Integrated Condition Monitoring: The Foundation For Improved Machine and Process Performance
Integrated Condition Monitoring: The Foundation For Improved Machine and Process Performance
Integrated Condition Monitoring: The Foundation For Improved Machine and Process Performance
monitoring investment
Continuous Critical
Single point
sensors wired
to switch boxes Medium
inspection and
vibration data
onset failure
No company has more experience improvin
Asking the right questions and understanding the value With nearly 100 years of experience, SKF has a
of a solid condition monitoring foundation is a start. The knowledge of rotating machinery reliability that is
next step is aligning yourself with a company that has not unmatched in the world. Close working partnerships
only the right mix of products and services, but the people with our customers have given us a unique and intimate
and experience to help you make the right decisions. understanding of the processes and challenges specific to
every major industry. As a result, SKF stands apart as a
total solution provider for maximizing machine and plant
g machine and process reliability
• SKF is a technical partner to Original Equipment • SKF offers complete programme integration, from
Manufacturers (OEM) worldwide and may well have data collection hardware to condition monitoring
supplied the bearings for or helped design your software and decision support systems.
• Customized reliability solutions are available to meet
• SKF industry and application specialists have an your plant’s unique productivity and overall business
in-depth knowledge of industry specific equipment objectives.
and applications.
• SKF brings together in one place the collective
• Our global support infrastructure is backed by the knowledge of the world’s most experienced machine
industry’s most sophisticated R&D effort and a vast reliability experts.
distribution network.
An integrated platform for achieving optimu
Products and services for bottom-line results
Why implement a condition monitoring programme? SKF offers a comprehensive, integrated approach that
For most facilities, the goal is to reduce unscheduled goes beyond condition monitoring to include a vast array
machine breakdowns and to improve their competitive of product and service solutions designed to assist you in
advantage. optimizing performance of your plant machinery. SKF can
customize a solution to help you achieve your business
Whatever your reason, condition monitoring is the objectives by addressing your specific reliability and
foundation of your plant’s maintenance strategy. productivity challenges.
Without the right information – and the means to use
this information throughout your plant and across
departmental lines – your programme will likely never
achieve the savings and added productivity that are
possible through an integrated condition monitoring
SKF Operator
driven reliability SKF Proactive reliability maintenance Mechanical maintenance
m performance from plant equipment
Decision support systems – SKF @ptitude decision Condition monitoring software – SKF Machine suite
support system replaces labor-intensive data analysis software forms the basis for a completely integrated
with an automated process that identifies the probability approach to condition monitoring, permitting fast,
of specific faults within an asset or process and then efficient and reliable storage, management and retrieval
prescribes appropriate action. The system links with a of large amounts of complex machine and plant
range of data sources to facilitate accurate and timely information. Machine suite accepts data from the full
decision making. These include condition monitoring range of SKF data collection devices and interfaces with
systems, process and distributed control systems, the SKF @ptitude decision support system to facilitate
computerized maintenance management systems consistent and reliable decision making.
(CMMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and other
engineered solutions. Data collection hardware – SKF offers a complete range
of condition monitoring equipment, from hand-held data
collectors/analyzers to on-line monitoring and machine
protection systems. These products offer a seamless
interface to condition monitoring software, CMMS, ERP
and other plant-wide systems.
Services – From programme assessment to maintenance
services strategy and more, SKF offers services to help you make
the most of your reliability investments.
Getting your programme started
SKF offers many options for the user who wishes to begin a condition monitoring
programme. These basic instruments for vibration analysis can get your programme
started with a nominal investment or can complement an existing programme.
Minimal training is required to use SKF basic condition monitoring products. Used
to spot check machines, these tools establish trends which identify problems early,
allowing manual input to predictive maintenance software or standard spreadsheets
for review and analysis.
Engineered for ease of use, kits offer a convenient combination of monitoring tools
to warn of problems before they result in unplanned downtime.
SKF Vibration
pen plus
SKF basic condition monitoring tools are an ideal way to begin using
condition monitoring data to improve machine reliability and availability.
With a combination of complementary tools, kits provide a convenient
and cost-effective way to reduce unexpected downtime.
SKF Machine
condition detector
SKF Basic condition monitoring
This convenient kit contains an SKF Vibration pen plus and
an SKF non-contact thermometer for safe measurement of
hot, hazardous or hard-to-reach surfaces. The package also
includes an SKF Inspector 400 ultrasonic probe, which is
used to check steam traps and valves and detect pressure or
vacuum leaks, arcing in electrical apparatus, and more.
