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Classical Mechanics

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Chapter 2

Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s


Abstract This chapter is intended to remind the basic notions of the Lagrangian
and Hamiltonian formalisms as well as Noether’s theorem. We shall first start with
a discrete system with N degrees of freedom, state and prove Noether’s theorem.
Afterwards we shall generalize all the previously introduced notions to continuous
systems and prove the generic formulation of Noether’s Theorem. Finally we will
reproduce a few well known results in Quantum Field Theory.

2.1 Lagragian Formalism

As it is irrelevant for this first part (the discrete case), we shall drop the super-index
notation for coordinates or vectors that we have introduced in the previous chapter.
The action associated to a discrete system with N degrees of freedom (i =
1, . . . , N ) reads:
S(qi ) = dt L(qi , q˙i , t), (2.1)

where L = L(qi , q˙i , t) is the Lagrangian of the system and where {qi }i=1
N are the

generalized coordinates and q˙i ≡ dqi /dt the generalized velocities. In order to
obtain the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion we consider small variations of the
generalized coordinates qi keeping the extremes fixed:

qi = qi + δqi , δqi (t1 ) = δqi (t2 ) = 0 . (2.2)

The first order Taylor expansion of L then gives

∂L ∂L
L(qi + δqi , q˙i + δ q˙i , t) = L(qi , q˙i , t) + δqi + δ q˙i
∂qi ∂ q˙i

≡ L(qi , q˙i , t) + δL , (2.3)

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 29

V. Ilisie, Concepts in Quantum Field Theory,
UNITEXT for Physics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-22966-9_2
30 2 Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s Theorem

where summation over repeated indices is also understood. It is straightforward to

demonstrate that the variation and the differentiation operators commute:

δqi (t) = qi (t) − qi (t) ⇒ (δqi ) = q˙i  (t) − q˙i (t) = δ q˙i (t). (2.4)

Thus, we obtain the following expression for δL:

∂L ∂L
δL = δqi + δ q˙i
∂qi ∂ q˙i

∂L ∂L d
= δqi + (δqi )
∂qi ∂ q˙i dt
∂L d ∂L d ∂L
= − δqi + δqi . (2.5)
∂qi dt ∂ q˙i dt ∂ q˙i

In order to obtain the equations of motion we apply the Stationary Action Principle:
For the physical paths, the action must be a maximum, a minimum or an inflexion
point. This translates mathematically into:
 t2  t2
δS = δ dt L = dt δL = 0 . (2.6)
t1 t1

Expanding δL we get:
 t2     t2  
∂L d ∂L d ∂L
δS = dt − δqi + dt δqi = 0. (2.7)
t1 ∂qi dt ∂ q˙i t1 dt ∂ q˙i

Because δqi (t1 ) = δqi (t2 ) = 0 the second integral vanishes:

t2 d ∂L t2 ∂L ∂L
dt δqi = d δqi = δqi = 0. (2.8)
t1 dt ∂ q˙i t1 ∂ q˙i ∂ q˙i t1

Therefore, we are left with

t2 ∂L d ∂L
δS = dt − δqi = 0, (2.9)
t1 ∂qi dt ∂ q˙i

for arbitrary δqi . Thus the following equations must hold

∂L d ∂L
− =0, (2.10)
∂qi dt ∂ q˙i

∀qi . These equations are called the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion.

2.1 Lagragian Formalism 31

From (2.8) we can also deduce an important aspect of Lagrangians, that they are
not uniquely defined:

d F(qi , t)
L(qi , q˙i , t) and 
L(qi , q˙i , t) = L(qi , q˙i , t) + (2.11)

generate the same equations of motion. We have an alternative way to directly check
that adding a function of the form d F(qi , t)/dt to the Lagrangian, doesn’t alter the
equations of motion. Applying (2.10) to d F(qi , t)/dt we obtain:
∂ d F(qi , t) d ∂ d F(qi , t)
− = 0. (2.12)
∂qi dt dt ∂ q˙i dt

Next we will present one of the most important theorems of analytical mechanics,
a powerful tool that allows us to relate the symmetries of a system with conserved

2.2 Noether’s Theorem

There is a conserved quantity associated with every symmetry of the Lagrangian of

a system.

