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Fintech and The Customer Experience:: Best Practices, Trends and Expert Insights

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Fintech and

the customer
Best practices, trends
and expert insights
Table of contents
Part 1:
Fintech trust starts with the customer experience. P4
Part 2:
How fintech is redefining customer experience - and not just in
the financial industry. P7
Part 3:
Big banks and fintech start-ups - partnering for customer
experience and innovation. P10
Part 4:
Four keys to retaining Millennial customers in fintech. P13
Part 5:
As more countries go cashless, customer care still reigns
supreme. P17
Customers today have higher expectations than ever before. They
also have more options. For every financial service, there is now at
least a handful of fintech companies offering a solution that’s available
right at the customers’ fingertips.

It’s easy to argue that fintechs are changing the finance industry for
the better. They tend to put more focus on the customer and often
cater to previously under-served consumers, forcing incumbents to
examine their own costs and quality of service.

In many cases, customer adoption has been swift, with many fintech
companies boasting hundreds of thousands of users, or more.
Adoption is doubling year over year, according to EY. However,
developing and launching an innovative product or service is only half
the battle. Start-ups are great at launching products, but sustaining a
brand experience throughout the entire customer journey requires a
different set of competencies.

Both traditional financial firms and upstarts need robust customer

support practices in place in order to ensure loyalty, retention and
growth. The following articles take a closer look at customer service
best practices, trends and expert insights as they relate to the financial
services industry, with a focus on fintech. We know this collection will
prove helpful in the never-ending quest to meet and exceed customer
needs and expectations.

Thanks for reading!

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 3

Part 1
Fintech trust starts
with the customer
When it comes to building customer trust like Millennials, small businesses and the
and expanding customer care, the financial underbanked are making it even more critical
services industry is evolving quickly, at least (and difficult) for financial service providers to
from a contact center and business process garner customer loyalty and trust for the long
outsourcing perspective. haul.
At the heart of this evolution is the
dramatic change in the way customers pay The changing customer landscape
for things. We now see a vast array of options Customers are no longer satisfied with the
offered to consumers, along with an equally one-size-fits-all model traditionally offered by
large selection of companies competing to large financial institutions. Instead, they are
facilitate transactions. looking for a more personalized and engaging
Disruptive industry trends like the approach to managing their finances.
digitalization of traditional services, along with Fintech companies are filling that void
increasingly demanding customer segments by offering innovative solutions that allow

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 4

customers to own the creation each and every customer
of their experience. Features interaction.
like intuitive user interfaces,
personalized solutions and real- Start with customer support
time recommendations based basics
on interactive data are just a It’s important not to lose sight
few of the unique characteristics of the basics when it comes to
that are redefining the customer customer service. The product
experience. itself sets a precedent, and the
Transactions are now almost level of service being delivered
entirely in the control of the should live up to that expectation.
consumer — an ideal scenario for Building a solid service
the overly skeptical Millennial or foundation ensures a positive
the underbanked customer. customer experience right from
the start, while allowing for the
Customer trust begins introduction of more multifaceted
with elevating the brand solutions in the near future.
experience For one of TELUS
Innovative ideas and unique International’s peer-to-peer
service offerings matter, but payment services clients, we
it’s the elevation of the brand proposed something as simple as
experience throughout the entire implementing an interactive voice
customer lifecycle that is critical response system to address top
to achieving long-term success. contact drivers, including basic
This means defining what the card activations and account
optimal customer and brand balance inquiries.
experience should be in the first This tactic alone reduced
place. the number of inbound calls by
Unfortunately, when providers need approximately 6,000 per month — saving
to focus on pushing out new products, time and money for the client and removing
customer service can often be overlooked. potential frustrations for their customers.
In fact, establishing a support ecosystem This was not a revolutionary support
Innovative ideas
is generally not a strategic initiative until the solution; however, the client was simply
and unique service
organization realizes that it can no longer growing too fast and needed help building
offerings matter, but
keep up with demand, and the customer basic support systems based on best
it’s the elevation of
experience is starting to suffer. practices.
the brand experience
This is often when organizations turn to
throughout the entire
outsourcing partners to help them sustain Aim for customer experience
lifecycle that is critical
their brand experience by managing their innovation
to achieving long-
customer support needs, especially during Once the basics are taken care of, we
term success.
times of hyper-growth and market disruption. can look to more transformative solutions
As an extension of the financial institution’s involving customer journey mapping, Six
internal operations, it is the outsourcing Sigma business process improvement
partner’s responsibility to sustain the brand initiatives and the use of data and technology.
experience, building ongoing trust through Indeed, utilizing the right data and

