Indr 460 Operations Research Applications: Integer Programming
Indr 460 Operations Research Applications: Integer Programming
Indr 460 Operations Research Applications: Integer Programming
Operations Research
Integer Programming
Types of Integer Programming
p A linear program in which all the variables are
restricted to be integers is called an integer linear
program (ILP) or pure integer program (IP) in
p If only a subset of the variables are restricted to
be integers, the problem is called a mixed integer
linear program (MILP) or MIP in short.
p Binary variables are variables whose values are
restricted to be 0 or 1. If all variables are
restricted to be 0 or 1, the problem is called a 0-1
or binary integer program, 0-1 IP in short.
Example: All-Integer LP
p Consider the following all-integer linear
program (IP):
Example: All-Integer LP
p LP Relaxation
Solving the problem as a linear
program ignoring the integer constraints,
the optimal solution to the linear program
gives fractional values for both x1 and x2.
2 LP Optimal (2.5,1.5)
1 x1 + 3x2 < 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6
Example: All-Integer LP
p Rounding Up
If we round up the fractional solution
(x1 = 2.5, x2 = 1.5) to the LP relaxation
problem, we get x1 = 3 and x2 = 2.
Example: All-Integer LP
Rounded Up Solution
5 3x1 + x2 < 9
IP Infeasible (3,2)
LP Optimal (2.5,1.5)
1 x1 + 3x2 < 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Example: All-Integer LP
p Rounding Down
By rounding the optimal solution down
to x1 = 2, x2 = 1, we see that this solution
indeed is an integer solution within the
feasible region, and substituting in the
objective function, it gives z = 8.
Example: All-Integer LP
p Complete Enumeration of Feasible IP
There are eight feasible integer solutions to
this problem:
x1 x2 z
1. 0 0 0
2. 1 0 3
3. 2 0 6
4. 3 0 9 optimal solution
5. 0 1 2
6. 1 1 5
7. 2 1 8
8. 1 2 7
Example: All-Integer LP
IP Optimal (3,0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11
Example: Mixed Integer LP
x 1 integer, x 2 continuous)
Max 3x1 + 2x2
MILP Optimal (2,5/3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12
LP Relaxation of an IP
p When the integer requirements in an
integer programming problem (IP) are
“relaxed” (not enforced), we obtain the LP
relaxation of the IP.
Solving Integer Programs
p The branch-and-bound algorithm theoretically
allows us to solve any IP/MIP problem by solving
a series of LP relaxation problems.
p Finding the optimal solution may require the
solution of thousands/millions/billions of LPs.
p Finding the optimal solution to “some” IP
problems can be immensely time-consuming
even for the fastest computers.
n Problem size, model structure
p Other solution methods: cutting planes,
branch&cut, branch and price
Sensitivity Analysis in Integer
p Sensitivity analysis is often crucial for IPs
since a very small change in one of the
coefficients can cause a relatively large
change in the optimal values.
Modeling Integer Programs
p Much of the flexibility provided by linear
integer programming is due to the use of 0-1
Modeling Dependent Decisions
p We can also use binary variables to enforce the condition
that a certain action can only be taken if some other
action is also taken.
Example: Facility Location Problem
p We are given n potential facility locations and
m customers that must be serviced from
those locations.
p There is a fixed cost cj of opening facility j.
p There is a cost dij associated with serving
customer i from facility j.
p We have two sets of
binary variables.
yj is 1 if facility j is opened,
0 otherwise.
xij is 1 if customer i is served
by facility j, 0 otherwise.
Modeling Fixed Costs
p In many applications, the cost of production
has two components:
n A setup cost (fixed cost)
n A variable cost (related to the production quantity)
Example: Gandhi Clothing
(Fixed Cost Model)
p Gandhi clothing company manufactures
shirts, shorts and pants.
p They need to rent special machinery for the
production of each product line, if they decide
to produce any of that line.
p Rental costs are:
n shirt machinery - $200/week,
n shorts machinery - $150/week and
n pants machinery - $100/week.