Let’s consider a transformation of the type

qi → qi = qi + δqi , (2.13)

so that the variation of the Lagrangian can be written as the exact differential of some
function F:
d F(qi , q˙i , t) d F(qi , q˙i , t)
L(qi , q˙i  , t) = L(qi , q˙i , t) + ⇒ δL = . (2.14)
dt dt
Note that here we allow F to also depend on q˙i (that was not the case for (2.11)). On
the other hand, we know that we can write δL as:
∂L d ∂L d ∂L d ∂L
δL = − δqi + δqi = δqi . (2.15)
∂qi dt ∂ q˙i dt ∂ q˙i dt ∂ q˙i

To get to the last equality we used the equations of motion. Let’s now write δqi as
an infinitesimal variation of the form

qi = qi + δqi = qi +  f i , (2.16)

32 2 Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s Theorem

with ||  1 a constant, and f a smooth, well behaved function. Obviously, in the
limit  → 0 we obtain

lim qi = qi ⇒ lim δL = 0. (2.17)

→0 →0

Thus, necessarily F must be of the form F =  F,
   i , q̇i , t)
d ∂L d F(q
( f i ) =  . (2.18)
dt ∂ q˙i dt

Integrating in t we obtain

∂L  i , q̇i , t) + C,
f i = F(q (2.19)
∂ q˙i

with C an integration constant. We therefore conclude, that the conserved quantity

associated to our infinitesimal symmetry is:

∂L  i , q̇i , t) .
C= f i − F(q (2.20)
∂ q˙i

2.3 Examples

Next, we are going to apply this simple formula to a few interesting cases and
reproduce some typical results such as energy and momentum conservation, angular
momentum conservation, etc.

2.3.1 Time Translations

Let’s consider an infinitesimal time shift: t → t + . The first order Taylor expansion
of qi and q̇i is given by:

δqi = qi (t + ) − qi (t) = q˙i (t) + O(2 ),

δ q˙i = q˙i (t + ) − q˙i (t) = q¨i (t) + O(2 ) = (δqi ). (2.21)

If the Lagrangian does not exhibit an explicit time dependence (∂ L/∂t = 0) then

∂L ∂L dL  = L.
δL =  q˙i +  q¨i =  ⇒ F (2.22)
∂qi ∂ q˙i dt
2.3 Examples 33

Thus, the conserved quantity is given by the following

q˙i − L = E , (2.23)
∂ q˙i

where E is the associated energy of the system.

2.3.2 Spatial Translations

Let’s consider a Lagrangian of the form L = T − V , where T is the kinetic energy

of the system and V a central potential. In this case the canonical momentum pi
defined as
pi ≡ , (2.24)
∂ q˙i

obeys pi = ∂T /∂ q˙i . Due to the fact that the potential is central and T = T (qi ) the
Lagrangian obeys

L(rα + n, vα ) = L(rα , vα ), (2.25)

with rα the coordinates of the particle α and n an arbitrary spatial direction with
|n| = 1. We conclude that δL = 0. Under this spatial translation the coordinates of
the particle α transform the following way:

rα → r α = rα + n , (2.26)

that is

rα j → rα j = rα j + n j , (2.27)

with j = 1, 2, 3. Therefore f j = n j . The conserved quantity is straightforwardly


C= nj = pα j n j = pα n = P n , (2.28)
∂ q̇α j α α

for an arbitrary n. Thus, the constant associated to this transformations is the total
momentum P of the system.
34 2 Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s Theorem

2.3.3 Rotations

Again, let’s consider a Lagrangian with the same properties as in the previous exam-
ple. Under an infinitesimal rotation we have

r α = rα − n × rα , rα j = rα j +  jkm n m rαk , (2.29)

and just as previously δL = 0. It is straightforward to observe that f j =  jkm n m rαk

(where  jkm is the totally antisymmetric three-dimensional Levi-Civita tensor den-
sity). The conserved quantity is therefore (remember that summation over all repeated
indices is understood):

C=  jkm n m rαk = pα j  jkm n m rαk = (pα × rα )n = −Ln . (2.30)
∂ q̇α j

Again, this holds for an arbitrary n, thus, the conserved quantity is the total angular
momentum L of the system.

