Touch Passing Drills
Touch Passing Drills
Touch Passing Drills
Ball Runner
Objective - Lateral pass (static)
- Catching
- Touchdowns
Learners In Pairs, lining up facing the same direction
Equipment - 1 x football per pair of players
- 8 x marker cones to define playing area
Instructions - Organise players into pairs with one football per pair
- Pairs line up side-by-side two meters apart in the centre of the playing field and
pass the ball back and forth to their partner
- When you call ‘Ball!’, the player with the ball (or about to receive the ball) must
run with it and score a touchdown
- After scoring a touchdown they return to the centre and resume passing
Variations - Ask players to swap sides to ensure they learn to pass and catch from the right
and left sides of their body
- One point = player with the ball makes it to the score line without being tagged
by their partner.
Spare Square
Objective - Passing and receiving
Learners - Groups of 4
Equipment - 1 x football
- 4 x marker cones
Instructions - Separate players into groups of four with one football, and set up a 3-
metre x 3 metre square using marker cones
- The three attacking players stand at a marker and can only pass the ball to
players on each side of the square (not diagonally across the square)
- To receive the ball attacking players can move to the spare marker cone -
they cannot run while holding the ball
- A fourth player in the centre attempts to intercept the ball or cause a
- When the ball is intercepted, the attacking player who touched it last
changes place with the interceptor.
Variations Progression
- If a player passes the football over shoulder height, they become the
- If a player holds the ball for more than three seconds, they change places
with the interceptor.
Giants treasure
Objective - Passing
- Roll ball
- Evasion
Learners Groups of 4
Equipment - 20 x footballs as the giant’s treasure
- 4 x marker cones
- 1 x bib or sash to identify the giant
- 1 hoop
Instructions - Organise players into four groups
- An additional player is designated as the giant to guard the treasure
- The giant roams the space around the treasure
- All footballs are placed in the centre of the playing area
- When you call ‘Go!’, one player from each group attempts to steal one
ball at a time and pass it back to their group
- Players tagged by the giant must stop and place their ball on the ground,
step over it (perform a roll ball) and return to their group
- When all balls in the centre are gone, players may attempt to take a ball
from other groups but must perform a roll ball if tagged by the giant.
Variations - Play without a giant first and encourage correct Touch Football passes.
Flying V
Objective - Passing and catching (static)
- Touchdowns
- running with the ball in two hands
Learners 2 teams
Equipment - 1 x rugby per team
- 6 x marker cones per team
- 2 x markers to form scoreline
Instructions - Organise players into teams of six lined up diagonally to form a V as
- The top player for each team starts with the football.
- On your signal, teams pass the ball down the line to the last player who
runs forward to score a touchdown
- After scoring a touchdown, the player with the ball runs to the top
position and all other players in the team move down to the next marker
- Repeat passing and scoring touchdowns until ‘Time!’ is called.
- Teams total their scores to determine the winner.
Variations Progression
- Teams swap sides in the V formation and attempt to beat their own
team’s previous score
- Teams start at one end of a long-playing field and pass the ball backwards
to team-mates while jogging forwards.
4 Square
Objective Practise passing, catching and defending
Learners Teams of 4
Equipment - 1 size 4 football per group
Instructions - A playing area is divided into 4 with a try line at each end
- A player from each team goes into a square
- The team in possession of the ball passes it to team-mates in any of the 4
squares, trying to avoid interception and score a try
- Players stay in their square. (Play in 2 teams of 8 players.)
Variations Progression Regression
Players do not have to ground Call out a set number of passes that must be
the ball to score a try — they made, before a try may be scored.
score by running across the goal
line. » Taggers run with one
hand behind their back.