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2018 Catalog PDF

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*On orders over $10

100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds

Welcome to our 2018 catalog! 4 EASY WAYS TO ORDER

We grow because
we believe in the (866) 735-4454 toll free
power of seed. 8 AM – 6 PM EST, Monday through Friday,
with extended Saturday hours 9 AM – 5 PM
January through April.
In times of dynamic change, a small
positive force in the right place can wield web
great power. Despite their small size, highmowingseeds.com
seeds are a significant lever for change. I fax
started High Mowing because I believe (802) 472-3201
that the positive power of seeds is the Fax the order form (p. 55) anytime.
best way to accelerate our transition to
a healthier food system. I started High Mowing because I needed an answer to
Send the order form (p. 55) to:
the question: how can I make a difference in this world? High Mowing Organic Seeds
76 Quarry Road
At High Mowing, we believe that organic agriculture makes us healthier in Wolcott, VT 05680
all ways, and it starts with healthy seeds. In fact, we believe that organic seeds
are the most powerful vehicle for positive change in the world. Over the years, payment options
we’ve sought out and found partners in both predictable and unpredictable Mail orders can be paid for by check, money
places. It is these alliances that deepen our shared values and amplify our order or credit card (Mastercard, Visa,
collective work so that it may have heightened effect. Discover or American Express). Fax, phone
and web orders can be paid for by credit card.
Our work would mean very little if it were not of use to you—our growers. The limitation of liability
more you succeed, the greater our positive change can be. This year, we invite Farming and gardening is risky business, with
you to share your reasons for growing, as we have shared ours in the pages of weather extremes and many other variables
this catalog. We encourage you to harness the power of your positive impact on outside our control. The responsibility of
High Mowing Organic Seeds extends only to
our world. We need more growers like you, making more of this kind of impact.
the purchase price of the seed.
Thank you for being a part of this.
*Prices are in effect through November 1, 2018
With gratitude, COVER PHOTO: (Left) Tending gardens at
and are subject to change.
the Family Room; (Middle) harvesting Cortland
F1 storage onions at Foote Brook Organic Farm; We offer
(Right) pulling weeds at The Farm at the Vermont
Youth Conservation Corps.
Read more about these organizations on p. 101.
Tom Stearns, Owner & Founder *On orders over $10, see page 55 for details.

The Safe Seed Pledge

In 1999 High Mowing Organic Seeds guided a coalition of 9 other seed
companies in drafting a statement about the signers’ stance on genetic
engineering. To date the Pledge has been signed by over 370 seed
companies worldwide.
“Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this foundation
as a safe and genetically stable source for future generations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners
and consumers who want an alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically
engineered seeds or plants. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive
methods and between genera, families or kingdoms poses great biological risks, as well as economic,
political and cultural threats. We feel that genetically engineered varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public release. More research
and testing is necessary to further assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds. Further, we wish to support agricultural progress
that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems and ultimately healthy people and communities.”
41 New Varieties for 2018

Mexican Merengo F1 Brentwood One-cut Darkibor F1 Sora

Sunflower p. 104 Celery p. 20 Lettuce p. 47 Kale p.42 Radish p. 76

Kordial F1 Red Racer F1 Dazzling Blue Smooth Operator F1 Esmee

Kohlrabi p. 44 Tomato p. 88 Kale p. 43 Summer Squash p. 81 Arugula p. 36

Scarlet Mardi Gras Blend Red Long of Florence Naval F1 Enchanted F1

Kale p. 42 Bush Bean p. 3 Onion p.63 Carrot p. 16 Sweet Corn p. 23

Orangeti F1 SS 141 Sweet French Fingerling Green Hokkaido

Spaghetti Squash p. 85 Snap Pea p. 65 Alyssum p.102 Potato p. 72 Kabocha Squash p. 84

Ezbruke One-cut Mardi F1 Honey Boat Roma II Michal F1

Lettuce p. 47 Cauliflower p. 18 Delicata Squash p. 84 Bush Bean p. 4 Eggplant p. 28

2150 Mardi Gras Blend Bush Bean...................................................3 2520-QMG Lacinato Kale Microgreens....................................40 84140 French Fingerling Potato.......................................................72
2157 Roma II Bush Bean............................................................................4 2533 Darkibor Fl Kale..............................................................................42 2855 Sora Radish..........................................................................................76
2342 Naval F1 Carrot...............................................................................16 2531 Scarlet Kale..........................................................................................42 2890 Green Machine F1 Zucchini..................................................80
2312 Mardi F1 Cauliflower....................................................................18 2534 Dazzling Blue Kale........................................................................43 2914 Smooth Operator F1 Summer Squash.........................81
2398 Merengo F1 Celery.......................................................................20 2538 Kordial F1 Kohlrabi.......................................................................44 2949 Havana F1 Butternut Winter Squash...........................83
2385 Enchanted F1 Sweet Corn......................................................23 2614 Brentwood One-cut Lettuce................................................47 2952 Honey Boat Delicata Winter Squash............................84
2433 Tasty Green F1 Cucumber.....................................................26 2617 Ezbruke One-cut Lettuce........................................................47 2935 Green Hokkaido Kabocha Winter Squash..............84
2468 Michal F1 Eggplant.........................................................................28 2548 Cantarix Lettuce............................................................................49 2944 Orangeti F1 Spaghetti Winter Squash........................85
2516 Ironman Kale Mix Salad Greens........................................33 2547 Celinet Baby Leaf Lettuce......................................................53 3009 Red Racer F1 Tomato.................................................................88
2013 Esmee Arugula..................................................................................36 2705 Red Long of Florence Onion................................................63 6050 Superior Licorice Mint............................................................ 99
1805 Popcorn Shoots................................................................................40 2763 SS 141 Snap Pea................................................................................65 7015 Sweet Alyssum...............................................................................102
5050-QMG Cilantro Microgreens..................................................40 2813 Dashen F1 Bell Pepper...............................................................66 7161 Alaska Nasturtium Mix .........................................................104
1740-QMG Collards Microgreens..................................................40 84030 Reba Potato......................................................................................72 7108 Mexican Sunflower.....................................................................104
2485-QMG Green Wave Mustard Microgreens................40 84002 Adirondack Blue Potato.......................................................72

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 1
What’s in a description? Here’s what you’ll find in our variety listings:
From transplant if a commonly
VARIETY FEATURES LINE: transplanted crop or from seeding
if commonly direct sown; based on
 Indicates if variety is open-pollinated (OP), 2926 Sugarbush F1 90 days Vermont conditions.
HEIRLOOM or HYBRID (see definitions below). HYBRID • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • PM • Compact bush habit • 2.5 lbs
Heavy, attractive dark green fruits with sweet, deep orange flesh.
 Indicates disease resistances (if applicable) – resistance Nicely rounded fruits are about 5” tall and wide with a small interior seed ATTRIBUTION:
key is in the Cultural Information for that crop type. cavity. Compact bushy vines with strong powdery mildew resistance. Certain varieties that were bred by
 Indicates useful information such as fruit size, Exceptional sweetness! Bred by Dr. Brent Loy at the University of our partners, public or independent
commercial uses and other important attributes that New Hampshire and produced on High Mowing’s seed farm. breeders have been identified at the
make the variety unique. end of the descriptions.

pollinated by a different variety of the same species, it and excellent flavor.

Seed Definitions: will produce seeds that are hybrids.

HEIRLOOM: Heirlooms are open-pollinated varieties
HYBRID: Created by deliberately crossing two
different parent varieties from the same species,
OPEN-POLLINATED (OP): These varieties have that either pre-date, or are unaltered by, the last hybrids combine the best traits of these varieties to
genetic diversity, can have more variation than hybrids, 100 or more years of modern breeding work. These produce greater disease resistance, yield, uniformity
and can be pollinated by themselves or another plant varieties have been passed down from neighbor to and flavor. F1 means “first generation offspring.” These
of the same variety to produce seeds that are “true to neighbor or through families for generations, and are are not genetically modified but are created through
type”—just like the parent plant. If an OP is cross- prized for their unusual appearance, genetic diversity traditional plant breeding techniques.

Artichokes Cynara scolymus

Bees pollinating flowering artichokes.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplanting. Although artichokes are perennials, artichokes do best in rich, well-drained soil with neutral to slightly acidic pH between 6.0 and
certain varieties can be grown as annuals, even in cold climates, by exposing the young plants to cool 7.0. Fertilize heavily at planting and continue to side dress in the early season of rapid growth.
temperatures to vernalize them. Start seeds indoors at least 10 weeks before the last frost date. Sow SEED SPECS: 560-680 (625 avg) seeds/oz, 9-11M seeds/lb. M=1,000. Direct seeding
thickly as germination rates are typically not high. Plant ¼” deep and keep at 65-70°F. Transplant to rate, 2 seeds every 12”, thin to 1 plant in rows 5’ apart. Transplants: 24”-30” apart in
larger pots or cells when roots are well developed. Harden off before planting outside but get them rows 5’ apart.
out 10 days or more before the last frost date so they’ll experience temperatures between 40-50°F.
They can tolerate light frost, but protect if harder frost is expected. Soil preparation is required as Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

1505 Wonder® F1 88 days

HYBRID • Spineless • High yielding
High quality spineless hybrid with excellent flavor. After a long search we are quite
pleased with this hybrid ar tichoke that consistently sized up in our nor thern climate
with one main and two side chokes per plant. Has thick, dense 5” heads with good
bright color. Very firm with a tender and delicious center.

1501 Tavor 90 days

OP • 3-4’ tall • Short vernalization period
Improved Imperial Star-type adapted for organic production. Nearly spineless plants
Wonder® F1 Tavor yield 7-8 artichokes averaging 4.5” in diameter. Artichokes are green with purple tips and are
buttery and tender when steamed. Can be grown as an annual from seed in one season.


1501 Tavor $2.95 $14.42 $26.75 $35.00 $55.00 $52.00/M
1505 Wonder® F1 $3.95 $18.00 $32.00 $55.00 $93.00 $83.00/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.
2 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454
Phaseolus vulgaris

Jamie cleaning Jacob’s Cattle dry beans in the High Mowing seed mill.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Beans are tender prevent by planting into well-drained soil when temperatures have warmed. To avoid
annuals that prefer full sun, average fer tility and well drained soils. Bush varieties disease, only handle plants in dry conditions. Wide spacing allows more airflow between
do not require suppor t but pole varieties will require varying amounts. Direct plants, helping to dry plant surfaces. Infected plants should be removed immediately.
seed after all danger of frost has passed. Inoculant may be used to increase yields. RESISTANCE KEY: AN-Anthracnose, BCMNV-Bean Common Mosaic Necrosis
Optimal soil temperature for germination is 75-95°F. Beans are par ticularly sensitive

Virus, BCMV-Bean Common Mosaic Virus (races indicated if known), CTV-Curly
to cool soils and may rot at soil temperatures below 55°F. Germination is apparent Top Virus, DM-Downy Mildew, FW-Fusarium Wilt, PM-Powdery Mildew, PMV-
within 7-10 days. Snap beans can be sown through the summer every 1-2 weeks Pod Mottle Virus, R-Rust
for a continuous harvest all season. Store unwashed snap beans at 40°F and 90%
humidity for 7-10 days; can or freeze for long term storage. Dry beans should be SEED SPECS: 70-220 (145 avg) seeds/oz, 1.1-3.5M (2.3M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
harvested when pods are at least 70% brown and threshed when pods are dry 1 oz approx. 145 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Bush, 8 seeds/foot in rows 18-30” apar t.
enough to break easily. Dry the threshed beans to approximately 10-15% moisture Pole, 8 seeds/foot in rows 5’ apar t.
before storage or allow to continue drying in breathable bags. Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
DISEASE & PESTS: Root rot is caused by several different soil-borne fungi;


2210 Provider 50 days

OP • BCMV (NY15), DM, PM, PMV • 5-6” uniform pods
The standard fresh market variety for green beans. Provider comes through
every year with early, heavy yields of attractive, uniform beans. Plants are vigorous and
productive with strong root systems, even under adverse conditions. Good resistance
to mildew and virus. Purple seeds.

2022 Jade 55 days

OP • BCMV (BV1, NY15), CTV, R • Heat tolerant • 6-7” long pods
Gourmet-quality long, slender, stringless green beans. Commercial yields of glossy
medium green beans for fresh market sales or the garden. Large, 18-22” tall plants
produce yields comparable to Provider and Strike. Pale green seeds. Provider Jade
2255 Strike 55 days
OP • BCMV (BV1, NY15) • Suitable for mechanical harvest • 5-6” pods
Strike it rich with heavy harvests ideal for processing or freezing. Stringless,
smooth beans are medium green in color. Strike is known for its concentrated pod set;
great for canning. Widely adapted, disease resistant variety. White seeds.


2233 Red Swan 54 days

OP • 4-6” flattened pods
Stringless snap with a unique eye-catching red hue! Deep rose-purple pods are
flat, like Romano beans, with rich hearty flavor. Beans turn bright green when cooked.
This variety, made by crossing a purple snap bean with a pinto bean, was bred by
Minnesota bean breeder Robert Lobitz. Tan seeds. Limited availability in 2018. Strike Red Swan
2232 Gold Rush Yellow Wax 55 days
OP • BCMV (NY15) • Concentrated harvest • Holds well • 4-5” pods
Early variety with a concentrated harvest perfect for preserving. Lemon-yellow new
pods with green tips are round, straight and tender. Fine flavor and crisp texture ideal
for pickling or lacto-fermenting. Pods hang in clusters around the main stem, making
them easy to pick. White seeds.

new 2150 Mardi Gras Blend 55 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • BCMV (NY15) • Matures evenly • 4-6” pods
Pre-mixed purple, yellow and green snap beans make an eye-catching
custom blend. No more hand mixing after a bean har vest – our tri-color bean
blend makes it easy and efficient to offer bags of color ful beans! Varieties selected
for their excellent flavor and even rates of maturity. Plant successions and har vest
these beautiful, festive beans all season. Includes Gold Rush Yellow Wax, Royal
Burgundy and Strike snap beans. Gold Rush Yellow Wax Mardi Gras Blend

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 3
2230 Royal Burgundy 55 days
OP • BCMV (BV1, NY15) • Large plants • 5” pods
Gorgeous deep purple stringless pods with green interiors. Almost-black
beans make a stunning display when mixed with yellow and green beans, especially
raw in salads. Beans turn green when cooked. Widely adapted, grows well in cool
conditions. Displayed highest resistance to white mold in our trials. Virus resistant.
Light brown seeds.


2258 Tavera Haricot Vert 54 days

OP • AN, BCMV • Compact, high yielding • 4-5” pods
Extra-slender, stringless French filet beans with incredible flavor! Similar to
Maxibel in quality, but shorter in length and darker green. These exceptionally tender
Royal Burgundy Tavera Haricot Vert french filet beans are perfect lightly steamed and served with butter or in bean salad.
Round pods are ready for picking when 4-5” long. White seeds.

2200 Maxibel Haricot Vert 65 days

OP • AN, BCMV • Large plants • Tender 6-8” pods
Unsurpassed French filet bean for gourmet markets. Known for its long, slender,
medium green pods with a delicate tender texture. Heavy producer of 6-8” beans on
good sized plants. Maxibel will keep you loaded with fresh beans; pick frequently for
optimal tenderness and yields. Speckled brown seeds.


2234 Dragon Langerie 55 days fresh, 95 dry

HEIRLOOM • Versatile • 6-8” flat pods
Unique purple-streaked white pods, also known as Dragon’s Tongue. Popular for
eating fresh as a snap bean with super flavor and crispness – a clear winner in our taste
Maxibel Haricot Vert Dragon Langerie tests. Streaks fade when cooked. Versatile variety also makes a great shelling bean or
dry bean. Purple seeds.

new 2157 Roma II 59 days

new OP • BCMV (NY15), R • Stringless • 5-6” pods
A popular Italian Romano-type long beloved for its distinctive flavor and high
yields. Broad, flat beans have the buttery flavor of the Romano pole bean, but produce
on easy, compact bush plants. Beans retain flavor after processing. Excellent eating
quality, suitable for freezing or canning.


2156 Northeaster 56 days

OP • Very early • 7-8” flattened pods
Romano bean with buttery flavor and hearty texture. Nor theaster is
consistently one of the earliest pole beans in our trials and is well-suited to short
seasons. Flattened, pale green pods on tall, vigorous vines. Quick to harvest as beans
Roma II Northeaster are easy to distinguish from the foliage. Re-discovered by Rob Johnston of Johnny’s
Selected Seeds. White seeds. Unavailable in 2018.

2235 Blue Coco 65 days

HEIRLOOM • Tolerant of heat, cold and drought • 6-7” pods
Vigorous, high yielding dark purple snap beans. Beautiful plants with violet flowers
and dark green leaves with contrasting purple undersides and stems. Plants are well
adapted and produce an abundance of sweet, tender beans in a variety of conditions.
French heirloom dating back to the 18th century. Brown seeds. Unavailable in 2018.

2160 Kentucky Wonder 65 days

HEIRLOOM • BCMV, R • Snap or dry bean • 7-9” pods
Unbeatable productivity, consistency and flavor. Introduced in Kentucky just prior
to the Civil War, this classic variety has proven its excellence over many generations.
Pods are stringless, solid and meaty with great flavor. Use fresh for snap beans, or dry
on vines for an excellent soup bean. Brown seeds.
Blue Coco Kentucky Wonder
2161 Rattlesnake 65 days
HEIRLOOM • 10’ tall vines • 8” long pods
Exceptional heirloom flavor fresh, shelled or dry! Picked fresh, beans are round
and dark green with unusual purple streaks that fade when cooked. Shelled beans are
beige, with rattlesnake streaks when fully dry. Signature addition for roadside stands
and farmers markets. Streaked seeds. Unavailable in 2018.

2155 Blue Lake FM-1 66 days

OP • Prolific • 5-6” pods
Stringless bright green pods that set the standard for flavor. More prolific than
many of the bush types, this famous variety grew over 8’ tall in our trials. Pods are
slightly shorter than those of our previous strain. Should be picked early and often.
White seeds.

Rattlesnake Blue Lake FM-1

4 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454


2026 CA Blackeye 46 Cowpea 65 days fresh, 80 dry

OP • FW (3) • Cool tolerant • Upright habit
Our earliest dry bean and one of the most popular black-eyed peas grown in
the South. The classic Southern pea, with a cream-colored seed coat decorated with a
single black “eye.” High yields of long green pods that can be eaten fresh, frozen, dried
or canned. Vigorous plants have a more upright habit than CA Blackeye 5. Bred by UC
Davis and the CA Agricultural Experiment Station. Vigna unguiculata

2060 Light Red Kidney 85 days

OP • Widely adapted • Bush habit
Exceptional culinary quality, with silky texture and thin skin. Mild flavor and drier
texture excellent for chili, bean salads, baked and in soups. Medium sized plants are sturdy
and widely adapted, producing well even in cool, wet climates like the Northeast. CA Blackeye 46 Cowpea Light Red Kidney
2030 Calypso 90 days
HEIRLOOM • Bush habit
Widely adapted, delicious bean for baking and soups! Dependable and early
yields of 4–5 beans per pod on sturdy plants. Also known as Orca or Yin Yang for its
distinctive black and white pattern that is retained in cooking. Mild flavor and creamy,
rich texture. Beans double in size when cooked.

2020 Eclipse 90 days

OP • AN (race 7), BCMV, R • White mold tolerant • High yielding

Eclipses other black beans! An earlier and higher yielding version of the Black Turtle
bean we all love, Eclipse has impressed nearly everyone by having all the flavor and color of
the traditional Black Turtle but returning many more pounds of beans and maturing nearly
a week earlier. Eclipse also resists rust, anthracnose, BCMV and shows tolerance to white
mold. Upright plants are highly uniform, do not lodge and do a synchronous dry down.
Released in 2004 by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station.
2050 Jacob’s Cattle 90 days
HEIRLOOM • Excellent cooking bean • Bush habit
Incredible red and white speckled heirloom. Full-flavored bean that holds its shape
under long cooking and possesses a rich aroma. Legend has it that it was a gift from Maine’s
Passamaquoddy Native Americans to Joseph Clark, the first white child born in Lubec, Maine.

2021 Vermont Cranberry 90 days

HEIRLOOM • Versatile • Short-season • Bush habit
Amazing Vermont heirloom with unsurpassed rich flavor. Can be used as a snap,
shell or dry bean. As a dry bean, the variety stores exceptionally well. Maroon-colored
beans are decorated with darker red, cranberry markings. This variety, dating back to
the 1800s, is well suited to short-season, cool summer climates.

2040 Silver Cloud Cannellini 95 days

OP • BCMV, CTV • Bush habit • Rust tolerant
Improved white bean with excellent culinary qualities. Shelling and cooking beans
prized for their smooth, meaty texture and dense, nutty flavor. Ideal for minestrone; also
Eclipse Jacob’s Cattle
known as fagioli or white kidney. Bred by Washington State University for higher yields,
greater disease resistance and more upright habit than the famous heirloom.

2035 Quincy Pinto 106 days

OP • BCMV & BCMNV (all races), CTV • Upright bush habit
Very high yielding pinto ideal for slow-cooking and canning. Large, medium- to
late-maturing beans with delicious creamy flavor. The first pinto variety with genetic
resistance to BCMV and CTV, bred in collaboration with Washington State University.
Susceptible to Rust. Speckled tan seeds. Limited availability in 2018.

SOYBEANS - Glycine max

CULTURAL INFO: Edamame soybeans are usually eaten as a fresh bean. Direct
seed in well-drained soil that is 60-85°F. Do not plant in colder soil. Inoculant may be
used to increase yields. Succession plant every 1-2 weeks for a continuous harvest.
Harvest when beans are plump in pods and leaves begin to change from bright green Vermont Cranberry Silver Cloud Cannellini
to a slight yellow-green. Handpick only bright green pods with at least two beans per
pod or harvest whole plants and bunch for market. Pods can be refrigerated for up to
a week or blanched and frozen for storage. Steam for 5 minutes to release beans.
GMO POLICY: Through a combination of controlled stock seed production, field
isolation and inspection, and policies for harvesting and handling, we focus on prevention
of GMO contamination in all our seeds. All soybean seed lots are also tested to confirm
zero detectable level in 10,000 seeds. No contaminated seed lots will ever be sold.
SEED SPECS: 68-110 (90 avg) seeds/oz, 1.1-1.8M (1.4M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
1 oz approx. 90 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 6 seeds/ft in rows 12-30” apart.

2253 Chiba Green 75-80 days

OP • Early • Compact habit
Early edamame with delicious, very large green seeds. Consistently 5-7 days earlier
than Midori Giant, yet still blew away the competition for flavor. Compact, upright plants
make harvesting easy and produce predominantly 3-seeded pods with attractive deep
green color. Widely adapted throughout North America. Great for small gardens! Quincy Pinto Chiba Green

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 5
2245 Black Jet 80 days fresh, 104 days dry
HEIRLOOM • Early • Compact plants
Gorgeous and unique black soybean for use fresh or dry. Erect, bushy plants 2
feet high offer powerful yields in small space. Flavor best when used as dry beans, but
can be boiled in the pods in salted water and enjoyed fresh. Skin is thinner and more
delicate than many black beans. Great complement to Chiba Green. Brought back from
obscurity by our friends at Johnny’s Selected Seeds.

2241 Midori Giant 80-95 days

OP • Reliable producer • Highly vigorous plants
Early maturing, high yielding variety with large, buttery seeds. Rich, flavorful
beans; one of the most popular soybeans for edamame. Consistently yields over 90%
two and three-seeded pods with a clear pubescence. Well-branched, tall and sturdy
plants. Widely adapted throughout the U.S. and Canada. A sure winner for both
commercial production and home gardeners!

Black Jet Midori Giant 2250 Shirofumi 95 days

OP • AN, BCMV • Medium-large plants • Short harvest window
Gourmet edamame soybean with exceptional flavor. Sweet, nutty flavor and smooth
texture. Medium to tall plants produce prolific pods with clear pubescence, containing an
average of three beans each. Warm days and cool nights are important for good yields.


2023 Windsor Fava 75 days


HEIRLOOM • Tall 4’ plants • Cold tolerant

Hardy plant with large, nutty beans. English variety dating to 1863 with delicious
flavor when eaten as a shell bean. Plants produce 5-6” pods each holding 3-5 large,
plump beans. Great for freezing or drying. Plants require cool conditions and are not
heat tolerant. Hardy to 12°F. Buff colored seeds. Vicia faba

Each of us at High Mowing


Windsor Fava
Why We
cares a great deal about these
seeds. They are the reason we are all
passionate about the work we do.
–Jodi, Breeding and Product

94535 Guard-N (Treats 8 lbs) $5.50 Development More on p. 56.
94536 Guard-N (Treats 50 lbs) $6.95

BEANS - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb* 50 lb*

2245 Black Jet Soybean $2.95 $9.85 $14.70 $11.80/lb $9.20/lb $8.00/lb
2235 Blue Coco Pole (unavailable in 2018) $2.95 $9.85 $14.70 $11.80/lb $9.20/lb $8.00/lb
2155 Blue Lake FM-1 Pole $2.95 $7.50 $11.00 $8.50/lb $6.80/lb $6.00/lb
2026 CA Blackeye 46 Cowpea Dry $2.95 $9.85 $14.70 $11.80/lb $9.20/lb $8.00/lb
2030 Calypso Dry $2.95 $9.50 $12.00 $9.00/lb $7.80/lb $6.50/lb
2253 Chiba Green Soybean $4.95 $14.50 $23.10 $19.00/lb $16.20/lb $14.50/lb
2234 Dragon Langerie Bush $2.95 $8.95 $11.95 $8.60/lb $7.60/lb $6.40/lb
2020 Eclipse Dry $2.95 $8.75 $10.75 $8.30/lb $7.40/lb $6.25/lb
2232 Gold Rush Yellow Wax Bush $2.95 $7.50 $10.25 $7.60/lb $7.00/lb $6.20/lb
2050 Jacob’s Cattle Dry $2.95 $7.70 $11.55 $9.60/lb $8.80/lb $7.20/lb
2022 Jade Bush $2.95 $9.00 $14.00 $11.00/lb $9.00/lb $7.80/lb
2160 Kentucky Wonder Pole $2.95 $7.70 $11.55 $9.60/lb $8.80/lb $7.20/lb
2060 Light Red Kidney Dry $2.95 $6.60 $9.25 $8.10/lb $7.20/lb $6.70/lb
2150 Mardi Gras Blend Bush $2.95 $8.75 $14.00 $11.60/lb $9.60/lb $7.90/lb
2200 Maxibel Haricot Vert Bush $2.95 $7.70 $11.55 $9.60/lb $8.80/lb $7.20/lb
2241 Midori Giant Soybean $4.95 $14.50 $23.10 $19.00/lb $16.20/lb $14.50/lb
2156 Northeaster Pole (unavailable in 2018) $2.95 $9.85 $14.70 $11.80/lb $9.20/lb $8.00/lb
2210 Provider Bush $2.95 $7.10 $10.30 $8.50/lb $7.50/lb $6.40/lb
2035 Quincy Pinto Dry $2.95 $7.10 $10.30 $8.50/lb $7.50/lb $6.40/lb
2161 Rattlesnake Pole (unavailable in 2018) $2.95 $9.85 $14.70 $11.80/lb $9.20/lb $8.00/lb
2233 Red Swan Bush $2.95 $7.25 $10.50 $8.80/lb $8.20/lb $7.40/lb
2157 Roma II Bush $2.95 $8.75 $14.00 $11.60/lb $9.60/lb $7.90/lb
2230 Royal Burgundy Bush $2.95 $7.25 $10.50 $8.80/lb $8.20/lb $7.40/lb
2250 Shirofumi Soybean $4.95 $14.50 $23.10 $19.00/lb $16.20/lb $14.50/lb
2040 Silver Cloud Cannellini Dry $2.95 $7.25 $10.50 $8.80/lb $8.20/lb $7.40/lb
2255 Strike Bush $2.95 $7.25 $10.50 $8.80/lb $8.20/lb $7.40/lb
2258 Tavera Haricot Vert Bush $2.95 $14.00 $18.75 $15.60/lb $12.50/lb $11.60/lb
2021 Vermont Cranberry Dry $2.95 $9.00 $14.70 $12.00/lb $10.00/lb $8.38/lb
2023 Windsor Fava $3.50 $12.00 $18.00 $16.00/lb $13.20/lb $11.00/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.
6 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454
Beta vulgaris

Cole, Mika and Charlotte (L to R) weeding and thinning beets at The Farm at the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Hardy biennial that can and can best be avoided by maintaining well drained soils. Leaf spots are prevalent during periods
tolerate light frosts and freezes. Beets can be grown for greens or roots. Direct seed as soon of frequent rainfall and high humidity. Scab can commonly occur on the outer skin of the root.
as soil can be worked and up to 6-8 weeks before first frost date. Requires moderate fertility Prevention includes removal of plant debris, crop rotation and increased airflow.
and moderate drainage. Thinning of seedlings is optional and results in a more uniform RESISTANCE KEY: RZ-Rhizoctonia
root size and fewer undersized roots. Optimal germination temperature is 55-75°F. For

continuous harvest, plant every 2-3 weeks. Optimal storage conditions for roots are 32°F and SEED SPECS: 1.5-2.5M (2M avg) seeds/oz, 25-40M (32.5M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
95% relative humidity for up to 6 months. Prevent pests and diseases like damping off, root 1/16 oz approx. 125 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Baby leaf, 40 seeds/foot in rows 12-18” apart.
rot and Scab with removal of plant debris, crop rotation and increased airflow. Roots, 15 seeds/foot in rows 18-24” apart.
DISEASE & PESTS: Damping off and root rot are caused by a number of individual fungi Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.


2290 Early Wonder Tall Top 45 full size leaf, 60 beets

OP • Early greens • Excellent baby beet • 2-3” roots
A sure crop for early spring greens and roots. Quick-growing tops perfect for early beet
greens; roots size up quickly for bunched baby beets. Also a great full size beet with vibrant
tops. Similar quality to Detroit Dark Red for early season crops. See baby leaf photo on p. 37.

2265 Boro F1 50 days

HYBRID • Stores well • Baby or full size • 2-6” roots
One of the sweetest beets we’ve tasted! Superb flavor, resistance to leaf spot and the Aviv
ability to stay tender support a wide range of uses. Juicy roots can be harvested baby and
beyond 3” with good quality up to 6”. Tops regenerate quickly for clean, healthy leaves all
season. Deep red color with minimal zoning. From our partners at Bejo Seeds. Precision sized.
Early Wonder Tall Top
2261 Aviv 55 days
OP • Highly uniform • Excellent for canning • 2-4” roots
Uniform, attractive open-pollinated beet. Aviv was bred for highly uniform roots and
that is exactly what impressed us about this variety in our trials. This improved variety has
been selected for quality and produces globe shaped, slightly flattened red beets with sweet,
balanced flavor. Unavailable in 2018.

2280 Detroit Dark Red 55 days Detroit Dark Red

HEIRLOOM • Quality tops • Uniform 3” roots
Top notch heirloom variety, well known for high quality roots. Tops are strong. A
standard type for the home garden or direct market sales. Uniform, 3” round roots store
well and are excellent for eating fresh or canning. First developed by a Mr. Reeves of Port
Hope, Ontario, Canada and further selected for improvements by D.M. Ferry & Co., who
officially released it in 1892 as Detroit Dark Red.

2285 Red Ace F1 60 days

HYBRID • Stores well • Suitable for mechanical harvest • 3” roots Boro F1
Tried-and-true variety with great uniformity and healthy tops! Red Ace F1
excels for both fresh market and industry growers due to its wide adaptability and high yield
potential of uniformly sized and shaped beets. Good disease tolerance and fast regrowth
result in upright, glossy, bright green tops. Available as raw or pelleted seed. Precision sized.
Red Ace F1
2262 Shiraz 60 days
OP • RZ • Tall tops • Excellent for processing • 3-4” roots
Unparalled aesthetics and taste with impressive resistances make Shiraz a
reliable choice. A strong parent line of three different heirlooms give Shiraz genes that
can’t be beat: tall, succulent tops for high quality greens and easy bunching, rhizoctonia
resistance and exceptionally smooth, round roots.

2289 Rhonda F1 65-70 days

HYBRID • Very long storage • Uniform size and shape • 3-4” roots
Excellent storage beet with sweet flavor. Very similar to Boro, sharing its sweet flavor
and smooth texture, even after months of storage. Tuck Rhonda F1 away all winter and
beets will still be hard and sound come spring. Round, deep red roots and nice strong tops.
Two weeks later than Boro F1 for staggered harvest from a single planting. Precision sized.
Shiraz Rhonda F1

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 7

2260 Bull’s Blood 35 days baby leaf, 60 beets

HEIRLOOM • Deep purple leaf for salad mix • Baby beet • 2-3” roots
Striking dark red-purple leaves provide incredible contrast in salad mixes. Eliot
Coleman’s choice for a red leaf in winter salad mixes. Roots are also tasty and tender
when harvested early as baby beets. Tolerant of heat and cold. Color intensifies as
plants mature. See baby leaf photo on p. 37.

2288 Touchstone Gold 55 days

OP • Improved germination • Uniform shape • 3” roots
Improved gold beet with mild flavor and vibrant color retained in cooking. From
Bull’s Blood Touchstone Gold Alf Christianson Seed Company, the breeders of Red Ace F1 and Guardsmark Chioggia,
this is an improved golden beet with better germination and uniformity than standard
golden types and less zoning. Attractive solid green tops quickly shade out weeds.
Germinates best in warmer soil. Precision sized.

2273 Cylindra 56 days

HEIRLOOM • Great for processing • Specialty appeal • 1-2” wide and 5-6” long roots
Unique 6” long cylindrical beet with fine texture and sweet flavor. A favorite with
chefs due to uniform slices and ease of peeling. Popular at markets thanks to its unusual
shape. Great for pickling!

2269 Guardsmark Chioggia 60 days

OP • Uniform • Bolt tolerant • 3” roots

Unique and beautiful candy-striped beet. Alternating rings of dark red and white make
Cylindra Guardsmark Chioggia this variety a popular choice for specialty markets. A new strain of the popular Italian heirloom,
improved by Alf Christianson Seed Company for better uniformity and bolt tolerance.

BEET SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/16 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb* 50 lb* 100 lb*
2261 Aviv (unavailable in 2018) $2.95 $14.00 $33.00 $88.00 $79.80/lb $70.00/lb $64.50/lb $58.50/lb
2273 Cylindra $2.95 $7.25 $16.00 $40.00 $38.00/lb $35.40/lb $32.50/lb $30.50/lb
2280 Detroit Dark Red $2.95 $5.00 $8.60 $20.00 $17.60/lb $16.40/lb $15.60/lb $14.80/lb
2290 Early Wonder Tall Top $2.95 $4.50 $6.95 $18.00 $15.80/lb $15.20/lb $14.80/lb $14.25/lb
2262 Shiraz $2.95 $19.00 $50.00 $140.00 $110.00/lb $104.00/lb $88.00/lb $81.50/lb
BEET SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 100 1M 5M 25 M 100 M 500 M** 1000 M**
2260 Bull’s Blood $2.95 $7.35 $3.40/M $2.60/M $2.25/M $2.10/M $1.95/M
2269 Guardsmark Chioggia $3.95 $7.50 $3.80/M $2.96/M $2.75/M $2.30/M $2.15/M
2288 Touchstone Gold $2.95 $7.50 $6.00/M $5.60/M $5.25/M $4.80/M $4.45/M
BEET SEED - HYBRID - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 100 1M 5M 25 M 100 M 500 M** 1000 M**
2265 Boro F1 $3.75 $10.00 $6.40/M $3.95/M $2.95/M $2.70/M $2.50/M
2285 Red Ace F1 $2.95 $6.60 $3.44/M $3.00/M $2.45/M $2.16/M $2.05/M
2285P Red Ace F1- Pelleted $4.25 $7.50 $3.50/M $2.96/M $2.75/M $2.46/M
2289 Rhonda F1 $3.20 $9.50 $6.05/M $3.50/M $2.75/M $2.50/M $2.25/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more. **For 500M, add $14. For 1000M, add $28.

Partners in Feeding Our Communities

High Mowing’s donation program supports organizations that provide farm and nutrition education
with initiatives such as community gardens, school gardens and food bank gardens. Thanks to these
partnerships, our seeds are now in the hands of the food system leaders of tomorrow. In 2017, one of
our largest donation recipients was the national community gardening organization Katie’s Krops.

igh Mowing is proud to partner with Katie’s Krops in using
seeds to teach kids across the country how to grow healthy
food and healthy communities. Katie’s Krops is a national
community gardening organization supporting 100+ young growers
in 33 different states. Katie’s Krops empowers growers ages 9-16
to help end hunger in their local communities by providing the
necessary tools to start and maintain vegetable gardens. Produce
from these gardens goes directly to the local communities, providing
food donations to soup kitchens and food pantries. It brings us great
joy to see our seeds helping these young growers to learn, teach and
grow for their local communities. High Mowing is proud to partner High Mowing’s organic seeds are now in the hands of these
with Bejo Seeds and Katie’s Krops to invest in the next generation of growers thanks to the Katie’s Krops youth gardening program.
farmers and gardeners.

8 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

Brassica spp.

Paul and Taylor evaluating mid-season broccoli trials.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplant; add 15-20 days if direct RESISTANCE KEY: FY-Fusarium Yellows, PM-Powdery Mildew, DM-Downy Mildew
seeding. Broccoli is a cool season hardy biennial grown for spring and fall crops and SEED SPECS: 5.6-9.4M (7.5M avg) seeds/oz, 90-150M (120M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
prefers cooler conditions, ideally 60-75°F. Seedlings exposed to stress may form 1/32 oz approx. 225 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 3 seeds every 12”, thin to 1 plant in rows
uneven, premature heads. Broccoli heads should be harvested while buds are still 18-30” apart. Transplants: 12” apart in rows 18” apart.

tight. After the main head is harvested, regular harvesting of side shoots encourages
fur ther production. Cool broccoli immediately after harvest to retain quality. Store Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
at 32°F for 10-14 days.

BROCCOLI - B. oleracea var. italica

2300 De Cicco 48 days

HEIRLOOM • Abundant side shoots • 3-4” heads
Italian variety known for tender stalks and mild flavor. Reliable multi-cut variety
that produces a compact, 3-4” bluish-green central head followed by a prolific set of
side shoots. Variable maturity results in a long harvest period for both central heads and
side shoots. Excellent home garden variety.

2301 Batavia F1 60 days

HYBRID • PM • Uniform • Short harvest window • 5-6” heads
Our earliest hybrid with dark green color and well-branched domes. Well
adapted and vigorous with the added benefits of earliness, cold hardiness and powdery
mildew resistance. Not as heat tolerant and has larger beads than Belstar F1; prefers cool
conditions. Short harvest window of uniform main domes for stem or crown cuts. From
our partners at Bejo Seeds. Limited availability in 2018. De Cicco Batavia F1
2302 Belstar F1 65 days
HYBRID • FY, DM • Compact habit • Heat tolerant • 6-8” heads
Our most heat tolerant broccoli for spring, summer and fall crops. Compact
plants have round domes, small to medium beads and short stems with a thick main stalk.
Domes span 6-8” at maturity and average 1.5 lbs. Ideal for short-stemmed crown cuts or
florets. 10-14 day harvest window. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

2305 Fiesta F1 75 days

HYBRID • FY • Uniform • Short harvest window • 6-7” heads
Impressive late season variety for fall harvests. Uniform maturity and stand of well-
domed heads. Medium beads slightly larger than Belstar F1. Ideal for dense plantings of
single cuts with a harvest span of less than one week. Well adapted; performs best in
warm days and cool nights.

2315 Waltham 29 80-85 days

OP • Fall crop • Many side shoots • 5-6” heads
Best variety for bunched side shoots. Sturdy 20” plants suppor t 5-6” dark blue- Belstar F1 Fiesta F1
green heads with medium to large beads and long stalks (hard to find with modern
hybrids). Developed to withstand increasing cold for fall maturity. Heat sensitive.

CULTURAL INFO: Sprouting broccoli has many small shoots rather than a
single head. Can be planted in spring or summer for a quick harvest, or late fall
for overwintering. Fall planting (under protection in colder climates) with a late
winter harvest results in impressive yields just when demand for fresh greens is
high. Shoots are mild, much sweeter and more tender than broccoli.

2495 Hon Tsai Tai Flowering Broccoli 37 days

OP • Fall crop • Gourmet selection
Dark green leaves, purple stems and sweet, petite florets. Similar to broccoli
raab with a sweeter flavor and delicate texture. Young flowering shoots are delicious in
Hon Tsai Tai Flowering
fresh salads, stir-fries and pasta dishes. Best for fall harvest; shorter days cause stems to
elongate. Harvest just before bright yellow blossoms open. Brassica rapa var. purpurea
Waltham 29 Broccoli

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 9
1960 Spring Raab Broccoli Raab 45 days
OP • Italian specialty • Large 30” tall plants
Italian specialty with mild mustard flavor and broccoli-like florets. Delicious
traditionally cooked in olive oil with garlic and pepper flakes. Easy to grow and loaded
with folic acid and vitamins. Plant early spring to midsummer or overwinter in mild
climates. Brassica rapa var. ruvo

2494 Te You Flowering Broccoli 50 days

OP • Heat and cold tolerant
Te You Flowering Thick, succulent stems, crisp leaves and mini broccoli florets; also known as
Broccoli Chinese broccoli. Stems are best harvested young; perfect lightly steamed or sauteed
with Hoisin sauce. Tolerant of heat and cool temperatures with resistance to mildews.
Plant late spring to early fall. Brassica oleracea

2311 Santee F1 Sprouting Broccoli 75-115 days

HYBRID • Specialty crop • Excellent for overwintering
Mini purple heads on leafy stalks; also known as broccolini. Abundant, tender
burgundy spears and mini broccoli heads are flavor ful and packed with nutrients.
Unlike most sprouting broccolis, Santee F1 doesn’t require cold treatment to
initiate bud development. Can be over wintered for impressive yields. Brassica
oleracea var. italica

Spring Raab Santee F1 Sprouting

Broccoli Raab Broccoli

BROCCOLI SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2300 De Cicco $2.95 $3.80 $5.50 $12.10 $29.00 $49.00 $43.00/lb
2495 Hon Tsai Tai Flowering Broccoli $2.95 $5.00 $8.00 $15.00 $42.00 $72.00 $68.00/lb $65.00/lb
1960 Spring Raab Broccoli Raab $2.95 $6.50 $11.75 $24.75 $63.00 $115.00
2494 Te You Flowering Broccoli $2.95 $7.10 $12.90 $30.00 $90.00 $150.00 $125.00/lb
2315 Waltham 29 $2.95 $3.80 $5.50 $12.10 $29.00 $49.00 $43.00/lb
2301 Batavia F1 $2.95 $17.30 $24.00 $21.00/M $18.70/M $16.45/M
2302 Belstar F1 $2.95 $15.25 $25.50 $23.00/M $20.60/M $18.15/M
2305 Fiesta F1 $2.95 $18.00 $25.50 $23.00/M $20.60/M $18.15/M
2311 Santee F1 Sprouting Broccoli $4.85 $53.30 $77.50 $70.50/M $65.00/M $61.50/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Show your High Mowing Spirit!

new 94303 Organic Cotton Cap $15.50 94320 Organic Cotton T-Shirt $20.00
Our cotton caps are 100% certified organic cotton twill and feature our logo embroidered on Our t-shir t is 100% cer tified organic, ultra-soft lightweight cotton and made
the front and a self fabric adjustable closure with a brass slider and hidden tuck-in. Available in in the USA. The High Mowing Organic Seeds logo is printed on the front (left
charcoal grey. chest) and the back (centered below the collar) with water-based inks using a
unique environmentally sound process that is sturdier, more comfor table and
94302 Blue Trucker Hat $15.50 more attractive than traditional plastic-based inks. Men’s tees are standard fit
Our trucker-style hat features our logo embroidered on the front and an adjustable, and come in ocean blue. Women’s tees are longer, moderately fitted with a slight
breathable mesh back. Available in navy blue with cream mesh. scoopneck, and come in amethyst. Please note that the Women’s tees run small;
we recommend ordering up a size if you prefer a more relaxed fit.
new 94304 Camo Trucker Hat $15.50
Our camo trucker-style hat features our logo embroidered on the front and an adjustable, PLEASE INDICATE FIT: Men’s/Women’s AND SIZE: S, M, L, or XL
breathable mesh back. Available in camo with camo mesh.

10 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

Brussels Sprouts
Brassica oleracea var.

Paul sets up Brussels sprouts seedlings at a plant sale.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplant; add 15-20 days if direct with your certifier before applying. Clubroot is a soil borne disease which stunts the roots of the
seeding. Brussels sprouts are cool season biennials that prefer temps of 45-75°F, with plants so that they are not able to develop normally. Rotate crops and add lime to raise soil pH
optimal growth at 60-65°F. Direct seed as soon as ground can be worked in spring to 7.2. Cabbage looper, imported cabbage worm, and diamondback moth are of the Lepidoptera
or start transplants indoors 4-6 weeks before setting out. Can tolerate frost once order and can be controlled by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and/or spinosad, preferentially in rotation

hardened off. Fertilize well at planting and side dress again about three weeks later. with one another to prevent selection of resistant individuals (check with your certifier before
Snap tops off plants in late summer to encourage sprout production. Sprouts become applying). Protect plants from flea beetles by using floating row covers in the early season. Control
sweeter after a few light frosts in fall. root maggots with beneficial nematodes or by covering with row cover early in the season.
DISEASE & PESTS: Diseases and pests are best prevented by production practices RESISTANCE KEY: FY-Fusarium Yellows, PM-Powdery Mildew, RS-Ring Spot, WB-
that build soil and promote vigorous plant growth. Black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. White Blister
campestris) first appears as V-shaped, yellow lesions at leaf margin. Pull up infected plants SEED SPECS: 6.8-11.3M (9.3M avg) seeds/oz, 110 -180M (150M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
immediately. Plantings should never be worked during wet conditions. Fusarium yellows, Direct seeding rate: 2 seeds every 18”, thin to 1 plant in rows 18-30” apart. Transplants: 18”
caused by the bacteria Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinan, manifests as yellowing of the apart in rows 18-30” apart.
lower leaves 2-4 weeks after transplanting. Yellowing moves to upper leaves and causes
wilt. Fungal diseases can also be prevented by spraying with copper hydroxide, but check Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

2314 Dagan F1 100 days

HYBRID • Early • Suited for sales on-the-stalk
Early, reliable variety for main-season sales both on and off the stalk. Has tall,
straight stalks that resist lodging and work well for on-the-stalk sales. Doesn’t require
topping. Nicely wrapped tight sprouts with a bright medium green color and a small
attachment site. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

2309 Doric F1 120 days

HYBRID • FY • Uniformly sized sprouts • Upright sturdy habit Doric F1
A standout hardy variety for late fall and early winter production. Tall plants
produce dense, dark green sprouts on an upright, sturdy stalk. Good uniformity up and
down the stem. Flavor improves after cold exposure. Another great variety from our
parnters at Bejo Seeds!

2317 Nautic F1 120 days

HYBRID • PM, RS, WB • Easy to harvest
Disease resistant variety for a reliable crop of tightly wrapped sprouts. Nautic
F1’s sprouts are spaced further apart, allowing plants to dry out quickly to avoid spread
of disease and making it easier to harvest individual sprouts. Vigorous and sturdy plants Dagan F1 Nautic F1
with 1” sprouts.


2309 Doric F1 $5.10 $33.50 $58.00 $55.00/M $49.92/M
2317 Nautic F1 $5.10 $33.50 $58.00 $55.00/M $49.92/M
2314 Dagan F1 $5.10 $33.50 $58.00 $55.00/M $49.92/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

Your F1 Brussel
Source sprouts
for 100% growing
Certified at Sandiwood
Organic, Project Verified Seeds
Non-GMO Farm. 11
Brassica spp.

Cole and Mika weeding cabbages at The Farm at the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from spring transplanting; if transplanting in warm are best prevented by production practices that build soil and promote vigorous
weather subtract 10-14 days; direct seeding add 14 days. Cabbage is a hardy biennial closely plant growth. Broad spectrum applications like copper hydroxide can also be used
related to broccoli and kale. The trick to growing cabbage is steady, uninterrupted growth with to prevent fungal diseases. Always check with your certifier before applying organic
good fertilization and ample water. Cabbage does best in cool, temperate climates but can be control measures. Prevent the soil borne disease clubroot by rotating crops and

grown anywhere with the right varieties and good care. In most areas you can plant an early adding lime to raise soil pH to 7.2. Pests of the Lepidoptera order such as cabbage
crop for fresh eating and a late crop primarily for winter storage. Direct sow when daytime looper, imported cabbage worm, and diamondback moth can be controlled by
soil temperatures warm to 65-75°F or start seeds indoors or in cold frames 4-6 weeks before Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and/or spinosad, preferentially in rotation with one another
planting date. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 75°F but seeds will germinate in to prevent selection of resistant individuals. Protect plants from flea beetles by using
soils as cool as 50°F. Seedlings can tolerate light frost after they’ve hardened off. Plant into floating row cover in the early season.
well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. Cabbage prefers a pH of 6.5-6.8 for optimum RESISTANCE KEY: BL-Blackleg, BR-Black Rot, BS-Black Speck, BSR-Bacterial
growth. Keep seedlings well-watered. Cabbage is a heavy feeder; fertilize well at planting and Soft Rot, CR-Clubroot (races indicated if known), FY-Fusarium Yellows,
side dress again three weeks later. Cabbage is mature when the tight outer leaf of the head T-Thrips, TB-Tip Burn, TMV-Turnip Mosaic Virus
begins to fold back on itself. Light fall frosts make heads sweeter and improve flavor. Cabbage
is best stored at 32°F and at 95% relative humidity. Fresh market varieties store for 2-3 weeks SEED SPECS: 4.8-9.5M (7.3M avg) seeds/oz, 78-156M (117M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
while storage and processing types store for 2-6 months or longer. 1/32 oz approx. 225 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 2 seeds every 12”, thin to 1 plant in
rows 18-30” apart. Transplants: 12-18” apart in rows 18-30” apart.
DISEASE & PESTS: Prevent diseases and recurrent pest pressure with crop rotation and
cover cropping. Fungal and bacterial diseases like fusarium yellows, blackleg and black rot Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.


2298 Golden Acre 62 days

OP • Early fresh market • Compact habit • 3-4 lb heads
Super early, adorable green heads on compact plants; perfect for smaller
households! This cute OP impressed us in our 2015 trials with its small stature and
high percentage of marketable heads. Round and solid, with delicate but crunchy
texture and sweet, spicy flavor with buttery under tones when cooked. Few outer
wrapper leaves; short harvest window. Habit suitable for dense plantings. Earlier and
more uniform than Copenhagen.

Golden Acre Copenhagen 2366 Farao F1 63 days

HYBRID • TB, T • Early fresh market • 3-4 lb heads
Delicious, early heads are sweet and tender! Leaves are thin and juicy with a
slight peppery bite, perfect for stir-fries and egg rolls. Small, uniform heads with
attractive rosebud wrappers are great for smaller households and pack nicely in
boxes. Round heads with a shor t core hold well in summer heat; habit suitable for
dense plantings.

2348 Copenhagen 65 days

HEIRLOOM • Early and adaptable • 3-4 lb heads
Compact heirloom for home gardens and direct markets. Solid heads are
somewhat variable in size ranging from 3-4 lbs and 6-8” in diameter with uniform
maturity. Compact plants sit close to the ground, handy for smaller gardens. Heads
hold well before and after harvest. Great for slow cooking, slaws and sauerkraut!
Unavailable in 2018.
Farao F1
2349 Caraflex F1 68 days
HYBRID • Fresh market • Stores 10 weeks • 1.5-2 lb heads
Green sweetheart for fresh and gourmet markets. Prized for its unusual cone-
shaped heads and thin, sweet leaves that are delicious eaten raw or in stir-fries, slaws or
egg rolls. Extremely uniform with good wrapper leaves for insect and sun protection.
Sara Schlosser of Sandiwood Farm loves how perfectly Caraflex F1 packs a box!

2362 Murdoc F1 80 days

HYBRID • Excellent processing type • Stores well • 4-7 lb heads
Unique hefty heads perfect for fresh eating, kraut or processing. Caraflex F1’s big
brother, with the same tender, crisp juicy leaves and unusual cone-shape, but supersized!
Grows up to 10” in diameter at the base; excellent storage qualities. Distinctly silky
texture excellent for sauerkraut. One of our favorite varieties from Bejo Seeds.
Caraflex F1 Murdoc F1

12 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2357 Capture F1 85 days
HYBRID • FY, BR, T • Main season fresh market & processing • 4-6 lb heads
Black rot-resistant fresh market cabbage for organic growers! Full size green
cabbage for fresh market or processing; short term storage ability. Excellent disease
resistance—grows best in susceptible climates where black rot and thrips are present.
Uniform heads sit high on the stalk with good wrapper leaves.

2296 Passat F1 90 days

HYBRID • FY, T • Storage & processing • Upright habit • 6-8 lb heads
One-stop-shopping for all your cabbage needs! Versatile late-season variety
with large, dense heads and early vigor. Ideal for slaws, sauerkraut, storage and
fresh eating, with quality that improves in storage. High Brix and classic texture
with a shor t core. A gorgeous, uniform late season variety to replace Kaitlin F1.
Good resistance to leaf diseases and black rot. Bred by Bejo Seeds for the kraut and
processing industry in Holland.
Capture F1 Passat F1
2356 Drago F1 93 days
HYBRID • FY • Late fresh market • 3-4 lb heads
Highly uniform heads for a perfect box count. Round, dense heads with a very
short core. Heads sit high on the stem; easy to harvest with few thick wrapper leaves.
Holds very well in the field without splitting; good resistance to tip burn. A tasty
coleslaw cabbage.

2359 Impala F1 105 days

HYBRID • Long storage • 6-8 lb heads

High quality heads hold exceptionally well in field and storage. Dense, medium
sized heads with open green wrapper and snow white interior, indicating high vitamin
C content. Sits high on stem for easy harvest, disease prevention and efficient
cleaning out of storage. Potential for 10 lb heads under ideal conditions. Intermediate
resistance to thrips.

RED Drago F1 Impala F1

2369 Red Express 62 days
OP • Fresh market • Compact habit • 2-4 lb heads
Heads up quickly into tidy little red cabbages perfect for smaller portions.
Performed well in our trials, with very nice color and early maturity. Compact habit; can
be densely planted at 8” spacing with Farao F1 and Famosa F1 for an earlier harvest and
knock out market display! Great for northern climates and small spaces.

2354 Integro F1 85 days

HYBRID • Fresh market • Moderate storage • 3-4 lb heads
Uniform red cabbage for fresh market or short-term storage. Our earliest-
maturing red hybrid cabbage. Heads are very dark purple with an attractive silver
sheen and oblong shape measuring about 5” wide by 7” tall. Suitable for mini heads
at 8” spacing. Matures a few weeks earlier than Buscaro F1, but holds well in the field.
Another great variety from Bejo Seeds.

2361 Buscaro F1 105 days Red Express Integro F1

HYBRID • TB • Fresh market • Moderate storage • 4-5 lb heads
Full sized heads with sweet, juicy flavor for fresh market use. Large plants give
rise to hefty heads with a gorgeous red/purple hue and distinctive silvery sheen. Heads
are round to slightly oblong; beautiful color in salads and slaws. Moderate storage
capacity; ideal for processing with a medium sized core.


2363 Famosa F1 68 days

HYBRID • Durable fresh cabbage • 2-4 lb heads
Gorgeous early savoy cabbage for fresh market use. Dark green, heavily savoyed
wrapper leaves and bright green heads make Famosa F1 a head-turner in our trials
every year. Outer leaves are thick and durable, while the inner leaves are tender
and delicious with mild flavor that gets sweeter as winter approaches. Intermediate
resistance to downy mildew.
Buscaro F1 Famosa F1
2368 Produsa F1 80 days
HYBRID • Main season fresh market • Short-term storage • 2-3 lb heads
High yielding, classy late season savoy with tightly crumpled leaves. The
French call this chic type “chou frisé”, or curly cabbage. Very crinkled outer leaves with
interior undulating folds of lime green. A great complement to Deadon F1’s purple-sage
color, or plant with early season Famosa F1 for an extended harvest. Heads are 6-8” in
diameter. Limited availability.

2353 Deadon F1 105 days

HYBRID • FY • January King-type • Long storage • 4-5 lb heads
Cold hardy with striking sage-purple wrapper leaves and lime green
interiors. Freezing temperatures only improve its sweet, delicious flavor and intense
purple color - one of our New York growers harvests them well into early winter,
finding them sweeter with each frost. Uniform and vigorous with high yields of 6-10”
heads. Another stellar variety from our partners at Bejo Seeds.

Produsa F1 Deadon F1

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 13
NAPA / CHINESE - Brassica rapa var. pekinensis

CULTURAL INFO: General conditions are similar to those for green cabbage,
but Napa cabbage requires even more careful timing to ensure a quality crop. Plants
have a tendency to bolt in spring if exposed to frost or a few nights of temperatures
below 50°F. Napa cabbage grows best as days shorten in summer months for a
late summer crop. High fertility yields large plants with dense heads, so fertilize well
at planting and again three weeks later. Direct seed or start transplants 4-6 weeks
before planting date. Transplant out after 4 weeks, being careful not to disturb roots.
Plant shallowly and water in transplants to avoid stress. Protect from flea beetles
as needed during the growing season. Evaluate maturity by pressing the heads to
see how firm and full they are. Harvest when heads fill in, removing damaged outer
leaves as necessary to reveal clean, blanched head within. Heads store well for 3 or
more months at temperatures close to freezing and high humidity.

2381 Emiko F1 60-63 days

HYBRID • CR, FY, TB, BSR • Disease and bolt resistant • 10” heads
Very consistent, broad Napa cabbage with mild, tender leaves. Every plant
made compact, attractive heads with dark green wrapper leaves and vanilla interiors
in our trials. An excellent choice for commercial growers! Holds well in the field; good
resistance to bolting in summer temperatures. Slightly larger and later than Kaboko F1
but a good substitute. From Bejo Seeds.

