Rates: General Conditions
Rates: General Conditions
Rates: General Conditions
1. Estimate
1.1 The estimate is based on CPWD, DSR 2007 BOQ for relevant DSR / analysis of rates approved by
DJB etc & Rates of trenchless society. The work shall be carried out as per CPWD specifications (1996-
2002) / latest editions of the specifications, with up to date (the date of receipt of tender) correction
slips, for works at Delhi.
2. Rates
2.1 The tendered rate (%age rate tender/item rate tender) for all items of the work shall be
considered inclusive of all leads and lifts, skilled or unskilled labour & material required for working at all
heights and depths, making any shape of the masonry as per the drawings, royalty fee, terminal taxes,
octroi, entry tax etc. etc. besides other taxes payable by the contractor such as Income Tax and Sales Tax
on work contract and the sales tax applicable on the goods/material. Nothing extra shall be paid unless
otherwise given in the description of item and no extra claim shall be entertained due to any reasons
whatsoever on this account.
2.2 Nothing extra shall be paid unless otherwise specified on account of cutting of grass,
bushes, leveling of undulation in the ground, existence of drain and temporary structures etc.
requiring removal and difficulty due to space constraints.
2.3 Nothing extra shall be paid for working in foul conditions unless otherwise specified. The
tendered rates shall not be subject to any revisions for want of any information.
3. Income tax and Sales tax on work contract
The contractor shall pay income tax on all payments made to him under the contract as per
provisions of income tax act. The contractor shall also pay sales tax on work contract on all the
payments made to him under this contract, as per provision of Delhi Sales Tax and Work Contract Act
1999/ DVAT. The Delhi Jal Board shall deduct tax on source (TDS) both for income tax and sales tax on
work contract act. The element of taxes shall be considered in built in the offered rate by the
Works Contract Tax/DVAT will be deducted @2% or prevalent at that time, of the contract
value/the gross value of the running bills. The rate quoted shall be deemed to have been included the
NOTE: - The DJB shall not be under any obligation to pay or reimburse the tax paid or payable by the
contractor as per the provision of the act for the contract /work under reference.
4. Bar Chart
The contractor shall be required to submit a detailed program for completion of work
within the stipulated period, in the form of a Bar Chart, covering all major activities, to the
Engineer-in-charge within 10 days from the date of award of work Modifications suggested by
the Engineer-in-charge shall be incorporated in the Bar Chart. It will be ensured by the contractor
that the time schedule as laid down in the aforesaid Bar Chart/mile stone is adhered to. Action
for not receiving the mile stone shall be taken as per the provisions given in the clauses of
5. Site office
The contractor shall construct a temporary site office for supervisory staff of the department
and shall also provide necessary furniture. No extra payment for this shall be made on this account.
6.3 The contractor shall not disturb damage or pull down any hedge, tree, building etc within
the site without the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
6.4 The contractor shall at all the times during the progress of work take all requisite
precautions and use his best endeavors for preventing any riotous or unlawful behavior by or
among the workers and other employees at the work and shall preserve peace and protection of
the inhabitants and the security of property in the neighborhood of the work.
If the contractor or his working people or servants break, deface, injure or destroy any part of
building in which they may be working, or any building, road, road curb, fence, enclosure, water
pipe, cables, drains electric or telephone post or wires, trees, grass or grasslands, or cultivated
ground contiguous to the premises on which the work or any part is being executed or if any
damage shall happen to the work while in progress, from any cause whatsoever, the contractor
shall make the same good at his own expense or in default the Engineer-in-charge cause the same
to be made good by other workman and deduct the expense from any sums that may be due or at
any time thereafter may become due to the contractor, or from his security deposit or the
proceeds of sale thereof or of a sufficient portion thereof.
On completion of the work the contractor shall remove hutments failing which the
department will dismantle and clear the site at his risk and cost.
7. Sign Board
The contractor shall provide board indicating complete name of work, date of start, date of
completion, cost, name of department, name of the Executive Engineer with office address and
telephone number, name of the executive agency, at his own cost at the site of work with in week from
the actual date of start..
The contractor must always make available and accurate leveling instrument at the site of work.
Necessary levels will be given by the contractor or his authorized site engineer and the same will be
checked by the site staff of the department.