2.3.4 Galileo Transformations

For this last example we shall consider the same type of Lagrangian as in the previous
cases. A Galileo transformation reads

rα → r α = rα + vt, (2.31)

with v a constant velocity vector, therefore:

ṙα → ṙ α = ṙα + v. (2.32)

Under these transformations δL = δT . Let’s calculate T  explicitly:

1 1
T = m α (ṙα + v)2 = T + m α ṙα v + m α v2
2 α
1 d 1 d
=T+ Mv2 + (m α rα v) = T + Mv2 + (MR v). (2.33)
2 dt 2 dt
Considering an infinitesimal transformation v = n with ||  1 and ignoring terms
of O(2 ) we have

δL = δT =  (MR n). (2.34)
2.3 Examples 35

The conserved quantity is then given by:

C= pα j n j t − MR n = (Pt − MR)n , (2.35)

for an arbitrary n. The conserved quantity associated to this transformation is then

Pt − MR.

2.4 Hamiltonian Formalism

We define the Hamiltonian functional of a physical system as

H (qi , pi , t) ≡ pi q˙i − L , (2.36)

where pi is called the canonical conjugated momentum

pi ≡ , (2.37)
∂ q˙i

as it was already introduced in (2.24). If the Euler-Lagrange equations (2.10) are

satisfied then:
ṗi = . (2.38)

The Hamiltonian equations of motion are obtained just as before by applying the
principle of the stationary action:
δS = dt δL

= dt δ( pi q˙i − H )

t2 ∂H ∂H
= dt δ pi q˙i + pi δ q˙i − δqi − δ pi
t1 ∂qi ∂ pi
t2 d ∂H ∂H
= dt δ pi q˙i + ( pi δqi ) − ṗi δqi − δqi − δ pi
t1 dt ∂qi ∂ pi
t2 ∂H ∂H
= dt δ pi q˙i − + δqi − ṗi − + d( pi δqi )
t1 ∂ pi ∂qi t1
36 2 Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s Theorem
t2 ∂H ∂H
= dt δ pi q˙i − + δqi − ṗi − = 0. (2.39)
t1 ∂ pi ∂qi

This must hold for arbitrary δ pi y δqi , therefore, the Hamiltonian equations of motion
are simply given by:

∂H ∂H
q˙i = , ṗi = − . (2.40)
∂ pi ∂qi

If the Hamiltonian exhibits an explicit time dependence, it can be easily related to

the time dependence of the Lagrangian

dH d
= ( pi q˙i − L)
dt dt

∂H ∂H ∂H
= ṗi + q˙i +
∂ pi ∂qi ∂t

= q˙i ṗi − ṗi q˙i +

∂L ∂L ∂L
= ṗi q˙i + pi q¨i − q˙i − q¨i − . (2.41)
∂qi ∂ q˙i ∂t

Therefore we get to the following simple relation in partial derivatives:

∂H ∂L
=− . (2.42)
∂t ∂t

2.5 Continuous Systems

Until now we have considered discrete systems characterized by N (finite) degrees

of freedom. Let’s consider now that the system depends on an infinite number of
degrees of freedom N → ∞. It no longer makes any sense to talk about discrete
coordinates qi . Instead we have to replace them by a continuous field that is defined
for every point in space and that can also vary with time

qi (t) → φ(x, t) ≡ φ(x μ ) ≡ φ(x). (2.43)

Because now we also have spatial dependence besides time dependence, the follow-
ing replacement is also justified:
2.5 Continuous Systems 37

q̇i (t) → ∂t φ(x), ∂k φ(x) ≡ ∂μ φ(x). (2.44)

Notice that we have introduced the compact relativistic notation (from Chap. 1) and
we have supposed that the partial derivatives of the fields are a Lorentz (or Poincaré)
covariant quantity (of the form ∂μ φ(x)),1 with

∂μ ≡ = ( ∂t , ∇) ≡ (∂t , ∂k ) . (2.45)
∂x μ

It will also be useful to define the following contravariant quantity

∂ μ ≡ g μν ∂ν = ( ∂t , −∇ ) ≡ ( ∂t , −∂k ) . (2.46)

Also, we are only interested in Lagrangians that are invariant under space-time
translations besides Lorentz transformations (Poincaré group), therefore they cannot
depend explicitly on x μ . The most generic Lagrangian that exhibits all the properties
we have just described can be written as:

L = d 3 x L φi (x), ∂μ φi (x) . (2.47)


where L is called a Lagrangian density (which we will shortly end up calling

Lagrangian). Because a system can depend in general on more then one field, we have
written our Lagrangian density as a functional of M (with M finite) fields {φi }i=1
M .

