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James Tyler Kent

Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy

Reading excerpt
Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy
of James Tyler Kent
Publisher: B. Jain


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Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, D-79400 Kandern, Germany
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Lecture I The Sick ............................................................................ 01

Lecture II The Highest Ideal of a Cure ............................................. 13

Lecture III What the Physician Must Perceive .................................... 21

Lecture IV "Fixed Principles." Law and Government from Centre ....... 29

Lecture V Discrimination as to Maintaining External Causes

and Surgical Cases ....................................................... 39

Lecture VI The Unprejudiced Observer ............................................. 49

Lecture VII Indispositions........................................................................ 58

Lecture VIII On Simple Substance ........................................................ 66

Lecture IX Disorder First in Vital Force ............................................... 81

Lecture X Materialism in Medicine ................................................... 91

Lecture XI Sickness and Cure on Dynamic Plane ................................ 97

Lecture XII The Removal of the Totality of Symptoms Means the

Removal of the Cause ................................................. 106

Lecture XIII The Law of Similars ........................................................... 1 14

Lecture XIV Susceptibility ........................................................................ 119

Lecture XV Protection from Sickness .................................................... 127

Lecture XVI Oversensitive Patients ........................................................ 133

Lecture XVII The Science and the Art .................................................. 141

Lecture XVIII Chronic Diseases Psora .................................................. 1 48

Lecture XIX Chronic Diseases Psora (Cont.) ....................................159

Lecture XX Chronic Diseases Syphilis .............................................. 171

Lecture XXI Chronic Diseases Sycosis .............................................. 178

Lecture XXII Disease and Drug Study in General ................................... 193

Lecture XXIII The Examination of the Patient ..........................................201

Lecture XXIV The Examination of the Patient (Cont.) ...........................209

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from James Tyler Kent: Lectures on Homeopathic
Lecturers on Homoeopathic Philosophy

Lecture XXV The Examination of the Patient (Cont.) ............................... 217

Lecture XXVI The Examination of the Patient (Cont.) ............................... 223

Lecture XXVII Record Keeping ...................................................................... 2 2 9

Lecture XXVIII The Study of Provings ........................................................... 233

Lecture XXIX Idiosyncrasies ...........................................................................243

Lecture XXX Individualization ...................................................................... 251

Lecture XXXI Characteristics ......................................................................... 255

Lecture XXXII The Value of Symptoms ......................................................... 261

Lecture XXXIII The Value of Symptoms (Cont.) ......................................... 2 7 0

Lecture XXXIV The Homoeopathic Aggravation .......................................... 277

Lecture XXXV Prognosis after Observing the Action of the Remedy .... 289

Lecture XXXVI The Second Prescription ........................................................ 305

Lecture XXXVII Difficult and Incurable Cases Palliation .............................. 315

Lecture XXXVIII Essentials of Successful Repertorisation ............................. 318

Lecture XXXIX Essentials of Successful Prescribing .............................. 324

Lecture XL Trend of Thought Necessary for Development

in Homeopathy ............................. 329

An Appeal .......................... 335

Index .. 337

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from James Tyler Kent: Lectures on Homeopathic
Publisher 's Note to Seventh Edition
B. JAIN Publishers (P) Ltd. is relentlessly working in the field of
homoeopathy since a long time and trying its best to provide
antique literature in the best possible user friendly form. Thus,
the 7th edition of the "Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy"
by J. T. Kent is available in the reader's hands.
Immense care has been taken while editing the book regarding
the matter concerned in each lecture.
New eye-catchy look has been provided to each lecture and
aphorisms have been properly highlighted.
Word index at the end of the book will help the reader to catch
hold of related matter or topic at a glance.
It is expected that readers will fully avail this historic literature
of J.T.Kent.
In addition, without moving the original philosophy, an easy
explanation to lectures is added by Dr. Harsh Nigam at the close
of original literature so that readers can have thorough under-
standing of Master's philosophy. We appreciate Dr. Harsh Nigam
for his earnest efforts.

Kuldeep Jain
MD, B. Jain Publishers

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from James Tyler Kent: Lectures on Homeopathic
James Tyler Kent
Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy

244 pages, pb

More books on homeopathy, alternative medicine and a healthy life www.narayana-verlag.com

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