9. Execution of work
9.1 The work is to be carefully executed strictly in accordance with the approved drawing supplied
to the contractor or with such modifications as may be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge from time to
time. Any additional amended, revised or detailed drawings that may be issued by the Engineer-in-
Charge or approved in writing by him during the progress of the work are to be considered to form the
part of the work and as such being included in the contract. No claim whatsoever shall be considered on
this account.
9.2 The order of sequence of execution of the work and general condition of the work shall be
subject to the approval and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge whose approval or direction shall
however in no way relieve the contractor of the responsibility for the proper and satisfactory execution
of the work according to the terms of contract and within stipulated period. No claim of the contractor
whatsoever will be entertained on this account.
9.3 The information given in the drawing including the conditions of ground or the information
regarding of the depth of water to be met with means of access, or any other such matter shall not
relieve the contractor from the fulfillment of the contract.
9.4 The contractor shall establish at his own cost at suitable points additional reference point’s lines
Bench marks as may be necessary. The contractor will be responsible and must check and satisfy himself
the accuracy of levels, lines positions, dimensions, sizes etc. of the finished work in accordance with the
10. Excavation
10.1 Excavation shall be carried out as per the latest CPWD specifications applicable for the work.
The side slope for excavation shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge depending upon the sub-soil
strata and availability of land. In case of the space constraints restricted excavation width shall be
allowed and the contractor shall carry out close/open timbering to keep the trench in position. The
procedure and process of timbering/shoring etc. shall be as per CPWD specifications. The payment shall
be made as per provision in the Bill of Quantities of the work.
10.2 Excavation in soil: In firm soils, the sides of the trenches shall be kept vertical up to a depth of 2
meters from the bottom. For greater depths, allowing steps of 50cms on either side after every 2
meters from the bottom shall widen the excavation profiles. Alternatively, the excavation can be done
so as to give slope of 1:4(1 horizontal: 4 vertical). Where the soil is soft, loose or slushy, the width of
steps shall be suitably increased or sides sloped or the soil shored up as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to take complete instruction in writing from the
Engineer-in-charge regarding the stepping sloping or shoring to be done for excavation deeper than 2
10.3 Excavation in ordinary/hard rock shall be carried out by crowbars, pickaxes or pneumatic drills
and blasting operation shall not be adopted.
10.4 The excavation shall be done true to levels, slope, shape and patter indicated by the Engineer-in-
10.5 In case of excavation for foundations or for laying of sewers/pipe lines/drains in trenches or over
areas the bed of excavation shall be to the correct level or slope and consolidated by watering and
ramming. If the excavation for foundation is done to a depth greater than that shown in the drawings
or as required by the Engineer-in-charge, the excess depth shall be made good by the contractor at his
own cost with the concrete of the mix used for leveling/bed concrete for foundations. Soft/defective
spots at the beds of the foundations shall be dug out and filled with concrete (to be paid separately) as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
10.6 In case the excavation is done wider than that shown on the drawings or as required by the
Engineer-in-Charge, additional filling wherever required on this account shall be done by the contractor
at his own cost.
10.7 Excavation of final 150mm depth shall be done just prior to lean concrete.
10.8 The underground services like water main, Electric cables, telephone cables, sewer
line/connections may get exposed during the excavation. The contractor at his own cost shall support
and keep the underground services functional as directed by Engineer-in-charge. However, the
payment towards supporting the water/sewer lines having size more than 250 mm dia shall be made by
the department on the basis of relevant item of DSR plus/minus contractor's enhancement after
effecting deductions for the salvage value of the support/arrangement so made for supporting the
services. Any damage caused to the services shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost.
10.9 The excavated earth shall be stacked sufficiently away from the edges of the trench as per
provisions given in CPWD specification/I.S.code. the clear distance between the edge of the excavation
and the stacked earth shall be 1.5 meter or half of the depth of excavation whichever is more. In case of
space constraints, special permission of Engineer-in-Charge shall be taken.
10.10 The trenches having more than 1.2 meter depth shall be provided with a ladder which shall
extend from the bottom of the trench to at least 90 cm. Above the ground level for inspection by the
contractor at his cost.
