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Safety Sign

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Experiment no: 01

Experiment name: Study of various safety signs and introduce with different PPEs
Introduction: Safety signs in the workplace are effective in the controlling of workplace
hazards. Correct interpretation of signs is vital, preventing injury and saving lives. This study
seeks to assess the perception of workplace safety signs and determine effective personal factors
in comprehension.
Cognitive ergonomics is the science of ergonomics with the aim of optimizing the adaptation of
systems with human beings and human-machine interactions. This field focuses mainly on
cognitive factors in human perception of motivation, information processing and action or
behavior. Human beings are predictable creatures with specific abilities and limitations that factor
in the designing of signs and play a role in increasing the effective function of systems. Safety
signs are a way of informing and alerting workers regarding possible safety hazards and risks
which they may be exposed to in the workplace.
The safety signs can ve broadly classified into the following groups-
Prohibitory signs: A sign prohibiting behavior likely to increase or cause danger (e.g. no
Intrinsic features:
(a) Round shape;
(b) Black pictogram on white background, red edging and diagonal line (the red
part to take up at least 35% of the area of the sign).
Figure 1 : Prohibitory signs

Warning signs: Warning signs are to warn of hazards or a hazardous condition that is not likely
to be life-threatening. Warning sign wording, if necessary, is in black lettering on a yellow
Intrinsic features:
(a) Triangular shape;
(b) Black pictogram on a yellow background with black edging (the yellow part to
take up at least 50% of the area of the sign).
Figure 2: warning signs
Mandatory signs: A "mandatory sign" means a sign prescribing behavior. These signs are
required to be blue. A mandatory sign shall show only what action is required. Mandatory safety
signs are not, as some people believe, 'those which are required by law'
Intrinsic features:
(a) round shape;
(b) white pictogram on a blue background (the blue part to take up at least 50%
of the area of the sign).
Figure 3: Mandatory signs
Emergency escape or first-aid signs: An "emergency escape or first-aid sign" (called a 'safe
condition sign') is a safety sign giving information on escape routes, emergency exits, first-aid or
rescue facilities
Intrinsic features:
(a) Rectangular or square shape;
(b) White pictogram on a green background (the green part to take up at least
50% of the area of the sign).
Figure : Emergency escape or first-aid signs

Personal Protective Equipment:

Employers have duties concerning the provision and use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
at work.
PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can
include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety
footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE).
Making the workplace safe includes providing instructions, procedures, training and supervision
to encourage people to work safely and responsibly.
Even where engineering controls and safe systems of work have been applied, some hazards
might remain. These include injuries to:

 The lungs, e.g. from breathing in contaminated air

 The head and feet, e.g. from falling materials
 The eyes, e.g. from flying particles or splashes of corrosive liquids
 The skin, e.g. from contact with corrosive materials
 The body, e.g. from extremes of heat or cold
PPE is needed in these cases to reduce the risk.
Figure: Various PPEs for safety
Responsibilities of Employers and Employees regarding the use of PPE:
Employers should:

 Carry out a risk assessment of the workplaces and work activities they are responsible for
and through implementation of the risk assessment findings, remove or, as far as is
reasonably practicable, reduce the risk of the identified hazards causing harm to workers
or others who may be present in the workplace;
 Provide PPE where other means fail to reduce the risk presented by hazards in the
workplace to an acceptable level;
 Carry out an assessment to identify the most appropriate types of PPE for use in the

Where PPE is required it must:

 Be appropriate for the risks and for the working environment;

 Take account of the user’s health, ergonomic, physical and other factors adequately
control the risk presented by the hazard without increasing overall risk experienced by
the worker;
 Be supplied and replaced free of charge;
 Comply with relevant legislation implementing the European Directives concerning the
design and manufacture;
 Where reasonably practicable provide a range of PPE to allow workers to choose the
equipment that best suits their working environment and routines, but always ensure that
the alternatives made available provide the level of protection required;
 Provide training, instruction or information, including refresher training and
demonstrations, as appropriate in the use and care of the PPE provided;
 Ensure face fit testing is undertaken for close fitting respiratory protective equipment;
 Establish a system of recording the issue of PPE and of monitoring, examination and
repair for PPE and to allow for the reporting of missing or lost items.

Employees should:

 Correctly use any PPE provided as directed and in accordance with any training,
instructions or information they have received;
 Return PPE to its storage place after use unless agreed otherwise with the employer;
 Take care of PPE;
 Report defects or loss of equipment as soon as they become aware of them.

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