Feps PGR Handbook
Feps PGR Handbook
Feps PGR Handbook
General Information..................................................................................................................... 04
Your Safety…………………………………………………………………………………………………10
Supervisors .................................................................................................................................. 17
Purpose of handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to provide key information applicable to you and your programme
during the 2018/19 academic year.
It is designed to complement the Student Portal, SUSSED. You can log on using your University
username and password, and clicking on the ‘Students’/‘Researchers’ tab in the top navigation bar.
It is important that you make use of these resources as they support the regulations relating to your
obligations and that of the University of Southampton whilst you are a student here. It also provides
helpful information on matters such as housing, finance, leisure, healthcare, and support facilities.
Please read the handbook right through initially, and then use it for reference during your time here.
For more detailed information, please ask your supervisor, Director of Doctoral Programme, or the
Faculty Graduate School Office.
Disclaimer: This information is issued on the condition that it does not form part of any contract between the
University of Southampton and any student. The information given has been made as accurate as possible at
the time of publication, but the University reserves the right to modify or alter, without any prior notice, any of
the contents advertised. This handbook is available in alternative formats on request.
Welcome from the Director of the Doctoral College – Professor Chris Howls
The Doctoral College is a focal point for the training and development of doctoral
researchers and works in partnership with Faculty Graduate Schools and
Professional Services to co-ordinate and enhance doctoral training across the
University. In particular, we aim to provide you with an attractive Professional
Development Programme to enable you to maximise your potential as a researcher
and enhance your future prospects.
We are also committed to developing a strong doctoral researcher community across the University.
We aim to help generate links between disciplines, foster interdisciplinary research and support and
enhance the wellbeing of all postgraduate researchers.
You may keep up to date with what is happening with the Doctoral College at its Facebook page,
Twitter feed or YouTube channel.
All new doctoral researchers are warmly invited to attend one of our ‘Doctoral College Welcome
Sessions’ in October 2018 (or early in 2019 for later starters). To find out more about these please
go to the Doctoral College website; and you can book your place via Gradbook.
The Faculty Graduate School (FGS) is here to help you from the day you arrive until the day you
graduate. This includes your initial induction period, your supervision arrangements, the training you
receive, your progression stages, and your final PhD award. The purpose of this handbook is to offer
you, the new research student, guidance on research studies, to give information on what is expected
of you and to tell you what you can expect in return. Please make yourself familiar with the material
in this guide and remember that we are here to help you. You should refer to this handbook through
your degree program. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions to make about the
student experience and processes please don’t hesitate to contact me or any other member of the
So, welcome, and I wish you all an enjoyable, interesting and productive few years.
The Graduate School Office are here to offer any help and advice you may need from progression to rules
and regulations and if needs be directing you to the right person. You will quickly find that they tend to
be the first point of contact for most things.
The office for the Schools of ECS, Physics and Astronomy, Zepler Institute and Chemistry is located in the
Zepler building (B59) in Room 1217. The Office for the School of Engineering is located in building 13
room 2043. Both offices are open from 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. You can call into the office to
speak to a member of the team during opening hours or you can contact them via
feps-gradschool@soton.ac.uk with any queries or concerns that you may have.
We will use your University email account to contact you personally when necessary. We will not use
any other email accounts or social networking sites to contact you personally. It is your responsibility
to check your University email account regularly and you must not let your inbox exceed your storage
limit. Notification that you are due to exceed your storage limit will be sent to your University email
account and you should take immediate action as you will be unable to receive further emails once
your storage limit has been exceeded.
Written Correspondence
Formal correspondence regarding your programme of study (e.g. suspension, transfer or withdrawal
from programme, academic performance (including progression/referral information), issues of
academic integrity, student complaints and academic appeals will be sent to your term-time (TT) or
permanent (PM) address listed as active on your student record. You are responsible for advising the
University if you change your permanent or term-time address. The University will not be held
accountable if you do not receive important information because you failed to update your student
Your ID card
If you lose your ID card, you can order a new one via the University online store. If replacements are
required for changes to programme dates, then these will be checked by the Student Records team
before the new card is printed.
• access to appropriate space to work, as indicated by the research student’s academic needs
analysis and by Faculty policy;
• the provision of laboratory and technical support where appropriate;
• access to either a laptop or a desktop computer from the standard range; a request for a more
powerful specification computer forms part of the initial Academic Needs Analysis discussion
• appropriate access to telephone and photocopying facilities;
• opportunities to meet and network with other research students and researchers;
• appropriate library and other academic support services;
• opportunity to apply for funds to support training opportunities and for attendance at
conferences and other relevant events [including fieldwork].
The University’s expectations of your time commitment to your studies is outlined in paragraph 48 of
the Code of Practice for Research Candidature and Supervision. The University’s general regulations
on Attendance and Completion of Programme Requirements also outline the University’s general
expectations of attendance.
If you are absent from an assessment or have other grounds for believing that your studies have been
affected by external factors you must bring this to the attention of your Faculty Graduate School
Office immediately. Whilst we recognise that students can sometimes be reluctant to discuss
cultural, sensitive or personal issues, it is essential that you bring problems affecting you to our
attention immediately so that we can determine how best to help you.