10.11 During the excavation the natural drainage of the area shall be maintained. Excavation shall be
done from top to bottom. Undermining or undercutting shall not be done.
10.12 From safety point of view, where required, the trenches shall be provided with G.I. sheet
barricading which shall be painted with red and white strips as directed. The payment shall be made
only if the item is included in the bill of quantity otherwise the cost of the same shall be considered as
inclusive in the offered rate.
11.1 The excavation under sub-soil water shall be classified as excavation in saturated soil.
11.2 The sub-soil water table is likely to be met at a depth of about—-meter (as mentioned in
schedule –F) below the general ground level. However for measurement of different items required to
be executed at site, actual sub-soil water table shall be recorded in 3 pits dug along the specified length
of alignment and the average steady water level shall be taken. The sub-soil water table shall be
recorded by the department/Engineer-in-Charge/a team of Engineers and the contractor. The
measurement of works/items as per Bill of Quantities executed under sub-soil water will be
made/worked out with center of gravity i.e. the quantity will be calculated by multiplying the depth
measured from top of sub-soil water level up to the centre of gravity of cross-sectional area of the item.
11.3 The contractor shall arrange sufficient number of diesel and Electric pump for lowering down
the water table below the required excavation level and to keep the excavation dry for sufficient period
to enable getting of works executed. The contractor shall also arrange at his cost Diesel generator Sets
of adequate capacity as a standby arrangement in good running condition including making pressure
release holes if necessary and plugging the same subsequently to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Pumping of subsoil water shall be ensured to be continued to keep subsoil water level well below the
deepest construction level during execution to avoid floatation of the partially constructed structure due
to uplift pressure of subsoil water. This arrangement shall be maintained till full structure has been
constructed to counteract the uplift pressure due to subsoil water.
11.4 The subsoil water pumped will be drained off to the proper disposal point. The drain shall be
kept cleaned regularly. Contractor shall ensure hygienic conditions as per the guidelines and procedure
of the health/sanitation department and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
11.5 While withdrawing the casing pipes of the bores, the space and the cavity so the contractor at
his own cost shall fill form with the sand.
12. Refilling
12.1 Refilling of the trenches shall proceed with the soft material free from stone and hard
substance; compaction of the same shall be done as per CPWD specifications.
12.2 In case of pipelines, soft material free from stones or hard substances shall first be used and
hand pressed under and around the pipes to half their height. Similar soft material shall then be put
into a height of 30 cm above the top of the pipe and this will be moistened with water and well
rammed. Filling in the remainder of the trench shall be done with excavated earth in regular horizontal
layers each not exceeding 20 cm in depth. All lumps and clods exceeding 8 cm in any direction shall be
broken. Each layer shall be watered and consolidated.
12.3 Before and during the backfilling of a trench, precautions shall be taken against the floatation of
the pipeline due to the entry of large quantities of water into the trench causing an uplift of the empty
or the partly filled pipeline. Upon completion of the backfill, the surface shall be restored fully to the
level decided by Engineer-in-Charge.
12.4 Sheeting driven below the spring line of a sewer shall be withdrawn a little at a time as the
backfilling progress. Some of the backfilled earth is forced into the void created by withdrawal of
Serviceable material if found during excavation / demolishing shall be issued to the contractor at
the rate as specified.
The above rates are applicable if the material issued is used at site or taken away from the site
14.1 No malba shall be allowed to remain at site of work; same should be removed regularly during
the progress of work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
14.2 The surplus earth/demolished unserviceable material/building rubbish or the like shall be
carted to the DJB land. Payment for the item of carriage shall be restricted and paid for the lead
specified only. The measurement of the same shall be in accordance with the provisions as given
in relevant CPWD specifications after deduction of voids. If the department desires that the
material including excavated surplus earth requires to be carted to any other land at
shorter/longer lead other than mentioned above, the same shall be done by the contractor and will
be paid as per actual lead accordingly.
14.3 In case the same is not allowed to be disposed off or carted by the department or by any other
agency, the contractor shall not have any claim for deleting/reducing of the item from the scope of work
at any stage. Supporting documents of having the same disposed at the defined destination shall be
attached with each running bill.