SKF MicroVibe P
Operator tools for improved communication
• Virtually eliminates errors in manual data gathering
Transform machine and process and recording
data into plant productivity
• Captures machine vibration, inspection and process
Having pioneered the development of products for data to create historical records
operators involved in the reliability effort, SKF continues
to lead the way with a range of innovative SKF MARLIN • Helps identify process problems before they result in
data managers. unplanned downtime
Designed to work together as a data management system • Enables a proactive approach to plant reliability
or as individual condition monitoring tools, MARLIN
components automate the machine inspection process • Gives operations personnel a key role in the reliability
and enable the day-to-day activities of operators to be effort
integrated with maintenance and engineering to improve
plant reliability. • Optimizes personnel resources and increases
inspection of plant assets
and reliability
SKF MARLIN – The family of 3. VibPak for SKF MARLIN
Connects with the MARLIN data manager to collect vibration
electronic data managers velocity and enveloped acceleration data from standard
industrial accelerometers on machinery in remote or hard-
SKF MARLIN data managers are a family of powerful to-reach locations. The collected data can be trended in the
hand-held computers enabling collection, storage and MARLIN data manager or in the Machine suite software.
review of machinery condition and plant process data.
4. Machine condition detector (MCD) for SKF MARLIN
Customized input forms permit quick, paperless recording
of data. Users are alerted and provided with corrective A wand-style device that measures vibration (velocity and
enveloped acceleration) and temperature. Automatically
instructions when conditions exceed programmed limits. compares collected data with pre-set baselines and alerts the
They can also be customized to handle statistical process user when normal limits are exceeded.
control, scheduling, environmental, health and safety and
other regulatory or internal plant requirements.
Portable vibration data collection and analy
Unmatched versatility, reliability and functionality have
made the family of SKF Microlog Analyzer data collectors
the analyst’s choice for portable condition monitoring
equipment. The line offers a comprehensive range of
resident features and functions to help you get the most
from your plant machinery.
sis for proactive maintenance
1. SKF Microlog Analyzer CMVA 65 3. SKF Microlog Analyzer CMXA 51-IS SKF Microlog accessories
Portable vibration data Intrinsically safe portable vibration A range of accessories provides
collector/FFT analyzer data collector/FFT analyzer additional capabilities to further enhance
The CMVA 65 not only collects vibration The CMXA 51-IS, an intrinsically safe, your analysis and diagnostic efforts:
data and performs standard analysis, hand-held and rugged instrument,
but also incorporates patented SKF allows for the collection of vibration, • Optical reference kit
technology in the form of imbedded process and dynamic data in hazardous
• Smart laser sensor tachometer
“Wizards.” Wizards facilitate detection, environments where an intrinsically safe
analysis and correction of machine instrument is required for the detection, • AC/DC current clamp
problems with minimal set-up effort. It analysis and correction of machine • Triaxial accelerometer
also features a large and bright colour problems. • Infrared thermometer
display for efficient detection and • Temperature probe
identification of machine problems that 4. SKF Microlog Analyzer MX series • Balancing kit
can lead to unexpected downtime. Portable maintenance instrument • Headphones
The MX is a stand-alone maintenance • Strobelight
2. SKF Microlog Analyzer GX series
instrument with the same high
Portable vibration data collector/FFT
performance hardware highlights as
the GX, however, its modular platform is
The GX series advances Microlog users to designed to be a single tool for a range
the next generation of high performance, of service, maintenance, inspection and
two-channel, route-based portable diagnostic applications including:
vibration data collectors/analyzers with
its crystal clear, colour display and • Machinery maintenance
powerful, modular platform. The GX • On-the-spot machinery health
series utilizes the latest advances in checking
analog and digital electronics, including • Inspection/machinery screening
digital signal processing (DSP) and a high • Condition assessment
resolution Sigma-Delta A/D converter to • Analysis and diagnosis of noise and
provide both speed and accuracy in the vibration related problems
vibration data acquisition process.
• Single and dual plane balancing
The SKF Microlog Analyzer family of products
provide maintenance and reliability personnel
with powerful monitoring and analysis
On-line monitoring for continuous assessm
On-line monitoring is an important tool to optimize
machine and plant availability. Permanently installed
sensors collect vibration and process data, 24 hours per
day and 7 days a week, and alert personnel to important
changes in machine conditions that can result in
unexpected downtime and negatively impact production
• Better collaboration
To facilitate team-supported decisions, machine status
is accessible to multiple departments at appropriate
levels of detail and complexity.
• Worker safety
With decades of experience and over 50,000 channels
Supports health and safety initiatives by making it monitoring machines around the globe, SKF is the
possible to collect data from unsafe or difficult to reach leader for on-line condition monitoring systems.
ent of critical machinery
Comprehensive solutions for unique needs
The SKF family of on-line systems includes SKF Multilog
On-line system and SKF MasCon units, providing a
broad selection of scalable, modular units, from single-
channel to multiple-channel instruments, that can be
used independently or networked for efficient information
sharing. SKF also offers proven application-specific
solutions for the power, paper, transportation, mining,
food and beverage and other industries.