2364 Bilko F1 63 days


HYBRID • CR (1-4), FY, BS • Long storage • 12” heads

Disease resistant, dense heads with crispy, tender texture. Broad white midribs
and pale green outer leaves with a creamy yellow interior. Larger than Kaboko F1 and
Emiko F1 Bilko F1 Emiko F1 with similar barrel shape. Andy Jones of the Intervale Community Farm uses it
to supply Napa cabbage to his CSA into late fall. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

CABBAGE SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb
2348 Copenhagen (unavailable in 2018) $2.95 $5.50 $9.00 $18.00 $60.75 $99.00 $86.60/lb
2298 Golden Acre $2.95 $3.50 $5.00 $8.50 $16.00 $25.00 $21.00/lb
2369 Red Express $2.95 $5.00 $8.75 $17.00 $50.00 $75.00 $55.00/lb
2364 Bilko F1 Napa $2.95 $9.25 $14.25 $11.55/M $10.20/M $9.50/M
2361 Buscaro F1 $3.75 $21.00 $39.00 $35.80/M $31.56/M $29.50/M
2357 Capture F1 $3.40 $18.75 $29.75 $26.50/M $23.60/M $19.00/M
2349 Caraflex F1 $5.60 $31.75 $57.25 $50.00/M $44.00/M $38.00/M
2353 Deadon F1 $4.50 $27.00 $42.50 $36.85/M $31.75/M $29.75/M
2356 Drago F1 $3.40 $18.75 $29.75 $26.50/M $23.60/M $19.00/M
2381 Emiko F1 Napa $2.95 $10.25 $14.85 $12.15/M $10.75/M $9.95/M
2363 Famosa F1 $3.60 $18.25 $32.00 $27.60/M $23.60/M $21.50/M
2366 Farao F1 $3.40 $18.75 $29.75 $26.50/M $23.60/M $19.00/M
2359 Impala F1 $3.40 $18.75 $29.75 $26.50/M $23.60/M $18.00/M
2354 Integro F1 $3.75 $20.50 $38.50 $34.80/M $30.80/M $28.25/M
2362 Murdoc F1 $5.60 $31.75 $57.25 $50.00/M $44.00/M $38.00/M
2296 Passat F1 $3.40 $19.06 $29.75 $26.50/M $23.60/M $19.00/M
2368 Produsa F1 $4.25 $19.25 $34.15 $29.05/M $25.40/M $22.50/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

14 Harvesting Famosa F1 cabbages at Thehighmowingseeds.com toll Conservation
Farm at the Vermont Youth free (866) 735-
Daucus carota

Kagen and Paul bunching Yaya F1 carrots for the Foote Brook farmstand.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Carrots are hardy carotae, can cause severe defoliation and greatly reduce yields. Generally, Cercospora blight
biennials that do best in fertile sandy loam. For more compact soils, choose tapered appears earlier in the season than Alternaria blight. Both of these fungi can be seed-borne
carrots like Chantenays or Danvers types that can wedge their way into soils. Prepare but are primarily spread by crop residue from previous years or innoculum in the soil. White
raised beds by loosening soil and raking smooth. Direct seed as soon as soil can be mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) manifests as a cottony white mycelium around roots and lower

worked in the spring. Seedlings may take up to three weeks to emerge and may require plant parts, usually late in the season. Avoid planting in areas which are shady or have poor
thinning to 1” apart. Ensure constant moisture during germination. Plant every three drainage, and practice crop rotations with non-vegetable crops.
weeks for a continual harvest. Carrots hold well in the field for up to three weeks in the SEED SPECS: 11-31M (18M avg) seeds/oz, 175-500M (288M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
summer and longer in cool conditions. Some varieties may be overwintered outdoors or 1/32 oz approx. 550 seeds. Direct seeding rates: Baby, 40 seeds/foot in rows 12-18” apart.
in a high tunnel for an early spring harvest. For storage carrots, dig roots after frost but Bunching, 30 seeds/foot in rows 12-18” apart. Storage, 15 seeds/foot in rows 12-18” apart.
before ground freezes.
Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
DISEASE & PESTS: Fungal leaf blights, caused by either Alternaria dauci or Cercospora


2322 Napoli F1 45 days baby, 55 full size

HYBRID • Long storage • 5-7” Nantes-type
An early, versatile carrot for all seasons. Great flavor and color as an early spring or
baby carrot, but will continue to grow to full size for fresh market or storage. Great for
high tunnels and one of Eliot Coleman’s top choices for overwintering! Available as raw
or pelleted seed.

2336 Yaya F1 50 days baby, 60 full size

HYBRID • Uniform size • Bunching or storage • 6” Nantes-type
The standard for commercial growers. Truly stellar flavor and crispness, with blunt
barrel shape and short, strong tops for bunching. Versatile and suitable for storage,
bunching or soup-grade carrots; compares well to Nelson F1 with better uniformity.
One of the most well-known varieties from our friends at Bejo Seeds. Available as raw
Napoli F1 Yaya F1
or pelleted seed.


2320 Red Cored Chantenay 65 days

HEIRLOOM • Processing and storage • 6” Chantenay-type
Broad-shouldered variety with sweet, old fashioned carrot flavor. Wide
shoulders, a tapered root and a blunt, rounded tip; thrives in heavy soils. Fine-grained
texture and a characteristic red core. A great variety for soups, freezing, canning and
storage. Introduced in France in the late 1800s and quickly became the processing
industry standard.

2340 Scarlet Nantes 65 days

OP • Storage • 6-8” Nantes-type
A classic with fine texture and old-time carrot flavor. Our improved strain offers
enhanced uniformity and a more even rate of maturity. Bright red-orange flesh with
Red Cored Chantenay Scarlet Nantes
fine grain and almost no core. Very cylindrical roots with blunt tips and smaller tops
for bunching or storage. A great choice for the garden.

2291 Resistafly F1 68 days

HYBRID • Storage • 6-8” Nantes-type
High quality disease resistant root with great crunch. Uniform, attractive
cylindrical roots with blunt ends and balanced sweetness that lasts well in storage. In our
Northeast trials, tops stood strong against late season foliar diseases. Improved over
Flyaway F1; less attractive to the Carrot Root Fly (Psila rosea) at all stages of growth.

2330 Danvers 126 70 days

HEIRLOOM • Processing and storage • 6-7” Danvers-type
Reliable, stocky variety with broad shoulders and deep orange color. Bright
orange conical roots with rugged tops strong enough to withstand a good yank.
Displayed superior disease resistance in our trials and thrives in heavy soils. A great
variety for canning, freezing, juicing and storing; had the highest Brix reading of any of Resistafly F1 Danvers 126
our varieties even after months of storage. Resists splitting.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 15
new 2342 Naval F1 72 days
HYBRID • Stores well • 7” Nantes-type
new Perfectly rounded tips and strong, healthy tops make a standout market display.
This early maturing slicing variety has a strong following for its versatility. Naval F1’s tops
are healthy and strong for bunching and fresh market sales, while the roots are comparable
to Bolero F1 for long term storage. Naval F1 has excellent flavor right out of the field.
Moderate resistance to alternaria and powdery mildew. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

2328 Miami F1 75 days

HYBRID • Long storage • Uniform 6-8” Nantes-type
Consistently uniform cylindrical roots with exceptionally sweet carroty flavor.
Miami F1 Bright orange roots grow stouter as they mature, with attractive feathery tops perfect for
fresh market bunches. Well adapted for early or main season successions. Very long storage;
compares well to Bolero F1. Retained its great flavor long into the winter in our storage trials.
Naval F1
2324 Negovia F1 80 days
HYBRID • Bunching or storage • 7-8” Nantes-type
A standout in our summer carrot trials for both sweetness and texture.
Smooth, cylindrical roots with impressive flavor and stronger tops than Yaya F1, plus
great storage quality! Excellent uniformity makes this a good variety for bunching and
mechanical harvest; compares well to Bolero F1 with similar sweetness and great crunch.

2332 Bangor F1 90 days

HYBRID • Juicing & storage • 7-9” Nantes/Berlicum-type
Large, crunchy cylindrical roots ideal for juicing. The perfect juicing carrot! High yields

of hefty, juicy bright orange roots with blunt tips. A main season jumbo type that resists
Bangor F1 greening and splitting; ideal for commercial growers in need of a high yielding, long storing
variety. Develops best flavor with a little time in storage. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

2327 Cupar F1 95 days

HYBRID • Storage • 8” Chantenay-type
Negovia F1 High yielding, vigorous roots with disease resistant foliage. Tapered deep orange
roots with broad shoulders and very little greening. Maintains its attractive, uniform
appearance and sweet flavor improves in storage; ideal for CSA growers looking for a
reliable and long storing carrot for bunching or season extension.

2334 Dolciva 95 days

OP • Long storing • High Brix • 8” Nantes-type
Hands-down winner in our taste tests after months of storage! Great sweet
Cupar F1 flavor, juicy crunch, high quality and incredibly long storage life made this variety a
standout in our trials for two years running. Grown on increasingly big acreage in Europe,
we are delighted to share this Swiss-bred variety with growers in North America. Slightly
tapered roots have good uniformity, bright orange color and strong, healthy tops. Widely
adapted and versatile for bunching or storage; rated 20-30% higher in sugars than Bolero
F1 over 9 months in storage and maintained great crunch. From our friends at Swiss
biodynamic seed company Sativa Seeds. Available as raw or, new this year, pelleted seed.

2329 Interceptor F1 120-125 days

Dolciva HYBRID • Stores well • 12” Imperator-type
Very long, slender and coreless; a true cut-and-peel variety for baby
carrots. Very sweet, tender dark orange roots stay slender and resist splitting even at
low planting densities. Superior sweetness even after months of storage! Shorter tops
with some resistance to leaf blights, plus good resistance to storage diseases such as
Pythium Crater Rot and Alternaria Black Rot. Suitable for mechanical harvest.
Interceptor F1

2326 White Satin F1 68 days

HYBRID • Stores well • 8” Nantes-type
Exceptionally sweet, early white root. A gourmet selection with juicy crunch in
every bite - adored by children for its mild, sweet flavor. Fast growing roots have a small
core, with very vigorous and strong top growth perfect for bunching. Combine with
yellow, purple and orange carrots for an unforgettable display!

White Satin F1 2323 Atomic Red 70 days

OP • Uniform size • 8-10” Imperator-type
Bright red carrots sure to create a bang! Cooking brightens the color and flavor of
Atomic Red these eye-catching roots - and they get their color from lycopene, a cancer-preventing
antioxidant. Performs best in fall slots, but ranks high throughout the season. Combine
with white and yellow carrots for a beautiful market display.

2335 Cosmic Purple 70 days

OP • Specialty appeal • 7” Nantes-type
Stunning roots with deep purple skin, orange flesh and a hint of spice. These
tapered roots steal the show in salads with their extraordinary color combination and
sweet flavor with a bit of spice! Tremendous gourmet appeal at market. Developed
by Dr. Philip Simon and staff at the USDA ARS in Madison, Wisconsin in 2005.

2337 Yellowstone 70 days

OP • Productive • Mild flavor • 9” roots
Long, sunflower-yellow carrots with strong, feathery tops. Extremely productive and
Cosmic Purple Yellowstone adaptable to many growing conditions; one of the easiest carrots to grow. Strong tops are
ideal for bunching. Pick early for a sweet, tender, mildly flavored treat that kids will love!

16 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2333 Starburst Blend 70 days
OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Specialty appeal • 7-9” roots
A certified organic carrot blend made with improved variety strains for reliable
production. This rainbow of sweet and crunchy roots will delight people of all ages with
striking shades of white, yellow, orange and purple. Our improved strain of Scarlet Nantes
orange is the star of the blend, providing enhanced color and uniformity over our previous
strain, for a more even mix overall. Flavorful, extra nutritious roots of all colors are packed
with antioxidants and add vibrant color to salads, mixed bunches and crudités.

2325 Dragon 85 days

OP • Specialty appeal • 7” Danvers-type
Vibrant purple skin with bright orange flesh and unusual yellow core. Adored by
carrot aficionados for its yellow core and spicy yet sweet flavor! Roots are full size at 7”
long, thrive in heavy soils and are very hardy. Improved from a USDA specimen by Dr. Starburst Blend Dragon
John Navazio, with lycopene content equal to tomatoes!

CARROT SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2323 Atomic Red $2.95 $6.80 $19.80 $67.00 $189.00 $304.50 $252.00/LB $207.60/LB
2335 Cosmic Purple $2.95 $6.80 $19.80 $67.00 $189.00 $304.50 $252.00/LB $207.60/LB
2330 Danvers 126 $2.95 $5.00 $10.50 $21.00 $33.20 $52.00 $46.00/LB $43.00/LB
2325 Dragon $2.95 $5.85 $17.00 $58.00 $165.00 $265.00 $220.00/LB
2320 Red Cored Chantenay $2.95 $4.90 $10.10 $19.00 $30.50 $50.00 $45.00/LB $42.00/LB

2340 Scarlet Nantes $2.95 $5.25 $12.50 $26.00 $90.00 $160.00 $140.00/LB $120.00/LB
2334P Dolciva - Pelleted $2.95 $3.50/M $2.00/M $1.40/M $1.05/M $0.87/M $0.75/M
2334 Dolciva $2.95 $2.50/M $1.40/M $1.04/M $0.82/M $0.65/M $0.56/M
2333 Starburst Blend $2.95 $2.38/M $1.60/M $1.33/M
2337 Yellowstone $2.95 $2.75/M $1.65/M $1.54/M $1.26/M $1.14/M $1.09/M
CARROT SEED - HYBRID - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 250 2M 10 M 25 M 100 M 500 M 1000 M
2332 Bangor F1 $2.95 $5.25/M $1.88/M $1.58/M $1.45/M $1.37/M $1.25/M
2327 Cupar F1 $2.95 $5.50/M $2.00/M $1.65/M $1.55/M $1.49/M $1.36/M
2329 Interceptor F1 $2.95 $5.25/M $1.88/M $1.58/M $1.45/M $1.37/M $1.25/M
2328 Miami F1 $2.95 $5.25/M $1.88/M $1.58/M $1.45/M $1.37/M $1.25/M
2322P Napoli F1 - Pelleted $4.95 $7.97/M $3.30/M $2.73/M $2.35/M $2.20/M $2.00/M
2322 Napoli F1 $2.95 $4.60/M $1.70/M $1.40/M $1.28/M $1.22/M $1.20/M
2342 Naval F1 $2.95 $4.60/M $1.70/M $1.40/M $1.28/M $1.22/M $1.20/M
2324 Negovia F1 $2.95 $5.33/M $1.89/M $1.58/M $1.44/M $1.40/M $1.30/M
2291 Resistafly F1 $3.60 $7.50/M $2.95/M $2.54/M $2.30/M $2.06/M $1.95/M
2326 White Satin F1 $4.75 $7.70/M $2.65/M $2.22/M $1.92/M $1.85/M $1.80/M
2336P Yaya F1 - Pelleted $4.95 $7.97/M $3.30/M $2.73/M $2.35/M $2.20/M $2.00/M
2336 Yaya F1 $2.95 $4.43/M $1.60/M $1.35/M $1.24/M $1.18/M $1.13/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Naval F1: A Strong Main Season Carrot “

Naval F1 is fast-growing and has nice, strong tops for bunching. It sizes up very evenly, with good
color. One of our favorite varieties to grow! -Tim Terpstra, Ralph’s Greenhouse (Mount Vernon, WA)

Naval F1 consistently impressed our team with its

versatility as both a fresh market and storage carrot. We
are thrilled to offer this exceptional carrot, newly available
as organic seed from our partners at Bejo Seeds.

• Uniform roots mature evenly for efficient harvests

• Strong, healthy tops are easy to bunch and make a
beautiful display
• A long storage life comparable to market standards
like Bolero F1
• Exceptional flavor, both fresh and after months of storage

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 17
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis

Taylor harvesting cauliflower in our trials fields for an evaluation of early maturity.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplant; add 15-20 days if direct seeding. never be worked during wet conditions. Fusarium yellows, caused by the bacteria Fusarium
Cauliflower is a cool season biennial closely related to broccoli and cabbage. It does best in cool, oxysporum f. sp. conglutinan, manifests as yellowing of the lower leaves 2-4 weeks after

temperate climates but can be grown anywhere with the right varieties and good care. Greatly transplanting. Fungal diseases are best prevented by production practices that build soil and
prefers steady, uninterrupted growth with good fertilization and ample water. Environmental promote vigorous plant growth. Clubroot is a soil borne disease which stunts the roots of
stress leads to poor head development. Direct seed or start indoors 4-6 weeks before planting the plants so that they are not able to develop normally. Rotate crops and add lime to raise
date. Plant outdoors in spring as soon as hard frost has passed. Seedlings can withstand light frost soil pH to 7.2. Cabbage looper, imported cabbage worm, and diamondback moth are of the
once hardened off. Fall crops should be sown in mid-summer and protected from extreme heat Lepidoptera order and can thus be controlled by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and/or spinosad.
and drought during establishment. Daytime temperatures between 70-80°F and cool nights are Protect plants from flea beetles by using floating row covers in the early season.
ideal for head development. Cover developing heads by tying leaves together for a blanched effect. RESISTANCE KEY: FY-Fusarium Yellows
Self-blanching varieties have tight leaf curl around heads to minimize the need to cover. Harvest
heads promptly when they are full size but still compact, white and smooth. Delaying harvest SEED SPECS: 5.6-7.5M (6.3 avg) seeds/oz, 90-120M (100M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
results in curds turning loose and ricey, greatly reducing quality. Direct seeding rate: 2 seeds every 12”, thin to 1 plant in rows 18-30” apart. Transplants:
12-18” apart in rows 18-30” apart.
DISEASE & PESTS: Black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) first appears as V-shaped,
yellow lesions at leaf margin. Infected plants should be pulled up immediately, and plantings should Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

new 2312 Mardi F1 57 days

new HYBRID • Spring or fall crop • Self-wrapping • 6-7” heads
Large, off-white heads on highly uniform plants. Each plant produces impressive
heads of pronounced florets with smooth buds that avoid getting ricey. Scored the
highest for overall quality in our 2016 cauliflower trials! Good flavor with high yield
potential. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2313 Goodman 60 days

OP • Spring or fall crop • 5” heads
Early, generous producer of well-rounded ivory heads. Goodman will surprise you
with a slight frame that manages to produce very well-protected heads with deep curds
and tender florets. Good holding ability in the field with a short harvest window. An
organic open-pollinated to rival the high performing classic, Amazing.
Mardi F1 Goodman
2299 Adona F1 63 days
HYBRID • Spring or fall crop • 5” heads
Strong, vigorous plants with beautiful, high quality heads and a short harvest
window. Attractive, well-domed compact heads with dense flavorful white curds that
resist becoming fuzzy or ricey. Heads are well-protected; wrapper leaves are well suited
to tying or the “break, fold and cover” method of blanching. Tolerant of bacterial soft
rot and downy mildew. From our friends at Bejo Seeds.

2318 Skywalker F1 72 days

HYBRID • Uniform maturity • 5.5” heads
Long season variety with exceptional quality for fall harvests. A narrow harvest
window is perfect for market or wholesale growers. Sturdy plants produce picture perfect,
dense, milky white heads. Partially self-wrapping heads easily separate into tender, uniform
florets. A reliable variety, widely adapted to many regions. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.
Adona F1 Skywalker F1
2316 Janvel F1 77 days
HYBRID • Spring or fall crop • Fresh market, processing • 6-8” heads
Vigorous and versatile with perfectly formed snow white heads. Gorgeous
dense, well-filled curds seasonally adapted for spring, summer and fall crops. Tight
wrapper leaves and tall outer leaves provide excellent sunburn protection. Out-
performed Fremont F1 in our spring trials with a slightly longer harvest window. From
Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2319 Veronica F1 Romanesco 77 days

HYBRID • FY • Gourmet • Space large plants 3’ apart • 6-7” heads
Extraordinary spiralled heads with mild, nutty flavor. Heads are an alluring
char treuse in cool conditions and creamy white with a pink blush in summer.
Favored for crudite and raw vegetable dishes. This type of cauliflower has northern
Italian roots dating back to the 15th century and is a gourmet favorite today. From
our par tners at Bejo Seeds.
Janvel F1 Veronica F1 Romanesco

18 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2313 Goodman $3.82 $25.96 $31.50 $23.75/M $20.80/M $18.95/M
2299 Adona F1 $5.30 $27.25 $48.00 $39.50/M $34.55/M $29.95/M
2316 Janvel F1 $5.70 $34.00 $49.50 $42.00/M $38.60/M $36.25/M
2312 Mardi F1 $5.70 $34.00 $49.50 $42.00/M $38.60/M $36.25/M
2318 Skywalker F1 $5.35 $27.25 $48.00 $39.50/M $34.55/M $29.95/M
2319 Veronica F1 Romanesco $6.50 $37.50 $61.50 $53.00/M $48.20/M $45.25/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

An Organic Solution:
High Mowing’s Steam Treatment Research
Seed borne diseases present a serious threat to growers. The organic industry has limited tools
for addressing these seed borne pathogens. In an innovative effort to find an organic solution to
the problems caused by seed borne disease, High Mowing’s owner and founder, Tom Stearns is
spearheading research on steam treatment of seeds.
The Challenge individual seeds and individual pathogens and commercial production. Results from
The challenge of disease control is to kill can mean the difference between whether a these steam treated seeds have been
the disease without also killing the seed. A treatment kills the disease, or kills the seed. positive, demonstrating disease-free crops
pathogen residing on the exterior of a seed Using precise degrees of heat, humidity, and with no indications of compromised vigor
can be destroyed without affecting the seed exposure time, we treat seeds with steam, or germination rates and, in some cases,
within. In conventional seed production, and dry them with dehumidifiers. The enhanced performance of both.
chemicals are used to complete the task. seeds never come in contact with water;
Looking Ahead
In organics, hot water treatment is the treatment takes a fraction of the time it
As High Mowing continues pursuing
accepted method. But the challenge is would to treat with hot water; and with
innovations on the frontline of organic
amplified when a disease is inside a seed. In modern equipment, the heat and humidity
agriculture, we constantly strive to serve
these cases, any attempt to kill the disease are controlled with ultimate precision to
the growers who use our seeds. Steam
also runs the risk of killing the seed. Some eliminate any infection without affecting the
treatment may offer an important tool to
modern organic control methods like hot inner seed. Treated seeds then undergo our
organic seed producers, in turn helping to
water treatment address this challenge, standard quality assurance tests to evaluate
maximize the success of organic farmers as
but hot water treatment can be imprecise vigor, germination and disease presence.
we continue to work towards our shared
and takes a long time. Some seed types The Results goal of building better organic systems.
also react to water by forming a gelatinous Successes in our post-treatment
casing, rendering the seeds impractical for quality assurance tests encouraged
commercial use after treatment. us to start actively working
with research institutions,
Our Solution
commercial farmers, and other
Interested in steam treatment
Steam treatment focuses on pinpointing the
ideal specifications for a particular seed type seed companies to treat diseased for your seeds? Call us to find
affected by a particular disease. Because all seed. Seeds steam treated in
out more. 866-735-4454
seeds are not the same and all diseases are our facility are now being used
not the same, the slight differences between across the country for research

A cauliflower
Your trial
Source for 100%at Certified
Bejo Seeds in Geneva,
Organic, NY. Project Verified Seeds
Non-GMO 19
& Celeriac
Apium graveolens

Vermont Youth Conservation Corps members and crew leaders harvesting Tango celery.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from spring transplanting. Can be challenging for RESISTANCE KEY: FY- Fusarium Yellows
beginning growers. Celery and celeriac require a very long growing season with heavy feeding SEED SPECS: 54-81M (67.8M avg) seeds/oz. M=1,000. 1/10 gm approx. 225 seeds.
and a steady water supply. Start seeds indoors 10-12 weeks before planting date. Optimal soil Transplants: 6-8” apar t in rows 18-24” apar t.
temperature for germination is 70-75°F and tiny seeds require shallow planting. Transplant when
Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

outside temperatures are consistently over 50°F. In hot climates, celery may require partial shade.

new 2398 Merengo F1 80 days
HYBRID • FY • Vigorous • 28” tall
Early variety with compact plants for easy packing. Robust plants grow quickly and have
good flavor and texture. Tall, dark green stalks with healthy tops. Performed extremely well in
our trials through wet conditions. Comparable to Calypso. From our friends at Bejo Seeds.

2344 Tango 85 days

OP • Self-blanching • 18-20” tall
Greatly improved variety that is early and easy to grow. Two weeks earlier than most
Merengo F1 Tango varieties; excellent for shorter seasons and home gardens. Smooth, non-stringy stalks with a
big celery crunch and beautiful apple green tops. The most forgiving of all our celery varieties.

2339 Calypso 88 days

OP • FY • Productive • 28” tall
Early Italian variety with great flavor. Large plants with thick, crisp stalks and mild flavor.
Very productive. Stalks have hardly any stringiness. Requires consistent moisture for best
productivity. A winner from our partners at Bejo Seeds. Limited availability.

2341 Tall Utah 100 days

OP • 12” stalks • 30” tall
Long, crisp stalks with unbeatable flavor. Once you’ve tasted organic celery grown
at home, you will never go back to store-bought. Tall Utah produces large plants with
compact hearts. Long, crisp, medium-dark green stalks. Best for late summer crops.
Calypso Tall Utah

2397 Balena F1 108 days

HYBRID • FY • Improved bolt tolerance • Upright foliage attachment
Hybrid celeriac with improved bolt tolerance. Excellent upright leaf growth and
healthy foliage. Interiors are a lovely solid white, with little pithiness. Recently made
available as organic seed from our par tners at Bejo Seeds.

2396 Diamant 115 days

OP • FY • Long storage • Easy to clean
Large, uniform roots delicious in soups, salads and roasted vegetable dishes. Rugged
looking roots hide a creamy white interior with surprisingly delicate celery flavor. Produced
Balena F1 Diamant large, uniform roots in our trials. Leaves grow upright from the crown center for better
presentation and easy cleaning. Requires consistent moisture all season. From Bejo Seeds.

2341 Tall Utah Celery $2.95 $4.00 $8.00 $11.00
2339 Calypso Celery $4.00 $12.00 $9.85/M $8.17/M
2396 Diamant Celeriac $4.50 $26.50 $16.95/M $12.20/M
2344 Tango Celery $3.80 $9.00 $7.40/M $6.10/M
2397 Balena F1 Celeriac $5.75 $31.00 $19.00/M $14.60/M
2398 Merengo F1 Celery $4.00 $12.00 $9.85/M $8.17/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.
20 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454
Beta vulgaris

Paul and Kagen harvesting chard at Foote Brook Farm.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding; if transplanting with chard plants. Chard is susceptible to flea beetles, aphids and leafminer and should
subtract 14-21 days. Swiss chard is a hardy biennial that can be direct seeded be kept under row cover in early growth stages to avoid damage. Slugs attack chard
all season long and used for winter tunnels. It is easy to grow and tolerates mild by chewing holes in leaves and creating grooves in the ribs; prevention techniques
freezes. Transplants can be star ted 4-6 weeks before planting. Plant outdoors include drip irrigation instead of overhead watering and correct plant spacing to avoid
after the danger of frost has passed. Immature plants can withstand temperatures overcrowding. Slugs can be controlled with diatomaceous ear th or iron phosphate

down to 32°F. Optimal germination temperature is 55-75°F. Sow baby leaf products. The fungal disease Cercospora leaf spot can occur when excessive moisture
varieties every week until four weeks before frost date for a continual summer is present; avoid overhead watering and overcrowding of plants to allow adequate air
har vest. Chard prefers nutrient-rich soils with good drainage and a pH between flow. Remove any affected leaves promptly.
6.0-7.0. Chard is an excellent source of fiber and is high in antioxidants like
SEED SPECS: 1.2-2.5M (1.5M avg) seeds/oz, 20M-40M (30M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
vitamins C, K and A.
1/16 oz approx. 90 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Baby, 40 seeds/foot in a 2” band in rows
DISEASE & PESTS: Prevent disease and recurrent pest pressure with crop 2-6” apar t. Bunching, 6 seeds/foot, thin to 1 plant every 8-12” in rows 18-30” apar t.
rotation and cover cropping. Because the leaves are the edible por tion, damage Transplants: 12-18”apar t in rows 18-30” apar t.
from insects may require greater control. Chard does not compete well with
Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
weeds; keep beds well weeded to avoid creating a host for pests and competition

2343 Fordhook Giant 25 days baby, 50 full size

HEIRLOOM • Broad stems • High yielding
An easy winner for appearance and flavor in our trials. Broad white stems and
midribs contrasting with deep green, savoyed leaves make Fordhook a bestseller
year after year. Large plants have very upright architecture with high yield potential,
excellent for commercial growers.

2351 Pink Passion 28 days baby, 55 full size

OP • Narrow to broad stems
Striking pink stalks and emerald green leaves for an eye-catching bunch. Veins
and midribs are colored a striking magenta against deep green leaves. Leaves are more
consistent with Ruby/Rhubarb than the Fordhook style but at full size can have wide,
flattened stems. Limited availability in 2018.
Fordhook Giant Pink Passion
2355 Silverado 30 days baby, 55 full size
OP • Narrow stems • Slow to bolt • Disease resistant
Deep green glossy leaves and bright white stems are beautiful at baby or
full size. More compact and deeply savoyed than Fordhook, with a narrower stem.
Extremely cold tolerant and slow to bolt. Displays field resistance to Cercospora leaf
spot, allowing for a very long harvest window of high quality leaves. High Mowing
is proud to be the exclusive producer of organic seed for this variety thanks to our
partnership with Sakata Seed. Bred by Alf Christiansen Seed Co.

2350 Improved Rainbow Blend 30 days baby, 60 full size

OP • Narrow to broad stems • Upright, easy to harvest
Striking improved blend of red, pink, white, yellow and gold stems. Upright habit
makes for clean production and easy harvesting. Color intensity is not as well defined
early on; mostly pink, red and white at baby stage. Grow to full size for a dazzling
display at market! Silverado Improved Rainbow Blend
2352 Orange 30 days baby, 60 full size
OP • Narrow stems • Uniform color
Vivid, tangerine-colored stems contrast beautifully with deep green
foliage. Stem color is uniformly bright orange with minimal streaking. Leaf and stem
size are consistent with Ruby/Rhubarb and Silverado chards. Combine with Pink Passion
for an irresistible punk rock chard bunch.

2360 Ruby/Rhubarb Red 30 days baby, 60 full size

HEIRLOOM • Narrow stems • Micro, baby or full size crop
Rich crimson red stems and bright green savoyed leaves. The standard for red
chards; our improved strain has been selected for highly savoyed leaves, color contrast
and minimal chocolate leaves late in the season. Perfect for microgreens or baby leaf
production because stem and leaf veins color early.

Orange Ruby/Rhubarb Red

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 21
CHARD SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/16 oz 1/4 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb 5 lb
2343 Fordhook Giant $2.95 $3.50 $4.90 $8.50 $22.00 $20.00/lb
2350 Improved Rainbow Blend $2.95 $6.50 $11.25 $21.25 $72.00 $66.00/lb
2352 Orange $2.95 $4.25 $5.75 $12.75 $45.00 $39.00/lb
2351 Pink Passion $2.95 $8.95 $18.75 $62.00 $199.50 $172.50/lb
2360 Ruby/Rhubarb Red $2.95 $4.25 $5.25 $12.00 $36.00 $32.00/lb
2355 Silverado $2.95 $5.25 $9.25 $17.50 $58.50 $55.00/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

Brassica oleracea

Taylor harvesting collards for a trials evaluation.

CULTURAL INFO: Collards are a hardy biennial closely related to kale, cabbage impor ted cabbage worm, diamondback moths, etc.) can be controlled by Bacillus
and broccoli. They will overwinter in milder climates and can be harvested over a long thuringiensis (Bt) and/or spinosad, preferentially in rotation with one another to
window. Fluctuations in temperature and water do not affect leaf quality in collards the prevent build-up of resistant individuals. Flea beetles cause damage by chewing
way they affect head quality in other cole crops. Collards typically tolerate hot weather small holes in the leaves and are most detrimental when plants are young; use
better than other cole crops and cer tain varieties are especially bolt resistant. Direct row cover (make sure edges are sealed) or applications of OMRI-approved broad
sow when daytime soil temperatures warm to 65-75°F or star t 4-6 weeks before spectrum, neem or capsaicin products to control populations.
planting date. Seedlings can tolerate light frost after they’ve hardened off. Plant for baby SEED SPECS: 5.6-9.4M (7.5M avg) seeds/oz, 90-150M (120M avg) seeds/lb.
leaf every 2 weeks for a continual harvest. Sow fall plantings two months before first M=1,000. 1/32oz approx. 250 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Baby, 60 seeds/foot
expected frost for full size, and up until frost for baby leaf. Sweetens after light frosts. in a 2” band in rows 2-6” apar t. Full size, 3 seeds every 12-18”, thin to 1 plant in
DISEASE & PESTS: Prevent diseases and recurrent pest pressure with crop rotation rows 18-30” apar t. Transplants: 12-18” apar t in rows 18-30” apar t.
and cover cropping. Because the leaves are the edible por tion, damage from insects Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
may require greater control. Insect pests of the Lepidoptera order (cabbage moths,

2552 Champion 70 days

OP • Improved Vates-type • 24-36” tall • Compact habit
Selected to hold in the field up to two weeks longer than other varieties
for an extended harvest. Rich blue-green cabbage-like leaves. Plants are bolt
resistant, productive and hardy. Waxy leaf surface provides natural protection from
cabbage worms.

2553 Georgia 70 days

HEIRLOOM • 36” tall plants • Heat tolerant
Top producer of tender, mild greens with reliable, heavy yields.
Long, loosely held leaves are dark green with stark white midribs. Smoother leaves,
whiter midribs, shor ter internodes and larger habit than Champion. Thrives where
it’s too hot for other cole crops. Old-time favorite introduced before 1880; variable
leaf shape.
Champion Georgia

COLLARDS SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb
2552 Champion $2.95 $5.00 $11.50 $24.00 $49.00 $79.00 $72.00/lb
2553 Georgia $2.95 $5.00 $11.50 $24.00 $49.00 $79.00 $72.00/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

In Your Own The Champion collards are a true winner for our farm. This variety performs
very well in the cold, early spring, but importantly keeps producing for us

WORDS into the dog days of summer when the heat and humidity move into our area
in July. –John and Ann of Elmwood Stock Farm, Kentucky

22 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

Corn Zea mays

Charles detasseling the female parent line for Enchanted F1 sweet corn.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Corn is a warm season, GENETIC SWEET CORN TYPES:
tender annual. It is a heavy feeder that needs high fertility and benefits from side dressing. Standard (su) – Traditional flavor of sweet corn. Conversion of sugar to starch begins quickly
Plant sweet corn varieties away from flint corn and popcorn to avoid crossed kernels. For after harvest. Should be eaten soon after harvest.
improved pollination plant in blocks with a minimum of four rows rather than long single Sugary Enhanced (se) – Heterozygous se type. Tender kernels. Retain their sugar content
rows. Side dress when plants are a foot tall. Harvest when ear silks have dried to a dark longer after harvest than su varieties.

brown and kernels are filled to the tip and colored. Sweet corn is generally ready 21 days Tablesweet (se+) – Homozygous se type. Tender kernels. Retain their sugar content longer
after first silk. For best quality eat right away or cool to 32°F within one hour of harvest. after harvest than su varieties.
Store at 32-34°F and 98% relative humidity for no longer than a few days. Synergistic (sy) – Possesses se and sh2 kernels on the same ear. Retains sweetness post-harvest
GMO POLICY: Through a combination of controlled stock seed production, field better than se, while still maintaining se tenderness.
isolation and inspection, and policies for harvesting and handling, we focus on prevention Supersweet (sh2) – Highest sugar content. Holds sweetness post-harvest longer than other types.
of GMO contamination in all our seeds. All corn seed lots are also tested to confirm zero Augmented supersweet (augmented sh2) – Possesses se and sh2 in every kernel. Highest sugar
detectable level in 10,000 seeds. No contaminated seed lots will ever be sold. content. Retains sweetness post-harvest longer than other types. More tender kernels than
DISEASE & PESTS: Prevent diseases and recurrent pest pressure with crop rotation regular sh2 varieties.
and cover cropping. Damping off may occur when planting untreated seed in cool soils. SEED SPECS: Sweet Corn: 105-220 (160 avg) seeds/oz, 1.7-3.5M (2.5M avg) seeds/lb.
Other diseases include Rust, Northern Corn Leaf Blight, and Stewart’s Wilt (Erwinia 1 oz approx. 150 seeds. Popcorn: 235-280 (250 avg) seeds/oz, 3.8-4.5M (4.2M avg) seeds/lb.
stewartii). Common insect pests include corn flea beetles (a different species than those 1 oz approx. 250 seeds. Ornamental & Milling: 75-125 (100 avg) seeds/oz, 1.2-2M (1.6M avg)
that attack brassica crops), corn earworm, and European Corn Borer, which can be seeds/lb. 1 oz approx. 100 seeds. M=1,000. Direct seeding rate: 2 seeds/foot in rows 30-36” apart.
controlled with beneficial parasitic wasps, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) or spinosad. Always Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
check with your certifier before applying organic control measures.


2375 Fisher’s Earliest 70 days

OP • YELLOW • Standard (su) • 6” ears
Early and beautiful with old-fashioned flavor. Vigorous, multi-colored 5-6’ stalks with
one ear per plant sitting 18” high. Ears grow 10-12 rows of kernels; excellent tip fill and husk
cover. All su’s should be picked and eaten quickly as ears lose sweetness rapidly post-harvest.
Selected for short seasons by Ken Fisher of Belgrade, MT and now grown on our farm.

2384 Xtra-Tender 2171 F1 71 days

HYBRID • BI-COLOR • Supersweet (sh2) • 7-8” ears
Finally an organic sh2 sweet corn! Xtra-Tender 2171 F1 is a great choice. Earlier than Fisher’s Earliest
most supersweet varieties, with seedlings emerging better in cool soil. Ears are bi-color
with excellent husk coverage and exceptional sweetness and tenderness. Xtra-Tender
2171 F1 will make a great freezer corn because the kernels are large and firm, making
it easier to cut and process. Grow more to keep all winter! Developed by Illinois
Foundation Seeds, Inc.

2379 Allure F1 75 days Xtra-Tender 2171 F1

HYBRID • BI-COLOR • Synergistic (sy) • Slender 8” ears
Seductive sweetness and an instant favorite in our trials! Long-lasting confectionary
sweetness and excellent seedling vigor. Ears have good tip fill, and biting into the tender
kernels results in a juicy pop. Impressively uniform 6-7’ stalks. Intermediate resistance
to northern corn leaf blight, rust, and Stewart’s bacterial wilt. Synergistics (sy) hold
sweetness better post-harvest than se’s. From our friends at Seneca Vegetable Research.
Allure F1
new 2385 Enchanted F1 78 days
HYBRID • BI-COLOR • Augmented supersweet (sh2) • 7” ears
This augmented hybrid produces ears full of mouthwatering, plump kernels
and stays sweet longer post-harvest. Buttery white and gold kernels are juicy and
flavorful. Ears consistently have 18-20 rows of kernels and excellent tip fill. Great variety
for processing and freezing. Shows intermediate resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight,
common rust, and Stewart’s wilt. From our friends at Seneca Vegetable Research.

2376 My Fair Lady F1 78 days

HYBRID • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • BI-COLOR • Sugary Enhanced (se) • 7-8” ears
High-class corn with tender texture and very good sweet flavor. Elegant, long
slender ears are 1.25” wide at the center. Single-stalked plants grow 5’ tall. My Fair Lady
F1 was developed by Dr. William Tracy at the University of Wisconsin in collaboration
with High Mowing Organic Seeds. My Fair Lady F1 Enchanted F1

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 23
2382 Who Gets Kissed? 78-84 days
OP • BI-COLOR • Sugary enhanced (se) • 7-8” ears
A sweet corn bred for (and by) organic growers! Excellent flavor and tender texture;
good cool soil emergence. Compact 5-6’ tall plants with ears 2’ off the ground; 14-16 rows
of kernels each. Good tip fill and husk coverage. Ears have an extended harvest window—
check frequently for maturity. Intermediate resistance to Rust and smut. Developed by Dr.
Bill Tracy, Jared Zystro, Dr. Adrienne Shelton and Dr. John Navazio in collaboration with the
Organic Seed Alliance and farmer Martin Diffley. Introduced in 2015 to huge success. High
Mowing is proud to be the exclusive producer of organic seed for this variety.

2378 Mirage F1 79 days

HYBRID • WHITE • Synergistic (sy) • 8-9” ears
Attractive ears with wonderfully tender, sweet kernels that melt in your mouth! Ears
Who Gets Kissed? Mirage F1 start 2.5’ from the ground for easy harvest and are well wrapped in dark green husks. Plants
are 7’ tall and average 2 ears per plant with 16 rows of kernels each. Intermediate resistance to
northern corn leaf blight, rust and Stewart’s bacterial wilt. From Seneca Vegetable Research.


2410 Tom Thumb 85 days

HEIRLOOM • YELLOW • Popcorn • Dwarf 3’ plants • 3-4” ears
Extra-early popcorn succeeds even in cold climates. Dwarf plants each produce
1-2 petite ears for decorations or wreaths. Pops well with a slightly denser texture than
commercial popcorn. Improved by Professor E. Meader at the University of New Hampshire.
2404 Painted Mountain 90 days

OP • MULTI • Ornamental/Milling • 6-7” ears

Colorful Montana mountain corn for milling flour. Selected by Dave Christenson
from a strain of Mandan Indian corn for earliness and cold-hardiness—the ultimate
Tom Thumb Painted Mountain survival food. Multi-color kernels vary from ear to ear. Perfect for flour thanks to its soft
starchy kernels that are easy to grind.

2390 Roy’s Calais Flint 90-95 days

HEIRLOOM • MULTI • Ornamental/Milling • 9-12” ears
Beautiful gold and maroon ears excellent for cornmeal, flour and hominy. This
excellent Vermont flint corn was recognized by the Slow Food Ark of Taste as an
historic variety in need of preservation. Highly ornamental and genetically unusual
blend of colors. Originally from the Abenaki people of the Northeast and Quebec.

2371 Dakota Black 95 days

OP • BLACK • Popcorn • Long storage • 5-6” ears
Delicious and ornamental with eye-catching black kernels. Perfect rows of
beautiful, purple-black kernels all the way to the tip. Sturdy 6-7’ plants typically have
one ear per plant. Allow ears to dry fully in the field and then continue drying inside
for best popping. Bred by Prairie Road Organic Farm in North Dakota.
Roy’s Calais Flint Dakota Black
2394 Jerry Petersen Blue 100 days
HEIRLOOM • BLUE • Ornamental/Milling • 9” ears
The perfect variety for blue corn flour. And it’s gorgeous while you’re drying it!
After numerous trials of many blue corns, Jerry Petersen has emerged as the standout
year after year, ripening earlier and with greater uniformity than any other variety. Has
excellent tip fill and a simply magnificent blue color. Easy to shell and grind for a blue
flour with good flavor. A South Dakota heirloom. Limited availability in 2018.

Why We
Through seeds, we are making
positive changes to agriculture

on a national level. - Paul,
Commercial Grower Sales
Jerry Petersen Blue More on p. 56.

CORN SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*

2371 Dakota Black Popcorn $6.70 $25.05 $42.00 $35.20/lb $30.00/lb
2375 Fisher’s Earliest Sweet $4.50 $17.50 $29.50 $24.70/lb $20.80/lb
2394 Jerry Petersen Blue Milling $4.40 $16.00 $25.00 $22.00/lb $19.20/lb
2404 Painted Mountain Milling $5.40 $20.25 $25.70 $22.60/lb $21.60/lb
2390 Roy’s Calais Flint Milling $4.25 $14.00 $22.00 $19.40/lb $17.20/lb
2410 Tom Thumb Popcorn $4.60 $17.25 $31.00 $26.00/lb $23.48/lb
2382 Who Gets Kissed? Sweet $4.50 $17.00 $29.50 $25.00/lb $22.00/lb
CORN SEED - HYBRID - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 75 1M 5M 25 M 100 M** 500 M**
2379 Allure F1 Sweet $4.25 $21.25 $16.60/M $14.48/M $12.60/M $10.60/M
2385 Enchanted F1 Sweet $4.25 $21.25 $16.60/M $14.48/M $12.60/M $10.60/M
2378 Mirage F1 Sweet $4.25 $21.25 $16.60/M $14.48/M $12.60/M $10.60/M
2376 My Fair Lady F1 Sweet $3.75 $18.00 $12.00/M $9.00/M $7.50/M $6.50/M
2384 Xtra-Tender 2171 F1 Sweet $4.50 $23.00 $19.60/M $18.20/M $17.00/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more. **For 100M, add $28. For 500M, add $140.
24 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454
Cucumis sativus

National Pickling cucumber seed harvest and extraction on our farm in Vermont.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding, subtract 10 days if Powdery Mildew, PRS-Papaya Ringspot Virus, SCAB-Scab, TLS-Target Leaf Spot,
transplanting. Cucumbers can be direct seeded after all danger of frost has passed or WMV-Watermelon Mosaic Virus, ZYMV-Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus
begun as transplants 3-4 weeks before planting date. Optimal soil temperature for SEED SPECS: 1-1.3M (1.1M avg) seeds/oz, 12-21M (16.5M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.

germination is 75-85°F. Cucumbers store well for up to 7-10 days at 50-55°F with 95% 1/16 oz approx. 65 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 3 seeds every 12”, thin to 2 plants in rows
relative humidity and can become injured at temperatures lower than 50°F. 5-6’ apart. Transplants: 12” apart in rows 5-6’ apart.
RESISTANCE KEY: ALS-Angular Leaf Spot, AN-Anthracnose, CMV-Cucumber Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
Mosaic Virus, CVYV-Cucumber Vein Yellows Virus, DM-Downy Mildew, PM-


2432 Picolino F1 50 days

HYBRID • CMV, PM, SCAB, TLS • Parthenocarpic • 4-5” fruit
Mini English cukes with sweet flavor, thin skin and crispy texture. We love the
convenience of these prolific cukes! Best quality trellised in a greenhouse, but also
suited to field production. Intermediate resistance to cucumber vein yellows virus.
Parthenocarpic plants allow for fruit set without pollination and under stress.

2421 Socrates F1 52 days

HYBRID • PM, SCAB • Parthenocarpic • 7” fruit Picolino F1
Midsize European cuke with thin skin; a winner in our taste tests! Plants do not
require pollination; good for seedless production, but seeds will form if insects are
present. Adaptable to field or tunnels but especially suited to fall or winter where light
levels are low and powdery mildew is present.
Kalunga F1
2431 Kalunga F1 55 days
HYBRID • SCAB, TLS • Parthenocarpic • 12-13” fruit
Lightly ribbed, long green fruits on vigorous, productive plants. Strong, compact
plants are early to mature, producing one fruit per node. The highest yielding European
type in our trials! Tasty, non-bitter fruits have golden flesh and an extended shelf life. Ideal
for unheated greenhouses, but widely adapted to many different growing conditions and
seasons, with intermediate resistance to powdery mildew. From Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2419 Manny F1 55 days Socrates F1

HYBRID • PM, CVYV • Parthenocarpic • Gourmet Beit Alpha-type • 5-7” fruit
Thin, lightly ribbed skin and mild, sweet flavor in a charming size! Crisp
fruits great for snacking; larger than Picolino F1 with higher yields and better field
performance. Performs best trellised but had impressive yields in our field trials as well.
Plants do not require pollination, allowing for early, heavy yields even under stress.

2428 Tyria F1 58 days

HYBRID • PM, SCAB, TLS • Parthenocarpic • 14” fruit
Long European/Dutch type with smooth, slender fruits. Thin skin is slightly ribbed Tyria F1
and dark green. Crisp texture and mildly sweet flavor, never bitter! Variety does not require
pollination; can be grown indoors all season long or outdoors. Trellis vines for straight fruit.

2425 Green Finger 60 days Manny F1

OP • PM, PRS, WMV, ZYMV • Gourmet Beit Alpha-type • 6-8” fruit
Thin, tender skin, crisp flesh and a small seed cavity. Green Finger blew away hybrids
in our trials for quality and yield. Unusually durable for this type; no wrapping needed! A
field or open tunnel variety bred by Cornell University; requires pollination for fruit set.
Beit Alphas are similar to European/Dutch types with the same ribbed skin but smaller.


2427 Saber F1 55 days

HYBRID • TLS, SCAB • Parthenocarpic • 8.5-9” fruit
Excellent uniform variety for the greenhouse or field. Long, straight dark green fruits
with blunt ends are great for commercial growers. Thick, smooth skin that holds up well in
handling and shipping. Tolerates cool weather. Parthenocarpic plants do not require pollination. Green Finger Saber F1
Intermediate resistance to cucumber mosaic virus and cucumber vein yellows virus.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 25
2426 Paraiso F1 55 days
HYBRID • Early, uniform fruit • High yielding • 8-10” fruit
Vigorous, disease resistant slicer with great flavor. Reliably early and abundant
producer of long slender fruit with sweet, mild flavor and great crunch. Vigorous vines
with huge dark green leaves; tolerant of cool temperatures. Intermediate resistance to
powdery mildew, cucumber vein yellows virus and cucumber mosaic virus.

2440 Marketmore 76 65 days

OP • PM, CMV, SCAB • Vigorous • 8-9” fruit
Marketmore 76 remains the most widely planted open-pollinated slicer in the
US! Dark green fruits stay green and mild-tasting even under heat stress, while multiple
disease resistances keep plants vigorous and highly productive across a long picking
season. Showed good resistance to angular leaf spot and anthracnose in our trials.

Paraiso F1 Marketmore 76 PICKLING

2450 National Pickling 52 days

OP • CMV, SCAB • Productive • 5” fruit
Short, thick cukes with blunt ends are perfect for pickles and delicious in
salads. Fruits have striped, medium green skin and a slightly tapered shape to fit in
a pickle jar. A heavy producer with black spines. Developed by the National Pickle
Packers Association; the cuke pickle growers asked for.

2422 Calypso F1 52 days


National Pickling HYBRID • ALS, AN, CMV, PM, SCAB • Gynoecious • 4” fruit
Exceptionally early, heavy yields of uniform, blocky fruits. Firm, 1” diameter
cukes are great for pickling with excellent eating quality. Consistently the earliest, most
productive cuke in our trials with an impressive disease resistance package! Vigorous
gynoecious plants set only female flowers; Marketmore 76 is included for pollination.

Adam F1 2452 H-19 Little Leaf 58 days

OP • ALS, AN, CMV, PM, SCAB • Parthenocarpic • 3-4” fruit
Calypso F1 Uniform fruits great for fresh eating or pickling. Compact, multi-branching vines
climb easily; small leaf size makes fruit easy to see. Great for field, greenhouse, or
containers. Developed and released by the University of Arkansas in 1991. Plants
produce fruit under stress and without pollinators, guaranteeing high yields.

2423 Adam F1 60 days

HYBRID • CMV, PM, SCAB • Parthenocarpic • 3-4” fruit
H-19 Little Leaf Early, heavy yields of gherkin-type fruit for pickling. Fruit possesses a full, even
shape with minimal tapering at a small size. Dense, crisp flesh and characteristic bumpy skin
are most pronounced when young and help maintain crispness in pickling. Plants do not
require pollination - perfect for greenhouses! Intermediate resistance to downy mildew.


2454 Poona Kheera 50 days

Poona Kheera OP • Productive • 4-5” fruit
Unusual gourmet variety with sweet golden skin and juicy, crisp
texture. Specialty variety from India has light yellow skin when young, with rosy
russeting at full maturity. Traditionally sold at yellow stage, but flavor is best when
harvested as rosy blush begins. Heavy producer. Climbs easily on a trellis to 5-6’.

2424 Silver Slicer 54 days

OP • American slicer-type • 5-6” fruit
A creamy-white slicer with excellent flavor and lovely smooth skin. The hands-
down winner in our taste tests for its mild flavor, juicy texture and thin skin. Fruits are
2” wide, similar to Boothby Blonde with a longer, narrower shape and better flavor.
Bred by Cornell University.

2435 Suyo Long 60 days

HEIRLOOM • PM • Heat tolerant • Asian • 15” fruit
Long Asian burpless cucumber with sweet flavor and crisp texture. Great for fresh
eating, pickling or cooking. Fruits are spiny when young, becoming smoother at peak maturity.
Suyo Long Silver Slicer Fruits tend to curl on one end; trellis vines for straight fruit. Widely adapted and heat tolerant.

new 2433 Tasty Green F1 60 days

HYBRID • PM • Heavy yields • Asian • 9” fruit
new A slender Asian burpless variety with delicate skin and sweet flavor. Vigorous
plants produce long, slim fruits with higher yields and smoother skin than the heirloom
Suyo Long. An early producer, Tasty Green F1 offers high quality fruit with shallow
ridges and crisp texture. Popular in specialty markets and for growing in home gardens.
Best quality trellised, as fruits tend to curl if plants are left to grow over the ground.
Intermediate resistance to downy mildew.

2420 Boothby Blonde 63 days

HEIRLOOM • Great container variety • 3-5” fruit
Heavy yields of unique plump cucumbers with creamy yellow skin. We love its
sweet, delicate flavor and oddly endearing appearance. Maintained for five generations
by the Boothby family of Livermore, Maine. Recognized by the Slow Food Ark of Taste
as a historic variety, High Mowing has taken on preservation of this unique cultivar by
Tasty Green F1 Boothby Blonde continuing seed productions.

26 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2430 Lemon 68 days
HEIRLOOM • Tolerates cool weather • 3” fruits
Specialty variety prized by chefs for its delicate
flavor and crunchy bite. Round fruits turn from
pale greenish yellow to lemon yellow (the best eating
Why We We’re fixing the
food system one
seed at a time.”

stage) and then bright golden yellow (when it most
closely resembles a lemon). Easy to grow; does well
in short seasons. Great for large containers! Lemon
GROW - Ben, Fulfillment
More on p. 56.

CUCUMBER SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/16 oz 1/4 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2420 Boothby Blonde $2.95 $4.70 $9.00 $20.00 $73.00 $66.00/lb $60.00/lb
2425 Green Finger $2.95 $6.20 $15.20 $37.00 $117.00 $104.00/lb $93.00/lb
2452 H19 Little Leaf $2.95 $4.85 $11.85 $29.00 $96.00 $83.00/lb $74.00/lb
2430 Lemon $2.95 $4.00 $6.00 $18.00 $55.00 $51.00/lb $47.00/lb
2440 Marketmore 76 $2.95 $3.60 $5.00 $11.75 $35.00 $33.00/lb $26.60/lb
2450 National Pickling $2.95 $4.10 $5.50 $17.60 $53.00 $50.00/lb $46.00/lb
2454 Poona Kheera $2.95 $4.75 $11.00 $27.00 $92.00 $83.00/lb $74.00/lb
2424 Silver Slicer $2.95 $6.50 $16.00 $39.00 $115.00 $102.00/lb $85.00/lb
2435 Suyo Long $2.95 $6.50 $16.00 $39.00 $115.00 $102.00/lb $85.00/lb
2423 Adam F1 $4.00 $9.30 $29.85 $88.00 $79.00/M $72.00/M
2422 Calypso F1 $2.95 $3.75 $8.50 $11.75 $8.00/M $6.20/M
2431 Kalunga F1 $15.00 $55.00 $235.00 $705.00 $645.00/M $580.00/M
2419 Manny F1 $4.00 $9.30 $29.85 $88.00 $79.00/M $72.00/M
2426 Paraiso F1 $8.25 $23.00 $82.00 $270.00 $250.00/M $240.00/M
2432 Picolino F1 $8.50 $26.00 $99.00 $325.00 $280.00/M $260.00/M
2427 Saber F1 $7.00 $22.00 $79.00 $220.00 $195.00/M $177.00/M
2421 Socrates F1 $8.75 $34.00 $125.00 $370.00 $297.00/M $263.20/M
2433 Tasty Green F1 $2.95 $4.00 $13.00 $41.00 $35.00/M $32.00/M
2428 Tyria F1 $11.50 $47.00 $215.00 $668.00 $615.00/M $552.00/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Solanum melongena

Our trials crew having buckets of fun with an eggplant harvest.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplant. Sow seeds indoors 8-12 weeks ward off insects. Harvest eggplants when skin is glossy and thumbprint will not leave an impression
before last frost date. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 85°F. Plant outdoors in (over-ripe if seeds are brown.) Store at 50- 55ºF and 90% relative humidity.
daytime temperatures of at least 65°F and nighttime temperatures of above 50°F. Eggplants SEED SPECS: 5.5-7.5M (6.5M avg) seeds/oz. M=1,000 seeds. 1/64 oz approx. 100 seeds.
grow best in deep, well drained soils with pH 6-6.5. Irrigate well, especially during flowering Transplants: 12-18” apart in rows 18-30” apart, or in 2 rows 24” apart on plastic mulched beds.
and fruit set. Prevent disease and recurrent pest pressure with crop rotation and cover
cropping. Use plastic mulch and floating row cover to increase soil and air temperatures and Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

2466 Little Finger 60 days

OP • Early • Productive • Great for containers • 3-6” fruit
Slender, petite eggplants fantastic for grilling. Dark purple skin is thin and tender.
Flesh has a silky texture with few seeds and mildly sweet flavor needing very little
cooking time. Harvest when fruit is young and glossy.

2472 Snowy 60 days

OP • Widely adapted • Great for containers • 7” fruit
Elegant snow-white eggplant with medium-thick skin and delicate sweet flavor.
Snowy’s texture is firmer and meatier than most, holding up well in cooking and Little Finger Snowy
handling. Upright, sturdy plants are well adapted to many growing conditions.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 27
new 2468 Michal F1 60-70 days
new HYBRID • Parthenocarpic • Greenhouse or field • 7.5” fruit
This vigorous hybrid produces early and often, offering firm fruits with an
excellent shelf-life. Hardy, par thenocarpic plants are perfect for greenhouse
production but also perform well in the field. Uniform, classically shaped fruits have good
flavor and very few seeds. Dark black skin and firm flesh—great for eggplant parmesan!
From our friends at Genesis Seeds.

2470 Black Beauty 65 days

OP • Productive • Classic shape • 5-6” fruit
Black Beauty Classic Italian eggplant with high yields and no spines. Blocky, nearly black bell-
shaped fruits have a slight signature ribbing. Medium to thick skin is deep purple and
glossy when mature. Compact plants benefit from staking to support heavy yields of
large fruit.
Michal F1 2471 Diamond 70 days
OP • Good short season variety • Highly productive • 6-8” fruit
A standout as a very prolific early producer; yields as well as hybrids in our
trials. Slender, attractive dark purple fruit hang in clusters for easy picking. Fruit
has mild flavor with no bitterness and a fine, creamy texture. Great choice for
eggplants in a shor t season or for those looking for a high quality open-pollinated
variety for commercial production.

Diamond 2467 Ping Tung Long 70 days


HEIRLOOM • Compact habit • Excellent for containers • 12-14” fruit

Easy-to-grow Asian eggplants are long and slender with tender magenta
skin. Productive plants yield up to 20 fruits each and are vigorous and stress
tolerant. Slim fruits average 1-2” wide; plants should be staked for straight fruit. No
peeling required!

2475 Rosa Bianca 73 days

HEIRLOOM • Gourmet appeal • 4-6” fruit
Ping Tung Long A lovely Sicilian variety with light pink fruit streaked with white and violet.
Plump, rounded fruits have mild, creamy taste adored by chefs; no bitterness and few
seeds. Does best in areas with warm nights and can be lower-yielding in extreme
northern areas like northern Vermont or Quebec.
Traviata F1
2473 Traviata F1 80 days
HYBRID • Greenhouse or field production • Uniform • 7” fruit
Italian eggplant with high yields of extremely uniform fruits. Dark purple
skin has a healthy shine when ripe and no spines. Fruit is abundant, setting regularly
throughout the season. Plants are upright, sturdy, and very uniform. Bred by our
partners at Vitalis Seeds.

2474 Listada di Gandia 85 days

OP • Gourmet appeal • 3-5” fruit
Stunning magenta-striped Italian eggplant for a beautiful display. Very productive
plants produce abundant tender, delicious fruits with unusually thin skin. Egg-shaped
petite fruits fit in the palm of your hand and are great for smaller portions. Holds its
Rosa Bianca Listada di Gandia color even at large sizes.

