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Jspiders Rajajinagar Basic HTML-5 Notes

What is HTML?

HTML is a language for describing web pages.

 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

 HTML is a markup language
 A markup language is a set of markup tags
 The tags describe document content
 HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text
 HTML documents are also called web pages


HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags.

 HTML tags are keywords (tag names) surrounded by angle brackets like
 HTML tags normally come in pairs like <p> and </p>
 The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
 The end tag is written like the start tag, with a slash before the tag name
 Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags

HTML Elements

In HTML, most elements are written with a start tag (e.g. <p>) and an end tag (e.g.
</p>), with the content in between:

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
Creating HTML Document:

Creating an HTML document is easy. To begin coding HTML you need only two
things: a simple-text editor and a web browser. Notepad is the most basic of simple-
text editors and you will probably code a fair amount of HTML with it.

Web Browsers

The purpose of a web browser (such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox,
Safari) is to read HTML documents and display them as web pages.The browser does

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not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to determine how the content of the
HTML page is to be presented /displayed to the user:

HTML Versions
Since the early days of the web, there have been many versions of HTML:

Version Year
HTML 1991 HTML 3.2 1997 HTML5 2012
HTML+ 1993 HTML 4.01 1999
HTML 2.0 1995 XHTML 2000
The <!DOCTYPE> Declaration

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration helps the browser to display a web page correctly.

There are many different documents on the web, and a browser can only display an
HTML page 100% correctly if it knows the HTML version and type used.

Common Declarations


<!DOCTYPE html>

HTML 4.01

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


HTML Headings

HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.


<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<h2>This is a heading</h2>
<h3>This is a heading</h3>

HTML Page Structure

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Text, Hyperlinks, Graphics, Animations, etc.

<HTML>source code document</HTML>: identifies the file as an HTML source

code document, indicating where it starts and ends.

<HEAD>source code document header</HEAD>: identifies the start and end of the
header section of an HTML source code document.

<TITLE>source code document title</TITLE>: denotes the name displayed in the title
bar of the web browser

<BODY>source code document body</BODY>: identifies the start and end of the
body section of an HTML source code document.

Structuring Tags

<!-- comment --> (“comment” tag): allows the author to type a comment which helps
clarify something within an HTML source code document. This comment will not
appear in the marked up web document on the browser.

<BR> (“break” tag): forces a line break at that point, causing the text after the break to
be displaced down one line.

<HR> (“horizontal rule” tag): creates an engraved, shaded horizontal line at that

The <HR> tag may contain within it further parameters as part of the command:

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WIDTH= defines the horizontal width can be expressed as a percentage %

SIZE= defines the vertical height on the page.

ALIGN="LEFT"|"CENTER"|"RIGHT": positions the line at a specific location on the


NOSHADE="NOSHADE": changes the engraved line into a solid line or strip.

COLOR="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": indicates the color of a horizontal rule.



The <BODY> tag may contain within it further parameters as part of the command, each
designating the particular colors of various elements of a web document

TEXT="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": indicates the color of the text of a web document (the
default text color is black).

LINK="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": indicates the initial color of the “unvisited” hyperlinks in

a web document (the default unvisited link color is blue).

ALINK="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": optional; indicates the color of a hyperlink for the

moment or so after it has been “activated” (there is no default activated link color).

VLINK="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": indicates the color of the previously activated

hyperlinks in a web document, showing which other web pages or sites have been “visited” or
called up (the default visited link color is purple or, on some browsers, olive).

BGCOLOR="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": indicates the uniform background color of a web

document (the default background color is white or, on some browsers, gray).

BACKGROUND="backgrnd.gif or .jpg": indicates the background design of a web document.

The design is taken from a graphic file, such as backgrnd.gif or backgrnd.jpg.

BGPROPERTIES="FIXED": causes the BACKGROUND on the page to remain fixed (non-

moving) while scrolling up or down the page.
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ALIGN="LEFT"|"CENTER"|"RIGHT": positions the heading at a specific location on the page.


"LEFT" (the default) aligns the heading with the left margin of the page.
"CENTER" centers the heading horizontally on the page.
"RIGHT" aligns the heading with the right margin of the page.
Note: Some browsers do not recognize the ALIGN parameter for headings.

Text Modification Characters & Tags

&nbsp; inserts a single, non-breaking space where there otherwise would not be a space.

<P>paragraph</P>: defines the boundaries of a paragraph. A line break automatically is

inserted before and after a paragraph.

<DIV>section of text</DIV>: defines the boundaries of a section of text and divides or

separates that section from the rest of the text.

tag may contain within it an alignment parameter as part of the command:


wish to create subscripts and superscripts in the text. To do this, “subscript” and “superscript”
tags may be used:

<SUB>number or character</SUB>: lowers a number or a character slightly below the midline

level and reduces its font size by 1 degree.

