Nieminen 2015
Nieminen 2015
Nieminen 2015
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.S. Nieminen).
0167-5273/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M.S. Nieminen et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 191 (2015) 256–264 257
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: End of life is an unfortunate but inevitable phase of the heart failure patients' journey. It is often preceded by a
Received 1 April 2015 stage in the progression of heart failure defined as advanced heart failure, and characterised by poor quality of
Accepted 30 April 2015 life and frequent hospitalisations. In clinical practice, the efficacy of treatments for advanced heart failure is
Available online 1 May 2015
often assessed by parameters such as clinical status, haemodynamics, neurohormonal status, and echo/MRI indi-
ces. From the patients' perspective, however, quality-of-life-related parameters, such as functional capacity, ex-
Advanced heart failure
ercise performance, psychological status, and frequency of re-hospitalisations, are more significant. The effects of
Quality of life therapies and interventions on these parameters are, however, underrepresented in clinical trials targeted to as-
Trade-off sess advanced heart failure treatment efficacy, and data are overall scarce. This is possibly due to a non-universal
Levosimendan definition of the quality-of-life-related endpoints, and to the difficult standardisation of the data collection. These
Nitroprusside uncertainties also lead to difficulties in handling trade-off decisions between quality of life and survival by pa-
Nesiritide tients, families and healthcare providers. A panel of 34 experts in the field of cardiology and intensive cardiac
care from 21 countries around the world convened for reviewing the existing data on quality-of-life in patients
with advanced heart failure, discussing and reaching a consensus on the validity and significance of quality-of-
life assessment methods. Gaps in routine care and research, which should be addressed, were identified. Finally,
published data on the effects of current i.v. vasoactive therapies such as inotropes, inodilators, and vasodilators on
quality-of-life in advanced heart failure patients were analysed.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Advanced heart failure (AdHF) is a malignant disease by nature [1]. It QoL is not well defined in chronic heart failure and even less so in
is characterised by a debilitating late course, with increasingly frequent acute heart failure. None of the guidelines specify this outcome. Appar-
hospitalisations and considerable morbidity besides the obvious mortality ently, some aspects such as depression and social function disability,
[2]. Heart failure affects quality of life (QoL) more profoundly than many which are shown to have a significant impact on health-related QoL in
other chronic diseases [3]. Even though QoL is a major concern, it appears patients with heart failure [8], are not taken into consideration to a satis-
that clinical management as well as research efforts do not focus suffi- fying degree. Other factors affecting QoL and functionality comprise per-
ciently on this aspect. There is no good universal understanding of QoL sistent congestion, neurohormonal/inflammatory activation, reduced
in clinical practice [4]. Moreover, clinical trials often lack the assessment peripheral muscle blood flow/myopathy, reduced kidney function, and
of relevant parameters, let alone using them as endpoints. Methods right ventricular dysfunction, along with severely compromised haemo-
used are often subjective nonparametric measures either by patient or dynamic state, which lead to cachexia. The inflammatory activation
treating physician. In AdHF, daily variation is high and challenging for sta- present in heart failure has been shown to correlate with QoL [9]. More-
tistical analysis. Changes in echocardiographic or laboratory parameters over, QoL decreases as New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional
indeed represent quantifiable outcomes, but they do not necessarily im- class worsens [10]. Finally, exercise intolerance is a key factor.
prove the daily life of the study participants, which is related to variables Most of the available quality-of-life scores, such as the Minnesota
less easy to be quantified, such as self-care [5]. Also, QoL is by itself fre- Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) and the Kansas City
quently variable in heart failure patients experience sometimes for rea- Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ), are related to three major di-
sons independent from the clinical conditions of the patient. mensions: physical, emotional, and social. Indeed, the data on available
Treatment generally aims at reducing mortality, but longevity might treatments commonly relate to the effects of therapy on these dimen-
well be an overrated goal in the management of AdHF. If the patient has sions, but they are often rendered as the overall QoL scores without a
to choose between prolongation of life and maintaining acceptable QoL, thorough discussion of the individual domains.