Example: Gandhi Clothing
(Fixed Cost Model)
Labor (hr) Cloth (sq. yard) Profit ($)
Shirts 3 4 6
Shorts 2 3 4
Pants 6 4 7
Available 150/week 160/week
Gandhi Clothing Formulation
p Decision Variables :
n Continues variables
p ! is the amount of shirts to produce
p " is the amount of shorts to produce
p # is the amount of pants to produce
n Binary variables
1, ./ 0ℎ.23 $45ℎ.672" .0 276378
p $%&'()% = +
0, :3ℎ72;.07
1, ./ 0ℎ:230 $45ℎ.672" .0 276378
p $%&<()% = +
0, :3ℎ72;.07
1, ./ @4630 $45ℎ.672" .0 276378
p $=>?)% = +
0, :3ℎ72;.07
p Objective Function:
n max: 6! + 4" + 7# − 200$%&'()% − 150$%&<()% − 100$=>?)%
Gandhi Clothing Formulation
p Constraints :
n Labor
p 3" + 2% + 6' ≤ 150
n Cloth
p 4" + 3% + 4' ≤ 160
n Machinery
p " ≤ -./012. 3./012.
p y≤ -./412. 3./412.
p z≤ -56272. 35672.
Example: Fixed-charge Network
Flow Problem
p We are given a directed graph G = (N, A).
n There is a fixed cost cij associated with “opening” arc (i, j)
(think of this as the cost to “build” the link).
n There is also a variable cost dij associated with each unit of
flow along arc (i, j).
n Each node i has supply/demand quantity bi.
n Minimizing the fixed cost by itself is a minimum spanning tree
problem (easy).
n Minimizing the variable cost by itself is a minimum cost
network flow problem (easy).
n We want to minimize the sum of these two costs (difficult).
Modeling the Fixed-charge Network
Flow Problem
p To model the FCNFP, we associate two variables with each arc.
n xij (fixed-charge variable) indicates whether arc (i,j) is open.
n fij (flow variable) represents the flow on arc (i, j).
n Note that we have to ensure that fij > 0 ⇒ xij = 1.
Special 0-1 Constraints
p When xi and xj represent binary variables
designating whether projects i and j have been
completed, the following special constraints may
be formulated:
n At most k out of n projects will be completed:
Sj xj < k
n Project j can be completed only if project i has
been completed:
xj - xi < 0
n Project i can be completed if and only if project j
xj - xi = 0
n Projects i and j are mutually exclusive:
xi + xj < 1 28
Using 0-1 Variables to Model Special
p Example 1 (Capital Budgeting):
Perry Construction is faced with the problem of
determining which projects it should undertake
over the next three years.
Perry Construction
Estimated Capital Requirements
Project Present Value Year1 Year2 Year3
A 180 000 30 000 40 000 40 000
B 20 000 12 000 8 000 0
C 72 000 30 000 20 000 20 000
D 25 000 15 000 10 000 24 000
E 80 000 20 000 40 000 40 000
Funds Available 70 000 90 000 100 000
Perry Construction
Let ! = {$, &, ', (, )} be the set of projects and + = 1,2,3 be
the set of years in the planning horizon. We define /0 as
the present value of a project 1 ∈ !, and 304 is the capital
requirement for the project 1 at year 5 ∈ +. The available
funds in a year 5 ∈ + is denoted by 7 4 .
p Decision Variables :
1, :; 1<=>?35 1 ∈ ! :@ ABC?<5DE?B
80 9
0, =5ℎ?<H:@?
p Objective Function :
max L /0 80
Perry Construction
p Constraints :
n Capital requirement
Perry Construction Example (cont’d)
The Management has decided that the following restrictions
must also be enforced:
p At most three projects can be undertaken.
! %" ≤ 3
p Projects A and D cannot be undertaken at the same
%( + %* ≤ 1
p If project C is undertaken, then project E must also be
%, ≤ %-
Example (cont’d)
4) If projects B or E are undertaken, then project A cannot
be undertaken.
!" ≤ 2 − (!' + !) )
Production Scheduling Problem
Example 2 (Fixed-Charge Problem):
p A product can be assembled on any of the five
assembly lines.
p For each line, the table below gives the cost of
assembling a product, the assembly time
required per product, the start up cost, and the
maximum number of hours the line can be
operated during the next month.
p At least 350 units of the product must be
assembled next month.