In line with the Regulations Governing Special Considerations and Suspension of Candidature for
Postgraduate Research Students you may request:
For more information on submitting a request please refer to the guidance information at the back of
the request forms.
Parental leave
If you become a parent during your studies, you are entitled to a period of maternity or paternity
leave, suspended from your studies. You will need to submit a request for a suspension of
candidature in accordance with the Regulations Governing Special Considerations and Suspension of
Candidature for Postgraduate Research Students. With regards to suspension of candidature, the
University will comply with its obligations under the relevant immigration legislation which may be
updated from time-to-time. If you are concerned about your entitlement to remain in the UK as a
result of suspension of candidature, you should seek urgent advice from the Visa and Immigration
Student Advice Service.
Fitness to study
The Fitness to Study policy applies to enable the University to respond appropriately to situations
where visible signs of illness, mental health difficulties, psychological, personality or emotional
disorders may have a profoundly disturbing impact on the functioning of an individual student
and/or the wellbeing of others around them. The University has a positive attitude towards those
with impairments and is committed to maintaining students’ wellbeing. The policy identifies the
procedure and support available to both students and staff when a student becomes unwell and/or
presents a risk to self and/or others.
Fitness to practise
A programme of study which requires a student to undertake practical training in a quasi-professional
role in relation to patients, clients, service users or the general public or where the qualification
provides a direct licence to practise will be governed by a requirement that the student demonstrates
their fitness to practise.
P&A and ZI/ORC students can contact Peter Lanchester pcl@orc.soton.ac.uk (tel. 02380 593231)
Resolving issues
In the first instance, you should raise the issue informally with the most relevant member of staff
involved. If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, or for any reason you feel unable to speak to the
staff member involved, you should discuss the matter with a member of your supervisory team or
your Doctoral Programme Director. You may also talk to:
You can find out more information about our libraries, opening hours, online resources, full-text
sources, catalogues and services on the Library website.
The Library works with the Doctoral College, Faculties and other University services to provide face to
face training. These are offered by our specialist Academic and Research Engagement Librarians who
also have responsibility for your research areas and you can contact them if you need further
assistance. The Library also offers one-to-one via Library Deskside training, online courses, drop-in
at our Academic Skills Hub, as well as an online chat service. You can also attend our Training and
Workshops on a range of academic skills and book one-to-one writing support for specialist guidance
on issues such as structure, critical analysis and referencing.
Keep up to date, ask questions and chat with the library academic community on Facebook, via
Twitter and the Library blog.
Getting help
If you need IT help or advice, you can contact iSolutions via ServiceLine, its dedicated helpdesk
(telephone +44 (0)23 8059 5656 or 25656 (internal calls)) or by logging your query online via
ServiceNow. See the Getting Help section of the website.
Further information and costs (where applicable) of the services listed above can be found on the
iSolutions website.
Working Alone
Students must adhere to the policy and processes which are detailed in the Chemistry Safety
Handbook which you will have been given during Induction week.
Risk assessment
Your supervisor(s) and laboratory managers will give specific training in completion of risk
assessments and COSSH documentation where necessary for your research. It is your responsibility to
abide by the institutional Safety Policies, to observe safe working practices at all times and to follow
those procedures prescribed by your supervisor(s).
Access to buildings
Access to the buildings outside of the normal working day (which is 08:00 to 18:00, Monday to
Friday, except during University closure periods) is by card access, using your University ID card. It is
important for you to carry their ID card at all times. Access to most laboratories is restricted to card
access, or in some cases keys will be issued after appropriate training has been given.
It is expected that the granting of access will only be made in very exceptional circumstances. Further
information on the out of hours policy can be found here.
The training is organised within a number of themes which run through all stages of candidature,
with a mix of compulsory (see below) and optional courses (online and face-to-face provision).
Professional Development Programme information can be found here and courses are bookable
through GradBook. Guidance on using GradBook can be found here.
Core training
All Faculties at Southampton must provide students with access to a core set of training which is
outlined in the appendix below. The core training will be delivered by Faculties in a variety of ways,
as outlined below.
The Safety Course (CHEM8022, 15 credit points for all parts) in Semester 1 is mandatory for all
first year postgraduate students. The safety induction lectures will be given during the graduate
induction days in the Chemistry, together with distribution of the Safety Booklet. Follow up lectures
will be given on a Graduate School and Sectional basis and attendance at these will be required to
obtain the credit points.
There are a large number of specialist and more general seminar series. Information on seminars is
advertised within the School or research group by email and websites
Regular attendance of the seminar series and the seminars within your research group is expected.
Attendance of these talks is an excellent and efficient means of broadening and deepening your
research training and scientific knowledge. It is important for all researchers to avoid becoming too
specialized early in their career. In addition to attending these seminar series you are encouraged to
participate and present your own research in an appropriate forum. This can be additional to your
upgrade and can include group meetings and appropriate seminars/meetings.
