FinMan Syllabus
FinMan Syllabus
FinMan Syllabus
2 Semester SY 2016-2017
Course Prerequisite/s:
Credit Units: 3 Basic Finance
Introduction to financial management and finance; Cash flows and financial analysis; The makeup of interest rates, risk and the time value of
Course money in financial calculations: The techniques of valuing bonds and stocks and the risks associated with valuations; Capital budgeting
Description: techniques, cash flows estimation and risks in capital budgeting; The components of capital, the cost of capital and leverage; Managing
working and capital, cash and financing; Corporate financial planning, corporate restructuring and international finance.
Bulacan State University is a progressive knowledge generating institution globally recognized for excellent instruction, pioneering research, and
responsive community engagements
Bulacan State University exists to produce highly competent, ethical and service-oriented professionals that contribute to the sustainable socio-
economic growth and development of the nation
In the pursuit of its mission, the initiatives and efforts of the University are geared towards the attainment of the following goals:
Quality and Excellence. Promoting quality and relevant educational programs that meet international standards.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Telephone Number : 7964131 or 919-7800 loc 1058, 1057
Relevance and Responsiveness. Generation and dissemination of knowledge in the broad range of disciplines relevant and responsive to the
dynamically changing domestic and international environments.
Access and Equity. Broadening the access of deserving and qualified students to educational opportunities.
Efficiency and Effectiveness. Optimizing of social, institutional and individual returns and benefits derived from the utilization of higher education
5. To mold students’ character by instituting the values of honesty, fairness, transparency, patience, innovativeness and right attitude through class
activities and projects.
6. To equip the students with quantitative skills for analysis and critical reasoning of business situations.
7. Lastly, its aim is to equip students with wholesome personality through development trainings and develop deep knowledge on cultural values from a
global perspective.
1. Describe both the theoretical and practical role of financial management in business corporations.
2. Explain the trade-off between risk and return.
3. Use proper computation in identifying the value of various financial assets such as annuities, bonds, and stocks.
4. Examine the financial condition of a given case through proper financial planning and control process.
5. Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of short-term financing.
6. Examine the given financial statements and create a projected financial statement through forcasting.
7. Compare the different types of inventory management.
8. Discuss the different sources of short-term financing.
9. Suggest proper capital budgeting technique to a given case study.
Learning Outcomes Topics Week Learning Activities
1. Describe both the theoretical and Introduction to Financial management
practical role of financial a. Financial Management defined
management in business b. Areas of Financial Management Recitation
corporations. c. The Role and Objective of Financial Management Written Quiz
d. Financial Manager’s Responsibility 1-2 Assignment
e. Agency Relationships
2. Appreciate the Time Value of The make-up of interest, risk and Time Value of Money in Financial
Money ( future and present) and Calculation
how it impacts business decisions. a. Simple Interest Recitation
b. Compounding Interest 3-4 Written Quiz
c. Comparison between Simple and Compounding Interest Board work
d. Determination of Future Value -annual compounding and intra period
e. Determination of the Future Value of a Stream of Payments
i. Stream of Unequal Payments
ii. Stream of Uniform /Equal payment
Present Value Discounting
Determination of Present Value of A Perpetuity
Determination of Annual Growth Interest Rate
3. Use proper computation in Bond and Stock Valuation Recitation
identifying the value of various a. Bond Valuation 5-6 Written Quiz
financial assets such as annuities, b. Preferred Stock Valuation Board work
bonds, and stocks. c. Common Stock Valuation
4. Understand the usefulness of Financial Analysis and Cash flow Analysis
Republic of the Philippines
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Telephone Number : 7964131 or 919-7800 loc 1058, 1057
5. Understand the Concept and Components of Financial Planning, Corporate restructuring and 10 Recitation
Perspective of Financial Planning. International Finance ( OVERVIEW) Written Quiz
a. Concept of Financial Planning Assignment
b. Growth as Financial Management Goal
c. Perspective of Financial Planning
d. Benefits from Financial Planning
e. Financial Planning Model
Elements of Financial Planning
6. Distinguish the advantages and Working Capital Management
disadvantages of short-term a. Working Capital Terminology 11-12
Republic of the Philippines
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Telephone Number : 7964131 or 919-7800 loc 1058, 1057
Instructional Materials:
1. Powerpoint Presentation
2. Handout
3. Guidelines in writing a reaction paper.
Classroom Policies:
1. The students’ listed in the master list from the MIS office shall be permitted to attend the class.
2. Enrolled students must go to the class promptly. Must come to each class prepared.
3. Students are expected to undergo all assessment tasks on the date scheduled and participate actively in the discussion as well as the different activities
involve in the course and in the extra-curricular activities determined by the college.
4. Cheating is equivalent to lower grade to a failing grade in the subject. (see Student Handbook pp. 40)
5. Requirements in Learning Activities e.g. project, term paper, case study etc., which is not submitted on or before the due date will no longer be accepted.
6. The use of electronic gadgets like cell phones, tablets, laptops, mp3, etc. are not allowed during class hours unless needed.
