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Programme Project Report (PPR)

for DistanceLearning Programme

under School of Distance Education

Bachelor of Arts in Malayalam


School of Distance Education

UniversitY of Calicut
MalapPuram District
Kerala 673635
Programme Project Report (PPR)
Bachelor of Arts (Malayalam)
20■ 8… 20■ 9

l.University of calicut

The University of Calicut is the prominent University in lndia and it is

the largest one in Kerala. Established in the year 1968, it is the second
university to be set up in Kerala. The University aims to nurture excellence in
education and research in its catchment areas of Northern Kerala, historically
consigned to the periphery of Kerala's academic map. The University lays its
emphasis on fostering quality human resource and'promoting productive
research that benefit both local communities and wider humanity.
The University was created through a Government plan bifurcating
Kerala University. As per the plan, the four post-graduate departments of the
University of Kerala operating in Calicut were annexed to the new University
along with fifty four constituent colleges spread across seven northern
districts. with,Nirmaya Karmana Sree'as it motto, the University has
been able to surmount all challenges and emerge as the largest residential
cum affiliating University in Kerala. With 30 post graduate departments and
480 colleges it has become a beacon of hope and enlightenment for
thousands of students in Kerala and it attracts students from different
The university campus, located at Tenhipalam , 24 km south of calicut
is the main hub of academic activities. situated here besides the 28
postgraduate teaching and research departments are: the Vice-Chancellor's
office, the Administration Block, Pareeksha Bhavan, school of Distance
Education, Academic staff college, Educational and Multimedia Research
centre, computer centre, and the University Library. The departments on the
campus include Arabic, Botany, Biotechnology, centre for women studies,
Chemistry, commerce & Management studies, computer science, Education,
English, Hindi, History, West Asian Studies, Mass Communication &
Life Long Learnitrg
Jouinalism, Life Science, Library and lnformation Science,
Technology, Philosophy, Physics, Physical Education, Psychology' Russian &
for Comparative Literature' Sanskrit' School
of Folklore Studies'
Statistics, and ZoologY'
2.The School of Distance Education '

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ost uniVersity
Graduate ProgrammeS
::こ 1‖ of Calicut now runs 14

2 1 The aims and ObleCtiVes ofthe SCh001

Bachelor of Arts programmes in Various Sublects and the post

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remote and rural areas,WOrkin9 9roul
democratize higher eduCation tO the l(
who havn't get a chance tO regular stt
not at a‖ their fault.The SCh001 0f diStそ

their know!edge and acquire neW areaS Of knOWiedge.

3.Details of the propOSed BA Malayalam prOgranlme


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land appreciate lterarywOrks,to
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language skilis essential for

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unreacher and enable
on leading to competence of a high

:12 Relevance ofthe proOram with HEl′ s Missions and Goals.

offered in the distance mode,BA Malayalam vvi‖ be closely aligned with the
vision and missiOn Of the University of Calicut,in vowing to ensure y
knowiedge baSed,student focused,quality and cost ConSCiOus but sOCia‖

ill be a feeder pr09ramme fOrthe BA

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lniversity of Calicut

Understanding the need5 0fthe learn[亀 tl[鷺 :VLll[:[:濶

material and induction programmes tO lead the fresh learners ==ri』

through the

threshold Of higher education,and lead them through the course ofthe

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:ん in Open and
Distance Learning mode to acquire specific sk‖ IS and

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4 Understanding Malayalam Langua`

Malayalam language,understand Ma
understand further the structure of the language Malayalam .understand the
various forms of Malayalam and its use in diffeient circumstances like spoken
Malayalam , official Malayalam , scientific Malayalam , computing Malayalam
5' Understanding Theory and Criticism: understand and implement several
literary and rhetorical theories, relate the study of discourse in Malayalam to
Malayalam language and comparison of eastern and western theories,
understand the general nature, purpose, and methods of Malayalam studies.
6. Doing Research: understand and use basic research tools, d'evelop
questions and topics worth researching, incorporate research into writing .
T.lmproving creativity:the student can do something creative such as to
write an article, to deliver
a speech,to recite a poetry etc.
3.5 lnstructional Design:
The BA Malayalam programme proposed here is also offered by the
University through regular mode. Also, the programme has been approved
by the statutory bodies of the University. Further, the University is revising
the curriculum and syllabi of its BA Malayalam programme once in every
three years to ensure that the content is updated to reflect current academic
knowledge and practice, and also to ensure that the University used provide
the best learning experiences possible for students. Academii staff and
experts in the area of Malayalam propose changes in the curriculum and
syllabi at the curriculum and syllabus revision workshop generally convened
at least six months before the due date of curriculum and syllabus revision.
[ajor changes are then submitted to the Board of Studies of Malayalam
(Pass) of the University for Final Approval. As a part of curriculum design, the
curriculum and syllabus revision workshop considers curriculum analyiis of
social needs, translating the needs into course, splitting the objectives into
specific objectives, grouping the specific objectives into subjects, deriving
the subjects from the classification, specifying enabling objectives, unitising
each subject matter, specification of required time and syllabus formulation