EGGPLANT SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/64 oz 1/16 oz 1/4 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb
2470 Black Beauty $2.95 $4.00 $8.30 $20.00 $56.70
2471 Diamond $2.95 $11.00 $22.05 $53.30 $169.15
2474 Listada diGandia $2.95 $11.50 $23.00 $55.00 $175.00
2466 Little Finger $3.75 $12.50 $26.00 $65.45 $216.80
2467 Ping Tung Long $2.95 $10.00 $22.70 $53.25 $172.75
2475 Rosa Bianca $2.95 $8.10 $16.80 $41.00 $132.00
2472 Snowy $2.95 $10.65 $21.55 $50.40 $150.50
2468 Michal F1 $6.10 $12.60 $19.55 $29.00 $95.00
2473 Traviata F1 $6.10 $12.60 $19.55 $29.00 $95.00
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

28 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454
Foeniculum vulgare

Weeding fennel at the The Farm at the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplants. Fennel is a hardy annual. appears earlier in the season than Alternaria blight. Both these fungi are seed borne but can
Cool weather, fertilization and irrigation produce the largest and sweetest bulbs. Direct also be spread by crop residue from previous years. White mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)
seed fennel mid-spring through late summer or start transplants 4-5 weeks before manifests as a cottony white mycelium around roots and lower plant parts, usually late in
planting date. Plant outdoors after danger of hard frost has passed. Bolting can result the season. Avoid planting in areas which are shady or have poor drainage and practice crop

from disturbing the roots. Remove all seed stalks to preserve quality. Harvest bulbs at rotations with non-vegetable crops.
3-4” in diameter. Fennel is delicate and will dry out quickly in storage; remove stalks SEED SPECS: 5.3-7.5M (6.4M avg) seeds/oz, 85-120M (102M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
and wrap bulbs separately in plastic. Store in cooler as close to freezing as possible. 1/32 oz approx. 200 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 6 seeds/foot, thin to 6” apar t in rows
Quality will keep for 3-4 days. 12-24” apar t. Transplants: 6” apar t in rows 12-24” apar t.
DISEASE & PESTS: Fungal leaf blights caused by Alternaria dauci or Cercospora carotae Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
can cause severe defoliation and greatly reduce yields. Generally, Cercospora blight

2479 Solaris F1 75 days

HYBRID • Uniform baby bulbs • 3-4” bulbs
Our earliest fennel with excellent bulbing! Stout, heavy bulbs grow to an impressive
size crowned by feathery foliage. Juicy texture without woodiness or dryness; pleasant
anise flavor. A standout variety for all seasonal slots and an excellent choice for baby
fennel. Our growers in the Pacific Northwest say Solaris F1 holds better than other
varieties for later season sales. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

2478 Preludio F1 75 days

HYBRID • Bolt resistant • 4” bulbs
Very early, heavy bulbs with superb flavor—a major improvement in hybrid Solaris F1
fennel. This variety stood out in our trials with its lightly sweet flavor, uniformity
and ability to hold in the field without bolting. Upright plants are easy to harvest.
Early variety recommended for spring and summer har vest with good fall
performance as well. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2484 Finale 80 days

OP • Bolt resistant • 4” bulbs Florence
Vigorous plants were a hit in our trials, producing huge juicy bulbs. Very large,
uniform bulbs with slightly flattened shape. Finale stores well, keeping good quality
and maintaining a crisp, juicy texture and pleasant flavor. Excellent bolt resistance.

2480 Florence 80 days

OP • Ideal for baby bulbs • Spring crop • 2-3” bulbs Preludio F1
The best known Fennichio, loved for its sweet aroma and edible foliage. Perfect
for baby to medium size bulbs and prized for its tender, aromatic foliage which can
be used like leaf fennel. Bulbs do not fill out as much as standard fennel. Wonderful
fragrance comes from increased levels of anethole, an aromatic compound also found
in anise.

2481 Orion F1 82 days

HYBRID • Bolt resistant • 3-4” bulbs
Large, uniform rounded bulbs with high yield potential. Bulbs average 3-4” wide
and hold well in the field, with good tolerance to tip burn and bolting. An extremely
reliable producer across a variety of conditions, with strong late season vigor for baby
bulbs in the fall.
Orion F1 Finale

FENNEL SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb

2484 Finale $2.95 $8.50 $30.00 $145.00 $257.00
2480 Florence $2.95 $4.60 $18.40 $63.50 $103.00
2481 Orion F1 $3.75 $16.50 $29.75 $25.40/M $22.80/M
2478 Preludio F1 $2.95 $12.50 $19.00 $17.20/M $15.20/M
2479 Solaris F1 $3.75 $16.50 $29.75 $25.40/M $22.80/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 29
Garlic Allium sativum

Music garlic growing at High Mowing’s seed production farm.

CULTURAL INFO: Garlic is propagated asexually from the previous year’s crop. Individual keep bulbs dry after harvest. Cure in a dry area out of direct sunlight for 2-3 weeks, then
cloves are planted, each producing one plant (one bulb). Garlic grows best in full sun and sandy braid softnecks or lop off hardneck tops 1” above the bulb and trim roots. Store at 35-50°F,
clay loam with high organic matter and pH 6.5. Plant garlic in fall 4-6 weeks before the ground moderate humidity of 65-70% with good air circulation. Hardnecks keep about 5-8 months;
freezes. Separate cloves just before planting, then plant root ends down, 4-6” apart. Larger softnecks usually keep longer.

cloves produce larger bulbs; smaller cloves can be densely planted for garlic greens. Fertilize with SEED SPECS: Softneck, Silverskin-type, 12-20 cloves/bulb. Softneck, Artichoke-type,
compost or a 1-2-2 NPK fertilizer. Garlic may be planted into beds with plastic mulch or mulched 12-18 cloves/bulb. Hardneck, Porcelain-type, averages 4-6 cloves/bulb. Hardneck,
heavily with straw. Side-dress with compost in spring when plants are 8” tall. Do not fertilize later, Rocambole-type, 6-12 cloves/bulb. 1 lb approx. 8 bulbs. Rates: 2 cloves/foot, 200
as it may decrease bulb size. Garlic is easy to grow, but is susceptible to several diseases including cloves/100’, 58M cloves/acre using 6” spacing in rows 18” apart. M=1,000. Cloves per
Basal Rot, White Rot, Botrytis Rot and Penicillium Decay. Use best management practices and bulb and bulbs per pound can vary based on variety.
plant only disease-free seed. Hardnecks produce edible flower stalks called scapes that are also
marketable; cutting them as they appear results in larger bulbs. Harvest garlic in midsummer when PLEASE NOTE: Garlic will begin shipping on or before October 16th, 2018.
the lower half of the leaves begin to dry down. Loosen soil and lift with a fork; handle gently and Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.


86750 Georgian Crystal

OP • Porcelain-type • 4-6 cloves
Magnificent large bulb porcelain-type adaptable to many climates. Will even do
well in many areas of the South. When raw, somewhat mellower than many others,
with a crisp garlic flavor that holds well during cooking. Very cold tolerant with large,
tightly wrapped bulbs that can make for huge heads if well fertilized. Plants are so
vigorous and eye-catching you’ll want to plant close to the road!
Georgian Crystal
86300 Music
OP • Porcelain-type • 4-6 cloves
A large, beautiful variety that is easy to grow! Extemely high yielding, with
Music vigorous plants and very large, tightly wrapped bulbs. Slightly spicy flavor is hot raw and
sweet roasted. Vigorous with long roots, it can overwinter without heaving. Very cold
tolerant. Stores 9-12 months. Originally from Italy.

86550 Zemo
OP • Porcelain-type • 4-6 cloves
Large creamy white cloves with pink tinting and spicy flavor. Large bulbs have high allicin
content and medium heat; exellent raw! Late maturing variety that stores up to 5 months.
Zemo Similar to German White; prefers a cold winter. Originally from the Republic of Georgia.

86400 Chesnok Red

HEIRLOOM • Purple Stripe-type • 9-10 cloves
Easy to peel, long cloves with beautiful purple stripes and mild flavor. Very large violet
bulbs with mild, creamy flavor when cooked. Well adapted to different regions and tolerates
cold winters; best planted in early fall. Stores 6-7 months. From the Republic of Georgia.

Chesnok Red 86350 Metechi

OP • Purple Stripe-type • 4-7 cloves
Large fiery cloves wrapped in thick tawny skin. Very thick, tight skin hides large,
bulbous cloves with firm texture. Easy to peel and one of the best varieties for roasting!
Suitable for warm or cold climates. Long storing.
86150 Killarney Red
OP • Rocambole-type • 8-9 cloves
High yielding variety with excellent strong, nutty flavor. Similar to Spanish Roja or
German Red, with superior performance in cool, wet conditions. Thin mahogany bulb
wrappers are easily peeled. Among the highest yielding Rocamboles.

86700 Spanish Roja

HEIRLOOM • Rocambole-type • 8-12 cloves
Loved by chefs for its seductive depth of flavor and ease of peeling. Flavor is
strong but not overly spicy. Thin bulb wrappers are easy to peel. Needs a cold winter;
not suitable for Southern climates. Brought to the Portland, Orgeon area before 1900.
Spanish Roja Killarney Red Stores 4-6 months.

30 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454


86100 Inchelium Red

HEIRLOOM • Artichoke-type • 8-20 cloves
Award-winning flavor is robust and rich with a hint of heat. Heavy, flattened bulbs
may exceed 3” across and are protected by thick outer skin. Vigorous and tasty! Originally
saved by the native population in northern Washington State, Inchelium Red became more
widely distributed when it was discovered on the Colville Indian Reservation by Larry Geno.

86250 Lorz Italian

HEIRLOOM • Artichoke-type • 12-19 cloves
Large, robust cloves with hot, spicy flavor. Big, flat-round bulbs have easy-to-peel Inchelium Red Lorz Italian
skins and are excellent roasted, with stronger, better flavor than other Artichoke-types.
Tolerates summer heat well. Brought from Italy to Washington State around 1850.

86600 Nootka Rose

HEIRLOOM • Silverskin-type • 12-18 cloves
Beautiful bright skin and rose-streaked cloves with rich, warm flavor. Late
maturing but well worth the wait, with exceptional flavor and long storage potential.
Gorgeous medium to large heads with strong flavor; ideal for braiding! Originally from
the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington. Stores 9-12 months.

86450 Silver White

OP • Silverskin-type • 12-20 cloves
High yields of large, mild flavored bulbs. Popular softneck for braiding, often seen in

grocery stores. Bright white skin and large cloves with storage up to 12 months. Productive Nootka Rose Silver White
in cold, hot and humid climates. Originally from Harmony Farm Supply in California.

GARLIC - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*

86400 Chesnok Red $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86750 Georgian Crystal $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86100 Inchelium Red $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86150 Killarney Red $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86250 Lorz Italian $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86350 Metechi $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86300 Music $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86600 Nootka Rose $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86450 Silver White $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86700 Spanish Roja $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
86550 Zemo $21.25 $20.40/lb $18.00/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

The Search for Better Seed

How High Mowing expanded our garlic selection and improved quality with our partners.
Garlic is one of the most difficult crops in who guarantee a superior product – not just
which to maintain quality. After frustrations because we asked for it, but because they
in our early years with garlic seed that share our value of commitment to excellent
simply didn’t meet our standards, we quality. Their production systems align with
committed to some operational changes in our philosophies of building healthy soil and
order to enhance our garlic offerings. using sustainable practices to prevent pest
and disease from diminishing the quality of a
Broadening Our Selection Our team
seed crop.
identified outstanding varieties of both
hardneck and softneck types, seeking Quality Assured High Mowing Organic
to multiply our offerings in five main Seeds offers the highest quality garlic
subcategories (Rocambole, Purple Stripe, available. When High Mowing actively
Porcelain, Artichoke and Silverskin). This stepped into a new realm of garlic seed
deepening of our selection allowed us to production and distribution, it was with the
better fulfill our growers’ needs with options hope that the growers who use our seed
for types of garlic and maintain suitable would directly benefit from this positive
alternatives in the event of a seed quality issue. shift. It is always our goal to offer growers John, the farmer at this certified organic
more than seed—integrity, consistency and farm in Oregon, says growing seed garlic
Finding Our Partners Next, we sought
a commitment to quality are a part of our for High Mowing “fits perfectly with what
out seed growers with reputations for I’m trying to do. High Mowing has a higher
pledge to the growers who use our seed,
quality. We now source the majority of our reputation for quality, as do I.”
and to the growers who produce our seed.
garlic from small, independent producers

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 31
Greens, Salad Mixes

Salads with Gourmet Lettuce Blend and other greens being plated for a Sandiwood Farm to Fork Sunset Dinner.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Salad mixes, usually containing SEED SPECS: 15-30M (20M avg) seeds/oz, 240-480M (320 avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
both lettuces and brassica greens, are moderately hardy annuals that can be sown from early spring 1/32 oz approx. 600 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 60 seeds/foot in a 2” band in rows
through late summer. Best results will come from separate plantings of lettuces and brassicas as 2-6” apart.
their days to maturity are not identical. Separation of these groups also allows for row cover to be RESISTANCE KEY: DM-Downy Mildew

used only on the brassica greens in order to control flea beetles. Direct seed as soon as soil can be
worked. Sow every 1-3 weeks for a continuous harvest. Harvest when leaves are ~3” tall by cutting Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
1” from ground or picking individual leaves for cut-and-come-again.

2616 Gemstone Greens Blend 21 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Colorful blend • Mildly spicy
An eye-catching, flavorful mix of deep purple and emerald green leaves. A mix of
mustards with an emphasis on colorful red and purple stems for a mix as pretty on the
plate as it is in the field. A tasty, mildly spicy blend for salad connoisseurs. Colors are
enhanced by cooler temperatures and full sun.

2518 Hotshot Mix 21 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Spicy blend of mustards and other favorites
Spice up your greens with this flavorful mix! A variety of spicy mustard flavors,
colors and shapes. Includes our favorite spicy mustards and some secret ingredients for
Gemstone Greens Blend Hotshot Mix a signature mix with extreme diversity.

2517 Mild Mustard Blend 21 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Our favorite mild brassicas, mustards and Asian greens
One of our most popular mixes, with a variety of mild mustards and other
greens. Includes some of our favorite kales, mild flavored mustards and Asian greens
for a tasty, diverse assortment. An attractive mix with contrasting leaf shapes, colors
and textures.

2519 Braising Mix 28 days baby, 35 full size

OP • Baby leaf or bunching • Slightly spicy
A balanced blend of robust varieties ideal for sautéing or braising. A medley of
kales, collards, choys and mustard greens for a delicious combination of flavors and
Mild Mustard Blend Braising Mix textures. Varieties have complementary growth rates and contrasting colors and leaf
shapes. A versatile mix intended for bunching or baby leaves.

2615 DMR Salad Blend 28 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • DM (most varieties resistant to races 1-32)
Superb downy mildew resistance in a high quality blend. An attractive blend of
downy mildew resistant lettuces suitable for both outdoor and indoor production.
Features strong, deep reds and brilliant greens, including oak leaf, romaine, lollo, and
red and green leaf types. Excellent for overwintering.

2610 Gourmet Lettuce Blend 28 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Lettuces in every shape and color
A unique HMOS creation you won’t find anywhere else. This tasty and attractive mix
features a wide variety of lettuces including romaine, lollo, green leaf, red leaf and more. A
DMR Salad Blend Gourmet Lettuce Blend signature blend with unique shapes and colors that chefs and gourmands will love.

2620 Mesclun Mix 28 days

OP • A complementary mix of lettuces and mustards
Our best-selling item for the home garden! Our own HMOS blend of lettuce and
mustard greens. The diversity of this mix will give you a great medley of flavor and
color. Mustards grow quickly, shading the soil for lettuces, creating a bountiful mix of
greens suitable for cut-and-come-again harvests.

2585 Red Planet Blend 28 days

OP • Bright red to deep purple lettuces with a few green lettuces
A stunning all-lettuce mix of spectacular reds and a few greens for contrast. A
great blend for spring or summer. We chose our most intensely colorful varieties for a
Mesclun Mix Red Planet Blend mix that tastes great and makes a statement on the plate!

32 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2584 Yankee Hardy Lettuce Blend 28 days
OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • DM (most varieties resistant to races 1-17) • Cold hardy new
A cold tolerant, disease resistant mix. This attractive blend of colors and leaf types
create an eye-catching, all-around pleasing mix for the garden or market. Most of these
lettuces have good downy mildew resistance, essential for fall and winter plantings in
regions with downy mildew pressure.

new 2516 Ironman Kale Mix 30 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Cold hardy • Uniform maturity Yankee Hardy
These kale varieties are ideally suited for baby leaf production, maturing at an Lettuce Blend
even rate to offer a unique, textured blend. The perfect bag of greens for the health-
minded consumer. Farmers market customers will love this nutrient-dense alternative to
salad mix. Tender young greens can be used raw or added to juices, smoothies and sautés.
Varities selected to mature at an even rate and provide a variety of colors and textures.
May include Siberian, Lacinato, Vates and Red Russian kale varieties.

2583 Beta Blend 40 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Unique • Cold hardy
The most beautiful baby leaves chosen from among our beet and chard
varieties. Revolutionize the way you think about beta greens! This mix showcases them
as tender and delicious with the texture of spinach and the sweetness of Russian kales.
Includes red, green, white and gold stems. Ironman Kale Mix Beta Blend

GREENS - SALAD MIX - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb
2583 Beta Blend $2.95 $7.30 $17.90 $44.10 $73.50 $67.00/lb
2519 Braising Mix $2.95 $3.80 $6.80 $17.00 $40.30 $66.25 $59.70/lb
2616 Gemstone Greens Blend $2.95 $4.75 $8.40 $18.30 $57.10 $80.30 $76.76/lb
2610 Gourmet Lettuce Blend $2.95 $4.75 $8.40 $18.30 $57.10 $80.30 $76.76/lb
2518 Hotshot Mix $2.95 $3.75 $6.55 $17.45 $55.25 $78.20 $75.65/lb
2516 Ironman Kale Mix $2.95 $4.65 $8.30 $18.00 $35.00 $51.00 $41.00/lb
2620 Mesclun Mix $2.95 $3.80 $6.80 $17.00 $40.30 $66.25 $59.70/lb
2517 Mild Mustard Blend $2.95 $3.40 $5.95 $21.40 $52.70 $80.35 $71.40/lb
2585 Red Planet Blend $2.95 $5.25 $9.35 $20.30 $63.00 $117.15 $98.18/lb
2584 Yankee Hardy Lettuce Blend $2.95 $5.75 $10.30 $22.10 $68.85 $127.50 $106.25/lb
GREENS - SALAD MIX - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 500 5M 25 M 50 M 100 M 500 M
2615 DMR Salad Blend $2.95 $1.53/M $1.28/M $1.19/M $1.11/M $0.85/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

Better Together
Strength through partnerships with organic seed growers

ore than twenty years ago, Tom consider it an essential part of our duty as seed seeds with a commitment to sustainable
Stearns grew the seeds for all 58 stewards to enroll allies like these in our effort agricultural practices. We are delighted
of High Mowing’s varieties in his to increase growers’ access to organic seed. that they have joined us, and the farmers,
backyard in Gospel Hollow, Vermont. In 2017, gardeners and homesteaders who utilize our
Our partners are farmers who have
we grew 26 acres of seed crops on our farm in seeds, in demonstrating a deep investment
demonstrated excellence in their fields,
Hyde Park, Vermont, producing seeds for 46 of in stewardship of the seeds they grow.
growing the highest quality organic
our 700+ varieties. To become the whole farm
catalog we are today, High Mowing harnessed
the power of partnerships so that we may offer
more organic seeds, grown by talented and
dedicated farmers in Vermont and beyond.
One of the things we’ve learned since those
early days is that we can’t do this by ourselves.
Because building the organic seed supply
represents a shared challenge, it is an effort
that cannot be attempted in isolation. To
augment the varieties we source from other
organic seed companies, we have steadily built
our network of independent seed producers to
help us rise to the challenge. We now partner
Our seed production team includes Tom (far left), Stephen (second from left), Charles
with over fifty seed growers across the country (center) and Molly (far right). They work with Jacob (second from right), who manages
to bring a wide selection of professional quality contract
Photo seed production
of production crew with our network
+ TS and JK of growers.
organic seeds to farmers and gardeners. We

Your Source
Source for
for 100%
100% Certified
Certified Organic,
Organic, Non-GMO
Non-GMO Project
Project Verified Seeds
Verified Seeds 33
Asian & Mustard

Taylor harvests Prize Choy in a pac choy comparison trial.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Asian and mustard greens are or pick individual leaves for cut-and-come-again. Harvest full size leaves as desired. Flea
moderately hardy annuals that can be sown from early spring to late summer. Commonly grown beetle feeding can be prevented by using floating row covers immediately after planting.
as baby leaf for salad mixes in the U.S. and traditionally as full size leaves for ethnic cuisine, SEED SPECS: Please visit our website for individual variety seed specs.
stir-fries or pickling. Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked. Sow every 1-3 weeks for a
Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

continuous harvest. For baby leaf, harvest when leaves are ~3” tall by cutting 1” from ground


2490 Mizuna 21 days baby, 40 full size

OP • Cut-and-come-again • Versatile • Slow to bolt
Bright green, deeply serrated leaves with mildly spicy flavor are essential to
salad mixes. A mild Japanese green with slender white stems and bright green leaves.
Mild in flavor, this variety is good for stir-fries, salads, sandwiches and soups. Harvest
outer leaves or the whole plant at any stage.

Purple Mizuna 2491 Purple Mizuna 21 days baby, 40 full size

OP • Cut-and-come-again • Slow to bolt • Mild with color
Mizuna (baby leaf) (fullsize) Attractive purple-veined leaves are sharply serrated with mild flavor. Color
is most pronounced in late summer harvests, but adds a distinctive look to salad mixes
even at baby sizes. Leaves are more deeply serrated than Mizuna. Mild mustard flavor.

2489 Komatsuna 21 days baby, 40 full size

OP • Versatile • Heat tolerant
Heat tolerant green with dark green, glossy leaves and white, juicy
midribs. Harvest at any stage and use in salads, as braising greens, boiled or pickled.
Flavor grows stronger as plants mature. A turnip relative grown almost exclusively in
Japan, Taiwan and Korea before its introduction to U.S. specialty markets.

2492 Mibuna 21 days baby, 40 full size

OP • Cold tolerant • Slow to bolt
Komatsuna Mibuna Easy-to-grow Japanese green with mild mustard flavor. A favorite for commercial
growers with a custom braising mix. Vigorous, early and cold tolerant. Similar to Mizuna
but with long, rounded leaves instead of serrated. Long white stems are borne in tight
rosettes reaching 12” tall. Perfect lightly steamed and seasoned. Slow to bolt.

Producing organic seed is

Why We about walking lightly on the

earth. Our work makes the world “
better, and that’s deeply satisfying.
–Andrea, Sales and
Marketing More on p. 56.
Tokyo Bekana Vitamin Green

2501 Tokyo Bekana 21 days baby, 40 full size

OP • Cut-and-come-again • Excellent for salad mix • Mild flavor
Lime green leaves have gently ruffled edges and a white mid rib. A lettucy
mustard green resembling Black Seeded Simpson; an excellent baby green for adding
loft and weight to mixes. Planted at 4-6” spacing, this variety will grow into an attractive
bunching green with solid white midribs and an exceptionally tender leaf texture.

2502 Vitamin Green 21 days baby, 40 full size

OP • Glossy, cupped leaves • Ideal winter crop
Glossy dark green leaves atop slender light green stems. Faster growth rate
and more upright habit than Tat Soi. Leaves have an attractive cupped shape and are
Yukina less savoyed than Yukina Savoy. Tolerant of heat and cold; excellent winter green for
Tokyo Bekana Vivid Choi Komatsuna Mibuna Savoy unheated tunnels.

34 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2487 Vivid Choi Pac Choy 21 days baby, 45 full size
OP • Versatile cold hardy green • Slow to bolt
Versatile mild Asian green with unique, colorful stems. Serrated leaves and stems
that range from pale pink to vivid pink and purple. Great for salad mixes, braising or stir-
fry. Both cold hardy and slow to bolt, allowing for a long harvest window. Developed by
independent farmer/breeder Frank Morton of Wild Garden Seeds.

2493 Yukina Savoy 21 days baby, 45 full size

OP • Heat tolerant • Mild flavor
Heat tolerant alternative to Tat Soi. Forest green, spoon-shaped leaves with very
mild flavor are cupped and heavily savoyed. Upright architecture for easy harvesting.
Slow to bolt. Vivid Choi Pac Choy Yukina Savoy
2510 Tat Soi 21 days baby, 45 full size
OP • Versatile • Heat tolerant
Fast growing spoon-shaped leaves are dark green and glossy with narrow
white stems. Most popular as a baby leaf for salad and braising mixes, or bunch at
full size. Mild flavor and tender texture. At full size leaves form a rosette that sits
close to the ground.

2514 Shanghai Green Pac Choy 45 days

OP • Uniform shape • 5-6” tall
The best open-pollinated baby pac choy out there! Dark green, large spoon-
shaped leaves with wide, light green midribs and mild flavor. Shanghai Green forms
densely packed, vase-like heads. Plants can be spaced closely for baby choy, which is

in demand with top Asian chefs for its tenderness and mild flavor. Originally native to Tat Soi Shanghai Green Pac Choy
China, the seed for this variety came to us through Kitazawa Seed Co., a California-
based seed company specializing in Asian vegetable seeds.

2515 White Stemmed Pac Choy 25 days baby, 50 full size

OP • Excellent for baby leaf • Open habit
Gorgeous thick white stems and glossy green leaves. More open habit than Prize
Choy and more commonly used as a baby leaf variety in salad and braising green mixes.
A standard for mild brassica flavor and thick, succulent leaves.

2513 Prize Choy 50 days

OP • Vigorous • Slow to bolt
Elegant vase-like shape, medium thick white stems and smooth, mild flavor. The
best open-pollinated full sized pac choy we have seen in our trials! Prefers cool weather,
but is slow to bolt in heat. We have hand-selected our strain for uniformity, vigor and White Stemmed Pac Choy Prize Choy
bolt resistance. For early spring or fall planting.


2500 Purple Osaka 21 days baby, 40 full size

OP • Adds color and loft to mixes • Cold tolerant • Spicy flavor
Spicy cupped emerald leaves tinged with purple. Purple color becomes more
intense as leaves mature. Similar to Red Giant with less colorful veins and a cupped leaf
that makes washing easier and salads loftier. Spicy mustard flavor.

2506 Ruby Streaks 20 days baby, 45 full size

OP • Essential salad leaf • Spicy flavor
Deeply lobed, lacy baby leaves with deep purple highlights. Green leaves
with purple veining add loft, spice and rosy elegance to any salad plate or stir-fry. Color Purple Osaka Ruby Streaks
is darkest when sown summer through fall. Mix with Golden Frill for a gorgeous display!

2486 Garnet Giant 21 days baby, 45 full size

OP • Essential salad leaf • Spicy mustard flavor
Stunning, vibrant maroon leaves with bright lime green stems—our darkest
leaf! A must-have for any baby mustard mix. Color fades under row cover (or any low-
light condition), but returns within a few days of plants being uncovered. Flowers are
tender and sweet in stir-fries! An ancient variety first cultivated for seed in northwest
Asia and brought to us by Kitazawa Seed Co. in California.

2498 Golden Frill 21 days baby, 45 full size

OP • Essential salad leaf • Very slow to bolt • Spicy flavor
Lacy-looking leaves are vibrant light green, finely cut and frilly. Neon green,
deeply cut and serrated leaves add loft, contrast and spicy mustard flavor to Garnet Giant Golden Frill
signature salad mixes. Bunch at full size for braising greens or use as garnish. Very
slow to bolt.

2485 Green Wave 21 days baby, 45 full size

OP • High yielding • Extremely slow to bolt • Medium spicy flavor
Bright lime green, ruffled leaves add great contrast to salad mixes. A reliable
workhorse mustard, with beautiful color and spicy flavor that mellows when cooked.
At baby stage leaves are flat with softly serrated edges. At full size, leaf margins become
heavily serrated and frilly.

2505 Red Giant 23 days baby, 45 full size

OP • Essential salad leaf • Spicy flavor
Baby greens have bright green leaves with stunning deep purple veins. Full size
plants are incredibly beautiful with a full whorl of burgundy leaves. Mild when baby; spicy Green Wave Red Giant
mustard flavor increases with maturity. Use full sized leaves for stir-fry, soups and pickling.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 35
GREENS - ASIAN & MUSTARD - OP - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2486 Garnet Giant Mustard Greens $2.95 $4.10 $8.10 $14.70 $48.00 $86.75 $82.00/lb
2498 Golden Frill Mustard Greens $2.95 $6.10 $9.10 $18.65 $52.80 $90.20 $81.40/lb
2485 Green Wave Mustard Greens $2.95 $4.50 $6.90 $16.15 $52.50 $95.00 $90.00/lb
2489 Komatsuna Asian Greens $2.95 $4.20 $6.00 $12.60 $39.50 $72.00 $65.00/lb
2492 Mibuna Asian Greens $2.95 $4.00 $5.25 $12.00 $36.55 $63.75 $59.50/lb
2490 Mizuna Asian Greens $2.95 $3.35 $4.00 $8.50 $20.00 $33.00 $29.50/lb $27.00/lb
2513 Prize Choy Pac Choy $2.95 $4.00 $5.50 $15.00 $39.00 $70.00 $62.00/lb
2491 Purple Mizuna Asian Greens $2.95 $5.55 $7.10 $22.50 $54.00 $85.50 $82.15/lb
2500 Purple Osaka Mustard Greens $2.95 $3.70 $5.10 $13.75 $34.00 $63.00 $60.00/lb
2505 Red Giant Mustard Greens $2.95 $3.15 $4.30 $8.80 $25.50 $42.25 $38.30/lb
2506 Ruby Streaks Mustard Greens $2.95 $4.20 $6.15 $18.70 $45.90 $75.65 $63.75/lb
2514 Shanghai Green Pac Choy $2.95 $4.50 $6.75 $16.95 $48.00 $82.00 $72.00/lb
2510 Tat Soi Asian Greens $2.95 $4.15 $5.70 $11.55 $25.40 $36.75 $33.60/lb
2501 Tokyo Bekana Asian Greens $2.95 $4.95 $6.30 $20.00 $48.00 $76.00 $73.00/lb
2502 Vitamin Green Asian Greens $2.95 $8.00 $10.00 $25.00 $75.00 $110.00 $90.00/lb
2487 Vivid Choi Pac Choy $2.95 $5.30 $6.75 $21.25 $51.25 $92.00 $87.50/lb
2515 White Stemmed Pac Choy $2.95 $3.50 $4.25 $10.00 $18.00 $30.00 $26.00/lb
2493 Yukina Savoy Asian Greens $2.95 $4.95 $6.30 $20.00 $48.00 $76.00 $73.00/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.


Harvesting Astro Arugula at Harmony Valley Farm.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Specialty greens are a broad SEED SPECS: Please visit our website for individual variety seed specs.
category of leafy plants, many of which are cold hardy and fast growing. Crops in this group are
Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
gaining popularity due to their ease of culture and unique flavors and colors. .

AMARANTH - Amaranthus hypochondriacus

1999 Burgundy 50 days salad size
OP • Edible and ornamental • 6-8’ tall plants when mature
Versatile, easy-to-grow variety for microgreens, salad mixes, bouquets
and a nutritious grain. Tasty deep red cotyledons and true leaves are similar to
spinach in flavor and delicious steamed. Mature plants produce attractive maroon
plumes gorgeous in ornamental bouquets. Let it go to seed and watch the birds
come to feast.

Burgundy Amaranth
2010 Astro 21 days baby, 40 full size
OP • Heat and cold tolerant
The commercial standard with long green leaves and characteristic mildly spicy
flavor. Germinates quickly and tolerates cold and hot temperatures well. Our strain
has a mix of “cut” and “strap” leaf shapes when grown as baby leaf. Performs well as a
cut-and-come-again crop. Eruca sativa

new 2013 Esmee 21 days baby, 40 full size

OP • Cold tolerant • Upright habit
Beautiful, fine leaves are incised with rounded oak-leaf shape. A wonderful flavor
that is more nutty than spicy sets Esmee apart from other arugula cultivars. Beautifully
shaped leaves are upright and lofty, perfect for either bunching or bagging. Quick
growing and very cold tolerant. Eruca sativa
Astro Arugula Esmee Arugula

36 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

1939 Surrey 28 days baby
OP • Easy to grow • Upright habit
A fast growing, deeply lobed variety with upright habit and rich, spicy flavor.
Appearance is like a cross between Astro and wild arugula, taking the best from each
with the faster growth rate and milder flavor of Astro and the attractive leaf shape of
Sylvetta Wild. Quick growth rate and upright habit reduce disease pressure. Eruca sativa

2012 Grazia 50 days

OP • Very heat and cold tolerant • Slow to bolt
Improved Sylvetta-type with firey flavor that holds better after harvest. Grazia
has the same small, fine serrated leaves as wild arugula, but is noted for its superior
performance under both warm and cold growing conditions. A slow growing variety Surrey Arugula Grazia Arugula
that stays low to the ground. Diplotaxis tenuifolia

2011 Sylvetta Wild 50 days

OP • Great winter crop • Heat and cold tolerant
Also known as roquette, this wild arugula relative has a firey pungency. More
heat tolerant and much more cold tolerant than standard arugula, but grows much
more slowly and attains only half the height. Its distinct look is considered an essential
component of gourmet winter greens mixes. Diplotaxis tenuifolia

BEET GREENS - Beta vulgaris

2290 Early Wonder Tall Top 35 days baby leaf, 45 full size leaf
OP • Early greens • Excellent baby beet

A sure crop for early spring greens and roots. Quick-growing arching tops are perfect Sylvetta Wild Arugula Frisse Endive
for early beet greens, while roots size up quickly for bunched baby beets. Also a great full
size beet with vibrant tops. Similar quality to Detroit Dark Red for early season crops.

2260 Bull’s Blood 35 days baby leaf, 50 days full size leaf
HEIRLOOM • Deep purple leaf for salad mix • Baby beet
Striking dark red-purple leaves provide incredible contrast in salad mixes. Eliot
Coleman’s choice for a red leaf in winter salad mixes. Roots are also tasty and tender when
harvested early as baby beets. Tolerant of heat and cold. Color intensifies as plants mature.

CLAYTONIA - Claytonia perfoliata

1946 Claytonia 40 days

OP • Frost tolerant • Crunchy, juicy texture Bull’s Blood and Early Wonder Tall Top Beet Greens
Beautiful, tasty and very cold hardy salad green with succulent texture and fresh
flavor. Unique round to heart-shaped leaves line the tender stems, each of which ends with
a tiny white flower. Ideal for winter hoophouses; will survive frost and multiple cuttings.


1970 Frisse 35 days baby, 60 full size

OP • ENDIVE • Baby or full sized leaves
Frilly endive with finely cut leaves and blanched interior sprigs. A signature salad mix
ingredient! Similar to Tres Fine Maraichere but a bit less frilly. Grow as baby leaf or leaf lettuce;
plant at high density or cover centers for well blanched, tender sprigs. Cichorium endivia

1943 Totem 115 days root

OP • BELGIAN ENDIVE • Uniform size • 8” roots Claytonia
Uniform, high quality roots for forcing from September to January. Performed best
overall in our Belgian endive trials, producing plants of moderate size and roots that are
perfectly sized for most forcing beds. Stores well. Cichorium intybus

GARDEN CRESS - Lepidium sativum

2415 Wrinkled Crinkled Crumpled Cress 21 days

OP • Open Source Seed • Bolt resistant
A tongue-twister on the page as well as the plate! Twisted, savoyed texture adds
loft and heft to salad mixes. Similar to curly parsley in appearance but with a peppery
punch; suitable for multiple cuttings. Bred by Frank Morton at Wild Garden Seeds..
Wrinkled Crinkled
MÂCHE - Valerianella locusta Totem Belgian Endive Crumpled Cress
1988 Vit 50 days
OP • Spring/fall crop • Upright habit
Vigorous winter salad leaf with delicious nutty flavor and succulent, crisp
texture. Very cold hardy, versatile green forming attractive rosettes of glossy leaves.
Excellent hoophouse crop tolerating cool, moist conditions and downy mildew.

PURSLANE - Portulaca oleracea var sativa

1945 Golden 50 days

OP • Vigorous • Upright plants 18” tall
Golden stems and large, succulent light green leaves packed with Omega 3s. This
is not your well-known garden weed! Individual leaves are oval to round and thick, about
the size of a teaspoon with fresh, tangy flavor. Very nutritious and easy-to-grow salad green. Vit Mâche Golden Purslane

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 37
RADICCHIO - Cichorium intybus

1987 Virtus F1 60 days

HYBRID • Sugar loaf-type • Great for all seasonal slots • Dense 8-10” heads
Lovely, dense elongated heads that come to a slender point with a graceful flourish
of curled leaves. Pale green with crisp yellow-white interior and a sweet, mildly bitter
flavor delicious in salad mix. Heads should be harvested when dense and firm to the
touch. Good uniformity.

1986 Fiero F1 85 days

HYBRID • Treviso-type • Upright 6-7” heads
Gorgeous plants with emerald green outer leaves and burgundy interiors.
Burgundy inner leaves have bright white ribbing and juicy crunch for beautiful color and
texture contrast in salad mixes. Plants produce upright, dense, elongated heads with
Virtus F1 Fiero F1 mildly bitter flavor. A lovely variety that will store for several months.

1992 Leonardo F1 85 days

HYBRID • Chioggia-type • Round 4-5” heads
Large, perfectly round heads are intensely purple with bright white midribs.
Extremely vigorous variety that strongly resists bolting and shows some resistance
to tip burn. Heads average 1 pound each at maturity. Plant for fall and winter crops,
when color and flavor is best. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

1990 Palla Rossa 90 days


OP • Chioggia-type • Round 3-4” heads

An Italian favorite forming dense round heads over a longer harvest window.
Produces a high percentage of well-wrapped, dense magenta heads, but with variations
in coloring and maturity. Works well for leaf cuttings all season or fall harvest of heads
when color and flavor is best.

Leonardo F1 Palla Rossa RADISH GREENS - Raphanus sativus

2496 Hong Vit 25 days baby, 35 full size

OP • Versatile • Upright habit
Early color in a fast-growing leaf radish with smooth pink and red stems.
Virtually hairless, lobed green leaves with a light red midrib and mild radish flavor. Ideal
for microgreens or as a baby leaf in salads. Also for bunched greens with roots on, or
full sized radishes.

UPLAND CRESS - Barbarea verna

1980 Belle Isle 50 days

OP • Early spring/late fall crop • Upright habit
Very dark green, deeply lobed glossy leaves are exceptionally nutritious. Named
for an island on which shipwrecked 17th century Portuguese sailors survived the winter
thanks to this little plant. Rich in Vitamin C, calcium, iron and especially Vitamin A. Best
Hong Vit Radish Greens Belle Isle Cress quality in cooler weather. From our friends at Wild Garden Seeds in Oregon.

GREENS - SPECIALTY - OP - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2010 Astro Arugula $2.95 $3.75 $8.25 $15.25 $23.00 $20.60/lb $19.35/lb
1980 Belle Isle Cress $2.95 $5.30 $12.30 $25.60 $64.00 $117.60
2260 Bull’s Blood Beet Greens See beet section on p.8 for sizes and prices
1999 Burgundy Amaranth $2.95 $5.75 $15.50 $33.00 $75.35 $121.85
1946 Claytonia $2.95 $9.00 $23.00 $78.00 $225.00 $350.00 $330.00/lb $300.00/lb
2013 Esmee Arugula $2.95 $3.25 $5.00 $10.00 $19.00 $28.00 $20.00/lb
2290 Early Wonder Tall Top Beet Greens See beet section on p.8 for sizes and prices
1970 Frisse Endive $2.95 $4.20 $6.00 $12.60 $39.90 $75.60
1945 Golden Purslane $2.95 $6.95 $18.50 $64.00 $220.00 $398.00
2012 Grazia Arugula $2.95 $7.00 $16.55 $35.35 $116.00 $190.00 $177.00/lb
2496 Hong Vit Radish Greens $2.95 $3.25 $4.00 $9.00 $27.00 $36.00 $29.00/lb
1990 Palla Rossa Radicchio $3.40 $7.00 $20.00 $54.00 $180.00 $320.00
1939 Surrey Arugula $2.95 $4.10 $5.90 $14.00 $40.00 $65.00 $55.00/lb
2011 Sylvetta Wild Arugula $2.95 $5.10 $9.00 $24.00 $78.40 $119.55 $110.00/lb
1988 Vit Mâche $2.95 $5.00 $8.50 $22.00 $59.00 $100.00 $92.00/lb
2415 Wrinkled Crinkled Crumpled Cress $2.95 $4.00 $7.50 $18.80 $53.60 $92.00 $86.00/lb
1943 Totem Belgian Endive $3.95 $8.95 $16.00 $13.45/M $11.60/M
1986 Fiero F1 Radicchio $6.80 $22.75 $39.50 $33.00/M $29.40/M
1992 Leonardo F1 Radicchio $6.95 $26.25 $48.50 $41.90/M $36.90/M
1987 Virtus F1 Radicchio $7.50 $28.50 $52.75 $46.50/M $43.00/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.
38 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454
Greens, Sprouts

Ancient Eastern Blend sprouts.

CULTURAL INFO: Sprouts are tiny, immature plants grown without soil through a GMO POLICY: All alfalfa seed lots are also tested to confirm zero detectable level in 10,000
process of soaking and rinsing with water. These are the first Certified Organic and Non- seeds. No contaminated seed lots will ever be sold.
GMO Project Verified sprouting seeds available in the U.S. and packed according to U.S. Please visit highmowingseeds.com for more info.
food safety standards.


94796 Sprout Jar Lid

The easy-to-use HMOS Sprout Jar Lid fits most wide mouth mason jars. Made of
a durable food-grade plastic with mesh holes big enough to drain just the water, not tiny
alfalfa seeds! Order more than one jar lid and rotate your crops every 3-4 days to make
sure that you always have a steady supply. BPA-free. $4.95

94795 Sprout Master™ Mini Triple Sprouter

Sprouts are made simple with this easy-to-use multi-tray sprouter. Includes 3
stacking trays that measure 5” x 6” x 2”. Removable divider enables smaller crops or more
varieties in one planting. Trays store conveniently in fridge with lid. Easy disassembly for Sprout Master
cleaning. Sprouts stay crisp and never sour or brown. Sprouting instructions provided. Mini Triple Sprouter
Made from high impact polystyrene plastic #478. $36.00 Sprout Jar Lid

Alfalfa Eastern Blend Broccoli Blend Broccoli Crunchy Bean Mix

Fenugreek Mung Bean Red Clover Booster Mix Spicy Salad Mix


1700 Alfalfa Mild flavor and crunch; very easy to grow! $4.95
1710 Ancient Eastern Blend A delicious blend of fenugreek, lentils, kamut (wheat), mung beans and adzuki beans. $3.95
1705 Broccoli Blend This antioxidant-rich blend contains broccoli, broccoli raab, radish, mustard and arugula. $4.95
1707 Broccoli Quick, easy sprout with mildy spicy flavor and great health benefits. $7.95
1703 Crunchy Bean Mix Tasty blend of peas, lentils and garbanzos for stir-fries, soup garnishes and more. $3.95
1704 Fenugreek Large, vigorous sprouts with unique flavor popular in Indian cuisine. $4.95
1728 Mung Bean A popular sprout used extensively in Asian cuisine with juicy, succulent texture. $3.95
1711 Red Clover A versatile, easy sprout with mild, sweet flavor and delicate crunch. $4.95
1702 Sandwich Booster Mix Tasty blend of sweet, mild clover and alfalfa plus spicy radish and mustard. $4.95
1701 Spicy Salad Mix A mildly spicy blend of lentils, alfalfa, red clover, radish and black mustard. $4.95

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 39
Greens, Micro & Shoots

Microgreens growing at Shenandoah Growers.

CULTURAL INFO: Microgreens are the tender, immature leaves of salad greens, herbs, For blanching popcorn shoots, cover with an opaque tray. Remove dome after seedlings
edible flowers and leafy vegetables. Almost any seed can be grown as a microgreen emerge to avoid mold. Flats can be placed under grow lights, outdoors under shade or
but there are some tried-and-true varieties that are sought out for their unique color, in hoophouses with natural light. Harvest by clipping stems when first true leaves appear
shape and flavor at the micro size. Choose flats with drainage holes for planting; 1020 between cotyledon leaves, on average about 10-15 days after planting. Wash greens and

plastic flats work well. Fill flats with an inch or more of moist potting soil or soilless mix. dry on towels, in spinner, or place them into mesh bags and spin dry in a modified upright
Broadcast seed evenly over surface and press seeds gently into soil. Even and constant washing machine. Store refrigerated in plastic bags. Microgreens are also sold by the flat
moisture is essential for vigorous and uniform sprouting. Use of a mister is helpful. Ensure and customers clip right before using for best quality.
moisture by lightly sprinkling medium over seeds or use a clear dome to cover tray. Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.


Arugula Basil Broccoli Cilantro

Mild Mix Spicy Mix
Green Wave
Collards Golden Chard Mustard Green Chard


Green Kale Lacinato Kale Mizuna Pac Choy

Pea Sunflower


Purple Red Acre

Sango Radish Cabbage Red Beet Red Chard

Red Ruby Streaks Wheatgrass Popcorn

Red Mustard Russian Kale Mustard

40 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2010-QMG Arugula Long, rounded smooth green leaves Spicy 16-25 $9.85 $23.00 $20.60/lb $19.35/lb
5000-QMG Basil Half-circle shaped leaves; short stems Basil 16-25 $13.00 $36.50 $32.00/lb $26.00/lb
1734-QMG Broccoli Succulent white stems and dark green leaves Mild 10-15 $6.80 $16.25 $14.25/lb $13.50/lb
5050-QMG Cilantro Light green leaves and white stems Mild 16-25 $10.00 $21.00 $15.80/lb $12.50/lb
1740-QMG Collards Dark green leaves and green stems Mild 10-15 $32.00 $85.00 $77.00/lb $60.00/lb
2345-QMG Golden Chard Narrow green leaves and gold stems Mild 16-25 $20.80 $63.70 $58.50/lb $54.00/lb
2343-QMG Green Chard Narrow green leaves and pale pink stems Mild 16-25 $8.50 $22.00 $20.00/lb $17.00/lb
1736-QMG Green Kale Dark green leaves and white stems Spicy 10-15 $12.75 $41.00 $37.00/lb $24.00/lb
2485-QMG Green Wave Mustard Narrow green leaves and white stems Mild 10-15 $29.00 $95.00 $90.00/lb $76.00/lb
2520-QMG Lacinato Kale Light green leaves and green stems Mild 10-25 $24.00 $77.00 $67.00/lb $42.00/lb
1730-QMG Mild Mix Attractive blend of colors and textures Mild 10-25 $11.50 $36.50 $32.90/lb $28.00/lb
2490-QMG Mizuna Light green, deeply serrated leaves Mild 10-15 $11.50 $33.00 $29.50/lb $24.00/lb
2515-QMG Pac Choy Rounded, juicy tender leaves Mild 10-15 $13.65 $31.50 $27.30/lb $22.00/lb
1737-QMG Purple Sango Radish Deep purple-green leaves and purple stems Spicy 10-15 $12.00 $38.00 $33.00/lb $31.00/lb
1738-QMG Red Acre Cabbage Emerald green leaves with bright purple stems Mild 10-15 $12.00 $38.00 $33.00/lb $25.00/lb
2290-QMG Red Beet Narrow, light green leaves and magenta stems Mild 16-25 $6.95 $18.00 $15.80/lb $14.00/lb
2360-QMG Red Chard Yellow-green leaves and scarlet stems Mild 16-25 $8.00 $28.00 $25.00/lb $22.00/lb
2505-QMG Red Mustard Green leaves with purple veins and highlights Spicy 16-25 $16.00 $48.00 $42.00/lb $34.00/lb
2530-QMG Red Russian Kale Green/purple leaves and lavender stems Mild 10-15 $11.00 $35.75 $32.00/lb $29.50/lb
2506-QMG Ruby Streaks Mustard Green leaves with a mild spice and purple hues Mild 10-15 $27.00 $89.00 $75.00/lb $58.00/lb
1733-QMG Spicy Mix Spicy blend of flavors and textures Spicy 10-15 $16.00 $52.00 $47.00/lb $38.00/lb
1800 Pea Crunchy, juicy texture and the same delicious flavor as fresh peas 7-14 $2.95 $4.45 $3.10/lb $2.50/lb
1805 Popcorn Sweet flavor and good crunch 7-14 $5.65 $14.00 $12.00/lb $10.40/lb
1810 Sunflower Black oil variety best for tender shoots with nutty flavor 7-14 $4.15 $10.25 $8.60/lb $7.60/lb
1706 Wheatgrass Great for wheatgrass juice, sprouted wheat bread, milling or short sprouts 7-14 $3.50 $5.55 $3.50/lb $3.25/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Micros for Everyone

An interview with Anne and Brian Bates of Bear Creek Organic
Farm on year-round microgreens production in Petoskey, Michigan
How did you determine that microgreens market and sold out immediately. Two flats
production was right for your farm? turned into 20 flats a week, and then 200+ flats,
Three years ago, we were brainstorming and the rest is history.
new products that would complement our Microgreens are often considered a
existing year-round greens production. After specialty item. What steps did you take
we saw growers at other markets selling them to make microgreens work for your
successfully, we tried two flats at our own Anne and Brian grow 18 different
local markets? The most important thing
varieties of organic microgreens.
we did when we started was to carefully
calculate costs of production, and listen
to our customers. We decided to make these think about our whole business! Bringing them
greens accessible to our everyday market to market has really enhanced the customer
goers – not just for sales to high-end markets. experience in our wintry climate as we are able
Because we price our greens economically, to provide fresh, organic greens of many flavors
they now account for 20% of our overall farm and colors all year long.
business. Microgreens seem to do best with What is some advice you would give
customers we can interact with. The concept to farmers thinking about adding
is new to a lot of consumers, but once they microgreens to their production plans?
try the product, see how easy it is to use and Quality, consistency, and efficiency. Don’t be
how reasonably it is priced, they’re hooked. afraid to charge a slightly lower price. Enabling
We sell direct at two year-round farmers your customers to feel empowered in their
markets. We also wholesale to local businesses, kitchen with elegant greens will translate to
and even to the local schools (kids love them!). increased loyalty and trust.
What has surprised you the most about What is next for Bear Creek microgreens?
adding microgreens to your farm model? We’ve started growing our greens a little
Due to demand, Bear Creek Farm
continues to expand their microgreen Ironically, we first thought microgreens might larger and selling them as ‘macrogreens.’ We’re
production every year. just be a quick way to help pay the propane showing people that they don’t need to add
bill in the spring – but they’ve changed how we micros to their salad, they are the salad!

Your Source
Source for
for 100%
100% Certified
Certified Organic,
Organic, Non-GMO
Non-GMO Project
Project Verified Seeds
Verified Seeds 41
Brassica spp.

The sales team with Darkibor F1 kale at Sandiwood Farm.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Kale is a hardy biennial that SEED SPECS: 5.6-9.4M (7.5M avg) seeds/oz, 90-150M (120M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
will overwinter in milder climates. Direct sow when daytime soil temps warm to 65-75°F 1/32 oz approx. 225 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Baby, 60 seeds/foot in a 2’ band
or start 4-6 weeks before planting date. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 75°F. in rows 2-6” apart. Full size, 3 seeds every 12”, thin to 1 plant in rows 18-36” apart.
Seedlings can tolerate frost after they’ve hardened off. Mature plant leaves sweeten after light Transplants: 12-18” apart in rows 18-30” apart.
frosts. Prevent disease and recurrent pest pressure with crop rotation and cover cropping.
Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

Row covers are useful for preventing early season flea beetle damage.

2530 Red Russian 21 days baby, 50 full size

HEIRLOOM • Excellent baby leaf strain • Cold tolerant • 24-36” tall
Bright purple stems and slate green, deeply lobed foliage. Leaves are tender,
smooth and very sweet compared to other kales. An incredibly cold tolerant variety
that improves in flavor with cold weather. Popular ingredient in baby leaf salad mixes or
as full size bunches. Our strain has very smooth baby leaves. B. napus

2528 White Russian 21 days baby, 50 full size

OP • Open Source Seed • Tolerates wet soil • Very cold hardy • 24-30” tall
Sweet, tender leaves with excellent frost tolerance. Voted the best-tasting in
our taste tests, with blue green leaves and white ribs that get sweeter in cold weather.
Red Russian White Russian Tolerates wet soils and just as hardy as the toughest Russian. Bred by Frank Morton of
Wild Garden Seeds and released through the Open Source Seed Initiative. B. napus

new 2533 Darkibor F1 50 days
HYBRID • Extra curly • Resists yellowing • 18-36” tall
Dark green with excellent flavor, this hybrid kale produces best in spring and fall.
Similar to Winterbor F1, these tall plants display high yields of densely curled greens. Vigorous
plants hold well into cold weather and are suited to overwintering production in Southern
climates. A rare hybrid kale variety available as organic seed from Bejo Seeds. B. oleracea

2522 Dwarf Green Curled 50 days

OP • High yielding • Robust 18” plants
Compact variety with frilly, tightly curled leaves and excellent flavor. A frost
tolerant variety from northern Germany that can be harvested long into winter. Plants
Darkibor F1 Dwarf Green Curled
have a slightly smaller frame and attractive, tender medium green leaves. B. oleracea

2523 Meadowlark 50 days

new OP • Narrow leaf • Very cold tolerant • 18-24” tall
Unusual long elegant leaves covered in curls. Exceptionally attractive plants with
tall, upright architecture and narrow, tightly curled leaves that are sweet, tender and
easy to de-rib. So pretty it could pass as an ornamental! A German specialty with
impressive frost tolerance. Not as curly at the baby leaf stage. B. oleracea

2526 Westlander 50 days

OP • Uniform stands • Very cold tolerant • 14-20” tall
Very curly, broad leaves with tender texture. Compares well to hybrid kales.
Extremely cold hardy variety with large, flavorful leaves. Larger than Dwarf Green
Scarlet Westlander Curled, with a compact shape and loose green curls. Densely ruffled blue-green leaves
with uniform size and shape. B. oleracea

new 2531 Scarlet 30 days baby, 55 full size

OP • Very cold tolerant • 24-36” tall
Densely curled purple leaves on tall, upright stalks for easy bunching. Comparable
to Redbor F1 in height, leaf shape and color, Scarlet makes a unique addition to kale offerings
either in bunches or as a baby leaf. Vigorous plants produce reliable yields in both spring and
fall. Vibrant color intensifies in cooler temperatures. B. oleracea

2542 Curly Roja 55 days

HEIRLOOM • Edible and ornamental • 16-18” plants
The first organically available curly red kale! Densely frilled leaf edges, stunning
purple-sage color, deep purple stems and cold hardiness are all elements of an exquisite
Meadowlark Curly Roja kale bunch that holds well after harvest. Compare to Redbor F1. Does especially well in
fertile conditions. B. oleracea

42 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2529 Nash’s Green 55 days
OP • Productive • Ideal for overwintering • 24-36” tall
Vigorous green curly type perfect for fall and winter. Stout, strong plants packed with
high yields of curly leaves. Sweet and tender with some variability in height. Good resistance
to powdery mildew in the damp winters of the Northwest. Bred by farmer-breeder Nash
Huber of Nash’s Organic Produce in Washington, with support from Organic Seed Alliance.
B. oleracea

2525 Olympic Red 55 days

OP • Tall, open habit • Excellent for overwintering • 24-30” tall
Frosty blue-green leaves with contrasting magenta midribs. Not as frilly or dark in color
as Redbor F1. Variable; up to 3.5% green off-types which can be removed at transplanting.
Developed by Nash Huber of Nash’s Organic Produce in Washington. B. oleracea
Nash’s Green Olympic Red

2521 Vates 30 days baby, 55 full size

OP • Excellent baby leaf variety • 24” tall new
Dwarf curly kale with dark green leaves for baby leaf or compact full size plants.
A favorite of Pete Johnson from Pete’s Greens for late season salad mixes or overwintering.
Good resistance to yellowing in cold and heat. Overall compact plants, but with some
variability among full size plants. B. oleracea

new 2534 Dazzling Blue 60 days

OP • Open Source Seed • Colored Lacinato-type • 24-30” tall
“Dazzling” indeed, this Lacinato-type delights with unique coloring and rich flavor.
Vigorous plants produce leaves with purple midribs and a range of colors that intensify in
cool temperatures. Harvest as you would a rainbow chard for an attractive, varied bunch.

Hardier than the traditional Lacinato. Ideal for raw kale salads. From the breeders at Wild Vates Dazzling Blue
Garden Seed in Oregon and released through the Open Source Seed Initiative. B. oleracea

2520 Lacinato 30 days baby, 60 full size

HEIRLOOM • Improved vigor, yield and hardiness • 30-40” tall
Unique blue-green savoyed leaves on extremely vigorous plants. One of our most
tender kale varieties; ideal for raw kale salads and soups. Leaves are very dark blue-green and
heavily savoyed, sweetening with each frost. Also known as Dinosaur or Tuscan kale. Our
strain is exceptionally large, vigorous and cold tolerant. B. oleracea

2524 Siber-Frill 60-70 days

OP • Open Source Seed • Specialty variety • Cold-hardy • 24” tall
Intensely cut and curled, lacy blue green leaves with tender texture. Stunning leaves are
so frilly they barely require chopping. Delicious cooked, as a beautiful garnish, or for adding loft
to raw salads. Eye-catching frills increase with age. Selected by Jonathan Spero at Lupine Knoll Lacinato Siber-Frill
Farm in Oregon and released under the Open Source Seed Initiative. B. napus

2535 Siberian 30 days baby, 60 full size

OP • Productive • Frost hardy • 18-36” tall
Exceptionally tender, light blue-green leaves with white stems and ruffled edges.
One of the best varieties for raw salad and spring “napini.” Plants are hardy and grow
rapidly. Great flavor that is sweetened and improved by frost. B. napus pabularia

2527 Red Ursa 65 days

OP • Open Source Seed • Bolt resistant • 24-30” tall
Deeply lobed, frilly tender leaves with broad pink and purple midribs. A rainbow
of showy frills and bright, contrasting stems. Colors intensify in cold weather and vary from
emerald green with light pink midribs to dark blue-green leaves with magenta midribs. Tender
texture and lobing similar to Red Russian. Similar cold hardiness to Siberian. From Frank
Morton of Wild Garden Seeds and released under the Open Source Seed Initiative. B. napus Siberian Red Ursa

KALE SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb
2520 Lacinato $2.95 $4.90 $8.75 $15.90 $42.00 $77.00 $67.00/lb
2530 Red Russian $2.95 $3.60 $4.55 $9.20 $22.00 $35.75 $32.00/lb
2531 Scarlet $2.95 $4.90 $8.75 $15.90 $42.00 $77.00 $67.00/lb
2535 Siberian $2.95 $4.50 $9.00 $17.00 $32.00 $49.00 $39.00/lb
2521 Vates $2.95 $3.60 $4.55 $9.20 $22.00 $33.75 $32.00/lb
2528 White Russian $2.95 $6.40 $11.70 $25.75 $79.60 $127.50 $112.20/lb
2542 Curly Roja $2.95 $3.25 $6.50 $3.40/M $2.72/M
2534 Dazzling Blue $2.95 $3.25 $6.50 $3.40/M $2.72/M
2522 Dwarf Green Curled $2.95 $9.50 $11.75 $7.35/M $5.68/M
2523 Meadowlark $2.95 $9.50 $11.75 $7.35/M $5.68/M
2529 Nash’s Green $2.95 $4.00 $8.00 $6.00/M $3.88/M
2525 Olympic Red $2.95 $3.25 $4.00 $2.40/M $2.08/M
2527 Red Ursa $2.95 $3.25 $6.50 $3.40/M $2.72/M
2524 Siber-Frill $2.95 $3.25 $6.50 $3.40/M $2.72/M
2526 Westlander $2.95 $4.25 $9.50 $7.00/M $6.00/M
2533 Darkibor F1 $4.50 $10.75 $24.00 $19.60/M $18.00/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.
Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 43
Brassica oleracea
var. gongylodes

Kohlrabi growing in a High Mowing showcase field.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplant; add 15-20 days if direct seeding. dry conditions. Insect pests, including cabbage looper, imported cabbage worm and
Kohlrabi is a delightful vegetable with mild flavor and the texture of a juicy radish. Direct diamondback moth are of the Lepidoptera order and can be controlled by Bacillus
seed or transplant as soon as ground can be worked in spring, or in late summer for fall thuringiensis (Bt) (check with your certifier before applying). Protect plants from flea
harvest. Star t transplants indoors 4-6 weeks before planting date. The edible por tion of beetles using floating row covers in the early season. Control root maggots by applying

kohlrabi is not the root, but rather the round, swollen stem of the plant. Leaves are also beneficial nematodes or row cover.
edible. Harvest when stem swells to 3-5” and is easily visible above the soil. Plants will RESISTANCE KEY: FY-Fusarium Yellows
withstand light frost.
SEED SPECS: 5.5-9M (6.5M avg) seeds/oz. M=1,000. Direct seeding rate: 8
DISEASE & PESTS: Prevent disease and recurrent pest pressure with crop rotation and seeds/foot, thin to 1 plant every 4-10”, depending on variety, in rows 12-18” apart.
cover cropping. Black rot is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris and clubroot Transplants: 4-10” apart, depending on variety, in rows 12-18” apart.
is caused by the soil borne fungus Plasmodiophora. Prevention includes crop rotation,
removal or tillage of plant debris, eliminating cruciferous weeds and handling plants only in Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

2304 Azur Star 50 days

new OP • Very juicy • Slow to bolt • 3.25” bulbs
Delicious early kohlrabi with eye-catching violet skin and smoky blue-green
leaves. A beautiful and reliable variety with attractive presentation for market.
Crisp, juicy flesh great for slaws. Originally bred by Hild seed company in Germany;
now available through our farm and from our partners at Sativa Seeds, biodynamic
breeders in Switzerland.