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 5

technology can be big customer service
differentiators. For example, speech
analytics allows us to analyze voice-based
conversations for key words and phrases,
including word frequency and voice
With this data in hand, we can determine
primary call drivers, identify customers at
risk for leaving and determine opportunities
for self-service — all with the end goal of
improving the customer experience. Similar
outcomes can be accomplished through text
analytics by determining ongoing themes and
issues buried within unstructured text-based
By converting the large number of text-
based interactions into useful information, we
can better identify opportunities for enhanced
loyalty, retention and revenue.

Start the customer experience

conversation early
The customer service conversation often
begins at a crossroads when business growth
comes at the expense of the overall customer
experience. Ideally, though, this discussion
would take place at the forefront of the
planning process, well before the product or
service ever reaches the market.
Trust is hard to build and easy to lose,
making it critical to prioritize customer
experience and brand leadership right from
the start.

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Part 2
How fintech is
redefining customer
experience –
and not just in the financial industry
According to one senior global banking frustrating customer experience.
executive in PwC’s Global FinTech report, Fintech innovations in customer
“We thought we knew our customers, but experience don’t apply exclusively to the
fintechs really know our customers.” financial industry. In fact, many technologies,
We’ve all experienced how grueling strategies and tactics fintech companies
interactions with large financial institutions can employ are changing the game for customer
be. Whether it’s applying for a loan, setting up service and experience altogether.
a business account or making investments, To enable customer experience leaders
we’re often faced with lengthy hold times, a to keep pace with evolving customer
deluge of forms to complete or confusing, expectations, we’ve compiled some of
non-intuitive web design. But upstarts in the key ways that fintech is redefining the
the financial technology sector are taking it customer experience, and not just in the
upon themselves to improve this perpetually financial industry.

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 7

with Square if they offered it, with most
people’s knowledge of Square limited to
simply making or receiving a payment.
People now judge a company’s credibility
and trustworthiness by the quality of the
user experience, so don’t underestimate
its importance. Make sure your design is
responsive and optimized for most devices
and screen formats now, and keep an eye out
for new technologies you may need to adjust
to in the future.

Fintech firms help customers make

sense of financial data
Let’s face it. Many people have grown tired
of the same old graphs and pie charts in
dashboards and reports. Fintech upstarts
are especially interested in overcoming this
challenge to get people more engaged with
their personal finances.
Take Mint, a fintech start-up acquired by
Intuit. With colorful, interactive reports and
dashboards, rather than a vanilla numerical
tally, people can interpret their spending
habits visually. Mint’s dashboards were
recently cited as one of the top examples of
Emerging Trends in Dashboard Design by
FusionCharts. Also take Concur, an expense
reporting application acquired by SAP in
2014. Their real-time, interactive dashboards
have brought a fresh spin to monitoring travel
The focus on seamless and expenses.
responsive user experience No matter what industry you’re in, being
Today’s digital customer experience goes far able to take customer data, analyze it and
beyond a simple website. Think of banking present it in a way that is powerful, insightful
and applications that people are now using and actionable to the end user will go a long
on both their smartphones and tablets while way in improving their experience.
on the go. Square is a great example of a
fintech company that has a seamless, multi- Fintech firms are advising customers
device responsive design that functions on with automation first, humans second
any smartphone, tablet and Point-of-Service In PwC’s Global FinTech report, financial
(POS) device. Big banks are struggling to executives cited “automation of asset
offer a comparable user experience to their allocation and wealth management” as one of
customers. A recent Accenture survey found the top trends in the industry. These so-called
that 50 percent of respondents would bank “robo-advisors” provide an initial

