Panchayat (Extension To The Scheduled Areas) Pesa and Lwe
Panchayat (Extension To The Scheduled Areas) Pesa and Lwe
Panchayat (Extension To The Scheduled Areas) Pesa and Lwe
The Study :Methodology
Rationale of the Study
On the basis of the data collected, structured
questionnaires were analyzed by taking recourse to
MS Excel and SPSS 16.0.
• The data was interpreted through pie-charts and bar
graphs to show inter-state as well as inter-district
• The extensive household survey provided a core
quantitative database to understand the socio-
economic profile and the ground realities faced by
the tribal communities today.
The Study Findings:
Highlights Based on Empirical data
Hypothesis -1
• One of the issues with the JPRA is that it directs the Panchayat at the
district level to organise people for voluntary land acquisition for the
construction of public roads, highways, etc.
• This could be a major problem as what stand s for ‘voluntary acquisition’ is
not clear.
• Money Lending
• With regard to money lending, there are no provisions as such
in the CPRA. However, amendments have been duly made in
the Chhattisgarh Money Lending (Amendment) Act, 2010.
Minor Minerals:
In Chhattisgarh and Odisha, 99% of the respondents in each district has stated
that the person responsible for drafting the Gram Sabha meetings is the
Panchayat secretary
People know of road initiative more than the village market initiative. More than 70% people in
all the 3 states in our sample has awareness about Gram Sabha’s Road initiatives.
Chhattisgarh which has least awareness among the 3 states about village market
initiative and road initiative ,has the highest awareness of dam construction initiative
as about 74.87% of the respondents confirmed it while other two states has near
Alterations of the present laws and its effective implementation
• The relevant Central (e.g. Land Acquisition, Mines, Forest) & State
(e.g. Panchayati Raj, Money Lending, Forest, Mining, Excise) laws
still need to be amended in conformity with PESA.
Governor’s Annual Report
• The Governor’s Annual Report submitted to
the President must contain an exhaustive and
detailed section on the status of
implementation of PESA in the Scheduled
• Such a section should also cover
contradictions with any state laws or
regulations as well as gaps in the central act
that may be hindering its implementation.
• As per Section 4(b) of PESA Act, the definition
of a village implies a community which manages
its affairs according to its own traditions and
customs. This definition relate to ‘village’ not in
an administrative sense but in a socio-cultural
sense of the community. It must be ensured
that this specific definition of a village is used
for Scheduled Areas and not that of a revenue
• -Powers should be clearly defined so that the
autonomy of the Gram Sabha does not get
affected by the powers of the Gram Panchayat
Procedure for land acquisition
• Only the Gram Sabha may have the power of
consultation in matters of land acquisition, which may
not be binding on the parties seeking the acquisition.
The term consultation needs to be further clarified or
replaced by the term ‘prior mandatory approval.‘
• Recommendations of the Gram Sabha on the types of
rehabilitation and compensation to affected parties
must be made binding.
• The state government may establish a grievance
redress cell to address cases of violation of Gram Sabha
recommendations of rehabilitation and compensation
• PESA provisions should incorporate a mandatory interaction between the
Trans-National Corporations/Companies and the Gram Sabha/Panchayat in the
presence of the District Collector, regarding tribal land acquisition. In this
meeting, Trans-National Corporations/Companies have to submit the detailed
blue print of the proposed project before the Gram Sabha/Panchayat for
• Trans-National Corporations/Companies working under Fifth Scheduled
Districts have to undertake the CSR activities before the initiation of the
project- such as constructing schools, hospitals, anganwadis, health centers in
the respective tribal village/block where the mining or industrial projects are
taking place
• Land acquired for developmental purposes should be acquired on lease
and not by purchase. Persons affected would include all persons whose
livelihoods and/or habitats are affected by the project.
• Compensation should not only be monetary since the loss of land implies the
loss of livelihood, but should cover by allotting cultivable land or by ensuring
meaningful employment.
• Members of the tribal family whose land has been acquired has to be
made shareholders in the company with these benefits also passing to
their future generations.
Minor Forest Produce
• The Gram Sabha may chalk out an action plan about the use or
exploitation of MFP in consultation with the Forest Officers concerned.
• The role of the Gram Sabha in fixing minimum prices should be made
central. One or more Gram Sabhas together, in consultation with the
Forest Department, should decide the minimum price for thepurchase
or exchange rates of MFP.
• The Gram Sabha should also determine the royalty payable by the trader
on MFP.
• It should be made mandatory for all departments and institutions to give
details to Gram Sabha before taking any MFP collected on the basis of any
Act, rule or administrative instructions and to obtain a clearance
certificate from the Gram Sabha.