Thus, the action can simply be written as an integral of the Lagrangian density
S= dt L


= dt d 3 x L φi (x), ∂μ φi (x)
t1 V

= d 4 x L φi (x), ∂μ φi (x) . (2.48)


Just as in the discrete case, in order to obtain the Euler-Lagrange equations of

motion we will consider small variations of the fields, keeping the extremes fixed

φ (x) = φi (x) + δφi (x) ; δφi (x1 ) = δφi (x2 ) = 0 . (2.49)

1 Thisis not the most general case, of course, but as we are interested in applying field theory to
Special Relativity we shall only restrict our study to this case.
38 2 Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s Theorem

Under these variations, we define

δL φi (x), ∂μ φi (x) ≡ L φi (x) + δφi (x), ∂μ φi (x) + δ[∂μ φi (x)]

− L φi (x), ∂μ φi (x) , (2.50)

thus, we obtain the following

∂L ∂L
δL = δφi (x) + δ [∂μ φi (x)]
∂φi (x) ∂[∂μ φi (x)]

∂L ∂L
= δφi (x) + ∂μ [δφi (x)]
∂φi (x) ∂[∂μ φi (x)]
∂L ∂L ∂L
= − ∂μ δφi (x) + ∂μ δφi (x) , (2.51)
∂φi (x) ∂[∂μ φi (x)] ∂[∂μ φi (x)]

where summation over all repeated indices is understood. Similar to (2.4), the
variation and derivation operators commute. Applying the principle of the Sta-
tionary Action we obtain the Euler-Lagrange equations for continuous systems as
 x2    x2  
∂L ∂L ∂L
δS = − ∂μ δφi (x) + ∂μ δφi (x)
x1 ∂φi (x) ∂[∂μ φi (x)] x1 ∂[∂μ φi (x)]
x2 ∂L ∂L
= − ∂μ δφi (x) = 0, (2.52)
x1 ∂φi (x) ∂[∂μ φi (x)]

for arbitrary δφi (x), therefore, the equations we are looking for take the form

∂L ∂L
− ∂μ =0, (2.53)
∂φi (x) ∂[∂μ φi (x)]

∀ φi , i = 1, . . . , M. Let’s now take another look at (2.52). Because δφi (x1 ) =

δφi (x2 ) = 0, we have found that
x2 ∂L
∂μ δφi (x) = 0. (2.54)
x1 ∂[∂μ φi (x)]

Thus, if we consider an arbitrary functional of the form bμ φi (x) , then

x2 x2 ∂bμ
δ ∂μ bμ φi (x) = ∂μ δ [φi (x)] = 0. (2.55)
x1 x1 ∂φi (x)
2.5 Continuous Systems 39

We conclude that a Lagrangian density is not uniquely defined.

Similar to the discrete

case, one can always add a functional of the form ∂μ b φi (x) without altering the
equations of motion. Therefore

L φi (x), ∂μ φi (x) and L φi (x), ∂μ φi (x) + ∂μ bμ φi (x) , (2.56)

render the same equations of motion.

