Easter Sunday Message21st April 2019
Easter Sunday Message21st April 2019
Easter Sunday Message21st April 2019
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
`Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand
In the Bible, several people were raised from the dead: a widow’s son by Elijah, another
widow’s son and Lazarus by Jesus. However, these resurrections do not hold the same
importance that Christ’s resurrection does. These people rose from the dead only to
eventually die again. Jesus rose to live forever. When these people rose they were still
doomed because of their sinfulness and disobedience to God. Jesus rose as the
incorruptible and perfect Son of God. These people rose with no change in their bodily
form. Jesus rose in a significantly different form.When Jesus was resurrected, three
significant things happened to him. He was glorified, he was transfigured (given a
different body), and he became spirit.
The authenticity of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the
Christian faith. 1 Cor.15:12-19.
Believers in Christ will resurrect with glorified bodies. Our resurrection is certain
because of Christ resurrection.
Believers pain and challenges is just for a brief season, after which comes the glory.
Heb12:2; Rom.8:28; Matt.5:16, 17; 1 Pet.4:12-16.
Jesus has defeated mans greatest enemy, Santan and his Kingdom. God's children are
not under his control. Satan had authority over the earth realm. Gen.3:15; Mk.3:27;
Mat.4:8-9; Heb.2:14; Col.3:14-15.
Jesus has defeated death and God’s children should not fear death anymore. The fear
of death has been man's greatest enemy. Even people that don't fear God get humble
when they see someone die mysteriously or suddenly. For a child of God death is a
blessing in disguise. Death is not the end there is life beyond here.