Postgraduate researchers commencing their studies in 2018/19 must complete the following by the
time they undertake their Academic Needs Analysis:
In 2018/19, the following new course is being run from the Library. It will be available from January
2019 and should be completed by all doctoral researchers who commence their studies in 2018/19
and by the time of their first formal progression review.
Data management
As a doctoral researcher at Southampton, you are part of a community of around 2,600. There are a
number of PGR student groups, societies and social opportunities which you are able to get involved
with. Find out more about the doctoral community here.
Events which run as part of the Festival typically include some of all of the following:
Find out more information about the Festival here. Information for the 2019 Festival, along with
details of how to get involved, will be released in due course.
The Union is here to unlock the potential and enrich the life of every student (including PhD
students). All students registered at the University of Southampton are automatically members of the
Union. Full details of what the Union offers can be found on the SUSU website. You can also visit the
SUSU Facebook page and the Postgraduate Community Facebook page.
Student representation
The Postgraduate Research Committee at the Student’s Union is co-chaired by the Postgraduate
Research Officer and exists to represent all areas of postgraduate life. The researcher-specific
positions on the Postgraduate Committee are elected each year and work very closely with the Union
and University to ensure that all PGR needs are met. If you have any ideas or problems during your
time as a PGR, please get in contact with the relevant Union representative who will be able to help
support your needs.
The Officers who assist the Postgraduate Research Officer in their role are as follows:
• The Postgraduate Research Welfare Officer is responsible for working with the Union and
University to improve the welfare services and systems available to Postgraduate Researchers.
• The Postgraduate Research Academic Officer is responsible for ensuring that Postgraduate
Researchers have adequate access to representation and that your voice is heard by your
school, Faculty, as well as the University as a whole.
• The Postgraduate Events & Activities Officer is responsible for running events that benefit
the wider postgraduate community, including events for Postgraduate Researchers.
• The Postgraduate Research Training & Development Officer is responsible for working
with the Union and University to ensure that training for Postgraduate Researchers is the best
that it can be and provides a meaningful way for you to develop yourself as a researcher.
You can find out more about these roles and how you can put yourself forward for the October
elections from September on the SUSU website. If you are unsure whom to contact, the Postgraduate
Research Officer is always available to help you direct your query to the right place. Alternatively,
contact the Democracy team at SUSU (email democracy@susu.org).
Student’s Union Advice Centre
The Advice Centre exists to provide free, independent and confidential advice to all students at the
University of Southampton, including postgraduates. The experienced staff in the Advice Centre can
offer guidance on various matters that affect postgraduate students including dealing with financial
problems, housing issues and academic matters; including supervisory complaints. The Advice Centre
can also direct you towards other appropriate support services if you need them. You can find out
more here.
Student Societies
Southampton hosts many active students’ societies, both academic, social and campaigning.
Membership of such societies may help with both professional and social needs, or just a welcome
distraction from your studies. A list of SUSU societies may be found here. A list of equality groups
may be found here.
Student Services
The Student Services Centre is located in Building 37 on the Highfield campus and is the first point of
contact for students with queries about financial support, fees, accommodation, or if they are just not
sure where to ask a question. Please see their website or pop into the Centre for details of their
Enabling Services
Enabling Services provides a wide variety of support for all students who have disabilities, mental
health problems or specific learning difficulties. Its expert team can provide advice and support
relating to your studies throughout your time here. Please see their website for further information
and contact details.
Enabling Services is experienced in supporting a wide range of disability and health conditions
Our support, information and advice are tailored to meet individual needs. To access support from
our service, students need to provide evidence of their Disability and attend a student support
appointment with one of our specialist practitioners.
Students are encouraged to discuss with their supervisor any additional needs or assistance that they
might require to help with their project, reports, research and thesis.
If a research student develops a disability during their studies, we would encourage them to disclose
this to their supervisor and contact Enabling Services for advice. Where appropriate the supervisor
will inform the Faculty Health and Safety Officer.
Dyslexia/Dyspraxia Support
Support, including viva and milestone meeting recommendations, reasonable adjustments, study
skills support and assistive technology software is available for students with a specific learning
disability (SpLD) such as dyslexia. Send your post-16 diagnostic assessment report to
enable@soton.ac.uk to arrange a meeting with a specialist practitioner to discuss your support
If you believe you may have an SpLD but you do not have a diagnosis, please refer to Enabling
Services’ how to access webpage.
Enabling Services offer study skills support sessions in the AT Suite (room 2047) on level 2 in Hartley
Library on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (term-time) 14:00-16:00 and Wednesday (vacation period)
14:00-16:00. Study Skills Support is an opportunity to meet 1:1 with a specialist practitioner for
practical study advice and support. No appointment necessary.
A range of study workshops designed for students with an SpLD are also available throughout the
year and can be booked here.
A variety of assistive technology software is available to access across the University of Southampton.