<SUP>number or character</SUP>: elevates a number or a character slightly above the midline

level and reduces its font size by 1 degree.



<PRE>text</PRE>: pre formats text, preserving the spacing between the words and characters
as typed in the source code.
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<BLOCKQUOTE>text</BLOCKQUOTE>: sets blocks of text apart from the main body of

text. The blocked text is indented on the right and on the left.

Style Tags

Most important method for transforming the text in an HTML source code document is by the
use of “font” tags:

<FONT>text</FONT>: changes the face (type), size, and/or color of ordinary text.

A <FONT> tag may contain within it any or all of the 3 parameters used to transform text:

FACE="TYPE": sets or changes the face (type) of font script. The default font type for most
browsers is “Times New Roman.”

A few font types are Arial, Brush Script, Century Comic Sans MS, Impact, Gothic, Lucida
Handwriting, Lydian, Verdana.



Another common way to add emphasis to text, or to change its size, is by using “italic” tags,
“emphasis” tags, “bold” tags, “strong emphasis” tags, “underline” tags, “strike-through” tags,
“big” tags, and “small” tags:

<I>text</I>: causes text to be italicized.

<EM>text</EM>: emphasizes text by causing it to be italicized (like <I> & </I> above).

<B>text</B>: causes text to be bold.

<STRONG>text</STRONG>: strongly emphasizes text by causing it to be bold (like <B> &

</B> above).

<U>text</U>: causes text to be underlined.

<S>text</S>: causes text to be stricken through with a horizontal line. text

<TT>text</TT>: causes text to appear as though it had been typed on a standard typewriter,


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An interesting effect can be obtained by making print move on a page, using “marquee” tags:

<MARQUEE>text</MARQUEE>: creates an area in which moving text will advance across all
or a portion of a page, just as it does on some marquee signs.

A <MARQUEE> tag may contain within it other parameters as part of the command:

DIRECTION="LEFT"|"RIGHT": indicates the direction marquee text will move.

BGCOLOR="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": colors the background of a marquee.

BEHAVIOR="SCROLL"|"SLIDE"|"ALTERNATE": specifies how marquee text will behave as

it moves horizontally on a browser screen.

LOOP="N"|"INFINITE": specifies how many times “N” the text in a marquee will perform a
BEHAVIOR function. “N” must be a positive whole number. The loop default is "INFINITE";

WIDTH= defines the horizontal width of a marquee on a page. as a percentage “W%”

HEIGHT=defines the vertical height of a marquee on a page. “H” can be expressed as a

percentage “H%”


HSPACE="H": inserts a horizontal space of width

VSPACE="V": inserts a vertical space of height

SCROLLAMOUNT="10" specifies the number of pixels of space

SCROLLDELAY="2"specifies the number of milliseconds “D” between each successive reprinting

(appearance) of marquee text.

HTML Blocks

HTML elements can be grouped together with <div> and <span>.

HTML Block Elements

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Most HTML elements are defined as block level elements or as inline elements.

Block level elements normally start (and end) with a new line when displayed in a browser.

Examples: <h1>, <p>, <ul>, <table>

HTML Inline Elements

Inline elements are normally displayed without starting a new line.

Examples: <b>, <td>, <a>, <img>

The HTML <div> Element

The HTML <div> element is a block level element that can be used as a container for grouping
other HTML elements.

When used together with CSS, the <div> element can be used to set style attributes to large
blocks of content.

Another common use of the <div> element, is for document layout. It replaces the "old way" of
defining layout using tables. Using <table> elements for layout is not the correct use of
<table>. The purpose of the <table> element is to display tabular data.

The HTML <span> Element

The HTML <span> element is an inline element that can be used as a container for text.

The <span> element has no special meaning.

When used together with CSS, the <span> element can be used to set style attributes to parts of the text.

What is empty tags in html?

HTML elements with no content are called empty elements.<br> is an empty element without a closing tag (the <br> tag
defines a line break)

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List Tags

The most common HTML lists are ordered and unordered lists:

List Tags
<LI> <OL> & </OL> VALUE (of <LI>)
<UL> & </UL>
TYPE <DL> & </DL>
"DISC" "A" <DT>
"SQUARE" "1" <DD>
"CIRCLE" "a"
"i" <DIR> & </DIR>

An ordered list: An unordered list:

1. The first list item  List item

2. The second list item  List item
3. The third list item  List item

HTML Unordered Lists

An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

The list items are marked with bullets (typically small black circles).

HTML Ordered Lists

An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

The list items are marked with numbers.

HTML Description Lists

A description list is a list of terms/names, with a description of each term/name.

The <dl> tag defines a description list.

The <dl> tag is used in conjunction with <dt> (defines terms/names) and <dd>
(describes each term/name)

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HTML Tables

Tables are defined with the <table> tag.