2307 Kolibri F1 50 days

HYBRID • Highly uniform • 3-4” bulbs
Azur Star The most uniform purple kohlrabi, with deep purple, tender skin. Kolibri F1 is
reliably beautiful year after year in every set of conditions. Has crisp, nearly fiberless
white flesh that contrasts nicely with the violet skin. Intermediate resistance to
black rot. From our friends at Bejo Seeds.

new 2538 Kordial F1 53 days

Kordial F1 HYBRID • FY • Spring/fall crop · 3-5” bulbs
Early, uniform bulbs with dense, crisp centers. Rich flavor and a satisfying, crunchy
texture that is excellent shredded and added to coleslaw. Crack resistant bulbs have
erect leaves that are suitable for bunching. Performs best as a spring or fall crop.
Intermediate resistance to black rot. From Bejo Seeds.

Kolibri F1 2541 Lech F1 60 days

HYBRID • Uniform size • Excellent commercial variety • 3-5” bulbs
Beautiful white kohlrabi with smooth skin, upright leaves and crunchy, juicy
texture. Leaf attachment starts slightly higher up on the shoulder of the swollen stem,
creating an overall cleaner appearance and allowing easier bunching without trimming.
Named for the Danube tributary located in Austria and Germany.

2306 Kossak F1 80 days

HYBRID • Stores well • Huge 8-10” bulbs
White skinned with dense white flesh; big enough to feed an army! Grows to
a huge size, remaining sweet and juicy without developing any woodiness (though
peeling is recommended). Can be kept for several months in cold storage. Intermediate
resistance to downy mildew.
Lech F1 Kossak F1


2304 Azur Star $2.95 $11.85 $19.00 $18.20/M $16.00/M
2307 Kolibri F1 $4.75 $26.00 $41.25 $34.25/M $30.50/M
2538 Kordial F1 $4.75 $26.00 $41.25 $34.25/M $30.50/M
2306 Kossak F1 $4.85 $28.75 $46.50 $39.90/M $35.80/M
2541 Lech F1 $2.95 $16.00 $29.00 $26.00/M $21.60/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.
44 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454
Allium porrum

Harvesting Tadorna leeks with the help of a bed lifter at Foote Brook Farm.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplant; add 30-40 days if direct at any stage of maturity but flavor is best after light frost. Store several months at just above
seeding. Leeks are a cool season biennial that prefer rich soils and plenty of moisture. 32°F with high humidity.
Summer leeks mature early and are lighter green and slender. Winter leeks mature SEED SPECS: 9.5-11M (10.5M avg) seeds/oz, 152-176M (164M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
later, are dark green and require hilling for longer shafts. Seed individual cells or 1/64 oz approx. 150 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 6 seeds/foot, thin to 1 plant every 6” in rows
broadcast into flats. When seedlings reach 5”, trim down to 1” above growing point 18-30” apart. Transplants: 6” apart in rows 18-30” apart.

in order to increase girth. Transplant to shallow trenches 6” deep, leaving only a few
inches of leaf above the soil. For longer blanched stalks, hill plants as they grow. Harvest Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

2699 King Richard 75 days

OP • Summer/fall crop • Easy to clean
Early, popular full sized leek with long, slender shaft. Tall, upright plants have shafts
that are very straight with sweet, mild flavor. Uniform shafts have practically no bulbing, making
them extremely easy to clean. Plant for summer or early fall harvests. Tolerates light frosts.

2700 Alto 75-85 days

OP • Summer crop • Versatile
Early summer leek with a long, white shaft. Improved for greater uniformity and
height. Very versatile; harvest early for lithe bunching leeks. Not a winter hardy variety.
Makes a delicious alternative to green onions either raw in salads or lightly cooked.
King Richard Alto
2701 Chinook F1 90-100 days
HYBRID • Summer crop • Uniform size and shape • Easy to clean
Early, high quality leeks with great performance in cold conditions. Long, straight
shafts have bright green outer wrapping and deep blue-green flags. Adaptable variety
grows quickly, is easy to field clean, and has high yield potential for commercial growers.
Slightly longer and narrower than Megaton F1 with superior uniformity. From our
partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2693 Striker F1 95 days

HYBRID • Summer/fall crop • Uniform size
Get the look, color and girth of a winter leek without the wait! Large, uniform
straight shaft with virtually no bulbing makes this variety easy to clean. Striker F1 will
impress you with its early size and uprightness of its attractive blue-green leaves. A Chinook F1 Striker F1
great variety from Bejo Seeds.

2697 Bandit 100 days

OP • Fall/winter crop • Upright habit
Thick, heavy winter leek for late harvests or overwintering. Forms a very thick
base with little bulbing, making cleaning easier and offering more weight per plant.
Deeply colored blue-green flags stand upright. Elongate and blanch shafts by hilling.
Mulch well for overwintering in northern regions.

2695 Takrima F1 100 days

HYBRID • Fall crop • Tall and slim • No bulbing
A gorgeous fall leek. Highly reliable, low maintenance and adaptable to many
environments. Virtually no bulbing and is highly self-blanching even without hilling.
Strong root systems make it especially well suited to organic systems. From our
Bandit Takrima F1
partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2696 Runner F1 105 days

HYBRID • Fall crop • Upright habit • Holds well
High yielding variety with great holding capacity in the field. High percentage of
marketable, easy-to-peel leeks. Compared favorably to Megaton F1 in overall size, girth
and foliage health in our trials. Erect plants with upright foliage make for easy bunching
and cultivation. An excellent commercial variety from Bejo Seeds.

2694 Tadorna 110 days

OP • Winter crop • Uniform size
Winter leek with stocky, dark green shafts that size up well and hold into the fall. A
favorite of growers in the Northeast for its vigorous growth and good resistance to disease. Runner F1 Tadorna
Well adapted to many regions; overwinters in mild climates. Good resistance to leaf blights.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 45
LEEK SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/64 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb
2700 Alto $3.50 $7.50 $12.00 $40.00 $134.00 $195.00
2699 King Richard $3.50 $7.50 $12.00 $40.00 $134.00 $195.00
2697 Bandit $3.60 $8.75 $6.50/M $5.60/M $5.00/M $4.65/M
2694 Tadorna $2.95 $7.00 $5.80/M $5.20/M $4.80/M $4.45/M
2701 Chinook F1 $5.75 $40.00 $29.00/M $24.80/M $22.00/M $20.40/M
2696 Runner F1 $8.80 $54.00 $43.50/M $38.00/M $35.00/M $32.25/M
2693 Striker F1 $8.80 $54.00 $43.50/M $38.00/M $35.00/M $32.25/M
2695 Takrima F1 $5.75 $40.00 $29.00/M $24.80/M $22.00/M $20.40/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

Lettuce Innovation Starts Here

A staple crop for many commercial organic growers, lettuce mixes demand a worthy price in both
retail and wholesale markets—but they also come with no shortage of production challenges. High
Mowing now offers a competitive advantage in lettuce mix production for commercial growers,
thanks to the Eazyleaf assortment of one-cut lettuces from our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

Not Your Average Head Lettuce

One-cut lettuce varieties are grown as head
lettuces but sold as loose mixes. Transplanting
these unique cultivars into a weed-free space
offers the heads a maturity advantage over
weeds, unlike direct-seeded lettuce mixes.
Their compact size allows them to grow at
a tight 6” spacing, fully utilizing valuable real
estate and effectively shading out weeds as
they reach maturity ahead of germinating weed
seed. With less cultivation and labor required
overall, one-cuts offer a realistic, profitable
lettuce mix option for farms with significant
weed pressure or limited labor resources.
A Choice of Harvests
Heads reach full maturity after just 50-60
days, with impressive texture and loft.
Simply harvest the entire plant with a single
cut at the base and the result is a handful One-cuts offer easy weed control for maximum profit.
of perfectly sized, uniform leaves. Loose
leaves can be mixed for a custom blend and
processed as a lettuce mix. Empty beds can also be utilized as a cut-and-come again crop, Mowing’s one-cut varieties have the added
be easily flipped for succession plantings. or left as full heads and marketed for easy advantage of a full line of disease resistances,
Depending on production method, heads can one-cut kitchen preparation. making them adaptable to various seasonal
slots and regional climates. Try our expanded
Same Bed Space, Better Yields
selection of one-cut lettuces this season!
Unlike baby lettuce leaves which
are immature at harvest, one-cut
types have been developed to reach
full maturity when their leaves are
salad-sized, offering higher nutrient-
density, greater tolerance of handling,
longer shelf life and additional weight
in mixes – all characteristics that
benefit a farm business’s bottom
line and customers’ satisfaction.
Yield comparisons show a greater
A single cut yields plenty of uniformly return on investment for one-
sized leaves. cut varieties than the traditional
baby lettuce leaf harvests. High

46 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

Lactuca sativa

Maggie harvesting one-cuts in a High Mowing showcase field.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding; in spring Root, DM-Downy Mildew (races indicated if known), FW-Fusarium Wilt, LD-
conditions subtract 10-14 days if transplanting, subtract 7-10 days if planting Lettuce Drop, LMV-Lettuce Mosaic Virus, LNSV-Lettuce Necrotic Stunt Virus,
in summer conditions, add 20 days if planting late summer-fall. A cool season LRA-Lettuce Root Aphid, TB-Tip Burn, TBSV-Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus, WM-
annual, lettuce prefers well drained soil and high levels of fer tility. Can be grown White Mold, MTO-10, MTO-30 - indicates that 0 seeds out of 10,000 or 30,000,

all season long by choosing appropriate varieties. Many varieties may also have respectively, have tested positive for LMV. Aphid-resistant varieties are bred to
a thermal dormancy and can be difficult to germinate in soils above 70-75°F. reduce the spread of LMV from non-resistant crops.
For best results, germinate lettuce at or below 68°F. Lettuce will germinate at
SEED SPECS: 20-30M (25M avg) seeds/oz, 320-480M (400M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
temperatures as low as 40°F. Star t transplants 3-4 weeks before planting date.
1/32 oz approx. 375 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Baby, 60 seeds/foot in a 2” band in rows
Harden off seedlings by reducing water and temperature. For baby leaf, har vest
2-6” apart. Full size, 12 seeds/foot, thin to 1 plant every 6-16”, depending on variety, in rows
individual leaves when they reach desired size or cut evenly across the bed staying
12-18” apart. Transplants: 6-16”, depending on variety, in rows 12-18” apart.
above the growing tip for cut-and-come-again. For a continuous har vest, sow
lettuce every 1-3 weeks. Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
RESISTANCE KEY: APH-Aphids, BR-Bottom Rot or Rhizoctonia, CR-Corky


2613P Ezrilla 52 days

OP • APH, DM (16-32), TB, TBSV, MTO-30
Unique one-cut green tango type. Outer leaves are dark green and highly incised,
while inner leaves are sweet and slightly blanched. Adds excellent texture, loft and
crunch to any mix. Has a strong disease package plus intermediate resistance to lettuce
mosaic virus and is very slow to bolt. From the Eazyleaf collection developed by Vitalis
Organic Seeds. Pelleted seed only.

2612P Hampton 55 days

OP • APH, DM (16-32), TB, TBSV, MTO-30
A voluminous, high leaf count one-cut oak leaf. Dark green shiny leaves with
narrow attachment points. Has a strong disease package plus intermediate resistance
Ezrilla Hampton
to lettuce mosaic virus and is very slow to bolt. Cut and mix with other one-cuts
for an attractive, hefty salad mix, or offer as full heads on its own. From the Eazyleaf
collection developed by Vitalis Organic Seeds. Pelleted seed only.
new 2614P Brentwood 57 days
OP • APH, DM (16-32), FW
The glossy, lobed leaves on this one-cut red tango type offer plenty of loft.
Attractive color contrast within leaves, with dark red upper foliage and a light
green closer to the center. Cut and mix with other one-cuts for an attractive, hefty
salad mix, or offer as full heads on its own. Good bolt tolerance. From the Eazyleaf
collection developed by Vitalis Organic Seeds. Pelleted seed only.

2611P Buckley 57 days

OP • APH, DM (16-32), TBSV, MTO-30
Gorgeous, glossy one-cut red oak leaf grows in an upright rosette. A single cut Buckley
yields heaps of tasty leaves all the same size. Can be cut and mixed for baby leaf or sold
as whole heads for easy-to-prepare salads. Cut and mix with other one-cuts for an
attractive, hefty salad mix, or offer as full heads on its own. From the Eazyleaf collection
developed by Vitalis Organic Seeds. Pelleted seed only.
new 2617P Ezbruke 57 days
OP • APH, DM (16-32), TBSV
A stunning mini romaine type with deep red outer leaves and bright green
inner leaves. Ezbruke is an exciting addition to the Eazyleaf collection, offering lots
of 7” leaves with a true romaine shape. Space at a tight 4” for a one-cut mix, or at 6”
for marketing as mini romaine heads. The dual color of the leaves presents a unique
contrast at market and on the plate! Performs well year-round. From the Eazyleaf
collection developed by Vitalis Organic Seeds. Pelleted seed only.


Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 47

2593 Galactic 30 days baby

OP • DM (1-6), LD, MTO-10 • Baby leaf for salad mix • Uniform color
Glossy leaves with intense, uniform burgundy color and a bit of light green at
the base. The ultimate leaf for salad mixes; adds gorgeous contrast and good loft with
its heavily savoyed texture. Not commonly grown for full size heads due to its compact
size. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2604 Red Tide 28 days baby, 48 full size

OP • BR, TB, MTO-10 • Full size • Grows upright at 10” spacing
Heavy heads with long, dark green leaves and brick red margins really pack
a box! Hefty heads tend to sit flat but when spaced closely at 10-12” will be more
upright. When other varieties in our trials were getting hammered with bottom rot,
Red Tide Vulcan Red Tide stood strong. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2608 Vulcan 50 days full size

OP • MTO-10 • Colorful, crisp heads • Bolt resistant
Bright red leaf tips with apple green interior. Slight Batavian characteristics lend
this variety crispness and improve its shelf life after harvest. Also holds well in the field
and resists bolting and tip burn better than many varieties. Similar to Red Sails, with
more vibrant color.

2590 Dark Lollo Rossa 30 days baby, 55 full size


OP • Ideal baby leaf variety • Slow to bolt

Italian looseleaf loved for its deep red, tightly curled leaves surrounding a bright
green heart. An ideal baby leaf variety providing mild flavor and excellent loft, heft and
color. Open heads are compact, slower growing and slower to bolt than other lettuces.
Displayed field resistance to mildew in our trials. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2594 New Red Fire 55 days full size

Dark Lollo Rossa Red Sails OP • BR, DM, TB, MTO-10 • All-season lettuce • Bolt resistant
Popular among growers for its uniformity, intense color and bolt tolerance. Large,
loose heads are green at the base and very dark red at the ruffled leaf edges. Retains its
crisp fresh flavor throughout the season. Superior to Red Sails for full size heads. Available
as raw and pelleted seed.

2601 Red Sails 29 days baby, 55 full size

OP • MTO-10 • Versatile • Bolt resistant
A versatile, fast-growing red leaf for full size, teenage heads or baby leaf.
Bronze-tinged leaves have burgundy edges and bright green centers. An All-American
Selection winner due to its fine texture and sweet flavor that doesn’t become bitter in
summer heat. Brittle stems need to be handled gently. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

new 2547 Celinet 28 days baby
New Red Fire OP • APH, DM (16-32), TBSV, LMV • Slow growing • Good for baby leaf
Slow growing variety offers a long harvest window and attractive leaves.
Celinet’s beautiful dark green leaves are uniquely frilled and have a nice, crisp texture.
Leaves are flexible for easy harvest as a baby leaf or at full size. A replacement for
Lettony. From Vitalis Organic Seeds. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2550 Black Seeded Simpson 28 days baby, 45 full size

OP • DM, LD, TB • Grand Rapids-type • Baby leaf for salad mix
Easy, early tender green leaves that withstand heat, drought and light frost. A
highly adaptable lettuce for plantings throughout the season. Quickly produces a full
sized, bright green open head with distinctively savoyed leaves that hold salad dressing
well. Popular baby leaf variety for a bright green contrasting leaf in salad mixes. See
baby leaf photo on page 53.

2563 Waldmann’s 28 days baby, 49 full size

OP • TB, MTO-10 • Uniform stand • Grand Rapids-type
Very productive; the commercial standard for green leaf lettuce. Large green
Black Seeded Simpson Waldmann’s leaves with slightly savoyed, wavy texture form loose, open heads. Best for spring
sowings with medium to slow bolting. Requires cool temperature and shallow planting
for best germination results. See baby leaf photo on page 53. Available as raw or
pelleted seed.

2567 Two Star 50 days full size

OP • MTO-10 • Waldmann’s-type • Bolt tolerant
Improved market standard with dark green color and exceptional flavor even
in summer heat. Heavy heads are uniform and fold easily for packing; ideal for
wholesalers. Bred for its dark green color and bolt tolerance in hot weather. One week
slower to bolt and darker green than Waldmann’s.

2551 Green Star 30 days baby, 52 days full size

OP • DM (1-18), MTO-10 • Popular for baby leaf • Bolt resistant
Vibrant green summer lettuce with shiny ruffled leaves and great heat
tolerance. An ideal all-season lettuce, offering high quality even through the heat of
the summer. Tender, textured baby leaves add great loft to salad mixes. A consistent
Two Star Green Star stand out in our green leaf trials! Available as raw and pelleted seed.

48 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2568P Bergam’s Green 55 days full size
OP • CR, TBSV, MTO-10 • Heat tolerant • Pelleted seed only
Glossy, high quality green leaves with outstanding performance all season
long. Vibrant green color and some Batavian characteristics; slow to bolt and retains
crispness and flavor throughout the season. A standout in our trials for its appearance
and flavor. From Vitalis Organic Seeds. Available as pelleted seed only.


2603 Blade 30 days baby

OP • APH, DM (16-32), TBSV, MTO-30 • Excellent fall crop • Upright habit
Beautiful deep-red oak leaf with a thin blade-like leaf shape for baby leaf
production. Works well all season long, with especially good performance in fall and
winter thanks to strong downy mildew resistance and deep red color that holds well in
low light conditions. Upright habit for easy harvest. From our partners at Vitalis Organic
Seeds. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2599 Red Salad Bowl 28 days baby, 55 full size

OP • TB • Best for fall crops • Slow to bolt Bergam’s Green Red Salad Bowl
Identical habit and a great complement to Tango; the darkest red oak leaf we
offer. A popular ingredient in salad mixes but also suitable for heads. Versatile for all-
season use, with best color in cooler weather. Displayed field tolerance to fall mildews
in our trials. See baby leaf photo on page 53. new

2591 Oscarde 29 days baby, 55 full size

OP • DM (1-16, 19, 21) • Spring/fall crop • Compact
Luminous rose-gold oak leaf for salad mix or full size heads. Open heads are
compact and filled with soft, rosy leaves. Better disease resistance than Red Salad Bowl
and Red Oak Leaf with rounder leaf shape, softer lobes and speckled leaf centers.
Prefers cooler weather. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

new 2548 Cantarix 55 full size

OP • APH, DM (16-26, 28, 32) TBSV • Upright growth • Spring/fall crop
Large heads with dark red, lightly savoyed leaves that taper to a lime green
center. Dense heads with upright growth provide a nice complement to the green oak
leaf, Encino. Deep red coloring adds a nice contrast to market offerings and the sweet,
buttery leaves have excellent flavor. From Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2598 Red Oak Leaf 30 days baby, 60 full size

OP • DM, LD, TB • Good fall/winter crop • Heat tolerant Cantarix
Burgundy oak leaf with golden sheen, perfect for teenage heads or baby leaves
in all seasons. Versatile variety with mild flavor in summer, good mildew resistance and
attractive red color as light levels are decreasing in fall. Rounder oaky shape and larger lobes
than Red Salad Bowl; larger, tighter heads than Oscarde. See baby leaf photo on page 53.


2572 Bolsachica 28 days baby

OP • APH, DM (16-26, 28, 32), TBSV, MTO-30 • Baby leaf variety • Upright habit
Hefty dark green oak leaf with strong downy mildew resistance. Nicely serrated
green leaves are unusually thick and hefty, with an upright habit and very small leaf attachment.
Part of our DMR Mix, adding more texture to the blend and contributing deep green color.
Intermediate resistance to lettuce mosaic virus. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2549 Gaviota 28 days baby

OP • DM (1-27), MTO-30 • Tango-type • Baby leaf variety
Improved, fast-growing variety with excellent uniformity and downy mildew
resistance. Finely serrated leaves are deeply lobed and ruffled, adding loft and contrast
to mixes. Semi-erect growth habit makes harvest easy. Not recommended for full size
production. See baby leaf photo on page 53.
Oscarde Red Oak Leaf
2573 Sulu 29 days baby
OP • DM (1-11, 13, 15, 17), MTO-30 • Versatile • Good fall crop • Baby leaf variety
Lime green leaves add great contrast to mixes all season long. Upright habit and
downy mildew resistance for good fall performance; suitable for indoor or outdoor
production. Larger lobes and brighter green color than Tango. Bred by the team at Tozer
Seeds in the United Kingdom. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2558 Tango 32 days baby, 40-55 full size

OP • Excellent baby leaf variety • Compact
Deeply lobed and frilly blanched leaf - the standard for salad mixes. Similar pale
green color, frilly shape and lofty texture to endive, a popular ingredient in salad mixes,
but with much milder flavor. Makes a small, compact head. Harvest early as Tango has a
tendency to bolt quickly. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2540 Sandy 21 days baby, 50 full size

OP • TB • Versatile • Bolt resistant • Formerly called Regal Oak
A gorgeous, versatile all-season variety with distinctive leaf shape. Bright green
leaves are deeply lobed with pointed tips; produces striking full sized heads but also good
for baby leaf or teenage heads. One of our California growers praises this variety for good
resistance to tip burn, powdery mildew and bacterial leaf spot. The winner of an All-
America Selections (AAS) vegetable award. See baby leaf photo on page 53. Tango Sandy

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 49
2605 Salad Bowl 28 days baby, 50 full size
OP • TB • Popular for baby leaf • Heat tolerant
Bright green oak leaf most commonly used for baby leaf production, favored
for its shape, color and rapid growth rate. Full size habit is loose and open. Very
attractive and always tender and sweet. An All-America Selections (AAS) winner in
1952, and has remained a favorite for many years. Heat tolerant and bolt resistant.

2627 Encino 50 days full size

OP • APH, DM (16-26, 28, 32), LMV, TBSV, MTO-30 • Uniform size • Slow to bolt
Huge, fine heads of buttery, lightly savoyed leaves. Dense heads of lightly
serrated wavy leaves with slightly blanched centers. In our trials it was sweet and
buttery, with larger heads and slightly less lobing than Ocate, which it replaces. High
Mowing is proud to be the exclusive producer of organic seed for this variety thanks to
our partnership with Vitalis Organic Seeds. Available as raw and pelleted seed.
Salad Bowl Emerald Oak 2565 Emerald Oak 60 days full size
OP • TB • Open Source Seed • Compact
An all-time favorite in our trials thanks to its crisp, buttery heart and sweet flavor!
Rounded leaves are thick and tighten to form compact, striking dark green heads. From a cross
between Blushed Butter Oak and Deer Tongue created by Frank Morton and released under
the Open Source Seed Initiative. Tom Stearns’ mother loves this little lettuce!


2571 Spock 28 days baby


OP • DM (1-16, 19, 21, 23) • For baby leaf

Disease resistant red romaine ideal for indoor or outdoor production of salad mix.
Dark red leaves have a narrow leaf attachment and are bright green in the centers. Brighter
red than Rouge d’Hiver and similar to Galactic with a narrow leaf. Not recommended for
full size heads. Bred by Tozer Seeds in the United Kingdom. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

Encino 2623 Rhazes 42 days full size

OP • DM (17) • Little Gem-type • Spring/fall crops
Eye-catching garnet mini-lettuce forming dense, compact heads with lime
green hearts. Inner color is a stunning contrast with glossy, nearly black outer leaves.
Performed well in our winter high tunnel for early spring harvest of heart-winning
heads. Pair with Spretnak or Newham for an eye-catching combination! From Vitalis
Organic Seeds. Available as raw and pelleted seed. Limited availability for pelleted seed.

2570 Breen 21 days baby, 50 full size

OP • DM (16-21, 23-26, 28-32), MTO-30 • Compact 8” heads
Mini red romaine with unique coloring and a great disease package suitable for
all seasons. A stand out on all accounts! Beautiful contrasting red-bronze leaves with
pronounced pale green mid ribs and veining. Produces very small, personal-sized heads
excellent for CSA boxes. See baby leaf photo on page 53. Available as raw and pelleted seed.

2569 Pomegranate Crunch 50 days full size

Rhazes Breen OP • DM (16-27, 29, 32), TBSV • Mini heads • Reliable
Stunning mini red romaine with speckled green hearts and smooth
texture. Vivid red outer leaves and sparkling green interiors. Faster growing and more
open habit than most other red romaines for a foolproof, disease resistant combination.
Larger than Breen; perfect for pairing with Newham in CSA boxes! From Vitalis
Organic Seeds. Available as raw or pelleted seed.

2592 Outredgeous 30 days baby, 55 full size

OP • MTO-10 • Open Source Seed • Great baby leaf variety • Upright habit
Out-does all the reds, forming a loose teenage head with spectacular solid
magenta color. Outredgeous is so red that botany students didn’t recognize it as lettuce
when they saw it in Frank Morton’s breeding nursery. Makes an eye-catching statement in
your premium salad mix. Released under the Open Source Seed Initiative. Grown on the
International Space Station in 2015! See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2600 Rouge d’Hiver 28 days baby, 60 full size

HEIRLOOM • LD, TB • Baby or full size • Fall crop
Pomegranate Crunch Versatile variety with beautiful bronze leaves for salad mix or full size heads.
Color varies from reddish-bronze to deep red on the tips with dark green bases. As
its translated name Red of Winter implies, this variety does particularly well in the cool
conditions of the fall and winter. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

It’s exciting, educational and
rewarding to grow a plant

Why We
from seed. Seeds encourage people
to interact directly with the natural

world around them, and to learn
where their food comes from. I learn
something new and feel excited each
time I plant a seed! More on p. 56.

-Taylor, Variety Trials
Outredgeous Rouge d’Hiver

50 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454


2574 Defender 28 days baby

OP • DM (1-16,19, 21, 23) • For baby leaf
Upright, vigorous variety excellent for greenhouse or high tunnel
production. Attractive green leaf with similar growth rate to Parris Island Cos, but
darker in color and more rounded in leaf shape; lighter than Aerostar with a wider leaf.
Not recommended for full size heads. Bred by the team at Tozer Seeds in the United
Kingdom. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2576 Newham 45 days full size

OP • APH, DM (16-21, 23-26, 28-32), LRA, MTO-30 • Spretnak class
This one has it all—gorgeous color, numerous resistances and an incredible
sweet flavor! We were wowed by Newham in our variety trials and couldn’t wait to
make it available. This highly modern variety not only has the look, yield and resistances Newham Spretnak
you want, it’s also the one you’ll bring inside for your evening salad because it’s crispy,
with well-filled hearts and the flavor of the best butterhead. Does well year-round in
coastal regions, and in winter, spring and fall in hotter regions. Grow at 6” apart for
uniform mini heads. Also has intermediate resistance to lettuce mosaic virus and corky
root. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2581 Spretnak 45 days full size

OP • DM (16-21, 23-26, 28-32), LRA, MTO-30 • Spring/fall crop
Very attractive glossy green leaves packed in dense mini rosettes—a favorite
in our trials! Smooth outer leaves and blanched tender hearts; compact heads

smaller than Tin Tin. Very heat tolerant but best early and late in season. Intermediate
resistance to fusarium wilt. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds. Available as raw
and pelleted seed.

2606 Aerostar 21 days baby, 55 full size

OP • DM (16-27, 29, 32), LMV, MTO-30 • Baby leaf or full size • Reliable
Mid sizedark green romaine with excellent disease resistance. A dual-purpose Aerostar Freckles
variety that works well for medium size romaine heads or as a baby leaf. Dark green leaves
are relatively smooth, heading up well all season long; an essential component of our DMR
Salad Mix. From Vitalis Organic Seeds. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2543 Freckles 28 days baby, 55 full size

HEIRLOOM • For baby or full size • Heat tolerant
An unusual bright green romaine with crimson splashes. Upright growth, early coloring
and crisp texture make this an excellent choice for both baby leaf and full size heads. Heat
tolerant with a similar texture to Jericho or Pirat. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2596 Parris Island Cos 28 days baby, 55 full size

OP • LMV • Upright habit
Fast growing multi-purpose lettuce for baby leaf or full size heads. Baby leaves
size up quickly for salad mixes while the upright, uniform grey-green heads have nicely
savoyed leaves. Medium-slow to bolt, resists tip burn. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2559 Winter Density 28 days baby, 55 full size Parris Island Cos Winter Density
OP • Heat and frost tolerant • Reliable
A lettuce for all seasons! Tightly folded, dark green round heads sit high on the
stem for good airflow. Texture is a cross between butterhead and romaine with good
flavor all season. Requires cool temperatures for germination. See baby leaf photo on
page 53.

2580 Coastal Star 57 days full size

OP • CR, MTO-30 • Ideal for hearts • Tall, sturdy heads
Heat tolerant romaine for spring or late summer harvests. Coastal Star is a dark
green, tall romaine similar to Parris Island or Darkland Cos, but taller and darker. Sturdy
heads with a firm rib down the center; great for hearts or for packing in boxes. From
our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds. Available as raw and pelleted seed.

2587 Jericho 28 days baby, 57 full size

OP • TB, MTO-10 • Spring/summer crop • Field or greenhouse
Bright green leaves, unique silky texture and sweet flavor even in the heat of
summer. Good selection for indoor or outdoor cultivation, with some tolerance to
Coastal Star Jericho
powdery mildew and downy mildew as well as excellent resistance to heat stress and
tip burn. See baby leaf photo on page 53.

2586 Green Towers 60 days full size

OP • MTO-10 • Uniform stand • 10-12” tall
The industry standard for high quality, full-bodied heads. Dependable
tall, dark green plants are ideal for market and wholesale growers who need
consistent quality. Widely adapted and tolerant of corky root. Available as raw
and pelleted seed.

2625 Arroyo 65 days full size

OP • DM (16-27, 29, 32), TBSV • Ideal for hearts
Tall, upright plants with distinctive vase-shaped heads. Good fresh market
variety with tight v-shaped base, excellent for hearts. Heavily savoyed, crunchy leaves
are slow to cup inwards. Best suited to spring and fall harvest; may be grown in
summer in cool regions. Strong disease resistance package. Intermediate resistance to Green Towers Arroyo
corky root. Bred by Vitalis Organic Seeds. Available as raw and pelleted seed.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 51

2544 Concept 48 days full size

OP • Dark green and extra crisp
A cross of a summer crisp with a romaine combines a dark green color with the
open shape and bolt tolerance we need when the heat cranks up. Has the crunch
and flavor of romaine. In our 2016 trials it was a clear standout both for flavor and
appearance, with everyone agreeing it was gorgeous – even after a full week of heat.

2575 Lovelock 48 days full size

OP • DM (1-27, 29, 32), LMV, MTO-30 • Full size heads
Concept Magenta Heat tolerant whorls of bright green leaves with deep red coloring on the leaf
margins. Heads close in late at maturity forming a dense, crisp head. Almost identical
to Luana with better disease resistance and darker red tinge on the leaves. High Mowing
is proud to be the exclusive producer of organic seed for this variety thanks to our
partnership with Vitalis Organic Seeds. Available as raw and pelleted seed.

2564 Magenta 48 days full size

OP • DM (1-16, 19, 21), LMV, MTO-10 • Spring/summer plantings
Summer crisp with crunchy bronze leaves and a bright green heart. Our growers
love this variety for its crisp texture, heat tolerance, strong disease resistance and long
shelf life. Displayed impressive resistance in our trials during six weeks of constant rain!
Available as raw and pelleted seed.

2561 Nevada

55 days full size

Lovelock OP • DM, LMV, TB, MTO-10 • Bolt tolerant
Excellent summer variety forms large, open heads of thick, vibrant green leaves.
Glossy and beautifully ruffled leaves with a satisfying combination of crunchy texture and
buttery smoothness. Summer crisp characteristics lend excellent bolt resistance while
maintaining good texture and flavor in summer heat. Available as raw and pelleted seed.


2554 Australe 50 days full size

OP • DM (1-25) • Spring/fall planting • Upright habit
Gorgeous midsize butterhead with bright green leaves tinged with
bronze. Compact heads with soft leaves like a butterhead but more upright-romaine
in habit; strong disease resistance. Had excellent performance in our fall lettuce trials,
but produces the nicest heads in spring.
Nevada Australe
2555 Kweik 50 days full size
OP • DM, LD, TB • Very disease resistant
Fast growing lime green heads suited to cool seasons and unheated hoophouses.
Large, tender leaves head up quickly for foolproof performance in cold weather. Exhibits
strong field resistance to downy mildew, tip burn and sclerotina stem rot; very reliable.

2578 Mirlo 50 days full size

OP • APH, DM (16-28, 30-32), LMV, TBSV • Spring/summer • Internal tip burn resistance
Very large pale, green butterhead with luxurious appearance and excellent
disease resistance. Broad heads packed with tender, buttery leaves have an especially soft
and cloud-kissed look. Well-filled, dense heart and relatively early for its size. Our favorite
among all the varieties in our extensive butterhead trials! From Vitalis Organic Seeds.
Kweik Mirlo 2562 Optima 52 days full size
OP • BR, TB, MTO-10 • Nancy-type • Uniform stand
Large, dark green butterhead for spring production. Optima is thick-leaved,
consistently producing perfect, dense heads. Its velvety texture and buttery flavor are
sure to be a hit in every salad! Shows field resistance to downy mildew, lettuce mosaic
virus and bolting. Available as raw and pelleted seed.

2597 Pirat 55 days full size

HEIRLOOM • BR, DM, LD, TB • Heat tolerant
Tender heads with notably superior flavor and texture, blanched hearts and
red-tinged outer leaves. Bested every other variety for taste and texture in our
lettuce trials and also rates as one of the best butterheads in combined resistance to
downy mildew, white mold, tip burn and bacterial head rot.
Optima Pirat 2566 Roxy 60 days full size
OP • DM (16, 21, 23, 32), TBSV, MTO-30 • Spring crop • Holds well
High quality butterhead with glossy red outer leaves and a big, bright green
heart. Roxy is a standard organic variety in Europe and the U.S. Holds very well in
the field and has good resistance to tip burn. Another great variety from our partners
at Vitalis Organic Seeds. Available as raw and pelleted seed.


2545 Crispino 57 days full size

OP • Classic iceberg • Widely adaptable
A uniform, unfussy variety for those who don’t live in ideal iceberg
country. Crispino has done extremely well in our trials for two years running,
Roxy Crispino with dependably high yields of sweet, tight, white-hear ted heads amidst dark green
outer leaves. It holds up in the field and keeps well in the cooler.

52 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

Baby Leaf
Lettuce Aerostar Defender Parris Island Cos


Black Seeded
Jericho Winter Density Simpson Waldmann’s Gaviota Celinet

Bolsachica Sulu Tango Sandy Freckles Red Tide

Red Sails Oscarde Red Oak Leaf Red Salad Bowl Blade Dark Lollo Rossa

Galactic Spock Outredgeous Rouge d’Hiver Breen


2625P Arroyo Pelleted $2.95 $6.95 $5.52/M $4.05/M $3.60/M $3.20/M $3.06/M
2568P Bergam’s Green Pelleted $2.95 $6.95 $5.25/M $4.05/M $3.60/M $3.20/M $3.06/M
2570P Breen Pelleted $4.75 $13.00 $10.60/M $9.60/M $8.50/M $7.50/M $6.90/M
2614P Brentwood Pelleted $3.95 $10.25 $8.20/M $7.40/M $6.50/M $5.95/M $5.80/M
2611P Buckley Pelleted $3.95 $10.25 $8.20/M $7.40/M $6.50/M $5.95/M $5.80/M
2580P Coastal Star Pelleted $2.95 $7.00 $5.00/M $3.86/M $3.70/M $3.25/M $3.10/M
2627P Encino Pelleted $5.75 $14.00 $11.00/M $9.80/M $8.24/M $7.00/M $6.01/M
2617P Ezbruke Pelleted $3.95 $10.25 $8.20/M $7.40/M $6.50/M $5.95/M $5.80/M
2613P Ezrilla Pelleted $3.95 $10.25 $8.20/M $7.40/M $6.50/M $5.95/M $5.80/M
2551P Green Star Pelleted $5.00 $8.90 $5.00/M $3.92/M $3.10/M $2.75/M $2.40/M
2586P Green Towers Pelleted $2.95 $3.45 $2.40/M $1.92/M $1.76/M $1.58/M $1.39/M
2612P Hampton Pelleted $3.95 $10.25 $8.20/M $7.40/M $6.50/M $5.95/M $5.80/M
2575P Lovelock Pelleted $6.25 $14.00 $11.00/M $8.80/M $8.25/M $7.50/M $6.45/M
2564P Magenta Pelleted $2.95 $5.10 $3.44/M $2.34/M $2.15/M $1.56/M $1.37/M
2561P Nevada Pelleted $2.95 $4.10 $2.80/M $2.00/M $1.80/M $1.35/M $1.30/M
2594P New Red Fire Pelleted $2.95 $4.50 $3.05/M $2.20/M $1.74/M $1.50/M $1.39/M
2562P Optima Pelleted $2.95 $4.20 $2.85/M $2.05/M $1.80/M $1.55/M $1.30/M
2569P Pomegranate Crunch Pelleted $5.75 $10.25 $8.20/M $7.40/M $6.50/M $5.95/M $5.80/M
2623P Rhazes Pelleted $6.20 $13.00 $10.40/M $9.75/M $8.20/M $7.85/M $7.50/M
2566P Roxy Pelleted $6.20 $14.20 $11.60/M $10.50/M $9.50/M $8.50/M $8.00/M
2581P Spretnak Pelleted $6.20 $13.00 $10.40/M $9.75/M $8.20/M $7.85/M $7.50/M
2563P Waldmann’s Pelleted $2.95 $5.50 $3.20/M $2.24/M $2.05/M $1.95/M $1.85/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.
Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 53
LETTUCE SEED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT FULL/BABY/BOTH 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb
2554 Australe FULL $2.95 $8.35 $12.15 $38.40 $105.60 $198.00 $180.00/LB
2550 Black Seeded Simpson BOTH $2.95 $4.60 $6.70 $13.95 $33.60 $57.75 $54.60/LB
2544 Concept FULL $2.95 $9.85 $26.50 $61.00 $205.00 $360.00 $304.00/LB
2545 Crispino FULL $2.95 $9.85 $26.50 $61.00 $205.00 $360.00 $304.00/LB
2590 Dark Lollo Rossa BABY $2.95 $5.00 $8.50 $26.00 $72.00 $135.00 $128.00/LB
2574 Defender BABY $2.95 $6.95 $10.15 $32.00 $88.00 $165.00 $150.00/LB
2565 Emerald Oak FULL $2.95 $11.00 $29.75 $63.00 $200.00 $338.95
2543 Freckles BOTH $2.95 $7.80 $12.00 $23.00 $64.00 $104.00 $90.00/LB
2551 Green Star FULL $2.95 $6.25 $14.00 $36.00 $81.00 $125.00 $90.00/LB
2587 Jericho BOTH $2.95 $4.70 $10.20 $25.80 $73.50 $133.00 $126.00/LB
2555 Kweik FULL $2.95 $9.00 $24.75 $51.95 $162.10
2592 Outredgeous BOTH $2.95 $5.10 $9.00 $34.00 $91.00 $169.00 $162.50/LB
2596 Parris Island Cos BOTH $2.95 $4.50 $6.40 $16.00 $26.00 $42.00 $38.00/LB
2597 Pirat FULL $2.95 $8.50 $12.50 $39.45 $140.85 $255.60
2598 Red Oak Leaf BOTH $2.95 $4.45 $6.00 $13.20 $32.00 $46.30 $42.00/LB
2601 Red Sails BOTH $2.95 $7.00 $9.00 $23.25 $59.75 $100.00 $97.50/LB
2599 Red Salad Bowl BOTH $2.95 $6.15 $8.85 $12.60 $30.00 $49.35 $41.30/LB
2600 Rouge D’Hiver BOTH $2.95 $7.55 $9.45 $16.85 $38.30 $67.40 $60.65/LB
2605 Salad Bowl BOTH $2.95 $6.15 $8.85 $12.60 $40.00 $68.00 $58.00/LB

2540 Sandy BOTH $2.95 $6.15 $8.85 $12.60 $40.00 $68.00 $58.00/LB
2571 Spock BABY $2.95 $6.95 $10.15 $32.00 $88.00 $165.00 $150.00/LB
2573 Sulu BABY $2.95 $7.75 $11.25 $18.90 $58.00 $105.00 $90.00/LB
2558 Tango BABY $2.95 $4.60 $6.50 $19.00 $52.00 $92.00 $76.00/LB
2608 Vulcan FULL $2.95 $5.45 $11.75 $29.35 $82.50 $143.30 $120.37/LB
2563 Waldmann’s BOTH $2.95 $5.00 $10.00 $25.00 $67.20 $115.00 $100.00/LB
2559 Winter Density BOTH $2.95 $7.90 $12.25 $26.40 $62.40 $102.00 $88.80/LB
2606 Aerostar BOTH $2.95 $1.69/M $1.32/M $1.07/M $0.99/M $0.89/M
2625 Arroyo FULL $2.95 $5.80/M $5.13/M $4.75/M $4.58/M $4.32/M
2603 Blade BABY $2.95 $1.75/M $1.35/M $1.07/M $0.99/M $0.89/M
2572 Bolsachica BABY $2.95 $3.00/M $1.00/M $0.72/M $0.68/M $0.60/M
2570 Breen BOTH $6.00 $9.00/M $7.80/M $7.18/M $6.80/M $6.50/M
2548 Cantarix BABY $8.00 $10.50/M $10.00/M $9.00/M $8.40/M $7.40/M
2547 Celinet BABY $2.95 $1.65/M $1.30/M $0.99/M $0.90/M $0.82/M
2580 Coastal Star FULL $5.25 $4.20/M $3.52/M $3.20/M $3.00/M $2.77/M
2627 Encino FULL $7.00 $10.25/M $8.60/M $7.00/M $6.00/M $5.00/M
2593 Galactic BABY $2.95 $1.36/M $0.92/M $0.70/M $0.58/M $0.50/M
2549 Gaviota BABY $2.95 $1.65/M $1.30/M $0.99/M $0.90/M $0.82/M
2586 Green Towers FULL $2.95 $0.88/M $0.64/M $0.56/M $0.48/M $0.40/M
2575 Lovelock FULL $6.00 $7.00/M $5.00/M $4.00/M $3.75/M $3.00/M
2564 Magenta FULL $2.95 $1.10/M $0.80/M $0.70/M $0.60/M $0.50/M
2578 Mirlo FULL $5.95 $7.40/M $6.60/M $5.90/M $5.60/M $5.10/M
2561 Nevada FULL $2.95 $1.75/M $1.39/M $1.31/M $1.14/M $1.05/M
2594 New Red Fire FULL $2.95 $1.10/M $0.80/M $0.70/M $0.50/M $0.45/M
2576 Newham FULL $6.45 $8.60/M $7.40/M $6.50/M $6.10/M $5.80/M
2562 Optima FULL $2.95 $1.20/M $0.90/M $0.80/M $0.60/M $0.50/M
2591 Oscarde BOTH $4.95 $4.00/M $3.88/M $3.70/M $3.40/M $3.10/M
2569 Pomegranate Crunch FULL $5.00 $7.60/M $7.00/M $6.00/M $5.60/M $5.00/M
2604 Red Tide BOTH $2.95 $1.40/M $1.15/M $1.10/M $1.05/M $0.85/M
2623 Rhazes FULL $5.95 $9.40/M $8.00/M $7.50/M $7.00/M $6.75/M
2566 Roxy FULL $8.00 $10.50/M $10.00/M $9.00/M $8.40/M $7.40/M
2581 Spretnak FULL $5.90 $9.60/M $8.40/M $7.80/M $7.50/M $7.25/M
Larger Two Star
available; please call for pricing. FULL $2.95 $1.80/M $1.50/M $1.30/M $1.10/M $0.95/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

54 California lettuce trials with our partnerstoll
highmowingseeds.com free (866)
at Vitalis Organic
ORDER ONLINE: highmowingseeds.com MAIL YOUR ORDER: 76 Quarry Road Wolcott, VT, 05680
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If you are ordering more than 1/4 oz of watermelon seed, sign and date here to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the watermelon waiver on our website:
highmowingseeds.com/pdfs/watermelon_waiver.pdf. Signature Date

FREE SHIPPING on orders over $10! (add items from above)

We ship to the U.S. and Canada only. Garlic, potatoes and cover crops can only be shipped within the U.S. Orders under $10 are Canadian and VT Sales Tax
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lbs: $28, 100 lbs: $56 and 250 lbs: $140. For items being shipped to AK, HI, PR, or APO addresses, place your order online or call for a
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Expedited Shipping: Please call for a quote.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 55
We Believe
in the Power of Seed.

Seeds are potential life; they make us

When people plant our seeds, I want
them to feel like it is taking a step
towards a healthier world. –Christy,
goes beyond just growing organic seeds. We
are modeling a new way to grow seeds that
fits with our values in a changing world.

both humble and powerful. Our impact

Sales and Customer Service –Molly, Seed Production

Seeds are the start of life;
without them, we have no

food. I believe it is important to keep
healthy seeds available to all. At
High Mowing, we work for the greater
good of people and the planet.
–Jamie, Quality Control

Working with organic seeds isn’t
just a job, it’s a lifestyle. Passion

and commitment are at the heart of what we
do. We strive to give the best of ourselves to
this mission, just as a seed gives the best
of itself to the farmer. –Kristen,
Commercial Grower Sales

“ “
communities and agricultural systems—are
manifested in our seeds. –Patrick, Operations

Our values—for building healthy economies, I see seeds as a metaphor for

my life. They are at the core of
each beginning. If I want to see change
and Quality Control in my world, it’s up to me to ‘be the seed’
and initiate that change.
–Monique, Variety Trials

56 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

At High Mowing Organic Seeds, we have a vision: It is our goal to leverage the
power of seed to transform our world. To participate in and interact with the natural
world in ways which simultaneously sustain us and enrich us. By starting with the seed,
the very foundation of our food system and our natural communities, we hope to inspire
a fresh conversation, and we want to invite everyone to the table – starting with you.

This is why we grow.

At High Mowing, we get to participate

positively in the evolution of organic
food systems by addressing a part that is
essential and universal: the seed. –Jacob,
Contract Seed Production and
“ “
Seed is the basis of biodiversity and critical
to the existence and perseverance of both
wild ecosystems and human beings.”
Product Development –Maggie, Marketing

“ “
The belief that we can change
the world one seed at a time is
very alive and in practice here at High
Mowing. –Susanne, Human
Resources and Accounting

Through our seeds, High Mowing
is helping the growth of organic
farming and promoting healthy

food. –Lee, Fulfillment

Why do grow?
Share a photo and a caption
using the hashtag #WhyWeGrow

“ “ Participants will have the chance to be featured on the

I believe in High Mowing’s philosophy
High Mowing Organic Seeds Instagram feed and all
that healthy environments, healthy compositions will be considered for inclusion in next
economies, healthy communities and healthy year’s seed catalog. Join the conversation today!
bodies all start with the seed. –Julie, Don’t forget to tag @highmowingorganicseeds
Sales and Customer Service Facebook • Instagram • Twitter

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 57
Cucumis melo

Monique and Taylor tasting Divergent F1 melons in the trials field.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplants; add 10-14 days if direct seeding. cause feeding damage to the leaves and larvae feed on roots. They often transmit
Melons are warm season tender annuals that require fertile soils with lots of organic matter, bacterial wilt season to season. Row covers can provide protection, but must be
moisture and full sun. Direct seed 1-2 weeks after last frost date or sow seed indoors 4 weeks removed during flowering to allow pollination.
before planting date. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 75-85°F. Harden off by RESISTANCE KEY: CA-Cotton Aphid, FW-Fusarium Wilt (races indicated

reducing temperature and water. Plant outdoors when all danger of frost has passed. Plastic if known), PM-Powdery Mildew (races indicated if known), R-Rust, WMV-
mulch and floating row cover are useful in cool climates. Harvesting melons can be tricky. In Watermelon Mosaic Virus
general: Muskmelons slip from the vine; Charentais can be cut at half or full slip; Galias slip from
the vine and turn bright yellow. Ripe melons usually keep up to four weeks in cold storage. SEED SPECS: 1-1.25M (1.12M avg) seeds/oz, 16-20M (18M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
1/32 oz approx. 35 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 3 seeds every 18”, thin to 1 plant in
DISEASE & PESTS: Melons are particularly susceptible to leaf blights that can be controlled rows 5-6’ apart. Transplants: 24-30” apart in rows 5-6’ apart.
by using disease-free seed, fungicidal sprays and crop rotations. Fruit rot is common under
wet conditions and can be checked by organic fungicidal sprays. Striped cucumber beetles Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.


2633 First Kiss F1 71 days

HYBRID • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • FW (2), PM (1&2) • Cantaloupe • 1-2 lb
Exceptionally early melon with consistently high quality fruit. We were instantly
lovestruck with this small, early cantaloupe! Every melon was filled with firm, wonderfully
sweet flesh—unusual in such an early melon. A standout in our taste tests two years in a
row, with strong disease resistance and an attractive, lightly netted rind. Bred by Dr. Brent
Loy at the University of New Hampshire.

2647 Divergent F1 74 days

HYBRID • FW (0,1,2) • Widely adaptable and very sweet • 2.5 - 3 lbs
Divergent F1 rarely diverges from delicious! This stunning melon that’s part cantaloupe
and part galia is reliably sweet, with a Brix range of 15-18° in most plantings. Vigorous and
quick to mature, Divergent F1 ripens well ahead of much of its size class with strong yields
of medium round fruit. The outside appearance is more of a galia, with a low netting and
almost no rib. Watch closely so as not to miss the harvest; it ripens uniformly and is ready
First Kiss F1 Divergent F1 when background color is half green and half gold. Plant successions to extend the season.
Intermediate resistance to cotton aphid and powdery mildew. From Vitalis Seeds.

A Class All Its Own: DIVERGENT F1!

This unique hybrid melon—part cantaloupe, part galia—exemplifies
the pinnacle of our product standards at High Mowing: a top performer
in organic production and—above all—flavor, flavor, flavor. Divergent F1
is among the first melons to ripen, and its juicy, sweet slices perfectly
fulfill the expectations of the summer season. We are proud to offer
this singular variety from our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

• One of our earliest maturing varieties with uniform ripening

• Ideal for fresh market sales, with Brix ratings averaging 15-18º
• A full line of disease resistances for improved plant vigor
• Strong, healthy vines and leaves that protect fruit from scalding
58 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454
2630 PMR Delicious 51 75 days
OP • FW (1), PM • Eastern-type • 2-3 lbs
Reliably early melon, ripening quickly for heavy yields of aromatic fruit. Juicy, perfectly
sweet flesh is dark orange with creamy texture and strong flavor. Thinner skin than hybrids but
holds well for market and in storage. Excellent resistance to powdery mildew and well adapted
for northern growers. Harvest at full slip. Bred by Dr. Henry Munger at Cornell University.

2632 Magnificenza F1 78 days

HYBRID • CA, FW (0, 1, 2), PM • Italian netted-type • 3-4 lbs
Delicious bright orange flesh with juicy texture and incredible sweetness. Slightly
oval, attractive fruit has green ribbing that turns bright yellow along its edge to indicate
ripeness. A must-grow melon! Consistently high Brix ratings of 13 to 15°.

2634 Orange Sherbet F1 80 days

HYBRID • FW (1&2), PM (2), WMV • Eastern-type • 7-8 lbs PMR Delicious 51 Magnificenza F1
Extremely disease resistant melon with superb eating quality. Generally agreed
to be one of the best hybrid cantaloupes available, and the hands-down winner in our
2014 taste tests! Well netted round to oval Tuscan melons slip easily from the vine.
Consistently delicious aromatic flesh with high Brix is firm and ships well. Our first melon
with watermelon mosaic virus resistance! Bred by our friends at Colorado Seeds.

2665 Rocky Ford 85 days

HEIRLOOM • R • Green fleshed muskmelon • 1-2 lbs
Prolific yields of sweet, petite melons for home or market. Looks like a cantaloupe with
heavily netted, ribbed skin but reveals juicy green flesh inside that is sugary, very melony and

complex with a hint of spice. For best quality, harvest at full slip. Firm flesh stores well. Also
known as Eden’s Gem. Highly rust resistant; dark green skin turns yellow-bronze when ripe.

2638 Hale’s Best 86 days

HEIRLOOM • Eastern-type • 4-5 lbs
Heavy producer of oval-shaped fruits with old fashioned juicy flavor. Heavily
netted and slightly ribbed with juicy salmon flesh. This great variety has stood the test Orange Sherbet F1 Rocky Ford
of time and is still loved by many for its classic muskmelon flavor. Thin rinds do not hold
up well to shipping. Selected for appearance and flavor by a Japanese market farmer in
California and adopted for wide distribution by I.D. Hale in the 1920s..


2648 Arava F1 77 days

HYBRID • PM • Galia-type • 2-3 lbs
Green fleshed tropical melon with deliriously aromatic, sweet and crisp
flesh. Always reliable in our trials and one of our staff favorites. Galia melons were
developed by crossing a honeydew to a cantaloupe, resulting in a perfectly round melon
with smooth, netted skin that turns yellow when ripe.

2652 Emerald Gem 80 days

HEIRLOOM • Muskmelon • 2-3 lbs
“Luscious beyond description” was W. Atlee Burpee’s review from 1886. Sweet Hale’s Best Arava F1
and juicy orange flesh with a rich, musky flavor and spicy cinnamon aroma that is prized to
this day. A heavy producer with dark green, slightly netted skin. Short harvest window; collect
melons when skin becomes netted and fruits slip from the vine. Also known as ‘Netted Gem.’

2641 Rona F1 82 days

HYBRID • FW (1&2), PM • Galia-type • 3.5-5.5 lbs
Vigorous round, netted melon with sweet, aromatic green flesh. Larger fruit than
Arava F1 with similar flavor and soft, juicy texture. Uniformly shaped melons have small
seed cavities and good shelf life. Great for beginners with a built-in ripeness indicator:
skin behind netting turns from green to yellow when ripe.

2655 Sivan F1 82 days

HYBRID • PM • Charentais-type • 1.5-2 lbs
Reliable small round melons with superior sugary, deep orange flesh. A huge hit in our
trials every year! Smooth, heavily netted melons with very sweet fine-grained flesh. Excellent
for market, wholesale or the garden. Harvest at half-slip and ripen for three days at 70°F, then
chill. Excellent powdery mildew resistance. A favorite from our partners at Genesis Seeds. Emerald Gem Rona F1
2653 Haogen 85 days
OP • Galia-type • 2-3 lbs
Unique green fleshed melon with refreshing, honeyed flavor. Flesh is smooth
and juicy with a relatively thin, smooth rind. According to Dru at Full Belly Farm in
Guinda, CA, Haogen is “one of the best melons we grow, with soft sweet flesh,
dripping with sugar. The smaller size makes it perfect for market and retail stores, and
the coloring is spectacular.” Harvest promptly when skin turns yellow with green ribs.

“ “
I love working with the team
Why We here at High Mowing to move
towards a sustainable future built on
GROW organic seeds. –Tom F,
General Manager More on p. 56.
Sivan F1 Haogen

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 59
MELON SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/4 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb 5 lb
2652 Emerald Gem $2.95 $8.20 $18.65 $46.00 $113.20 $90.00/lb
2638 Hale’s Best $2.95 $7.40 $13.70 $28.40 $93.50 $78.00/lb
2653 Haogen $2.95 $8.05 $15.00 $43.00 $109.00 $85.40/lb
2630 PMR Delicious 51 $2.95 $6.50 $12.00 $34.50 $87.00 $68.00/lb
2665 Rocky Ford $2.95 $3.95 $7.50 $19.00 $55.00 $39.00/lb
2648 Arava F1 $2.95 $7.00 $15.00 $55.00 $35.00/M $30.00/M
2647 Divergent F1 $9.40 $20.00 $60.90 $195.00 $158.00/M $133.88/M
2633 First Kiss F1 $5.50 $12.75 $41.65 $118.15 $90.61/M $72.93/M
2632 Magnificenza F1 $9.40 $19.00 $57.00 $190.00 $155.00/M $130.00/M
2634 Orange Sherbet F1 $4.46 $10.75 $35.00 $108.00 $82.00/M $66.60/M
2641 Rona F1 $2.95 $8.40 $19.10 $56.70 $52.50/M
2655 Sivan F1 $2.95 $7.60 $17.85 $43.00 $34.65/M $27.56/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

Okra Abelmoschus esculentus

Clemson Spineless 80 okra from Pitchfork Farm.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplant. Okra is a warm season annual. wilt (Verticillium albo-atrum) are the most common diseases that affect okra. Powdery mildew,
It prefers rich soils that are well-drained. Plants are fairly drought and heat tolerant. Start Cercospora leaf spot and other common fungal disease can infect stems, leaves and pods.
seedlings indoors 4-6 weeks before planting date. Optimal germination temperature is 80- Okra is very susceptible to root knot nematodes. Do not plant in areas where nematode
90°F. Transplant after danger of frost has passed. Pollination may be poor when temperatures pressure is high. Major insect pests include whiteflies, aphids and corn earworm.
fluctuate above 90°F or below 55°F. Pick fruits at 3-4” long and when they snap from the SEED SPECS: 400-500 (450 avg) seeds/oz, 6.5-8M (7.3M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
plant. Store at 45-50°F with a relative humidity of 85-95%. 1/16 oz approx. 30 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 3 seeds every 12-18”, thinning to 1
DISEASE & PESTS: Diseases are best avoided by crop rotations and adequate spacing to promote plant in rows 36” apart. Transplants: 12-18” apart in rows 36” apart.
plant dryness; avoid working in fields when wet. Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) and Verticillium Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

2668 Clemson Spineless 80 55 days

OP • Productive • 3-4” pods
Spineless variety with beautiful emerald green pods. Improved variety is more
productive and earlier than its 1939 All-American Selection-winning predecessor, Clemson
Spineless. Plants reach 4-5’ in height and have an open habit for easy harvesting. Developed
by the breeding team at Clemson University in South Carolina and first released in 1980.

2667 Burgundy 65 days

OP • Ornamental and edible • 6-8” pods
Large tender crimson pods on vigorous plants with beautiful red stems and veining.
Performed well in our hoophouse trials in northern Vermont offering good vigor and
Clemson Spineless 80 Burgundy yields; widely adapted for different locations. In general, the reds are less productive than
the greens, but Burgundy is the most productive of the red varieties. Plants grow 4-5’ tall.

