Lea Cleverton Emergency Plan-V9-1d
Lea Cleverton Emergency Plan-V9-1d
Lea Cleverton Emergency Plan-V9-1d
Parish Council
December 2016
Issue 1D
CALL 999
This Emergency Plan has been prepared by Lea and Cleverton Parish Council.
It covers the villages of Lea and Garsdon, and the hamlet of Cleverton
1 Introduction
2 What is an Emergency Event?
3 The Aim of this Plan
4 The Objectives of this Plan
5 Risk Assessment for Lea and Cleverton Parish
6 Community Preparedness and Response Activities
7 Our Community Emergency Response Group
8 Our Emergency Plan and How it will Work
9 Roles/Responsibilities Before and during an Emergency
10 Local Skills and Resources in our Community
11 The Vulnerable Members of our Community
12 Key Contacts during an Emergency
13 Temporary Accommodation and Rest Centres
1 Activities to Reduce Risk and Impacts and Responses or
Actions during an Emergency Event
2 Members of Emergency Response Group and Contact Details
3 Local Skills and Resources
4 Key Contacts During an Emergency
5 Temporary Accommodation and Rest Centres in the Parish
1 Lea and Cleverton Parish Community Response Group
2 How our Plan will Work
A Local Risk Assessment
B Register of Most Vulnerable Members of our Community
C Emergency Actions and Decisions Log Book
This Plan has been prepared by the Parish Council so that if an emergency event
occurs in our Parish, there is an understanding of what Wiltshire Council and the
national support agencies will do, and a clear and simple plan for people in our
community to contribute and help each other.
(i) A “National” level catastrophic event which would require a large scale
response, initiated and coordinated by higher tier authorities.
(ii) A County level or “major” event, the response to which will be the
responsibility of Wiltshire Council’s Emergency Management Team to lead and
manage, if appropriate supported at the Parish level by nominated local people
and local resources.
(iii) A “local” level emergency event within our Parish needing a local response,
either because our local community is in a position to respond most quickly and
we are more likely to know who is at greatest risk or in need of help, or until
such time as response and help from national and county level emergency
services become available.
A local Risk Assessment is a mandatory first step in preparing an emergency plan for
the Parish. It ensures that as a community we make a Plan that is both practical and
proportionate to the potential risks. The risk presented by an event is usually
expressed as a combination of two factors:
(i) The impact that the event has on people, property, infrastructure and the
environment; and
(ii) The estimated probability that the event might happen.
High impact plus high probability means very high risk, and low impact and low
probability means low risk; and everything in between.
Our risk assessment for Lea and Cleverton Parish is based on seven thematic potential
emergency events. These events together with their risk Levels and potential impacts
on our community are described in Appendix A.
Bearing in mind the range of impacts described in Appendix A for each type of
emergency, we as a community can do two things:
Be prepared and undertake activities which might reduce risks and mitigate the
impacts on our community before an emergency event occurs (PREPAREDNESS)
Identify and plan what sorts of practical responses or actions we can take when an
emergency does occur (RESPONSE)
Our Community Emergency Response Group is a cascade of people, and its members
and how they are structured are shown in Figure 1. They comprise:
Emergency Response
Group Co-ordinator
Nigel Higginbottom
Lea Bottom Area Lea Middle Area Lea Top Area Garsdon Area Cleverton Area
Emergency Warden Emergency Warden Emergency Warden Emergency Warden Emergency Warden
Jim Smillie Nigel Walker Stuart Suter (1) David Lewis David Walker
Lea Crescent Coombe Grn Pembroke Grn Cresswell Ln Rushcroft Cl Lt Bad'ton Ln St Giles Cl West Cleverton
B4042 Crab Mill Ln Old Bakery Cl The Street The Street Garsdon Garsdon
The Street School Ln
Felicity Jim David Paul Chris
Karen James John Stuart Stewart
Parsons Langston Deacon Poole
Upton Crockett Hunt McNeil Gray
Contact details and the geographical areas covered by each member of our group are
given in Table 2:
Initiation Actions
Planning Liaison
1. In the event of a “major” emergency the WC Incident Room will contact our
Emergency Group Co-ordinator (EGC) in the first instance, who will then
activate our Plan. Note: as a result of this document we will have already
informed Wiltshire Council about the name and contact details of our EGC,
together with three other individuals in case of absences or illness.
