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The Official Newsletter of the AFPFC Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Vol VI No. 1 April 2018

AFPFC MPC holds ground breaking ceremony

for Main Office, Metrowalk Satellite Office cont. p. 5

The AFPFC MPC Members of the Board of Directors led by Col Edilberto Carniyan (Ret), Chairman of the Board & President, graced the ground breaking ceremony
for AFPFC MPC Main Building at Cubao, Quezon City with Rev. Fr. Benjie Salvacion CHS, Architect John Paul David, Neri Rangel, and Rebecca Cantalejo as guests.

Antonio, Vicencio, Membrere,

Reyes lead 2018 BOD Election

T he General Assembly has chosen Col Felipe P Vi-

cencio (Ret), 2LT Alfredo S Antonio (Ret), and Ms.
Lucia M. Reyes once again to lead the AFPFC MPC as
Members of the Board of Directors following the recently
concluded Annual General Assembly & Elections 2018
held on March 9, 2018.

C apt Danilo A Membrere PN (Ret), former General

Manager of the AFPFC MPC, also successfully ob-
tained a position out of four slots in the BOD and emerged
as the top 4 with the highest number of votes. Newly elected members of the Board of Directors Col Vicencio (Ret), 2LT Antonio (Ret),
Capt Membrere PN (Ret) and Ms Reyes take their oath of office after the culmination of
cont. p. 3 AFPFC MPC Elections 2018.
‘The AFPFC MPC continues to surpass the
previous years’ accomplishments’- Chairman

oreover, the Chairman announced that this 2018,
the Cooperative planned to establish more Sat-
ellite offices in Tarlac, Cotabato, Legazpi, Isabela, and Cav-
ite, and also another office inside Camp Aguinaldo at the
Metrowalk area after the successful establishment of four ad-
ditional Satellite offices last year in Taguig, Pampanga, Cebu,
and Davao. The Cooperative remains consistent in its effort
to reach out and provide members with better products and
services at their convenience through its ongoing efforts to
establish satellite offices in key cities and municipalities in the

Col Edilberto P Carniyan (Ret)

urther, Col Carniyan also imparted the accomplish-
ments in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as
an initiative to share the blessings of the fruits of success of
President and Chairman of the Board the Cooperative to the members and their dependents, AFP
community, charitable institutions, religious groups, and
O n March 9, 2018, the AFPFC Multi-Purpose Co-
operative held its 19th Annual General Assembly
at which the President and Chairman Col Edilberto Carniyan
other civic organizations or associations. This also includes
CSR projects in various forms such as providing livelihood
for Regular Members, conducting medical mission, visitation
(Ret) reported the review of key milestones and performance of and donation, and organizing outreach programs to patients,
the Cooperative from the previous year. students, and indigenous people. The Cooperative believes
Col Carniyan (Ret) stressed the boost in the Coopera- that through this action, it strengthens the core function and
tive’s productive performance especially the gain in numbers values it underpins.

in membership, assets, volume of business, and surpluses. He astly, the President looked forward to continuing
also emphasized the financial improvements including the in- the creativity, productivity, and innovation AFP-
crease of 12.08 percent of accumulated assets reaching P3.514B FC MPC has started to improve and provide better product
as compared to 2016 with P3.135B. packages and services for the benefit of its members.
The total Net Surplus also hyped to a significant amount
of P242.776M exceeding the performance in 2016 by 17.91 per- Chairman
cent. And with a significant stretch of number of members in


Col Edilberto P Carniyan (Ret)

2017, the President underscored the 9.6 percent increase from Editor-in-Chief
24,046 in 2016 to the latest number of 26,354 members. BGen Lysias C Cabusao (Ret)

Also, the Chairman highlighted the Interest in Share Associate Editor

Capital for Common Shares at 18.5 percent and Preferred Ma. Angelita S. Nañoz

Shares at 16.5 percent including the interest for Special Savings Editorial Committee Members
Account deposits at 6 percent per annum which ascertains that
2LT Alfredo S Antonio (Ret)
the AFPFC MPC is still among one of the best institutions in CMS Rodolfo C Cantalejo (Ret)
the AFP and Defense establishments and Public Safety Sectors Azlie Ann L Villahermosa
in providing high rate of interest in Share Capital.