OKRA SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/16 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb 5 lb

2667 Burgundy $2.95 $3.40 $10.48 $18.48 $15.12/lb
2668 Clemson Spineless 80 $2.95 $3.40 $10.48 $18.48 $15.12/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

In Your Own Clemson Spineless 80 okra is a heavy producer that allows us to harvest the same
plant 3 to 4 days weekly all the way until frost. It is consistent in appearance with a

WORDS delicious flavor that keeps our customers coming back each week to our farmers
market table. –John and Ann of Elmwood Stock Farm, Kentucky

60 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

Allium cepa

The crew at Foote Brook Farm harvesting Cortland F1 onions.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity from direct seeding, subtract 1-2 weeks if organic fungicides are applied in advance when cool, wet conditions are expected. Purple blotch
transplanting. Onions are cool season biennials dependent on day length for bulb (Alternaria porri and Alternaria alternata) appears as elongated purple lesions that turn silvery over
formation. Short day onions start forming bulbs with 11-12 hours of daylight, long day time. Best prevention methods are to practice good sanitation and crop rotation with non-host
onions need 14-16 hours, intermediate day onions fall in between. Start transplants plants. Control measures are similar to those for Botrytis blight and downy mildew.

indoors 8-12 weeks before last frost. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 75- RESISTANCE KEY: BR-Basal Rot, DM-Downy Mildew, PR-Pink Root, T-Thrips
85°F. When seedlings reach 5”, trim to 1” to increase girth. Onions compete poorly with
weeds and steady water is important. Sweet and red onions can be harvested after bulb SEED SPECS: 6-8M (7M avg) seeds/oz, 95-125M (110M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
development. Storage onions can be harvested after tops dry up and flop over. Pull bulbs 1/64 oz approx. 100 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 20 seeds/foot in a 2” band, thin to 1
from ground and cure for 3-5 days in the field if weather is dry or indoors for 2 weeks at plant every 3-4” in rows 12-18” apar t. Transplants: Single plants or plugs of 2-3 plants
75-80°F and 80% relative humidity. Store at 33-35°F at 65-70% relative humidity. every 6-8” in rows 12-18” apar t. Transplants: Single plants or plugs of 2-3 plants every
6-8” in rows 12-18” apar t.
DISEASE & PESTS: Botrytis leaf blight (Botrytis squamosa and Botrytis cinerea) develops
as small lesions on the leaf. The fungus persists in the soil and on crop residues. Protectant Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.


2704 Zoey F1 95 days

HYBRID • Intermediate day • 4” bulbs
A widely adapted sweet onion with excellent quality. Beautiful with pale yellow
skin, narrow necks and sweet, flavorful white flesh. High yielding, uniform and vigorous,
with some tolerance to pink root and leaves that flop down without crimping, allowing
bulbs to size up while creating a barrier against disease. Best planted early in the season
to maximize size potential. From Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2683 Ailsa Craig 105 days

HEIRLOOM • Long day • Large 5-6” bulbs
Large Spanish onion with delicious sweet flavor perfect for burgers and
salads. Huge bulbs are mild, sweet and firm with light golden skins. Small necks allow Zoey F1 Ailsa Craig
for longer storage than other Spanish-types; stores up to one month. Named for a
perfectly round, solid rock island off the coast of Scotland.

2682 Gladstone 110 days

OP • Intermediate day • 4-5” bulbs
A widely adapted fresh market white onion for growers in the northern and
middle regions of the country. Dark green foliage, great for bunching. Medium to
large bulbs resist greening and are mildly sweet with very firm flesh. Moderate storage
potential; some susceptibility to smudge. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

2680 Walla Walla 110 days

OP • Intermediate day • Large 6” bulbs
The famous Walla Walla onion selected for increased uniformity and disease
resistance. Light brown skin and very mild, sweet white flesh. Improved variety
produces large round bulbs, upright tops and necks that dry down well. Held out
against disease far longer than other open-pollinated onions in our trials. Commercial Gladstone Walla Walla
growers outside the Walla Walla Valley, please visit sweetonions.org/marketing-order
for more information.

2702 Valencia 115 days

OP • Day neutral • 4” bulbs
Versatile day neutral sweet Spanish onion for all regions. Mild to sweet flavor.
Excellent for bunching when young or for fresh market sales of large bulbs with warm
golden-brown skin. Stores moderately well.


2671 Yellow Cipollini 80 days

OP • Long day • Stores 2-3 months • 3-4” bulbs
Flattened yellow onion with great flavor. Exceptionally strong flavor that sweetens
with cooking. Great for grilling, roasting and pickling. Small bulbs won’t store for more
than a few months but are so delicious that you won’t need them to! Valencia Yellow Cipollini

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 61
2703 New York Early 98 days
OP • Long to intermediate day • Stores well • 3-4” bulbs
An early and dependable yellow onion selected to store until spring! Medium
sized round bulbs with attractive warm brown skin and white flesh mild enough to eat
raw all winter. Milder and more tender than most yellow onions, but equally reliable
in storage. Developed for direct seeding in the rich muck soils of Orange County, NY;
further selected by Johnny’s Selected Seeds.

2691 Gabriella F1 100 days

HYBRID • Short day • Grano-type • 3-4.5” bulbs
Fresh market globe onion for southern growers. Large, uniform bulbs with
New York
F1 Gabriella F1 attractive shape and light brown skin. High yields of very mild to sweet onions. A
mid-season variety suited to southern growing regions; resists bolting. Good general
intermediate resistances against leaf diseases. Not suited to long storage.

2684 Cortland F1 105 days

HYBRID • Long day • Stores well • 3-4” bulbs
Thick copper skin, fine necks and uniform round shape; the standard for
organic growers. From the breeders of Copra F1 and Prince F1, Cortland F1 is
considered an improvement based on its wider adaptability to many conditions and
long storage life. Tolerant of fusarium and pink root. This solid variety comes from
our partners at Bejo Seeds.

2677 Sedona F1 108 days

HYBRID • PR • Long day • Stores well • 3-4” bulbs

Cortland F1 Sedona F1 Spanish globe variety produces large bulbs with attractive rosy-brown skins. A
standout in our trials for several years, Sedona F1 is noted for high yields and long
storage potential. This variety performs well in the Northeast and also has excellent
tolerance of hot weather. Good tolerance of thrips and basal rot.

2673 Yankee F1 108 days

HYBRID • DM • Long day • Stores well • 3” bulbs
Very productive storage variety with medium sized round bulbs. Our first
variety with strong resistance to downy mildew! Yield and excellent storage
qualities similar to Copra F1. Dark brown skins and bulbs that remain hard and
sound until spring. Tolerant of pink root.

2675 Calibra F1 110 days

HYBRID • Long day • Stores well • 3-4” bulbs
Yankee F1 Calibra F1 Spanish cross with sweet and mild flavor that sweetens in storage. Round, hard
globes with a slight shoulder, attractive reddish skins and thin necks that dry down
well. Sweet like Candy F1 with less juiciness and smaller size more suitable for storage;
superior quality and flavor in March in our storage trials. Tolerant of pink root.

2692 Talon F1 110 days

HYBRID • Long to intermediate day • Stores well • 3-4” bulbs
Stunning round storage bulbs with pretty golden skin and a beautiful clean
white interior. Rock-hard globes are uniformly sized. Very impressive in our trials with
a great stand and tops that remained as healthy as Yankee F1, which is noted for its
downy mildew tolerance. Tolerant of pink root. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

2678 Dakota Tears 112 days

OP • Long day • Bulbs up to 1 lb • Stores well • 3” bulbs
Medium sized hard round bulbs with very attractive reddish/gold
Talon F1 tinting. Continuously selected for vigor, size, storability, disease and insect resistance.
A great open-pollinated variety from breeder David Podoll, Dakota Tears was
honored as one of Organic Gardening magazine’s ten outstanding varieties in their
2010 trials.

Cabernet F1
2689 Cabernet F1 105 days
HYBRID • Late intermediate day • Stores 2-4 months • 3-4” bulbs
The earliest red storage onion in our trials, with lovely uniform burgundy
bulbs. Medium sized bulbs with very nice internal color plus a stroke of brilliance:
stems flop down without crimping before maturity, allowing continued growth while
preventing disease from reaching the bulb. Stores well, but is also beautiful bunched for
Dakota Tears fresh market sales. Widely adapted for both size and earliness.

2686 Monastrell F1 106 days

HYBRID • Intermediate day • Fresh market • 3.5-4” bulbs
Broad harvest window ideally suited for fresh market sales. Highly adaptable
with a uniform deep red color. Any bulbs not used immediately can be stored for 2-4
months. Slightly later and larger than Cabernet F1, with good holding in the field, an
upright habit, par tial resistance to foliar disease, and tight necks. A real beauty from
our par tners at Vitalis Seeds.

2674 Rossa di Milano 110 days

OP • Long to intermediate day • Stores well • 4” bulbs
Specialty onion with sweet flavor, good yield and long storage potential. The
moment we saw it in our trials, with high shoulders and shimmering pink skins, it
Rossa di Milano Monastrell F1 stole our hearts. Broad onions with a rounded, tapering heart shape. Plants are very
productive and store well. A standout open-pollinated variety!

62 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

I get to handle every batch
of seeds that comes to High
Why We Mowing. Knowing that the work I do
directly impacts the livelihood of “
GROW organic farmers inspires me to do this
work, and to do it well. More on p. 56.
- Heather, Quality Control

2688 Red Baron 115 days

OP • Long day • Bunching or full size • 3” bulbs
Versatile for midsize onions or beautiful purple scallions. Deep red skin and
royal purple inner rings with good color throughout. For scallions, harvest at 12-15” tall just Red Baron Red Carpet F1
before the bulb begins to swell, or harvest bulbs for fresh bunches. Performs well planted in
clumps of 4-5; succession planting is recommended. See photo below for bunching stage.

new 2705 Red Long of Florence 115 days new

OP • Long day • Fresh bunching • 4-6”
Gorgeous bottle-shaped bulbs with brilliant red coloring. Slender bulbs with
healthy green tops make a stunning bunch. Torpedo-types like Red Long of Florence
are preferred by culinary enthusiasts for easy preparation and long, uniform bulbs. Mild,

sweet flavor is great for pickling and using raw in salads.

2681 Red Carpet F1 116 days

HYBRID • Long day • Great storage • 3-4” bulbs
Magnificent magenta interior rings make this an especially gorgeous red
onion. Tight bulbs that store extremely well, with the excellent color on the interior layers
unique to our partners at Bejo Seeds. Red Carpet F1 is 2-3 days earlier than Red Wing F1
while maintaining 98% the same size, with a more rounded shoulder. Tolerant of pink root.

2687 Red Wing F1 118 days Red Long of Florence

HYBRID • Long day • Stores well • 3-4” bulbs
The ultimate sandwich onion with dark purple glossy skin and magenta interior
rings. Uniform, large round globes are very hard, an indication of excellent storage potential.
Deeper purple than Red Bull F1, with a rounder shape. Ring color continues to develop
during storage. Tolerant of pink root. A market standard from our partners at Bejo Seeds.


2679 Conservor F1 100 days

HYBRID • Stores well • 2-3” bulbs
Tear-drop shaped with pink flesh and easy-to-peel, rosy skin. Conservor F1 has great
flavor and stores well, offering more large, single bulbs. Greater yield than Ambition F1
with less blocky shape; more like traditional French shallots.


CULTURAL INFO: Bunching onions are hardy perennials that are grown as annuals
or overwintered for early spring harvests. Direct sow seeds as soon as soil can be
worked or start seedlings indoors in flats or plug trays. Planting depth: 1/4-1/2”.
Red Wing F1 Conservor F1
Direct seeding: ~50 seeds/ft, in 2” wide bands, rows 12-18” apart. Seeds are slow
to germinate, taking 14-20 days to start growth. It is important to keep them well
cultivated so that the weeds do not take over. Hill stalks to promote elongation and
blanching. Harvest when desired. Store washed onions at near freezing temperatures.
SEED SPECS: 11.2-13.7M (12.5M avg) seeds/oz, 180-220M (200M avg) seeds/lb.
M-=1,000. 1/64oz approx. 190 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 50 seeds/foot in 2” bands
in rows 12-18” apart. Transplants: plugs of 4-8 seeds 6-8” apart in rows 12-18” apart.

2700 Alto Leek

See Leeks, page 45.

2688 Red Baron

See description above.

2670 Evergreen Hardy 65 days

OP • Welsh-type • Very cold hardy
Reliably overwinters in Vermont, where temperatures can reach -30°F. May
be sown all season long or overwintered. Divide clumps in second year to produce
a new crop. Can be grown like an annual or allowed to develop into a dense patch.
Allium fistulosum

2672 Parade 70 days

OP • Uniform size • Upright habit
Knocked our socks off in our bunching onion trials! We’ve never seen such a
uniform, upright bunching onion, not a single leaf leaning over. Gorgeous rows of dark
green and vigorous stalks with no bulbing at all, making cleaning easy and quick. Parade Parade Evergreen Hardy Alto Leek Red Baron
has a nice, mild onion flavor. From our partners at Bejo Seeds. Allium fistulosum

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 63
ONION SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/64 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2683 Ailsa Craig $2.95 $4.50 $14.50 $43.00 $140.00 $230.00 $190.00/lb $174.00/lb
2678 Dakota Tears $2.95 $4.50 $14.50 $43.00 $140.00 $230.00 $190.00/lb $174.00/lb
2670 Evergreen Hardy Bunching $2.95 $3.50 $9.00 $25.00 $80.00 $125.00 $105.00/lb $96.00/lb
2703 New York Early $2.95 $4.50 $14.50 $43.00 $140.00 $230.00 $190.00/lb $174.00/lb
2705 Red Long of Florence $2.95 $3.50 $9.00 $25.00 $80.00 $125.00 $105.00/lb $96.00/lb
2674 Rossa di Milano $2.95 $6.00 $15.00 $45.00 $150.00 $280.00 $250.00/lb $216.00/lb
2702 Valencia $2.95 $6.00 $15.00 $45.00 $150.00 $280.00 $250.00/lb $216.00/lb
2680 Walla Walla $2.95 $6.00 $15.00 $45.00 $150.00 $280.00 $250.00/lb $216.00/lb
2671 Yellow Cipollini $2.95 $4.25 $13.00 $40.00 $120.00 $180.00 $160.00/lb $152.00/lb
2682 Gladstone $2.95 $4.40 $3.90/M $3.76/M $3.36/M $3.20/M $3.10/M $3.00/M
2672 Parade Bunching $2.95 $3.10 $1.85/M $1.56/M $1.36/M $1.28/M $1.14/M $0.99/M
2688 Red Baron $3.40 $5.10 $4.55/M $4.35/M $3.90/M $3.68/M $3.50/M $3.35/M
ONION SEED - HYBRID - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 100 1M 5M 25 M 50 M 100 M 500 M 1000 M
2689 Cabernet F1 $3.60 $6.45 $4.80/M $4.12/M $3.96/M $3.75/M $3.65/M $3.57/M
2675 Calibra F1 $3.95 $9.75 $7.90/M $4.98/M $4.85/M $4.53/M $4.23/M $4.05/M
2679 Conservor F1 Shallot $6.35 $20.00 $17.00/M $14.70/M $13.50/M $13.25/M $12.75/M $12.25/M
2684 Cortland F1 $3.75 $6.15 $4.30/M $3.80/M $3.57/M $3.40/M $3.30/M $3.10/M
2691 Gabriella F1 $4.20 $10.00 $8.20/M $6.10/M $5.50/M $4.70/M $4.32/M $4.00/M
2686 Monastrell F1 $3.95 $10.25 $6.60/M $5.66/M $5.25/M $5.04/M $4.90/M $4.82/M
2681 Red Carpet F1 $4.30 $9.00 $6.40/M $5.40/M $5.00/M $4.70/M $4.55/M $4.45/M
2687 Red Wing F1 $4.50 $8.25 $6.43/M $5.52/M $5.14/M $4.74/M $4.60/M $4.50/M
2677 Sedona F1 $3.95 $10.25 $8.25/M $5.60/M $5.15/M $5.05/M $4.70/M $4.48/M
2692 Talon F1 $3.95 $10.25 $8.30/M $5.66/M $5.25/M $5.15/M $4.90/M $4.82/M
2673 Yankee F1 $4.20 $9.00 $7.60/M $5.80/M $5.30/M $4.50/M $4.31/M $3.96/M
2704 Zoey F1 $4.20 $9.00 $7.60/M $5.80/M $5.30/M $4.50/M $4.31/M $3.96/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Pisum sativum

Paul and Taylor evaluating early yields on a pea trial.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Peas are a cool season annual. RESISTANCE KEY: DM- Downy Mildew, FW- Fusarium Wilt, PEMV- Pea Enation
Plants prefer abundant phosphorus and a pH of 6.0 or higher. Direct seed as soon as soil can Mosaic Virus, PLR- Pea Leaf Roll, PM- Powdery Mildew, PSV- Pea Streak Virus.
be worked in the spring. Seeds will germinate in soil temperatures as low as 40°F. Hot, dry SEED SPECS: 90-170 (130 avg) seeds/oz, 1.5-2.7M (2.1M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
conditions adversely affect quality and yield, so it is advantageous to have the crop mature 1 oz approx. 130 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Dwarf, 24-30 seeds/foot in a 2” band in
as early as planting schedules allow. Dwarf varieties do not require trellising but taller ones rows 18-24” apart. Trellised, 24-30 seeds/ foot in bands 4-6’ apart.
do in order to avoid disease. Plant peas in two rows, 8-12” apart, with a mesh or wire trellis
between the rows for peas to climb. Regular harvesting increases yields. Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.


2737 Karina 50 days

OP • Earliest shell pea • Doesn’t require suppor t • 3” pods
A dwarf shell pea that gets in and out quick with beautiful dark green pods.
Plants are 24-30” tall and appreciate staking but don’t require it. Gives high yields of 3”
pods with 4-6 peas. Ripens with Sugar Ann in early summer. Excellent sweet flavor.

2760 Laxton’s Progress #9 60 days

OP • FW • Compact plants • 4-5” pods
Short vines and plump pods filled with high quality peas. Small 15-20” plants
produce heavy yields of large pods with up to nine peas per pod (hence the name).
Karina Laxton’s Progress #9 An improvement over the original Laxton’s Progress with high resistance to wilt.

64 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2735 Green Arrow 68 days
OP • DM, FW • Excellent for freezing • 4-5” pods
A classic main-crop pea with slim, densely packed pointed pods. High yielding
variety with plenty of pods for easy harvesting. Each pod is stuffed with up to eleven
delicious peas. Plants are 24-30” tall. Peas are excellent for freezing.


2766 Sugar Ann 52 days

OP • Short harvest window • 2.5-3” pods
Nothing says spring like these high quality petite green pods! A great way
to star t off the season. Tasty round pods on dwar f 2’ vines are early with a
concentrated crop. 1984 All-America Selections (AAS) winner from pea breeders
Dr. Calvin Lamborn and Dr. MC Parker of Twin Falls Idaho, the creators of the
famous Sugar Snap.
Green Arrow Sugar Ann

2762 Cascadia 60 days

OP • FW, PM, PEMV • Spring or fall crop • 3” pods
A must-have main season variety with heavy yields of juicy, thick-walled pods.
Bucketloads of plump pods with tiny, distinctively delicious peas on 3’ tall vines. Multiple
disease resistances allow for spring and late season plantings.

new 2763 SS 141 60 days

OP • Tight harvest window • Jumbo 4” pods
An exciting release that was well worth the wait. SS 141 is a compact plant of

3.5’ vines that forms a heavy set of extra-long, extra tasty pods that ripen within
a shor t window. From our friends at PureLine Seeds, this strongly improved snap
pea offers very high yield potential. Suitable for multiple succession plantings.

2764 Sugar Daddy 60 days

OP • PLR, PM • Determinate vines • 2.5-3.5” pods
A first-rate stringless snap pea with thick, juicy flesh for main season crops.
Cascadia Sugar Daddy
Determinate 24-30” vines need little suppor t, producing stringless double pods
at each node of the plant’s top for easy picking. Developed during 25 years of
research by Dr. Calvin Lamborn at Gallatin Valley Seed Co. High tolerance of pea
enation mosaic virus. new


2736 Dwarf Grey Sugar 57 days

OP • Versatile • 2.5” pods
Early variety bearing petite pods with sweet flavor and crisp texture. Dwarf
Grey Sugar is a classic favorite loved for its pretty purple flowers and twirling tendrils
commonly used in stir-fries, salads and garnishes. Plants are not as dwarf as their name
implies, often reaching 4-5’ in height.

2750 Oregon Sugar Pod II 62 days

OP • FW, PEMV, PM, PSV • Spring/fall crop • 4” pods SS 141 Dwarf Grey Sugar
Improved with increased disease resistance and delicious tender pods. Highly
productive variety produces smooth, stringless pods on true dwarf plants averaging
24-30” tall. Pods are doubly borne for high yields and easy harvests. Strong disease
resistance makes this an excellent choice for late summer-fall plantings.

2740 Mammoth Melting 65 days

OP • FW • Long harvest window • 4-5” pods
Extra large, delectably sweet and tender pods with mouthwatering crunch.
These 5-6’ tall vines do require trellising for support, but bear over a long period of
time. Large white flowers are an extra bonus, adding a splash of brightness to your
edible landscape.


94535 Guard-N (Treats 8 lbs) $5.50
94536 Guard-N (Treats 50 lbs) $6.95
Oregon Sugar Pod II Mammoth Melting

PEA SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*

2762 Cascadia Snap $2.95 $7.85 $11.75 $9.80/lb $8.40/lb
2736 Dwarf Grey Sugar Snow $2.95 $7.85 $11.75 $9.80/lb $8.40/lb
2735 Green Arrow Shell $2.95 $7.85 $11.75 $9.80/lb $8.40/lb
2737 Karina Shell $2.95 $9.30 $13.90 $12.00/lb $11.50/lb
2760 Laxtons Progress #9 Shell $2.95 $9.30 $13.90 $12.00/lb $11.50/lb
2740 Mammoth Melting Snow $2.95 $8.35 $12.50 $10.85/lb $10.35/lb
2750 Oregon Sugar Pod Snow $2.95 $7.85 $11.75 $9.80/lb $8.40/lb
2763 SS 141 Snap $2.95 $7.85 $11.75 $9.80/lb $8.40/lb
2766 Sugar Ann Snap $2.95 $7.85 $11.75 $9.80/lb $8.40/lb
2764 Sugar Daddy Snap $2.95 $7.85 $11.75 $9.80/lb $8.40/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 65
Peppers Capsicum annuum

Pepper seedlings from High Ledge Farm at the Capital City Farmers Market in Montpelier, Vermont.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplanting. Peppers are long season, heat- RESISTANCE KEY: BLS-Bacterial Leaf Spot (races indicated if known),
loving annuals. Start transplants 6-8 weeks before planting date. Optimal soil temperature for CMV-Cucumber Mosaic Virus, PM- Powdery Mildew, PVY-Potato Virus Y,
germination is 85°F. When growing transplants, maintain 75°F during the day and 65°F at night. TEV-Tobacco Etch Virus, TMV-Tobacco Mosaic Virus, TSWV-Tomato Spotted
Peppers prefer rich, well drained, loamy soils. Do not over fertilize as too much nitrogen will Wilt Virus

prevent fruit set. Plant growth and fruit set are encouraged by use of plastic mulch and floating SEED SPECS: 2.8-4.9M (4M avg) seeds/oz, 75-125M (100M avg) seeds/lb.
row cover to warm roots and soil. Switch to a light-weight row cover when daytime temperatures M=1,000. 1/64 oz approx. 60 seeds. Transplants: 12-18” apar t in rows 18-30”
reach 75-80°F or when first flowers appear. Remove at temperatures over 85°F as some peppers apar t, or in 2 rows 24” apar t on plastic mulched beds.
may abort their flowers in extreme heat. Store peppers at 50°-54°F and 95% relative humidity.
Chilling injury occurs below 45°F. Prevent diseases and recurrent pest pressure with correct Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
sanitation techniques, crop rotation and cover cropping. SHU = Scoville Heat Units


2777 King Crimson 57 days green, 65 red

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • CMV • Uniform shape • 3-4” fruits
Early, prolific peppers are medium sized and blocky with four lobes and thick
walls. A favorite in our trials due to early maturity and uniform size. Slightly later than King
of the North, with superior quality, uniformity and intermediate resistance to cucumber
mosaic virus. Developed by High Mowing in partnership with Cornell University.

Sprinter F1 2800 King of the North 60 days green, 72 red

OP • Early • Upright habit • 3-4” fruits
Reliable set of green to glossy red fruits in short seasons. Improved for a higher
percentage of blocky, thick-walled, early ripening peppers each with three to four lobes.
Known for its ability to produce good sized peppers in short, cool seasons. Strong plants
King Crimson support heavy yields.

2779 Sprinter F1 62 days green, 82 red

HYBRID • TMV (0-3) • Field or greenhouse • Good leaf cover • 3.5” fruits
Speed and endurance; an early pepper that goes the distance with high yields
over a long harvest window. Compact plants with big, blocky four lobed fruit larger
than King of the North. Recommended for greenhouse culture but performs well
outside, especially as green; sets fruit well under row cover. Resists blossom end rot and
California Wonder russetting. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2774 Jupiter 65 days green, 75 red

OP • TMV • Good leaf cover • Ideal for stuffing and freezing • 4-5” fruits
Large, sweet fruits of excellent quality. Stout peppers have thick walls and four lobes; great
for stuffing and freezing. Widely adapted plants are 3’ in height and offer good leaf cover. High
resistance to tobacco mosaic virus.

King of the North

2775 California Wonder 65 days green, 80 red
(L to R) Jupiter & Sprinter F1 OP • Upright habit • Good for shipping and freezing • 3.5” fruits
Large, blocky, thick-walled glossy fruit that turns red quickly under a range
of conditions. Upright, everbearing habit keeps fruit high on 24-30” plants. Size falls
between King Crimson and Jupiter. Suitable for shipping and freezing. Introduced by
new Burpee’s in 1928 and still a hit today. Strong field resistance to tobacco mosaic virus.

2793 Olympus F1 65 days green, 85 red

(L to R) King Crimson HYBRID • BLS (1-3) • Good leaf cover • 4” fruits
and King of the North High yielding jumbo peppers for long seasons or unheated tunnels. Plants are vigorous
and bushy, providing plenty of coverage all season. Slightly elongated blocky bell shape. Plants
can set fruit under a wide range of conditions. Comparable to Orion F1. Unavailable in 2018.

new 2813 Dashen F1 70 days green, 90 red

HYBRID • BLS (1-5), TMV (0) • Good leaf cover • 3-4” fruits
Vigorous plants offer plenty of leaf cover and are well adapted for long seasons.
(L to R) Olympus F1 and Produces high yields of extra-large, blocky shaped peppers. Best suited to harvesting green
Dashen F1 with beautiful, dark color and crisp walls. Matures midseason, ripening to red. Intermediate
California Wonder resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus (race 0).

66 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454


2814 Purple Beauty 55 days purple, 75 red

OP • Specialty variety • 3-4” fruits
Sturdy, compact plants loaded with stunning deep purple fruits. Nearly black skin
creates incredible contrast with the bright green flesh. Fruit is set in the crown and on
each limb, optimizing yield per plant. Holds purple stage well before ripening to a deep
purple-red. Widely adapted.

2815 Sweet Chocolate 58 days green, 78 brown-red

OP • Uniform shape • Tolerates cool weather • 3-4” fruits
Early and high yielding with unusual very dark red color. Appreciated for its Purple Beauty
remarkable earliness, heavy fruit set and tolerance of cool nights. Medium sized
peppers are uniformly long and slightly tapered with long stems. Developed by
Professor Elwyn Meader at University of New Hampshire. Sweet Chocolate

2776 Golden California Wonder 60 days green, 78 gold

OP • Cool tolerant • Early • 4-4.5” fruits
High yields of deep gold, thick-walled fruits that set well in cool conditions. Sturdy,
upright 22-30” plants are everbearing and pendant. Very similar to California Wonder
with an earlier maturity date. One of the best open-pollinated gold peppers available!

2771 Milena F1 65 days green, 83 orange

HYBRID • PVY, TMV (0-3) • Heat tolerant • 1/2 lb, 3.5” fruits

Early orange bell with thick walls and uniformly 3-4 lobed fruit. Vigorous open
habit with good yield and solid fruit set, even under hot conditions. Upright plants are Golden California Wonder
sturdy, with good performance in greenhouse, unheated tunnel or open field. Strong
virus resistance. Intermediate resistance to tobacco etch virus and tomato spotted wilt
virus (race 0).

2789 Iko Iko 65 days purple/yellow, 85 red/orange

Milena F1
OP • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • Upright habit • Good leaf cover • 3.5” fruits
Spectacular array of colors in a high yielding bell pepper. A rainbow of colors from
a single variety! Immature fruits start dark purple, lavender, pale yellow and occasionally
lime green, ripening to tangerine and red streaked with purple. Excellent early season
color at market! Selected by High Mowing for color, yield, uprightness and leaf cover.

2805 Madonna F1 75-85 days

HYBRID • TMV (0-2), TSWV • Good leaf cover • 4” fruits
Early lemon yellow pepper for field production. Prolific large, blocky fruits with Iko Iko
four lobes and thick, juicy walls. Highly uniform fruit on vigorous plants with continuous
high yield potential all season. Good leaf cover and disease resistance. Performs best in
the field but can also produce in unheated high tunnels.

2769 Abay F1 85 days green, 95 yellow

HYBRID • BLS (1-5), TMV (0) • Widely adapted • 4” fruits
Jumbo sized blocky gold fruits on widely adapted plants. Hefty 4" fruits with thick
walls make great green peppers and mature to a beautiful golden yellow. An excellent
open field variety that is well suited to spring and fall plantings in the Southeast and as a
Madonna F1
main crop in northern areas and the Midwest. The only hybrid organic yellow bell on the
market that's resistant to bacterial leaf spot! From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

Abay F1
2797 Topepo Rosso 55 days green, 70 red
HEIRLOOM • Pimiento-type for stuffing • Flattened 2” fruits
An early, flattened pimiento with sweet, succulent flavor. Rounded fruits have
smooth skin and extra thick, meaty walls characteristic of pimientos. Scarlet, ridged fruit
resembles a tomato (hence the name combining tomato and pepper). Good upright
habit and leaf cover; superior to other pimientos in our trials.

2788 Oranos F1 60 days green, 75 orange

HYBRID • TMV (0) • Italian-type • Tapered 5-6” fruits
Eye-catching vivid gold fruit with sweet flavor and early, heavy yields. Had the
highest total yields and the highest number of ripened fruit in our trials – impressive in Topepo Rosso
a short growing season like ours! Thick walls are great for stuffing and color is beautiful
in salads or at market.
Oranos F1
2794 Shishito 60 days green, 75 red
OP • Spreading habit • 2-4” mild fruits
Small, mild Japanese pepper for roasting, pan-frying and grilling. Thin walls
blister and char easily when roasted or grilled, taking on rich flavor that is delicious with
coarse salt and lemon juice. Pepper lore has it that the occasional fruit will display heat.
Typically harvested and used green, but eventually turns orange and red with sweeter
flavor. Prolific!

2799 Bangles Blend 60 days green, 80 color

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Upright habit • Flattened 1.5” wide fruits
Adorable red, gold and chocolate baby bells great for snacking or stuffing. Eat
fresh by the handful, stuff for hors d’oeuvres or pickle for a festive winter treat. Large
seed cavity is perfect for stuffing. Upright 18-24” plants are excellent for decorative
containers. Each plant produces a single color of pepper. Limited availability in 2018. Bangles Blend Shishito

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 67
2781 Belcanto F1 60 days green, 83 red
HYBRID • TMV (0-3) • Kapia-type • Compact habit • 6-8” fruits
Productive with thick, juicy walls and delectable sweetness. Exceptionally sweet, heavy
cone-shaped fruits are versatile and delicious fresh, stuffed, grilled or dried for paprika. Kapia-
type fruits are native to the Adriatic and have smooth skin that is easy to roast and peel.
Suitable for field or high tunnel production; abundant producer even in short seasons.

2804 Xanthi F1 65 days green, 85 yellow

HYBRID • TMV (0) • Good leaf cover • 6-8” long fruits
Sunshine-yellow Italian sweet pepper on uniform, upright plants. Sturdy, uniform,
elongated fruits that turn from deep green to bright yellow at maturity. Tall, upright
Belcanto F1 plants with good leaf cover. Mix with Belcanto F1 and Oranos F1 for an amazing tri-
color display! Good field resistance to blossom end rot in our trials. From our partners
at Vitalis Organic Seeds.. Limited availability in 2018.
Xanthi F1
2798 Stocky Red Roaster 65 days green, 85 red
OP • Open Source Seed • Italian-type • 4-6” long fruits
Outstanding variety with juicy, sweet fruit; competes well with hybrids. Among the
best tasting peppers in our trials! Attractive, smooth-skinned fruits with thick walls. Tall plants
with upright habit are covered in fruit. Italian peppers are delicious traditionally fried in olive oil
and sprinkled with shredded parmesan cheese. Open Source variety bred by Frank Morton.

2803 Feher Ozon 65 days white, 95 red

OP • Compact, great for containers • Tapered 4” fruits
High yields of stout conical peppers with sweet and juicy pepper crunch when

Stocky Red Roaster ripe. Fruits start out white, ripening to yellow, orange and finally bright red for a variety
of colors on each plant! Unripe fruit is mild and slightly tangy; ripe fruit is delicious fresh or
traditionally dried and ground for Hungarian paprika. Compact plants are loaded with fruit.

2778 Corno di Toro 70 days green, 78 red

HEIRLOOM • Italian-type • Upright habit • 6-8” fruits
Feher Ozon Highly attractive scarlet fruits were extremely popular in our taste tests. Large,
tapering fruits are long and narrow, often with the bull horn curve for which they are
named. Quickly turns gold and then a beautiful deep crimson color with sweet, full-bodied
flavor when fully ripe. Versatile and great for eating raw, stuffed, grilled or traditionally fried
in olive oil and sprinkled with parmesan. Plants are vigorous with an excellent upright habit.

2806 Lively Italian Orange 75 days green, 100 orange

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Italian-type • 6-8” fruits
Toro High quality open-pollinated variety with uniform, juicy orange fruits. Thick-walled,
bright orange fruits make a beautiful open-pollinated market display combined with
Stocky Red Roaster and Lively Italian Yellow. Impressed us with its ability to set fruit, size
up and ripen; large plants loaded with fruit competed well with hybrids in our northern
Vermont trials. Bred by Tom Lively of Eugene, OR and further selected by High Mowing.

2807 Lively Italian Yellow 75 days green, 100 yellow

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Italian-type • Vigorous, upright habit • 8-10” fruits
Stunning sweet, thick-walled yellow fruits. Large, tapered golden yellow fruits with
Lively Italian Orange sweet, juicy flesh on vigorous plants. Prolific and reliable, performing well in the open field
across a variety of climates and ripening well even in our northern Vermont fields. Bred by
Tom Lively of Lively Organic Farm in Eugene, OR and further selected by High Mowing.

Lively Italian Yellow
2809 Picnic Red 60 days green, 78 red
OP • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • 3-4” fruits
Pretty much the sweetest pepper we’ve ever tasted. The red picnic pepper has
unbelievable sweetness, and a rich complex flavor that makes them addictive. Bred with an
emphasis on flavor, yields and plants that stand up straight for easy harvest. After on-farm
trials in Wisconsin in 2016, growers commented that they had trouble harvesting ripe ones
because their kids and partners ate them out of the field as soon as they turned red.

2810 Picnic Orange 60 days green, 82 orange

OP • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • 3-4” fruits
Picnic Red Deep orange color with a rich sweet pepper flavor. The orange Picnic Pepper is
sweet tasting and has a lovely warm color. Selected for thick walls, flavor, strong yields
and an upright plant habit. From our own High Mowing breeding work.
Picnic Orange
2811 Picnic Yellow 60 days green, 84 yellow
OP • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • 3-4” fruits
Vivid bright yellow with a bright, tart taste. The yellow Picnic Pepper has a nice
tart flavor with good complexity and a nice crisp crunch. Selected for upright plant
habit, good flavor and thick walls. From our own breeding work at High Mowing.

HC-PP Picnic Pepper Blend 60 days green, 78-84 colored

OP • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • 3-4” fruits
A trio of mini peppers developed for organic growers! The Picnic Pepper
collection includes a single 10 seed packet of each of the Picnic Pepper varieties. The
collection when compared to market standard snack peppers in trials has consistently
performed well or better than the hybrids. We've especially selected our set for their
rich, sweet flavor.
Picnic Yellow Picnic Pepper Blend

68 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454


2786 Ring-O-Fire 45 days green, 60 red

OP • Cayenne • SHU 20,000 • 4” fruits
“And it burns, burns, burns,” just like Johnny Cash said. This is a hot, hot pepper,
an improvement over our Red Cayenne, which it replaces. Ring-O-Fire matures
earlier and has a glossy sheen with a fire engine red color. Prolific and dependable
plants produce loads of fruits great for eating fresh, dried or powdered. Limited
availability in 2018.

2790 Hungarian Hot Wax 59 days yellow, 84 red

OP • Excellent pickler • SHU 10,000 • 1.5-5.5” fruits
Long, banana-shaped waxy pepper used for frying, stuffing and pickling. Ripens
from pale yellow to deep golden orange and finally cherry red, but traditionally
harvested light green and used for pickling. May be harvested at any stage but heat Ring-O-Fire
Ring-O-Fire Hungarian Hot Wax
intensifies as peppers mature. Very productive even in cool weather. Heat varies among
strains; HMOS strain is spicy but not overly hot.

2795 Bastan F1 65 days green, 85 chocolate

HYBRID • Poblano • SHU 3,000 • 4-6” fruits
Large, high quality dark green chiles on productive plants. Thick-walled,
medium sized fruits are a glossy dark green, nearly black, maturing to a deep
chocolate with mild heat. Plants have an upright habit with excellent leaf cover
and concentrated fruit set; extremely high yielding. Delicious roasted, stuffed,
battered and fried—try them stuffed with smoked gouda and grilled! From Vitalis

Organic Seeds.

2780 Early Jalapeño 65 days green, 85 red

OP • SHU 5,000 • 3-3.5” fruits
Prolific yields of flavorful blunt fruits with distinctive jalapeño flavor. Small,
moderately spicy fruits with thick walls are traditionally harvested dark green but
can be allowed to ripen to red. A classic eaten fresh or pickled with Mexican dishes! Bastan F1 Early Jalapeño
Compact plants are sturdy and work well in containers.

2773 Triunfo F1 65 days green, 85 red

HYBRID • BLS (0-3, 7,8), PVY • Green jalapeño • SHU 5,000
High quality hybrid jalapeño that cranks out bushels of nearly perfect fruit.
We’ve been waiting a long time for a strong hybrid jalapeño to offer as organic seed,
and we think you’ll be delighted we finally found one. Truinfo F1 was a standout in our
trials, with an upright frame and heavy set of midsize jalapeños with minimal checking.
Also has intermediate resistance to tobacco etch virus.

2782 Ancho Poblano 68 days green, 88 red

OP • SHU 3,000 • 4-6” fruits
Mild heart-shaped chili perfect for stuffing in chiles rellenos or dried for ancho
chili powder. Stout dark green fruits are moderately spicy with medium-thick walls.
Referred to as Poblano when used fresh and Ancho when dried for seasoning. Plants
are well branched. Well adapted variety; good yields in cool conditions.
Triunfo F1 Ancho Poblano
2785 NuMex Joe E. Parker 70 days green, 95 red
OP • Anaheim • SHU 4,500 • 8” fruits
Southwestern style traditional Anaheim harvested green for stuffing, grilling,
roasting or processing. Peppers average 8” long and have thick, crisp flesh with
mild heat and excellent flavor. Very productive strain that quickly changes from green
to red. Improved version of New Mexico 6-4 pepper, with thicker, longer fruits that
mature earlier.

2784 Maya 70 days green, 90 red

OP • Red habanero • SHU 150,000 • 3-4” fruits
Bright red, glossy fruits with outstanding appearance, flavor and burn in our
taste tests. Peppers are lantern-shaped, longer and more slender than a typical
habanero. Extremely hot fruits are abundant and average 3-4” long, with early maturity
and good productivity in cool climates. C. chinese. Unavailable in 2018.

2783 Magnum 80 days green, 100 orange

NuMex Joe E. Parker Maya
OP • Orange habanero • SHU 210,000 • 1-2” fruits
Typical habanero with bonnet shape and a gorgeous bright orange color.
Uniformity and productivity are top notch, producing loads of shiny scorching peppers.
Plants are tall, well branched and tolerant of cool conditions, ensuring maturity in
cooler climates like the Northeast. A true standout and improved variety from our
friends at Genesis Seeds. C. chinese


2801 Candlelight 65 days green, 80 color

OP • 12-16” plants • SHU 50,000+ • 1” fruits
Brightly colored fruits emerge from dense green foliage like flames. Upright
clusters of narrow 1” fruits ripen from yellow to orange to fire engine red, putting on
an incredible display all season. Compact, bushy plants covered with very spicy fruit
are excellent for containers. An All-America Selections (AAS) winner; perfect for
6-pack sales.
Magnum Candlelight

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 69
PEPPER SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/64 oz 1/16 oz 1/4 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb
2782 Ancho Poblano Hot $2.95 $8.10 $26.50 $71.70 $174.30 $385.00
2799 Bangles Blend Sweet $2.95 $8.95 $27.50 $73.00 $210.00 $739.00
2775 California Wonder Sweet $2.95 $6.60 $13.70 $37.80 $131.30 $435.00
2801 Candlelight Hot $2.95 $9.00 $28.50 $85.00 $300.00 $825.00
2778 Corno di Toro Sweet $2.95 $8.50 $27.85 $75.30 $183.00 $597.00
2780 Early Jalapeño Hot $2.95 $5.75 $11.80 $29.50 $77.00 $190.00
2803 Feher Ozon Sweet $2.95 $12.00 $38.00 $120.00 $310.00 $889.00
2776 Golden California Wonder Sweet $2.95 $8.00 $24.60 $54.80 $128.00 $295.00
2790 Hungarian Hot Wax Hot $2.95 $5.85 $12.00 $41.50 $127.00 $340.00
2789 Iko Iko Sweet $3.95 $8.95 $27.50 $73.00 $210.00 $739.00
2774 Jupiter Sweet $2.95 $8.95 $27.50 $73.00 $210.00 $739.00
2777 King Crimson Sweet $3.95 $11.25 $37.50 $129.75 $299.50 $855.00
2800 King of the North Sweet $2.95 $11.00 $33.35 $80.00 $260.00 $819.00
2806 Lively Italian Orange Sweet $2.95 $10.00 $31.00 $103.00 $310.00 $889.00
2807 Lively Italian Yellow Sweet $2.95 $10.00 $31.00 $103.00 $310.00 $889.00
2783 Magnum Habanero Hot $2.95 $9.65 $27.45 $79.45 $206.00 $560.00
2784 Maya Habanero Hot (unavailable in 2018) $2.95 $9.50 $26.85 $77.80 $202.00 $550.00
2785 NuMex Joe E. Parker Hot $2.95 $5.25 $10.25 $18.25 $37.80 $131.25
2814 Purple Beauty Sweet $2.95 $9.70 $31.80 $86.00 $209.00 $618.00

2786 Ring-O-Fire Cayenne Hot $2.95 $8.50 $25.00 $70.00 $180.00 $525.00
2794 Shishito $3.95 $8.95 $27.50 $73.00 $210.00 $739.00
2815 Sweet Chocolate Sweet $2.95 $6.25 $18.55 $50.25 $160.00 $525.00
2797 Topepo Rosso Sweet $3.95 $8.95 $27.50 $73.00 $210.00 $739.00
2769 Abay F1 Sweet $6.80 $35.00 $57.00 $87.00 $135.00 $113.00/M $94.00/M
2795 Bastan F1 Hot $3.70 $13.50 $25.50 $46.50 $85.50 $75.75/M $70.00/M
2781 Belcanto F1 Sweet $8.25 $40.00 $85.00 $137.00 $255.00 $242.00/M $224.00/M
2813 Dashen F1 Sweet $3.70 $17.00 $32.00 $56.00 $105.00 $95.00/M $84.00/M
2805 Madonna F1 Sweet $6.95 $38.00 $78.00 $122.00 $202.00 $178.00/M $164.00/M
2771 Milena F1 Sweet $9.40 $71.00 $154.00 $218.00 $398.00 $370.00/M $342.00/M
2793 Olympus F1 Sweet (unavailable in 2018) $3.70 $13.50 $25.50 $46.50 $85.50 $75.75/M $70.00/M
2788 Oranos F1 Sweet $8.25 $40.00 $85.00 $137.00 $255.00 $242.00/M $224.00/M
2779 Sprinter F1 Sweet $9.40 $71.00 $154.00 $218.00 $398.00 $370.00/M $342.00/M
2773 Triunfo F1 Hot $3.70 $13.50 $25.50 $46.50 $85.50 $75.75/M $70.00/M
2804 Xanthi F1 Sweet $8.25 $40.00 $85.00 $137.00 $255.00 $242.00/M $224.00/M
2810 Orange Picnic $2.95 $8.00 $13.00 $19.50 $28.00 $22.00/M $18.00/M
HCPP Picnic Pepper Blend $7.50 for 3 seed packets with 10 seeds each $18.00/M
2809 Red Picnic $2.95 $8.00 $13.00 $19.50 $28.00 $22.00/M $18.00/M
2798 Stocky Red Roaster $2.95 $9.95 $18.45 $31.75 $56.75 $49.80/M $39.40/M
2811 Yellow Picnic $2.95 $8.00 $13.00 $19.50 $28.00 $22.00/M $18.00/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

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Solanum tuberosum

Paul planting Burbank Russet and Reba potatoes at High Ledge Farm.

CULTURAL INFO: A hardy cool season crop. Classified by early, mid and late season Symptoms of late blight include water soaked areas at the leaf tips that spread inwards and
varieties, referring to days to maturity. Can be planted 1-2 weeks before the last frost become dark brown and brittle after one or two days. Select resistant varieties, maintain
date in spring. Small potatoes (1-1.5” diameter) can be planted whole; larger potatoes can good air circulation and remove and destroy affected plants as soon as symptoms appear. The
be cut into pieces. Each piece of the tuber should have at least one eye (dormant bud). Colorado potato beetle (CPB) can be a significant pest; use spinosad to control organically.

Hill plants shortly after emergence and again three weeks later, making sure to cover all RESISTANCE KEY: EB-Early Blight, LB-Late Blight, SCAB-Scab, VW-Verticillium Wilt
exposed tubers to avoid greening. Harvest 2 weeks after plants have died back. Cure in a
dry, dark place. Store potatoes in burlap, boxes, or crates in a dark, moist area at 38-40ºF. SEED SPECS: Fingerling, 14-16 pieces/lb avg. Full size, 8-10 pieces/lb avg.
2.5 lb bag plants approx. 25'. Planting rate: 10-12” apart in rows 30-36” apart.
DISEASE & PESTS: Utilize crop rotations and cover cropping for effective
preventative practices. The two most difficult potato diseases are scab and late blight. PLEASE NOTE: To avoid freezing in transit, we will begin shipping potatoes on or
Scab is most severe in dry weather. Select scab resistant varieties and maintain good before April 15th, 2018.
soil moisture. Late blight is severely destructive, with the potential of total crop loss. Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.


84092 Dark Red Norland Early season

OP • SCAB • Widely adapted
Outstanding red potato offers both great flavor and heavy yields, perfect for new
potatoes. Medium-large oblong tubers with moist, firm white flesh. Great for boiling and
roasting. Developed for Northern growers and short seasons, but widely adapted to a range
of conditions. Excellent resistance to scab, hollow heart and early blight. The original Norland
potato was developed by the North Dakota Agricultural College and released in 1957.

84025 Purple Viking Early season

OP • Compact habit • For fresh market
Outstanding yields of spectacular deep purple potatoes with rich flavor—a
winner in our taste tests! Bright white flesh is moist and firm, adaptable for many types Dark Red Norland Purple Viking
of cooking. Vibrant purple skins are flecked with pink for an eye-catching early market offering.
Compact plants with big tubers—space closely to control size. Good scab resistance.

84005 Katahdin Mid season

OP • Drought tolerant • Stores well
Delicious, widely adaptable large round tubers with white flesh and thin
buff skin. One of the best-known Maine potatoes and a North American standard,
Katahdin is prized for its adaptability, consistent performance and waxy flesh that is
delicious boiled or in potato salad. The gold standard of storage potatoes! High yielding,
adaptable big plants. Shows moderate resistance to scab. Developed and released by
the United States Department of Agriculture in 1932.

84035 Red Chieftain Mid season

OP • SCAB • Tolerates clay soil • Stores well
Large, oblong red tubers with great flavor and storage potential. Very attractive
presentation, with thin coppery skin and shallow eyes. Delicious boiled and as a new potato
with firm, moist flesh. Superior flavor to Dark Red Norland with better storage potential. Katahdin Red Chieftain
Higher yielding in heavy clay soils than other reds and offers field resistance to late blight.

84010 Burbank Russet Late season

OP • Idaho-type • Stores well new
The most widely grown potato in the U.S., with heavily russeted tubers and
flaky white flesh. Flaky texture perfect for light and fluffy baked potatoes, crispy French
fries and amazing hash browns. Some resistance to blackleg, fusarium, scab and blight. One of
over 800 varieties created by American plant breeder Luther Burbank, who developed the
original Burbank potato in 1875, at the age of 26, to combat the potato famine in Ireland.

new 84030 Reba Late season

OP • EB, SCAB, VW • High yielding • Stores well
A superior, multipurpose variety offering high yields of large, buff skinned potatoes
with delicious white flesh. Vigorous plants that withstand pest pressure produce attractive
firm and smooth tubers. A solid disease package and a lack of susceptibility to hollow heart set
Reba apart from Elba, which it replaces. A go-to for taste and dependability, Reba is suitable
for roasting, boiling or baking and makes stellar mashed potatoes. An excellent storage variety. Burbank Russet Reba

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 71
84040 All Red Early season
OP • Gourmet variety • Drought resistant • High yielding
Gorgeous cranberry-red skin and white flesh with rosy tie-dye swirls. Uniquely
patterned flesh holds its color during cooking; best boiled or steamed. Early and high
yielding. Shows some resistance to scab and drought.

new 84002 Adirondack Blue Mid season

OP • High yields • Gourmet variety
A staple of the specialty culinary market with beautiful purple coloring
throughout. A replacement for All Blue, our on-farm trials found that Adirondack
Blue performed better all-around and is a more refined full-color variety. Dark purple
skin with purple flesh that holds its coloring through cooking. Good for steaming or au
All Red gratin. Pair with All Red and Katahdin for a genuine red, white and blue potato salad!

84130 Yukon Gem Mid season

OP • LB, SCAB • Stores well
Adirondack Blue Bright gold skin, pink-hued eyes, yellow flesh and the same delicious flavor as
its parent, Yukon Gold. Our first late blight resistant potato! Round to oval tubers
mature about 10 days later than Yukon Gold and are significantly higher yielding,
especially in wet conditions. Smooth tan skin and dense, buttery yellow flesh for
baking, boiling and frying. Originally developed in 1994 by a team at North Dakota
State University.

84100 Yukon Gold Mid season

OP • Excellent flavor • Long storage
Versatile yellow fleshed potato. One of our bestsellers and a widely acclaimed star
of European golden fleshed potatoes. Renowned for its dense, buttery texture ideal
for baking, boiling, soups and frying. Developed in the 1960s by a breeding team at the
University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.
Yukon Gem
84020 German Butterball Late season
HEIRLOOM • SCAB • Large plants • Stores well
Unrivaled in creamy, buttery flavor and superb dense texture. Very popular,
versatile variety that is excellent boiled, roasted or fried. Pale yellow skin and golden flesh.
“Great midsized potatoes, a little waxier than dry, amazing roasted, a good boiler…one of
my favorites,” says Paul Betz of High Ledge Farm. Some late blight resistance.

German Butterball FINGERLING

84075 AmaRosa Mid season

OP • SCAB • Gourmet variety • Moderate storage
new Gorgeous burgundy skin reveals intensely dark red flesh rich in antioxidants. High
yielding with smooth wine-colored skin and sweet, creamy red flesh that resists fading
during cooking. Superb culinary quality—delicious fried, baked, boiled, steamed or as
mouthwatering pink chips. If harvested new, handle gently to prevent skinning.
Yukon Gold
new 84140 French Fingerling Late season
OP • Gourmet variety • Strong yields
Unique aesthetic with an outstanding flavor profile for culinary enthusiasts. This
fingerling has it all: excellent quality, strong yields and a color combination like you've
never seen before. Smooth red skin and yellow flesh that is dappled with red. This
specialty variety is great boiled, roasted or in soups.

84110 Rose Finn Apple Late season

HEIRLOOM • SCAB • Fingerling • Gourmet variety • Stores well
Blush-colored skin and bright yellow, moderately dry flesh with superb buttery
flavor. Very popular variety in gourmet markets. Medium size tubers are long and
narrow, easy to slice and roast for a delectable treat. Tubers form high on the ground
French Fingerling so keep hilled for best quality. Needs fertility and water. High field resistance to scab.

84120 Russian Banana Late season

HEIRLOOM • SCAB • Gourmet variety • Stores well
AmaRosa Small yellow tubers set the standard for buttery fingerling flavor. Yellow flesh is
fine-grained and perfect for boiling, roasting and baking. Crescent-shaped tubers with
tapered ends are wonderfully buttery, moist and tender. Easy to grow. First grown by
early Russian settlers in the U.S.

Getting quality seeds
into the hands of organic

Why We growers to produce nutritious

food is of the utmost importance.

At High Mowing, we’re working to
secure a healthy food system.
–Sara, Commercial
Grower Sales More on p. 56.
Rose Finn Apple Russian Banana

72 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

84002 Adirondack Blue $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84040 All Red $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84075 AmaRosa Fingerling $10.65 $14.00 $88.25 $144.50
84010 Burbank Russet $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84092 Dark Red Norland $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84140 French Fingerling $10.65 $14.00 $88.25 $144.50
84020 German Butterball $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84005 Katahdin $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84025 Purple Viking $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84030 Reba $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84035 Red Chieftain $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84110 Rose Finn Apple Fingerling $10.65 $14.00 $88.25 $144.50
84120 Russian Banana Fingerling $10.65 $14.00 $88.25 $144.50
84130 Yukon Gem $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
84100 Yukon Gold $11.75 $55.75 $93.00
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Finding the Best by Paul Betz, Commercial Grower Sales

and Product Development

Our endless—& endlessly satisfying—work

Finding the right varieties for the catalog happens in the field. We keep our growers in mind when we
make our selections, ensuring the varieties we add bring value to professional and home growers alike.

hile our Early Jalapeño works specific size or color of fruit, or the ability right for each slot, Taylor and I walk the
well as an open-pollinated to perform in a particular season. Once the fields, using a grading system to rate the
variety, we had been given slots are identified, Taylor starts working on varieties on appearance, vigor, taste,
the task of finding a hybrid variety that the upcoming season’s trials plan. appeal. We then choose which varieties
would bring more: more uniformity, more make the cut, bringing our whole PD
By reaching out to our partner seed
robust plants, and more peppers. As team to the field where we make our
companies, as well as independent and
Taylor, the leader of the High Mowing recommendations. It is through this work,
public breeders, Taylor spends the early
Trials program, and I walked up to the often started years ago, that we are able
winter gathering samples and building
pepper trials we were reserved. We had to identify and bring to our growers the
the trials for the upcoming season. As
been down this road before. We gushed varieties that have allowed us to become
the season progresses her crew gathers
over plants that we were using as our the whole farm catalog you hold today.
quantitative data on the varieties, including
comparable varieties. They had everything
color, size and yields. When the time is
that we were looking for, except they
weren’t available organically. We also
looked at some beautiful varieties that
were in development, but we really wanted
this pepper now. And then we came up
to the last one in the trial: strong, sturdy,
and loaded with beautiful, glossy fruit. We
checked the stake twice to make sure.
Organic? Check. Available? Check. As soon as
we could contain our excitement, we added
Triunfo F1 to the list that we would bring
to the Product Development team (PD) for
the upcoming catalog.
Finding varieties that perform and bring
the most benefit to our growers has always
been central to the work at High Mowing
Organic Seeds. It is also work that doesn't
end. After compiling feedback from our
growers on the phone and in their fields,
PD comes together in the fall to review
the current catalog and see where we have
room to add new varieties, or slots. These Paul and Taylor evaluating winter squash for size, yield and fruit quality.
slots might include a disease resistance,

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 73
Cucurbita spp.

Monique and Katie harvest Baby Pam pie pumpkins in our trials field.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Pumpkins are long season tender SEED SPECS: C. pepo, 140-250 (195 avg) seeds/oz, 2.3-4M (3.1M avg) seeds/lb. C. moschata,
annuals that prefer fertile, well-drained soil. Direct sow after last frost. Tighter spacing results in 280-375 (327 avg) seeds/oz, 4.5-6M (5M avg) seeds/lb. C. maxima, 90-160 (125 avg) seeds/oz,
smaller, more numerous fruit. Plastic mulch and floating row covers heat soil and help ward off pests; 1.5-2.6M (2M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000. 1/8 oz approx. 25 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 2 seeds

remove row cover when flowering to allow pollination. Harvest before temperatures reach below every 18-36” in rows 5-6’ apart. Transplants: 18-36” apart in rows 5-6’ apart.
50° F. Move to a warm, dry, shaded area to cure. Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

PIE - C. pepo

2818 Baby Pam 99 days

OP • Uniform size • Reliable harvest • 3-4 lb fruit
Commercial standard for pie pumpkins with long handles and dry, bright orange
skin. Stringless, sugary flesh cooks down to a smooth, superior pie filling. Smaller and
more uniform than New England Pie. Great for painting and carving, too!

2830 Long Pie 100 days

HEIRLOOM • Stores well • 5-8 lb fruit
The absolute best pie pumpkin for cooking, with virtually stringless, smooth orange
Baby Pam Long Pie flesh. Also known as Nantucket Pie. Harvest green with an orange spot on the bottom, as
Long Pie ripens in storage, turning completely orange outside as flesh sweetens inside.

2840 New England Pie 105 days

HEIRLOOM • Stores well • 4-6 lb fruit
Classic pie pumpkin with dry, stringless flesh and superior thick consistency
in pies. Attractive fruits have dark orange skin with light ribbing and well attached
handles. Delicious flesh is not quite as sweet as Baby Pam but has even better texture.

2828 Winter Luxury 105 days

HEIRLOOM • Velvety sweet flesh • 6 lb fruit
Our sweetest pie pumpkin with elegant appeal. Deep orange skin is decorated with
silvery netting and slight ribs, giving it a magical appearance. Excellent for pie, cheesecake and
New England Pie Winter Luxury soup. Similar to New England Pie in size with a shorter storage window.


2826 Cider Jack F1 90 days

HYBRID • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • PM • Semi-bush habit • 10-14 lb fruit
A knock out Jack O’ Lantern with smooth bright orange skin and a well
attached handle. Gorgeous medium size fruits are smooth and attractive; perfect for
painting or carving. Our earliest Jack with good yields of 2-3 fruits/plant. Bred by High
Mowing in partnership with University of New Hampshire’s Dr. Brent Loy.

2841 Jack Straw 100 days

OP • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • PM • Uniform fruit • 14-16 lb fruit
Cider Jack F1 Jack Straw A smooth-faced Jack O’ Lantern with dark orange skin and a hearty handle. A great
selection for roadside stands and porches, with abundant yields of 8-14” tall pumpkins.
Powdery mildew and scab tolerant, ripening late in the season just in time for Halloween sales!

2825 Owl’s Eye F1 100 days

HYBRID • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Semi-bush habit • 10-16 lb fruit
Vibrant yellow Jack O’Lantern suited to Halloween decorations. Handsome ribbed
fruits with flat bottoms sit perfectly on your porch or table. Strong, dark green handles are
well attached for easy harvest and handling. Shows field tolerance to powdery mildew. Bred
through collaboration between High Mowing and the University of New Hampshire.