the choice is not always obvious. For example, some patients might decide
against the implantation of an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD), 3. Assessment of QoL
even though they know that this choice can shorten their survival [6, 7],
when sudden death is foreseen as the most desirable outcome. Also, deci- Besides objective surrogate measurements, various subjective
sions can change over time, depending on the feelings of the patients and methods can be used to assess the QoL in patients with heart failure, de-
their families. As yet, there is only little data to shed light on this trade-off. pending on whether their condition is acute or chronic (Table 1). A pilot
Finally, when AdHF patients experience a decompensation and are study suggests that health-related quality-of-life measures can be reli-
hospitalised they often receive, on top of the optimal treatment with ably collected using internet-based software [11]. Data collected in
ACEi/ARB, β-blockers, and aldosterone-antagonist, some i.v. vasoactive this manner are valid and of comparable quality to self-reported data
treatment, i.e. inotropes, inodilators, and vasodilators. There seems to
Table 1
be scarce evidence on the effect of these i.v. treatments for hospitalised
Current methods to assess the QoL in acute and chronic heart failure.
AdHF patients on short- or long-term QoL.
A panel of 34 experts in the field of cardiology, intensive care medi- Acute heart failure
• Visual analogue scale
cine, and cardiovascular pharmacology from 21 countries (Austria,
• Likert scale (both by patient or physician)
Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, • Surrogate measures of dyspnoea index, BNP levels, lung function according to
Hungary, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, peak expiratory flow measures, and others.
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine) convened in Chronic heart failure
Munich on January 23, 2015 for reviewing the existing data on QoL in • Web-based possibilities to ask patients how they feel (questionnaires)
• Standard questionnaire: Minnesota living with heart failure (MLHF)
patients with AdHF, and for discussing and reaching a consensus on
• Standard questionnaire: Kansas city cardiomyopathy questionnaire (KCCQ)
the validity and significance of QoL assessment methods. Gaps in • 6 min walking test is also used as an indicator of QoL or quality of performance
routine care and research, which should be addressed, were identified. • New York Heart Association functional class
Finally, published data on the effect of non-pharmacologic and pharma- • RAND-36 general health survey (computer-based, requires the patient to be able
to use the system)
cologic treatments on QoL in AdHF patients were analysed.
258 M.S. Nieminen et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 191 (2015) 256–264
obtained via paper survey. Further validation and development is need- reported outcomes in heart failure by publishing recently two recom-
ed. Assessment methods of QoL in acute and advanced chronic heart mendations at this regard [16, 17].
failure vary because of the time-frame factor: e.g. short term ameliora- In chronic heart failure, the MLHFQ and the KCCQ are standard as-
tions in dyspnea are one of the typical parameters followed in patients sessment instruments, with the KCCQ being the most popular for use
hospitalised for acute heart failure [12], while the walking test is consid- in clinical studies. There are some differences between these two that
ered of importance in advanced heart failure patients. are elucidated in Table 2 [18].
The KCCQ, followed by the NYHA classification and the 6-minute
walk test, was found to reflect clinical changes in patients with heart
3.1. QoL assessment in acute heart failure
failure most accurately [19]. Correlation coefficients for social, function-
al and physical areas are higher with the KCCQ than with the MLHFQ.
While the visual analogue scale (VAS) offers absolute assessment of
Moreover, a more precise correlation of the KCCQ with survival has
symptoms such as dyspnoea (endpoint: AUC over 5 days), the Likert
been established [9].
scale focuses on relative assessment (endpoint: moderate/marked im-
These scores have some limitations, however. For instance, reduced
provement at 6, 12, and 24 h) [13]. These scales have been used widely
functional capacity is not sufficiently covered by the KCCQ. The NYHA
in acute heart failure trials. However, benefits conferred by the treat-
classification might also be less than optimal, because it was developed
ment are often hard to demonstrate. A commendable approach might
in 1970s in patients that differed from today's typical population.
be the inclusion of patients in studies early on, followed by monitoring
Apart from questionnaires, when surrogate measures are called for,
of their changes in dyspnoea over time.