3.52P oorarnrne detall

S m

b l


Course Course title Cre

code dit Mar E

ks Mar
4   3

8     8     8     8
0     0     0     0

1 Common course English 20 100

Common course English 20 100
  4       5

MALlA01 Common Course8Malayala 20 100


MALlB01 20 100
Core course-1 Malayalakavitha
navothana qhattam
Fi rst (2) 20 80 100
com pl i memta ry(Sa mskritha m/jo
(2) 20 80 100
Second complimentary(Kerala
Poorvakala Keralam) 20 120 480 600


8   8   8
0   0   0
4   3
2 Common course English 20 100

Common course English 20 100

MAL2A02 Common Course8 Malayala 20 100
Core course-ll Malayala 5 20 80 100
cherukatha sahithyam

MAL2C02 First
com pl i memta ry( Sa mskritha m/j o 100
urnalism) (2) 20 80

Second 100
com pl i memta ry( Kera la pada na m- (2) 20 80
TOTAL 20 120 480
8   8
0   0

3 Common course English 20 100

MAL3A03 Common Course9 Malayala 20 100


MAL3B03 Core course-lll MalaYala Kavitha 4 20 80 100


MAL3B04 Core course-lV 4 20 80 100

First (2) 20 80 100
com pl i memta ry( Sa mskritha m/j o

Second (2) 20 80 100

com pl i memta ry( Kera la Pada na m-
Adhiniveshakala Keralam)
urse(English) 4 100

0     0     0
8     8     8
2       2       2
0       0       0
Common Course-10 MalaYala 4 100
MAL4A04 sahithyam-4.

MAL4B05 Core course-V Bhashasatravum 4 100


MAL4B06 Core course-Vl Noval sahithYam 4 100

MAL4C04 First 100

com pl i memta rY( Sa m skritha m/j o

com pl i mentary( Kera la Pada nam 20 80 100
Adhunika Keralam)

TOTAL 120 480 600

MAL5B07 Core course-Vll Malayala 100
MAL5B08 100
Core course-Vl ll Paschathya
sa hithya sidhanthanga I

MAL5B09 100
Core Course-lX Malayala
sahithya vimarshnam

0 Core Course-X Nadodi


MAL5DO Open Course-l

Chalachithra padanam
2 Sahithyavum
3 Sthree padanangal
100 400 500
Course Work/Project work


80 100

Core course-Xl Malayala kavitha

poorvaghattam 80

Core course-Xll Gadhya 80

Core course-Xlll Paurasthya 80 100
MAL6B13 sidhanthangal
Core course-XlV N avasa mska ra
MAL6B14 padanangal

0   4
4     4


MAL6B15 Cyber Malayalam 50

Course Work/ProjeCtヽ Ⅳork
MAL6B15 550
-3 丁OTAL


3.5.3 Duration of the programme

Six semesters in three years.
3.5.4 Faculty and support staff requirement
There are fully equipped academic and administrative system in
SDE. We are a highly qualified and experienced Diorector and
twenty faculty members in various subjects. There are two faculty
members in malayalam in the University SDE, one of them co-
ordinates the BA Programme and the other co-ordinates MA
Programme. The service of Assistant Professors in Affiliated
Colleges and experts from panets approved by the University are
used in the preparation of SLM, for taking contact classes and
conducting internal evaluation. There are sufficient number of
administrative staff in SDE in the rank of Deputy
Reg istra r( L ),Assista nt Reg istra r( 2 ), Office S uperi ntenda nt( 1),
Section Officers(13), Clerks(3), Typists (8), Office Assistant(35),
peons(6) for the administrative support.
3.5.5 lnstructional delivery mechanisms
tn addition to providing Self Learning Material, students are offered
LOo/o of total regular teaching hours contact classes .Classes taken
by each subject experts using audio visual aids, students are
motivated to use web resources. All study materials are available in
university website itself.
3.5.6 Student Suppoft Service Systems at SDE.

(a) A fully equipped information centre.