2.6 Hamiltonian Formalism

We define the Hamiltonian density as

H (πi (x), φi (x), ∇φi (x)) ≡ φ̇i (x)πi (x) − L, (2.57)

where φ̇i (x) ≡ ∂t φi (x) and πi (x) is the canonical momentum associated to the field
φi (x):

πi (x) ≡ . (2.58)
∂ φ̇i (x)

The action can be written in terms of the Hamiltonian density as

 x2  x2

S= d4x L = d 4 x φ̇i (x)πi (x) − H . (2.59)

x1 x1

When applying the principle of the stationary action we obtain

x2 ∂H ∂H ∂H
δS = d 4 x δπi φ̇i − − δφi π̇i + − ∂k = 0,
x1 ∂πi ∂φi ∂(∂k φi )

for arbitrary δπi and δφi . Thus the equations of motion simply read

∂H ∂H ∂H
φ̇(x) = , π̇(x) = − + ∂k . (2.61)
∂π(x) ∂φ(x) ∂(∂k φ(x))

where ∂k are the spatial derivatives (k = 1, 2, 3).

40 2 Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s Theorem

2.7 Noether’s Theorem (The General Formulation)

Until now we have only introduced a global variation of a field, which is defined as
the variation of the shape of the field without changing the space-time coordinates
x μ:

δφi (x) ≡ φi (x) − φi (x) . (2.62)

Besides this, we can define another type of variation which is closely related, a local
variation. It is defined as the difference between the fields evaluated in the same
space-time point but in two different coordinates systems:

δφi (x) ≡ φi (x  ) − φi (x) . (2.63)

Let’s now consider a continuous space-time transformation of the type

x μ → x μ = x μ + x μ , (2.64)

which can be a proper orthochronous Lorentz transformation or a space-time trans-

lation.2 At first order in x, δφi (x) reads:

δφi (x) = φi (x  ) − φi (x)

= φi (x + x) − φi (x)

≈ φi (x) + ∂μ φi (x) x μ − φi (x)

≈ φi (x) + ∂μ φi (x) x μ − φi (x)

= δφi (x) + ∂μ φi (x) x μ . (2.65)

We therefore, have found the following relation between δφ(x) and δ̄φ(x) for an
infinitesimal transformation of the type (2.64):

δφi (x) = δφi (x) + ∂μ φi (x) x μ . (2.66)

We can draw the following conclusion. If φi (x  ) = φi (x) (which is in general the case
for a scalar field; it is also the case for spinor fields under space-time translations)

δφi (x) = − ∂μ φi (x) x μ . (2.67)

2 See Chap. 1 for details.

2.7 Noether’s Theorem (The General Formulation) 41

thus, in this case, an equivalent way of making a transformation of the type (2.64),
which acts on the coordinates, is by making an opposite transformation on the field:

φi (x) → φi (x) = φi (x − x). (2.68)

Let us now deduce how the Lagrangian transforms under these type of variations.
In order to keep the notation short, we shall introduce the following short-hand

L(x) ≡ L φi (x), ∂μ φi (x) , L (x) ≡ L φi (x), ∂μ φi (x) ,

L (x  ) ≡ L φi (x  ), ∂μ φi (x  ) , bμ (x) ≡ bμ φ(x) , (2.69)

where ∂μ ≡ . Keeping only terms up to O(x) we can calculate δL(x) under
∂x μ

δL(x) = L (x  ) − L(x)

= L φi (x) + δφi (x), ∂μ φi (x) + δ [∂μ φi (x)] − L(x)

∂L(x) ∂L(x)
≈ L(x) + δφi (x) + δ [∂μ φi (x)] − L(x)
∂φi (x) ∂[∂μ φi (x)]

≈ δL(x) + ∂μ L(x) x μ , (2.70)

where we have introduced the following notation

∂L(x) ∂L(x)
∂μ L(x) ≡ ∂μ φi (x) + ∂μ ∂ν φi (x). (2.71)
∂φi (x) ∂[∂ν φi (x)]

Also we have used the following approximation:

∂ x ν
δ [∂μ φi (x)] ≈ ∂μ [δφi (x)] − ∂ν φi (x) = ∂μ [δφi (x)]. (2.72)
∂x μ
For the last equality we have used that for a Lorentz (Poincaré) transformation
∂μ x ν = 0 (as it was already mentioned in Chap. 1). Thus, the new variation
operator δ̄ also commutes with the derivation operator when restricting ourselves
to Lorentz (Poincaré) continuous transformations. We have therefore obtained an
expression similar to (2.66) for δ̄L:

δL(x) = δL(x) + ∂μ L(x) x μ . (2.73)