14.4 In the case of silt/garbage/sludge having no fertile value recovered during the execution of the
work the same shall be disposed off at sanitary land fill.(SLF) Supporting documents of having silt
disposed off at S.L.F. shall be attached with each running bill. The contractor shall pay necessary charges
levied by the MCD for dumping/disposal at SLF and the same shall be reimbursed as per the actual.
14.5 The contractor shall be responsible for the safe custody of the material obtained during
excavation, the dismantling and demolishing or otherwise, the same shall be utilized or sold by
the department.
15.1 The contractor shall procure 43 grade or above grade (conforming to relevant IS code) ISI mark
OPC (ordinary Portland cement)/PPC of as required for the work from reputed manufactures of cement
having production capacity not less than one million tones or more per annum, such as ACC,Ultra Tech,
J.P. Rewa, Vikram,Shri cement, Birla Jute/Uttam, and Cement Corporation of India, etc. as approved by
Ministry of Industry, Government of India, and holding license to use ISI certification mark for their
product. Test report from manufacturers for each lot purchased shall be submitted before use.
Mandatory test of cement as required by CPWD specifications 1996-2002 or latest edition of
specification at Delhi (till date of receipt of tender) and as per provisions of relevant BIS codes shall also
be got done by the Engineer-in-charge as and when considered necessary. Supply of cement shall be
taken in 50 Kg. bags bearing manufacture's name and ISI marking. Samples of cement from the lot
arranged by the contractor shall be taken by the Engineer-in-Charge and got tested in accordance with
provisions of relevant BIS codes. In case test results indicate that the cement arranged by contractor
does not conform to the relevant BIS codes the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the
site by the contractor at his own cost within a week's time of written order from the Engineer-in-Charge
to do so.
In case the quantity of cement required for the completion of entire work is less than 20 tones,
the Engineer-in-charge may allow its purchase from the local dealers. In that case the entire lot will be
purchased at one time and use of the same shall be allowed only after its testing as per clause
according to IS: 4031 Part II, III, V & VI, from the lab and on its conformity to the required specifications.
15.2 The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of approximately 50 tones or as decided by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
15.3 The contractor shall construct cement godowns at the site of work for storing the materials safe
against damages from sun, rain, dampness, fire, theft etc. The godowns shall have a minimum storage
capacity of 2000 bags of cement. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
The cement bags shall be stacked on pucca floor consisting of two layers of dry bricks laid on
well-consolidated earth at a level of at least one foot above ground level. These stacks shall be in rows
of 2 and 10 bags high with a minimum 0.75 m clear space all-round. The bags should be placed
horizontally continuous in each line.
15.4 Each god own shall be provided with a single door with two locks. The keys of one lock shall
remain with 'Junior Engineer-in-Charge of work' and that of the other lock with the authorized agent of
the contractor at the site of work, so that the cement is issued from the godown according to the daily
requirement with the knowledge of both the parties.
15.5 The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement godown by the Engineer-in-Charge
at any time.
15.6 The contractor shall supply free of charge the cement required for testing. The cost of tests shall
be borne by the contractor
15.7 The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in the contract/ CPWD manual. The theoretical consumption of cement shall be
worked out as per procedure prescribed in the contract and shall be governed by conditions laid therein.
15.8 Cement brought to site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not be
removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.
15.9 The day to day receipt and issue accounts of cement shall be maintained by the Junior Engineer-
in-Charge and signed daily by the contractor or his authorized agent.
16. Steel
16.1 The contractor shall procure TMT Bars steel reinforcement confirming to the relevant BIS codes
from the Secondary producers or re rollers having valid BIS Licence. from the manufacturers as
approved by the Ministry of Steel. The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish manufacturers test
certificates to the Engineer-in-charge in respect of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of
work. Samples shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-charge as per the provisions in this
regard in relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by the contractor
does not conform to BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site of work
by the contractor at his cost with in a week's time from written orders from the Engineer-in-charge to do
16.2 The steel reinforcement shall be brought to the site in bulk supply of 10 tons or more or as
decided by the Engineer-in-charge.
16.3 In case the requirement of the steel is less than 10 tones, the Engineer-in-charge may allow its
purchase from the local market but the same shall be allowed for use after its testing from the lab and
its conformity to the required specifications.