The largest facility is the AT Suite (room 2047) on level 2 in Hartley Library. The AT Suite is a
learning space provided for students with disability or specific learning difficulty. The suite features
computers with dual screens, height adjustable desks, quiet working pods as well as the latest
assistive technology software. Please refer to the Enabling Services website for further details about
the type of software available and the locations at which it is available.
Advice and support can also be provided to staff supporting students with specific learning
difficulties, including guidance on inclusive strategies to ensure teaching and learning are accessible
to all students. For more information, please refer to the information for staff page on Enabling
Services’ website.
The Enabling Services website has advice on managing anxiety, stress and other mental health
problems as well as links to useful self-help materials. Throughout the academic year, Enabling
Services also offer face-to-face and online workshops. Our news and events page is regularly updated
to advertise any workshops or events that are available at that time. At various times throughout the
year, Enabling Services offer a PGR Conversational Group. You can find more information about this
group and updated dates for the course are advertised here. If you have an existing mental health
condition or experience difficulties during your studies, you should contact Enabling Services as soon
as possible to find out how they can support you.
Other sources of advice and help are available, including your GP and Steps 2 Wellbeing for NHS
psychological care in Southampton, as well as Solent Mind.
Crisis Support
The University First Support team can be contacted during office hours to arrange support for
students who may be facing difficulties in their life or dealing with a crisis; to contact the team call
+44(0)23 8059 7488 or email firstsupport@soton.ac.uk.
Student Life
The Student Life team are also available 24 hours a day, seven days per week to offer wellbeing
support to students outside of office hours. The Student Life team are based in Halls of Residence
but can be accessed by any students by either visiting your local Halls site, via email
studentlife@soton.ac.uk or phone +44(0)23 8059 8180.
Health services
All students are required to register with a doctor. This can be one of the local GPs either at the
University Health Service or Highfield Health or with another local GP.
Harassment Contacts
The University has a network of trained Harassment contacts. They provide a confidential service to
students and staff who feel bullied or harassed. They also support those who have been accused of
If you feel that you are being bullied or harassed and you need to share your experience in
confidence, the Harassment Contacts are available to talk to. They can offer a sympathetic ear and try
to understand how you feel, and can help you in assessing your options to address the problem. This
equally applies to those accused of harassment, who may feel isolated or confused by the accusation
and need assistance in understanding the processes that may be undertaken.
Your Doctoral Programme Director will allocate you to a Supervisory Team. Your supervisory team will
consist of at least two members, one of whom is called the 'main supervisor'. The main supervisor
has overall responsibility for the supervision of the design and progress of your research project and
for providing academic advice. A member of your supervisory team is also responsible for ensuring
that the administrative processes are completed in a timely manner throughout your candidature.
This role is normally performed by the main supervisor but in certain cases it is the responsibility of a
separate co-ordinating supervisor.
Your supervisory team will be chosen to provide suitable academic expertise. Where your project
requires further expertise, an additional supervisor (who may be external to the University) can be
appointed to provide the required specialist advice. As well as providing academic support and
advice, the supervisory team reports to the Faculty on your work and progress according to the
milestones in the School-specific section of this handbook.
The Code of Practice for Research Candidature and Supervision gives more details on how the
Regulations are implemented and details the expected duties and responsibilities of students and
staff in paragraphs 40 to 48.
As well as providing academic support during your studies, your supervisory team is also responsible
for providing pastoral support and/or advice. This may involve referring you to other sources of
support, checking with you about the effectiveness of any support you are receiving from the
University services, and responding to any on-going or acute difficulties.
Your supervisor may also refer you to the Faculty Senior Tutor.
Regulations for Research Degrees and Code of Practice for Research Candidature and
http://www.calendar.soton.ac.uk/sectionV/mphil-phd.html and
Duration of study
The minimum and maximum periods of candidature are stated in paragraphs 18-21 of the
Regulations for Research Degrees. However, these may vary by Doctoral Programme. Your period of
candidature will have been provided in your offer letter, and detailed in your Doctoral Programme
Profile, available on Sussed or from your Faculty Graduate School Office.
If your studies are being funded partly or fully by an external organisation, it is your responsibility to
ensure your sponsor is aware of your period of candidature in relation to their offer of funding. Note
that the period of candidature may be different from the period of funding.
Where a research student is in receipt of external funding and/or where an external body places an
expectation that studies are completed within a defined period of time, the Faculty will assist the
research student in meeting the requirement.
As stated in paragraph 21 of the Regulations for Research Degrees, a research student who fails to
submit a thesis by the end of the maximum period of candidature will be deemed to have withdrawn
from their studies.
PGR Tracker
PGR Tracker is a browser-based software which tracks a Postgraduate Research student’s progress
against Research Milestones as prescribed by the University’s Regulations for Research Degrees and
the Code of Practice for Research Candidature and Supervision, from registration to graduation. PGR
Tracker holds: student record data; documents uploaded by students; records of supervisory team
meetings; progress reports; confirmation of PhD registration documents; manually updated training
records; training records auto loaded from Gradbook; supervisory team information; key
administrative forms; and some financial information.