2820 Howden 115 days

OP • Commercial standard • 25 lb fruit
The original Jack O’ Lantern with rich orange color, deep ridges and sturdy handles.
Owl’s Eye F1 Howden Our most popular Jack O’Lantern among farmers and gardeners! Reliable and tolerant
of black rot. Developed in the Berkshire Mountains by John Howden in the mid-1970s.

74 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

SPECIALTY - Cucurbita spp.

2832 Jack Be Little 95 days

OP • 6-12 fruits per vine
Big fun comes in a very small package for kids and pumpkin-lovers far and
wide. Miniature, old fashioned pumpkins are 3” wide by 2” tall and bright orange. Each
plant will produce an average of eight pumpkins. Great for decorations and can be
hollowed out to make a cute serving dish. C. pepo

2845 Cinderella, Rouge vif d’Etampes 99 days

HEIRLOOM • 15-20 lb fruit Cinderella,
Vivid red French heirloom reminiscent of the fairytale with its beautiful, whimsical Jack Be Little Rouge vif d’Etampes
appearance. Large, flattened fruits with exceptionally deep orange flesh and strong, sweet
flavor delicious in soups and purées. Shell is commonly used as a soup tureen. C. maxima

2819 Casper 100 days

OP • PM • 8-10 lb fruit
Smooth, ghostly white pumpkin for Halloween displays with sweet interior flesh for
baking. Round to oblong fruits with completely smooth, minimally ribbed skin – great for
painting! Harvest at maturity to avoid spotting. Stout handles are corky and straw-colored.
Exhibited field resistance to powdery mildew in our trials. C. maxima

2837 Kakai Hulless 100 days

OP • Semi-bush habit • Hulless seeds • 5-8 lb fruit

Endearing Japanese pumpkin with orange and green stripes and hulless seeds
for snacking! Creates a beautiful display, but is most valued for its scrumptious seeds
packed with healthy oils. Addictive, nutty flavor when toasted. There are 2-3 medium Casper Kakai Hulless
size fruits per plant. Widely adapted and tolerant of poor conditions. C. pepo

2822 Black Futsu 105 days

HEIRLOOM • Stores well • 3-5 lb fruit
Rare Japanese specialty for the porch or table with unique black, warty skin
and nutty, fresh flavor. Bright orange flesh has firm texture that is sweet and buttery
roasted or light and fruity raw. Delicious julienned and quick-cured with salt in winter
slaw! Fruits ripen in winter storage, when the green halo between the flesh and skin
disappears and skin turns from black to chestnut. 3-5 pumpkins/plant. C. moschata

2827 Long Island Cheese 110 days

HEIRLOOM • Edible • Stores well • 8-10 lb fruit
Buff, butternut-like skin, tasty deep orange flesh and flat, round appearance.
Beautiful edible and ornamental; could be mistaken for a wheel of cheese! Selected for
inclusion in the Slow Food Ark of Taste for its flavor profile and regional significance. Black Futsu Long Island Cheese
Plants have vigorous vines and heavy leaf cover. C. moschata

2836 Valenciano 110 days

OP • Uniform fruit • 8-10 lbs
Creamy, white skinned beauties are round and slightly flattened in shape. Dense,
high quality sweet flesh. Vigorous vines bear uniform fruit with thick handles. A unique
pumpkin that can be eaten or used ornamentally. Not as rugged as orange pumpkins;
harvest right away and keep protected for best quality off the vine. C. maxima

2835 Musque de Provence 125 days

HEIRLOOM • Gourmet specialty • 15-25 lbs
Gorgeous French heirloom featuring dusky green ribs and glowing orange
skin. This gourmet pumpkin, often enjoyed cooked, is also traditionally eaten raw. Cut
from the middle like a wedge of cheese and slice very thinly. The flavor is exceptionally Valenciano Musque de Provence
complex and sweet with a nice light crunch. Also known as Fairytale. C. moschata

PUMPKIN SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2818 Baby Pam $2.95 $8.00 $15.50 $35.00 $58.00 $49.00/lb $44.00/lb
2822 Black Futsu $3.25 $7.50 $16.00 $38.00 $70.00 $65.00/lb $59.00/lb
2819 Casper $4.50 $12.00 $28.00 $62.00 $110.00 $90.00/lb $79.92/lb
2845 Cinderella, Rouge vif d'Etampes $3.95 $11.00 $24.00 $60.00 $95.00 $85.00/lb $74.00/lb
2820 Howden $2.95 $6.60 $15.40 $32.60 $54.60 $50.40/lb $45.00/lb
2832 Jack Be Little $2.95 $4.59 $14.28 $33.92 $55.00 $45.00/lb $38.00/lb
2841 Jack Straw $3.95 $8.50 $20.25 $47.25 $82.00 $73.00/lb $64.60/lb
2837 Kakai Hulless $3.70 $8.25 $21.00 $50.00 $83.00 $75.00/lb $66.00/lb
2827 Long Island Cheese $2.95 $9.75 $21.45 $58.50 $107.90 $100.10/lb $89.70/lb
2830 Long Pie $3.25 $8.75 $18.50 $46.00 $80.00 $75.00/lb $69.50/lb
2835 Musque de Provence $2.95 $8.50 $18.75 $42.50 $76.25 $69.00/lb $59.60/lb
2840 New England Pie $2.95 $6.00 $11.25 $23.00 $35.75 $32.00/lb $28.92/lb
2836 Valenciano $2.95 $6.00 $16.00 $38.00 $62.50 $54.50/lb $50.00/lb
2828 Winter Luxury $4.50 $11.00 $35.00 $75.00 $130.00 $108.00/lb $102.00/lb
2826 Cider Jack F1 $3.50 $11.50 $28.00 $78.00 $65.00/M $55.20/M
2825 Owl’s Eye F1 $2.95 $9.00 $21.00 $62.00 $50.00/M $42.00/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.
Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 75
Raphanus sativus

Monique and Taylor harvest our new and improved strain of White Icicle radishes.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are for direct seeding. Radishes are hardy annuals. wet seasons, such as Alternaria leaf spot and white mold (Sclerotinia). Flea beetles
They can be direct seeded as soon as soil can be worked and are better adapted to the can present a problem, par ticularly for young plants, by chewing small holes in the
cooler temperatures and shor ter days of spring and fall. Optimal soil temperature for leaves. Use floating row cover after seeding to prevent insect damage.
germination is 65-85°F. Seedlings emerge within a few days. Thin if necessary to ensure

SEED SPECS: 1.8-3.6M (2.7M avg) seeds/oz, 30-58M (44M avg) seeds/lb.
even sizing. Plant every 10 days for a continual supply. Harvest radishes on time as they M=1,000. 1/16 oz approx. 170 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Garden type, 20
do not hold well in the field, especially in warm weather. Topped radishes will keep good seeds/foot in rows 6-12” apar t. Winter type and Daikon, 6-8 seeds/foot in rows
quality for 3-4 weeks if stored at near freezing temperatures with high humidity in semi- 6-12” apar t.
permeable containers.
Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
DISEASE & PESTS: Like other crucifers, radishes can be subject to fungal diseases in

2846 D’Avignon 21 days

new HEIRLOOM • Fresh market specialty • 3-4” long roots
The traditional French Breakfast radish with rose-pink roots and mild flavor. Long
cylindrical pink roots with bright white tips are eye-catching at farmers markets. Vigorous
and fast growing, performing best in rich soil. Excellent for spring and fall crops. Originally
from the South of France where they are traditionally eaten fresh with butter.

new 2855 Sora 23 days

OP • All season variety • Heat tolerant • 1" round roots
A classic red radish with crisp, succulent roots. Sora is a reliable all season radish,
D’Avignon Sora but particularly excels in hot and dry conditions when other varieties are easily stressed.
High quality, uniform roots form attractive bunches and resist pithiness. Our strain
comes from the Swiss biodynamic seed company Sativa.

2874 Celesta F1 25 days

HYBRID • All season variety • Uniform 1” round roots
The first organically available hybrid radish! Beautiful scarlet skin, bright white flesh
and juicy crunch. Vigorous with good bolt tolerance. The highest rated variety in our
trials across all seasonal slots, with very little splitting even when overgrown and strong,
upright, compact foliage for easy harvest.

2850 Cherry Belle 25 days

OP • Easy to grow • Uniform .75-1” round roots
Celesta F1 Cherry Belle Classic, smooth red bunching radish with attractive crispy white flesh. Uniform
roots are much less subject to pithiness than other radishes. Easy and fast to grow, with
strong, widely adaptable tops. An All-America Selections (AAS) winner.

2851 Pearl 25 days

OP • Vigorous growth • Strong crack resistance • 1" round roots
Pearl-white smooth round radish with improved uniformity and strong tops. With
vigorous growth and strong crack resistance, Pearl is a workhorse white radish. Beautiful in a
mix. Strong tops are especially suited to bunching. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2863 Purple Plum 25 days

OP • Specialty variety • Resists cracking • 1-1.5” round roots
Bright purple skin covering firm white flesh with crisp, juicy texture. Mild, sweet flavor
Pearl Purple Plum all season long! Roots hold well in the field and do not crack easily. Hardy and adaptable;
very resistant to pithiness. Released by Alf Christianson Seed Company. Unavailable in 2018.

2873 Rudolf 25 days

OP • Spring/fall crop • Uniform 1” round roots
All the vigor and uniformity of a hybrid in this highly selected open-pollinated variety
with deep red roots. Rudolf makes a crisp, nicely rounded radish with little to no pithiness.
Good for spring and fall production. Short foliage. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.

2875 Valentine’s Day Blend 25 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Eye-catching blend for market
Well balanced blend makes a sweet impression! An eye-catching blend sure to
create a heartfelt sensation. Includes round red, pink, purple and white radishes for an
Rudolf Valentine’s Day Blend early shot of color in an irresistible mixed bunch.

76 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2860 French Breakfast 26 days
OP • Gourmet variety • 1-2” long roots
Eye-catching deep pink roots with bright white tips and excellent eating
quality. A French classic with oblong, blunt-tipped shape and healthy radish spiciness.
Try them raw with butter and salt, or butter poached with sourdough bread and fresh
herbs. Harvest regularly; may become pithy if harvested late.

2870 Pink Beauty 27 days

OP • Uniform shape • 1-1.5” long roots
Bright pink radish with crisp white flesh that completely resists pithiness. Flesh
has a distinctive and delicious flavor with pleasant tender texture even when grown to
large size. Attractive round to oval shape and medium sized tops. Early, eye-catching
spring offering. French Breakfast Pink Beauty

2866 White Icicle 27 days

OP • Mild, pointed roots • Improved vigor and uniformity • 3-4” long roots
Bright white radish for striking salads. Our new and improved strain from Swiss
biodynamic seed company Sativa shows overall enhanced performance for a consistent
harvest. Mild flavor and crunchy bite. Tops can be used as salad greens.

2865 White Beauty 30 days

OP • Strong tops • 1.5” round roots for spring or fall
Pure white, round to slightly flattened roots. Bright white, smooth roots make a
beautiful contrast with strong green tops great for bunching. Bunch with Purple Plum

and Pink Beauty for a colorful display. Best grown in spring or fall.

2861 Ostergruss 30-35 days White Icicle White Beauty

OP • Spring/fall crop • 5-6” long roots
Unusual carrot-shaped magenta radish with crisp texture and spicy flavor.
German variety translated as “Easter Greeting.” Firm interior flesh is bright white and
enclosed in beautifully contrasting thick, pink skin. Dark green foliage ideal for bunching.
Beautiful addition to salads and perfect shape for dipping and crudités.

2862 Miyashige Daikon 50 days

OP • Winter radish • Stores well • Large 2-6 lb roots
Popular Japanese radish that can grow very large while remaining crisp and
tender. Pure white roots with pale green shoulders when exposed to sun. Excellent for
pickling, fermenting or storage. Strong taproots often used as a cover crop to break up
hardpan and lighten heavy soils.

2848 Schwarzer Runder 45-50 days Ostergruss Miyashige Daikon

OP • Winter radish • Stores well • 2.5-3" round roots
Unusual jet-black skin makes a gorgeous contrast with the bright white flesh.
Also known as Black Winter radish, with rich spicy flavor excellent for salads and
crudités. Coarse outer skin allows for exceptionally long storage in the ground or the
root cellar. Often eaten in Germany as a “beer radish,” served thinly sliced with salt and
paired with a light beer. From our friends at Sativa Seeds.

2847 Watermelon 60 days

OP • Winter radish • Stores well • 2.5-3” round roots
White-skinned radish with mildly sweet vibrant pink flesh for fall salads.
Chinese ball-shaped radish with crispy bright pink flesh, white skin and green
shoulders. Excellent in salads, as a garnish or cooked. Best grown in fall and can
store through winter, similar to Daikon.
Schwarzer Runder Watermelon

RADISH SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/16 oz 1/4 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2850 Cherry Belle $2.95 $4.50 $6.30 $13.00 $38.00 $34.00/lb $30.50/lb
2846 D’Avignon $2.95 $6.25 $10.30 $19.80 $65.00 $60.00/lb $56.00/lb
2860 French Breakfast $2.95 $4.50 $6.30 $16.30 $38.90 $35.70/lb $31.00/lb
2862 Miyashige Daikon $2.95 $7.95 $11.85 $23.85 $79.35 $71.40/lb $64.00/lb
2861 Ostergruss $2.95 $7.62 $11.33 $22.70 $75.60 $68.00/lb $61.00/lb
2870 Pink Beauty $2.95 $3.50 $5.30 $12.00 $36.00 $33.00/lb $29.56/lb
2863 Purple Plum (unavailable in 2018) $2.95 $4.50 $8.40 $17.90 $51.50 $48.30/lb $42.00/lb
2848 Schwarzer Runder $2.95 $7.60 $11.30 $22.70 $75.60 $68.00/lb $61.00/lb
2875 Valentine’s Day Blend $2.95 $8.00 $12.35 $23.80 $61.75 $57.00/lb $53.00/lb
2847 Watermelon $2.95 $7.60 $11.30 $22.70 $75.60 $68.00/lb $61.00/lb
2865 White Beauty $2.95 $6.30 $10.50 $18.75 $58.80 $55.86/lb $51.45/lb
2866 White Icicle $2.95 $4.60 $6.95 $18.00 $50.00 $45.00/lb $43.60/lb
2851 Pearl $3.60 $11.30 $6.90/M $4.76/M $3.55/M $2.97/M $2.65/M
2873 Rudolf $2.95 $4.25 $1.97/M $1.42/M $1.28/M $1.19/M $1.10/M
2855 Sora $2.95 $4.00 $1.95/M $1.36/M $1.15/M $1.05/M $0.93/M
RADISH SEED - HYBRID - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 100 1M 5M 50 M 100 M 500 M 1000 M
2874 Celesta F1 $3.75 $9.50 $5.60/M $3.70/M $3.10/M $2.52/M $2.26/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.
Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 77
Spinacia oleracea

Monique and Jesse planting spinach in a High Mowing showcase field in preparation for our open field day.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Spinach is a cool-season hardy RESISTANCE KEY: CMV-Cucumber Mosaic Virus, DM-Downy Mildew
annual that thrives in fertile and moist soil. Spinach is sensitive to soil pH, preferring a range SEED SPECS: 1.5-3.7M (2.6M avg) seeds/oz, 25-60M (42M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
of 6.5-7. Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked in the spring and until early fall. Seed 1/4 oz approx. 640 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Baby, 40 seeds/foot in a 2” band in
germinates best when soil temperatures are 32-60°F. Overwintered spinach is best started rows 4-12” apar t. Full size, 10 seeds/ft in rows 8-12” apar t.

in late summer and harvested in late winter when days begin to get longer. Store washed
spinach close to freezing and at high humidity for 10-14 days. Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.


2869 Verdil 37 days

OP • Field variety • Spring • Strong emergence
Very cold tolerant, fast growing large leaf variety with pleasant aromatic flavor.
An excellent choice for overwintering and early spring crops, this medium green leaf is
ideal for steaming or salads. Verdil stood out with the best emergence of any variety in
our spring 2014 trials. From biodynamic German breeders Kultursaat.

2887 Corvair F1 40 days

HYBRID • DM (1-11, 13, 15, 16) • Field/tunnel • Spring/fall/overwinter • Upright habit
Verdil Smooth, very attractive oval leaves are medium to dark green and upright for
easy harvesting. High yield potential and widely adapted for spring or fall productions
with some downy mildew resistance. Faster growth rate and crisper texture than
Renegade F1, but not as bolt resistant, comparing best to Whale F1. Suitable for
Corvair F1 mechanical harvest. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds. Precision sized.

2867 Shelby F1 40 days

HYBRID • DM (1-13, 15, 16) • Field/tunnel • Spring/fall • Strong emergence
Large oval leaves with strong downy mildew resistance, ideal for transition seasons.
High quality, uniformly sized leaves are reliable, offering great baby leaf consistency
when growers need it most. Tolerant of wide temperature swings; a standout with very
good emergence in our spring 2014 trials. From Vitalis Organic Seeds. Precision sized.

Shelby F1 2878 Matador 43 days

OP • Field/tunnel • Fall/overwinter • Winter hardy
Open-pollinated variety with strong cold tolerance and high yield potential.
One of the top three highest yielding varieties out of nineteen in our 2015-16 winter spinach
trials. Slower growth makes it suitable for baby leaf production, with nice smooth leaves and
rounded spoon shape. Easy to wash. From biodynamic German breeders Kultursaat.

2884 Renegade F1 43 days

HYBRID • DM (1-7, 11, 13) • Field/tunnel • All-season variety • Bolt resistant
Ultimate bolt tolerance with smooth, dark green oval leaves. Grows a bit slower
Matador than Corvair F1 but excels in quality of leaf when handled; never prone to brittleness
or cracking. Good disease and virus resistance; ideal for winter high tunnels. From Bejo
Seeds. Precision sized.


2881 Regiment F1 37 days

HYBRID • DM (1-7, 11, 13) • Field/tunnel • Spring/fall/overwinter • Giant leaf-type
Vigorous plants pack on the weight, producing healthy bunches in no time. Very
quick growing, lightly savoyed leaves with a distinctive arrowhead shape and bright-eyed
medium green finish. Excellent texture and mild flavor. Works well in all seasonal slots;
good resistance to bolting and can withstand extremely damp conditions. Precision sized.

2868 Butterflay 40 days

OP • Field variety • Spring/fall
Productive variety sporting very large, glossy dark green leaves with rich flavor.
Butterflay stole the show among the hybrid and open-pollinated spinach varieties in our
Regiment F1 fall 2013 trials, exhibiting better vigor and emergence than any other variety, as well as
unmatched intense green color.

78 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2871 Escalade F1 43 days
HYBRID • DM (1-14, 16) • Field variety • Summer • Upright habit
Nicely savoyed, emerald green leaves with luxuriant texture. Slow growing
and slow to bolt, Escalade F1 is the perfect vehicle to ride out the main season. A bullet proof
variety that east coast growers will appreciate - capable of handling temperature and light
variations better than any other organic variety - but also great for western growers thanks to
strong mildew resistance. Produces uniform oval-shaped leaves ideal for commercial baby leaf
production. Excellent downy mildew resistance. From Vitalis Organic Seeds. Precision sized.

2886 Acadia F1 45 days

HYBRID • DM (1-13, 15, 16) • Field/tunnel • Spring/fall/overwinter • Baby leaf
Very dark, slightly savoyed leaves with extremely slow growth are utterly
tailored to baby leaf production. Grows even slower than Escalade F1, with a slightly
different downy mildew package. Gorgeous upright plants are super easy to harvest.
Slightly cupped leaves have good loft and are easy to wash. Overwintered well in our
2015-16 trials and is slow to bolt in all seasons. Adaptable to spring, summer and fall
plantings. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds. Precision sized.
Escalade F1 Acadia F1

2880 Bloomsdale Longstanding 45 days

HEIRLOOM • Field or tunnel • Early spring/fall crop • Ideal for overwintering
Very cold hardy dark green leaves with heavily savoyed texture. For early spring
and fall; good cold soil emergence but a tendency to bolt in the heat. Performs well in

winter greenhouses or overwintered outdoors under mulch. David Landreth developed
the original Bloomsdale spinach in the 1800s.

2889 Winter Bloomsdale 45 days

HEIRLOOM • CMV • Tunnel variety • Fall/overwinter • Baby or full sized leaves
Dark green leaves are more savoyed than Giant Winter. Performs best as a fall
crop, but also excellent as an overwintering option in greenhouses or high tunnels.
A reliable green for winter CSA offerings, but does not perform well in the heat of
summer. David Landreth developed the original Bloomsdale spinach in the 1800s.

2872 Abundant Bloomsdale 45 days

OP • Tunnel/field • Spring/fall • Open Source Seed • Ideal for full sized leaves
Delicious glossy, dark green leaves with the most savoyed texture we’ve
seen! Thick, sweet tasting leaves with rounded shape and juicy, succulent texture. Slow Bloomsdale Longstanding
growing with very large, upright leaves in the mild Pacific Northwest and slightly more
Winter Bloomsdale
compact habit in our Northeast trials. Started at the Abundant Life Seed Foundation in
2002; breeding finished by a team of organic farmers with support from Organic Seed
Alliance (OSA) and released under the Open Source Seed Initiative. A portion of sales
from this variety supports OSA’s breeding program.

2885 Giant Winter 50 days

OP • Tunnel • Fall/overwinter • Baby or full sized leaves
Dark green, glossy leaves are deeply savoyed and selected for cold
hardiness. High yielding variety recommended for fall crops, winter greenhouse
production, or overwintering outdoors under mulch. Incredibly cold hardy; specifically
developed for overwintering for a spring crop.

Why We Organic seeds are the backbone
of healthy bodies and healthy

GROW communities. More on p. 56.
–Emily, Wholesale Sales
Abundant Bloomsdale Giant Winter

SPINACH SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/4 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb* 100 lb*
2880 Bloomsdale Longstanding $2.95 $5.70 $16.50 $38.00 $25.80/lb $18.36/lb $15.00/lb
2868 Butterflay $2.95 $5.70 $16.50 $40.00 $32.00/lb $24.00/lb $18.00/lb
2885 Giant Winter $2.95 $3.75 $9.00 $25.00 $20.00/lb $15.60/lb $13.00/lb
2878 Matador $2.95 $5.70 $16.50 $38.00 $25.80/lb $18.36/lb $13.59/lb
2869 Verdil $2.95 $5.70 $16.50 $38.00 $25.80/lb $18.36/lb $13.59/lb
2889 Winter Bloomsdale $2.95 $9.00 $24.00 $75.00 $66.00/lb $60.40/lb $53.00/lb
SPINACH SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 100 500 5M 10 M 50 M 100 M 500 M 1000 M**
2872 Abundant Bloomsdale $2.95 $4.50 $2.34/M $1.70/M $1.45/M $1.22/M $1.11/M $1.07/M
SPINACH SEED - HYBRID - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 100 500 5M 10 M 50 M 100 M 500 M 1000 M**
2886 Acadia F1 $2.95 $3.25 $1.44/M $0.93/M $0.82/M $0.72/M $0.68/M $0.63/M
2887 Corvair F1 $2.95 $3.25 $1.44/M $0.93/M $0.82/M $0.72/M $0.68/M $0.63/M
2871 Escalade F1 $2.95 $3.25 $1.44/M $0.93/M $0.82/M $0.72/M $0.68/M $0.63/M
2881 Regiment F1 $2.95 $3.75 $1.86/M $1.76/M $1.12/M $0.95/M $0.90/M $0.85/M
2884 Renegade F1 $2.95 $3.75 $1.86/M $1.76/M $1.12/M $0.95/M $0.90/M $0.85/M
2867 Shelby F1 $2.95 $3.25 $1.44/M $0.93/M $0.82/M $0.72/M $0.68/M $0.63/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more. **For 1000M, add $14.
Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 79
Cucurbita pepo

Andrea and Muse washing summer squash at The Farm at the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding, subtract 2 weeks if transplanting. transmit bacterial wilt. Row covers can provide protection, but must be removed during
Summer squash are warm-season annuals in the cucurbit family, which includes winter squash, flowering for pollination. Squash vine borers can overwinter in the soil and cause stunted

pumpkins, watermelons, cucumbers and melons. Direct seed as soon as all chance of frost growth; best techniques for breaking cycles include crop rotation and annual cover cropping.
has passed or start transplants 3-4 weeks before planting date. Optimum soil temperature for Avoid widespread powdery mildew with proper plant spacing to allow good airflow.
germination is about 85ºF. Black plastic mulch and floating row cover can be used to increase soil and RESISTANCE KEY: CMV-Cucumber Mosaic Virus, PM-Powdery Mildew,
air temperature, as well as ward off cucumber beetles which feast on young seedlings and spread PRS-Papaya Ringspot Virus, WMV-Watermelon Mosaic Virus, ZYMV-Zucchini
disease. Many growers plant multiple successions of summer squash during a season to ensure Yellow Mosaic Virus
continuous harvest, transplanting the first succession immediately after last frost date and the final
succession three months before the expected first frost. Best quality fruit are harvested at 5–8” or SEED SPECS: Zucchini, 155-260 (200 avg) seeds/oz, 2.5-4.2M (3.3M avg) seeds/lb.
smaller, while skin is soft and somewhat glossy. Harvest fruits every other day for best size and quality Summer Squash, 260-375 (315 avg) seeds/oz, 4.2-6M (5.1M avg) seeds/lb. Specialty, 220-
and to maintain plants’ productivity. Fruits are easily bruised and very perishable, but will store 1 to 2 280 (250 avg) seeds/oz, 3.5-4.5M (4M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000. 1/8 oz approx. 30 seeds.
weeks at 41-50ºF and 90% relative humidity. Direct seeding rate: Sow 2 seeds every 18-24”, in rows 5’ apart. Transplants: 18-24” apart
in rows 5’ apart.
DISEASE & PESTS: Prevent disease and pest pressure by utilizing practices like crop rotation
and cover cropping. Striped cucumber beetles cause feeding damage to leaves and flowers and can Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

HC-CH Create a Hybrid: Cha-Ching F1 Zucchini Kit
HYBRID • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Excellent school garden & kids activity
Everything you need to grow your own hybrid seeds! Hybridization is a classic
breeding technique that has been used purposefully and accidentally for thousands of years.
This kit invites you to learn how hybrids are made - simply plant Cha-Ching F1’s male and
female parents, cross-pollinate their flowers, and harvest Cha-Ching F1 seeds! Cha-Ching F1
is a productive, disease resistant hybrid zucchini created by High Mowing for organic growers.
Easy instructions included. Cha-Ching F1 seeds included for comparison. PRICE: $8.25

new 2890 Green Machine F1 45 days

Create a Hybrid HYBRID • CMV, PM, WMV, ZYMV • Open habit • Harvest at 7-8"
Aptly named for cranking out uniform fruits of exceptional quality over a long
season. This vigorous variety produces nearly flawless cylindrical fruits daily in the high
season. With an open and upright habit for ease of harvest and disease resistances that
Green Machine F1 keep plants healthy for the long haul, Green Machine F1 is consistently a top performer
for commercial production. From Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2900 Dark Green 50 days

OP • Bush habit • Harvest at 6-8”
Vigorous variety produces good yields of straight, smooth fruits. An open-
pollinated variety best suited to the home garden, with abundant yields of lightly
mottled dark green fruits. Pale greenish-white, firm flesh.

2909 Desert F1 50 days

HYBRID • CMV, PM, PRS, WMV, ZYMV • Drought tolerant • Harvest at 7-8”
Gorgeous fruits with strong disease resistance and exceptional fruit set in
Dunja F1 Dark Green hot weather. Dark green fruit with slight speckles are cylindrical and very attractive.
Tall plants have a broad, open architecture which makes for easy picking. Impressive
resistance to powdery mildew in our trials. Sister variety to Dunja F1.

2892 Dunja F1 50 days

HYBRID • PM, PRS, WMV, ZYMV • Compact habit • Harvest at 7-8”
Excellent disease resistance and high yields of attractive straight green glossy
fruit. A true standout! When compared to market standards like Payroll F1, Dunja
F1 outperformed them in powdery mildew resistance and overall yield. Plants are
compact, single-stemmed and spineless.

2915 Goldy F1 50 days

HYBRID • Resists greening • Open habit • Harvest at 8-10”
Long, slender fruits with bright yellow skin, white flesh and contrasting green
stems. Open habit with few spines makes harvesting easy. Heavy yields with a high
Desert F1 Goldy F1 percentage of marketable fruit. Mix with green zucchini for an eye-catching display! Similar to
Sebring F1 and Gold Rush F1, with less greening than Gold Rush F1. Powdery mildew tolerant.

80 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2899 Yellowfin F1 50 days
HYBRID • PM • Compact, open habit • Harvest at 6-8”
The first organic yellow zucchini with powdery mildew resistance! Uniform,
cylindrical fruits with pure gold color and buttery flavor simply glow at market.
Compact, nearly spineless plants have an open habit for ease of harvest. Strong
resistance to powdery mildew and intermediate resistance to cucumber mosaic virus
for a reliable harvest even in challenging field conditions. From Vitalis Organic Seeds.

2894 Cha-Ching F1 52 days

HYBRID • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • Open habit • Harvest at 6-8”
Productive and vigorous zucchini. Medium green glossy fruit is speckled with
light green and slightly tapered with a small blossom. Plants are very open in habit, Yellowfin F1 Cha-Ching F1
making for easy harvest and increased airflow to keep down disease. Bred by High
Mowing for organic growers!

2895 Costata Romanesco 54 days

HEIRLOOM • Gourmet variety • Harvest at 6”
Wins every taste test with its unique, slightly nutty flavor and exceptional
texture. Italian heirloom with tender, gray-green skin and prominent ribbing that give
this variety a distinctive appearance. Great picked at 6” or smaller and fried whole with
the flower still attached.

2897 Dario F1 55 days

HYBRID • PM • Cocozelle-type • Upright, single-stemmed • Harvest at 10-12”
Improved with more defined striping, open plant habit, disease resistance
and attractive fruit. Eye-catching variety with lime green stripes won us over in our Costata Romanesco Dario F1
trials with long, slender fruit that hold well after harvest. Open habit for easier picking.
Sweeter flavor than most Cocozelle-types.

2911 Dark Star 55 days

OP • Drought tolerant for dry farming • Uniform • Harvest at 6-8”
Stellar variety selected for drought tolerance, high quality uniform fruit and
high yields. Dark green, glossy fruit on single-stemmed plants with great vigor in
our trials. Bred for vigorous, productive plants that establish easily without irrigation.
Modern open-pollinated variety developed by the Organic Seed Alliance and Eel River
Produce in Humboldt County, CA.

2907 Midnight Lightning 55 days

OP • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • Open Source Seed • PM tolerant • Harvest at 7-8”
Extra long and slender zucchini with dark green, almost black coloring. Single- Dark Star
stemmed plants are sturdy and stems have few spines. Plants produce quickly and have
good field resistance to disease. The first variety developed on our organic seed farm in
Wolcott, Vermont and released through the Open Source Seed Initiative.

2896 Cocozelle 58 days

OP • Bush habit • Uniform shape • Harvest at 6-8”
Productive, tasty Italian variety with attractively striped fruits. Dark and light Midnight Lightning
green striping is less defined than Dario F1, but has more contrast than Costata
Romanesco. Flavor is slightly nutty; milder than Costata but more flavorful than most
zucchini. Straight fruit with very slight ribbing over the lighter green striping.
new 2914 Smooth Operator F1 50 days Cocozelle
HYBRID • PM • Spineless • Harvest at 6-7"
An elegant summer squash you can pick without pain! Get ready for your
easiest harvests ever: Smooth Operator F1 is highly refined both in plant architecture
and smoothness. Upright, open habit plants are easy to access, quick to pick, and yield a
gorgeous crop of long, slim fruit with very smooth skin. Part of the Slick Pik® series carrying
the gl-2 glabrous gene developed by Dr. Brent Loy at the University of New Hampshire.

2908 Success PM Straightneck 50 days

OP • PM • Uniform shape • Harvest at 6-7”
Prolific, disease resistant plants with smooth, uniform and attractive
fruit. A breakthrough in open-pollinated summer squash; high yielding in our
trials with over three months of abundant, disease-free har vest. Released by High
Mowing Organic Seeds and Cornell’s Vegetable Breeding Institute.
Smooth Operator F1 Success PM Straightneck
2910 Yellow Crookneck 50 days
HEIRLOOM • Prolific yields • Harvest at 5-6”
Tender lemon-yellow fruits. Signature bent fruit are best harvested at 5-6” long or
smaller for best flavor and texture. Our strain has been selected for yield, shape and
quality. If left to overgrow, can be used for a dark yellow, warty ornamental gourd.


2906 Segev F1 47 days

HYBRID • Parthenocarpic • Open habit • Harvest at 6-8”
Light green squash also known as Lebanese summer squash or kusa. Slight taper;
extra long stems for easy harvesting. Open habit with single stem and nearly spineless.
High yield potential, producing late into the season when other varieties slow down.
Oversized kusa are prepared like winter squash. Limited availability in 2018. Yellow Crookneck Segev F1

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 81
2912 Benning’s Green Tint 52 days
HEIRLOOM • Patty pan-type • Bushy habit • Harvest at 3-4” diameter
Easy-to-grow pale green fruits that mature to a creamy white. Bushy plants
provide good yields of saucer-shaped fruits with scalloped edges. No formally noted
virus resistance, but has shown field resistance in our trials.

2916 Ronde de Nice 52 days

HEIRLOOM • Specialty crop • Harvest at 3-4” diameter
Perfectly spherical light green fruits with white speckling—a unique specialty
item! Heirloom from southern France with nice nutty flavor and great texture for fresh
eating or freezing. Round shape and small size make this variety perfect for stuffing!
Benning’s Green Tint Ronde de Nice
2891 G-Star F1 55 days
HYBRID • Patty pan-type • Compact habit • Harvest at 2-4” diameter
Attractive, dark green glossy skin and characteristic saucer shape with
scalloped edges. A complement to our Y-Star F1, with abundant yields of delicious
nutty squashes. Compact plants are very productive and work well in containers.

2917 Y-Star F1 55 days

HYBRID • Patty pan-type • Prolific • Harvest at 2-4” diameter
Golden saucer-shaped fruits with attractive scalloped edges. Plants begin
producing early and remain prolific throughout the season. Excellent flavor, harvest

when small and tender, about the size of a teacup. Offer with G-Star F1 for an eye-
catching market display!
G-Star F1 Y-Star F1

SUMMER SQUASH SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2912 Benning’s Green Tint Specialty $2.95 $7.45 $19.20 $30.90 $51.40 $40.80/lb $37.20/lb
2896 Cocozelle Zucchini $2.95 $7.65 $20.60 $32.70 $52.50 $45.00/lb $39.00/lb
2895 Costata Romanesco Zucchini $2.95 $8.65 $24.75 $52.00 $76.00 $73.60/lb $68.96/lb
2900 Dark Green Zucchini $2.95 $4.70 $8.20 $20.00 $33.00 $28.00/lb $23.56/lb
2916 Ronde de Nice Specialty $2.95 $7.45 $21.50 $34.20 $52.50 $47.25/lb $40.80/lb
2908 Success PM Straightneck Summer $2.95 $6.10 $10.00 $25.00 $36.00 $29.00/lb $26.40/lb
2910 Yellow Crookneck Summer $2.95 $6.00 $10.00 $25.00 $36.00 $31.00/lb $26.00/lb
2911 Dark Star Zucchini $3.95 $9.25 $19.00 $61.00 $47.00/M $39.00/M
2907 Midnight Lightning Zucchini $3.95 $6.75 $11.00 $36.00 $27.80/M $22.36/M
2894 Cha-Ching F1 Zucchini $4.50 $14.90 $37.10 $95.60 $87.60/M $70.16/M
2897 Dario F1 Zucchini $4.65 $16.50 $38.50 $105.00 $95.00/M $87.00/M
2909 Desert F1 Zucchini $4.65 $16.50 $38.50 $105.00 $95.00/M $87.00/M
2892 Dunja F1 Zucchini $4.00 $15.50 $29.00 $102.00 $90.00/M $82.00/M
2891 G-Star F1 Specialty $6.50 $21.00 $40.00 $125.00 $108.00/M $99.96/M
2915 Goldy F1 Zucchini $7.60 $27.30 $62.00 $175.00 $135.00/M $118.00/M
2890 Green Machine F1 Zucchini $4.00 $15.00 $31.00 $102.00 $89.80/M $80.00/M
2906 Segev F1 Specialty $7.60 $27.30 $51.10 $142.10 $115.00/M $107.96/M
2914 Smooth Operator F1 Summer $3.95 $10.00 $27.00 $78.00 $57.00/M $40.60/M
2917 Y-Star F1 Specialty $7.30 $17.00 $40.00 $127.50 $99.70/M $86.50/M
2899 Yellowfin F1 Zucchini $7.30 $17.00 $40.00 $127.50 $99.70/M $86.50/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Distinctive & Delicious: HONEY BOAT

Touted as “the sweetest squash in existence,” Honey Boat lives up to
its name. Plants produce reliably uniform fruits with an autumn-y, copper
skin complemented by green stripes. We recommend it sliced and fried!
Developed by Jim Baggett of Orgeon State University, we are thrilled to
add Honey Boat to our organic winter squash selection.

• Vigorous plants grow in an easy-to-manage upright habit

• Exceptional eating quality—10-20% higher Brix levels than other Delicatas
• Unusual and attractive copper-colored skin with green stripes
82 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454
Cucurbita spp.

The High Mowing seed production crew transplanting Burgess Buttercup winter squash.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding, subtract two weeks 50-55°F with 55-75% relative humidity and good air circulation. Delicata and acorn squash
if transplanting. Winter squash is a warm-season annual that can be direct seeded do not need curing, but will not store as long as other varieties.

or transplanted once danger of frost has passed. Bush types provide less weed RESISTANCE KEY: PM-Powdery Mildew, ZYMV-Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus
suppression and are typically planted closer than vining types for easier tractor
cultivation and higher yields per acre. Start transplants 3-4 weeks before last spring SEED SPECS: Acorn & Butternut, 260-375 (315 avg) seeds/oz, 4.2-6M (5.1M avg) seeds/lb.
frost. Black plastic mulch and row covers can be used to increase soil temperature 1/8 oz approx. 40 seeds. Buttercup & Spaghetti, 160-175 (165 avg) seeds/oz, 2.6-2.8M (2.7M avg)
for earlier planting. Harvest when fruits are full size, have a deep color and have hard seeds/lb. 1/8 oz approx. 20 seeds. Hubbard & Kuri/Kabocha, 90-125 (105 avg) seeds/oz, 1.5-2.5M
rinds that can’t be easily dented with a fingernail. Changing color of the ground spot (1.7M avg) seeds/lb. 1/8 oz approx. 12 seeds. Delicata & Dumpling, 400-470 (435 avg) seeds/oz,
from yellow to cream, gold or orange is another general indicator of ripeness. Cold 6.5-7.5M (7M avg) seeds/lb. 1/8 oz approx. 50 seeds. M=1,000. Direct seeding rate: Sow 2 seeds
temperatures below 45°F can cause chilling injury and reduce storage ability. To every 18-24” in rows 5-6’ apart. Transplants: 18-24” apart in rows 5-6’ apart.
harvest, cut stem at least 2” from the fruit; a short or broken stem can lead to rot. Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
Cure after harvest by keeping in a warm, dry location for a few days, then store at

ACORN - C. pepo

2926 Sugarbush F1 90 days

HYBRID • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • PM • Compact bush habit • 2.25-2.75 lbs
Heavy, attractive dark green fruits with sweet, deep orange flesh. Nicely rounded
fruits are about 5” tall and wide with a small interior seed cavity. Compact bushy vines
with strong powdery mildew resistance. Exceptional sweetness! Bred by Dr. Brent Loy
at the University of New Hampshire and produced on High Mowing’s seed farm.

2920 Sweet REBA 90 days Sugarbush F1 Sweet REBA

OP • PM • Semi-bush habit • 2-2.5 lbs
High yielding, uniform, disease resistant variety that allows for good sugar
production. Resistant Early Bush Acorn (REBA) continues putting energy into
developing sugars long after everything else has withered. Out-performed Table Ace F1 new
in bush habit, mildew resistance, yield, flavor, uniformity and ripeness in our trials. From
our partnership with Cornell University. 4-5 fruits/plant.

2921 Table Queen 92 days

OP • Stores well • 1.5-3 lbs
Very popular, vigorous acorn variety with prolific yields of delicious fruit. Flesh
is thick and light orange with excellent flavor. Vigorous and prolific, can withstand poor
soil conditions and keeps very well. Not as uniform or well-shaped as Sweet REBA, but
higher overall yields. Compact 3-4’ vines.
Table Queen Havana F1

BUTTERNUT - C. moschata
new 2949 Havana F1 90 days
HYBRID • PM tolerant • Semi-vining • Excellent storage • 3-4 lbs
This midsize butternut holds like a champion in storage, maintaining both
texture and flavor. Uniform, blocky fruits have an even taper and traditional butternut
color. A thick neck and a small seed cavity maximizes yields of nutty tasting flesh.
Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew and zucchini yellow mosaic virus. From our
partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds.
Nutterbutter Tiana F1
2918 Nutterbutter 90 days
OP • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • Early and reliable • 2.5-3.5 lbs
Uniform, personal-sized fruits with consistently nutty, sweet flavor. Reliably
matures in regions that have trouble ripening butternuts. Some tolerance of powdery
mildew. Developed in our breeding program by Dr. Jodi Lew-Smith and selected for
uniformity, bell-shape, early maturity and great flavor.

2948 Tiana F1 95 days

HYBRID • Vigorous and productive • 2-2.5 lbs
The first available organic hybrid butternut! Stout blocky shape, classic buff skin
and bright orange internal color. Flesh is sweet with smooth, creamy texture. Among
the highest yields of marketable fruit in New York and Oregon trials, showing strong Waltham Tiana F1 Nutterbutter Honeynut
resistance to mildew. Intermediate resistance to zucchini yellow mosaic virus.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 83
2940 Waltham 105 days
OP • Stores well • Vining • Uniform, 4-5 lbs
By far the most widely grown open-pollinated butternut with delicious, finely
textured dark orange flesh. Uniform fruits with smooth, tan skin that is easily peeled
with a potato peeler. Our strain has been selected for uniformity of size, shape and
yields. Excellent keeper if cured properly.

2942 Honeynut 110 days

OP • Stores well • .5-1 lbs
Adorable, serving size mini butternut with dark tan skin and great sweet flavor.
Delectable squash is smaller than Ponca with more uniform butternut shape. Green
Waltham unripe fruits; early planting is recommended for tan color. Field resistance to powdery
mildew. Developed by the Vegetable Breeding Institute at Cornell University.

Honeynut DELICATA & DUMPLING - C. pepo

2951 Bush Delicata 80 days

OP • PM tolerant • Semi-bush habit • 1.5-2 lbs
Compact, tidy plants with sweet, oblong fruits. Delicious smooth, nutty flesh with
hints of butter and brown sugar. Skin starts creamy white with green stripes and flecks,
curing to striped light yellow. Compact plants spread only 4-6 feet. All-America Selections
(AAS) winner bred by Molly Jahn and George Moriarty at Cornell University.

2955 Sugar Dumpling F1 90 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • PM • Semi-bush habit • Stores well • 1.5-2 lbs
Bush Delicata Perfect two-serving dumpling squash with creamy striped skin and very sweet
flesh. Deep orange, fine grained inner flesh. Bred specifically for semi-bush habit,
powdery mildew resistance and exceptionally high sugar content. 4-6 fruits/plant. Stores
up to 6 months. Developed by Dr. Brent Loy at University of New Hampshire with
High Mowing and produced on our farm in Hyde Park.
Sugar Dumpling F1 2953 Festival F1 90-100 days
HYBRID • Semi-bush habit • Stores well • 1-2 lbs
Delightful multi-colored squash with superior eating quality. Attractive personal-
new sized squashes topped our dumpling trials in both flavor and yield! Deeply ribbed and
striped fruits with a wide, slightly rounded bottom. Flesh is peach-colored, similar to an
acorn squash but with superior sweet flavor and texture.

2950 Delicata 95 days

Festival F1 OP • Uniform fruit • 1-1.5 lbs
Superbly sweet, tender flesh unique to Delicata. The only winter squash
commonly eaten with skin on, after baking or boiling. Our strain has been selected
since 2001 for uniformity of size, shape and color as well as yield of sweet, soft-
shelled fruit.

new 2952 Honey Boat 100 days

OP • Exceptional flavor • 1-1.5 lbs
Honey Boat Taste Honey Boat and you’ll think you’re truly eating a spoonful of honey! Many
claim that this refined Delicata is the “sweetest squash in existence.” Long fruits have
the traditional green striping of Delicatas, but with coppery skin instead of the classic
yellow. Holds well and keeps its sweetness through storage. Developed by Oregon
State University vegetable breeder Jim Baggett.

Delicata KURI/KABOCHA - C. maxima

2947 Orange Summer F1 90 days

HYBRID • Bush habit • 3-4 lbs
Vibrant tangerine color and great uniformity of size and shape. An improved
Uchiki Kuri hybrid with early maturity and consistently higher yields than similar
varieties. Fruits measure about 6.5” tall and wide. Field resistance to powdery mildew.

2946 Bagheera F1 95 days

HYBRID • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Semi-bush habit • 3-4 lbs
High yielding dark green kabocha with exceptionally dense, dry texture and
Orange Summer F1 delectable rich flavor. Produced the greatest quantity of marketable fruit per plant in
our trials. Fruits measure about 4.5” in height and 6.5” in diameter. From the outstanding
winter squash breeding program of Dr. Brent Loy at University of New Hampshire.
Bagheera F1
new new 2935 Green Hokkaido 95 days
OP • Vining • 2-3.5 lbs
Dark green fruits with vibrant orange flesh offer flavor and storability. Perfect
for pairing with Red Kuri for an attractive fall market display, Green Hokkaido is a
popular winter squash for its particularly fine flavor. Storage length is slightly less than
orange varieties. Vigorous plants with long vines.

2960 Red Kuri 95 days

OP • Reliable in short seasons • 3-4 lbs
Teardrop shaped, striking red-orange squash from Japan. Also known as Baby Red
Hubbard or Orange Hokkaido, this delectable variety has smooth, sweet, dry orange flesh.
Very reliable yield even in cool climates with short growing seasons. Improved HMOS strain
with greater uniformity than others.
Red Kuri Green Hokkaido

84 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

new 2944 Orangeti F1 70 days
HYBRID • High yields • Unique color • 3-4.25 lbs
A fun, colorful addition to kids’ meals! Fruits are oblong like a traditional
spaghetti squash, but mature to a brilliant orange instead of pale yellow. Flesh is a vivid
yellow-orange and pulls apart into “noodles” when cooked. Early maturing with very
high yield potential. C. pepo

2945 Spaghetti 88 days Spaghetti

OP • Kid friendly • 3-5 lbs
Fork over the squash pasta! Oblong, medium-large sized light yellow fruits have
very sweet flesh. Bake or boil this unusual vegetable and the flesh separates into long
noodles resembling spaghetti. A fun treat for the family with kid friendly vegetable Orangeti F1
appeal—just top with sauce and serve! 4-5 fruits/plant. C. pepo

2925 Baby Blue Hubbard 95 days

OP • Uniform fruit • 5-7 lbs
Highly marketable scaled-down blue hubbard with smooth gray skin and sweet
flesh. Fruits are of consistent quality and teardrop shaped, with sweeter flesh than the
standard Blue Hubbard. Our strain has been improved for uniformity on our seed farm.
Excellent trap crop for cucumber beetles, who prefer Blue Hubbard above all. C. maxima Baby Blue Hubbard

2930 Burgess Buttercup 95 days
OP • Uniform fruits • Large, prolific vines • 3-5 lbs
Dark green fruits with golden orange, stringless flesh and sweet, rich flavor. A
long-time New England favorite! Typically produces 10-12 fruits per plant, with vines
reaching 15’ long. Our improved strain has a high percentage of clean, non-warty and
uniform squash. Fruits have a gray button on the blossom end. C. maxima
Burgess Buttercup
2839 Crown Pumpkin 100 days
HEIRLOOM • Stores well • Superb flavor • 6-10 lbs
A delicious eating pumpkin with hard blue-grey skin and rich orange flesh.
Superb sweet and nutty flavor! Once part of the Koanga Gardens collection of heritage Long Island Cheese
seeds in New Zealand, Crown was nearly lost before we brought it back into production,
improving the strain to better reflect its original characteristics. C. maxima

2827 Long Island Cheese 100 days

See Pumpkins, page 75.

GOURDS - C. pepo

2923 Ornamental Gourd Mix 95 days

OP • Decorative • Fun for kids
A fun variety of shapes, colors and sizes just in time for fall festivities! Decorative
mix of small sized gourds that are slightly earlier to mature than traditional gourd varieties. Crown Pumpkin Ornamental Gourd Mix

WINTER SQUASH SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
2925 Baby Blue Hubbard $2.95 $7.80 $13.65 $41.40 $65.00 $55.00/lb $46.00/lb
2930 Burgess Buttercup $2.95 $4.50 $11.50 $23.00 $40.00 $33.00/lb $28.36/lb
2951 Bush Delicata $2.95 $7.00 $19.25 $65.00 $118.00 $97.00/lb $90.00/lb
2839 Crown Pumpkin $2.95 $7.00 $15.00 $43.00 $65.00 $59.00/lb $56.00/lb
2950 Delicata $2.95 $7.25 $17.00 $43.00 $72.00 $64.00/lb $58.00/lb
2935 Green Hokkaido Kuri $3.50 $6.50 $17.00 $51.00 $81.00 $68.00/lb $58.00/lb
2952 Honey Boat Delicata $3.85 $7.00 $19.00 $60.00 $95.00 $81.00/lb $70.00/lb
2942 Honeynut Butternut $3.85 $7.00 $19.00 $60.00 $95.00 $81.00/lb $70.00/lb
2923 Ornamental Gourd Mix $2.95 $4.50 $10.00 $23.10 $37.80 $35.70/lb $32.70/lb
2960 Red Kuri $2.95 $6.50 $15.00 $35.00 $50.00 $44.00/lb $36.00/lb
2945 Spaghetti $2.95 $4.50 $13.00 $35.00 $51.00 $45.00/lb $40.00/lb
2920 Sweet REBA Acorn $2.95 $6.50 $17.75 $43.50 $74.00 $64.50/lb $54.00/lb
2921 Table Queen Acorn $2.95 $6.90 $18.70 $38.00 $54.90 $47.00/lb $41.30/lb
2940 Waltham Butternut $2.95 $4.50 $11.50 $23.00 $40.00 $33.00/lb $28.35/lb
2918 Nutterbutter Butternut $5.00 $11.50 $20.25 $46.75 $40.60/M $37.39/M
2946 Bagheera F1 Kabocha $4.95 $12.25 $25.50 $81.00 $69.00/M $63.00/M $58.00/M
2953 Festival F1 Dumpling $3.90 $9.00 $15.75 $36.00 $31.40/M $28.76/M $25.50/M
2949 Havana F1 Butternut $4.50 $15.00 $42.00 $125.00 $112.00/M $100.00/M $94.50/M
2947 Orange Summer F1 Kuri $5.15 $19.15 $49.00 $132.00 $126.00/M $123.00/M $119.75/M
2944 Orangeti F1 Spaghetti $5.00 $16.00 $45.00 $130.00 $119.00/M $114.00/M $105.00/M
2955 Sugar Dumpling F1 Dumpling $3.25 $9.00 $21.00 $68.00 $57.00/M $44.00/M $41.00/M
2926 Sugarbush F1 Acorn $4.65 $11.50 $24.00 $80.00 $68.00/M $62.40/M $57.50/M
2948 Tiana F1 Butternut $5.00 $18.00 $40.00 $120.00 $99.00/M $89.00/M $82.25/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.
Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 85
Solanum lycopersicum

Monique, Katie and Taylor harvesting greenhouse tomatoes to evaluate for size, yield and fruit quality.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplant. Tomatoes are warm-season RESISTANCE KEY: ASC-Alternaria Stem Canker, CR-Corky Root, EB-
tender annuals in the Solanaceae family. Indeterminate varieties ripen mid- to late- Early Blight, FCR-Fusarium Crown & Root Rot, FW-Fusarium Wilt, LB-Late
summer, bear fruit over a long period of time and require suppor t. Determinate types Blight, LM-Leaf Mold, PM-Powdery Mildew, NEM-Root Knot Nematodes,

ripen early, have a concentrated fruit set, shor ter growth habit, and suppor t may not SLS-Septoria Leaf Spot, TMV-Tobacco Mosaic Virus, TNSV-Tomato
be required. Star t seeds 6-8 weeks before planting date. Optimal soil temperature for Necrotic Stunt Virus, TSWV-Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, TYLCV-Tomato
germination is 75-85°F. Transplant after danger of frost has passed. Harvest tomatoes Yellow Leaf Curl Virus, VW-Verticillium Wilt
fully ripe or when half ripe and ripen off the vine at temperatures above 70°F. Store SEED SPECS: Cherry & Saladette, 280-420 (350 avg) seeds/gram, 8-12M (10M
between 55-70°F at 95% relative humidity. avg) seeds/oz. Full size, 225-335 (280avg) seeds/gram, 6.5-9.5M (8M avg) seeds/
DISEASE & PESTS: Early blight, problematic in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Midwest, is oz. M=1,000. 1/10 gm approx. 30 seeds. Transplants: Determinate, 12-24” apar t
caused by Alternaria solani and A. alternata in cooperation with Septoria lycopersici. Early blight in rows 5-6’ apar t. Indeterminate, 16-36” apar t, depending on cultural practice, in
is best treated early. Late blight, Phytophthora infestans, is increasingly becoming an issue for rows 5-6’ apar t.
growers. Prevent with good airflow, tolerant varieties, and sulfur sprays. The best prevention Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
for all diseases is to use disease-free seed, avoid contact with wet plants during moist
conditions, and immediately remove and destroy infected plant material to prevent spread.

BEEFSTEAK - 12-16 oz

3052 Cherokee Purple 72 days

HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • Field or greenhouse • 12-16 oz
Large beefsteak fruits with mauve-purple skin, green shoulders and red flesh.
The most popular of the “black” tomatoes for its outstanding flavor and texture.
Widely grown by gardeners and market growers alike. A popular heirloom for the
greenhouse. Believed to trace back over 100 years to the Cherokee tribe.

3090 Pruden’s Purple 72 days

HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • 12-16 oz
Rivals Brandywine as the best flavored heirloom tomato with silky texture.
Cherokee Purple Pruden’s Purple Pruden's is not really purple, but rather a deep pink with slight shoulder ribbing. Fruits
are large, often close to 1 lb each, but smaller and with a more refined fruit shape than
Brandywine and without the hard core. Plants have potato-shaped leaves.

3008 Damsel F1 73 days

HYBRID • LB, NEM, VW • Indeterminate • Field or greenhouse • 12 oz
Heirloom color and flavor in a late blight resistant pink tomato! Our customers
across many regions have been consistently impressed with the flavor of this tomato
and as a strong seller at markets. We feel confident this variety represents that
Holy Grail- performing like a hybrid but tasting like an heirloom. A farmer trialing
it in Massachusetts said she couldn't keep up with her chefs' orders because they
loved that it held for several days at peak ripeness. Yields are strong and vines
are moderately vigorous, though skin may crack under stress. Bred by Dr. Jason
Cavator ta of Ear thWork Seeds.

3063 German Johnson 75 days

OP • Indeterminate • 8-16 oz
Damsel F1
Deep pink Brandywine-type fruits with excellent flavor on vigorous, high
yielding plants. A standout in our trials! Medium sized fruits with rich tomato flavor
and tender, smooth texture. Earlier, more uniform, higher yielding and slightly smaller
than Brandywine.

3007 Skyway 687 F1 78 days

HYBRID • FW (0, 1, 2), VW • Semi-determinate • Heat tolerant • 12 oz
Our first heat-set field tomato! Heavy, high quality field tomatoes with good flavor
for vine ripening on vigorous, semi-determinate plants. Particularly well adapted to
organic conditions in the Southeastern U.S., setting fruit well over 90ºF and offering
strong virus and nematode resistance. Prune ground suckers early in the season.
Tolerant of bacterial spot, with intermediate resistance to root knot nematodes,
tomato yellow leaf curl virus and tomato spotted wilt virus.

German Johnson Skyway 687 F1

86 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

3171 Caiman F1 80 days
GREENHOUSE • LM, FW, TMV, TSW, VVW • Indeterminate • 12 oz
Our largest, most disease resistant greenhouse tomato with full, rich flavor and
attractive creased shoulders reminiscent of an heirloom. Shiny bright red fruits
grow in clusters of 4-6 on vigorous plants and hold well on the vine. Plants have short
internodes and good fruit set even in hot weather. Recommended for the field or high
tunnels. Intermediate resistance to root knot nematodes.

3050 Brandywine 82 days

HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • 16 oz
Big, beautiful fruits that first brought recognition to the term heirloom. Well
known and loved for its perfect flavor balance of sugars and acids. Delicious, deep Caiman F1
rose-scarlet flesh is smooth and incredibly juicy. Pick just before ripe to avoid cracking.
Potato-leaf variety.
3055 Yellow Brandywine 82 days
HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • 16 oz
Sweet, rich-tasting heirloom. Similar flavor, appearance and plant habit to the
famous Brandywine, with large gold fruits. Golden flesh is smooth, juicy and
delectable with relatively low acids. Pick just before ripe to avoid cracking. Potato-
leaf foliage.

3053 Copia 85 days

OP • Indeterminate • 12-16 oz

Unique large gold fruits with a blend of orange/red and green/red striping.
Sweet, juicy flesh is swirled with color throughout. Eye-catching variety for farmers Yellow Brandywine
markets. Stabilized by Jeff Dawson, this Green Zebra and Marvel Stripe cross is named
for COPIA, the American Center of Food, Wine and the Arts in Napa, CA.

MIDSIZE - 4-12 oz

2976 Moskvich 60 days Copia

HEIRLOOM • Semi-determinate • Field or greenhouse • 4-6 oz
High quality, early season red heirloom that rivals hybrids. Fruits are round to
slightly flattened with deep red color and luscious, rich flavor. Great eaten fresh or
processed. Highly resistant to cracking, making it a great pick for the greenhouse. Like
all Russian tomatoes, it can stand up to cool conditions.

3086 Crimson Sprinter 65 days

OP • Semi-determinate • Prolific • 5-7 oz Moskvich
Brilliant candy apple red fruit and strong performance in cool conditions.
Medium sized mild fruits are early, abundant and ripen well on the vine. The earliest
cultivar to carry the famous crimson gene for high lycopene. Holds well due to its thick
skin. Developed by Professor T. Graham in Guelph, Ontario.

3060 Cosmonaut Volkov 68 days

OP • Semi-determinate • 8-12 oz
Wins every taste competition with its rich complex flavor! Sweet and tangy fruits
are slightly flattened with a healthy red color and moderately green shoulders. Prone
Crimson Sprinter
to cracking in wet conditions, but not nearly as much as Brandywine. Originally from
Ukraine; produces high yields even in cool conditions. Works well in unheated tunnels.

3080 Mountain Princess 68 days

HEIRLOOM • Determinate • 8-10 oz Cosmonaut Volkov
Mountain sweet goodness; ideal for CSAs! Perfectly rounded fruits with crowd-
pleasing mild sweet flavor. Very productive and early; great for short, cool seasons. A
customer favorite for containers, six-pack sales and CSAs. Grown for generations in the
Monongahela National Forest region of West Virginia.

3064 Indigo Apple 70 days

OP • Indeterminate • 4-6 oz
Beautiful and early variety with fruits that turn shiny black in the sun. Rich in
the powerful antioxidant anthocyanin, these large, stunning fruits offer mild, aromatic
tomato flavor improved by full ripening from shiny black to matte purple. Resists
cracking and sunscald, with some resistance to late blight. Bred by Brad Gates using an Mountain Princess
original cross made by PKS Heirlooms in Copemish, MI.