2. For a “major” emergency WC-EMC will have already been in contact with and
mobilised the national emergency services (fire and rescue, ambulance, police),
and will brief our EGC about what plans are being implemented and what
arrangements and responses to expect from the national emergency services.
3. The realisation that a “local” emergency has occurred or looks likely to develop
will come from any one of a number of sources: from individual members of
our Community Emergency Response Group, or from residents of our Parish.
Whatever the source, the priority action for any member of the CERG on seeing
or being told of an emergency will be to inform and brief our Emergency Group
4. In the event of such a “local” emergency or incident within the Parish, the first
tasks of our Emergency Group Co-ordinator will then be to:
During the day, any call from our EGC reporting an evolving emergency will be
dealt with by the WC area officers. If the situation starts to escalate WC will
then take a decision to open an Operational Duty Room (ODR), and WC
officers manning the ODR will then decide when to upgrade responses and
activate their emergency planning team.
During out-of-office-hours our EGC will contact the same telephone number
but choosing the “highways option”, when a WC operational duty officer will
again discuss and make a decision as to when to escalate the response to any
given situation.
Once our EGC has contacted and briefed WC on the emergency, he will be
given a direct number for calls dedicated only to that emergency, with
agreements about what arrangements are to be made to contact, mobilise and
stay in touch with the national emergency services
5. Whether a “major” or “local” event has occurred, our EGC will then (see
Chapter 7):
Contact our Parish Council Emergency Co-ordinator who will inform our
Parish Council Chairman and Vice-Chairman so that a Parish Emergency
Committee can be set up to support our EGC
Contact, brief and mobilise our five Area Wardens and our two emergency
Care Co-ordinators
Contact, brief and put on stand-by our eleven Local Resident Contacts
The target will be to complete the actions described above within the first five-to-six
hours of an emergency having been identified and declared. These actions will
complete the first Phase of our emergency response plan.
The target will be to complete the actions described above within the first 12 hours of
an emergency having been identified and declared. These actions will complete the
second Phase of our emergency response plan.
This will be a key moment. The decision about what actions are to be taken will
depend on whether a “major” or “local” emergency is being addressed, and
most importantly, what will be the status and availability of the national
emergency services. If national emergency services are delayed due to
commitments and priorities elsewhere, then our Emergency Response Group
will liaise with WC-EMC and act on the basis of “first responders”. This will
then determine the type and level of local resources and skills our Group will
mobilise for action.
11. Our EGC and emergency team will make any arrangements necessary to
provide temporary accommodation and rest centres, by contacting those
community members and organisations who have already said they will make
them available (see Chapter 13). Note: WC-EMC will take responsibility for
managing the temporary accommodation and rest centre facilities that are used
12. Our EGC and emergency team will then
Continuously review the actions needed and taken; including their
effectiveness and therefore what else needs to be done
Continuously maintain an up-to-date Log of all decisions and actions taken
13. Our EGC and emergency team will also maintain on-going liaison and dialogue
with WC-EMC throughout and until such time as the emergency is resolved
Parish Council
Take actions considered necessary by the Council to maintain a reasonable state
of preparedness to manage future emergencies
The principal responsibilities of the various members of our Group will be as follows:
Fire and Rescue Malmesbury Emergency (24 hours) 999 or 112
Service Station Office hours 01380 723601
HQ: Potterne,
See Wilts Council
For planning purposes, seven potential emergency events have been identified
together with their potential impacts on the community, and these are described in
Table A1.