It is compulsory for all staff and students to use PGR Tracker. The only exceptions are:
A new online monitoring system is due to be in place across the University from 2019/20, at which
point all postgraduate research students and supervisory teams will be expected to use this system.
Activity reports
Students who enrolled on their doctoral studies after 1 August 2016
All students are expected to complete and submit Activity Reports on PGR Tracker (or equivalent
system) throughout the research phase of their candidature. Activity reports should be completed
every three months, with the first report submitted on month 4 of the research phase of your
candidature. It is your responsibility to ensure that you complete and submit these reports in a timely
fashion. Completion and submission of Activity Reports will be used as an indicator of academic
engagement, and discussed during your Progression Reviews.
If your studies are funded partly or fully by an external organisation, there may be a requirement for
you or your supervisor to complete additional reports for your sponsor. These reports do not form
part of the University’s progression processes. As part of the annual enrolment process, all students
give their consent for the University to provide appropriate information on request to third parties,
such as sponsoring organisations.
PGR Tracker (Activity Reports) The School of Chemistry specific Requirements;
All postgraduate students in Chemistry are required to upload, through the PGR Tracker, their activity
reports. These reports must be an accurate reflection of the work accomplished during the quarter.
Feedback will be given to you, electronically, by your supervisor and advisor as appropriate.
Guidance as to the format of the progress report should be initially sought from the supervisory
• The Progress/activity reports should be between one and six pages, to include:
• Objectives for the quarter
• Progress towards the objectives
• Reasons why the objective may have changed or not been met
• Objectives for the next quarter
• Other information to be included as an appendix (no page limit), e.g. additional details as required
by certain groups
Students are advised to liaise with their main supervisor in order to gather appropriate guidance with
regard to length and style of the reports.
Activity Reports are required from all students, except when substituted by the yearly progression
Progression milestones
Students who enrolled on their doctoral studies after 1 August 2016
As stated in paragraph 64 of the Code of Practice for Research Candidature and Supervision, if you
enrolled on your doctoral studies after 1 August 2016, you will be required to undertake three
Progression Reviews during your studies within the timescales shown in the Table A below.
The ‘decision’ time windows refer to periods in which progression decisions must be made. These
timings may be adjusted on a pro-rata basis for students registered on non-standard research
programmes where other duties are a formal part of the programme; these timings are shown in the
Tables B, C and D below.
Your assessment in each Progression Review will be based on a piece of submitted work, followed by
a viva with a Progression Review Panel. You will be required to provide all the relevant material by a
submission deadline stated in PGR Tracker (or equivalent system).
Two attempts at each review are permitted. The second attempt at the Progression Review will involve
a repeat viva. However, if the assessors deem that the Report is sufficient to progress, the repeat
viva will be cancelled.
Failure to meet the criteria for a successful progression review will lead to a termination of
candidature in line with the Procedures for Circumstances that may lead to Withdrawal or
Termination. Interim Progression Reviews will take place for part-time students who have not
undergone a Progression Review in the previous 12 months. Exceptional Progression Reviews may be
scheduled, on the stipulation of your Director of Faculty Graduate School, if significant academic
concerns have been raised about your candidature.
Table A Progression Review submission and decision windows for standard programmes
Standard Full time Part Time
Student First Second Student First attempt Second
Submission attempt attempt Submission decision attempt
decision decision* decision *
First Progression Months 7-9 Months 8-10 Before the end Months 17-20 Months 18-21 Before the end
Review of month 12 of month 24
Second Progression Months 17-20 Months 18- Before the end Months 29-41 Months 30-42 Before the end
Review 21 of month 24 of month 48
Third Progression Months 29-32 Months 30- Before the end Months 60-65 Months 61-66 Before the end
Review 33 of month 36 of month 72
*The submission deadline for second attempts will be set in the action plan following your first
Table B Progression Review submission and decision windows for iPhD programmes
iPhD Programmes Full time Part Time
Student First Second Student First attempt Second
Submission attempt attempt Submission decision attempt
decision decision * decision *
First Progression Months 19-21 Months 20- Before the end Months 38-41 Months 39-42 Before the end
Review 22 of month 24 of month 45
Second Progression Months 29-32 Months 30- Before the end Months 49-59 Months 50-60 Before the end
Review 33 of month 36 of month 65
Third Progression Months 41-44 Months 42- Before the end Months 75-80 Months 76-81 Before the end
Review 45 of month 48 of month 86
*The submission deadline for second attempts will be set in the action plan following your first
Table C Progression Review submission and decision windows for EngD programmes
EngD Programmes Full time
Student Submission First attempt decision Second attempt decision *
First Progression Months 19-21 Months 20-22 Before the end of month 24
Second Progression Months 29-32 Months 30-33 Before the end of month 36
Third Progression Months 41-44 Months 42-45 Before the end of month 48
*The submission deadline for second attempts will be set in the action plan following your first
Table D Progression Review submission and decision windows for Mayflower programmes
Mayflower Full time
Student Submission First attempt decision Second attempt decision *
First Progression Months 7-9 Months 8-10 Before the end of month 12
Second Progression Months 23-26 Months 24-27 Before the end of month 30
Third Progression Months 35-38 Months 36-39 Before the end of month 42
*The submission deadline for second attempts will be set in the action plan following your first
Generic guidelines for the format of submission and criteria to be used to define the outcomes from
Progression Reviews are detailed in the Quality Handbook. However, the precise requirements can
vary by Faculty, and by discipline.