3173 Roni F1 70 days Indigo Apple

GREENHOUSE • FCR, TMV, VW • Indeterminate • 4 oz
Perfectly uniform, round slicing tomato with excellent flavor! Roni F1 is
consistently a standout in our greenhouse tomato trials for well-balanced flavor that
achieves that perfect harmony of acid and sweetness. A go-to greenhouse performer for
many growers!

3062 Iron Lady F1 75 days

HYBRID • EB, FW (1,2), LB, SLS, VW • Determinate • 5 oz
Fight the blight with this disease resistant red slicer! Impressive resistance
to late blight, early blight, septoria and more. Fine-textured fruit is both dense
and juicy with good tomato flavor. Must be planted away from other tomatoes to
prevent early blight. From our collaboration with Cornell University and Nor th
Carolina State University.
Iron Lady F1 Roni F1

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 87
3056 Rose de Berne 75 days
HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • Resists cracking • 4-8 oz
Dark rose-pink hue and well-loved heirloom flavor that is a perfect blend of
sweet and tart. Tops our tomato taste tests. Round fruits with meaty flesh perfect for
slicing. Soft skinned, but not overly fragile and holds up well against cracking.

3105 Rutgers 75 days

OP • FW (1), VW • Determinate • Resists cracking • 6-8 oz
Developed for the canning industry; hearty tomato flavor and meaty texture.
Bright red fruit with a small seed cavity and good color throughout, good for slicing or
canning. Widely adapted and crack resistant. Developed in 1934 by Rutgers University
Rose de Berne Rutgers in cooperation with Campbell’s Soup for the New Jersey canning industry.

3065 Green Zebra 75-80 days

OP • Indeterminate • Field or greenhouse • Resists cracking • 4-5 oz
Popular succulent green fruits with sweet and zingy flavor. Medium sized fruits start out
pale green with dark green stripes that soften and turn yellow when ripe. Perfect exteriors;
fruits hold up under adverse conditions and rarely crack. Grows well in the greenhouse, too!

3101 Lola F1 76 days

GREENHOUSE • FW (1,2), TMV • Indeterminate • 7-9 oz
Bests all other greenhouse varieties in terms of early, sweet flavor. One of the
earliest to set fruit in our grafted tomato trials. Round to slightly flattened globes are
larger when pruned to 4-5 fruits per cluster. Firm texture holds well, but is not as tough

as Arbason F1 which has a thicker skin.

Green Zebra Lola F1
3165 Sunkist F1 78 days
HYBRID • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • FW, VW • Indeterminate • 8-10 oz
Finally, an orange slicer as sweet as the reds! Perfect unblemished fruits are slightly
flattened with firm flesh. Works well in the greenhouse or field. Bred by Dr. Brent Loy of
the University of New Hampshire.

3102 Arbason F1 80 days

GREENHOUSE • FW (0,1), VW, TMV • Indeterminate • 7-9 oz
Reliable producer of large, high quality tomatoes with good flavor.
Outperformed Buffalo F1 and Trust F1 for flavor and yields in University of Maine trials.
Harvest when fully ripe for best flavor; resists cracking. Prune to 4-5 fruits/cluster for larger
fruit. From Vitalis Organic Seeds.

Sunkist F1 MedfordF1
Arbason 3076 Medford 80 days
OP • FW (1), VW • Determinate • Good leaf cover • 8 oz
Big, round, crack-resistant field tomatoes with good disease resistance. Perfectly
rounded, solid uniform fruits with rich tomato flavor prized by Oregon growers. Plants
have good leaf cover and prefer a cage rather than being staked or trellised. Bred by the
late Dr. Tex Frazier of Oregon State University. Limited availability.

3057 Tang 85 days

OP • HMOS EXCLUSIVE • Indeterminate • Drought tolerant • 8-10 oz
Drought tolerant, flavorful orange slicer packed with beta carotene for a nutritional
boost. A tasty improved open-pollinated variety perfect for dry farming and the Southwest!
A bit later than Sunkist F1 with slightly smaller size and darker orange color. From the same
orange field tomato breeding program as Sunkist F1 at the University of New Hampshire.

Medford Tang SALADETTE - 2-4 oz

3140 Glacier 55 days

OP • Semi-determinate • Good container variety • Suitable for truss harvest • 2-3 oz
new Our earliest variety with good tomato flavor, winning all early season taste tests.
Produces high yields of medium sized orange-red saladette tomatoes. Sets fruit at 24” tall and
keeps producing all season long. Great for the small garden or containers. Potato-leaf foliage.

new 3009 Red Racer F1 57 days

HYBRID • FW, NEM, TMV, VW • Determinate • 2-3 oz
Don’t be fooled by these compact plants with cocktail-sized fruits – Red Racer
has been declared “small in size but big in taste!” An All-American Selection
(AAS) winner bred by the team that brought us the flavorful Damsel F1 beefsteak,
Red Racer F1 is an excellent performer for the early season. With a good sweet/acid
Glacier Red Racer F1 balance, fruits are uniform in size and mature as a cluster. Great for containers and small
spaces. Developed by Dr. Jason Cavatorta of EarthWork Seeds.

3170 Yellow Perfection 70 days

HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • Prolific • 2-3 oz
Small yellow fruits with sensational flavor! The top ranked open-pollinated yellow
tomato in our trials. Round fruits average 1.5-2”. One of the first to set fruit with heavy
yields through late summer. Thin skin; pick early to avoid cracking. Potato-leaf foliage.

2979 Blush 75 days

OP • Indeterminate • 2” fruit
Elongated sunset-colored variety widely sought for its exceptionally sweet,
juicy, tropical flavor. Beloved by chefs for their artistic coloring, excellent flavor
and ease of slicing. Prolific fruits are ripe when a pink blush appears over the golden
Yellow Perfection Blush yellow skin; ripens off the vine without compromising flavor. Artisan™ tomatoes were
developed by Baia Nicchia Farm in Sunol, California.

88 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

2974 Jaune Flamme 75 days
HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • Versatile • Prolific • 2-3 oz
Prolific French heirloom that will set your heart on fire with its sweet, fruity
flavor. Like a grown-up Sungold with larger apricot-sized fruits that we loved in our
trials. 1.5-2” fruits hang in neat clusters. A terrific salad tomato that is also great for
sauces and for drying.

3059 Pink Boar 75 days

OP • Indeterminate • 2-4 oz
Gorgeous wine-colored fruits with metallic green striping on vigorous
vines. Strong plants loaded with rich, sweet juicy fruits perfect for slicing in salads or as
an hors d’oeuvre with basil and mozzarella. Deep pink skin is stunning with contrasting Jaune Flamme
olive stripes and luscious deep red flesh. An irresistible treat for chefs and farmers
markets! From the Wild Boar series; bred by famer/breeder Brad Gates. Offers great
performance in the challenging climates of northern California. Pink Boar
3058 Indigo Rose 75-80 days
OP • Semi-determinate • Good container variety • 2-2.5 oz
Stunning edible and ornamental jet-black tomato with purple-tinged foliage.
Clusters of 6-8 firm glossy fruits shine like ornaments from these gorgeous plants.
Allow fruits to fully ripen for complex aromatic flavor; fruits are usually ready later in
the season when they turn from shiny black to matte purple. Vigorous and disease
resistant. Bred by Dr. Jim Myers through the high-flavonoid breeding program at
Oregon State University. PVP.

3054 Wapsipinicon Peach 80 days Wapsipinicon Peach
HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • Disease resistant • 2 oz
Vigorous and prolific sweet novelty with fuzzy skin. Slightly fuzzy pale yellow skin
and fruity, balanced flavor. Firm fruits have a blush tint when ripe and hold well on and
off the vine. Named by Dennis Schlicht after the Wapsipinicon River in northeast Iowa.
Outperformed Garden Peach in our trials. Field blight resistance. Limited availability.
Indigo Rose
CHERRY / GRAPE - 1/4-2 oz

2970 Matt’s Wild 55 days

OP • EB • Indeterminate • .25 oz
Copious quantities of small, deep red cherries with exceptional flavor. Matt’s
keeps producing prolifically when every other tomato in the field is down for the count
with early blight. Pick frequently as skin is thin and cracks easily. Trellis or let sprawl and
naturalize. Shows moderate field tolerance to late blight. Matt’s Wild
2973 Montesino F1 55 days
HYBRID • FW (0), TMV • Indeterminate • Field or greenhouse • Truss harvest • .5 oz
Santa-type red grape tomato with sweet-as-candy flavor. One of our first cherry
tomatoes to ripen and also one of the last, with buckets of mouth-watering snacks
all summer long. Trusses of firm, juicy fruits with delicious flavor. For the field or high
tunnel; showed good field tolerance to late blight in our trials.
Montesino F1
2971 Toronjina F1 55 days
GREENHOUSE • LM (1-5), FW (0,1), TMV • Indeterminate • Truss harvest • .75 oz
Orange cherry with sensational juicy, sweet flavor. Finally an organic rival for
the beloved Sungold F1! A medium sized orange cherry with slightly thicker skin than
Sungold F1. Perfect for high tunnels but tends to crack in the field if not harvested
regularly. Showed good field tolerance to late blight in our trials. Toronjina F1
3006 Bartelly F1 60 days
GREENHOUSE • LM (1-5), TMV • Indeterminate • Truss harvest • .75 oz
Delicious, disease resistant cherries for unheated greenhouses and high
tunnels, but also performs well in the field. Knocks our socks off with its sweet,
well-balanced flavor! Slightly oval fruits developed for growing in unheated organic,
low-input greenhouses; also suitable for heated greenhouse culture. Healthy, vigorous
plants are well-branched with strong resistance to tobacco mosaic virus and leaf
mold. From our par tners at DeBolster Organic Seeds.

2981 Esterina F1 60 days Bartelly F1

HYBRID • TMV, VW • Indeterminate • Resists cracking • Truss harvest • .5-1 oz
A star in our trials with addictive sweetness and good disease resistance.
An excellent organic alternative to Sungold F1, with sweeter flavor, excellent crack Esterina F1
resistance and brighter yellow color. Strong disease resistance makes this variety a
versatile standout.

2977 Gold Nugget 60 days

OP • Determinate • Resists cracking • Suitable for truss harvest • 1 oz
Bright yellow cherries produce early and abundantly on compact plants. One
inch fruits are juicy with mild, non-acidic flavor. Skin is thinner than similar varieties in
our trials, yet more resistant to cracking. Developed by Dr. James Bagget at Oregon
State University.

3004 Black Cherry 64 days

OP • Indeterminate • Prolific • 1-1.5 oz
Round, full-flavored cherry with distinctive purple-black color. One inch fruits
with the juicy, meaty texture and sweet, rich flavor characteristic of all Russian black Gold Nugget Black Cherry
tomatoes. A striking addition to cherry tomato mixes. Very productive plants.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 89
2972 Bing 65 days
OP • BRED BY HIGH MOWING • Indeterminate • Exceptional flavor • .5-1 oz
Earned an accelerated release from our breeding program for its exceptional
rich flavor. What sets Bing apart is that every single plant has exceptional flavor, not only
the occasional one. One of our customers who sold it as seedlings said every customer
the next year wanted nothing but Bing cherry plants! Fruity and sweet with perfectly
balanced acid, in clusters of 1” fruit. Does best in hot and dry conditions, as the thinner
skin will crack with sudden rains. Harvest more frequently in wetter conditions.

2975 Sweetie 65 days

OP • Indeterminate • Vigorous • .5-1 oz
Bing Sweetie Super sweet red cherry tomato with high sugar content for eating right off the
vine! Masses of 1-1.5” round cherries in long clusters. Firm texture similar to grape
tomatoes; ideal for eating fresh or canning. Impressive vigor and reliability, ripening first
and perfectly during six weeks of rain and cold—an absolute standout!

2986 Pink Bumblebee 70 days

OP • Indeterminate • .7-1 oz
Strikingly pretty rose-colored fruits with gold striping. Juicy and sweet with
rich flavor perfect with basil and mozzarella. Versatile in the kitchen and sure to be a
hit at CSAs and markets! Resists cracking; well suited to field or greenhouse culture.
Artisan™ tomatoes come from Baia Nicchia Farm in Sunol, California. PVPAF.

2987 Purple Bumblebee 70 days


OP • Indeterminate • .7-1 oz
Pink Bumblebee Purple Bumblebee Lovely burgundy fruits with olive green stripes and superb rich flavor. Incredibly
pretty with other Artisan™ tomatoes in mixed pints - an instant hit at CSAs and markets.
Versatile in the kitchen; great for fresh eating. Resists cracking; well suited to field or
greenhouse culture. An Artisan™ variety. PVPAF. Limited availability.

2988 Sunrise Bumblebee 70 days

OP • Indeterminate • .7-1 oz
All the colors of the sunrise in a sweet and fruity tomato! Lovely gold fruit
marbled with pink stripes on the inside and out. Irresistible with Purple and Pink
Bumblebees in mixed pints. Resists cracking; well suited to field or greenhouse culture.
Another excellent Artisan™ variety. PVPAF.

3000 Red Pear 70 days

HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • .75 oz
Prolific yields of bright red, perfectly pear-shaped fruits. Firm, sweet tomatoes
Sunrise Bumblebee Red Pear that pop in your mouth. Couple with Yellow Pear for an attractive complementary
display. Vigorous, prolific plants produce abundantly right up until frost.

3010 Yellow Pear 70 days

HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • Resists cracking • Suitable for truss harvest • .75 oz
Sweet, tangy yellow pear-shaped fruits. Similar in shape and size to Red Pear, with
slightly more tart flavor. Mix with Red Pear or Indigo tomatoes for a complementary
display of colors. Thick skin resists cracking.

2978 Sakura F1 70 days

GREENHOUSE • FW (0,1), LM (1-5), TMV • Indeterminate • Truss harvest • 1 oz
Excellent hybrid cherry for the field or greenhouse with perfect, uniform bright
red fruits. Juicy, flavorful fruits hold well on the vine, allowing for harvest of entire
Sakura F1 trusses for an attractive display. Yields more trusses (10-12 fruits/truss) than Suzanne F1.
Yellow Pear
Intermediate resistance to several species of root knot nematode.

2980 Peacevine 78 days

OP • Indeterminate • Resists cracking • .5-1 oz
Prolific red cherries with delicious flavor! A de-hybridized selection of Sweet 100 F1,
known for its incredible flavor and resistance to cracking. Produces high yields of uniform
bright crimson 1” tomatoes. Very high in Vitamin C and amino acids. Bred by Peace Seeds.


3021 Bellstar 65 days

OP • Determinate • Compact habit • 4-5 oz
Dwarf, early variety perfect for short seasons and concentrated harvests. Plants
Peacevine Bellstar are covered with round fruit measuring 2-2.5” in diameter. Smooth, fleshy interior is great
for sauce, processing or slicing for fresh eating. Stems are jointless, leaving behind the
flower calyx for ease of harvest. Resists cracking. Great for containers!

3043 Roma VF 65 days

OP • ASC, FW, VW • Determinate • Vigorous • 4 oz
Productive plum tomato with great disease resistance! Vigorous and strong, producing
heavy yields of picture-perfect, thick-walled fruits with deep red color and mild flavor. A good
choice for a commercial variety, as well as in the garden. Limited availability in 2018.

3172 Granadero F1 73 days

HYBRID • FW, PM, TMV, VW • Indeterminate • 4-5 oz
High yielding and perfectly shaped plum tomato with a disease resistant punch!
Unblemished and uniform with oval shape, smooth skin and bright red color. Best variety
Roma VF Granadero F1 for heavy yields of sauce tomatoes. Performs well in open field, unheated tunnel or heated
greenhouse. Intermediate resistance to root knot nematode and tomato spotted wilt virus.

90 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

3020 Amish Paste 80 days
HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • Few seeds • 8-12 oz
Bright red, heart-shaped fruits with meaty, juicy texture. The classic paste
tomato—flavorful and juicy enough for slicing, with great meatiness for cooking down.
Very few seeds, which can make sauces and pastes bitter. Sweeter flavor than other
paste tomatoes.

3047 San Marzano 80 days

OP • Indeterminate • Few seeds • 4 oz
Classic Italian favorite with high yields; excellent richly flavored tomato for
preserving. Prized for its firm pulp, low seed count and easily-removed skin. Medium
sized fruits are slightly larger than Roma VF but smaller than Gilbertie and Amish Paste.
Resists cracking and holds well both on the vine and in storage. Heavy yields.

3040 Gilbertie 85 days Amish Paste San Marzano

HEIRLOOM • Indeterminate • 10-12 oz
Rich, meaty and delicious! Beloved variety our customers praise year after year.
Long, slender shape with characteristically green shoulders and a slight crook in the
neck. Narrow fruits average 7” long with very solid, richly flavored flesh that makes
excellent sauces and soups. Very small seed cavity. Given to Tom Stearns by Mel Bristol
of Sherman, CT; in our catalog since 1996!


3180 Toma Verde Tomatillo 60 days
OP • Semi-determinate • Uniform fruit
Early variety with tart flavor when young, becoming sweeter as it ripens.
Medium to large size fruits are ready to harvest when husks split and fruit color changes
from a yellow green to medium green. Perfect for salsa verde or as a special addition to
any Mexican dish. Physalis philadelphica
Gilbertie Toma Verde Tomatillo
3181 Goldie Ground Cherry 75 days
OP • Florida weave or let sprawl • Bushy, spreading habit
Sweet, tropical-tasting gold berries wrapped in paper husks add magic to your
garden. Bushy plants grow 2.5-3’ tall. When ripe, the husk around the fruit becomes
papery dry and the fruit falls off the plant to be picked up from the ground. Some
people place a tarp underneath the plants to make harvesting easier, but either way the
husks keep the fruit clean. Physalis pruinosa

3182 Purple Tomatillo 75-80 days

HEIRLOOM • Semi-determinate
Rare purple tomatillo with exceptional appearance and excellent distinctive
taste. Much sweeter than the green types with superb flavor eaten fresh from the
plant, grilled or in salsa. Deep violet skin color bleeds into bright green interior flesh.
Harvest after the papery husk has split, when fruits are golf ball-sized and skin has
turned purple. Physalis philadelphica
Goldie Ground Cherry Purple Tomatillo

2990 Estamino F1
HYBRID • FCR, FW (0,1,2), LM, TMV, VW
A generative rootstock that keeps plants producing through long, hot seasons.
Strong, vigorous rootstock results in a well-balanced plant with good generative growth
(encouraging steady production of flowers and fruit until the end of the season). Great
for balancing excessive vegetative growth in favor of fruit production. Compares well
to popular rootstock standards, offering good yields and excellent disease resistance.
Intermediate resistance to root knot nematodes and tomato spotted wilt virus.

2991 Fortamino F1 Side Grafting Clips

A vegetative rootstock developed to boost plant growth in short, cool seasons. The
ultimate stress-buster! Created for transplanting into stressful conditions, such as the field
or unheated hoophouses. A strong root system gives plants a boost in early growth stages,
later providing excellent leaf cover and reducing transplant shock. Scions grafted onto
Fortamino F1 also have increased yields, with more flowers per truss and a higher average
fruit weight. Intermediate resistance tomato spotted wilt virus, root knot nematodes and
corky root.


94938 Side Grafting Clips Top Grafting Clips Trellis Clips

Spring-loaded side grafting clips.

94928/94929 Top Grafting Clips

Silicon top grafting clips available in two sizes, 1.5mm and 2.0mm. GRAFTING CLIPS - SOLD BY COUNT 10 25 100

94925 Trellis Clips 94938 Side Grafting Clips $2.50 $5.00 $15.00
The industry standard for trellising greenhouse tomatoes. Simply attach tomato 94928 Top Grafting Clips - 1.5mm $2.00 $3.50 $8.00
twine to greenhouse frame, clamp twine between clip hinges, then close the clip 94929 Top Grafting Clips - 2mm $2.25 $4.00 $9.00
around tomato plant leaders for sturdy support. Accommodates stem diameters up TRELLIS CLIPS - SOLD BY COUNT 100 500 1M 5M
to 3/4”; also suitable for cucumbers and other vining crops. Releases easily to adjust or
reuse over multiple seasons. Color may vary. 94925 Trellis Clips $9.25 $25.50 $40.00 $130.00

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 91
TOMATO SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/10 gram 1/2 gram 2 gram 8 gram 1 oz 1/4 lb
3050 Brandywine $2.95 $6.95 $13.20 $22.50 $60.50 $200.00
3052 Cherokee Purple $2.95 $6.95 $13.20 $22.50 $60.50 $200.00

3053 Copia $2.95 $6.85 $15.60 $41.15 $68.55 $172.00

3063 German Johnson $2.95 $5.80 $11.00 $18.90 $50.40 $168.00
3090 Pruden’s Purple $2.95 $5.50 $11.00 $18.00 $48.00 $133.00
3055 Yellow Brandywine $2.95 $7.50 $14.25 $24.50 $53.75 $187.50
3060 Cosmonaut Volkov $2.95 $6.50 $13.00 $22.00 $60.00 $195.00
3086 Crimson Sprinter $2.95 $6.00 $13.65 $36.00 $60.00 $172.00
3065 Green Zebra $2.95 $4.10 $6.80 $15.80 $47.30 $139.70
3076 Medford $2.95 $5.80 $11.00 $18.90 $50.40 $168.00

2976 Moskvich $2.95 $6.65 $11.75 $21.60 $57.60 $170.00

3080 Mountain Princess $2.95 $5.80 $11.00 $18.90 $50.40 $168.00
3056 Rose de Berne $2.95 $6.00 $13.65 $36.00 $60.00 $172.00
3105 Rutgers $2.95 $5.30 $8.80 $20.50 $61.40 $181.00
3057 Tang $2.95 $6.50 $15.00 $45.00 $85.00 $220.00
3140 Glacier $2.95 $8.70 $17.40 $44.00 $75.60 $252.00

2974 Jaune Flamme $2.95 $7.00 $15.95 $42.00 $70.00 $200.65

3054 Wapsipinicon Peach $2.95 $6.00 $13.65 $32.00 $78.00 $200.00

3170 Yellow Perfection $2.95 $5.80 $11.00 $18.90 $50.40 $168.00

2972 Bing $2.95 $6.75 $15.50 $40.50 $68.00 $195.00
3004 Black Cherry $2.95 $4.45 $7.35 $17.20 $51.60 $152.40
2977 Gold Nugget $2.95 $4.25 $9.75 $25.50 $60.00 $165.00

2970 Matt’s Wild $2.95 $6.75 $15.50 $40.50 $68.00 $195.00

2980 Peacevine $2.95 $6.85 $15.55 $40.95 $68.25 $195.65
3000 Red Pear $2.95 $5.30 $8.80 $20.50 $61.00 $180.00
2975 Sweetie $2.95 $4.90 $8.10 $18.90 $56.50 $167.00
3010 Yellow Pear $2.95 $4.90 $8.15 $18.90 $56.75 $167.50
3020 Amish $2.95 $7.50 $14.30 $24.50 $65.50 $218.00
3021 Bellstar $2.95 $6.00 $13.65 $32.00 $78.00 $200.00

3040 Gilbertie $2.95 $7.75 $17.00 $45.00 $80.00 $220.00

3043 Roma VF $2.95 $5.30 $8.80 $20.50 $61.00 $180.00
3047 San Marzano $2.95 $6.95 $13.20 $22.50 $60.50 $200.00
3181 Goldie Ground Cherry $2.95 $7.00 $14.00 $34.00 $89.00 $260.00

3182 Purple Tomatillo $2.95 $5.80 $8.15 $13.25 $35.50 $118.00

3180 Toma Verde Tomatillo $2.95 $3.50 $4.85 $11.50 $33.50 $98.50
3064 Indigo Apple $2.95 $4.00 $9.00 $28.00 $46.00 $37.80/M

2979 Blush $2.95 $3.75 $6.00 $20.00 $35.00 $30.00/M

3058 Indigo Rose $2.95 $4.50 $10.25 $32.00 $52.50 $43.20/M
3059 Pink Boar $2.95 $3.50 $5.00 $13.50 $19.00 $17.60/M
2986 Pink Bumblebee $2.95 $4.00 $9.00 $28.00 $46.00 $37.80/M
2987 Purple Bumblebee $2.95 $4.00 $9.00 $28.00 $46.00 $37.80/M
2988 Sunrise Bumblebee $2.95 $4.00 $9.00 $28.00 $46.00 $37.80/M
3171 Caiman F1 $8.70 $17.00 $49.00 $165.00 $275.00 $219.00/M
3008 Damsel F1 $7.00 $12.00 $32.00 $135.00 $250.00 $230.00/M

3007 Skyway 687 F1 $4.95 $7.25 $17.50 $72.00 $129.00 $107.00/M

3102 Arbason F1 $6.00 $9.20 $24.00 $95.00 $175.00 $173.80/M
3062 Iron Lady F1 $3.95 $6.25 $20.40 $73.65 $123.55 $99.50/M

3101 Lola F1 $5.40 $8.25 $21.25 $75.00 $135.00 $97.80/M

3173 Roni F1 $4.60 $7.20 $21.00 $73.50 $120.00 $97.80/M
3165 Sunkist F1 $2.95 $4.00 $11.00 $40.00 $70.00 $60.00/M
3009 Red Racer F1 $6.20 $9.50 $28.40 $105.00 $198.00 $188.00/M

3006 Bartelly F1 $8.70 $18.00 $62.50 $265.00 $514.50 $499.00/M

2981 Esterina F1 $4.20 $6.45 $15.50 $57.50 $99.50 $89.00/M

2973 Montesino F1 $6.20 $9.50 $28.40 $105.00 $198.00 $188.00/M

2978 Sakura F1 $5.50 $8.25 $26.00 $94.00 $177.00 $160.00/M
2971 Toronjina F1 $7.50 $14.00 $45.00 $200.00 $350.00 $300.00/M
3172 Granadero F1 $8.70 $14.00 $25.85 $90.00 $170.00 $159.00/M

2990 Estamino F1 Rootstock $9.75 $12.75 $36.00 $165.00 $290.00 $266.00/M


2991 Fortamino F1 Rootstock $9.75 $12.75 $36.00 $165.00 $290.00 $266.00/M

Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.

92 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

& other
Monique harvesting Tokyo Market turnips.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Turnips are a cold is sweetest when harvested after a few light frosts and root size averages 3-4” wide. For long
hardy biennial grown as an annual crop. Some varieties can be grown in the spring storage, harvest before hard frost. Use gloves when handling parsnips as foliage may provoke
while others prefer the late summer and fall. Turnips are commonly grown for their an allergic reaction. Remove tops and store unwashed at 32°F with a relative humidity close
roots but some are also grown for their vitamin-rich leafy greens. Turnips prefer loose to 95%. With good air circulation, roots can be stored four to five months.

soils high in organic matter. Because they grow quickly, available water and nutrients SEED SPECS: 10-15M (12.5M avg) seeds/oz, 160-240M (200M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
are essential for healthy development. Make sure plants are well weeded, especially 1/32 oz approx. 350 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 30 seeds/ foot in 2” band in rows 4-12”
in early stages of growth. Plant spring varieties as soon as soil can be worked and fall apart. For larger roots, cut seeding rate in half.
varieties mid-summer. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 80°F. Side dress
with rock phosphate when roots begin to swell to promote root development. Flavor Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.

TURNIPS - Brassica rapa

3183 Des Vertus Marteau 35 days

HEIRLOOM • Fresh eating • 4-6” roots
Sweet, mild, crisp flavor and unique shape excellent for salads and crudités.
Creamy cylindrical roots were a standout in our fresh market turnip trials. The name translates
poetically to “Hammer of Virtue.” Dates back to 1800s Vertus, a city in northeast France.

3191 Tokyo Market 35 days

OP • Fresh eating • 1.5-2” round
Sweet, petite, juicy, smooth-skinned and delicious raw. Practically bite-size, and Des Vertus Marteau Tokyo Market
you may well want to eat them whole! Tender and mildly flavored. Roots are round –
radish-like in shape and size – and pearly white in color. Excellent sliced raw in salads,
chopped and tossed with vinaigrette or glazed with soy sauce.

3190 Hinona Kabu 45 days

OP • Fresh eating • Gourmet • 10-12” long
Striking Japanese salad turnip with bright purple shoulders and a long, slender
white root. Beautiful in bunches with spicy, sweet flavor that is great for salads, pickles
or cooked. Caramelize with butter, sugar and soy sauce for a delicious side dish. Edible
dark green tops with purple veining are tasty and attractive!

3184 Scarlet Ohno Revival 50 days

OP • Salad or storage • 2” round Scarlet Ohno Revival
Hot pink, rounded roots with pink-streaked white interiors and mild, crunchy
taste great for pickling. This specialty radish is especially cherished by chefs who
love its contrasting colors and unique aesthetic. Greens have long strap-shaped leaves
and are smooth with magenta midribs. Improved variety from Frank Morton of Wild
Garden Seed in Oregon.
Hinona Kabu
3186 Golden Globe 55 days
OP • Spring/fall crop • Roasting/storage • 4” roots
Specialty variety with beautiful golden color and delicate flavor. Our strain is more
tapered than globe-shaped and has strong exterior skin. The quality and tenderness is
best when harvested at 4”. Plants perform best in early spring or late summer to fall.

3185 Purple Top White Globe 55 days Golden Globe

HEIRLOOM • Mild • Storage • 3-6” roots
Smooth white globes are magenta above ground and white below. This popular turnip
variety dates back to 1880 and is still widely planted today. Best harvested at 3-4” but retains
good quality until quite large. Purple Top has a mild, fine-grained white flesh.

RUTABAGA - Brassica napus

3187 Joan Rutabaga 90-100 days

OP • Stores well • Uniform • 4-6” roots
Refined rutabaga with smooth, round, uniform roots. The dense cream-colored
flesh is rather hard and crispy with a sweet, mild flavor that improves after frost. Perfect
for a roasted root medley and other hearty winter dishes. Stores well into winter Purple Top White Globe Joan Rutabaga
months. Highly uniform with good field resistance to clubroot.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 93
PARSNIP - Pastinaca sativa

3188 Halblange Parsnip 120 days

OP • High yielding • Very uniform • 10” long roots
Bright white, highly uniform roots with strong yield potential. A standout in
our 2015 trials for the striking white of the roots and the high degree of uniformity.
More wedge-shaped with a very consistent length. From our collaborators at
Bingenheimer Saatgut, a biodynamic seed production company in Germany.

3189 Lancer Parsnip 120 days

OP • Stores up to 5 months • 10-12” long roots
Uniform long season root with creamy white flesh and sweet, nutty flavor
for roasting, sautés and mashing. Gets sweeter when exposed to cold
temperatures. Shows resistance to canker, a fungal pathogen which causes black
Halblange Parsnip Lancer Parsnip lesions on the root.

TURNIPS & ROOTS SEED - OPEN POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 2 oz 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
3183 Des Vertus Marteau Turnip $2.95 $4.50 $16.00 $68.00 $45.00/lb $34.00/lb
3186 Golden Globe Turnip $2.95 $3.95 $12.00 $45.00 $37.00/lb $25.00/lb
3188 Halblange Parsnip $2.95 $5.50 $34.25 $140.00 $110.00/lb $102.00/lb
3190 Hinona Kabu Turnip $2.95 $5.25 $28.00 $114.00 $95.00/lb $70.00/lb
3187 Joan Rutabaga $2.95 $6.60 $26.00 $108.80 $102.40/lb $92.00/lb
3189 Lancer Parsnip $2.95 $5.00 $34.25 $140.00 $110.00/lb $102.00/lb
3185 Purple Top White Globe Turnip $2.95 $3.75 $4.50 $13.20 $9.60/lb $9.40/lb
3184 Scarlet Ohno Revival Turnip $2.95 $7.05 $36.20 $167.50 $143.50/lb $124.50/lb
3191 Tokyo Market Turnip $2.95 $5.25 $28.00 $114.00 $95.00/lb $70.00/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Citrullus lanatus

High Mowing staff members participate in a watermelon taste test as part of our trials program.

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from transplanting, add 10-14 days if direct seed must print, sign and submit the Watermelon Waiver. We cannot ship any amount
seeding. Melons are warm season tender annuals that require fertile soils with lots of organic of watermelon seed to South Carolina.
matter, moisture and full sun. Harden off by reducing temperature and water. Plant outdoors SEED SPECS: 500-750 (625 avg) seeds/oz, 8-12M (10M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000.
when all danger of frost has passed. Plastic mulch and floating row cover are useful in cool 1/16 oz approx. 40 seeds. Direct seeding rate: Sow 2 seeds every 18-24”, thin to 1
climates. Harvest when watermelon darkens, ground spot turns yellow, blossom end softens plant in rows 5-6’ apart. Transplants: 18-24” apart in rows 5-6’ apart.
slightly and tendril next to the stem is dry.
Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
DISEASE & PESTS: Due to the prevalence and severity of Bacterial Fruit Blotch (BFB),
Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrull, customers wishing to purchase over ¼ ounce of watermelon

3199 Baby Doll F1 75 days

HYBRID • Ships well • Uniform • 10-15 lbs
Productive, early icebox melon with dark green stripes and crisp, bright
yellow flesh. Uniform fruits with sweet flavor topped our taste tests. Harvest
promptly as fruit has a tendency to split when ripe in the field. Excellent variety for
direct markets or shipping.

3200 Sugar Baby 75 days

OP • Drought tolerant • 6-12 lbs
Excellent short season variety with reliable yields of sweet, juicy melons. The
standard for small watermelons! Perfectly rounded fruits range from 7-8.5” in diameter
with a solid green rind and deep red flesh. Our strain has been selected for cool
growing conditions and high yields.
Baby Doll F1 Sugar Baby

94 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

3196 Blacktail Mountain 76 days
OP • Stores up to 2 months • 6-10 lbs
Our best melon for short, cool seasons with crisp, sweet flesh that rivals
hybrids. Solid dark green rind and crimson flesh. Fruits average 8” across. Vines reach 10’.
Excellent keeping quality and yields. Harvest just before ripe and melons will finish off in
storage. Developed by Glenn Drowns of Sand Hill Preservation Center in Calamus, Iowa.

3235 Tom F1 80 days

HYBRID • High yielding • 4-10 lbs
Smaller, early melon with dense, flavorful flesh and long shelf life—perfect for
taking to market. Beautiful light green melons with dark green striping and slightly
oblong shape. Flesh is deep pink with excellent sweet flavor and dense, fine-grained
texture. Long shelf life and the highest yields of any hybrid melon in our trials!

3230 Triple Crown F1 82 days Blacktail Mountain Tom F1

HYBRID • Triploid • High yielding • 15-18 lbs
Seedless melon with sweet, bright red flesh and dark green striping. High yields
of oval to oblong fruit with fine-grained, crisp texture. Seedless (triploid) watermelons
require a normal (diploid) variety as a pollen source; interplant every 3-5 plants in row.
Diploid Sugar Baby seeds included. Use heat mat for optimal germination.

3205 Crimson Sweet 85 days

OP • Classic sweet flavor • 15-25 lbs

Quality and reliability in a classic oblong melon with juicy sweet flesh. An
excellent variety for gardeners and growers alike, with vibrant red, firm, fine-textured
flesh and silver and dark green striping.

3197 Klondike Blue 85 days

HEIRLOOM • Resists sunburn and disease • 10-25 lbs
The perfect picnic melon, with exceptional sweet flavor that topped our taste tests.
Vigorous, high performance 1900s heirloom with green striped rind and bright red, sweet Triple Crown F1 Crimson Sweet
flesh. The highest Brix (sugar) reading of any variety in our trials, with fruits averaging 10” long.

3201 OrangeGlo 90 days

OP • Resists splitting • 20-25 lbs
Beautiful melon with very crisp, sweet and tropical orange flesh. Good yields of
large melons with dark green stripes, a thin outer shell, and orange flesh with sugary,
bright tropical flavor. A clear winner in our orange watermelon taste tests! Seeds are
white at maturity. Thin rinds; handle with care.

3195 Moon and Stars 95-100 days

HEIRLOOM • 10-15 lbs
Extremely popular heirloom with sweet flavor and attractive yellow
spots. Dark green rind and foliage are decorated with large yellow spots (moons)
and smaller ones (stars). Flesh is dark red with excellent flavor and a thick protective
rind. Large oblong fruits can grow to enormous sizes, up to 40 lbs. Requires warm
temperatures to set fruit. Introduced in 1926 by the Henderson Seed Company.
Klondike Blue OrangeGlo
3207 Ali Baba 100 days
HEIRLOOM • Ships and stores well • 16-25 lbs
Vigorous plants with large oblong fruit and superb flavor, one of our staff
favorites! Unique, hard apple-green rinds are perfect for shipping and storage.
Excellent sweet flavor with a fine-grained crisp texture. Ali Baba will win a spot in your
heart with its unusual appearance and few seeds!

I am motivated by the

Why We
exponential power of seeds.
High Mowing’s commitment to organic
seeds is promoting a safe and healthy
agricultural system. -Stephen,

Seed Production More on p. 56. Moon and Stars Ali Baba
More on p. 56.

WATERMELON SEED - OPEN-POLLINATED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/16 oz 1/4 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb 5 lb

3207 Ali Baba $2.95 $7.90 $15.80 $48.30 $134.00 $110.00/lb
3196 Blacktail Mountain $2.95 $8.00 $16.00 $48.50 $96.00 $90.00/lb
3205 Crimson Sweet $2.95 $5.80 $7.00 $14.00 $35.00 $29.80/lb
3197 Klondike Blue $2.95 $8.80 $19.75 $60.00 $170.00 $127.00/lb
3195 Moon and Stars $2.95 $6.30 $16.30 $50.40 $120.80 $90.00/lb
3201 OrangeGlo $2.95 $7.90 $16.50 $52.00 $141.80 $120.00/lb
3200 Sugar Baby $2.95 $4.50 $5.30 $12.00 $28.50 $27.00/lb
3199 Baby Doll F1 $2.95 $7.75 $11.00 $35.25 $49.50 $41.60/M $35.60/M
3235 Tom F1 $5.25 $13.25 $22.00 $96.00 $170.00 $150.00/M $136.00/M
3230 Triple Crown F1 $8.70 $40.85 $71.75 $237.00 $440.00 $408.00/M $377.00/M
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing.
Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 95

Potted basil plants for wholesale at Shenandoah Growers.

Herbs are a great addition to any home garden, farmstand, CSA box or farmers market making them suitable for containers, greenhouses and small garden spaces. Each
table. The herbs we offer in this section were chosen for their exceptional aroma, flavor, type of herb is unique in its growing needs. Please find specific planting and cultural
disease resistance and appeal. We offer tried-and-true standards, such as Genovese basil information in the accompanying sub-group information box or in the individual
and Italian Flat Leaf parsley, alongside more modern varieties that have impressed us in variety descriptions.
our trials, like Aroma 2 F1 basil, resistant to Fusarium wilt and slow to bolt, and Eleonora

Please see Planting Chart on page 111 or go to highmowingseeds.com for more info.
basil with downey mildew resistance. Most herbs are compact plants and easy to grow,

BASIL - Ocimum basilicum

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Tender annual
prefers warm weather and rich soil. Popular culinary herb, cut flower and medicinal
to calm the stomach. Very sensitive to cold; use row cover to extend the season.
Pinch buds to encourage branching and leaf production. Store unwashed at room
temperature to avoid browning. Flowers attract bees. M=1,000.
RESISTANCE KEY: DM-Downy Mildew, FW-Fusarium Wilt

5007 Greek 55 days

Greek Lemon OP • Uniform compact habit • Container variety
Early and adorable topiary-like plants with dark green miniature leaves.
Captured our hearts with the cutest, most uniformly rounded habit of any mini basil in
our 2015 trials. Small, sweet leaves excellent for garnishes and salad dressings. Ideal for
containers, transplant sales and a popular wedding table-topper! Our replacement for
Fino Verde. 20M seeds/oz.

5010 Lemon 60 days

OP • Specialty variety • Nice bouquet flower
Narrow leaf basil from Southeast Asia with delightfully strong aroma and
lemony flavor. Delicious with fish and in salad dressings. Flowering stalks can be added
to bouquets to lend a wonderful lemony fragrance. A smaller-leaf variety, reaching 15”
tall. 15M seeds/oz.

5031 Sweet Thai 63 days

Sweet Thai Cinnamon OP • Compact habit • Edible and ornamental
Exotic clove-licorice flavor perfect in Thai cuisine. Lovely potted herb, edible
bedding plant and cut flower for floral arrangements. Gorgeous narrow green leaves
with vivid dark purple stems and blossoms; adored by bees. Leaves are 2” long and
plants reach 12-18” tall. 28M seeds/oz.

5001 Cinnamon 65 days

OP • Compact habit • Suitable for containers
Emerald green leaves with beautiful purple stems and intoxicating aroma.
Intensely flavorful, richly aromatic leaves are wonderful in Thai and Vietnamese recipes
or dried. Delicate, fragrant pink flowers attract bees and are beautiful in arrangements.
Average height is 12”. 17M seeds/oz.

5004 Elidia 65 days

OP • Slow to bolt • Compact habit • Ideal for containers
Elidia Eleonora Compact, high yielding plants with strong disease resistance. Large, shiny dark
green leaves on thick, sturdy stems with short internodes; shorter than Keira. Well suited
to containers and field production, with intermediate resistance to Fusarium. High yielding
and very slow to bolt. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds. 18M seeds/oz.

Interested in steam treated basil seed for 5002 Eleonora 65 days

Read more about steam OP • Disease resistant • Upright habit
greater disease control? treatment on p. 19 Growers rejoice! The first organically available “pesto type” basil with intermediate
downy mildew resistance. Innovative European breeding resulting in upright plants with
Call us to find out more. 866-735-4454 more elongated stems for better airflow and intermediate downy mildew resistance. Large,
medium green, lightly serrated leaves with good flavor. Well suited to field or container
production. Not as bolt tolerant. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds. 18M seeds/oz.

96 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

5020 Purple Dark Opal 65 days
OP • Edible and ornamental • Ideal for vinegars • Compact
Glossy deep purple leaves striking enough to be ornamental! Delicious in vinegars or as
a garnish. Strong flavor well suited to cooking. Beautiful pale purple flowers with deep purple
leaves and stems—ideal for adding to bouquets. Average height is 8-10”. 21M seeds/oz.

5037 Rosie 65 days

OP • Compact, upright habit • Edible and ornamental
Intense dark purple-red color with mild and aromatic basil flavor - a favorite
in our trials! An improved strain of Rubin with very uniform germination and stand,
no green off-types and stronger, more upright stems. Tall lavender flower spikes are
lovely in bouquets and should be pinched for better leaf production. 20M seeds/oz. Rosie
5030 Sweet 65 days
OP • Excellent for processing • Versatile • Field or containers Purple Dark Opal
Traditional Italian favorite used fresh, in vinegars and as the main ingredient for
pesto. This very popular and heavy yielding variety produces large aromatic leaves that
delight the taste buds as well as the nose. Leaves are deep green and slightly cupped.
Average height is 10-12”. 28M seeds/oz.

5000 Genovese 68 days

OP • Excellent for processing • Field or containers
Basil lovers unanimously recommend Genovese as the best variety for
pesto! Plants are strong producers of dark green, glossy leaves with a characteristic
spoon shape, exceptionally tender texture and distinctive, sweet flavor excellent in

sauces and cooking. 10-12” plants. 18M seeds/oz. Sweet
5003 Keira 68 days
OP • Ships and stores well • Cold tolerant
The first available organic Genovese-type bred to tolerate colder temperatres post
harvest to facilitate longer shipping times! Medium sized, shiny dark green leaves with
nice cupping have excellent shelf life, taking much longer to turn black in refrigeration than Genovese
standard varieties. Suitable for shipping longer distances. Field or container production.
Not as bolt tolerant. From our partners at Vitalis Organic Seeds. 18M seeds/oz.

5036 Aroma 2 F1 70 days

HYBRID • FW • Holds well in field/storage • Resists bolting
The standard for commercial growers with thick, dark green leaves. An
improved Genovese-type with 3” leaves and strong Fusarium wilt resistance. For field
or greenhouse. Average height is 20-24” tall. Superior characteristics to replace Aroma Keira
1. From our partners at Genesis Seeds. 18.5M seeds/oz.

6130 Sacred 75 days

OP • Potent medicinal • Tea plant • Attracts pollinators
Musky, fragrant flowers and foliage excellent for tea and medicinal purposes.
Also known as Holy basil or Tulsi, our strain comes from Frank Morton of Wild Garden
Seed and is a temperate basil that is well adapted to North America. Many medicinal
properties including adaptogenic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory qualities; also an
immune stimulant. 40M seeds/oz. O. africanum Aroma 2 F1
5043 Italian Large Leaf 78 days
OP • Excellent for processing • Slow to bolt
Large-leaf Genovese-type with huge dark green leaves up to 4” long. A great selection
for pesto and Italian cuisine, perfect for when you need a large amount of basil on hand.
Sweeter fragrance and flavor than Genovese. Large plants reach 24-30” tall. 18M seeds/oz.

CATNIP - Nepeta cataria

6010 Catnip 80 days

OP • Medicinal and ornamental • Tea plant • Perennial
Beloved by cats but also an ornamental and medicinal with relaxing properties.
Dry leaves for a year-round cat treat, leaving flowers as a treat for the bees. Scarify
seeds to aid germination. Seeds can be direct sown as soon as soil can be worked.
Transplants can be started 8-10 weeks before setting out. 46M seeds/oz.
Italian Large Leaf
CHAMOMILE - Matricaria recutita

6020 German Chamomile 75 days Catnip

OP • 24-30” tall • Spreading habit • Tea plant
Self-seeding annual with tiny daisy-like flowers excellent dried for tea. Closely
related to Roman chamomile, which has many of the same medicinal properties. Direct
seed outdoors, sprinkle seed onto soil and rake in gently, being careful not to bury seeds.
Thin to 4-6” apart. Harvest flower heads regularly for best yields. 300M seeds/oz.

CHERVIL - Anthriscus cerefolium

1941 Brussels Winter Chervil 18 days micro, 40 baby, 60 full size

OP • Gourmet specialty • Very cold tolerant
Winter hardy flat, lacy leaves with anise-parsley flavor for early salad greens. Strongly
resembles parsley and often called gourmet parsley. A classic French herbes fines and European
standard. Direct seed in early spring for summer crop or fall for spring crop. Sow seeds 1” German Chamomile Brussels Winter Chervil
deep. Grow as baby leaf or full size using 6 seeds/ft in rows 12-18” apart. 13M seeds/oz.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 97

I appreciate that High Mowing
pushes the envelope for
Why We organic seed and has led the way for
the industry. With organic seed, we’re “
GROW helping revitalize local economies.
–Adam, Seed Packing and
Inventory More on p. 56.

CHIVES - Allium spp.

5040 Chives 90 days
OP • Excellent for processing • Hardy in Zones 3-8
Medium to full size leaves excellent as a garnish. Quick growing and a good choice for
greenhouse growers or those who prefer a heavy chive. Great for freezing and drying. Similar
to Staro. Can tolerate partial shade. 26M seeds/oz. Allium schoenoprasum

5080 Garlic 90 days

OP • Excellent ornamental • Hardy in Zones 4 and up
Similar to standard chives with delicate garlic flavor. White, star-shaped flowers
are long lasting, ornamentally beautiful and unique. Plants grow more slowly than

standard chives and are slightly less hardy. Makes for a great addition to salads and a
delicious garnish on most dishes. 6.25M seeds/oz. Allium tuberosum

CILANTRO - Coriandrum sativum

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. An easy-to-grow
Garlic Chives Caribe annual often used in Mexican, Asian and Mediterranean cooking. Coriander,
another commonly used spice, is produced from the seeds. Cilantro prefers
direct sun and is tolerant of cool conditions. Direct sow spring into fall. M=1,000.

5051 Caribe 55 days

OP • Good greenhouse crop • Bolt tolerant
Dense bunches of aromatic dark green leaves on long-standing, bolt tolerant plants.
Compared to Santo, Caribe has a slightly thinner stem, higher vigor and seed emergence
and better bolt tolerance in the field. A great choice for greenhouse growers, or anyone
who wants a long-standing cilantro. From our partners at Bejo Seeds. 2.2M seeds/oz.

5050 Santo 55 days leaf, 95 seed

OP • Upright habit • Fast growing
The commercial standard for field bunching. Very bolt resistant variety with good
flavor and excellent upright habit for easy harvesting. Fast growing variety great for cut-
Santo Bouquet and-come-again. Bred by Alf Christenson. 2.2M seeds/oz.

DILL - Anethum graveolens

5044 Greensleeves 45 days

OP • Slow to bolt • Good container variety
A compact, high yielding dill for leaf production. Slow to bolt; ideal for leaf production
over a long harvest window. Excellent for market growers and planting in containers. Dark
green leaves are aromatic and pleasingly sweet eaten fresh or dried. 15M seeds/oz.

5060 Bouquet 45-55 days leaf, 95 seed

OP • Great for pickling • 30” tall
The most widely grown organic dill for fresh eating, flowers and seed heads. A
versatile, early maturing variety used for fresh leaves, seedhead production and cut
flowers. Produces seed heads well ahead of others and right in time for summer pickles.
Flowering umbels average 6” wide. 15M seeds/oz.

LEMON BALM- Melissa officinalis

6090 Lemon Balm 70 days to flower

OP • Attracts bees • Vigorous spreading habit • Perennial
Strongly aromatic herb with lemony fragrance and excellent medicinal and culinary
qualities. Shiny green leaves on full plants up to 2’ tall. Harvest before flowering as leaf quality
declines as flower stalks mature. Start transplants 6-8 weeks before last frost, seeds 1/4” deep;
transplant seedlings 18” apart or direct sow after all danger of frost is past. 45M seeds/oz.

MARJORAM - Origanum majorana

5090 Sweet Marjoram 85 days to flower

OP • Good container plant • Tender perennial
A mild, sweet relative of oregano excellent fresh or dried; essential for pizza
sauce! Can be overwintered outdoors successfully or potted up in fall for fresh herbs
Lemon Balm Sweet Marjoram all winter. Easy to dry, just harvest stems and hang in bundles. Leaves can be easily
stripped off when dry. 120M seeds/oz.

98 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

MINT - Agastache rugosa
new 6050 Superior Licorice Mint 80 days
OP • Aromatic • Medicinal • Attracts pollinators
Large mint-anise flavored leaves blush purple and are preferred for use in
Korean cuisine. Plants are erect, sturdy and compact, growing in clumps instead of
spreading by runners or self-sowing. Flowering stage produces beautiful purple spikes that are
irresistible to pollinators. Cut flowers hold their color and smell when dried. Hardy perennial
cousin of Anise Hyssop. 72M seeds/oz.

OREGANO - Origanum heracleoticum

5106 Greek Oregano 80 days

OP • Excellent fresh or dried • Hardy perennial Greek Oregano
Excellent culinary oregano with pungent, mouth-watering fragrance and flavor.
This is the traditional full-flavored oregano for pizza and tomato sauces. Low growing
plants have slightly furry dark green leaves with white flowers. Easy to dry, just harvest
stems and hang in bundles. 300M seeds/oz.

PARSLEY - Petroselinum crispum

CULTURAL INFO: Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Biennial
commonly grown as an annual; thrives in moist, fertile soil. Harvest parsley by
cutting outer stems as needed. Stores well in the fridge in a container or in water.
Attracts swallowtail butterflies. M=1,000.

5104 Giant Italian 70 days
OP • Bunching • Vigorous
Flat, large leaved variety with aromatic leaves and excellent culinary quality. A
high yielding, very large and vigorous herb. Dependable variety with rapid regrowth Superior Licorice Mint Giant Italian
that stands up well to frost. Dark green leaves on strong stems make beautiful bunches;
delicious, classic flavor for seasoning. 12.5M seeds/oz.

5110 Italian Flat Leaf 70 days

OP • Processing and bunching
Classic flat leaf variety for use either fresh or dried for seasoning. Stems hold
leaves upright for easy bunching. A very nutritious and tasty addition to meat and
vegetable dishes, soups and salads. Excellent for freezing, drying and fresh eating. From
our friends at Sakata Seed. 12.5M seeds/oz.

5120 Moss Curled II 75 days

OP • Great fresh • 10” tall
Standard early variety with rapid regrowth and excellent uniformity. The leaves
are deeply cut and very tightly curled, resembling verdant forest moss. Curled leaf
parsley is a more subtle seasoning than Italian flat leaf and makes for an attractive,
nutritious garnish. 20M seeds/oz.
Italian Flat Leaf Moss Curled II
5109 Peione 75 days
OP • Intermediate DM • Bolt tolerant • Container or field
Vigorous, high yielding flat leaf with intermediate downy mildew resistance! A
Gigante D’Italia-type with extra large, dark green glossy leaves and mild, sweet flavor.
Plants are highly uniform and early to mature with thick, sturdy stems. High yielding with
strong regrowth suitable for containers, fresh market bunching or processing. Performs
best with selective cutting rather than harvesting of the entire plant. 16M seeds/oz.

5107 Wega 75 days

OP • Double moss curled • Container or field production • Upright habit
A refined curly parsley with excellent uniformity and upright habit. Finely cut
and curled, dark green leaves with mild flavor on sturdy, upright stems. One of the most
attractive curly varieties we’ve seen, with lots of branching and an excellent upright
habit for ease of harvest. Produces a uniform stand great for selective or mechanical
harvest. Versatile and well suited to containers as well as field production for fresh
market or processing. 16.5M seeds/oz.
Peione Wega
SAGE - Salvia officinalis

5130 Fanni Common Sage 70 days

OP • Excellent fresh or dried • Perennial
Wonderfully aromatic gray-green leaves used in soups, meat dishes, gravies and
stuffing. Sturdy, woody stems can be used as ornamental branches in floral wreaths. Beautiful
lavender flowers in summer. Start transplants 4-6 weeks before last frost. 3.4M seeds/oz.

SAVORY - Satureja hortensis

5135 Summer Savory 75 days

HEIRLOOM • Good container plant • Tender perennial
The most subtle and delicate of the savories with zesty fragrance. Slender, light
green leaves with woodsy, thyme-like flavor on reddish, square stems excellent for
flavoring green beans, vegetables, poultry or infused in vinegar. Cut stems and hang in
bundles to dry. Plants reach 12-18” tall. 47M seeds/oz. Fanni Common Sage Summer Savory

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 99
SORREL - Rumex acetosa

2497 Sorrel 45 days baby

OP • Gourmet ingredient • Perennial
Lemony, tangy leafy greens delicious in soups and stews, in salad, or as a
braising green. Bright green, slender leaves up to 8” with long stems. Excellent
overwintered gourmet spring green. Can be spring sown but better in fall for harvest in
early spring, when leaves are most tender and mild. 34M seeds/oz.

STEVIA - Stevia rebaudiana

Sorrel 6030 Candy® Stevia 100 days

OP • Great in containers • Tender perennial
Grow your own sweetener! Close to 300 times sweeter than sugar, this herbal
alternative can be used fresh or dried, as a powder or a liquid. A tender perennial that can
winter outside in zones 9 – 11 or be brought inside in pots to keep for winter use in colder
climates. Bushy plants with strong yields of dried leaves. Transplant outdoors in spring after
low temperatures are above 45°F. From our partners at Genesis Seeds. 75M seeds/oz.

THYME - Thymus vulgaris

5140 Thyme 90 days

OP • Attracts bees • Perennial
Tiny aromatic leaves cover slender woody stalks ending in sweet white

flowers. Makes a beautiful low-growing border along herb and flower beds,
Thyme Candy Stevia growing only 6-10” high. A versatile culinary staple. Our strain is hardy to Zone 4.
99M seeds/oz.

HERB SEED - OP - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/64 oz 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 1/2 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb* 100 lb*
5060 Bouquet Dill $2.95 $3.90 $4.40 $8.80 $15.20 $18.40 $16.80/lb $15.20/lb $14.50/lb
1941 Brussels Winter Chervil $2.95 $5.00 $8.50 $17.50 $25.00 $41.00 $33.00/lb
5051 Caribe Cilantro $2.95 $6.10 $11.80 $38.00 $62.00 $57.00/lb $44.00/lb $35.00/lb
6010 Catnip $2.95 $6.95 $9.95 $23.00 $84.00 $156.50 $145.80/lb $135.80/lb
5040 Chives $2.95 $4.35 $10.00 $24.00 $75.00 $132.00 $123.80/lb $115.00/lb
5001 Cinnamon Basil $2.95 $3.60 $6.30 $17.90 $50.00 $82.00 $77.00/lb $71.00/lb
5130 Fanni Common Sage $2.95 $8.00 $12.40 $39.50 $89.50 $170.00 $157.00/lb $144.00/lb
5080 Garlic Chives $2.95 $4.00 $9.00 $21.00 $55.00 $85.00 $79.00/lb $74.60/lb
5000 Genovese Basil $2.95 $3.50 $4.50 $7.50 $23.10 $36.50 $32.00/lb $27.56/lb
5104 Giant Italian Parsley $2.95 $3.50 $4.85 $8.50 $24.00 $38.00 $34.50/lb $31.52/lb $28.96/lb
5007 Greek Basil $2.95 $6.60 $10.90 $32.00 $65.00 $120.20 $105.00/lb $84.00/lb
5044 Greensleeves Dill $2.95 $4.95 $7.00 $13.50 $28.00 $40.00 $37.00/lb $34.00/lb
5110 Italian Flat Leaf Parsley $2.95 $3.25 $4.00 $9.00 $22.00 $36.00 $32.00/lb $26.00/lb $21.00/lb
5043 Italian Large Leaf Basil $2.95 $3.75 $5.85 $13.00 $35.00 $56.00 $52.50/lb $48.50/lb
6090 Lemon Balm $2.95 $4.60 $8.15 $26.00 $85.00 $163.00 $156.40/lb
5010 Lemon Basil $2.95 $4.90 $8.00 $18.50 $60.75 $75.50 $66.00/lb $54.80/lb
5120 Moss Curled II Parsley $2.95 $3.50 $5.75 $9.10 $29.65 $54.00 $45.90/lb $41.80/lb $40.30/lb
5109 Peione Parsley $2.95 $3.35 $4.50 $11.50 $34.00 $47.00 $39.00/lb $35.60/lb $34.50/lb
5020 Purple Dark Opal Basil $2.95 $7.00 $12.00 $32.00 $72.00 $120.00 $105.00/lb $94.00/lb
5037 Rosie Basil $2.95 $7.00 $12.00 $27.00 $63.00 $110.00 $102.00/lb $94.00/lb
5050 Santo Cilantro $2.95 $5.00 $8.10 $16.00 $21.00 $15.80/lb $12.50/lb $10.98/lb
2497 Sorrel $2.95 $7.45 $19.15 $39.50 $120.00 $190.00 $167.00/lb
5030 Sweet Basil $2.95 $5.90 $9.65 $22.10 $40.45 $64.35 $62.15/lb $59.16/lb
5031 Sweet Thai Basil $2.95 $3.85 $6.55 $15.00 $60.00 $100.00 $85.00/lb $66.00/lb
5107 Wega Parsley $2.95 $3.35 $5.25 $14.00 $37.00 $61.00 $52.00/lb $48.56/lb $43.56/lb
HERB SEED - OP - SOLD BY SEED COUNT 25 100 500 1M 5M 25 M 100 M 500 M 1000 M
6030 Candy® Stevia $3.95 $11.00 $37.00 $64.00 $59.00/M
5002 Eleonora Basil $2.95 $4.50 $1.80/M $0.80/M $0.61/M $0.50/M $0.40/M
5004 Elidia Basil $2.95 $4.50 $1.80/M $0.80/M $0.61/M $0.50/M $0.40/M
5003 Keira Basil $2.95 $4.50 $1.80/M $0.80/M $0.61/M $0.50/M $0.40/M
HERB SEED - OP - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/10 gram 1 gram 8 gram 1 oz 1/4 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
6020 German Chamomile $2.95 $6.50 $10.85 $23.95 $70.85 $255.00 $232.00/lb
5106 Greek Oregano $3.75 $8.75 $33.00 $68.00 $185.00 $625.00 $560.00/lb $550.00/lb
6050 Superior Licorice Mint $3.75 $8.75 $33.00 $68.00 $185.00 $625.00
6130 Sacred Basil $2.95 $5.50 $9.50 $17.90 $69.00 $254.00 $232.00/lb
5135 Summer Savory $2.95 $3.95 $5.00 $7.50 $16.50 $49.00 $43.00/lb $35.60/lb
5090 Sweet Marjoram $2.95 $6.50 $22.00 $65.00 $180.00 $620.00 $595.40/lb $557.00/lb
5140 Thyme $2.95 $6.00 $9.50 $28.00 $87.00 $276.00 $260.00/lb $227.16/lb
HERB SEED - HYBRID - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1/32 oz 1/8 oz 2 oz 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb*
5036 Aroma 2 F1 Basil $3.80 $6.95 $25.90 $89.00 $149.00 $145.60/lb $141.00/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

100 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

Why They Grow The story behind our cover
While all of the growers featured on our cover use High Mowing seeds in their operations, more
than seed ties them together. What they’re growing extends well beyond great vegetables:
they grow healthier families, future leaders and new models for organic distribution. These
nontraditional crops exemplify a shared dedication to nourishing our community, a value High
Mowing equally shares. We are honored to work with these growers and to share their stories
with our greater community of growers.

