional w/ SP2
• Microsoft Word® 2002 or later

The Integrated Vitrea-PACS Product

The integrated Vitrea-PACS product is designed to be an advanced visualization
complement to your current 2D PACS workflow. The integration technology is
designed to not only understand what patient your currently reading within PACS,
but it also has the ability to pull the necessary image data into Vitrea to give you
access to the advanced clinical tools.
As the integration is designed to complement your current visualization solution,
there are fundamental differences between the integrated Vitrea-PACS product
and the standalone workstation version. As the product contains Vitrea user
guides, the following list highlights these differences. Reference the Vitrea
documentation for more detailed information.
• The PACS Worklist - The visualization workflow is designed around 2D visual-
ization. The Vitrea Study Directory is disabled to optimize viewing of all 3D
studies. The traditional “Study Directory” tab is replaced with “Back to
PACS”; you can seamlessly move between the PACS client and Vitrea without
managing multiple worklists. As you reference the user guide material, disre-
gard all references to the Study Directory (for example, features and function-
• Keyboard Shortcuts - The Vitrea keyboard shortcuts (blue key caps in the
standalone product) are available within the Vitrea application. When you are
working in the PACS, the PACS workstation shortcuts apply.

NOTE See the PACS user documentation for workstation specific information.
• DICOM Image Data - For the integrated product, the Vitrea application does
not cache DICOM files to the local system because we utilize the PACS server
for management of all data.

NOTE See the section on “Vitrea Integrated Workflow” for information on

using integrated mode.

The Integrated Vitrea-PACS Product VPMC-10570A 5 of 10

What is Vitrea-PACS? version 4.1

After Launching Vitrea from PACS

You launch Vitrea from within the PACS application. See the PACS user
documentation for workstation specific information.

CAUTION If you try to launch a study containing multiple series, or a series

which builds into multiple volumes, a dialog box displays before Vitrea
launches. The dialog box asks you to select the series you want to load.
Without answering the dialog box, it is possible to return to PACS and load a
totally different study for the same or a different patient. It is your
responsibility to be sure you have loaded the study you intended to load. You
can do this in Vitrea by verifying the patient and study information displayed
on the left side of the Gallery window, or in any of the viewers on the Viewer
Once you are in Vitrea, you can work with the images following the procedures in
the standard Vitrea user guides.

Vitrea Integrated Workflow

On the PACS workstation, you can run Vitrea in integrated mode:
• Right-click on Images to launch Vitrea from within the PACS.

Launching Vitrea from In most cases, you will use Vitrea in integrated mode, launched from within the
within PACS — PACS application.
Integrated Mode
NOTE See the PACS user documentation for specific instructions on launching
Vitrea this way.

To use Vitrea in integrated mode:

1 When you have launched Vitrea from PACS, do one of the following:
• If the study is new to Vitrea, select a protocol and preset from the Gallery
The Viewer window displays.

• If you are restoring a previously saved workflow, the Viewer window dis-
plays. Continue with the steps below.
2 Use standard Vitrea features to perform any or all of the following tasks:

NOTE Follow the procedures in the standard Vitrea user guides. See Standard
Vitrea User Guides for information about where to find them.
• Manipulate images
• Take snapshots
• Create a report
• Print the report to a DICOM printer

6 of 10 VPMC-10570A After Launching Vitrea from PACS

What is Vitrea-PACS? version 4.1

• DICOM export the workflow back to PACS

Interruptible Workflow
The interruptible workflow feature is designed to allow you to leave the Vitrea
application and go back to the PACS client while preserving any work on the
patient that has been loaded in Vitrea.
1 You can click Back to PACS to temporarily leave Vitrea and return to your PACS
to load a different study.
2 After completing the read of the study within PACS, return to the previous
Vitrea will be invisible during your work on the second patient, and depending on
your integration, there are two different paths to reactivate Vitrea with the
previous patient:
• Load the patient back into PACS and Vitrea will display automatically, or
• Request to load the same originally acquired series into Vitrea in addition to
opening the patient inside PACS (requesting to load a Vitrea
snapshot will restore that snapshot).

NOTE Vitrea will only keep the first patient in memory for a configurable
amount of time, once that time-out has been reached, the first patient will be
released from memory as well as the vitrea license.

Auto-Export of DICOM Snapshots to PACS

You can use the auto-export feature to automatically archive all snapshopts taken
during the current session to PACS.

NOTE For information on how to configure auto export, see Configuring Auto
Export of Snapshots in the Vitrea-PACS Installation and Setup Guide.

To automatically send DICOM snapshots to PACS:

1 Select the Viewer tab.
2 Finish taking snapshots.
3 Close Vitrea.

Minimize Vitrea.

Select the Back to PACS tab.

The Snapshot AutoExport dialog box displays.

Interruptible Workflow VPMC-10570A 7 of 10

What is Vitrea-PACS? version 4.1

FIGURE 1. Snapshot AutoExport dialog box

4 Do one of the following:

• Click Export All to send all snapshots from the current session to PACS.
• Click Go to PACS if you do not want to export the snapshots.
• Click Cancel to return to return to Vitrea without exporting any snapshots.

Patient Anonymization
The patient anonymization feature allows all secondary capture images to be
exported to PACS without the patient information included on the images.
Because many PACS systems display their own patient information on all content,
this feature will allow all patient information on images created by Vitrea to be
controlled by the PACS client.
When Vitrea is integrated into PACS, Vitrea will hide the patient information from
the viewers when you activate the snapshot tool. Once you take the snapshot, the
patient information redisplays.
You can include Vitrea’s patient information on snapshots by using the Export
Patient checkbox.

NOTE This is useful if you are printing to film or exporting to non-PACS media,
such as CD.

To include the patient information on snapshots:

1 Click Snap or press S.
The Patient Info checkbox changes to Export Pt. Info.
2 Check the Export Pt. Info box.

8 of 10 VPMC-10570A Patient Anonymization

What is Vitrea-PACS? version 4.1

FIGURE 2. Export Patient checkbox

3 Click in the viewer to take snapshot.

Standard Vitrea User Guides

You can use the standard Vitrea user guides for detailed instruction on
performing tasks while running Vitrea in integrated mode.

NOTE Keep the differences between an integrated Vitrea-PACS and a standard

Vitrea workstation (as listed in this document) in mind while using the
standard Vitrea user guides.
Aside from the items listed in this document, the standard Vitrea version 4.1 user
guides apply to Vitrea-PACS version 4.1.

To access the Vitrea user guides:

• Click the Vitrea Help tab.

• Run the User Manuals CD (packaged with the Vitrea software).


• Request printed copies at http://support.vitalimages.com/


• Contact your PACS representative.

Technical Support
Contact your System Administrator or your PACS vendor for information regarding
Technical Support.

Standard Vitrea User Guides VPMC-10570A 9 of 10

What is Vitrea-PACS? version 4.1

10 of 10 VPMC-10570A Technical Support

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