Production Scheduling Problem
Start-up Prod. Prod. Maximum
Line Cost Cost Time(hrs.) Prod.hrs.
A $ 6,000 $ 80 5 510
B $10,000 $ 60 6 480
C $ 2,000 $110 10 600
D $ 7,500 $ 75 4 440
E $15,000 $ 40 3 480
Production Scheduling Problem
Let ! = {$, &, ', (, )} be the set of alternative assemply
lines. For each line ℓ ∈ L, we define .ℓ as the cost of
building, /ℓ is the unit production cost and 0ℓ is the unit
production time. The maximum productions hours of a
line ℓ ∈ ! is denoted by 1ℓ .
p Decision Variables :
n 3ℓ is the number of products assembled in line ℓ ∈ !
1, 78 97:; ℓ ∈ ! 7< =>790
n 4ℓ = 5
0, @0ℎ;BC7<;
p Objective Function :
min ∑ℓ∈H /ℓ 3ℓ + ∑ℓ∈H .ℓ 4ℓ
Production Scheduling Problem
p Constraints :
n ∑ℓ∈$ %ℓ ≥ 350
n *ℓ%ℓ ≤ ,ℓ-ℓ, ∀ ℓ ∈ 0
Production Scheduling Problem
The management decided to enforce the following additional
p If line A is operated, then lines D and E can not be operated.
+$ ≤ 1 − +,
+0 ≤ 1 − +,
p If line C is operated, then no more than 150 units may be
produced on lines B and D combined.
!" + !$ ≤ 150 + (1 − +, ).
p If line B is operated, then at least 50 units must be produced on
that line.
!" ≥ 50 +"
p If line E is operated, then line B must also be operated
+0 ≤ +"
Selecting from a Set
p We can use constraints of the form to
represent that at least one item should be chosen
from a set T.
p Similarly, we can also model that at most one or
exactly one item should be chosen.
n Examples?
Set Covering Problem
C 1
b c
2 d
3 f
4 g
p Covers:
n {1,2,3,4}, {1,2,3}, {1,2,4}, {1,3}, {1,4}
p Each cover (subset) has an associated cost
p The objective is to find the cover with the minimum cost
p Special case:
n Cost of a subset is the sum of the costs of each item in it. 41
Set Covering IP formulation
Set Covering, Packing and Partitioning
n Each row of A represents an item from the set S.
n Each column Aj represents the items covered by the subset Cj.
n Each variable xj represents selecting subset Cj.
n The constraints say that each item must be covered
p at least one subset (set covering)
p at most one subset (set packing)
p exactly one subset (set partitioning)
selected subset.
Set Covering, Packing and Partitioning
p Set covering formulation is of the form
min cTx
s:t: Ax ≥ 1
xj є {0,1} ∀j
where A is a 0-1 matrix.
p Objective Function :
n 7'8 ∑<":; =" !"
Covering Problem
p Constraints :
n Cover city A: !" + !$ + !% + !& ≥ 1
n Cover city B: !% + !) + !* + !& + !+ ≥ 1
n Cover city C: !" + !) + !, + !+ ≥ 1
n Cover city D: !" + !$ + !* + !, + !- ≥ 1
n Cover city E: !$ + !% + !) + !* + !, + !- ≥ 1
n Nonnegativity and binary: !. ∈ 0,1 , for all
2 ∈ {1, … , 9}
Set Partitioning Example
p Used in airline crew scheduling
p Next to fuel costs, personnel costs are the
largest cost an airline faces
p A tremendous number of restrictions on how
airline personnel are used
n regulations and union contracts
n determining a feasible crew schedule is a very
difficult problem
Set Partitioning Example
p In formulating this problem, a variable is created
for each feasible schedule for a single crew.
p For instance, a schedule where the crew leaves
Pittsburgh at 7:15AM on Tuesday, arrives in NY
at 8:30, leaves NY at 9:00, arrives in Atlanta at
11:00, leaves Atlanta at 12:00 and arrives in
Pittsburgh at 14:30 would correspond to a single
variable, say x1.
p The cost of setting that variable to 1 (meaning to
have a crew fly that schedule) would be based on
the union contract and other regulations.