16.4 The steel reinforcement shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a way as to
prevent distortion and corrosion. Bars of different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to
facilitate easy counting and checking. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
16.5 For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re-bend test, etc., specimen of sufficient
length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random at frequency not less than that specified below
and as per CPWD specifications with up to date correction slips.
Size of bar For consignment below 100 tones For consignment over 100 tones.
Under 10 mm dia. One sample for each 25 tones or part One sample for each 40 tones or
thereof part thereof
10 mm to 16 mm dia. One sample for each 35 tones or part One sample for each 45 tones or
thereof part thereof
Over 16 mm dia. One sample for each 45 tones or part One sample for each 50 tones or
thereof part thereof.
16.6 The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing. The cost of test shall be
borne by the contractor. Steel brought to site and steel remaining unused shall not be removed from
site without the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
16.7 Only standard weights of the steel for the measured quantity shall be payable. The overweight
beyond standard weight shall not be considered for payment and the lower weight steel shall be
17.1 After completion of the work, the theoretical quantity of cement to be used in work shall be
calculated on the basis of statement showing quantity of cement to be used in different items of works
as provided in CPWD Delhi Schedule of Rates . In case any item is executed for which the standard
constants for the consumption of cement are not available in the above mentioned statement or cannot
be derived from this statement the same shall be calculated on the basis of standard formula to be laid
down by the Engineer-in-Charge. Over this theoretical quantity of cement, shall be allowed a variation
up to 3% plus/minus for works estimated cost of which as put to tender is not more than Rs.5 lac and up
to 2% plus/minus for works, the estimated cost of which put to tender is more than Rs.5 lac. In the event
of it being discovered that the quantity of cement used is less than the quantity required (allowing
variation on the minus side as stipulated above) , the portion of work executed will be rejected and the
same shall be demolished and reconstructed by the contractor at his own cost. The decision of
concerned Superintending Engineer, in this regard, shall be final and binding on the contractor. Cement
used in excess then required shall not be payable. But, if used less within permissible limit shall be
recovered at issue / market rate.
17.2 No variation on theoretical/standard weight or wastage shall be payable on steel reinforcement
used in the work. Payment for steel shall be made for actual quantity based on measurement and used
as per structural design/drawings including authorized lap pages only.
Materials brought at site consisting of plant, machinery, tools, tackles, raw material etc.
required for execution of work shall not be removed except for use in the work unless permission in
writing is given by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor however, shall be responsible for loss or
damage such materials and goods.
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to prepare bar bending schedule based on
structural drawings for all RCC items of work.
20. Concrete
20.1 All concrete shall be mixed with mechanical mixer except otherwise allowed by the Engineer-in-
20.2 The concreting of R.C.C. work shall commence only after the form work and steel reinforcement
have been inspected and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
20.3 Nothing extra shall payable or extra quantity of cement considered on account of use of cement
slurry for continuation of concrete.
If required, it shall be responsibility of the contractor that C.I./ M.S. puddle collars/foot
rests/insert plates/nut bolts etc. etc. are fixed properly/grouted in the RCC at the time of casting of walls
or subsequently as the case may be without any extra cost.
The contractor shall not dump/deposit materials on site which will seriously cause
inconvenience to the public. The Engineer-in-Charge may require the contractor to remove any
materials which are considered by him to be of danger or inconvenient to public or cause them to be
removed at the contractor’s cost.
24.1 The contractor will be absolutely and solely responsible for any accident that may occur during
the progress on the work and for injury or damage to the persons or property of any description
whatsoever which may be caused by or result from the execution of the work. The contractor shall at his
own expenses take all necessary and timely precautions against injury or accident to the work or any
person or property and shall forth-with protect and support all such structures or properties or electric
poles or the things which may be affected by the execution of the work and make good any damage so
caused. In the event of the accident to any person or persons or death or injury of any descriptions to
any person, structure, animal or things the contractor will be solely responsible for the same and will
indemnify DJB for the same.
24.2 In the event of any damage occurring to any work, life and property during the execution of
work included in the contract clause due to settlement of ground slips, flooding from any sources
breakage of water main/ sewer line or any other cause, the contractor will be solely responsible and
must reconstruct, repair and make good all such at his own cost.