exercise capacity can be evaluated by the use of the 6-minute walk
In the acute setting, symptoms such as congestion and clinical as-
test or the cardiopulmonary exercise test. The latter is more accurate
sessment of other heart failure signs are crucial, as they will also define
and reproducible than the 6-minute walk test, but less practical for ev-
the patient's QoL after hospital discharge. There is a consensus that, after
eryday use. Finally, psychological distress is a high risk in this vulnerable
hospital stay, patients should be followed up not only in terms of their
patient group [20]. A holistic test that explores the physical, psycholog-
disease trajectory, but also concerning their QoL. Dyspnoea scores in
ical and social aspects alike is the assessment of the patient's sexual
the acute phase and self-reported outcomes after one month of
satisfaction [21].
discharge are recommended as the instruments of choice. In the acute
setting, dyspnoea is a compromised measure as it is subjective and ham-
pered by hospital environment, extra administration of oxygen, infec- 4. Rehospitalisation
tions, poor lung function and even positioning of the patient in bed
rest. Dyspnoea scores as an index parameter should be evaluated as While mortality neither reflects disease burden nor disease progres-
early as possible during hospitalisation as a parametric measure of ther- sion, because heart failure progresses stepwise, rehospitalisation rate is
apeutic efficacy. a comprehensive measure of these outcomes. The length of hospital
Due to its significance for adverse events and treatment compliance, stays has generally decreased over time in heart failure patients, but re-
depression is an important aspect. However, there are no reliable tools admission rates have essentially remained unchanged [22]. After dis-
available to estimate depression in the acute phase. Many of the instru- charge, approximately 50% of all patients are readmitted within six
ments are based on self-rated questionnaires, while the diagnostic gold months. Re-hospitalisation within 30 days occurs in 25% of cases. The
standard is actually the interview with the specialist. Mental state is af- readmission rate increases from initial discharge to death with a high
fected by the degree of dyspnea, congestion and even hyponatremia, ratio of preventable readmissions in the initial phase [23]. As Fig. 2
when present [14]. shows, the risk for readmission is highest immediately following dis-
charge and just before death.
3.2. QoL assessment in chronic heart failure
4.1. Rehospitalisation as a measure of QoL
In a pivotal study assessing the impact of AdHF on QoL in 79 patients
hospitalised with HF in Sweden, patients were found to be significantly Congestion is the most frequent cause of readmission. Other factors
more affected by detrimental effects on sleep and energy than patients associated with increased risk of readmission include higher age, co-
with stroke, as measured with the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) morbidities, premature discharge and noncompliance. Hospitalisation
(Fig. 1) [15]. Both ESC and AHA highlighted the importance of patient satisfies the demands of true surrogate endpoints, but it is also an end-
point in itself. It is easy to identify and easy to quantify. Time to first
60 hospitalisation, frequency of hospitalisations, and duration of hospital
p < 0.01 admissions can be assessed. Another dimension that matters from the
50 patient's point of view could be the number of days out of hospital as
a possible interpretation of QoL.
40 n.s.
p < 0.05
NPH score
Table 2
30 n.s. Comparison between the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ)
n.s. and the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ).
n.s. From Rector [18].
20 n.s.
10 Self-administered Self-administered
21 items 23 items
0 Chronic heart failure-related physical, Functional score: physical activity and
Mobility Sleep Energy Pain Social Emotional Total emotional and social aspects symptoms
Summary score: functional score plus QoL
Specific dimensions: “self-efficacy” &
Fig. 1. QoL in patients with HF and stroke in the acute phase, measured by NHP (from
“social limitation”
Franzén-Dahlin [15]). Higher scores indicate greater number and severity of problems
Each question, 6 point Likert scale Each question, 5–7 point Likert scale
HF: heart failure; NHP: Nottingham Health Profile; NS: not significant; QoL: quality of
Total range, 0–105 Total range, 0–100
life. White bars: heart failure patients (n = 77); black bars: aphasic stroke patients
The higher, the worse The higher, the better
(n = 56).