Set Partitioning Example
p Number of variables is huge.
p For each flight (called a leg), it is necessary to
choose a schedule that includes that flight.
p For example, suppose schedules 1, 5, 46, 1534
and 2133 contain the 7:15 Tuesday flight from
Pittsburgh to NY.
Then we add the constraint:
x1 + x5 + x46 + x1534 + x2133 = 1
Set Packing Example
p Suppose your kitchen contains a collection of
different food ingredients and you have a
cookbook with a collection of recipes
p Each recipe requires a subset of the food
p You want to prepare the largest possible
collection of recipes from the cookbook
p You are actually looking for a set-packing - a
collection of recipes whose sets of ingredients are
pairwise disjoint
Production Planning Problems
p Demand in each period can be met by
production in the same period and inventory
carried over from the previous period
(assuming no backorder is allowed)
p A production run incurs a fixed setup cost per
run and a variable production cost (function
of production quantity)
p Inventory holding cost
p Minimize sum of these three costs
Capacitated Lot Sizing
p Find an optimal lot size (quantity of a production
run) for each time period so that demand in each
period is satisfied
p Minimize total cost of production and inventory
p dt: demand in each period t=1,…,T
p ft: setup cost in each period t
p ct: unit production cost in each period t
p ht: unit holding cost in each period t
p ut: maximum production quantity in each period t
p Assume beginning inventory is zero
Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem
p Formulation
! &" '" + )" *" + +" ,"
st: -. = -.01 + 2. − 4. ∀6 = 1, … , :
-; = 0 ∀6 = 1, … , :
2. =. ≤ ?. ∀6 = 1, … , :
2. , -. ≥ 0 ∀6 = 1, … , :
?. ∈ {0,1} ∀6 = 1, … , :
Workforce/Staff Scheduling Problems
p Many companies such as hospitals, restaurants,
call centers and police departments divide the
daily schedule to discrete time windows, say T of
p The number of staff required typically varies
among time windows
p Staff members are scheduled to n different work
shifts, each covering m consecutive time windows
p Staff members assigned to different shifts may
be paid differently
n those working overnight are usually paid at a
higher rate
Workforce/Staff Scheduling Problems
p The problem is to determine the number of staff
members to be assigned to each shift so that the
company meets the demand in each time window
p It is assumed that personnel works full-time
Workforce/Staff Scheduling Problems
Time Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 Shift 4 Workers
window required
6am-9am X X 55
9am-12 X 46
12-3pm X X 59
3pm-6pm X 23
6pm-9pm X X 60
9pm-12am X 38
12am-3am X X 20
3am-6am X 30
Wage per $135 $140 $190 $188
Workforce/Staff Scheduling Problems
p Parameters:
n ": number of shifts
n #: number of time windows
n $%: number of workers required per time
window % = 1, … , #
n *+: wage rate for shift +
p Objective: minimize total wages paid to all
p Constraint: demand (requirement) within each
time window must be satisfied
p Let !"# = 1, if shift " covers time window #; and 0,
Min: *
& +' ,'
& !01 20 ≥ 41 ∀# = 1, … , 8
21 ≥ 0 and integer ∀# = 1, … , 8
Scheduling Full-time and Part-time
Workers (Exercise)
p Now, in addition to before, let us assume part-
time workers may be hired per time window with
wage of !"
p At least one full-time worker must be present
when part-time workers are hired
p Update your formulation Determine how many
Min: ' and part-time workers need to be hired
to minimize
# ( )the total workforce cost
$ $
# -./ 0. ≥ 2/ ∀" = 1, … , 8
31 ≥ 0 and integer ∀j = 1, … , 4
42 ≥ 0 and integer ∀t = 1, … , T
Modeling Disjunctive Constraints
p We are given two constraints !"# ≥ % and &"# ≥ ' with
nonnegative coefficients.
p Instead of insisting both constraints be satisfied, we want at least
one of the two constraints to be satisfied.
p To model this, we define a binary variable y and impose
()* ≥ +,
-)* ≥ (/ – +)2
+ ,34(5+
p More generally, we can impose
that exactly k out of m constraints
be satisfied with
Disjunctive constraints
p Either or constraints : !" ≤ $ %& '" ≥ )
n Convert to the form:
!" – $ ≤ 0 %& – '" + ) ≤ 0
n Let y be a binary variable
!" – $ ≤ -. !/)
– '" + ) ≤ -(1 − .)