An integrated software platform for every
SKF Machine suite is a software program that enables True networking – Allows your team to share data on any
the efficient management, manipulation and analysis PC in the network across departments.
of condition monitoring and process data. It interfaces
seamlessly with the SKF @ptitude decision support Reliability – The robust Oracle® relational database
system to effectively enhance the reliability maintenance provides ongoing data integrity.
decision making process.
Interoperability – Users benefit from a common software
Designed from the ground up using today’s latest platform for the range of data acquisition devices – from
technologies, SKF Machine suite provides value far portable units to operator instruments and on-line
beyond the program’s functionality. SKF has made an systems.
investment not only in the development of the software,
but in understanding the analyst. Stability – Proven Microsoft Windows® platform and
industry standard protocols result in software that
The software works the way an analyst works – providing functions intuitively.
an intuitive interface and logical work progression. New
and veteran users appreciate the software’s ability to Flexibility – Supports the range of SKF data collection
practically guide the user to the next steps in the analysis hardware plus that of some of the world’s other leading
process. vendors.
Protection: automatic machine shutdown –
SKF brings you a spectrum of machinery protection and and alarm indications of system status. Red, green and
monitoring solutions backed by decades of experience amber status indicators enable operators to quickly and
and global support. easily assess machine or sensor condition. The devices
may also be configured to shut down machinery when
Single-point monitoring programmed alarm criteria are met.
The SKF Machine condition transmitter is a stand-alone
single point monitoring device which provides low-cost Highly cost-effective, these modules facilitate the
continuous monitoring of specific machine, gear and detection of machine problems so that maintenance
bearing performance parameters in pumps, fans, motors and repair schedules may be forecast and production
and other general purpose machinery. can continue as planned. The devices may function
independently, in connection with process control
The modules take different types of measurements, systems, or be integrated into a comprehensive condition
for example velocity, acceleration, displacement and monitoring programme.
enveloped acceleration to provide local and remote signal
single point or multi-channel
Multi-channel protection monitoring Fully autonomous protection systems address
Using the latest digital signal processing the problems of both excessive vibration and
technology and industry-standard over-speed conditions. A single universal
communications interfaces, the VM600 offers card accepts input from all dynamic and static
a powerful, completely integrated modular sensors, and implements a comprehensive
and scalable on-line solution. The VM600 array of processing and voting logic, with
system conforms to API670 standards, and analog, DC and digital shutdown outputs. The
provides a practical, cost-effective solution to system is also capable of advanced condition
your protection, condition and performance monitoring and performance monitoring,
monitoring needs. including transient run-up/coast-down
applications, OPC interfacing to plant control
The total system capability includes a full range of systems and tracking of key performance
industrial accelerometers, velocity transducers, eddy parameters.
current probes, dynamic pressure sensors, air gap
sensors and ice detectors for extreme temperatures and
other harsh environments.
SKF @ptitude decision support system
To augment the efforts of your highly trained analysts and The system helps to answer the following questions:
to facilitate optimum decision making on important plant
assets, SKF has developed SKF @ptitude decision support • What is the problem?
• How serious is it?
The system helps improve overall plant efficiency by
replacing labor-intensive data analysis with an automated • What should be done about it – and when?
process that accepts data from SKF Machine suite and
SKF ProCon software, identifies the probability of specific • What are the potential risks to productivity, quality,
faults within an asset or process and then prescribes worker safety and environment?
appropriate action.
Key features
A comprehensive view of plant machinery enables users of @ptitude
to keep apprised of production events and associated criticality as
they occur. Users can acknowledge, continue to monitor or generate
a work order request based on a well-defined decision support
Extensive support … whenever and wherev
An assortment SKF condition monitoring product support plans – A key component of
SKF’s commitment to providing the best customer and product support in the
of support industry, product support plans add additional value to your product purchase.
Select from different options and receive the support and enhanced benefits
resources are that can make the difference in your programme. From discounts for upgrades
to complimentary annual calibrations, loaner units during product repair
and battery replacement, product support plans help protect your product
available from investment.
SKF to help Technical support – For your more extensive technical questions, contact our
expertly-trained technical support group. The team is available to answer your
you get the most perplexing product questions. Visit
to learn more.
most from User help – Products come with a variety of help tools from on-board, context
your condition
sensitive help to QuickStart guides and comprehensive user manuals.
For more information about how SKF can create a customized condition
monitoring programme to maximize your plant productivity and optimize your
asset efficiency, contact your local SKF representative. Or visit our website at:
er you need it
System integration services – SKF takes the difficulty out of integrating plant
systems. Need to tie in your Machine suite software with your maintenance
management or other internal plant information systems? Our team can help
develop a software solution that does the job.