A table is divided into rows with the <tr> tag. (tr stands for table row)

A row is divided into data cells with the <td> tag. (td stands for table data)

A row can also be divided into headings with the <th> tag. (th stands for table

The <td> elements are the data containers in the table.

The <td> elements can contain all sorts of HTML elements like text, images, lists,
other tables, etc.

<TR> & </TR>
<TH> & </TH>

BORDER="B": creates a border (rim), of width “B” in pixels, around the edge of a

BORDERCOLOR="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": colors the borders around and within a


BGCOLOR="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": colors the background of an entire table.

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ALIGN="LEFT"|"RIGHT": positions a table at a specific location on the page.

WIDTH="W": defines the horizontal width “W” of an entire table on the page.

HEIGHT="H": defines the vertical height “H” of a table.

CELLSPACING="S": causes the non-colored portion of the border around a table and
between adjacent cells of the table to be “S” pixels in width.

CELLPADDING="P": creates a minimum distance of “P” pixels between the contents of

each table cell and the closest border of the cell.

COLSPAN="C": specifies how many columns “C” of a table a heading cell will span.

ROWSPAN="R": specifies how many rows “R” of a table a heading cell will span.

Graphic Images

<IMG>: indicates that an image—such as a photograph, icon, animation, cartoon,

or other graphic—is to be displayed at that location

SRC="URL/graphic.gif or .jpg": contains the URL

(Uniform Resource Locator or web address)
places the graphic image at a specified position
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 WIDTH="W": defines the width “W” of the image in pixels.

 HEIGHT="H": defines the height “H” of the image in pixels.

BORDER="B": creates a border around the image, with a uniform

width of “B” in pixels.

HSPACE="H": creates a space, with width “H” in pixels, between

the image and any text immediately to the right and/or left of it.

VSPACE="V": creates a space, with height “V” in pixels, between

the image and any text immediately above and/or below it.
(VSPACE means “vertical space.”)

ALT="alternate description": supplies a description of

the image, which will be displayed instead of the image on non-
graphical browsers.

 Hyperlinks
<A HREF> & </A>
<A NAME> & </A>

Most often, a hyperlink will jump to the beginning of another

document. To do this, a pair of “anchor” (A) tags is required

<A HREF="URL">text or graphic image</A>: defines

an “anchored hypertext reference” (commonly known as a

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TARGET="_blank": opens up the linked page, specified by the

URL, into a new browser window. (Without the TARGET="_blank"
parameter, the new page will replace the existing page in the same
browser window.)


<MARQUEE>text</MARQUEE>: creates an area in which
moving text will advance across all or a portion of a page

DIRECTION="LEFT"|"RIGHT": indicates the direction

marquee text will move.

BGCOLOR="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": colors the background

of a marquee.

how marquee text will behave as it moves horizontally on a
browser screen.

LOOP="N"|"INFINITE": specifies how many times “N” the

text in a marquee will perform a BEHAVIOR function.

SCROLLAMOUNT="A": specifies the number of pixels of space

“A” the text in a marquee skips each time it is reprinted (appears)
while moving along.
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SCROLLDELAY="D": specifies the number of milliseconds “D”

between each successive reprinting (appearance) of marquee

METHOD Pop-up Box
Text Box (<INPUT>)
TYPE Text Area Box
Password Box (<INPUT>)
Submit Button (<INPUT>)
Radio Buttons (<INPUT>)
Reset Button (<INPUT>)
Checkboxes (<INPUT>)

<FORM>form</FORM>: creates a form which is used to request

and gather information from a web site visitor. Forms cannot be
nested inside of other forms.

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 METHOD="POST": states that the method of dealing with the

completed information in the form is to post it.

 ACTION="mailto:your email address": indicates that

the completed information is to be supplied or mailed to your email
<INPUT>: indicates that a certain type of form element is to
follow, such as a text box, radio button, checkbox, submit button, or
reset button. This tag does not require an ending (</INPUT>) tag

 TYPE="TEXT": creates a simple, one-row text box in which a

single line of information may be typed and then emailed to the
person requesting the information.
NAME="name": designates a name for the text box, such as
"Name" or "Address" or "Email Address" or anything else.
SIZE="S": defines the number of characters “S” that will appear
in the text box.

MAXLENGTH="M": optional; specifies the maximum number of

characters “M” which can be typed into the text box.
VALUE="text": optional; inserts fixed text into the text box.

CHECKED: automatically checks (places a dot in) that item’s radio

button, making it become the default selection.

