Amadeus Hotels Brochure
Amadeus Hotels Brochure
Amadeus Hotels Brochure
Make more money with hotels
Amadeus Hotels solution
to suit all types of travel
agencies and travellers
Upfront inspiration
Inspire each and every search with (TravelCube, Travel Bound), Expedia
more hotels and rates than ever Affiliate Network, HRS, Amadeus
before. We set ourselves one simple Value Hotels, Totalstay, Bedsonline,
challenge: to ensure that you find the Alba Travel, Hcorpo, TBOHolidays,
hotel content you need through one Travelguru, Teldar Travel, SunHotels
single shopping window. and more.
From a luxurious Riad in Marrakech But content is about a lot more than
to a boutique business hotel in just the range of properties on offer.
Manhattan, Amadeus brings together Via its latest solutions, Amadeus
an inventory of over 2.3 million offers a variety of rate types upfront:
chain, independent and aggregator pre-paid and post-paid; public and
hotel shopping options in one single promotional as well as negotiated or
shopping and reservation solution. private rates. Rates for children, half-
board/full-board and others are also
Shop and compare offers directly from available.
major chains and properties alongside
those of providers such as GTA
Back-end integration
We integrate hotel aggregator content Plus or Checkmytrip, you can check
in the same way that we integrate the hotel details, payment methods
content from other hotel providers and more for each and every booking.
on Amadeus, ensuring that all the And for traveller tracking for duty of
hotel bookings you make are actively care, once again, whether travellers
recognised across all your systems. are staying at major brand hotels or
Information is seamlessly transferred independent properties booked via
to the mid- and back-office, making our aggregator partners, you can
invoicing & reconciliation, reporting rely on your integrated Amadeus
to clients and the management of hotel reservation platform as the
supplier contracts even more efficient. best source for that hotel booking
Importantly, full active PNR integration
allows your consultants to manage With full integration of all hotel
bookings at anytime, from anywhere. booking data to mid- and back-office
All your bookings are reflected across systems, you have better visibility
multiple points of sale, giving you even and tracking capabilities on true hotel
more visibility over important value spend at agency, corporate client or
added processes for your travellers. individual traveller level. On the one
With aggregator bookings as seamless hand this allows you to deliver better
as a traditional GDS booking, you can hotel spend management programmes
view the hotel booking information in and services to your clients and on
real-time via the traveller’s PNR on the other, it allows you to drive hotel
any system. volume where you want to optimise
your supplier contracts.
Whether it’s through Amadeus Hotels
You don’t have
time to waste
A world of content
Our new intelligent search engine The re-engineered system goes enhanced shopping display e.g.
now means you can find the beyond just property levels to showing for a given hotel a pre-
right rate for the right hotel at support different rate types and paid, ‘use it or lose it’ half-board
the right time amongst the very payment models. This is key given rate from one provider alongside
long-tail of hotel content. Our the fragmentation in the hotel a post-paid flexible rate for room
underlying hotel database and industry and customer preferences and breakfast in the same hotel
search engines have been re- for different rate types, payment from another.
engineered to accommodate the models etc.
long-tail of hotel data and content By harmonising the data from
from different sources, allowing disparate sources, the search
the same properties offered by engine delivers ‘like-for-like’
different providers to be shown comparison shopping via an
via a single display.
Trusted reviews
We’ve integrated Amadeus Trusted the expectation and perceived rapidly choose the option that not
Reviews to give you and your performance are as close as only suits your traveller, but also
travellers even more information possible, which can help you keep meets your business needs.
about travel options – whatever your customers coming back. And To put it simply, with the help of
the reason for travelling: leisure, for traveller duty of care you can Amadeus Trusted Reviews you
business or corporate – all do everything possible to minimise can influence traveller purchasing
your customers want to have potential stress and ensure your decisions. With relevant reviews
a comfortable and enjoyable travellers well-being. and ratings, you are more likely
experience. Unlike many travel review to convert higher value travel
We make it easier for you to websites, Amadeus Trusted offerings and drive your business
manage and ultimately meet Reviews only features reviews where you want it to go.
your customers’ expectations. from verified customers who we
Offering a room to your customer know actually stayed at the hotel
is not just about selling, it’s about based on booking data and stay
giving a promise, that’s why it’s data. That’s why we call them
important to make sure that ‘Trusted reviews’. So, you can
Make more money with hotels
5 Amadeus Hotels
Cash is king.
We’ll help you earn & collect
your hotel commissions.
Beautifully simple.
‘Shop from a map’ allows you to see hotel results displayed close
to your point of reference or interest.
Make more money with hotels
7 Amadeus Hotels