Real world reliability success stories: bottom
A major paper mill experienced frequent and unexpected A chemical processing facility decided to incorporate their
failures of critical machinery. These failures not only operators into the plant reliability programme. They saw
encouraged a reactive maintenance culture but also an opportunity to improve the overall reliability of the
caused significant operational reliability problems. As a plant by increasing the responsibilities of their operators.
result, mill production was well below capacity, and waste Challenges included unscheduled downtime for assets
rates high, adding up to a loss of millions of dollars. caused by premature and random bearing failures.
In addition to a total mill assessment, the SKF solution Through SKF, the plant initiated an Operator Driven
included condition monitoring services to pinpoint failure- Reliability (ODR) programme which, among other
causing points. strategies, incorporated periodic condition monitoring
technology to enable the process and provide ready
As a result, the mill was able to reduce unplanned access to reliability data.
downtime by 70 % and reduce the waste rate by 30 %.
In addition, the improved reliability led to record The customer realized immediate success from the
production rates. The successes reinforced the proactive improved structure, which increased fan reliability and led
cultural changes that occurred. The total positive impact to increased productivity and lower costs, saving nearly
for the mill is $ 1 200 000 and counting. $ 1 000 000 each year.
line results
A plant was experiencing early and unexpected failure on A large food processing plant was using five fans of
eight critical fans, which caused kiln production to stop similar design with no problems with four of the fans
and reduced the output of the mill. On average, a failure during the five years they were in place. The fifth fan
occurred every month. Fan failure was costing thousands was a constant problem. Unexpected failures caused 1,5
of dollars in lost production and maintenance costs. hours of downtime while airflow was diverted and other
production issues sometimes accompanied fan failure.
A complete SKF Machine Reliability Assessment (MRA) The additional maintenance increased plant operations
was conducted on the fan system. This included a costs. Losses were as high as $ 120 000 for just one
comprehensive analysis of the fan system, including failure. After attempting several “fixes,” the client looked
bearings, lubrication and maintenance practices. Using to SKF for assistance.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to define and measure
results, SKF created a customized solution built around The SKF solution was a complete Machine Reliability
technologies, processes and culture shift. Assessment (MRA) of the fan system, including bearings,
lubrication, motor, fan base, structure, ducting and
The customer realized increased fan Mean Time maintenance practices. Using advanced technology
Between Failure (MTBF) by eliminating all failures. After such as Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) analysis, SKF
12 months, mill uptime had increased, resulting in gathered and analyzed multi-parameter data on which to
$ 450 000 more product to sell ($ 80 000 more profit) base recommendations for bearing and lubrication areas
and maintenance savings of $ 150 000. The total impact incorporating new technology.
on profits was $ 230 000.
The customer realized success from the improved
structure, which reduced fan vibration. Increased fan
reliability led to increased productivity and lower costs,
saving the plant over $ 120 000 and counting.
Let SKF customize a programme for you
The real-world experiences of SKF cover a multitude Processes – To be most effective and to achieve long
of industries. These experiences show that achieving lasting results, technology must be supported by updated
competitive productivity and increased profitability and enhanced processes. In the case of plant asset
through machine asset management depends on a management, incorporating new technology into the data
balance of key factors: collection, knowledge management and decision-making
processes is critical to achieving success.
Corporate culture – It is important to have a culture that
is willing to embrace changes and the need for change. Viewing reliability maintenance from the asset
Change often involves a shift in responsibilities among management standpoint means that all improvements
plant personnel, which means a company must be willing are important, and can be made at any and all levels of
to invest the resources to re-train employees and bring the plant. Whatever your current plant asset management
them emotionally and intellectually into the culture. strategy, SKF has the knowledge to help you identify
the areas that can be improved to help you meet your
Technology – Successful companies use technology company’s business objectives.
as a tool to facilitate improvements in products and
productivity. In addition, they commit the financial,
educational and personnel resources necessary to make
the best use of new and emerging technology initiatives.
Culture Technology
Assessment – SKF can analyze your existing supply, Technology upgrades – SKF engineers can help enhance
maintenance and/or predictive maintenance procedures the productivity and reliability of existing machines by
to identify areas and make recommendations for incorporating the latest component designs and solutions.
Making a case for management – SKF can prepare a
Training – SKF can train your staff to make the most detailed business case for your programme that meets
effective use of new tools and techniques for collecting your business objectives and is based on documented
and interpreting data. results in your industry. Because we understand
your business, we can help you identify improvement
Maintenance strategy – SKF can help you prioritize opportunities that produce a financial payback and return
activities based on the relative importance of each asset. on investment. In addition, when you select SKF, you
We can help to design a Reliability Centered Maintenance gain immediate access to our experts and a full range of
(RCM) programme that is efficient, cost-effective and products, services and knowledge.
Publication 5506 EN