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 8

touch point for customers, administering digital imperatives for the financial industry in
investment advice based on a customer’s the near-term is to “create a well-designed,
profile and financial goals. Robo-advising segmented and integrated customer
applications like Robinhood operate with experience, rather than one-size-fits-all.”
less fees than traditional wealth managers This is in large part due to fintech start-ups
and are available 24/7, unlike their human like Square, Mint and Robinhood pushing
counterparts. This allows robo-advisors the boundaries of customer experience
to provide more personalized service to a innovation and personalization. Customer
greater number of people, many of whom service and customer experience leaders
can’t afford traditional advising. would benefit from asking themselves a few
That being said, the human touch to questions: Is my digital user experience truly
customer experience in most industries optimized, user-friendly and responsive? Can
isn’t going anywhere. But humans are now I present data to my customers in a more
used more as the “second line of defense” engaging, actionable format? Where can I
to robo-advisors. Fintech is showing that use automation effectively in the customer
by automating up front, you can scale experience value chain?
customer experience personalization without Fintech has already redefined the customer
a significant cost increase. experience in the financial industry, and big
banks are now playing catch-up. By taking a
Pushing boundaries across industries look at these fintech strategies, companies
To sum it up, one of McKinsey & Co’s latest across all industries can avoid missing out on
fintech reports states that the second of six similar opportunities.

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Part 3
Big banks and
fintech start-ups –
partnering for customer
experience and innovation
Financial technology firms may be small, it’s not alone. Several major banks, such
particularly when compared to the titans of as Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman
industry we traditionally trust for our day-to- Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo,
day banking and lending needs. But they’re have invested in fintech start-ups, too. In
certainly fierce. As a growing source of 2015, total investment in fintech companies
disruption, traditional banking and financial around the world reached roughly $19 billion,
institutions can no longer ignore them. compared to $12 billion in 2014, according to
In his annual letter to shareholders last a report from KPMG and CB Insights.
year, Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase CEO,
wrote, “It is unquestionable that fintech A start-up for every banking service
will force financial institutions to move Banks are moving beyond equity
more quickly, and banks, regulators and investments, and are now scouting for
government policy will need to keep pace.” new ways to not only integrate start-ups’
JPMorgan Chase has now partnered with innovative technologies into their proprietary
more than 100 fintech companies — and infrastructures, but to also help them create

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 10

Clearly, banks need
innovative ideas
and technologies,
but simply jumping
on the fintech
bandwagon will not
guarantee efficient
financial services.

new services. Gartner predicts that by the end of 2019, likely to double this year.
25 percent of retail banks will use start-up providers to Clearly, banks need innovative ideas and technologies,
replace legacy online and mobile banking systems. but simply jumping on the fintech bandwagon will not
Fintech start-ups are developing tools that understand guarantee efficient financial services. “CIOs must prepare
customer behavior. They are also looking to build bridges to manage the challenges of evaluating and selecting
between isolated apps in efforts to offer a frictionless new vendors that may not have proven track records in
user experience — and their services are catching the financial services vertical or may simply be new and
on fast. “Start-ups and emerging providers of digital untried without an extensive customer base,” says Cohen.
banking platforms offer banks interesting opportunities That doesn’t mean excluding untested technologies is
for innovation,” says Gartner research director, Stessa a good blanket approach; some risk is inherent, but many
Cohen. fintech start-ups may be established enough to justify a
A study from analyst firm EY suggests adoption of partnership or an investment. Still, selling that internally
fintech products is relatively high for such a new sector, can present challenges. “It can be difficult for CIOs to
and that the risk of disruption is real. In a survey of more justify investment in their solutions to their boards and
than 10,000 consumers across six countries, EY found regulatory agencies, but don’t use that as a reason to
that the adoption rate among digitally active consumers is exclude new vendors,” she says.