Coop presents awards to Top Satellite Offices

Ms Sally De Leon representing Zamboanga Satellite office received a Plaque The re-elected members for Audit and Inventory Committee Jose Diaz,
of Recognition during the AGA 2018 for besting other Satellite offices in year Lolita Pacao and Rosalina Leonor and Bobby Sobrevega of Election Com-
2017 in terms of loan production and new members. mittee have taken their oath of office on March 12, 2018.

To give due recognition to outstanding individuals who

contributed largely to the cooperative’s performance for the
year 2017, plaques of recognition and appreciation were given Aside from the Members of the Board,
to Satellite Offices Staff as well as Liaison Officers during the members of Audit and Inventory Committee as
AFPFC MPC’s Annual General Assembly and Elections held well as Election Committee were also elected
on March 9, 2018 at Dimalupig Hall, AFP Commissioned Of- on the same day.
ficers Club, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City. Mr Jose Diaz, Ms Lolita Pacao, and Ms
For the first time in AFPFC MPC’s history, Plaques of Rosalina Leonor, incumbent committee mem-
Recognition were awarded to the Top 3 Most Productive Sat- bers, retained their positions in the Audit and In-
ellite Offices in terms of loan production and new members. ventory Committee while Mr. Bobby Sobrevega
Zamboanga Satellite Office as represented by Ms. Sally De unopposedly secured the slot in Election Com-
Leon, outdid 9 other Satellite Offices and was acknowledged mittee.
as the Top Satellite Office for 2017 followed by Cagayan de Prior to the election proper, the Chair-
Oro Satellite and Taguig Satellite Offices. Ms. Anselma Besnar man of Election Committee, Ms Lucita Boado,
and Ms. Rachel Mendoza received the award on behalf of CDO opened and introduced the ten (10) candi-
Satellite and Taguig Satellite Office respectively. dates vying for the four slots of Board of Direc-
tors, the four candidates for the Audit and In-
Three outstanding Liaison Officers were also honored ventory Committee members and one for the
at the annual meeting and as expected, 2Lt Valente C De Leon Election Committee. from p. 1
(Ret) of Zamboanga City, Col Mariano C Tii (Ret) of Cagayan
de Oro, and Maj Isabelo T Tampoco (Ret) of Camarines Sur, The Board of Directors (BOD) are re-
were awarded with Plaques of Appreciation as the Top Perform- sponsible for providing general policy direction,
formulating strategic development plan and
ing Liaison Officers for 2017. Together with the plaques, the establishing policies and procedures for the
awardees also received corresponding cash incentives. effective operation of the Cooperative. The
Yet aside from the Top Performing Liaison Officers for Audit and Inventory Committee members are
2017, there were also three recipients of the Most Improved responsible for providing internal audit service,
Liaison Officers based on the total number of new members and maintaining and keeping the records of au-
loan production increase namely: Ens Antonio S Marcella (Ret) dited financial reports to the general assembly,
of La Union, 2LT Exequiel E Rivera (Ret) of Cebu, and Ms. and serving as the financial consultant to the
Suzette Manalo of Davao. Board of Directors, while the Election Commit-
tee is responsible for the conduct of elections
A Long Service Pin was also awarded to Ms. Ruby Joan especially the electoral roll and delivering the
C Aprecio for reaching a milestone of 15 years and 9 months results of the elections.
of dedicated service and loyalty to the AFPFC MPC. The cer-
The General Assembly was spearhead-
tain pin is awarded to employees who have reached a decade ed by the Chairman and President of AFPFC
or more of service to the cooperative. Aside from the pin, Ms. MPC Col Edilberto Carniyan (Ret) as well as the
Aprecio also received a cash incentive equivalent to the length rest of the Board of Directors.
of her service.


Members lined up to avail the free BP and glucose check-up, and medical Free head & shoulders massage were also offered during the Medical Mis-
consultation as part of the Medical Mission held during the AGA & Elections sion in cooperation with I-learn Center of Quezon City.
2018 at AFPCOC, CGEA, Quezon City.