For progression review requirements in The School of Engineering please see HERE
For progression review requirements in Schools of Electronics and Computer Science, Physics and
Astronomy and the Zepler Institute please see HERE
Further information about Progression Reviews are detailed in paragraphs 64-69 of the Code of
Practice for Research Candidature and Supervision.
The student must meet the criteria set, and provide the supporting evidence, as detailed in
paragraphs 73-75 of the Code of Practice for Research Candidature and Supervision. Generic
guidelines for the format of submission, and criteria to be used to define the outcomes from
Confirmation of PhD status/Transfer/Upgrade from MPhil to PhD, are detailed in the Quality
Handbook. However, the precise requirements can vary by Faculty, and by discipline. Details are
For progression review requirements in The School of Engineering please see HERE
For progression review requirements in Schools of Electronics and Computer Science, Physics and
Astronomy and the Zepler Institute please see HERE
Students should be aware that the Panel may recommend that a student is transferred to an MPhil
programme if the criteria are not met. With regards to the transfer of programme, the University will
comply with its obligations under the relevant immigration legislation which may be updated from
time to time. A student who is concerned about his/her entitlement to remain in the UK following a
failure to progress should seek urgent advice from the Visa and Immigration Student Advice Service.
Full details can be found in paragraphs 70-79 of the Code of Practice for Research Candidature and
Note that ALL upgrade/confirmation panels must consist of at least two independent assessors and
no members of the supervisory team, regardless of year of entry.
External requirements
If your studies are funded partly or fully by an external organisation, there may be a requirement for
you or your supervisor to complete additional reports for your sponsor. These reports do not form
part of the University’s progression processes. As part of the annual enrolment process, all students
give their consent for the University to provide appropriate information on request to third parties,
such as sponsoring organisations.
Supervisors must not return these completed forms to the sponsor directly. They must communicate
such reports to the sponsor via the Faculty Graduate School Office so that they can be scrutinised by
the Doctoral Programme Director/Faculty Director of the Graduate School and recorded on file.
If you are funded in whole or in part by a UKRI research council, you will need to comply with the
UKRI grant terms and conditions. These include an expectation that you should submit your thesis
within the funding period. You should discuss this with your supervisor throughout your study to
ensure that you are in a position to meet this expectation.
Unsatisfactory progress
Your supervisor should inform you of unsatisfactory progress as soon as it becomes apparent. Your
supervisor should discuss this with you and put in place steps to resolve the issue. If there is
continued unsatisfactory progress, the Faculty will follow the procedures as laid out in the Procedures
for Circumstances that may lead to Withdrawal or Termination.
Special Considerations
During your studies, there may be circumstances outside of your control which have, or may in the
future, have a negative effect on your research candidature; including performance in a recent or
upcoming Progression Review or final viva voce examination, or your ability to meet a deadline for
submission of a Progression Review Report or final thesis. In line with the Regulations Governing
Special Considerations and suspension of candidature for Postgraduate Research students you may
For more information on submitting a request please refer to the guidance information at the back of
the request forms.
Extension to candidature
Extension of candidature may be granted only where there is a good cause and on your specific
application. Requests for extension should be made well in advance of your original thesis
submission date. Information on extensions to candidature can be found in paragraphs 43-44 of the
Regulation for Research Degrees and the Quality Handbook. Applications for extension should be
made in line with the Regulations Governing Special Considerations and Suspension of Candidature
for Postgraduate Research Students.
Full details of nominal registration can be found in paragraphs 81-82 of the Code of Practice for
Research Candidature and Supervision, and paragraphs 37-40 of the Regulations for Research
Degrees. A ‘writing up fee’ is payable to the University if you do not submit your thesis within six
months of transferring to nominal registration. Details can be found in paragraph 10a of the
University’s Fees, Charges, and Expenses regulations.
Please note: full tuition fees are payable throughout your period of candidature until your transfer
onto nominal registration has been confirmed. See the University Fees section of this handbook for
more details.
Intention to submit
You must inform your Faculty Graduate School Office of your intention to submit no later than two
months before your date of submission. This should be done using the form on PGR Tracker; or if
your Faculty does not use PGR Tracker, manually using the ‘Intention to submit’ form in the Quality
Handbook, handed into your Faculty Graduate School Office. Information on decision and notification
to submit can be found in paragraphs 84-85 in the Code of Practice for Research Candidature and
Thesis templates are available in Microsoft Word (PC and Mac) and LaTeX that match the required
University specifications. Templates are available on the Library website.
Thesis Submission
You will retain access to library and computing facilities until your thesis has been examined and,
where appropriate, any revisions requested by the examiners have been made.
