TOEFL Ibt - Kaplan
TOEFL Ibt - Kaplan
TOEFL Ibt - Kaplan
-ance, -ence: action, process, or state of
adolescence (the state of growing up from childhood to adulthood; the transitional
period between youth and maturity), dependence (the state of being
-ian: one who is or does
comedian (one who creates comedy), politician (one who seeks or holds a political
-ion: act or process; state or condition
detection (the act of detecting), election (the act or power of electing)
-ism: act, practice, or process; state or doctrine of
feminism (belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes),
materialism (the belief that the acquisition of material possessions is the
highest good)
-ist: one who performs, makes, produces, believes, etc.
dentist (one who is trained and licensed to practice dentistry), pianist (one who
plays the piano)
-ity: quality, state, or degree
equality (the state or quality of being equal), fidelity (the quality of being
-sis: process or action
diagnosis (the process of identifying the nature or cause of a disease or injury),
paralysis (loss of sensation or ability to move or function)
-ure: act, process, function
enclosure (an area or thing that is enclosed), failure (something that has failed
to perform as expected or requested).
un-, mono-: one (unique, unity, monotonous, monopoly)
bi-: two (bigamy, bilateral, bicameral, bicycle)
tri-: three (trivial, trident, trinity, triple)
quad-, quar-: four (quadrant, quarter, quart, quartet)
deci-: ten (decade, decathlon, decimal, decibel)
cent-: hundred (century, centipede, centennial)
mil-: thousand (millipede, millennium, millimeter)
Common Prefixes
a-, an-: not, without ab-, abs-: from, away, off
amoral (not moral), atypical (not typical) abduct (to take by force), abnormal (away
from or apart from the standard)
ante-: prior to, in front of, before anti-, ant-: opposite, opposing, against
anterior (placed before), antedate (to antibiotic (substance that kills
proceed in time, come before) microorganisms), antidote (remedy for
the effects of a poison)
circ-, circum-: around, about, on all co-, com-, con-: with, together, jointly
sides cooperate (to work together, comply),
circumference (the outer boundary of a connect (to bind or fasten together)
circle), circumstance (the conditions or
state of affairs surrounding or affecting an
event, a particular incident, or
an occurrence)
dis-: away from, apart, reversal, not ex-: out, out of, away from
dismiss (to send away from, eject), exit (go out), expel (to drive out or away)
disobedient (not obedient)
mal-: bad, abnormal, evil, wrong mis-: bad, wrong, ill; opposite or lack of
malfunction (to fail to function properly), misbehave (to behave badly), misspell (to
malpractice (wrongdoing, especially spell incorrectly)
improper or negligent treatment of a
patient by a physician)
-an, -ian: related to, characteristic of -ic: pertaining or relating to, having the
humanitarian (relating to, or characteristic quality of
of a humanitarian), vegetarian dramatic (of or relating to drama,
(relating to vegetarianism) theatrical), realistic (of or relating to the
of things as they really are)
-ate: to make, cause to be or become
deteriorate (to make worse, impair; to make inferior in quality or character),
irritate (to cause annoyance or disturbance in; to make impatient, angry,
-ify, -fy: to make, form into
beautify (to make beautiful), specify (to state explicitly or in detail)
-ize: to cause to be or become, to bring about
colonize (to establish a colony), democratize (to make or become democratic)
accept to recognize
except excluding
access (verb) to gain entry to
access (noun) means of
excess extra
adapt to adjust
adopt to take as one’s
affect to influence
effect (noun) result
effect (verb) to bring about
all ready totally prepared
already by this time
all ways every method
always forever
among in the middle of
between in an interval
assure assure someone
ensure to check for
insure financial value
beside next to
besides in addition to
bibliography list of writings
biography a life story
breath (noun) respiration
breathe (verb) to inhale and
breadth width
capital (noun) money
capital (adjective) most important
capitol government
complement match
compliment Praise
disinterested strong opinion
either way
uninterested having no
envelop to surround
envelope paper wrapping
for a letter
farther beyond
further additional
immigrate to enter a new
emigrate to leave a country
imply to hint, suggest
infer to assume, deduce
loose not tight
lose unable to find
overdo to do too much
overdue late
personal individual
personnel employees
precede to go before
proceed to continue
proceeds profits
principal (adj) main
principal (n) person in charge;
principle standard
stationary still, not moving
stationery writing material
whether if
weather climate
who substitute for he,
she, or they
whom substitute for him,
her, or
whose belonging to