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Partnership models start-up secures a huge distribution
Banks and fintech companies need each network and regulatory compliance.
other. It’s a delicate balance, and several 3. Nurture new ideas: Many banks are
partnership models are emerging. Here are plugging into the start-up community
Hackathons and
the most popular ways banks are working without buying any direct equity. They
other rewards-based
with start-ups: start their own incubators, accelerators
competitions can get
1. Extend outsourcing: Banks have or innovation labs to get early access
a bank’s brand some
been outsourcing their internal services to new technologies and ideas they
recognition in the
to their outsourcing partners for a may not otherwise discover on their
start-up community,
long time. It makes sense to extend own. Wells Fargo, for instance, has
while exposing
a similar arrangement to customer- pumped funds into boot camps
the bank’s staff
facing innovative services and apps to support a start-up developing
to new ideas and
that can match customer expectations automated real estate transaction
of a modern banking experience technology, and another early stage
to fintechs. JPMorgan Chase, for company exploring voice technologies.
instance, is using OnDeck to help offer Some banks also sponsor hackathons
quicker approvals and same-or-next- to discover new ideas, technologies
day funding to some of its four million and the best potential partners for
small-business customers. mutually beneficial collaboration.
2. Invest in start-ups: Big banks Hackathons and other rewards-based
seem eager to invest in start-ups to competitions can get a bank’s brand
manage disruption. Goldman Sachs, some recognition in the start-up
Citi Ventures, JPMorgan Chase and community, while exposing the bank’s
Morgan Stanley have put their money staff to new ideas and technologies.
in mobile payment company Square. The downside, however, is that there
Meanwhile, JP Morgan Chase and is no exclusivity in most of these
Goldman Sachs have bet on online partnerships.
brokerage Motif Investing, and Morgan
Stanley, Bank of America and Citibank No doubt, most banks and fintech start-ups
have all invested in Visible Alpha, a are experimenting with multiple partnership
start-up offering a platform to interpret models to cover their innovation bases. And
and forecast stock data. The benefits these relationships continually evolve. As they
to both parties are significant. This scout for ways to reconnect the fragmented
is an easy way for banks to access finance value chain, banks and fintechs are
innovative products and services that integrating their innovation strategies and
can benefit their business and get a learning to work like — and with — each
leg up on the competition, while the other.

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 12

Part 4
Four keys to
retaining Millennial
customers in fintech
Customer service leaders today know the skeptical towards the traditional financial
importance of catering to Millennials in order services industry.
to retain their business. Nowhere is this more Fintech companies are using this
evident than in the financial services industry. information to their advantage to turn out
According to a recent survey conducted some of the best marketing material targeted
by LinkedIn and Ipsos MediaCT, less than half at Millennials. An advertisement by low-cost
of Millennials (46 percent) plan to stay with stock trading app Robinhood, for example,
their current financial services company over showcases the simplicity and modern design
the next few years. What’s more, two out of of the mobile application, along with a retro-
three (67 percent) are open to products and electronic soundtrack that caters perfectly to
services from non-financial brands. Millennials’ sensibility.
Millennials are used to being early adopters But what about customer service? Are
of new technology and are attracted to fintech companies doing everything they can,
products that are mobile, social and as not just to earn, but to keep the business of
on-demand as possible. They’re also more Millennial customers? We spoke with experts

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 13

in fintech, Millennials and customer service
to determine four keys to retaining Millennial

1. Find a customer service partner

with both product launch and finance
Lindsey Groepper is the president of
BlastMedia, and is responsible for helping
companies get the most out of their product
launches. She shared her perspective on
choosing the right partner:
• Look for curiosity – “Look for a partner
who is willing to look under the hood of
your business first before any strategy is
developed or tactic is executed. Without
understanding the current space, your
company’s specific challenges and
emerging trends in the industry at large, it be in finance, but a similar industry that
will be very difficult to formulate the right is highly regulated and requires a certain
launch strategy. In the initial meeting, a level of due diligence and detail.”
good partner will ask a lot of questions
Millennials are
and do more listening than talking.” 2. Make sure your staff understands
used to being early
• Seek Millennial-specific experience Millennials
adopters of new
– “Millennial = mobile. If your partners John Rampton is an entrepreneur, CEO
technology and are
are focused on traditional marketing of Due and an expert in Millennials and
attracted to products
and messaging, they are not the right technology. Here’s what he had to say on
that are mobile,
partners. Millennials are not influenced making sure your customer service staff
social and as on-
by traditional news or design; they want understands Millennials:
demand as possible.
communication and a user experience • Millennials want everything now –
that is specifically tailored to their need “Millennials are the first generation to be
for simplicity and speed. One common raised on their cell phones, and are used
trait in Millennials is their desire to be a to everything being on-demand, whether
part of something. Whether it is a job or a it be social media, entertainment or
volunteer opportunity, Millennials want to customer service.”
feel connected to the larger mission. For • Patience is a virtue – “Millennials tend to
this reason, they are a valuable group to expect highly personalized service and to
involve in product design and message be catered to. This requires that your call
testing. They are more likely to purchase center staff be especially patient when
a product if they feel like they’ve been a resolving service issues with Millennials.
part of it from the beginning.” They won’t hesitate to complain or voice
• Find a partner with finance experience their opinions about a poor experience
– “It helps if the partner has experience or via social media, so your call center staff
knowledge about working in a regulated needs to have the ability to take whatever
space. This does not necessarily have to time is necessary to work through