AFPFC MPC holds its 19th Annual General

Assembly and Elections
Another AFPFC Multi-Purpose Cooperative General -ed awards for their outstanding contributions to the suc-
Assembly and Elections was successfully conducted on March cess of the cooperative. Aside from that, another P100,000.00
9, 2018, at Dimalupig Hall, AFP Commissioned Officers Club, check was donated by the AFPFC MPC to AFPFC Mutual Ben-
Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City. Earlier than usual, the regis- efit Assistance System (MBAS) and was received by Ltc Arwin
tration started at 0800H to ensure early conclusion of the pro- A Payot, Chief of Staff, AFPFC, on behalf of the Chairman,
gram and election results. MBAS.
Attended by its growing number of Regular Mem- During the assembly proper, Board Resolutions for
bers, the assembly was also graced by the presence of some 2017 were all promulgated and ratified by the assembly and is-
distinguished guests from the Cooperative Development sues related to finances, operations, and by-laws were raised and
Authority(CDA) namely Legal Officer Atty. Joanne Limpin, addressed through the majority’s decision. However, the pro-
and CDA Specialist, Ma. Flordeliza Mutia-Chu. posed amendment in by-laws of the AFPFC MPC is yet to be
Col Felipe Vicencio (Ret) opened the pre-assembly decided as the quorum for such amendment was not reached.
ceremony with updates on the financial status and resources of Simultaneously held during the Annual General As-
the Cooperative. He also mentioned the Corporate Social Re- sembly is the Medical Mission in cooperation with CGEA
sponsibility that the AFPFC MPC has been doing for years to Station Hospital. Right at the entrance of the said venue, the
help the health-deprived, less privileged, and calamity-strick- Cooperative also administered the medical consultation, free
en people or communities. massage and imparting of the health kits provided. Participants
Afterwards, employees and liaison officers were grant who signed up for the medical consultation totaled to 100 while
110 participants availed the free head and shoulders massage.

Ltc Arwin A Payot, Chief of Staff, AFPFC, received the check donation of AFP- Regular members willingly exercised their right to vote through the AFPFC
FC MPC on behalf of the Chairman, AFPFC MBAS, as turned over by AFPFC MPC Elections of members of the Board & Committe Members held on March
MPC Chairman & Vice-Chairman. 9, 2018 at AFPCOC, CGEA, Quezon City.
AFPFC MPC holds ground breaking ceremony... from p. 1

The AFPFC MPC Members of the BOD , Officers, and employees together The Members of Board took turns in sealing off the symbolic time capsule
with its guest BGen John Dominic Pulido AFP, Commander, GHQ & HSC dur- during the Metrowalk Satellite Office Groundbreaking Ceremony held on
ing the Groundbreaking Ceremony of Metrowalk Satellite Office. January 18, 2018.