42 2 Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s Theorem

Let’s now consider the transformation of the action. A transformation that leaves
the equations of motion invariant is a symmetry of the system. Under such a symmetry
the action S will mostly transform as S → S  with S  given by

S = d 4 x  L (x  )

= d 4 x L(x) + d 4 x ∂μ bμ (x)

=S+ d 4 x ∂μ bμ (x), (2.74)

so that δS  = δS (thus generating the same equations of motion). Introducing the

Jacobian matrix we have
∂x 4  
d x L (x ) = d x L(x) +
d 4 x ∂μ bμ (x). (2.75)

This must hold for all space-time volumes , therefore:

L (x ) = L(x) + ∂μ bμ (x). (2.76)
The determinant of the Jacobian matrix is equal to 1 for a proper orthocronous Lorentz
transformation or a space-time translation, thus

δL(x) − ∂μ bμ (x) = 0 . (2.77)

Introducing (2.73) in (2.77) we obtain:

δL(x) + ∂μ L(x)x μ − bμ (x) = 0 . (2.78)

Inserting the explicit form of δL from (2.51) in the last expression, we obtain
∂L(x) ∂L(x)
− ∂μ δφi (x) +
∂φi (x) ∂[∂μ φi (x)]
+ ∂μ δφi (x) + ∂μ L(x)x μ − ∂μ bμ (x) = 0. (2.79)
∂[∂μ φi (x)]

Using the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion we finally get to the conservation law
we were looking for

∂μ j μ (x) = 0, j μ (x) = δφi (x) + L(x)x μ − bμ (x) , (2.80)
∂[∂μ φi (x)]
2.7 Noether’s Theorem (The General Formulation) 43

with j μ (x) the conserved Noether current. Note that our result is completely general,
in the sense that it holds for continuous space-time transformations of the type (2.64)
and also for transformations that only imply a field variation without modifying the
space-time configuration. In this last case we would simply set x μ = 0 in (2.80).
As it is usual, we can also define a conserved charge Q associated to the conserved
current j μ as:
Q= d 3 x j 0, = d 3 x ∂0 j 0 = − d3x ∇ j = 0 . (2.81)

Next, we shall take a few illustrative examples.

2.8 Examples

2.8.1 Space-time Translations

Consider the following infinitesimal space-time translation:

x μ → x μ = x μ − μ , (2.82)

with μ real constants. For scalar or spinor fields we have φi (x) = φi (x  ) thus
δφi (x) = 0. Under this type of transformation our Lagrangians remain unchanged
so L (x  ) = L(x), therefore, by taking a look at (2.77) we conclude that ∂μ bμ = 0.
We can thus, eliminate the bμ term from (2.80) and the conserved current is simply
given by:
∂L ∂L
jμ = ∂ν φi ν − Lμ = ∂ ν φi − Lg μν ν . (2.83)
∂(∂μ φi ) ∂(∂μ φi )

The conservation law ∂μ j μ = 0 holds for any arbitrary constants ν , therefore we

actually have four conserved currents:

∂μ T μν = 0, T μν = ∂ ν φi − Lg μν , (2.84)
∂(∂μ φi )

with T μν the four-momentum tensor. The conserved Noether charges are then given

Pν ≡ d 3 x T 0ν
∂L ν
= d3x ∂ φi − g 0ν L
∂ φ̇i
44 2 Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s Theorem

= d 3 x (πi ∂ ν φi − g 0ν L)

= d 3 x (πi φ̇i − g 00 L, −πi ∇φi )

= d 3 x (H, P )

= ( H, P ), (2.85)

where we have used (2.46). As we can see, the conserved charges are the Hamiltonian
and three-momentum operators.

2.8.2 Phase Redefinition

Consider a Lagrangian that depends on the fields φ1 and φ2 with φ1 = φ and φ2 = φ† .