24.3 When the work is done near a place where there is risk of danger/ accident, all necessary
equipments should be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue
of any person in danger and adequate provision should be made for prompt first aid treatment of all
injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work.
24.4 If any accident occurs the contractor shall report to the Delhi Jal Board, within 24 hours
of its occurrence.
25. Insurance
25.1 The contractor shall insure his labour against risk of life for entire period of completion
of work including extending period with Insurance Company and shall make all necessary
payment for the same during the entire duration of execution of the work under reference. The
contractor shall produce the policies of the Insurance to the Engineer-in-charge before start of the
work and its subsequent renewal during the contract period.
25.2 The contractor shall abide by all rules and regulations as per Employees State Insurance
26. Contractor to indemnify
The contractor shall be liable for and shall also indemnify the Delhi Jal Board against all
liabilities, losses, claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses and
further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the Board harmless from any penalty whatsoever in
respect of any injury or damage to any property or to personals during the execution of work or
by the action of any central or state or local authority for violation by the contractor or sub-
contractor engaged on the work.
27. Electricity
27.1 The contractor shall arrange at his own the electricity/power connection of required capacity for
carrying out the works. The owner will issue the recommendation letter to concerned Electrical
Authorities for getting the Electrical power connection. In case the authorities refuse to provide or
sanction electric/ power in favour of contractor, the connection shall be applied by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The persuasion, the formalities, the required payments if the contractor shall make any. The
contractor shall pay all the charges towards security installation, consumption of electricity/power till
completion of the work.
27.2 The payment of final bill to the contractor shall be made by Delhi Jal Board on submission of no
dues/clearance certificate from the Electric Power authority/the authority in charge of the Electric
27.3 The temporary electric fitting shall be provided and maintained as per the power
sanctioning/maintaining authority rules and regulations by the contractor at his own cost and nothing
extra shall be paid by the DJB.
27.4 If for any reason of the feasibility or whatsoever the authorities are not in a position to sanction
the electric connection, the contractor shall make his own arrangements i.e. required numbers of
generators etc. to execute the work or in case the sanction of electric connection is delayed by the
authority it shall also be on to the part of the contractor to arrange electricity and no claim whatsoever
shall be entertained on this account.
The contractor shall also make necessary arrangements of his own diesel generators, operate,
maintain required for the work, so that the same can be used by him during failure/non-availability of
electricity/power. The quoted rates shall be inclusive of the POL cost and other miscellaneous
expenditure for running and maintaining including labour on the generator. It shall be the contractor's
responsibility to obtain all approvals and permissions from any of the authority e.g. CPCB/DPCC required
for execution of work in accordance with the statutory rules and regulations of the Government.
Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
29.1 Adequate arrangements shall be made for lighting, Chowkidar etc. to safeguard against
accidents & suitable passageways shall be provided wherever needed during the progress of the work
for access to the site/ buildings.
29.2 It shall be responsibility of the contractor to watch & ward all fittings and fixtures till such time
the possession of the work is handed over to Engineer-in-charge.
29.3 Wherever necessary the contractor shall at his own cost provide adequate temporary fencing to
the whole or part of the site for the safety, convenience of workmen, public, live stock and for execution
of works. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account unless otherwise specified in the Bill of Quantity.
32 Payments
32.1 In addition to the stipulation as given in clauses of contract, it is further provided that the
payment of the monthly running bill for the work is normally released in 30 days from the date of
acceptance of the bill recorded in the measurement book. No excuse for delay in completion of
work/prolongation of the contract shall be entertained on account of the reason of delay in payment.
The bidder therefore, must take into consideration of his/their financial capability to carry out and to
continue the work without any hindrances.
32.2 It shall be the contractual obligations on the part of the contractor to submit with each running
bill photocopies of the
(i) Purchase vouchers/bills for the main items purchased for the works like CI/DI/MS/RCC/PSC
Pipes, manhole frame and covers, footrests, sluice valves, fire hydrants and other fixtures and
accessories used in the works;
(ii) Guarantee certificates, wherever applicable;
(iii) Manufacturer's test reports of cement, steel , MS plates, sluice valves etc.;
(iv) Insurance policy for the labour working at site.