(b) Library with some collection of books and journals.
(c) WhatsApp group.
(d) Students feedback system.
(e) Drinking water and rest place etc.
3.6 Procedure of admissions,curriculam transactions and
3,6.1.The admission notifications of BA Malayalam programme are
being issued in leading national and regional dailies.The application
form can be downloaded from the official university website
www.universityofcalicut.info. For access to online application,visit
the home page of the website and click the concerned links' The
prospectus and details of fee to be remitted at the time of
admission can be had from the website.
3.6.2.Minimum Eligibility for Admission.
Eligibility for admission to BA Malayalam is a pass in Higher
Secondary Examination of the State or an Examination accepted by
the University as equivalent there to.With not less than soyo marks
is eligible for admissions.A concession of 57o marks will be given to
OBC/OEC candidates.The SC/ST candidate need only get a pass
marks.The duely filled registration form along with the adequate
documents should reach to the DirectoDSschool of Distance
Education within the prescribed date which mentioned in the
admission notifi cation.
3.6.3.Fee Structure.
i.Registration Fee(Admission Fee):12OO/-
ii.Course Fee(Tuition Fee) for one year( 2 Semesters):f4OO/-
iii.Matriculation Fee :1OO/-

iv. Re-matriculation Fee :15O/-

v. Recognition Fee: 1OO/-
vi.postage charges; 5O/-
Fee concession will be given to SC/ST,OEC and Handicapped
3.6.4.Academic calendar


︲ 。

Act:vity Frorn To

1 Admission lSt week ofjune 2018 Last week of June 2018

2 Distribution of lSt Semester 2ndweek of July 2018 2nd week of August
Study Materials 2018
3 ISt Semester Contact Classes Last week ofJuly Last week of October
2018 2018
4 Cornrnencement oflSt Last week ofjanuary Last week of February
Semester exarnination 2019 2019
5 Publication of results Last week ofjune
6 Distribution of llnd Semester lSt week of March lSt week of Apri1 2019
Study Materials 2019
7 llnd Semester Contact Classes LaSt week of March 1't week of May 2079
8 llnd Semester Examinations 1't week of May 2019 Last week of May 2019
9 Publication of results Last Week of
September 2019
10 Distribution of lll'd Semester lStweek ofjune 2019 lSt week ofJuly 2019
Study Materials
11 ‖lrd Semester Contact Classes Last week ofJune Last week of September
2019 2019
12 lll'd semester Examinations Last week of ‖nd week of December
Novembe12079 2019
13 Publication of Results llndweek of April 2O2O
14 Distribution of lVth semester Last week of Last week of January
Study Materials December 2Al9 2020
15 lVth Semester Contact l't week of January Last week of March
Classes 2020 2020
16 Semester Examinations
lVth 2nd week of April 2O2O I't week of May
17 Publication of Results Last week of August
18 Distribution of Vth Semester 2nd week of May 2O2O 2nd week of June 2O2O
Study materials
19 lV'h Semester Contact Classes 3'd week of May 2O2O Last week of September
20 V'n Semester Exa mi nations week of October
2nd week of November
2020 2020
2t Publication of results week of March
22 Distribution of Vlth Semester 3'd week of November 2nd week of December
Study Materials 2020 2020
23 Vlth Semester Contact Classes 3'd week of December Last
week of February
2020 202r
24 Vlth Semester Examinations 2nd week of March 2nd week of April 2021
25 Publication of results I't week of July 2027

3.6.7 Evaluation
The evaluation of the programme will consist of two parts: a) Continuous
Evaluation (CE) b) End Semester Evaluation (ESE) The CE and ESE ratio shall
be 1:4 i.e. a maximum of 20 marksforCE and a maximum of B0 marksfor
ESE' The minimum pass requirement of a course will be 4Oo/o. Minimum
marks required for passing a programme will also be 4o%.
The classification of results of the programme shall be done at the end of the
6th semester based on the total markl secured for all semesters and shall be
as follows.
candidate securing not less than 40% but below 5o%- Third class
candidate securing not less than 50% but below 600/o - second class
Candidate securin g 600/o and above-First class.

3.7 cost Estimate of the programme and the provisions

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3.8.2 ExPected Programme Outcome able to:

i;;;-t#fi;;no or tnl prosramme' students will be
orallY and literallY in
#!b;;;op;; uoititv to effdctiveIv communicate both
Malayalam .

skllls for working independentlY and in

flflDevelop self confidence and
theories' movements and history of
[[Have a foundation on literary
Malayalam literature .
the ability to think critically and to build the society as an
enhanced human betng '

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