If we perform an infinitesimal global phase redefinition of the field

φ(x) → φ (x) = e−iθ φ(x), (2.86)

with θ  1 (and where global means that the phase does not depend on the space-time
coordinates θ = θ(x)), then we find:

δφ(x) = −iθ φ(x), δφ† (x) = iθ φ† (x). (2.87)

As this transformation doesn’t involve the space-time coordinates we can already set
x μ = 0 in (2.80). Therefore δL = δ̄L = ∂μ bμ . Again, if we only consider the free
Dirac or Klein-Gordon Lagrangians then δL = 0 = ∂μ bμ , so we can also eliminate
bμ from (2.80). The conserved current is then given by

∂L ∂L ∂L ∂L
jμ = δφ + δφ† = (−iφ)θ + iφ† θ, (2.88)
∂(∂μ φ) ∂(∂μ φ† ) ∂(∂μ φ) ∂(∂μ φ† )

for an arbitrary θ. Thus, redefining the current without the θ multiplying term we
∂L ∂L
∂μ j μ = 0, j μ (x) = −i φ+i φ† . (2.89)
∂(∂μ φ) ∂(∂μ φ† )

In particular, for the free Dirac Lagrangian L D = ψ̄(x)(iγμ ∂ μ − m)ψ(x) we obtain

the well known result:

∂μ ψ̄γ μ ψ = 0. (2.90)
2.8 Examples 45

2.8.3 Lorentz Transformations

Consider the following infinitesimal proper orthochronous3 Lorentz transformation:

x μ → x μ = x μ + ω μν x ν , (2.91)
with ω ν = −ω νμ real constants. Defining ωμν ≡ gμα ω αν , it is easy to show
that the field transformation reads
1 μν
φi (x  ) = φi (x) + (i) ωμν φi (x), (2.92)

μν i 1 μν
with (i) = − σ μν = [γ μ , γ ν ] for spinorial4 fields and, (i) = 0 for scalar fields
2 4
(no summation over the “i” index must be understood in (2.92) nor in the following
expression). Using (2.66) we easily find:

1 αβ
δφi (x) =  ωαβ φi (x) − ∂ α φi (x) ωαβ x β
2 (i)
1 αβ 1 α

= (i) ωαβ φi (x) − ∂ φi (x) x β − ∂ β φi (x) x α ωαβ

2 2
1  αβ  α β 
= (i) + x ∂ − x β ∂ α φi (x)ωαβ . (2.93)

On the other hand, our Lagrangians are all Lorentz invariant, thus δ̄L = 0 and so
again, we can eliminate bμ in (2.80) just as in the previous examples. We obtain that
the expression for our conserved current reads:

∂L αβ
jμ = (i) + x α ∂ β − x β ∂ α φi ωαβ + Lω β x β
∂[∂μ φi ] 2
∂L αβ
= (i) + x α ∂ β − x β ∂ α φi ωαβ +
∂[∂μ φi ] 2
+ L(g μα x β − g μβ x α )ωαβ , (2.94)
for arbitrary ωαβ . Thus, we obtain

∂L αβ
∂μ J μ,αβ = 0, J μ,αβ = x α T μβ − x β T μα +  φi , (2.95)
∂[∂μ φi ] (i)

3 See Chap. 1 for more details.

4 See Chap. 5 for details on spinor algebra and for the proof of this statement.
46 2 Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and Noether’s Theorem

which is the conservation law of the angular momentum pseudo5 tensor J μ,αβ (obvi-
ously, for the previous expression, summation over all repeated indices must be

Further Reading

A. Pich, Class Notes on Quantum Field Theory. http://eeemaster.uv.es/course/view.php?id=6

W. Greiner, J. Reinhardt, D.A. Bromley (Foreword), Field Quantization
E.L. Hill, Hamilton’s principle and the conservation theorems of mathematical physics. Rev. Mod.
Phys. 23, 253
J.A. de Azcárraga, J.M. Izquierdo, Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Cohomology and Some Applications
in Physics. Cambridge Monographs in Mathematical Physics
J.A. Oller, Mecnica Terica, http://www.um.es/oller/docencia/versionmteor.pdf
M. Kaksu, Quantum Field Theory: A Modern Introduction
M. Srednicki, Quantum Field Theory
D.E. Soper, Classical Field Theory
D.V. Galtsov, Iu.V. Grats, Ch. Zhukovski, Campos Clásicos
S. Noguera, Class Notes

5I am calling it pseudo tensor because it is obviously not invariant under translations!.


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