(v) The contractor shall peruse road cutting permissions, traffic diversion permission with the Govt.
agency, However the required R.R. charges shall be deposited by the department.
(vi) The department shall issue a necessity certificate. No delay in completion of the work on a/c of
delay in the permission shall be entertained.
(vii) Copy of the inspection note/observations/compliance of the observations as mentioned under
the para 35 shall be placed on record with the running bills before passing of
a) 3rd running bill/5th running bill
b) 6th running bill/10th running bill
c) 9th running bill/15th running bill
d) And 16th running bill.
(viii) At the time of final bill clearance from state labour department
32.3 The original vouchers shall be produced before the Engineer-in-Charge for verification, as and
when desired by him.
33 Date of Completion
33.1 The date of completion of work shall be recorded by the Superintending Engineer as per the
certificate given below:
I have inspected the work and the contract value of Rs.______________agreement
No._________________today on dated.___________as a result of inspection and my previous
inspection I find that the work has been carried out generally to the specification and has been
completed satisfactorily. There are no noticeable defects or the defects have been noticed which shall
be removed by the contractor and the final payment shall be released thereafter.
The contractor shall remove all the defects pointed out at the time of recording of completion
certificate. The above date of completion of work shall be final and binding.
The bidders shall comply with all instruction in TOTO issued by the Employer/ Delhi Government in
respect ;of road maintenance and inter-utility code of conduct for excavating trenches across and
along various roads and other places. In case of non-compliance the Contractor will be liable to
pay penalty for various lapse as are indicated below:
a) Non-installation of boards on either ends of trenches Rs. 500/- per day till
b Non-shoring of walls of trenches to prevent collapse of the Rs. 1000/- per day till the
) excavated portion (Beyond 1.5 Mt. And where proper shoring is fixed.
steeping not proved
c) Digging of trenches beyond a stretch of 500 Mtr. For D.V.B. Rs. 500/- per day till the
and Water Undertaking and other while 1000 Mtr. In case of damage is restored.
d Non barricading of trenches where the depth of trenches is Rs. 500/ - per day till
) more than 1.5 Mtr. completed
e) Excavation of trenches across and along roads during day Rs. 500/- per day
time (8 A.M. to 8 P.M.) without permission.
f) Non-removal of excess earth and other stones etc., which Rs. 100/- per day till
are causing inconvenience to the road users. completed.
g) Non-consolidation of earth while back filling of trenches to Rs. 500/- per day till
the original level. completed
k) Failure to observe provisions of paras 5.4.3 of the code Rs. 250/- till completed
36. Wherever there is any clash among the certain clauses of the conditions of contract, general
conditions, special conditions and general notes/ rules and directions for the guidance of the
contractor, etc. the most stringent will govern for which the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be final & binding.
37. The words importing the singular only also include plural and vise-versa where the context requires
in all the tender documents.
38. The contractor shall pursue road cutting/Traffic Police permission with the concerned Govt.
Agency, however the required R/R charges shall be deposited by the department.
39. Regarding IIIrd party inspection report, each R.A bill shall be accompanied by IIIrd Party Inspection
report. The executive engineer in charge shall ensure that 10% of the total cost of work taken in
R.A bill shall kept on hold till the time, deficiency pointed out by the IIIrd party, in that portion of
the work are rectified, if no deficiency is pointed out or deficiency pointed out are rectified prior to
submission of R.A bill then no amount need to be kept on hold.
The amount withheld in a particular bill shall be released in subsequent bills after compliance of
IIIrd party observation if any recoveries are proposed than the with held amount shall be released
after effecting the recoveries. If the with held amount falls short of the amount to be recovered
then the recoveries shall be effected from the money due to the contractor in any other work or
from the security deposit.
While releasing the with held amount a certificate shall be recorded in the M.B by the E.E that
deficiency pointed out by the IIIrd party have been rectified/recoveries have been effected.
Normally no payment shall be withheld in case of running bills if no deficiencies are pointed out
in the routine field inspection note.
40. The contractor shall submit six hard copies of completion plan prepared on AutoCAD system and
concerned Executive Engineer shall send the requisite information to the mapping cell. The final
bill of the contractor shall be released after receipt of completion plan.