M.S. Nieminen et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 191 (2015) 256–264 259
Initial death
“Palliation and Priorities”
Readmission Rate
“Transition Phase”
“Plateau Phase”
Fig. 2. Lifetime readmission risk after heart failure hospitalisation. Dark grey areas: highest risk for readmission; striped areas: lower risk, plateau phase; light grey area: assumed baseline
of inevitable readmissions.
From Desai & Stevenson [23].
Early readmission is associated with worse long-term outcomes and • Having a process in place to send all discharge papers or electronic
significant increases in heart-failure-related health costs. With each re- summaries directly to the patient's primary physician;
admission, QoL declines [24]. However, the established questionnaires • Assigning staff to follow up on test results that return after the patient
of QoL hardly assess hospitalisation frequency. is discharged.
Table 3
Effects of inotropic and vasoactive therapies currently used in clinical practice on outcomes in AdHF patients.
n.d. = no relevant data obtained by cross-searching PubMed for (“parameter” and “active compound”[ti]).
Indirect effect.
According to Fedele et al. [64].
According to Lewis et al. [39].
According to Mullens et al. [40].
According to O'Connor et al. [41].
According to Parissis et al. [52].
According to Capomolla et al. [42] (vs. nitroprusside).
According to Packer et al. [48].
According to the meta-analyses by Nieminen et al. [50] and Silvetti et al. [51].
According to Reed et al. [68].
M.S. Nieminen et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 191 (2015) 256–264 261
therapy with sodium nitroprusside used in conjunction with optimal weight to QoL over longevity [6]. Another trial identified two distinct
current medical therapy during hospitalisation might be associated groups of patients, one preferring treatments that prolonged survival
with favourable long-term clinical outcomes [40]. time and another that favoured strategies that improved QoL but re-
duced survival time [7]. These treatment preferences were independent
6.5. Nesiritide of functional or symptomatic status, suggesting that they may be decid-
ed early in the course of illness. Formiga et al. stated that advance plan-
The effects of nesiritide on mortality and quality of life of AdHF pa- ning of end-of-life procedures and doctor–patient communication
tients were studied in the two FUSION clinical trials [66, 67], which regarding these items remain poor and must be improved [83]. Finally,
gave promising but not definitive answers, the authors warranting for heart failure patients' own requests to forego resuscitation should be
a definitive phase III mortality/quality of life trial. In the ASCEND-HF considered. Dev et al. stated that these requests may reflect preferences
trial, it did not significantly influence medical resource use or health for intervention to enhance quality rather than prolong survival, which
utilities compared with standard care alone [68]. is particularly important as these patients have high early mortality
6.6. Drugs under development
9. Future research with focus on QoL
Data on the effect on QoL parameters by the treatment of AdHF pa-
tients with vasodilators under clinical development such as carperitide, The inclusion of QoL or QoL-related parameters as clear primary
serelaxin, and ularitide have been also published in the literature. endpoint in future trials is strongly advocated. An important aspect
Carperitide was also used intermittently in outpatients with AdHF. that should be elucidated is risk stratification that allows for the ideal
However, the experience is very limited here [69]. timing of patient discharge from hospital in order to avoid early read-
Serelaxin, a vasoactive peptide hormone, was shown to give rise to a mission. Also, validation of simple instruments such as the VAS would
significant but clinically small improvement in dyspnoea over placebo be called for to facilitate their use in clinical practice. Up to date, there
according to the VAS scale, but not according to the Likert scale in the are few but promising studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of anti-
RELAX-AHF trial [70]. The 180-day mortality was slightly but signifi- depressants in acute heart failure [85]. Future trials are also required to
cantly reduced. A sub-analysis revealed that benefits for both Likert assess the utility of treatments for depression and their safety profiles.
and VAS dyspnoea evaluation are seen in patients with preserved left This is of growing importance considering the advancing average age
ventricular ejection fraction [71]. of heart failure patients, in whom drug–drug interactions and compli-
Ularitide, a synthetic natriuretic peptide hormone, is also capable of ance issues pose a challenge.