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 14

issues with Millennials to prevent them • Join the conversation – “By listening to
from voicing their displeasure via Yelp, and learning from conversations across
Facebook, etc.” social sites, you can determine where
• Hire Millennials – “One of the best you’ll be most effective. As you get better
The main challenge
strategies for providing Millennials with at identifying and handling interactions,
both fintech and
great customer service and retention you will be positioned to evolve into a
traditional financial
outcomes is to hire Millennials to be more sophisticated approach, geared
institutions face is
part of your customer service staff. around criteria such as a customer’s
building trust with
They understand their own generation, influence, root cause analysis and
a generation that’s
especially the fact that Millennials don’t marketplace opportunities. In short, the
skeptical of financial
really like speaking to customer support first step is to get in the game!”
agents unless they really have to. And • Harness the contact center’s
especially in the realm of fintech and potential – “Many organizations start
financial services, they expect service to out by treating social channels as a part
be quick, easy and frictionless.” of marketing, publicity, or corporate
communication efforts. But the sooner
3. Incorporate social media into your you are ready to pull the full range of
service strategy interactions and channels into your
Brad Cleveland is known globally as one customer service operations, the sooner
of today’s foremost experts in customer you will be able to scale resources and
strategy, management and omnichannel respond as opportunities unfold.”
services. These are his keys to incorporating • Social doesn’t replace traditional
social media into customer service – a must – “Social service does not replace
for any fintech company serving Millennials: traditional customer service channels.

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 15

In fact, if you have poor phone service
levels and unanswered customer email,
viewing social service as a substitute
would be sorely misguided. Rather, it will
become an increasingly important part
of your organization’s overall approach
to communicating with and serving

4. Allow Millennials to use customer

A study by Aspect Software reports that
69 percent of Millennials feel good about
themselves and the company if they’re able
to resolve an issue without talking to support.
According to Brad Cleveland, self-service
designed for Millennials should fit in with a
broader customer access strategy:
• Use self-service to reshape your
access strategy – “Contact centers are,
in fits and starts, increasingly becoming
the engine organizations use to listen
to, interact with and capture insight
from social channels. Reshaping your
customer access strategy goes beyond
social media to other potential access
points, such as self-service.”
• Self-service is part of an alternative
access plan – “Identify traditional
communication channels (e.g. telephone,
email, chat) as well as new alternatives
you want to join or create, for listening
to and engaging with customers, such
as blogs, rating sites, peer-to-peer
communities, and key social sites (e.g.
Facebook, Twitter).”
• The benefits of self-service – “Consider
the impact when your contact center The main challenge both fintech and
enables the organization to improve traditional financial institutions face is building
self-service capabilities. This lowers the trust with a generation that’s skeptical of
costs of providing customer service, and financial services. By internalizing these four
can also boost customer satisfaction and keys to retaining Millennial customers, fintech
ensure that the center has the capacity companies will be well positioned to take
to focus on issues that really require or advantage of a unique generational market
benefit from agent involvement.” opportunity.

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 16

Part 5
As more countries
go cashless,
customer care still
reigns supreme
Standalone ATMs are among some of the of North America when it comes to going
only evidence that brick-and-mortar bank cashless? The Nordic cashless movement
branches once stood in Northern Europe, accelerated, at least in part, due to the
as the countries of Denmark, Finland, greater security and traceability enabled by
Iceland, Norway and Sweden are becoming government efforts to move away from paper
increasingly cashless societies. in issuing bank statements and confidential
In these locations, it’s perfectly acceptable correspondence.
to use a bank card to pay for a pack of Also supporting this trend is a unified
gum at the convenience store or a meal at system of personal identification applied
McDonald’s, and pizza delivery people gladly to financial transactions called NemID, a
accept tips via mobile-to-mobile transfers. log-in solution common in many financial
Why are these countries so far ahead transactions that combines an individual’s

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 17

social security number with a private
password and an expiring code of numbers.
Government-funded telecom infrastructure
also enabled Nordic countries to digitize
personal IDs.
But even in countries where cash has gone
the way of the dinosaurs, the human-to-
human interaction of traditional customer care
remains critical in fostering the confidence
people need to move money from traditional
institutions over to financial technology