• The state government must be made responsible for providing the full
value of minor forest produce to the primary collector.
• The cost of marketing, storage and transportation should also be borne by
the government
• There is a need of legal procedure for standardizing the price of tendu
leaves in the respective state in consultation with selected members of
Gram Sabha/Panchayat, Block and District level Panchayats.
Prevention of land alienation and restoration of alienated land
• The Gram Sabha and the PALI have been given the power to exercise
control over money-lending under PESA, but this has not been clearly
• Therefore, the Gram Sabha should be empowered to inspect the licenses
of money-lenders operating in the area.
• The Gram Sabha should also be given the power to regulate the number
of money lenders operating in a village.
• The Gram Sabha should also be empowered with monitoring the
accounts and records maintained by the money lenders.
• If required, Tribal Co-operative Societies can be created for
providing loans and financial assistance to the tribes under the
authority of both State and Central Government ministries and link
the same with the Gram Panchayat by adding new clauses in PESA
provision dealing with money lending.
• One may take the example of the Kerala model with regard to an
establishment of Co-operative Societies Act.
Management of Community Resources
• Health Services
• Health Services in the tribal areas has to be given top priority and it is
to be monitored monthly at Panchayat level, at District level, at State
level, and at Central level.
• Para medical staff from the local youth i.e. male and female both,
should be imparted training under skill development programme at
Tehsil and District headquarter
• The youth of Naxal affected districts and tribal districts should be
imparted training in healthcare, food preservation, environment
preservation, and local cottage industries.
• The Value addition of natural products should be done locally at
panchayat and district level.
• As these Naxal affected areas are rich in mineral resources and natural
food resources so cottage industries and food preservation will
enhance economic status of tribal people.
Education Services
• Teachers recruited for primary and higher education preferably should be
local and this should be compulsorily for primary education.
• These teachers should be trained in tribal values and ethos.
• Education should be imparted in tribal language at primary level.
• Generally, there are no science teachers in the tribal areas so the dropout
problem is more in these areas. This should be tackled with more
recruitment of science teachers
General Administration
1. Tribals have a special status, special history, culture and social values and
historically they are inhabiting in these areas which are rich in mineral and
forest wealth. By different sets of rules and regulations, they are exploited
economically, socially and culturally. Thus their trust deficit on the
administration is present.
2. So now we have to develop trust and should have vertically and
horizontally clear laws for the definite period and sensitive machinery to
implement them clearly.-
3. Bureaucrats and administrators had made tribal areas as their
experimental labs and in this process, created more problems
Communication between the people and the state.-
1. The fieldwork has identified that in some districts , like Khunti, the Left Wing
Extremists control the local self-government institutions while in some other
places like Rania village , they put up their own candidates.
2. This kind of situation creates a crucial threat to PESA and empowerment of Gram
3. The study recommends that- The personal profile of all candidates contesting in
the local body elections should be checked thoroughly.
4. Arrangements should be made to conduct free and fair elections in all local self-
government institutions/bodies and thereby promote Panchayat Governance,
wherein 50 % of reservation for tribes
should be implemented in all bodies of Panchayat Governance System
5. Efforts should be initiated to bring transparency related to the use of funds often
handled by the elected members and other administrative committees functioning
at the Panchayat level
Development related Issues through Gram Panchayats
1. Retrieved areas in the ‘guise’ of developmental process should not be handed over
to any MNC for so called rapid industrialization or to provide jobs for displaced
2. Displaced persons must be encouraged to return to their accepted form of
livelihood be it agriculture and any other local activity. These people should be
gradually brought to understand the gains of development and not on an
overnight shock manner
3. Among the issue to be addressed on a priority basis in such areas would include
implementation of PDS scheme to ensure food security, provision of clean drinking
water, health facilities, education, and employment in that order.
• The functioning of Gram Sabha and peace-keeping activities of the state police
department should be linked in such a way that the Gram Sabha can approach
police whenever required.
• In so doing, the Gram Sabha can monitor and assess the activities of community
police in tribal areas and in case the Gram Sabha finds something counterproductive
regarding the community policing system, it can call for an immediate meeting with
the DC and report the same.
• The existing political vacuum in tribal societies is the result of inactive civil society
• Thus, active involvements of civil society can gradually usher non-violent political
culture through the process of political socialization and political communication.
One way is to promote Self Help Groups (SHG) and use it as a community platform
to sell tribal products , properly linked with Gram sabha .
• Efforts should be made for skill development of tribes, such as training to artisan
tribes, and all required arrangements to establish tribal self-sufficiency through
Gram Sabha