Planting a Seed for Food Security

with the Family Room Garden
The Family Room Garden in Burlington, VT. is part of the Janet S.
Munt Family Room parent child center. The garden offers free access
to healthy food for children and adults and promotes physical, social,
emotional, and linguistic development while nurturing a vibrant and
diverse community. The Family Room Garden is one of nearly 400
community-based gardens supported by the Vermont Community
Garden Network. Each year, VCGN distributes thousands of seed
packets donated by High Mowing, and provides technical assistance
and hands-on garden education to groups around Vermont.
Visit thefamilyroomvt.org to learn more. For more info about High
Mowing’s donation program, visit highmowingseeds.com/blog/donations.

Tending a Crop of Young Farmers with Vermont Youth Conservation Corps

The Vermont Youth Conservation Corps uses conservation and
agriculture work as a platform for cultivating the next generation
of leaders. Guided by passionate, trained crew leaders, youth corps
members develop the skills necessary to be more employable,
independent, civic-minded and responsible young adults – and their
work results in significant community improvement. VYCC Farm
Crews grow and distribute vegetables for the Health Care Share, a
project that provides families in need with a weekly share of fresh
produce at their doctor’s office, free of charge. This important
experience shapes the lives of both Health Care Share families and
VYCC corps members, and positively impacts our world and our
communities as we work towards a more sustainable food system.
Visit vycc.org to learn more.

Harvesting the Bounty with Partners Foote Brook Organic Farm & Deep Root Organic Co-op
Tony and Joie Lehouillier own and operate Foote Brook Organic
Farm, a 100-acre certified organic vegetable farm and member farm
of Deep Root Organic Co-op. Deep Root is a collective of organic
farmers who serve greater New England markets through a co-
operative distribution effort. In addition to giving growers access to
a broader market, the co-op places an emphasis on growers helping
growers by acting as a classroom and learning forum for farmers.
Over the course of three decades, Deep Root’s longstanding
member farms like Foote Brook have acted as mentors to new
farm operations, nurturing independent growers in our region and
supporting collective efforts in organic agriculture.

Visit footebrookfarm.com and deeprootorganic.coop to learn more.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 101
Monique decorating tables with vases of Zohar F1 sunflowers, cosmos, snapdragons, zinnias and more at a Sandiwood Farm to Fork Sunset Dinner.

We have selected these easy-to-grow flower varieties for their individual well in a wide range of growing conditions. Many of these varieties are well suited for
beauty and/or suitability for cut flower production. By offering an assor tment succession plantings to ensure a continuous har vest throughout the season. For specific
of hues, heights, growth habits and appearances, we strive to fill your flower spacing and cultural information for each type of flower go to highmowingseeds.com.
needs, whether you are adding color to your home garden or selling bouquets Price information follows variety descriptions.

for market. Our varieties are tried-and-true standards that are sure to per form

ALYSSUM - Lobularia maritima

new 7015 Sweet Alyssum 50-60 days
OP • Tall & highly branched • Supports beneficial insects • Re-seeding annual
A refined tall, white strain excellent for attracting beneficial insects and
pollinators. A strong, tall plant structure sets this strain of sweet alyssum apar t,
providing excellent branching for a thick layer of small white blossoms. Plant at
the end of greenhouse rows to increase pollinator habitat. A wonder ful addition
to cut flower gardens, sweet alyssum can also be utilized as a cover crop for
adding valuable organic matter. Approx. 200 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $3.95, 1/2 oz: $7.00, 2 oz: $15.00, 1/2 lb $24.00

BACHELOR BUTTON - Centaurea cyanus

7017 Polka Dot Blend 90 days

Sweet Alyssum OP • Drought tolerant • 16-24” tall • Re-seeding annual • Edible
A wonderful cut flower and bedding plant in diverse shades of blue, pink,
white and lavender. Large 2” flowers on well-branched plants. Prefers full sun, cool
temperatures and well drained, poor soil. Direct sow or star t indoors 4-6 weeks
before planting date, planting outdoors as soon as the soil can be worked. NOTE:
This species is considered invasive in some states in the southeastern U.S. Check your
region’s invasive species list for full information. Approx. 6,250 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $4.00, 1/2 oz: $8.00, 2 oz: $18.00, 1/2 lb $45.00

CALENDULA - Calendula officinalis

7023 Maayan 55 days

OP • Edible, ornamental and medicinal • 24” tall • Annual
A true deep orange calendula with bright flame-colored flowers and a variety
of uses. Mostly double blooms give the petals a full, ruffled appearance. Long 18-20”
stems well suited to cutting for bouquets on productive and vigorous plants. Continual
blooms throughout the season. Approx. 3,400 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $5.25, 1/2 oz: $13.00, 2 oz: $35.00
Polka Dot Blend Maayan
7021 Pacific Beauty Blend 60 days
HEIRLOOM • Prefers cool conditions • 12-24” tall • Annual
An early and bright medley of single and double orange, gold, yellow and
cream-colored flowers. Well-branched plants with tall, straight stems great for
cutting, with continuous blooms all summer. Fresh petals are beautiful in salads and as
cake decorations. Also known as pot marigold. Approx. 4,500 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $6.85, 1/2 oz: $20.50, 2 oz: $72.00

7020 Resina 80 days

OP • Best medicinal variety • Spring bee food • 24-30” tall • Annual
Bright yellow, daisy-like blooms with a few orange show-offs and extremely
high resin content. A few orange types help keep the genetic variation of this
power ful strain alive and well. Excellent medicinal proper ties compared to other
calendulas; used as an herbal application for inflammation and localized skin
problems. Also used as a dye for food or fabric and as an edible flower.
Approx. 2,800 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $5.50, 1/2 oz: $16.50, 2 oz: $55.10, 1/2 lb: $132.30, 1 lb: $183.80

Pacific Beauty Blend Resina

102 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

7019 Strawberry Blonde 80 days
OP • Unusual cut flower • Edible salad flower • 18-24” tall • Annual
Warm and colorful antique-looking pink and yellow petals with dark red
flashy undersides. Long-lasting cut or dried flowers, and edible flowers to dress up
summer salads. Bushy plants flower into the fall. Long stems pull off easily for simple
and fast cut flower harvest. A great variety from Frank Mor ton’s Flashback series.
Approx. 2,000 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $9.00, 1/2 oz: $24.00, 2 oz: $70.00

CLEOME - Cleome hasslerana

7030 Violet Queen 75 days

OP • Tall garden classic • Attracts bees and hummingbirds • 36-42” tall • Annual
Tall plants with firework-like vibrant purple petals. Sun-loving late summer
Strawberry Blonde Violet Queen Cleome
bloomer attracts bees and hummingbirds. Cold stratification is necessary for
germination (5-10 days in the fridge). Use gloves when handling plants as they have
thorns. Direct seed spring through early summer 1/4” deep, thin to a 12-18” spacing.
Approx. 6,500 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $10.00, 1/2 oz: $18.50, 2 oz: $61.80

CONEFLOWER - Echinacea purpurea

6040 Echinacea purpurea 110 days

OP • Medicinal and ornamental • Attracts monarch butterflies • 30-47” tall • Perennial

Beautiful 3-4” flowers with pink-orange center cones and radiating magenta
petals. Medicinal compounds are most concentrated in young flower buds and fibrous
roots. This is the easiest and hardiest cultivar to grow in northern climates. Seeds must
be cold-treated before germination. Approx. 7,500 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $4.70, 1/2 oz: $8.25, 2 oz: $22.50, 1/2 lb: $61.00,
1 lb: $113.00, 5 lb: $101.00/lb, 25 lb*: $88.00/lb
*Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.
Echinacea purpurea

7075 Bright Lights Blend 85 days

OP • Easy to grow • Attracts bees • 2-3’ tall • Annual
Multitudes of flame-colored flowers on bushy plants. Golden-yellow, burnt orange
and firey-red petals cover these 2.5” wide fully double flowers. Excellent eye-catching
border plant, and in pots and bouquets. Cosmos require little fertility or care, making
them great for beginning gardeners. C. sulphureus. NOTE: This species is considered
invasive in some states in the southeastern U.S. Check your region’s invasive species
list for full information. Approx. 3,750 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $7.50, 1/2 oz: $20.00, 2 oz: $40.00, 1/2 lb: $75.00

7037 Double Click Blend 85 days

OP • Drought tolerant • Attracts bees • 3-4’ tall • Annual
The cosmos you could confuse with a dahlia! Blend of fully double and semi- Bright Lights Blend Sensation Blend
double flowers share the many-shaded pinks of Sensation Blend, but have the
layered petals of an aster or dahlia. Hardy, tolerant of drought and low fer tility,
subject to very little disease or pest pressure, this cosmos blend is much easier to
grow than either of its look-alikes. Give Double Click a try! C. bipinnatus. Approx.
10,000 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $7.50, 1/2 oz: $20.00, 2 oz: $40.00, 1/2 lb: $75.00

7076 Sensation Blend 85 days

OP • Great cut flower • Attracts bees • 3-4’ tall • Annual
Sensational blend of showy white, pink, magenta and lavender blooms. Single
flowers are 3-4” wide and are lovely in summer borders, container plantings or
bouquets. Tall stems great for cutting. An All-America Selections (AAS) winner in 1936
and remains a favorite today. Cosmos require little fertility or care, making them great for
beginning gardeners. C. bipinnatus. Approx. 4,300 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $6.85, 1/2 oz: $16.35, 2 oz: $40.95, 1/2 lb: $143.00

7036 Sea Shells Blend 90 days

OP • Prolific • Attracts bees • 3-4’ tall • Annual Double Click Blend
A lovely mix of dark pink, pastel pink and white tubular petals on delicate stems
atop airy foliage. Petals are gently rolled in on themselves like sea shells. Similar to
Sensation Blend in color spectrum and plant habit, but with mostly tubular petals for a
ruffled, eye-catching effect. C. bipinnatus. Approx. 4,000 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $5.85, 1/2 oz: $16.50, 2 oz: $55.12, 1/2 lb: $132.30

LARKSPUR - Delphinium consolida

7060 Galilee Blend 85 days

OP • Cut or dried flower • 3-4’ tall • Annual
Luxuriant spikes of brilliant blue, deep pink, powder pink, white and deep
purple flowers. Creates a rainbow of color; best for mass plantings. Commonly
used as a cut flower, dried or in the back of borders. Requires cold temperature for
germination; direct seed or transplant. Final plant spacing is 4-6”. Provide support for
best quality. Approx. 11,400 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $9.70, 1/2 oz: $15.80, 2 oz: $43.00 Sea Shells Blend Galilee Blend Larkspur

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 103
LAVATERA - Lavatera trimestris

7016 Pink 60 days

OP • Bedding plant • 3-4’ tall • Annual
Tall, sturdy spires of pink blooms set off by glossy dark green foliage. Prolific
large, smooth pink flowers on tall, upright stems. A garden classic with cupped flowers
ideal for borders, cottage gardens and cutting for bouquets. Similar habit to hollyhocks with
attractive glossy foliage; more tolerant of Japanese Beetles than other mallows. Seed should
be barely covered with soil and takes 15-20 days to germinate. Carefully transplant 12-18”
apart into full sun and poor soil with good drainage. Approx. 4,000 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $16.00, 1/2 oz: $44.00, 2 oz: $109.00, 1/2 lb: $279.00, 1 lb: $539.00

MARIGOLD - Tagetes erecta

Pink Lavatera
7072 Crackerjack 80 days
OP • Attracts beneficial insects • 3’ tall plants • Annual
Big, brightly colored blooms on large plants. Wide 4” blossoms are ruffled and lofty;
cheerful pompoms in various shades of sunshine with characteristic marigold fragrance.
Crackerjack Flowers are also beautiful when dried. Often planted for a natural pest deterrent; known
to repel deer, soil nematodes and many insect pests. Approx. 6,180 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $5.00, 1/2 oz: $10.00, 2 oz: $30.00, 1/2 lb: $98.00
new 7074 Dark Orange 85 days
OP • Pest deterrent • 16” tall plant • Annual

Uniformly dark orange, fully double blooms for borders, beds or cut flowers.
Broad, 2.5” wide flowers are full of ruffles. Sturdy, bushy plants 10” wide. Provides
lasting color, especially in mass plantings and in containers. A natural deterrent for deer,
soil nematodes and many insect pests. Approx. 6,000 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $9.35, 1/2 oz: $17.10, 2 oz: $57.35

Dark Orange MEXICAN SUNFLOWER - Tithonia rotundifolia

new 7110 Mexican Sunflower 85 days
OP • Heat and drought tolerant • Attracts butterflies • 4-6’ tall • Annual
Gorgeous tall plants with bright orange, 3” daisy-like blooms are stunning both
in the field and in bouquets. Native to Mexico and Central America, Mexican Sunflower
plants tolerate poor, dry soils, but will thrive in any climate. Vigorous, tall plants are easy to
harvest for cut flowers. Flowers are extremely attractive to bees and butterflies. Deadhead
Mexican Sunflower spent blooms to prolong flowering. Approx. 2,800 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $8.00, 1 oz: $35.00, 1/4 lb: $101.00

new 7161 Alaska Mix 60 days
OP • Compact plants • Edible flowers and foliage • Annual
Dark green leaves streaked with white and a mix of yellow, orange, salmon and
Dwarf Jewel Blend crimson flowers. Foliage and flowers are equally beautiful in this mix with variegated
leaves. Delicate blossoms add a gentle, peppery flavor to salads. Stems and leaves have
a refreshing, succulent texture. Tropaeolum minus. Approx. 71,000 seeds/oz.
1/8 oz: $2.95, 1/2 oz: $6.00, 2 oz: $15.00, 1/2 lb: $40.00, 1 lb: $55.00, 5 lb: $45.00/lb

7160 Dwarf Jewel Blend 60 days

OP • Spreading habit • Edible flowers and foliage • 12-24” tall • Annual
Brilliant red, orange, salmon and yellow flowers contrast nicely with round green
leaves. Makes a beautiful border plant. The peppery-tasting edible flowers are exquisite when
stuffed with cream cheese or added to salads for color. Slow to germinate, start as transplants
4-5 weeks before last frost. Plant 16” apart. Tropaeolum majus. Approx. 200 seeds/oz.
1/8 oz: $2.95, 1/2 oz: $9.00, 2 oz: $19.00, 1/2 lb: $50.00, 1 lb: $75.00, 5 lb: $64.00/lb

Alaska Mix 7077 Nasturtium Blend 60 days

OP • Trailing • Vines grow to 10’ long • Edible flowers and foliage • Annual
Attractive, sunny mix of yellow, orange, rose and crimson flowers on trailing
plants. Delicate lilypad-like leaves are just as attractive as the bright flowers. Edible flowers
Nasturtium Blend and foliage are a gourmet treat with flavor reminiscent of peppery watercress. Perfect for
hanging baskets, containers or in the garden. Tropaeolum majus. Approx. 200 seeds/oz.
1/8 oz: $2.95, 1/2 oz: $9.00, 2 oz: $21.60, 1/2 lb: $47.25, 1 lb: $78.75, 5 lb: $73.50/lb

NICOTIANA - Nicotiana alata

7090 Jasmine Scented 75 days

OP • Bedding plant • 24-36” tall • Re-seeding annual
Lovely, pendulous white star-shaped flowers offer their wonderful fragrance to
the night. Pollinated by moths. Very easy to grow; plants will re-seed if left in the garden.
Direct sow seeds by scattering lightly on soil surface or start transplants 6-8 weeks ahead
of planting date. Plant out after last frost date. Approx. 271,000 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $8.30, 1/2 oz: $13.28, 2 oz: $45.25


Jasmine Scented Nicotiana Candlelight Peppers 2801 Candlelight

See peppers, p. 69.

104 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454


7094 California Orange 60 days

OP • Naturalizes in poor, dry soil • 8-12” tall • Re-seeding annual
Simple, silky orange flowers accented by wispy blue-green foliage. Prolific sun-
loving blooms are very attractive in flower beds or naturalized in fields. Start transplants 2-3
weeks before last frost or direct sow after last frost 1/4” deep; transplant carefully and thin
to a final spacing of 6” apart. Eschscholzia californica. Approx. 18,800 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/16 oz: $3.60, 1/4 oz: $8.50, 1 oz: $25.00

7093 Pierrot 65 days

OP • Prefers poor soil • 2-3’ tall • Re-seeding annual
Striking, intensely red blooms with jet-black markings float above airy foliage.
Silky scarlet petals form 3” diameter flowers with four large black markings in the center. Adds
a vibrant splash of color to beds and borders! Flowers have long, wiry stems over light green, California Orange Pierrot
ferny foliage. An abundant seed producer; may naturalize in mild climates. Scatter seeds and
rake in lightly, then thin to 6” apart. Papaver rhoeas. Approx. 142,000 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/16 oz: $5.00, 1/4 oz: $11.00, 1 oz: $38.00

7095 Planète Rouge du Jura 75 days

OP • Prefers poor soil • 3-4’ tall • Re-seeding annual
Tall, gorgeous poppy in shades of lavender, magenta and mauve. Large, luxuriant
4-6” blooms are mostly lavender-pink with a few bright magenta heads mixed in. Each
flower center is ringed by four deep eggplant markings. Blooms contrast attractively with

the waxy gray-green, scalloped foliage. A rare Swiss variety originally developed for seed
and poppy seed oil production. Papaver somniferum. Approx. 28,000 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/16 oz: $6.00, 1/4 oz: $13.00, 1 oz: $45.00

7092 Black Beauty 78 days

OP • 3-4’ tall • Tolerates poor soil • Re-seeding annual
The poppy that looks like a gorgeous peony! With a combination of double flowers
and single petal blooms with dark velvety burgundy color, Black Beauty is a stunning eye- Planète Rouge du Jura Black Beauty
catcher unlike any poppy you’ve ever seen. And like all poppies it’s easy to grow, needs
minimal care, and will re-seed itself. Papaver somniferum. Approx. 18,000 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/16 oz: $8.30, 1/4 oz: $13.25, 1 oz: $43.00

SNAPDRAGON - Antirrhinum majus

7018 Lion’s Mouth Blend 110 days

OP • Excellent cut flower • 12-24” • Annual
Gorgeous blend of bold and pastel colors. Snapdragons are slow growing in spring
but worth the wait, as they bloom continuously through the summer, especially with
trimming. One of the premium cut flowers for bouquets and arrangements. Also
makes a showy border or garden bed. Start indoors 8-10 weeks ahead and set out
after frost, spacing 8-10” apart. Cut when the lower third of the florets are open.
Approx. 100,000 seeds/oz.
1/64 oz: $2.95, 1/16 oz: $9.00, 1/4 oz: $28.00, 1 oz: $85.00
Zohar F1
SUNFLOWER- Helianthus annuus

7099 Zohar F1 50 days

HYBRID • Pollenless cut flower • 4-6” flowers • 3-4’ tall • Annual
Pollenless sunflower for cut flowers. Greater holding capacity as a cut flower and
no mess from shedding pollen! Single-stemmed plants bear flowers with rays of orange-
yellow petals surrounding a fully sterile dark center. Approx. 600 seeds/oz.
25 seeds: $2.95, 100 seeds: $9.00, 1M seeds: $35.00, 5M seeds: $30.00/M, 25M
seeds: $27.60/M

7102 Teddy Bear 50-63 days

OP • Good container variety • 2-3’ tall • Annual
Loads of big, golden yellow, puffy-looking blooms. Great selection for a kids’
garden! Sturdy, dwarf plants have an upright habit. Teddy Bear is nice for cutting
and equally nice for a colorful garden border. Suitable for containers. Approx. 1,300
1/16 oz: $2.95, 1/4 oz: $6.30, 1 oz: $10.20, 1/4 lb: $22.10, 1 lb: $52.50 Lion’s Mouth Blend Teddy Bear

7109 Lemon Queen 70 days

OP • Excellent cut flower • Attracts bees • 5-7’ tall • Annual
Buttery pale yellow petals contrast nicely with a wide brown center. This well-
known variety has one large main flower followed by smaller, branching secondary
flowers of excellent quality. Each flower has a long stem and holds well in bouquets.
Plants bloom for a long period of time. Approx. 700 seeds/oz.
1/16 oz: $2.95, 1/4 oz: $6.15, 1 oz: $7.95, 1/4 lb: $17.00, 1 lb: $55.00

7097 Goldy Double 75 days

OP • Attracts bees • 5-6’ tall • Annual
Large, fully double and fuzzy blooms soft enough to cuddle with. Multi-branching
plants have numerous bright yellow, eye catching pompom-like flowers adored by
children and just about everyone else. Will bloom longer than any other type; highly
vigorous and productive. Approx. 550 seeds/oz.
1/16 oz: $2.95, 1/4 oz: $10.00, 1 oz: $29.00, 1/4 lb: $85.00, 1 lb: $225.00
Lemon Queen Goldy Double

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 105
7106 Hella Sonnenblume 75-80 days
OP • Superb cut flower • 2-3’ tall • Annual
A stunning dwarf sunflower for bouquets! Lovely 4” diameter gold-petaled blooms
are incredibly uniform on sturdy 12” stems. Cute, undeniably dwarf plants reach only
3.5’ in height, but from the main stalk each produces an abundance of long, ruler-
straight stems perfect for cutting. Easy to harvest with long vase life—an instant stand-
out in our recent trials! From our friends at Swiss biodynamic seed company Sativa
Seeds. Approx. 2,000 seeds/oz.
1/16 oz: $3.95, 1/4 oz: $9.00, 1 oz: $27.00, 1/4 lb: $69.00, 1 lb: $195.00

7101 Soraya 78-90 days

OP • Superb cut flower • 6’ tall • Annual
Vigorous variety loaded with rich orange-gold single 4-6” blooms on sturdy
stalks. Mahogany brown centers and plenty of branching for up to 25 blooms per plant
Hella Sonnenblume Soraya on 18” long stems. The first sunflower to win an All-America Selections (AAS) award;
holds up exceptionally well as a cut flower. Approx. 1,700 seeds/oz.
1/16 oz: $3.50, 1/4 oz: $10.25, 1 oz: $20.00, 1/4 lb: $46.00, 1 lb: $150.00

7098 Evening Colors Blend 85 days

OP • Great cut flower • Attracts bees and butterflies • 8’ tall • Annual
Each plant carries an amazing variety of gold and pale yellow flowers with dusty
rose to pink rings. An unusual genetic mix with few solid colors and chocolatey brown
centers. Well-branched; stems average 18” long with single heads. Great for bouquets
and provides a long season of color! Approx. 1,100 seeds/oz.

1/16 oz: $2.95, 1/4 oz: $7.15, 1 oz: $9.43, 1/4 lb: $20.15, 1 lb: $65.00

7096 Autumn Beauty Blend 90-100 days

OP • Food for birds and bees • Tall 7’ plants • Annual
An explosion of 4-6” flowers in the rich colors of fall. Flowers seem to glow in an
array of gold, bronze, orange and scarlet tones with lots of bicolors. Well-branched tall
plants with numerous flowers over a long season. Good bird food selection with lots of
Evening Colors Blend Hopi Black Dye oil-rich seeds. Approx. 1,100 seeds/oz.
1/16 oz: $2.95, 1/4 oz: $9.75, 1 oz: $12.50, 1/4 lb: $27.25, 1 lb: $84.50

7103 Hopi Black Dye 95 days

HEIRLOOM • Natural dye source • 7-11’ tall
A Hopi heirloom prized for its purple-black seeds, used especially for coloring
baskets. High Mowing sold this variety in our very first catalog, and we brought it back
in part to complete the circle of our journey, and in part because it’s a cool cat variety.
Like us, it’s scrappy and resilient and does a lot with a little, where the seeds are good for
dye but also for food or feed, and are the best for de-hullling. The massive, tall flowers
are classically sunflower beautiful, with yellow rays around purple-black centers. Grown
for countless generations, this variety will almost certainly still be used to make dye a
hundreds years from now. Approx. 500 seeds/oz.
1/16 oz: $2.95, 1/4 oz: $8.30, 1 oz: $25.00, 1/4 lb: $82.00, 1 lb: $275.00

7107 Velvet Queen 100 days

OP • Great cut flower • Attracts bees • 5’ tall • Annual
Autumn Beauty Blend Deep velvety crimson blooms accented with traces of yellow around a black
center. Foliage is distinct and attractive and the plants are free branching, bearing lots
of 5-6” blooms that are lovely for cutting. A chic and sophisticated sunflower for cut-
flower connoisseurs. Approx. 550 seeds/oz.
1/16 oz: $2.95, 1/4 oz: $6.60, 1 oz: $14.70, 1/4 lb: $29.40, 1 lb: $79.80

7100 Mammoth 110 days

OP • Food for birds and bees • Fun for kids • 12’ tall • Annual
The giant of all sunflowers with tall, thick stalks supporting huge heads that
tower over the garden. This single-stemmed variety is a very fast and vigorous
grower, perfect for creating living walls or fences, sunflower houses, kids’ gardens and
more. Also a great variety for edible seeds or feeding the birds. Towering plants are
beloved by children, birds and bees. Approx. 295 seeds/oz.
1/8 oz: $2.95, 2 oz: $11.00, 1/2 lb: $17.50, 1 lb: $26.50, 5 lbs: $22.00/lb

SWEET PEA - Lathyrus odoratus

Velvet Queen Mammoth
7088 Royal Family 80-90 days
OP • Good cut flower • Climbs 5-6’
Spectacular mix of large pink, purple, blue, lavender and white blooms
on long stems for bunching. Great fragrance! Early to flower with bigger, frillier
blooms than Painted Lady. Wonderful, unusual colors including navy blue, black,
maroon, salmon and rose. Superior quality for bunching and mixed bouquets.
Approx. 300 seeds/oz. Limited availability.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $6.00, 1/2 oz: $9.00, 2 oz: $17.00

7089 Painted Lady 85 days

HEIRLOOM • Early flowering • Vigorous vines • Annual
Lovely bi-colored blooms in pink, purple and burgundy with incredible fragrance.
Two-toned flowers with bright pink banners and light pink wings or burgundy banners
with purple wings. Densely clustered flowers for excellent ornamental quality. This
variety dates to 1737 and was planted by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello in the early
1800s. Approx. 300 seeds/oz.
Royal Family 1/16 oz: $2.95, 1/4 oz: $7.50, 1 oz: $17.30, 1/4 lb: $37.70
Painted Lady

106 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

SWEET WILLIAM - Dianthus barbatus

7067 Electron Blend 100-120 days

OP • Pollinator-attractant • Excellent cut flower • 18-24” tall • Biennial
Electrifying mix of red, pink and white bi-color blossoms, each with bright white
highlights. Clusters of up to 30 flowers fill bouquets and borders with its spicy clove-like
scent. Start transplants 10-12 weeks before last frost, setting out in cold weather for same year
blossoms; or direct sow in early to mid-summer for next years’ blooms. Approx. 28M
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $7.40, 1/2 oz: $18.40, 2 oz: $63.00

ZINNIA - Zinnia elegans

7150 County Fair Blend 75-90 days Electron Blend County Fair Blend
OP • Excellent cut flower • Attracts butterflies • 24-36” plants • Annual
Warm-toned mix of pink, orange, purple, gold and cream blooms. An excellent
cut flower that blooms until frost; the more you cut the more they grow! 2-5” blooms ideal for
borders and bouquets. Heat and disease tolerant. Zinnias last longer if you change the water
in the vase every two days and keep out of direct sunlight. Approx. 2,700 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $5.00, 1/2 oz: $12.00, 2 oz: $34.00

7147 Giant Coral 75-90 days

OP • Excellent cut flower • Attracts butterflies • 40-50” plants • Annual
Large, fully double red-coral blooms ideal for cut flowers or bright borders.

Lovely salmon-pink to coral flowers on long, sturdy stems. Huge 4” blooms. Disease and
heat tolerant, and holds up well in the vase. Change water often for longest life. Direct
seed or start transplants 3-4 weeks before last frost date. Approx. 3,400 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $10.00, 1/2 oz: $22.00, 2 oz: $44.00

7148 Giant Purple 75-90 days Giant Coral Giant Purple

OP • Excellent cut flower • Attracts butterflies • 40-50” plants • Annual
Big, fully double magenta blooms for a sophisticated statement in borders and
bouquets. Huge, 4-6” purple blooms on long, sturdy stems. Disease and heat tolerant, and
holds up well in the vase. Change water often for longest life. Approx. 3,400 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $10.00, 1/2 oz: $20.00, 2 oz: $40.00

7149 Golden Yellow 75-90 days

OP • Excellent cut flower • Attracts butterflies • 30-36” plants • Annual
Fully double gold blooms make a dazzling display in the garden. Well-branched stems
provide a continuous supply of easy-to-grow 3-4” blooms that hold up well in a vase. Excellent
heat and cold tolerance keep this variety productive until frost. Approx. 5M seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $10.00, 1/2 oz: $20.00, 2 oz: $40.00

7145 Red Scarlet 85 days

OP • Excellent cut flower • Attracts butterflies • 30-36” plants • Annual
Deep scarlet blooms for an eye-catching variety superior to many others. A great Red Scarlet
cutting type with many high quality flowers and attractive foliage. Dramatic in mass plantings.
A standout for quality and cold tolerance in our trials. Approx. 3,900 seeds/oz.
1/32 oz: $2.95, 1/8 oz: $13.25, 1/2 oz: $33.00, 2 oz: $62.00


7045 Beeline Pollinator Mix 55 days

OP • Attracts bees, butterflies and other pollinators • 24-36” tall • Annual
Give your bees a support group with this pollinator-friendly collection! A
diverse nutrition source for a wide variety of bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Purple-flowered phacelia is the star of this mix, providing important bee forage over a
long season, while sunflowers, cosmos, herbs and other flowers provide favorite pollen
and nectar sources to both domesticated and wild bees. May contain cosmos, bachelor
button, sunflower, mustards and phacelia. 7,900 seeds/oz. Seeding rate: 1 oz/200 square
feet or 1 lb for 3,200 sq ft. Beeline
1 oz: $14.50, 1/4 lb: $35.00, 1 lb: $79.00, 5 lb: $57.00/lb, 25 lb*: 44.00/lb Golden Yellow Pollinator Mix
*Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 107
Cover Crops

Stephen turns in a cover crop of field peas and oats on our seed production farm in Vermont.

We are pleased to offer a wide variety of cover crops for nearly every season and Cover crops range from hardy winter varieties like Winter Rye and Hairy Vetch to
purpose. Cover crops can be used to improve soil health through a wide variety of reseeding annual varieties like Crimson Clover. Most cover crops are intended to be
mechanisms. These mechanisms include adding organic matter and nutrients, smothering mowed or tilled in several weeks before planting of vegetable crops. Generally, home

weeds, breaking up compacted soil, preventing erosion, providing forage and attracting gardeners can plant cover crops by broadcast sowing over freshly turned soil, ideally
beneficial insects. Each cover crop should be sown at a par ticular time; for your before a rain. Just before the cover crops set seed they can be cut with a scythe or
convenience we have noted below each item name when the crop should be sown and mower and then be turned under with a rototiller. Annual cover crops that winter-kill
some of its primary uses. may be easier to grow.


8085 Annual Ryegrass

OP • Sow spring to late summer • Hardy to Zone 6 • Annual
Quick-to-establish, versatile annual grass. Used for weed suppression, erosion
control, adding organic matter, or as a nutrient catch. Broadcast seed at 20-30 lbs/acre. If
soil is tilled and moist, no need to incorporate; if dry or using for culti-packing, drill 10-20 lbs/
acre, 1/4-1/2 inch deep. Lolium multiflorum. Seeding rate: 10-20 lbs/acre, ½ lb/1,000 sq ft.

8111 BMR Sorghum-Sudangrass F1

OP • Sow in spring • Drought tolerant • Annual
Heat and drought tolerant cross between sorghum and Sudangrass. For
building biomass, smothering weeds and penetrating compact soils. With growth up
to 12’ tall and dry matter production of 4,000-5,000 lbs/acre, it makes an excellent
BMR Sorghum- soil builder. Adaptable to much of the U.S., provided the soil temperature reaches
Annual Ryegrass Sudangrass F1 65°F two months before the first frost. Seed 0.5-1.5” deep; shallower in heavier soils,
deeper in sandy soils. Sorghum bicolor X Sorghum bicolor var. Sudanese. Seeding rate: 35
lbs/acre drilled, 40-50 lbs/acre broadcast.

8010 Common Buckwheat

OP • Sow in spring • Fast grower • Annual
Warm season crop for building soil and smothering weeds. Planting several successions
in a season can be effective for eradicating persistent annual weeds which are out-competed
by buckwheat’s quick growth. Loosens clay, increases phosphorus and holds fertility for the
next crop. Sow after danger of frost has passed, up to 45 days before the first frost. Fagopyrum
esculentum. Seeding rate: 35-135 lbs/acre, 2-3 lbs/1,000 sq ft.

8020 Oats
OP • Sow spring or late summer • Mulching cover • Annual
Thick roots that hold the soil and create mats of straw mulch. Sow oats in spring for
grain or as a nurse crop for clover and field peas. Sow in late summer as a cover crop to
winter-kill at about 15°F. Great for late summer sowing between corn and beans! Avena sativa.
Seeding rate: 90 lbs/acre, 3-4 lbs/1,000 sq ft..
Common Buckwheat Oats
8115 Phacelia
OP • Annual • Premium pollinator attractant
The blossom no self-respecting pollinator can resist! Highly attractive to
honeybees, bumblebees, and beneficial syrphid flies. Phacelia is widely adaptable and
tolerates drought better than most, but requires dark and a little cool for good germination,
so bury seed at least ¼ inch deep. Often grown together with buckwheat, which acts as
a nurse crop for the slower germinating phacelia. Once established, the phacelia will take
over the planting and flower over a long season. But a word of caution—don’t put in a big
planting too close to a crop you need pollinated as you’ll draw off all your worker bees!
Phacelia tanacetifolia. Seeding rate: 7-12 lbs/acre, 1/4 lb/1,000 sq ft.

8030 Winter Rye

OP • Sow in late summer • Prevents erosion • Perennial
Popular fall cover crop that does not winter-kill. Growth continues much later into the
fall than other cover crops, with early spring growth that protects soil from erosion. Vigorous,
deep roots add lots of organic matter. Often grown with vetch (mix also available). Correct
timing of spring turn-in is important to successfully kill rye. Secale cereale. Seeding rate: 100 lbs/
Phacelia acre, 3-4 lbs/1,000 sq ft.

108 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

8000 Tilling Radish
OP • Sow in fall • Fast growing • Builds biomass
Excellent fall cover crop for reducing compaction and building soil organic matter.
Fast growing crop provides excellent weed suppression. Taproots up to 30” long aerate the
soil, reduce compaction, scavenge nutrients, lighten clay soils and increase yields. Sow 8-10 lbs/
acre 4-10 weeks before the first killing frost. Raphanus sativus. Seeding rate: 8-10 lbs/acre, 1/4
lb/1,000 sq ft.


8112 Crimson Clover

OP • Sow in spring or fall • Nitrogen fixer • Reseeding annual
Beautiful, versatile cover with large red flowers. Can be used as a Nitrogen source,
for soil building, erosion prevention, ground cover, forage and to attract beneficial insects.
Thrives and displays rapid growth in cool, moist conditions. Has an ability to tolerate
shade, making it useful for undersowing. Trifolium incarnatum. Seeding rate: 20 lbs/acre, ½ Tilling Radish Field Peas
lb/1,000 sq ft.

8070 Field Peas

OP • Sow early spring to summer • Nitrogen fixer • Annual
Good N-fixer, green manure and weed suppressant. Tops can be harvested for
edible shoots! Adds 170 lbs/acre of nitrogen to the soil. Final sowing for winter cover
should be about 6-8 weeks before first fall frost. Peas prefer cool, moist conditions and

will survive frost but winter-kill at 15°F. Pisum sativum subsp. arvense. Seeding rate: 200
lbs/acre, 6-8 lbs/1,000 sq ft.

8060 Hairy Vetch

OP • Sow in fall • Nitrogen fixer • Perennial
Vigorous crop praised for its winter hardiness and N-fixation. Vetch can add
3,000-4,000 lbs of organic matter per acre. Best sown in fall, it tolerates acidic and low
fertility soils but requires good drainage. Pair with winter rye for overwintering cover; will
regrow vigorously in the spring (mix also available). Vicia villosa. Seeding rate: 30-40 lbs/acre,
1 lb/1,000 sq ft.

8080 Medium Red Clover

OP • Sow spring to fall • Nitrogen fixer • Perennial Crimson Clover
Beautiful crop for N-fixation, hay, pasture and green manure. Fixes 100 lbs of Nitrogen
per acre and mines nutrients from deep in the soil. Smaller than Mammoth red clover;
regrows vigorously after mowing or grazing. Incorporate after the second growth season.
Perennial if not plowed under. Trifolium pratense. Seeding rate: 20 lbs/acre, ½ lb/1,000 sq ft.

8113 White Clover

OP • Sow spring to late summer • Nitrogen fixer • Perennial
Low growing N-fixer excellent for undersowing in existing cropped areas.
Somewhat slow to establish, once underway white clover will fill in rapidly. A perennial
that can survive mowing or trampling. Combine with annual ryegrass to sow drive-
rows, pathways or high traffic areas to minimize soil compaction and improve soil
health. Trifolium repens. Seeding rate: 5-9 lbs/acre drilled, 7-14 lbs/acre broadcast.

8040 Yellow Sweet Clover

OP • Drought tolerant • Sow spring to summer • Biennial
Excellent yellow flowered green manure and honey plant. Rugged plant with long
taproots that mine nutrients from deep in the soil, becoming 8’ tall and graceful with
yellow flowers in its second year. May winter-kill without snow cover. Sow with 50 lbs
of oats as a nurse crop. Fixes 100-170 lbs of N per acre. Melilotus officinalis. Seeding
rate: 15 lbs/acre, 1/2 lb/1,000 sq ft. Hairy Vetch Field Peas/Oats Mix


8100 Field Peas/Oats Mix

OP • Sow spring to late summer • Mulching cover • Annual
A versatile grass/legume combo for all-season use. Provides N-fixation, deep root
penetration, winter cover and more. Sow no later than 6-8 weeks before first fall frost
for use as a winter cover that winter-kills at about 15°F, leaving behind a great mulch.
(70% peas/30% oats by weight). Seeding rate: 180 lbs/acre, 5-6 lbs/1,000 sq ft.

8110 Field Peas/Oats/Vetch Mix

OP • Sow in spring • Adds organic matter
Ideal for soil lacking organic matter. Adds up to 8,000 lbs/acre of organic matter to
your soil in a vigorous mix that will outcompete weeds. Sturdy oats support Nitrogen-
fixing pea and vetch vines. Plant in early spring and mow or disc in the fall. (70%
peas/15% oats/15% vetch by weight). Seeding rate: 210 lbs/acre, 6-8 lbs/1,000 sq ft.

8090 Winter Rye/Hairy Vetch Mix Yellow Sweet Clover

OP • Sow fall, mow spring • Adds Nitrogen and organic matter
A combination of grass and legume cover crops. The vetch fixes Nitrogen; rye adds
organic matter and protects the less hardy vetch from winter damage. Regrows vigorously
in spring. Sow late summer into fall; mow and turn in after vetch flowers in the spring. INOCULANTS
(75% rye/25% vetch by weight). Seeding rate: 90 lbs/acre, 3-4 lbs/1,000 sq ft.
94535 Guard-N: for Peas/Vetch (Treats 8 lbs) $5.50
7045 Beeline Pollinator Mix 94536 Guard-N: for Peas/Vetch (Treats 50 lbs) $6.95
See Flowers, page 107. 94538 N-Dure: for Alfalfa/Clover (Treats 50 lbs) $6.50

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 109
COVER CROP SEED - SOLD BY SEED WEIGHT 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb* 50 lb*
8085 Annual Ryegrass $10.65 $5.71/lb $3.24/lb $2.64/lb
8111 BMR Sorghum-Sudangrass F1 $8.00 $3.80/lb $2.92/lb $2.60/lb
8010 Common Buckwheat $3.00/lb $1.72/lb $1.50/lb
8112 Crimson Clover $12.95 $9.00/lb $7.08/lb $6.22/lb
8070 Field Peas $3.80/lb $2.80/lb $2.55/lb
8100 Field Peas/Oats Mix $2.64/lb $1.28/lb $1.09/lb
8110 Field Peas/Oats/Vetch Mix $3.60/lb $2.12/lb $1.90/lb
8060 Hairy Vetch $9.45 $7.00/lb $3.64/lb $3.40/lb
8080 Medium Red Clover $9.80 $7.40/lb $6.00/lb $5.50/lb
8020 Oats $2.40/lb $1.00/lb $0.92/lb
8115 Phacelia $16.50 $12.50/lb $10.00/lb $7.80/lb
8000 Tilling Radish $16.00 $10.80/lb $8.80/lb $6.50/lb
8113 White Clover $25.00 $19.00/lb $17.40/lb $13.96/lb
8030 Winter Rye $2.30/lb $0.86/lb $0.77/lb
8090 Winter Rye/Hairy Vetch Mix $2.95/lb $1.68/lb $1.35/lb
8040 Yellow Sweet Clover $11.00 $7.60/lb $5.40/lb $4.50/lb
Larger volumes available; please call for pricing. *Please see shipping charges on page 55 for individual items weighing 25 lbs or more.

Gift Boxes

HC-CG Container Garden (10 packets) $27.50

These varieties do well in containers and will provide color and flavor to a sunny porch,
patio, window box or rooftop!
INCLUDES: Nasturtium Flowers • Basil • Cilantro • Kale • Pepper • Pea • Mesclun
Mix • Cherry Tomato • Carrot • Cucumber  

HC-GS Garden Starter (10 packets) $27.50

Looking for a simple way to start your garden? These varieties can be directly planted
into your garden or pots and are easy to grow and rewarding to harvest.
INCLUDES: Bush Bean • Beet • Mustard Mix • Carrot • Lettuce Blend • Snap Pea •
Radish • Calendula Flowers • Basil • Cucumber

HC-HVL Heirloom Vegetable Lovers (10 packets) $27.50

This collection features vegetable varieties that have been passed down by seed savers
over the years, prized for their unique color, shape and flavor.
INCLUDES: Beet • Radish • Chard • Kale • Shell Pea • Lettuce • Tomato •
Cucumber • Summer Squash • Carrot

HC-WG Winter Garden (5 packets) $13.75

These cold-hardy varieties are planted in the fall for harvest throughout the winter in
mild climates or overwintered for spring growth in colder regions.
INCLUDES: Lettuce Blend • Arugula  • Kale • Spinach  • Radish

HC-KG Kid’s Garden (5 packets) $13.75

Super fun, easy-to-grow varieties that will enchant children of all ages.
INCLUDES: Sunflower • Pumpkin • Carrot • Pole Bean • Nasturtium Flowers

HC-BG A Bee’s Garden (5 packets) $13.75

The flowers of these plants attract beneficial insects to your garden, helping to maintain
garden health without harmful chemicals.
INCLUDES: Dill • Sage • Fennel • Cosmos Flowers • Calendula Flowers

HC-KH Kitchen Herbs (5 packets) $13.75

Perfect for any gardener or cook who loves the fragrant flavor that fresh herbs add to a dish.
INCLUDES: Dill • Parsley • Basil • Cilantro • Thyme

HC-OS Open Source (5 packets) $13.75

As a response to the increasing privatization of seed resources, the Open Source Seed
Initiative (OSSI) was created to “free the seed” and ensure that some seed breeding material
remains in the public domain, available for all to use.
INCLUDES: Stocky Red Roaster Sweet Pepper • Abundant Bloomsdale Spinach •
Emerald Oak Lettuce • Siber-Frill Kale • Midnight Lightning Zucchini

HC-SS Summer of Sunflowers (3 packets) $8.25

Pick a sunny spot, plant your sunflower seeds, and enjoy the diversity of height, colors
and bloom time.
INCLUDES: Three packets of sunflowers offering a kaleidoscope of orange, red and gold.

HC-SG Easy Salad Greens (3 packets) $8.25

These easy salad greens grow anywhere—perfect for containers or a small garden space.
INCLUDES: Spinach • Arugula • Lettuce Blend

HC-TS Three Sisters (3 packets) $8.25

Pole beans climb corn stalks and provide Nitrogen, while winter squash plants shade out
weeds in this set of companion plants which Native Americans call the Three Sisters.
Garden Starter Gift Box Collection INCLUDES: Corn • Pole Bean • Winter Squash

110 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

Planting Chart *Spacing requirements may vary. Due to the wide variety of tools and techniques available
Cut out this page & bring it with you! to both gardeners and commercial growers, this chart should only be used as a guide.

CROP TYPE Avg. Seeds/Unit, Initial Spacing Final Spacing Seed Planting Row Spacing Direct Sow or Soil Temp (°F) Start Transplants When to
M=1,000 for direct seeding for DS or TP Depth Transplant for germination (before setting out) Plant Out

Artichokes 625/oz 1-2' same 1/4" 5' TP 60-80° 10-12 weeks After last frost
Bean, 145/oz 1-2" same 1-2" 18-30" DS 60-80° n/a After last frost
Bush, Dry
Bean, 145/oz 2-3" same 1-2" 18-30" DS 60-80° n/a After last frost
Bush, Snap
Bean, 145/oz 1-2" same 1-2" 5’ DS 60-80° n/a After last frost
Bean, 90/oz 6 seeds/ft same 1-2" 12-30" DS 70-90° n/a After last frost
2M/oz 15 seeds/ft 2-3" 1-2" 18-24" DS 60-85° n/a As soon as soil
Beet can be worked
Broccoli 7.5M/oz 8-12” same 1/4-1/2" 18" DS or TP 65-85° 4-6 weeks After last hard frost
Broccoli, 7.5M/oz 3 seeds/ft 6-12" 1/2" 18" DS 50-65° n/a After last frost
Sprouting or in late summer
9.3M/oz 18” same 1/4-1/2" 18-30" DS or TP 65-75° 4-6 weeks As soon as soil
Brussels Sprouts can be worked
Cabbage, 7.3M/oz 2-4 seeds/ft 12" 1/2" 18-30" DS or TP 70-95° 4-6 weeks When nights
Chinese/Napa are at least 50°F
Cabbage, 7.3M/oz 2-4 seeds/ft 12" 1/2" 18-30" DS or TP 55-95° 4-6 weeks After last hard frost
Fresh Market
Cabbage, 7.3M/oz 2-4 seeds/ft 12" 1/2" 18-30" DS or TP 55-95° 4-6 weeks 10 weeks
Storage before first frost
18M/oz 30 seeds/ft 1-2" 1/4-1/2" 12-18" DS 60-85° n/a As soon as soil
Carrot can be worked
Cauliflower 6.3M/oz 2-4" 12" 1/4-1/2" 18-30" DS or TP 55-80° 4-6 weeks After last hard frost

67.8M/oz 8" same 1/8" 18-24" TP 60-70° 10-12 weeks 2-3 weeks
Celery/Celeriac before last frost
Chard, 1.5M/oz 6 seeds/ft 8-12" 1/2" 18-30" DS or TP 65-85° 4-6 weeks After last hard frost
Chard, 1.5M/oz 40 seeds/ft same 1/2" 2-6" DS 65-85° n/a After last hard frost
Baby in 2" band
7.5M/oz 3 seeds/ft" 12-18" 1/4-1/2" 18-30" DS or TP 70-95° 4 weeks As soon as soil
Collards can be worked
Corn, 100-250/oz 2-4" 8-10" 1-2" 30-36" DS or TP 60-95° 7-10 days When soil is
Early Season at least 55°F
Corn, 100-250/oz 2-4" 8-12" 1-2" 30-36" DS or TP 60-95° 7-10 days When soil is
Mid-Late Season at least 55°F
Cucumber, 1.1M/oz 3 seeds/ft 12" 1/2" 5-6' TP 75-90° 3-4 weeks When temps in GH
Greenhouse reach at least 55°F
Cucumber, 1.1M/oz 3 seeds/ft 12" 1/2" 5-6' DS or TP 75-90° 3-4 weeks One week
Pickling after last frost
Cucumber, 1.1M/oz 3 seeds/ft 12" 1/2" 5-6' DS or TP 75-90° 3-4 weeks One week
Slicing after last frost
6.5M/oz 12-18" 12-18" 1/4" 24-36" TP 75-90° 8-12 weeks When nights
Eggplant are at least 50°F
Fennel 6.4M/oz 6 seeds/ft 6" 1/4-1/2" 12-24" DS or TP 60-65° 4-5 weeks After last hard frost
Garlic, 50 cloves/lb 2 cloves/ft same 2" with mulch, 18" DS 55-85° n/a After first frost and
Softneck 3-4" without before ground freezes
Garlic, 40 cloves/lb 2 cloves/ft same 2" with mulch, 18" DS 55-85° n/a After first frost and
Hardneck 3-4" without before ground freezes
Greens, 20M/oz 60 seeds/ft same 1/8" 2-6" between DS 55-85° n/a As soon as soil
Baby Leaf/Salad in 2-4" bands bands can be worked
Greens, 15M/oz 10 seeds/ft 4-6" 1/4" 18" DS 65-85° n/a As soon as soil
Arugula, Full Size can be worked
Greens, 12M/oz 60 seeds/ft same 1/4" 3-4" between DS 70-95° n/a As soon as soil
Asian, Baby in 2-4" bands bands can be worked
Greens, 1500/oz 40 seeds/ft same 1-2" 2-4" between DS 60-85° n/a As soon as soil
Beet in 2-4" bands bands can be worked
Greens, 10M/oz 1/2” apart in same 1/4" 2-4" between DS 65-85° n/a As soon as soil
Cress, Garden 2-4" bands bands can be worked
Greens, 19M/oz 1" 4" 1/4" 12-18" DS 65-85° n/a After last frost
Cress, Upland
Greens, 17-20M/oz 30 seeds/ft in same 1/8" 3-4" between DS or TP 60-85° 6-8 weeks As soon as soil
Endive, Baby 2-4” bands bands can be worked
Greens, 13M/oz 6 seeds/ft 4-6" 1/8" 18-24" DS 65-85° n/a As soon as soil
Endive, Belgian can be worked
Greens, 12-16M/oz 2" 10-12" 1/8" 12-18" DS or TP 60-85° 6-8 weeks As soon as soil
Escarole, Full Size can be worked
Greens, 14-18M/oz 60 seeds/ft same 1/4" 3-4" between DS 65-85° n/a As soon as soil
Mustard in 2-4" bands bands can be worked

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 111
CROP TYPE Avg. Seeds/Unit, Initial Spacing Final Spacing Seed Planting Row Spacing Direct Sow or Soil Temp (°F) Start Transplants When to
M=1,000 for direct seeding DS or TP Depth Transplant for germination (before setting out) Plant Out
Greens, 65M/oz 1/2" 4-6" 1/4" 16-20" DS 68-74° n/a After last frost
Greens, 14M/oz 8 seeds/ft 8-12" 1/4" 24" DS or TP 68-85° 4-6 weeks After last frost
Greens, 1-2M/oz 60 seeds/ft same 1/4" 2-3" between DS 55-85° n/a As soon as soil
Radish in 2-4" bands bands can be worked
Herbs, 13-40M/oz 4-8" same 1/4" 12-24" DS or TP 70-90° 4-6 weeks After last frost
Herbs, 6-26M/oz 4-8" annual, same 1/4-1/2" 18-24" DS or TP 60-70° 10-12 weeks After last hard frost
Chives 12-18" perennial
Herbs, 2M/oz 2" 4" 1/4" 12" DS or TP 50-80° 4-6 weeks After last hard frost
Herbs, 15M/oz 10 seeds/ft 2-4" 1/4" 18-24" DS 50-80° n/a After last hard frost
Herbs, 12-20M/oz 1/4" 12-18" 1/4" 18-24" DS or TP 50-80° 6-8 weeks After last hard frost
Kale, 7.5M/oz 60 seeds/ft same 1/4-1/2" 2-6" DS 70-95° n/a As soon as soil
Baby in 2" bands can be worked
Kale, 7.5M/oz 3 seeds/ft 12" 1/4-1/2" 18-36" DS or TP 70-95° 4 weeks After last hard frost
Full Size
6.5M/oz 8 seeds/ft 4-10" 1/4-1/2" 12-18" DS or TP 65-85° 4-6 weeks As soon as soil
Kohlrabi can be worked
10.5M/oz 6 seeds/ft" 6" 1/4" 18-30" TP 60-80° 10-12 weeks As soon as soil
Leek can be worked
Lettuce, 25M/oz 60 seeds/ft same 1/8" 2-6" between DS 40-80° n/a After last hard frost
Baby Leaf in 2" bands bands
Lettuce, 25M/oz 12 seeds/ft 6-16" 1/8" 12-18" DS or TP 40-80° 3-4 weeks After last hard frost
Full Size
Lettuce, 20-30M/oz 3" 4-6" 1/8" 4-6" TP 40-80° 3-4 weeks After last hard frost
Melon 1.12M/oz 12-18" 12-18" 1/2" 5-6' DS or TP 75-95° 4 weeks After last frost

Okra 450/oz 6-12" 12-18" 1" 3' DS or TP 75-95° 6 weeks After last frost

Onions/Shallots 7M/oz 20 seeds/ft 3-4" 1/8-1/4" 12-18" TP 50-95° 8-12 weeks After last hard frost
Onions, 12.5M/oz 50 seeds/ft same 1/4-1/2" 12-18" DS 50-95° n/a As soon as soil
Bunching/Scallions in 2" bands can be worked
6-7M/oz 20 seeds/ft 2-3" 1/2" 18-24" DS 50-65° n/a After last frost
Parsnip in 2" bands
Peas, 130/oz 1-1 1/2" same 1-2" 18-24" DS 50-75° n/a As soon as soil
Dwarf can be worked
Peas, 130/oz 1-1 1/2" same 1-2" 4-6' DS 50-75° n/a As soon as soil
Trellising can be worked
Pepper 4M/oz 12-18" same 1/4" 18-30" TP 68-95° 6-8 weeks After last frost
Potatoes, 8-10 pieces/lb 10-12" same 3-6" 30-36" DS 50-75° n/a 1-2 weeks
Full Size before last frost
Potatoes, 12-16 pieces/lb 10-12" same 3-6" 30-36" DS 50-75° n/a 1-2 weeks
New/Fingerling before last frost
Pumpkin, 123-327/oz 2-3 seeds/18" 18" 1/2-1" 5-6' DS or TP 70-90° 3-4 weeks After last frost
Pumpkin, 123-327/oz 2-3 seeds/36" 24-36" 1/2-1" 5-6' DS or TP 70-90° 3-4 weeks After last frost
Radish, 2.7M/oz 6-8 seeds/ft same 1/4-1/2" 6-12" DS 55-85° n/a As soon as soil
Winter can be worked
Radish, 2.7M/oz 20 seeds/ft same 1/4-1/2" 6-12" DS 55-85° n/a As soon as soil
Garden can be worked
Rutabaga 11M/oz 2" 6" 3/4" 18-24 DS 60-95° n/a Spring/early summer
Spinach, 2.6M/oz 40 seeds/ft same 1/8-1/4" 4-12" between DS 45-65° n/a As soon as soil can be
Baby Leaf in 2" bands bands worked until early fall
Spinach, 2.6M/oz 10 seeds/ft 2" 1/8-1/4" 8-12" DS 45-65° n/a As soon as soil can be
Full Size worked until early fall
Squash, 315/oz 6-12" 18-24" 1/2-1" 5' DS or TP 70-90° 3-4 weeks After last frost
Squash, 105-470/oz 6-12" 18-24" 1/2-1" 5-6' DS or TP 70-90° 3-4 weeks After last frost
Winter, Bush
Squash, 105-470/oz 6-12" 18-24" 1/2-1" 5-6' DS or TP 70-90° 3-4 weeks After last frost
Winter, Vining
Tomato, 280-350/gm 16-36" same 1/4" 5-6' TP 60-85° 6-8 weeks After last frost
Tomato, 280-350/gm 12-24" same 1/4" 5-6' TP 60-85° 6-8 weeks After last frost
Tomato, 280-350/gm 16-24" same 1/4" 5-6' TP 60-85° 6-8 weeks When temps in GH
Greenhouse reach at least 65°F
Tomatillo 18M/oz 12-18" same 1/4" 4-6' TP 60-85° 4-5 weeks After last frost

12.5/oz 8 seeds/ft" 2-4" 3/4" 12-18" DS 60-95° n/a As soon as soil

Turnip can be worked
Watermelon 625/oz 6-12" 18-24" 1/2" 5-6' DS or TP 75-95° 4 weeks After last frost

Zucchini 200/oz 6-12" 18-24" 1/2-1" 5' DS or TP 70-90° 3-4 weeks After last frost

112 highmowingseeds.com toll free (866) 735- 4454

Broccoli & Sprouting Broccoli................9

Thank you!
Brussels Sprouts......................................11
Celery & Celeriac................................... 20
Community Supported Seeds...............70
Collards.................................................... 22
Corn.......................................................... 23
Cover Crops.......................................... 108
Cucumbers............................................... 25
Fennel....................................................... 29
Flowers................................................... 102

Garlic......................................................... 30
Gift Box Seed Collections....................110
At High Mowing, we continue to be Greenhouse Supplies..............................91
Greens, Salad Mixes............................... 32
energized by the ability of organic Greens, Asian & Mustard...................... 34
Greens, Micro & Shoots........................ 40
seeds to transform the health of our food Greens, Sprouts.......................................39
Greens, Specialty.................................... 36
system. By collaborating within our organic Herbs......................................................... 96
community as well as with conventional seed Kale............................................................ 42
Kohlrabi.................................................... 44
farming and breeding allies, we have helped Leeks......................................................... 45
to stimulate awareness of the important role Melons....................................................... 58
Okra.......................................................... 60
played by organic seeds. We seek to establish Order Form............................................. 55
relationships with the most critical of land Onions.......................................................61

stewards—organic growers—to help us build a

sustainable future that makes us proud. Thank
you all for being a part of this work.
“ Parsnips.................................................... 94
Peas........................................................... 64
Peppers..................................................... 66
- Tom Stearns, Owner & Founder Root Vegetables...................................... 93
Rutabaga................................................... 93
Spinach...................................................... 78
Squash, Summer..................................... 80
Squash, Winter ...................................... 83
Tomatoes................................................. 86
Turnips...................................................... 93
Watermelon............................................ 94
Zucchini.................................................... 80

Your Source for 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds 113
To order visit
76 Quarry Road,
Wolcott,Vermont 05680 or call (866) 735-4454

Printed on

(cover paper 10%, inside pages 100%)

100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Seeds

NEW Enchanted F1 NEW Naval F1 NEW Darkibor F1

Sweet Corn, p. 23 Carrot, p. 16 Kale, p. 42

NEW Brentwood NEW Esmee NEW Honey Boat Delicata

One-cut Lettuce, p. 47 Arugula, p. 36 Winter Squash, p. 84

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