Innovation in customer service

Excellent customer service allows financial
institutions, both fintechs and traditional
banks, to expand their business with less
infrastructure, says Kristian Gjerding, CEO of
CellPoint Mobile, a global fintech firm from Building trust
Denmark. “I can be a bank of 10 people Though technology has improved personal
or 100 people. If a bank provides excellent identification, issues of trust remain when
customer service and the best technology, it comes to money-management. That’s
Each customer who
customers will find it,” Gjerding says. why old-fashioned voice-based customer
calls in to make an
By responding quickly and personally care can offer a critical boost to customers’
inquiry related to
to customer calls, established institutions confidence.
their accounts is
like Denmark’s Danske Bank ensure that While mobile applications are expected to
identified immediately
customers still feel cared for as they did in rise in prominence over the next five years,
by their caller ID.
the days that branches were the primary customers still expect personalized service
This eliminates
point of contact. Each customer who calls in when problems arise. According to a recent
the need for
to make an inquiry related to their accounts study by PwC, call center support is still in
individuals to reveal
is identified immediately by caller ID. This demand around the world, with 46 percent
sensitive details for
eliminates the need for individuals to reveal of respondents saying they prefer person-
authentication and
sensitive details for authentication and makes to-person interaction when reaching out for
makes the caller feel
the caller feel recognized. customer service.
Account managers correspond via The same PwC study reports that four out
email with their clients, and digital banking of 10 participants said they believe fintech
platforms include query forms which make will increase customer interactions because
it easier for bank representatives to answer of the greater number of possible customer
customer questions without forcing the touch points. A majority feel that the most
customer to explain their needs each time. important impact of fintech is how it will
“Financial institutions really need to improve “affect the ability to meet changing customer
their game and have a 24/7 presence needs with new offers.”
where customers can conduct banking and Through simplifying money management,
payment business electronically and through transactions and financial services, these
call centers,” says Gjerding. young banking firms are generating greater

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 18

consumer engagement. This has impacted Checkout are all major-league offerings
the margins and market share of traditional available to Americans looking to go cashless.
financial institutions enough to make them But despite the popularity of online
take notice and, in some cases, consider shopping, peer-to-peer payments via
collaborations. platforms like PayPal and Venmo and the
A report on fintech published by KPMG general societal push, Gjerding suggests that
suggests that a need to build customer the U.S. will need added infrastructure to
confidence is an important motivator for support a cash-free economy. Among these
collaboration between fintech firms and are smarter customer service systems which
traditional banking institutions. “Part of the help authenticate identity to avoid delays on
competitive advantage banks have over new the phone.
market entrants is trust. But to fully become The benefits of a cashless society —
the real-time, innovative and modern trusted reducing fraud risks to retailers and individuals
adviser, they have to be willing and able alike, ensuring better government oversight of
to plug and play with fintech companies financial transactions and simply making life
to provide customers with an amazing, more convenient for the individual consumer
personalized, secure, easy and inexpensive — will push the digitization of cash and
experience to better manage their financial innovative approaches to customer service far
lives,” the KPMG report states. beyond the Nordics’ borders in the future.
In areas where older infrastructure
Many paths to cashlessness in the threatens to slow the adoption of such
U.S. technology, customer service may make all
At the industry level, major companies the difference in boosting consumers’ trust.
operating in North America look as though And in the business of money management,
they’re ready to play ball. Android Pay, whether it’s cash or cashless, people put their
Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Amex Express money where their trust is.

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 19

Customer service can often be overlooked in new and emerging
industries, and it’s easy to understand why. Building, launching and
shipping new products are paramount in the quest to acquire new
customers. And customer acquisition remains a priority until demand
outstrips an organization’s ability to serve them. In other words,
companies tend to deprioritize customer support until they start losing
customers due to poor service.

The key to long-term success, however, is creating a customer

experience that elevates the brand throughout the customer lifecycle.
As outsourcing relationships have become more strategic in recent
years, the right partner can actually sustain and improve your brand
experience, building your top line, in addition to cutting costs. But the
key is finding a partner adept at working with fast-growing, innovative
companies, and with experience navigating the complexities of the
financial industry, including PCI certification.

If you’re interested in discussing how to launch or improve your

own customer support programs, please reach out:

TELUS International - Fintech and the customer experience 20

About TELUS International
TELUS International is a global BPO and ITO company with service
delivery centers around the world, including in Canada, the United
States, Central America, Europe and Asia. TELUS International is the
global arm of TELUS, one of Canada’s largest telecom companies
serving almost 13 million subscriber connections.

Connect with us at: telusinternational.com | @TELUSInt

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