improving dyspnoea and BNP levels [72]. A currently ongoing phase 3,
randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in patients with 10. Conclusion
acute heart failure will provide additional 6 month morbidity and mor-
tality evidence. Heart failure adversely affects QoL, and its deterioration appears to
be related to poor long-term prognosis. QoL is influenced by a multitude
7. Non-pharmacological therapy of factors derived from the physical, emotional and social situation of
the patient, which is why it cannot be categorised easily. Comprehen-
Physical training is an important component of heart failure man- sive team approaches are of uppermost priority for many patients and
agement, even if the severity of the disease creates limitation in the ad- their relatives/caregivers, particularly in the end-of-life setting.
herence of patients to exercise programmes [73, 74]. It appears that the available instruments of assessment require re-
Further, devices such as biventricular pacemakers for cardiac finement with the aim of greater practicability in daily routine. Also,
resynchronisation therapy (CRT) and mitral clips for severe mitral insuf- QoL is frequently missing as an endpoint in clinical studies on AdHF pa-
ficiency could always be considered in appropriate heart failure pa- tients, even though it doubtlessly offers merits as a measure of efficacy
tients. In fact, AdHF patients often experience atrial fibrillation, which of treatment.
necessitates expert care on heart rate control [75]. More recent ad- An issue which has not been debated well enough in the literature or
vancements were reviewed elsewhere [76]. in the clinical societies is the trade-off of survival vs QoL. It still seems a
Although CRT-P that enhances QoL should be maintained, at the taboo to admit that very often this is a matter of choice for patients, fam-
end-of-life ICDs frequently deliver multiple shocks, which is a matter ilies, and doctors, and that survival is not the clear answer [6, 7]. It re-
of anxiety and poor QoL for patients and carers, and should be mains therefore puzzling that demonstrating advantages on long term
deactivated [77, 78]. survival for new drugs to be used in the acute phase of AdHF is still a re-
Further, tele-monitoring of patients discharged after heart failure quirement in regulatory clinical trials, while improvement of QoL are
exacerbation is an important addition and was shown to be cost- not.
effective [79]. Finally, non-compliance with non-pharmacological rec- However, we are comforted by a recent report by Pani and co-
ommendations in heart failure patients, was clearly associated with ad- workers [86] where methods are advocated for the validation of patient
verse outcome [80]. reported outcomes and measurements of well-being. We agree also
with those authors that the evaluation of ‘real-life’ treatment effective-
8. Trade-off survival vs. QoL ness and of health as a value would help in the development of drugs
which take into account the “patient-perspective”.
Postponing death is a treatment goal apart from symptom relief. In hospital drug therapy as well as non-pharmacological out-of-
Under certain circumstances, however, if life-prolonging measures are hospital strategies should be adjusted according to QoL goals. In this
expected to impair QoL, a choice has to be made between these two. Re- way it should be possible to also prevent unplanned frequent
cently, Eschalier and co-workers tried to give an answer to the question readmissions, which are a common burden in the end-of-live stage of
if there is any benefit in optimising heart failure treatment in over- patients with AdHF. Finally, the panel went through the sparse and con-
80 year-old patients with their study HF-80 [81]. Several trials investi- troversial evidence on the effects on QoL of i.v. inotropes and vasodila-
gated the topic of end-life-preferences in heart failure patients, with tors used during hospitalisation of AdHF patients. Among the drugs
conflicting results [7]. While preferences remained in favour of survival already used in clinical practice, encouraging advantages were reported
for many patients despite AdHF symptoms in the study by Stevenson in the literature for the inodilator levosimendan. Promising vasodilators
et al. [82], Kraai et al. found that the majority of patients attach more such as serelaxin and ularitide could also prove useful in the near future.
262 M.S. Nieminen et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 191 (2015) 256–264
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Treat-Jacobson, J.J. Zerwic, American Heart Association Council on Quality of Care
and Outcomes Research, Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing, Council on
This project did not receive any financial support, apart for covering Epidemiology and Prevention, Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease, and Stroke
the logistic expenses related to the organisation of the consensus meet- Council, Cardiovascular Health: the importance of measuring patient-reported
health status: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association, Circula-
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