Modeling a Restricted Set of Values
p We may want variable x to take on values only in the set a1, a2, …,am
p We introduce m binary variables yj, j=1,…,m and the constraints
p Building a warehouse
p Select size (capacity) from possible choices
Size Cost
15 300
20 450
25 600
30 1000
50 2500
75 3500
100 4000
p Define binary variables !1, … , !7 to indicate the
ith choice, & = 1, … , 7.
p Size = ∑,)*+ -) !)
p Cost = ∑,)*+ .) !)
/ !) = 1
)*+ 66
Modeling Arbitrary Piecewise Linear
Cost Functions
f (x)
0 a1 a2 a3 a4
Piecewise Linear Cost Functions
p We can use binary variables to model arbitrary piecewise linear cost
p The function is specified by ordered pairs ("# , %("&)) and we wish to
evaluate it at a point (.
p We have a binary variable )&, which indicates whether
"& ≤ ( ≤ "& + 1
p To evaluate the function, we will take linear combinations
∑0#./ 1# % "# of the given function values.
p This only works if the only two nonzero 12# 3 are the ones
corresponding to the endpoints of the interval in which x lies.
Modeling Arbitrary Piecewise Linear
Cost Functions
p The function !(#) defined by %& , !(%& ) for ' =
1, … . , - where %1 < %2 < ⋯ … < %- on the interval
[%1, %- ], can be expressed by letting # = ∑6&45 7& %& ,
where ∑6&45 7& = 1, %89 7& ≥ 0 !<= %>> '.
Modeling Arbitrary Piecewise Linear
Cost Functions
p To represent the condition, we need binary
ì1, if x Î [ai , ai +1 ]
yi = í
î0, o.w.
p We should express: !" can be positive only if # is
in the (i-1)st or ith interval. That is, !" can be
positive only if y%&' = 1 or *" = 1.
Minimizing Piecewise Linear Cost Functions
Min: %
! &' ((*' )
st: ,- ≤ y-
,0 ≤ y12- + 40 ∀i = 2, … , k − 1
,> ≤ y?2-
! y1 = 1
,0 ≥ 0 ∀i = 1, … , k
40 ∈ {0,1} ∀i = 1, … , k − 1
Minimizing Piecewise Linear Cost Functions
p The following formulation minimizes the function for !" ≤ $
% *+ ,(.+ )
st: 01 ≤ y1
03 ≤ y451 + 73 ∀i = 2, … , k − 1
0A ≤ yB51
% y4 = 1
" = % D3 03
!" ≤ $
03 ≥ 0 ∀i = 1, … , k 72
73 ∈ {0,1} ∀i = 1, … , k − 1
Specially Ordered Constraints
p Note that at most two of the λi variables can
be 1 and they should be adjacent.
p Consider the following price structure offered by
a seller for a certain commodity
p The price is $10 per unit for the first 100 units,
$9 per unit for the next 200 units and $6 per unit
for the next 200 units
p Suppose at most 500 units can be purchased
p let x denote the number of units purchased and
let f(x) represent the total cost associated with
the purchase of x units
p Represent the cost function f(x) for this example
as a mathematical expression first
p Plot this function graphically
p Where are the breakpoints?
p Notice that the individual segments are linear but
the entire function is nonlinear
p Convert the nonlinear function to an equivalent
formulation involving only linear functions so that
the resulting model can be solved by an MIP
Concave Piecewise Linear Cost
p Economy of scale
p Discounts in unit prices
p Unit costs decrease as the quantity increases
p The function defined in our previous example is
p We can take advantage of this and write a
simpler formulation
Concave Piecewise Linear Cost
p Three line segments exist in the example with
slopes s1 =10, s2 = 9 and s3 = 6
Linearization of 0-1 Polynomial
p Linear constraints are added for every j,k pair
!"# ≤ !"
!"# ≤ !#
!"# ≥ !" + !# −1
p Maximize 2!" !# !$ # + !" # !#
12!" +7!# # !$ − 3!" !$ ≤16
!" , !# , !$ binary