The AFPFC MPC is set for a good year ahead building that we can call The AFP Finance Center
as it kicked off the 1st Quarter with ground breaking Multi-Purpose Cooperative Main Office,” Chairman
ceremonies to mark the initiation of construction of of the Board & President Col Carniyan said.
its two major projects for 2018: AFPFC MPC Main Of-
Both the programs were led by the AFPFC
fice Building and Metrowalk Satellite Office.
MPC Chairman and President, Col Edilberto Carni-
The groundbreaking ceremony of Metrowalk yan (Ret), together with Vice Chairman Col Felipe
Satellite Office was held on January 18, 2018 and Vicencio (Ret) and the rest of the Members of the
graced by BGen John Dominic P Pulido AFP, Com- Board of Directors including MGEN Rizaldo Limoso
mander, GHQ & HSC, and attended by its architect, AFP, Capt Danilo A Membrere PN (Ret),Col Conra-
Kristine Joy Dollison, while the Main Building ground- do Mendoza (Ret), CMS Desiree Bascon (Ret), 2LT
breaking ceremony was held on March 3, 2018 and Alfredo Antonio (Ret), Ms. Lucia Reyes, Ms Minda
attended by Architect John Paul Arnold David, rep- Bondoc, Board Secretary CMS Rodolfo C Cantalejo
resentatives from CAVICERA Builders and Consul- (Ret),the newly-appointed Acting General Manag-
tancy, and blessed by Rev. Fr Benjie Salvacion CHS, er Col Vener Espiritu (Ret), and attended by other
one of the officiating parish priests at Saint Ignatius officers and employees of the main office of the Co-
Cathedral, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City. operative.
The Metrowalk Satellite Office will soon rise The ground breaking ceremony is a tradition-
out of a 140 sqm space in Veterans Center Settle- al rite being conducted to connote the start of a
ment Commission or now known as Metrowalk Area project. In this case, the AFPFC MPC Board of Direc-
of Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City, tors conceptualized and initiated the project to es-
to better serve AFP Pensioners and AFPFC MPC tablish the future main building and Satellite Office
members as it provides easier access from Gate 1 of of the Cooperative.
Camp Aguinaldo. As planned, the Metrowalk Satel-
As part of the ceremonies, the members of
lite Office will be the 11th Satellite Office of the AFP-
the Board installed and buried a time capsule that
FC MPC nationwide and the 3rd Satellite in Metro
contained the newspaper of the said date together
with the conceptual plan in the foundation of a new
The AFPFC MPC Main Building on the oth- building to seal off the artifact of the Cooperative’s
er hand, is a six-storey project with basement and milestone for the later generations.
commercial spaces to be constructed at the 1,291
A time capsule symbolizes historic caches of
sqm land at 18th Avenue corner Bonny Serrano,
information usually intended as a method of com-
Cubao,Quezon City, which will be completed by
munication with the future people and to help ar-
2019. With the future building to serve as the main
chaeologists, anthropologists or historians to identify
office, the AFPFC MPC envisions more productivity
the company or people who first occupied the cer-
in the conveyance of its products and services to its
tain space or area.
treasured members.
The AFPFC MPC was founded in 1989 and for-
“This is the initiation of the proper construc-
mally started its operation in 1992. Since then, the
tion of main building where AFP Finance Center Mul-
Cooperative’s main office is located at Col Rosead-
ti-Purpose Cooperative will house its main office. This
el Ocbina Bldg, Guido St. Camp Aguinaldo Quezon
is also a manifestation of our desire to have our own
Dahil lodi namin kayo, petmalu ang promo naming handog para sa inyo!
May cash bonus na, may libreng cellphone pa!

Maraming Salamat Po
sa lahat ng mga tumangkilik ng aming
AFPFC MPC reaches out to

the sheltered elderly at

Luwalhati ng Maynila
Part of the significant activities of AFPFC Multi- including toothpaste, toothbrush, alcohol, soap, and
Purpose Cooperative is the advocacy to extend a hand face towels.
to the needy communities and pursue community de-
The Cooperative also prepared and sang two
velopment. The willingness of the Cooperative does not
songs for the elderly, which the latter enjoyed and
only signify its alignment in Cooperative’s Corporate
sang along with. On the other hand, the seniors had
Social Responsibility (CSR) but also its self-imposed in-
also prepared and showcased their talents in singing
itiative in volunteerism and awareness for its members
and dancing to entertain the guests.
and non-members.
Present in the activity were the AFPFC MPC’s
Following the mandate of Cooperatives and its
Board of Directors led by its Oversight Director for
role in social development, CSR is done by any insti-
Internal Affairs, Ms Lucia M Reyes, together with Col
tution to help or contribute to different communities
Conrado T Mendoza (Ret), and Capt Danilo A Mem-
through socio-economic and cultural activities.
brere PN (Ret) who actively participated in the pro-
In light of this, AFPFC MPC conducted commu- gram.
nity service to the neglected 387 elderly that included
meal sponsorship and gift-giving on March 22, 2018, The cooperative has long since engaged in
Friday at Luwalhati ng Maynila, Boys Town Complex, various activities that allow them to initiate and par-
Marikina City. ticipate to make difference to the members and non-
members. The AF`PFC MPC aims to instill happiness by
The program started early afternoon and the
making contribution to different communities from all
Cooperative later provided snacks and hygiene kits
walks of life.

Loan Processor Coop Field Representative

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- Graduate of any 4-year course - at least college level
- Proactive, keen on details, enthusiastic - with excellent customer relation skill
- w/ good communication skills and good moral character
- Willing to be assigned to any of the following - no experience required
SATELLITE OFFICES: - Willing to undergo TRAINing IN any of THE

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Cotabato Baguio
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