7. Sit in students may attend the class upon the approval of the course teacher.
8. Always maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the room before and after the class.
All BSBA major in Financial Management, Marketing Management and Business Economics Student are expected to be academically honest. Any act of
misconduct corresponds to disciplinary actions imposed by the university. Cheating, Plagiarism or making false presentation of academic performance are
examples of academic dishonesty. Any student found guilty of these offense/s will be marked F (Failed) or 5.0. Plagiarism and cheating refers to the use of
unauthorized notes, securing help during examinations, assignments, reports or cases, signing another students name on the attendance sheet, or
otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty. (Please refer to Student Handbook Section D. Grounds for Disciplinary Sanctions page 40-43)
Republic of the Philippines
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Telephone Number : 7964131 or 919-7800 loc 1058, 1057
Students must attend the class regularly. They must be marked tardy if arrived 15 minutes after the start of the scheduled time. The student is considered
absent after checking the attendance. Students with three (3) late will be equivalent to one (1) absent. Request for excuse must be presented upon reporting
back to class duly certified by the attending physician or the University doctor if sick. If other reasons occur, student must present a valid excuse letter signed
by their parents or guardian. Special examinations will be allowed only in special cases, such as prolonged illness or unexpected situation takes place.
Grading System:
Learning Activities: (Quizzes, Recitations, Assignments, Board work, Final Paper) 60 %
Assessment Task(Midterm and Final Examinations) 30 %
Attendance/ Work Ethics 10 %
TOTAL 100%
1.0 - 97-100 1.0 - 1.25 = 1.0
1.25 - 94-96 1.26 - 1.375 = 1.25
1.50 - 91-93 1.376 - 1.625 = 1.5 F – Failed
1.75 - 88-90 1.626 - 1.875 = 1.75 INC – Incomplete
2.00 - 85-87 1.876 - 2.125 = 2.0 DRP – Drop
2.25 - 82-84 2.126 - 2.375 = 2.25 UD – Unofficially Drop
2.50 - 79-81 2.376 - 2.625 = 2.5 NA – Not Attending
2.75 - 75 2.626 - 2.875 = 2.75
3.00 - Conditional 2.876 - 3.125 = 3.0
4.00 - 74-Below 3.126 - below = 5.0
5.00 - Failed
Republic of the Philippines
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Telephone Number : 7964131 or 919-7800 loc 1058, 1057
CATEGORY (4) Excellent (3) Good (2) Almost (1) Not Yet RATING
Time-management The student routinely used time well The student usually used time well The student did not routinely use time The student rarely used time well
throughout the project to ensure things throughout the project to ensure things well throughout the project to ensure throughout the project to ensure
got done by the due date. The group did got done by the due date. The group things got done by the due date. The things got done by the due date. The
not need extra time because of this did not need extra time because of this group needed a little extra time because group needed extra time because of
person. person. of this person. this person.
Contributions The student routinely provided useful The student usually provided useful The student sometimes provided useful The student rarely provided useful
ideas when participating in the group and ideas when participating in the group ideas when participating in the group and ideas when participating in the group
in classroom discussion. He/she was a and in classroom discussion. He/she in classroom discussion. He/she was a and in classroom discussion. He/she
definite leader who contributed a lot of was strong group member who tried satisfactory group member. may have refused to participate at
effort. hard! times.
Organization of Materials The student’s notes and information The student’s notes and information The student’s notes and information The student’s notes and information
were kept in a folder and were neat and were kept in a folder and were were kept in a folder but were not neat were not all kept in a folder and
organized. somewhat neat and organized. and organized. therefore they were disorganized or
Knowledge Gained The student can accurately answer all The student can accurately answer The students can accurately answer The student appears to have little
questions related to facts in the brochure most questions related to facts in the some questions related to facts in the knowledge about the facts or technical
and to technical processes used to brochure and to technical processes brochure and to technical processes processes used in the brochure.
create the brochure. used to create the brochure. used to create the brochure.
Compare/ The student is able to list several The student is able to list some The student is able to list a few The student is unable to list
similarities and differences that reference similarities and differences that similarities and differences that reference similarities and differences that
Contrast the city brochure presentations. reference the city brochure the city brochure presentations. reference the city brochure
presentations. presentations.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Telephone Number : 7964131 or 919-7800 loc 1058, 1057
Basic Finance 2013—2015 Edition by Scott Besley and Eugene F. Brigham, 2013, Cengage Learning
Contemporary Financial Management Philippine Edition by McGuigan, Kretlow, Moyer, 2011, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
Essentials of Managerial Finance Tenth Edition by J. Fred Weston and Eugene F. Bringham, 1993, The Dryden Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers
I have read and understand the above course plan in full and in participating in this course I agree on the above rules. I have clear understanding of the policies and
my responsibilities and I have discussed everything unclear to me with my instructor.
I will adhere to the academic integrity policy and treat my fellow students with due respect.
I understand that this course plan have to provide proper documentation as soon as possible to be eligible to make-ups for missed exams.
I understand that this course plan can be modified or over ruled by announcements of the instructor in class or any form of communication such as social media site
at any time.
Please detach the instructors’ copy after signing it and submit to your subject teacher during the first week.