You can find useful information to assist you in preparing your thesis on the Library’s Theses
webpages, which should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guidance for Completion of
Research Degree available on the Quality Handbook. You are advised to read these well in advance.
It covers help on the electronic submission of your thesis and supporting materials, including
copyright, intellectual property rights, restrictions, file formats, and research data. Thesis templates
using Microsoft Word (PC and Mac) and LaTeX are also accessible here. Support in using the Word PC
and Mac templates is provided by iSolutions.
Academic integrity
The University expects that all students will familiarise themselves with the Regulations Governing
Academic Integrity. Faculties that have Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies and that lead to
professional registration may have additional reporting requirements.
The University of Southampton is committed to undertaking its research, teaching, enterprise and
other activities within a comprehensive ethical framework. It is the University’s expectation that staff,
students and visitors should be aware of ethical considerations, ensure that they act in an ethical
manner when engaged on University business and conduct their projects and studies to the highest
ethical standards and to the highest standards of research integrity, quality and scientific rigour.
The University recognises its responsibilities to researchers and the wider community, and is strongly
committed to fostering a culture and understanding of effective research governance, integrity and
probity across the full spectrum of its research activities. The University is committed to and
supports the Universities UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity which sets out expectations on
the University as an employer of researchers, as well as on individual researchers. To promote the
culture of research integrity the University has produced a number of policies and procedures, and
published a Research Integrity Statement.
Research requiring ethical review is subject to the scrutiny of a faculty-based ethics committee or to
sponsorship review where ethical review will be undertaken by a national body i.e. National Research
Ethics System. Where ethics review is required, ethics approval must be sought prior to commencing
a research project, ethical review cannot be undertaken retrospectively.
You can email the Research Integrity and Governance (RIG) team on researchintegrity@soton.ac.uk
Ethics training
All new doctoral researchers are required to undertake basic ethics awareness training via the online
module 'Ethics 1: Good Research Practice', and to complete the short quiz at the end of the course
materials. Further information and instructions on how to access this course and the quiz are
available here.
If your research will involve you working with human volunteers, you should also complete ‘Ethics 2:
Working with Human Subjects’, accessible in the same way as Ethics 1.
You should also obtain appropriate higher level training on the use of ERGO, the University’s
electronic document-handling system for obtaining ethical approval. Your supervisor and Faculty
Graduate School will be able to advise further on this.
If you fail to obtain the necessary ethics approval in advance, you may be prevented from submitting
your thesis for examination. The retrospective seeking of ethics approval is not permissible.
Intellectual Property
Please read the University’s Intellectual Property Regulations at
The University’s Research and Innovation Services (RIS) are responsible for the protection and
commercialisation of intellectual property developed by staff and students. More information on
intellectual property and the support available in this area information can be found on the
Researcher Portal.
RIS is also responsible for putting in place agreements with companies for research and development
projects including sponsored PhD studentships. If your PhD is being supported by a company,
whether through funding or in-kind support, then the University should have in place an agreement
with the company which will also have terms covering Intellectual Property. It is important that you
understand the terms of that contract as they will apply to anything you generate. You also need to
be careful with how you use the company’s confidential and secret information. Your supervisor
should have a copy of the contract but if you would like guidance on what it means then please
contact riscontracts@soton.ac.uk.
University fees
Fees for Doctoral Programmes are listed on the Postgraduate Research Fees webpage and are
reviewed annually. Information on funding and postgraduate loans can be found here.
If your studies are funded partly or fully by an external organisation, the University will continue to
request payment of fees until you enter nominal registration. If your candidature will extend beyond
the period of funding agreed by your sponsor, it is your responsibility to enter into discussions about
funding arrangements beyond this period. You will become personally liable for the payment of your
tuition fees once your sponsor’s funding period has ended.
Additional costs
Additional costs can be found in the Fees, Charges and Expenses Regulations.
• UK fieldwork expenses;
• UK/EU/international conferences, seminars and events;
• Purchasing of scientific equipment and materials that they will be using;
• Purchasing of small items of equipment e.g. cameras, tape recorders, films, cassettes or
telephone and photocopying facilities in the department/faculty;
• Language training courses undertaken in the UK prior to an overseas fieldwork trip;
• Reimbursement of interpreters, guides and assistants;
• Survey costs, e.g. printing, stationery, and telephone calls; &
• Gifts for local informants
Students and supervisors should discuss the RTSG budget with their supervisory team and its use at
the initial Academic Needs Analysis, and at least at the annual reviews thereafter. Expenditure should
normally be agreed in advance with the main supervisor.
For The Schools of Electronics and Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy and the Zepler Institute
/ ORC RTSG policy please see HERE
Academic appeals
You may appeal any academic decision made by the University, with the exception of certain
exclusions, if you can produce evidence of one or more of the grounds outlined within the
University’s Regulations Governing Academic Appeals by Students. These Regulations outline the
policy and procedure that should be followed should you wish to make an academic appeal.