 <SELECT><OPTION>tags</SELECT>: creates a pop-up

box. In a pop-up box, where one <OPTION SELECTED> item is

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showing, the remainder of the <OPTION> items will “pop up” into
view after clicking on the first item.
 <OPTION SELECTED>: denotes which item will be shown
initially in the pop-up box when only one selection is permitted, or
which items within the box will be highlighted when multiple
selections are permitted.
<OPTION>: denotes each item which will appear when the pop-
up box is activated.
<TEXTAREA>(optional text)</TEXTAREA>: creates a
box in which information may be typed and then emailed to the
person requesting the information

ROWS="R": defines the number of rows (lines) “R” of text that are
visible in the text box.

COLS="C": defines the number of characters “C” that can be

typed in each row (line) of text before a new line is begun

TYPE="SUBMIT": submits the form to the email address

specified in the ACTION parameter.

TYPE="RESET": resets the entire form, clearing all entries and

enabling the responder to begin

The <label> tag defines a label for an <input> element

The <legend> tag defines a caption for the <fieldset> element.

Placeholder Attribute. A guide to using the attribute, and support

it for older browsers. Placeholder. Placeholder text is a short
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example or hint text that is shown in a form field when the field is
unfocused and has no input from the user.




HTML frames allow authors to present documents in multiple

views, which may be independent windows or subwindows

ROWS="H": includes a list of values separated by commas, with

each value defining the height “H” of a frame (row).
COLS="W": includes a list of values separated by commas, with
each value defining the width “W” of a frame (column).

SRC="URL": causes the source file at the specified URL (Uniform

Resource Locator or web address) to be displayed inside a frame

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Tag Description <comment> Puts a comment in the document

<!--...--> Specifies a comment Tag Description

<!DOCTYPE> Specifies the document type <dd> Specifies a definition description

<a> Specifies an anchor <del> Specifies deleted text

<abbr> Specifies an abbreviation <dfn> Specifies a definition term

<acronym> Specifies an acronym <dir> Deprecated. Specifies a directory list

<address> Specifies an address element <div> Specifies a section in a document

<applet> Deprecated. Specifies an applet <dl> Specifies a definition list

<area> Specifies an area inside an image map <dt> Specifies a definition term

<b> Specifies bold text <em> Specifies emphasized text

<base> Specifies a base URL for all the links <embed> Deprecated. Embeds an application in
in a page a document

<basefont> Deprecated. Specifies a base font <fieldset> Specifies a fieldset

<bdo> Specifies the direction of text display <font> Deprecated. Specifies text font, size,
and color
<bgsound> Specifies the background music
<form> Specifies a form
<big> Specifies big text
<frame> Specifies a sub window (a frame)
<blink> Specifies a text which blinks
<frameset> Specifies a set of frames
<blockquote> Specifies a long quotation
<h1> to <h6> Specifies header 1 to header 6
<body> Specifies the body element
<head> Specifies information about the
<br> Inserts a single line break document
<button> Specifies a push button <hr> Specifies a horizontal rule
<caption> Specifies a table caption <html> Specifies an html document
<center> Deprecated. Specifies centered text <i> Specifies italic text
<cite> Specifies a citation <iframe> Specifies an inline sub window
<code> Specifies computer code text
<ilayer> Specifies an inline layer
<col> Specifies attributes for table columns
<img> Specifies an image
<colgroup> Specifies groups of table columns
<input> Specifies an input field

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<ins> Specifies inserted text

<s> Deprecated. Specifies strikethrough
<isindex> Deprecated. Specifies a single-line text
input field
<samp> Specifies sample computer code
<kbd> Specifies keyboard text
<script> Specifies a script
<keygen> Generate key information in a form
<select> Specifies a selectable list
<label> Specifies a label for a form control
<spacer> Specifies a white space
<layer> Specifies a layer
<small> Specifies small text
<legend> Specifies a title in a fieldset
<span> Specifies a section in a document
<li> Specifies a list item
<strike> Deprecated. Specifies strikethrough
<link> Specifies a resource reference text

<map> Specifies an image map <strong> Specifies strong text

<marquee> Create a scrolling-text marquee <style> Specifies a style definition

<menu> Deprecated. Specifies a menu list <sub> Specifies subscripted text

<multicol> Specifies a multicolumn text flow <sup> Specifies superscripted text

<var> Specifies a variable <table> Specifies a table

<noembed> Specifies content to be presented by <tbody> Specifies a table body

browsers that do not support the
<embed> tag <td> Specifies a table cell

<object> Specifies an embedded object <textarea> Specifies a text area

<ol> Specifies an ordered list <tfoot> Specifies a table footer

<optgroup> Specifies an option group <th> Specifies a table header

<option> Specifies an option in a drop-down list <thead> Specifies a table header

<p> Specifies a paragraph <title> Specifies the document title

<param> Specifies a parameter for an object <tr> Specifies a table row

<plaintext> Deprecated. Render the raminder of <tt> Specifies teletype text

the document as preformatted plain
text <u> Deprecated. Specifies underlined text

<pre> Specifies preformatted text <ul> Specifies an unordered list

<q> Specifies a short quotation

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