Student complaints
The Regulations Governing Student Complaints sets out the process that should be followed should
you wish to raise a complaint about a matter relating to either the facilities and services provided by
the University, its academic programmes, and the conduct of University staff, and which has
materially affected you.
Any allegation of harassment, bullying or victimisation will be treated seriously, regardless of the
seniority of those involved, and anyone found to have behaved unacceptably may be the subject of
disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or expulsion.
Athena SWAN
The University of Southampton is a founding signatory of the Athena SWAN Charter and has held a
Silver Athena SWAN Award since 2016. As a signatory, we recognise the specific challenges that affect
men and women in academic careers, which leads to fewer women at senior levels of higher
education. We are committed to addressing these issues, to maximise the potential of all our people.
Several faculties and schools hold awards, and have action plans to improve the inclusivity of their
teaching programmes and research disciplines.
Data protection
The University will aim to ensure that all information stored is as accurate as possible, kept up to
date; and safeguarded from unlawful disclosure. Within the constraints of the General Data Protection
Regulations (GDPR), the Faculty will not release information to family members, prospective
employers or other universities without your consent.
Student Discipline
As members of the University community, all students are expected to conduct themselves with due
regard for its good name and reputation and are required to comply with the University's Regulations
at all times. Any allegation of misconduct will be considered within the Regulations Governing
Student Discipline , in accordance with the evidence and circumstances presented. Information for
students on discipline is available from the Student Services website.
The Careers and Employability Service provide guidance and support to all students, helping them to
stand out from the crowd and make successful transitions into their chosen careers and workplaces.
Our all-year round offer includes:
Sessions include:
• Managing your Career
• Introduction to Personality
• CV, Applications and Interviews
• Successful Interviews
• Networking for Researchers
• Exploring Enterprise & Business Planning
Group sessions can be booked via GradBook and individual appointments by telephoning or visiting
the Careers Service (02380 593501, Building 37, Highfield Campus)
VISA/Tier 4 Information
If you are studying here on a Tier 4 visa, there are certain conditions (responsibilities) that you are
expected to comply with during your time in the UK. Please refer to the Visa and Immigration
Student Advice Centre webpages for further information.
The Visa and Immigration Student Advice Service provides students with information and guidance on
visa and immigration issues; the Team offer three drop-in sessions a week and visa advice
appointments. Before you book a visa advice appointment, you are strongly encouraged to visit the
visa drop-in service as it may be possible to answer your question quickly or give you important
information about what to bring to your visa advice appointment. Information on the drop-in service,
appointments, and contact details is available here.
If your situation changes, please consult the Visa and Immigration Student Advice Service to find out
if it will affect your visa status. You must ensure that you inform your supervisory team and the
Faculty Graduate School Office immediately if there is a change to your circumstances that will affect
your ability to continue studying in the UK. Please note that whilst the Faculty Graduate School Office
is responsible for ensuring that your student record is correct and reflects your current
circumstances, they are not legally allowed to offer you any immigration advice.
Please note, most postgraduate research students granted a visa for a PhD that fail a progression
milestone and are given the option to transfer to an MPhil programme, cannot do so on their current
visa as the MPhil is at lower academic level. Such students must leave the UK and apply for a new
visa for their MPhil programme of study. More information can be found on the Visa and Immigration
Student Advice Service website.
It was agreed at the Doctoral College Board and at the University Research and Enterprise Group in
November 2017 that in order to meet the expectations of external funders and address feedback
from the PRES 2017 survey, all Southampton Doctoral Research Students should receive training in
aspects of the following.
Over the next academic year disciplines will work with each other, the Doctoral College, the Library
and Careers to develop appropriate training for their students in these areas. Existing modules that
cover these areas may be put forward for scrutiny by the Doctoral College for consideration of
• Disciplinary Training
o Type and hours to be outlined by Discipline. Depends on doctoral qualification (iPhD may
have more hours of formal training than PhD).
• Research Skills 101
• Health and Safety
• Overview of research at Southampton, in the UK and internationally,
• What is a thesis?
• How to go about the research process
• Research ethics
• Library and online source skills
• Handling research data
• How to reference
• How to manage your supervisor
• How to manage stress and seek help (Later)
• How to prepare for your progression review/viva
• How to write in subject XXX.
• Responsible Innovation
• Impact Awareness
• Software Training
• LaTeX/typesetting (could also be delivered as part of Research Skills 101
• Relevant Mathematical and/or Statistical packages
• Relevant coding languages
• Data software
• Publishing process
• Why get published?
• How to write for a journal
• How to get published
• Personal Promotion
• The need to promote yourself/your work
• Methods to promote yourself/your work
• How to produce a poster
• How to give academic presentations.
• Networking skills
• Social media as a way of promoting your research (including how journals use it)
• Advanced Research Skills
• How to plan a research programme
• Funding opportunities in the UK and internationally.
• How to write a research proposal
• Interdisciplinary working
• Careers related skills (possibly split depending on interests if necessary)
• Academia or industry?
• Enterprise and entrepreneurial skills
• Intellectual property
• How to write an academic CV
• How to write an ordinary CV